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Mar 23rd, 2016
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  1. var words = {
  2. abandon: "forsake, desert",
  3. abbey: "monastery",
  4. able: "capable",
  5. abolish: "get rid of",
  6. abortion: "termination pregnancy",
  7. abridge: "shorten, cut",
  8. absence: "failure to be present",
  9. absolute: "perfect or complete",
  10. absorb: "take in, suck up",
  11. absorption: "social assimilation",
  12. "abstract": "existing only in the mind",
  13. abundant: "plentiful",
  14. abuse: "shout at, abuse verbally",
  15. academy: "learned establishment",
  16. accent: "speech pattern",
  17. accept: "live with, put up with",
  18. acceptance: "adoption, espousal, favorable reception",
  19. access: "right to obtain or make use of",
  20. accident: "mishap",
  21. accompany: "go or come with",
  22. account: "accounting, account statement",
  23. accountant: "comptroller, controller",
  24. accumulation: "accretion",
  25. achieve: "accomplish, attain, gain with effort",
  26. achievement: "accomplishment",
  27. acid: "water-soluble compound with sour taste",
  28. acquaintance: "familiar person",
  29. acquisition: "possession",
  30. acquit: "clear, pronounce not guilty",
  31. act: "subdivision of a play or opera or ballet",
  32. action: "series of events that form a plot",
  33. activate: "make active",
  34. active: "vigorous",
  35. activity: "activeness, trait of being active",
  36. add: "total",
  37. addicted: "hooked",
  38. addition: "add-on, improver",
  39. address: "place where a person or organization can be found",
  40. adjust: "conform, adapt",
  41. administration: "presidency",
  42. admiration: "esteem",
  43. admire: "look up to",
  44. admission: "entrance fee",
  45. admit: "allow in, let in, allow to enter",
  46. adopt: "borrow, take over, take up",
  47. adoption: "child adoption",
  48. adult: "grownup",
  49. advance: "progress, pass on, move on, march on, go on",
  50. advantage: "benefit",
  51. adventure: "escapade, risky venture",
  52. advertise: "push, promote",
  53. advertising: "ad, advertisement",
  54. advice: "proposal for an appropriate course of action",
  55. adviser: "advisor, consultant",
  56. advocate: "proponent",
  57. affair: "affaire, intimacy, liaison, involvement",
  58. affect: "impact, bear upon",
  59. affinity: "kinship",
  60. afford: "have the financial means",
  61. age: "get older",
  62. agency: "business that serves other businesses",
  63. agenda: "order of business",
  64. agent: "federal agent",
  65. agile: "nimble, spry, quick",
  66. agony: "torment",
  67. agree: "consent, assent",
  68. agreement: "accord",
  69. agriculture: "farming, husbandry",
  70. aid: "economic aid",
  71. air: "mixture of gases",
  72. aisle: "passage between seats or supermarket shelves",
  73. alarm: "dismay, consternation, fear",
  74. album: "record album",
  75. alcohol: "alcoholic beverage, intoxicant, inebriant",
  76. alive: "live",
  77. allocation: "allotment, share",
  78. allow: "permit, let",
  79. allowance: "money allowed or granted",
  80. ally: "friend",
  81. aloof: "distant",
  82. aluminium: "aluminum, Al, silvery metal",
  83. amber: "yellowish",
  84. ambiguity: "equivocalness",
  85. ambiguous: "equivocal",
  86. ambition: "ambitiousness",
  87. ample: "sizable, capacious",
  88. amputate: "cut off, remove surgically",
  89. amuse: "make laugh",
  90. analysis: "psychoanalysis",
  91. analyst: "psychoanalyst",
  92. ancestor: "ancestor",
  93. angel: "spiritual being",
  94. anger: "ire",
  95. angle: "space between two lines",
  96. animal: "animate being, beast, brute, creature, fauna",
  97. ankle: "ankle joint",
  98. anniversary: "day of remembrance",
  99. announcement: "proclamation, declaration",
  100. annual: "yearly",
  101. answer: "reply, respond",
  102. ant: "social insect",
  103. anticipation: "expectancy",
  104. anxiety: "anxiousness",
  105. apathy: "absence of emotion or enthusiasm",
  106. apology: "expression of regret",
  107. apparatus: "setup, equipment",
  108. appeal: "challenge a decision",
  109. appear: "come into view",
  110. appearance: "visual aspect",
  111. appendix: "supplementary material",
  112. appetite: "craving",
  113. applaud: "clap one's hands",
  114. apple: "fruit with red, yellow or green skin",
  115. application: "verbal or written request for assistance or employment or admission",
  116. applied: "concerned with concrete problems or data",
  117. appoint: "name, nominate",
  118. appointment: "job, post",
  119. appreciate: "recognize with gratitude",
  120. approach: "near, draw near, draw close, come near",
  121. approval: "blessing",
  122. approve: "O.K., okay, sanction",
  123. aquarium: "fish tank, marine museum",
  124. arch: "archway",
  125. architect: "designer of buildings",
  126. architecture: "building design",
  127. archive: "archives",
  128. area: "expanse, surface area",
  129. arena: "place for spectacles",
  130. argument: "argumentation, debate",
  131. arise: "get up, get out of bed",
  132. arm: "human limb",
  133. army: "ground forces",
  134. arrange: "set up, put in systematic order",
  135. arrangement: "placement",
  136. arrest: "apprehend, pick up, take into custody",
  137. arrogant: "self-important",
  138. arrow: "pointer, indicator",
  139. art: "artistic creation, artistic production",
  140. article: "nonfictional prose forming an independent part of a publication",
