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Mar 10th, 2019
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  1. <body oncontextmenu="return false;">
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  62. <CENTER><h1 style="color:RED">Hacked by Kosova Hackers Army</h1></CENTER></BODY>
  63. </head><center>
  64. <body background=""></body>
  65. <p align="center">
  66. <form><textarea style="background-color:#000000;color:#32CD32;" name="about" readonly="readonly" rows="10" cols="60"
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  72. var tl=new Array(
  73. "Username :K.H.A",
  74. "Password : ********",
  75. "Logging in.....",
  76. "Logged in as : K.H.A",
  77. "Accessing website....",
  78. "Critical Error : Website is hacked by |dr.Arabi|dr.elzer0|TeTov4r1|BloHacker|inf3ctor|AlbZed|",
  79. "@Admin : dont be mad admin we just fucked up your website so now you dont need to cry but go try to fix if you can.",
  80. "We are Kosova Hackers Army. Expect US.",
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  118. <CENTER><H2 style=color:RED; >GreetZ --> Dr.Arabi<br>NM - Kosova Hackers Army</H2></CENTER></html>
  119. <hr>
  120. <marquee <marquee behavior="scroll"><h1 style=color:RED>Fuck Serbia, Fuck Greece, Fuck Russia, Fuck All AntiAlbanians We Are Autochthonous In Balkan So Get Fuck Out From Here
  121. We Are Here To Let You Know We Will Never Stop.
  122. </h1></marquee>
  123. <hr>
  124. </body>
  125. </html>
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