  141. articulate: "enunciate",
  142. artificial: "unreal, unnatural",
  143. artist: "creative person",
  144. ash: "residue from a fire",
  145. ask: "inquire",
  146. aspect: "facet",
  147. assault: "physical attack",
  148. assembly: "fabrication, construction",
  149. assertive: "self-assured",
  150. assessment: "appraisal",
  151. asset: "plus, valuable quality",
  152. assignment: "task",
  153. association: "affiliation",
  154. assume: "presume, take for granted, take to be the case",
  155. assumption: "premise, premiss",
  156. astonishing: "astounding, staggering",
  157. asylum: "refuge, sanctuary, shelter",
  158. athlete: "jock, sportive person",
  159. atmosphere: "ambiance, ambience",
  160. attachment: "affection, fondness",
  161. attack: "assail, assault, attack physically or emotionally",
  162. attention: "faculty or power of mental concentration",
  163. attic: "loft, garret",
  164. attitude: "mental attitude",
  165. attract: "appeal, be attractive to",
  166. attraction: "physical force",
  167. attractive: "pleasing to the eye or mind",
  168. auction: "auction sale",
  169. audience: "spectators, listeners",
  170. auditor: "student",
  171. aunt: "auntie, relative",
  172. authorise: "empower",
  173. authority: "persons who exercise administrative control",
  174. automatic: "operating with minimal human intervention",
  175. autonomy: "self-sufficiency, personal independence",
  176. available: "obtainable",
  177. "avant-garde": "vanguard, new wave",
  178. avenue: "boulevard",
  179. average: "norm",
  180. aviation: "operation of aircraft",
  181. award: "prize",
  182. aware: "mindful",
  183. awful: "dreadful, terrible",
  184. axis: "axis of rotation",
  185. baby: "babe, infant",
  186. back: "spinal column, vertebral column, spine, backbone",
  187. background: "setting context",
  188. bacon: "pork",
  189. bad: "spoiled, spoilt, capable of harming",
  190. bag: "supple container",
  191. bait: "come-on, lure, sweetener, hook",
  192. bake: "prepare with dry heat",
  193. balance: "equilibrate, bring into balance or equilibrium",
  194. bald: "lacking hair",
  195. ball: "globe, orb, object with a spherical shape",
  196. ballet: "dance",
  197. ballot: "voting document",
  198. ban: "prohibition, proscription",
  199. banana: "elongated crescent-shaped yellow fruit",
  200. band: "instrumentalists",
  201. bang: "clap, eruption, blast, bam",
  202. banish: "bar, relegate, expel",
  203. bank: "sloping land",
  204. banner: "streamer",
  205. banquet: "feast",
  206. bar: "tavern, pub",
  207. bare: "lacking its natural or customary covering",
  208. bargain: "negotiate, dicker",
  209. bark: "make barking sounds",
  210. barrel: "gun barrel",
  211. barrier: "separator obstructing vision or access",
  212. base: "bottom side of a geometric figure",
  213. baseball: "baseball game",
  214. basic: "pertaining to a base or basis",
  215. basin: "washbasin, washbowl, washstand, lavatory",
  216. basis: "base, foundation, fundament",
  217. basket: "handbasket",
  218. basketball: "hoops, basketball game",
  219. bat: "nocturnal mouselike mammal",
  220. bathroom: "bath, toilet, lavatory",
  221. bathtub: "bath, bathing tub, tub",
  222. battery: "electric battery",
  223. battle: "conflict, fight, engagement",
  224. battlefield: "battleground, field of battle, field",
  225. bay: "indentation of a shoreline",
  226. beach: "shore",
  227. beam: "light beam, ray",
  228. bean: "edible bean",
  229. bear: "omnivorous mammal",
  230. beard: "facial hair",
  231. beat: "be superior to",
  232. beautiful: "possessing beauty",
  233. bed: "plot of ground in which plants are growing",
  234. bedroom: "sleeping room",
  235. bee: "insect",
  236. beef: "meat",
  237. beer: "alcoholic beverage",
  238. beg: "implore, entreat",
  239. begin: "start, commence, cause to start",
  240. beginning: "first part or section of something",
  241. behave: "comport, act in a certain manner",
  242. behavior: "conduct",
  243. behead: "decapitate, cut the head off",
  244. belief: "cognitive content held as true",
  245. bell: "doorbell, buzzer",
  246. belly: "abdomen, stomach",
  247. belong: "be owned by",
  248. belt: "clothing accessory",
  249. bench: "workbench",
  250. bend: "flex, turn, deform, twist",
  251. beneficiary: "recipient",
  252. benefit: "performance to raise money for a charitable cause",
  253. berry: "small edible fruit",
  254. bet: "wager, stake",
  255. betray: "sell out",
  256. bike: "bicycle, bike, cycle, wheel",
  257. bill: "circular, handbill, broadside, broadsheet, flier",
  258. bin: "container",
  259. bind: "tie or secure with a rope or cable",
  260. biography: "life story",
  261. biology: "plant and animal life",
  262. bird: "warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrate",
  263. birthday: "anniversary of the day someone is born",
  264. biscuit: "cookie",
  265. bishop: "clergyman",
  266. bitch: "unpleasant woman",
  267. bite: "seize with teeth",
  268. bitter: "bitter-tasting",
  269. black: "total darkness, blackness",
  270. blackmail: "extortion",
  271. blade: "leaf blade",
  272. blame: "find fault, pick on",
  273. bland: "tasteless, insipid, flavorless",
  274. blank: "empty, not filled in",
  275. blast: "blare",
  276. bleed: "shed blood",
  277. bless: "give a benediction to",
  278. blind: "unsighted",
  279. block: "obstruct, hinder, stymie",
  280. blonde: "light-haired",
  281. bloodshed: "gore",
  282. bloody: "covered with blood",
  283. blow: "reversal, setback",
  284. blue: "blueness, color",
  285. "blue jean": "jeans, denim pants",
  286. board: "get on",
  287. boat: "a small vessel for travel on water",
  288. body: "dead body",
  289. bold: "fearless and daring",
  290. bolt: "thunderbolt, bolt of lightning",
  291. bomb: "bombard",
  292. bomber: "person who plants bombs",
  293. bond: "create social or emotional ties",
  294. bone: "body part",
  295. book: "written work",
  296. boom: "economic prosperity",
  297. boot: "footwear",
  298. border: "boundary line, borderline, delimitation",
  299. borrow: "obtain temporarily",
  300. bother: "annoy, irritate",
  301. bottle: "vessel",
  302. bottom: "underside, undersurface",
  303. bounce: "move up and down repeatedly",
  304. bow: "bend the head or the upper body in respect or greeting",
  305. bowel: "intestine, gut",
  306. bowl: "vessel",
  307. box: "container",
  308. boy: "young male, male child",
  309. bracket: "category",
  310. brag: "show off, boast",
  311. braid: "plait, tress, hairdo",
  312. brain: "genius, mastermind",
  313. brainstorm: "sudden insight",
  314. brake: "restraint used to stop a vehicle",
  315. branch: "fork, divide into branches",
  316. brand: "make",
  317. brave: "courageous, fearless",
  318. bread: "breadstuff, food made from dough",
  319. "break": "destroy",
  320. "break down": "die, conk out",
  321. "break in": "enter illegally",
  322. breakdown: "mental or physical crack-up",
  323. breakfast: "morning meal",
  324. breast: "bosom, tit",
  325. breathe: "take a breath, respire",
  326. breed: "raise, cause to reproduce",
  327. breeze: "zephyr, gentle wind, air, gust",
  328. brick: "block of baked clay",
  329. bride: "participant in a marriage ceremony",
  330. bridge: "span",
  331. brilliance: "brilliance",
  332. bring: "fetch, bring in, be sold for a certain price",
  333. brink: "threshold, verge",
  334. broadcast: "air, send",
  335. broccoli: "vegetable",
  336. broken: "physically separated into pieces",
  337. bronze: "sculpture made of bronze",
  338. brother: "comrade",
  339. brown: "having a brown color",
  340. brush: "rub with a brush",
  341. bubble: "hollow globule of gas",
  342. bucket: "pail",
  343. budge: "shift, stir",
  344. budget: "sum of money allocated",
  345. buffet: "meal set out on a counter",
  346. build: "raise, put up, construct, raise",
  347. building: "edifice",
  348. bulb: "plant bulb",
  349. bullet: "slug, projectile",
  350. bulletin: "brief report",
  351. bundle: "sheaf",
  352. burial: "entombment, inhumation, interment",
  353. burn: "combust, cause to burn",
  354. burst: "bust, break open",
  355. bury: "place in the ground as for hiding",
  356. bus: "autobus, coach",
  357. bush: "shrub, woody plant",
  358. business: "commercial enterprise, business enterprise",
  359. butterfly: "diurnal insect",
  360. buttocks: "butt, bum, tush",
  361. button: "push button",
  362. buy: "purchase, acquire",
  363. cabin: "small wooden house",
  364. cabinet: "persons appointed by a head of state",
  365. cable: "strong thick rope",
  366. cafe: "coffee shop, coffee bar",
  367. cage: "coop",
  368. cake: "mixture of flour and sugar and eggs",
  369. calculation: "deliberation, planning",
  370. calendar: "system of timekeeping",
  371. calf: "young cattle",
  372. call: "shout, shout out, cry, yell, holler",
  373. calm: "calm down, quiet, tranquilize, quieten",
  374. calorie: "kilocalorie, nutritionist's calorie",
  375. camera: "photographic camera",
  376. camp: "refugee camp",
  377. campaign: "political campaign",
  378. can: "tin can",
  379. cancel: "call off",
  380. cancer: "malignant disease",
  381. candidate: "campaigner, nominee",
  382. candle: "taper, wax light",
  383. cane: "walking stick",
  384. canvas: "canvass, fabric",
  385. cap: "bottle top",
  386. capital: "wealth in the form of money or property",
  387. captain: "skipper, naval officer",
  388. captivate: "beguile, charm, bewitch, entrance, enchant",
  389. capture: "catch",
  390. car: "auto, automobile, motorcar",
  391. carbon: "C, atomic number 6",
  392. card: "menu, bill of fare, carte du jour, carte",
  393. care: "feel concern or interest",
  394. career: "calling, vocation",
  395. carpet: "rug, carpeting",
  396. carriage: "baby carriage, perambulator, pram, stroller",
  397. carrot: "deep orange edible root",
  398. carry: "transport",
  399. cart: "handcart, pushcart",
  400. carve: "cut up, cut to pieces",
  401. "case": "instance, example",
  402. cash: "hard cash, hard currency",
  403. cassette: "container holding magnetic tape",
  404. cast: "select for a play or movie",
  405. castle: "fortified building",
  406. casualty: "someone injured or killed",
  407. cat: "feline",
  408. catalogue: "catalog",
  409. "catch": "grab, take hold of",
  410. category: "general concept",
  411. cater: "supply food ready to eat",
  412. cathedral: "large church",
  413. cattle: "cows, bull",
  414. cause: "causal agent",
  415. cave: "underground enclosure",
  416. ceiling: "cap, upper limit",
  417. celebration: "festivity",
  418. cell: "cubicle",
  419. "cell phone": "cellular telephone",
  420. cellar: "basement",
  421. cemetery: "graveyard, burial site, burial ground",
  422. censorship: "deletion of material in art works",
  423. census: "nose count",
  424. center: "middle, heart",
  425. central: "in or near a center",
  426. century: "period of 100 years",
  427. cereal: "breakfast food",
  428. ceremony: "ceremonial occasion",
  429. certain: "sure",
  430. chain: "number of similar establishments",
  431. chair: "seat",
  432. chalk: "piece of chalk",
  433. challenge: "dispute, call into question",
  434. champagne: "bubbly wine",
  435. champion: "champ, title-holder",
  436. chance: "opportunity",
  437. change: "alter, make or become different",
  438. channel: "narrow body of water, canal",
  439. chaos: "pandemonium, bedlam, topsy-turvyness",
  440. chapter: "subdivision of a written work",
  441. character: "good repute",
  442. characteristic: "distinguishing quality",
  443. charge: "demand payment",
  444. charismatic: "possessing a magnetic personality",
  445. charity: "institution set up to provide help for the needy",
  446. charm: "good luck charm",
  447. chart: "display of information",
  448. charter: "document",
  449. chase: "chase after, give chase",
  450. chauvinist: "prejudiced person",
  451. cheap: "inexpensive",
  452. cheat: "fool, swindle",
  453. check: "check out, verify",
  454. cheek: "impudence, impertinence",
  455. cheese: "food",
  456. chemistry: "chemical science",
  457. cheque: "check, bank check",
  458. cherry: "fruit",
  459. chest: "thorax, pectus, part of the human torso",
  460. chew: "masticate",
  461. chicken: "wimp, crybaby",
  462. chief: "foreman, boss",
  463. child: "kid",
  464. childish: "infantile",
  465. chimney: "flue",
  466. chimpanzee: "primate",
  467. chin: "lower jaw",
  468. chip: "bit, flake, fleck, scrap, small fragment",
  469. chocolate: "sweet food",
  470. choice: "option, alternative",
  471. choke: "strangle",
  472. choose: "elect to do",
  473. chop: "chop up",
  474. chord: "combination of notes",
  475. chorus: "choir, singing group",
  476. church: "church building",
  477. cigarette: "butt, fag",
  478. cinema: "movie theater, theater",
  479. circle: "geometric figure",
  480. circulate: "distribute, disseminate, propagate, broadcast, diffuse, disperse, spread, cause to become widely known",
  481. circulation: "movement through a circuit",
  482. circumstance: "context",
  483. citizen: "member of a state",
  484. city: "metropolis, urban center",
  485. civilian: "nonmilitary citizen",
  486. civilization: "society in an advanced state",
  487. claim: "assert, affirm",
  488. clarify: "clear up, elucidate, make comprehensible",
  489. clash: "friction, conflict",
  490. "class": "form, grade",
  491. classify: "declare unavailable",
  492. classroom: "schoolroom",
  493. clay: "fine-grained soil",
  494. clean: "free from dirt",
  495. clear: "empty, remove the occupants of",
  496. clearance: "headroom",
  497. clerk: "clerical worker",
  498. climate: "clime, weather",
  499. climb: "climb up, mount, go up",
  500. clinic: "medical establishment",
  501. clique: "coterie, ingroup, inner circle, pack, camp",
  502. clock: "timepiece",
  503. close: "finish, terminate, conclude, end",
  504. closed: "shut, unopen",
  505. clothes: "apparel, wearing apparel, dress",
  506. club: "society, guild, gild, lodge, order",
  507. clue: "cue, evidence, hint",
  508. cluster: "bunch, clump",
  509. coach: "private instructor, tutor",
  510. coal: "fossil fuel",
  511. coalition: "coalescence, conglutination",
  512. coast: "seashore, seacoast, sea-coast",
  513. coat: "coating, thin layer",
  514. code: "computer code",
  515. coerce: "pressure, force, compel",
  516. coffee: "beverage",
  517. coffin: "casket",
  518. coin: "money",
  519. coincide: "concur, happen simultaneously",
  520. coincidence: "happenstance",
  521. cold: "common cold",
  522. collapse: "crumble, crumple, tumble",
  523. collar: "harness",
  524. colleague: "co-worker, fellow worker",
  525. collect: "pick up",
  526. collection: "aggregation, accumulation, assemblage",
  527. college: "institution of higher education",
  528. colon: "punctuation mark",
  529. colony: "politically controlled country",
  530. color: "hue",
  531. "color-blind": "unable to distinguish colors",
  532. colorful: "vivid in color",
  533. column: "linear array of numbers",
  534. coma: "deep unconsciousness",
  535. combination: "things occurring together",
  536. combine: "blend, mix, conflate, commingle, fuse, merge",
  537. comedy: "humorous drama",
  538. comfort: "soothe, console",
  539. comfortable: "comfy",
  540. command: "compel",
  541. commemorate: "remember",
  542. comment: "remark",
  543. commerce: "commercialism, mercantilism",
  544. commission: "fee",
  545. commitment: "allegiance, loyalty, dedication",
  546. committee: "commission",
  547. common: "mutual",
  548. communication: "something communicated between people",
  549. communist: "Marxist",
  550. community: "residential district, residential area",
  551. compact: "compact car",
  552. company: "companionship, fellowship, society",
  553. compartment: "small space or subdivision for storage",
  554. compensation: "recompense, payment",
  555. compete: "vie, contend",
  556. competence: "competency",
  557. competition: "contest",
  558. complain: "express discontent",
  559. complete: "having every necessary part",
  560. complex: "complicated",
  561. compliance: "conformity, abidance",
  562. complication: "complex situation",
  563. compose: "write music",
  564. composer: "music composer",
  565. compound: "chemical compound",
  566. comprehensive: "all-including",
  567. compromise: "make a compromise",
  568. computer: "computing machine",
  569. "computer virus": "virus",
  570. computing: "computer science",
  571. concede: "acknowledge defeat",
  572. conceive: "become pregnant",
  573. concentrate: "focus, focus one's attention",
  574. concentration: "engrossment, absorption, immersion",
  575. concept: "conception, construct",
  576. conception: "fertilization",
  577. concern: "feeling of sympathy",
  578. concert: "musical performance",
  579. concession: "point conceded",
  580. conclusion: "ending, finish",
  581. concrete: "strong building material",
  582. condition: "status, state",
  583. conductor: "substance that readily transmits electricity or heat",
  584. conference: "meeting",
  585. confession: "admission of misdeeds",
  586. confidence: "feeling of trust",
  587. confine: "detain",
  588. conflict: "state of opposition between persons or ideas",
  589. confront: "face, face up to",
  590. confrontation: "clash",
  591. confuse: "throw, befuddle, confound",
  592. confusion: "mix-up",
  593. conglomerate: "empire, group of companies",
  594. congress: "national legislative assembly",
  595. connection: "link, connectedness",
  596. conscience: "scruples, moral sense",
  597. conscious: "aware",
  598. consciousness: "alert cognitive state",
  599. consensus: "agreement",
  600. conservation: "preservation, environmental management",
  601. conservative: "resistant to change",
  602. consider: "debate, think about",
  603. consideration: "careful thought",
  604. consolidate: "unite into one",
  605. conspiracy: "cabal, plot",
  606. constant: "unending, incessant",
  607. constellation: "configuration of stars",
  608. constituency: "body of voters",
  609. constitution: "fundamental law",
  610. constitutional: "relating to a/the constitution",
  611. constraint: "restraint, physical constraint",
  612. construct: "manufacture, fabricate",
  613. consultation: "discussion to consider a point",
  614. consumer: "person who uses goods or services",
  615. consumption: "ingestion",
  616. contact: "middleman",
  617. contain: "incorporate, comprise",
  618. contemporary: "coeval",
  619. contempt: "disdain, scorn, despite, lack of respect",
  620. content: "capacity",
  621. context: "linguistic context, context of use",
  622. continental: "relating to a continent",
  623. continuation: "lengthiness, prolongation, extension",
  624. continuous: "uninterrupted",
  625. contract: "binding agreement between two or more persons",
  626. contraction: "muscular contraction",
  627. contradiction: "contradiction in terms",
  628. contrary: "exact opposition",
  629. contrast: "opposition or dissimilarity",
  630. contribution: "donation",
  631. control: "operate, handle",
  632. convenience: "appliance, contraption, gadget, gizmo",
  633. convention: "large formal assembly",
  634. conventional: "following accepted customs",
  635. conversation: "talk",
  636. convert: "change religious beliefs",
  637. convict: "find guilty",
  638. conviction: "strong belief",
  639. convince: "convert, win over",
  640. convulsion: "fit, paroxysm",
  641. cook: "fix, ready, prepare",
  642. cool: "unenthusiastic, unfriendly, unresponsive",
  643. cooperate: "collaborate, join forces",
  644. cooperation: "group action, collaboration",
  645. cooperative: "co-operative",
  646. cope: "get by, make do, manage",
  647. copper: "Cu, metal",
  648. copy: "re-create, replicate",
  649. copyright: "right of publication",
  650. cord: "corduroy, fabric",
  651. core: "center of an object",
  652. corn: "edible corn",
  653. corner: "recess, recession, niche",
  654. corpse: "cadaver, remains",
  655. correction: "rectification",
  656. correspond: "exchange messages",
  657. correspondence: "exchange of letters",
  658. corruption: "bribery",
  659. costume: "attire for special occasions",
  660. cottage: "bungalow, small house",
  661. cotton: "cotton cloth, fabric",
  662. council: "administrative body",
  663. count: "number, enumerate",
  664. counter: "business table",
  665. country: "rural area",
  666. countryside: "rural regions",
  667. coup: "coup d'etat, putsch, takeover",
  668. couple: "twosome, duo, duet",
  669. courage: "bravery, braveness",
  670. course: "path, track",
  671. court: "royal court",
  672. courtesy: "considerate act",
  673. courtship: "wooing, courting, suit",
  674. cousin: "first cousin",
  675. cover: "provide with a covering",
  676. coverage: "insurance coverage",
  677. cow: "bovine",
  678. cower: "fawn, cringe, grovel, show submission or fear",
  679. crack: "cleft, crevice, fissure",
  680. crackpot: "crank, nut, nutcase, fruitcake",
  681. craft: "craftsmanship, workmanship",
  682. craftsman: "artisan",
  683. crash: "fall or come down violently",
  684. cream: "fat part of milk",
  685. create: "bring into existence",
  686. creation: "creative activity",
  687. credibility: "credibleness, believability",
  688. credit: "money available for a client to borrow",
  689. "credit card": "plastic money",
  690. creed: "credo, system of principles or beliefs",
  691. creep: "crawl",
  692. crevice: "cranny, crack, fissure",
  693. crew: "men who man a ship or aircraft",
  694. cricket: "insect",
  695. crime: "law-breaking",
  696. criminal: "felon, crook, outlaw, malefactor",
  697. crisis: "unstable situation",
  698. critic: "one who offers opinions on art",
  699. critical: "vital urgently needed",
  700. criticism: "critique, unfavorable judgment",
  701. crop: "cut short",
  702. cross: "traverse",
  703. crossing: "intersection, crossroad",
  704. crosswalk: "crossing, crossover",
  705. crouch: "squat",
  706. crowd: "large number of things or people",
  707. crown: "diadem, jewelled headdress",
  708. crude: "primitive",
  709. cruel: "brutal, barbarous",
  710. cruelty: "mercilessness, pitilessness, ruthlessness",
  711. crusade: "campaign, cause",
  712. crutch: "staff used as walking aid",
  713. cry: "weep",
  714. crystal: "quartz glass, quartz, vitreous silica",
  715. cucumber: "cuke, green salad vegetable",
  716. cultivate: "domesticate, naturalize, naturalise, tame",
  717. cultural: "relating to arts",
  718. culture: "polish, refinement",
  719. cunning: "craftiness, guile, slyness, wiliness",
  720. cup: "cupful",
  721. cupboard: "closet",
  722. curl: "coil, loop",
  723. currency: "money",
  724. current: "electric current",
  725. curriculum: "course of study, academic program",
  726. curtain: "drape",
  727. curve: "curved shape",
  728. custody: "detention, detainment, hold",
  729. customer: "client, patron",
  730. cut: "cleave",
  731. cute: "attractive",
  732. cutting: "clipping, newspaper clipping",
  733. cycle: "periodically repeated sequence",
  734. cylinder: "shape",
  735. dairy: "dairy farm",
  736. damage: "harm, impairment",
  737. damn: "curse",
  738. dance: "move in a pattern to music",
  739. danger: "condition of being susceptible to harm",
  740. dangerous: "unsafe",
  741. dare: "be courageous enough to try or do something",
  742. dark: "darkness",
  743. dash: "smash, hurl or thrust violently",
  744. date: "day of the month",
  745. daughter: "girl, offspring",
  746. dawn: "dawning, aurora, first light, daybreak",
  747. day: "twenty-four hours, solar day",
  748. dead: "inanimate",
  749. deadly: "lethal",
  750. deal: "agreement, bargain",
  751. dealer: "trader",
  752. death: "decease, expiry, departure from life",
  753. debate: "deliberate",
  754. debt: "money, goods or services owed",
  755. debut: "appear in public for the first time",
  756. decade: "decennary, decennium, period of 10 years",
  757. decay: "radioactive decay",
  758. decide: "make up one's mind",
  759. decisive: "determining",
  760. deck: "pack of cards, deck of cards",
  761. declaration: "statement",
  762. decline: "worsen",
  763. decoration: "ornament, ornamentation",
  764. decorative: "cosmetic, ornamental",
  765. decrease: "diminish, fall",
  766. dedicate: "inscribe or address by way of compliment",
  767. deep: "having great spatial extension downward",
  768. deer: "forest animal",
  769. "default": "default option",
  770. defeat: "frustration, feeling of defeat",
  771. defend: "guard, protect",
  772. defendant: "suspect",
  773. deficiency: "insufficiency, inadequacy",
  774. deficit: "shortage, shortfall",
  775. define: "give a definition for",
  776. definite: "precise, explicit",
  777. definition: "concise explanation",
  778. degree: "unit of temperature",
  779. delay: "act later than planned",
  780. "delete": "erase, wipe out information",
  781. delicate: "fragile, frail, easily broken, sensitive",
  782. deliver: "make a delivery, bring",
  783. delivery: "birth",
  784. demand: "request urgently and forcefully",
  785. democratic: "based upon the principles of democracy",
  786. demolish: "destroy",
  787. demonstrate: "march, march in protest",
  788. demonstration: "demo",
  789. demonstrator: "protester",
  790. denial: "disaffirmation",
  791. density: "denseness",
  792. dentist: "tooth doctor",
  793. deny: "refuse to let have",
  794. depart: "leave, start out, set forth, set off, set out, take off",
  795. departure: "going away",
  796. depend: "be contingent upon",
  797. dependence: "addiction",
  798. deport: "extradite, hand over to the authorities of another country",
  799. deposit: "bank deposit",
  800. depressed: "blue",
  801. depression: "depressive disorder, clinical depression",
  802. deprivation: "want, neediness",
  803. deprive: "keep from having or obtaining",
  804. deputy: "surrogate",
  805. descent: "declivity, decline, fall",
  806. describe: "depict",
  807. desert: "defect",
  808. deserve: "merit, be worthy or deserving",
  809. design: "conceive",
  810. designer: "interior designer, interior decorator",
  811. desire: "feeling",
  812. desk: "furniture",
  813. despair: "desperate feeling",
  814. despise: "scorn, disdain",
  815. destruction: "demolition, wipeout",
  816. detail: "particular, item",
  817. detective: "investigator, police detective",
  818. detector: "sensor",
  819. deter: "dissuade",
  820. deteriorate: "degenerate, grow worse",
  821. determine: "influence",
  822. develop: "make something new, invent",
  823. development: "growth, growing, maturation",
  824. deviation: "diversion, digression, deflection",
  825. devote: "dedicate, commit to a specific cause or function",
  826. diagram: "drawing",
  827. dialect: "idiom, special language",
  828. dialogue: "dialog, conversation",
  829. diameter: "line through the center of a circle",
  830. diamond: "gem",
  831. dictate: "say out loud for the purpose of recording",
  832. dictionary: "lexicon",
  833. die: "perish",
  834. diet: "dieting",
  835. differ: "be different",
  836. difference: "remainder, number that remains after subtraction",
  837. different: "unlike, dissimilar",
  838. difficult: "hard",
  839. difficulty: "difficultness",
  840. digital: "discrete",
  841. dignity: "self-respect, self-esteem, self-regard",
  842. digress: "wander, stray",
  843. dilemma: "quandary",
  844. dilute: "thin, reduce, cut",
  845. dimension: "magnitude",
  846. dine: "have supper",
  847. dinner: "supper",
  848. dip: "slope downwards",
  849. diplomat: "official engaged in international negotiations",
  850. diplomatic: "diplomatical, suave",
  851. direct: "guide actors",
  852. direction: "guidance, counsel",
  853. director: "member of a board of directors",
  854. directory: "alphabetical list of names and addresses",
  855. dirty: "obscene, indecent",
  856. disability: "disablement, handicap, impairment",
  857. disagree: "differ, take issue",
  858. disagreement: "dissension, dissonance, discord",
  859. disappear: "vanish",
  860. disappoint: "let down",
  861. disappointment: "letdown",
  862. disaster: "calamity, catastrophe, tragedy",
  863. discipline: "correction, punishment",
  864. disclose: "bring out, reveal, expose, divulge",
  865. disco: "discotheque",
  866. discount: "price reduction, deduction",
  867. discourage: "deter",
  868. discover: "come upon, chance upon, come across",
  869. discovery: "breakthrough, find",
  870. discreet: "keeping private, prudent, restrained",
  871. discriminate: "separate, single out, treat differently",
  872. discrimination: "unfair treatment",
  873. discuss: "talk over",
  874. disgrace: "shame, ignominy, dishonor",
  875. dish: "item of prepared food",
  876. disk: "disc, flat circular plate",
  877. dismiss: "disregard, brush aside, brush off, discount",
  878. dismissal: "pink slip",
  879. disorder: "disorderliness, mess",
  880. displace: "bump",
  881. display: "expose, exhibit",
  882. disposition: "temperament",
  883. distance: "aloofness",
  884. distant: "separated in space or time",
  885. distinct: "easy to perceive",
  886. distort: "falsify",
  887. distortion: "optical aberration",
  888. distribute: "give out, hand out",
  889. distributor: "marketing company",
  890. district: "territory, territorial dominion",
  891. disturbance: "disruption, commotion, stir",
  892. ditch: "dump, unceremoniously sever all ties with",
  893. dive: "plunge into water",
  894. divide: "split, split up, separate",
  895. dividend: "bonus",
  896. division: "administrative unit",
  897. divorce: "split up",
  898. doctor: "Dr., person who holds Ph.D. degree",
  899. document: "record in detail",
  900. dog: "domestic dog",
  901. doll: "toy",
  902. dollar: "dollar bill, buck",
  903. dome: "hemispherical roof",
  904. domestic: "relating to the home",
  905. dominant: "exercising influence or control",
  906. dominate: "be in control",
  907. domination: "mastery",
  908. donor: "organ donor",
  909. door: "swinging or sliding barrier",
  910. dorm: "dormitory, residence hall",
  911. dose: "portion of medicine",
  912. "double": "increase twofold, duplicate",
  913. doubt: "consider unlikely",
  914. dough: "flour mixture",
  915. dozen: "twelve",
  916. draft: "draught, air current",
  917. drag: "pull against a resistance",
  918. dragon: "mythical creature",
  919. drain: "empty of liquid",
  920. drama: "dramatic event",
  921. dramatic: "pertaining to theater",
  922. draw: "represent by making a drawing of",
  923. drawer: "part of a piece of furniture",
  924. drawing: "representation, artwork",
  925. dream: "ambition, aspiration",
  926. dress: "clothe",
  927. dressing: "medical dressing",
  928. dribble: "drip",
  929. drift: "gradual departure from a course",
  930. drill: "tool with a sharp point",
  931. drink: "imbibe, take in liquids",
  932. drive: "travel by vehicle",
  933. driver: "operator of a motor vehicle",
  934. drop: "let fall",
  935. drown: "die in water",
  936. drug: "dose, medicate",
  937. drum: "barrel",
  938. dry: "free from liquid or moisture",
  939. duck: "bird",
  940. due: "owed",
  941. duke: "nobleman",
  942. dull: "boring, lacking in liveliness or animation",
  943. dump: "discard, dispose, toss out",
  944. duty: "tariff",
  945. dynamic: "dynamical, characterized by action",
  946. eagle: "emblem representing power",
  947. ear: "sense organ",
  948. earthquake: "quake, seism",
  949. east: "due east, E",
  950. easy: "posing no difficulty",
  951. eat: "take in solid food",
  952. eavesdrop: "listen in",
  953. echo: "reverberation, sound reflection",
  954. economic: "relating to economics",
  955. economics: "economic science",
  956. economist: "economic expert",
  957. economy: "economic system",
  958. ecstasy: "rapture",
  959. edge: "slight competitive advantage",
  960. edition: "publication",
  961. education: "knowledge acquired by learning",
  962. effect: "consequence, outcome, result",
  963. effective: "effectual, efficacious",
  964. effort: "attempt, endeavor",
  965. egg: "eggs, food",
  966. "egg white": "albumen",
  967. ego: "egotism, self-importance",
  968. eject: "expel, throw out, kick out",
  969. elaborate: "expand, expatiate, enlarge, flesh out",
  970. elapse: "pass by, go by",
  971. elbow: "elbow joint",
  972. elect: "select by in an election",
  973. election: "vote",
  974. electron: "elementary particle",
  975. electronics: "branch of physics",
  976. elegant: "refined, tasteful",
  977. element: "chemical element",
  978. elephant: "pachyderm",
  979. eliminate: "get rid of, do away with",
  980. elite: "elite group",
  981. embark: "venture",
  982. embarrassment: "shame",
  983. embrace: "hug",
  984. embryo: "conceptus, fertilized egg",
  985. emergency: "exigency, pinch, crisis",
  986. emotion: "strong feeling",
  987. emphasis: "accent",
  988. empire: "monarchy",
  989. empirical: "empiric, derived from experiment and observation",
  990. employ: "hire, engage",
  991. employee: "worker",
  992. encourage: "spur on",
  993. end: "boundary",
  994. endorse: "second, back, support",
  995. endure: "last, persist",
  996. enemy: "hostile people",
  997. energy: "vigor",
  998. engagement: "betrothal",
  999. engine: "locomotive",
  1000. engineer: "applied scientist, technologist",
  1001. enhance: "make better or more attractive",
  1002. enjoy: "enjoy doing, love to do",
  1003. enlarge: "magnify, blow up",
  1004. ensure: "guarantee, insure, assure, secure",
  1005. enter: "enroll, inscribe",
  1006. entertain: "provide entertainment",
  1007. entertainment: "amusement",
  1008. enthusiasm: "lively interest",
  1009. entitlement: "right granted by law or contract",
  1010. entry: "submission",
  1011. environment: "environs, surroundings",
  1012. environmental: "relating to the external surroundings",
  1013. episode: "installment, part of a broadcast serial",
  1014. equal: "like, equivalent, same",
  1015. equation: "mathematical statement",
  1016. equip: "fit out, outfit",
  1017. era: "epoch",
  1018. error: "erroneous belief",
  1019. escape: "run, run away, flee",
  1020. essay: "literary composition",
  1021. essential: "basic and fundamental",
  1022. establish: "install, set up",
  1023. established: "set up or accepted",
  1024. estate: "everything you own",
  1025. estimate: "likely cost",
  1026. eternal: "everlasting, perpetual, unending",
  1027. ethics: "moral philosophy",
  1028. ethnic: "cultural",
  1029. evaluate: "valuate, assess, appraise, value",
  1030. even: "divisible by two",
  1031. evening: "eve",
  1032. evoke: "suggest",
  1033. evolution: "phylogeny, phylogenesis",
  1034. exact: "precise",
  1035. exaggerate: "overstate",
  1036. examination: "test",
  1037. example: "exemplar, model, good example",
  1038. excavate: "hollow, hollow out",
  1039. excavation: "dig, archeological site",
  1040. exceed: "pass, go past, top",
  1041. exception: "instance that does not conform to a rule",
  1042. excess: "surplus",
  1043. exchange: "mutual expression of views",
  1044. excitement: "excitation, fervor, mental state",
  1045. exclude: "except, leave out, leave off, omit",
  1046. exclusive: "excluding much or all",
  1047. excuse: "forgive, pardon",
  1048. execute: "put to death",
  1049. execution: "capital punishment, death penalty",
  1050. executive: "administrator",
  1051. exempt: "free, grant an exemption",
  1052. exemption: "immunity",
  1053. exercise: "exercising, physical exercise",
  1054. exhibition: "exposition, expo",
  1055. exile: "deportation, expatriation, expulsion",
  1056. exit: "issue, outlet, way out",
  1057. exotic: "unusual, strikingly strange",
  1058. expand: "spread out, extend in one or more directions, spread",
  1059. expansion: "enlargement",
  1060. expect: "anticipate",
  1061. expectation: "anticipation",
  1062. expenditure: "outgo, outlay",
  1063. experience: "accumulation of knowledge or skill",
  1064. experienced: "knowledgeable",
  1065. experiment: "conduct a test or investigation",
  1066. expertise: "expertness",
  1067. explain: "explicate",
  1068. explicit: "expressed",
  1069. explode: "show a violent emotional reaction",
  1070. exploit: "manipulate to one's advantage",
  1071. exploration: "geographic expedition",
  1072. explosion: "detonation, blowup",
  1073. "export": "sell abroad",
  1074. expose: "debunk",
  1075. exposure: "vulnerability to the elements",
  1076. express: "without unnecessary stops",
  1077. expression: "saying, locution",
  1078. extend: "widen, broaden in scope or range or area",
  1079. extension: "delay of deadline",
  1080. extent: "point or degree to which something extend",
  1081. extinct: "non-existent, not surviving",
  1082. extort: "gouge",
  1083. extract: "pull, pull out, pull up, take out",
  1084. extraterrestrial: "alien",
  1085. extreme: "highest degree",
  1086. eye: "oculus, optic, organ of sight",
  1087. eyebrow: "brow",
  1088. fabricate: "cook up, make up, invent",
  1089. facade: "frontage, frontal",
  1090. face: "human face",
  1091. facility: "adeptness, adroitness, deftness, quickness",
  1092. factor: "anything that contributes causally to a result",
  1093. factory: "mill, manufacturing plant, manufactory",
  1094. fade: "wither",
  1095. fail: "go wrong",
  1096. failure: "bankruptcy",
  1097. faint: "pass out",
  1098. fair: "promotional gathering of producers",
  1099. fairy: "faery, faerie, sprite, magical creature",
  1100. faith: "religion, religious belief",
  1101. faithful: "sexually trustworthy",
  1102. fall: "descend in free fall",
  1103. "false": "not in accordance with fact or reality",
  1104. falsify: "manipulate, fake, fudge, cook, misrepresent",
  1105. fame: "celebrity, renown",
  1106. familiar: "well known",
  1107. family: "household, home, menage",
  1108. fan: "agitate the air",
  1109. fantasy: "illusion, phantasy, fancy",
  1110. far: "at a long distance",
  1111. fare: "transportation fee",
  1112. farewell: "leave, leave-taking, parting",
  1113. fascinate: "intrigue",
  1114. fashion: "latest style, rage, fad",
  1115. fashionable: "stylish",
  1116. fast: "abstain from food",
  1117. fastidious: "finicky",
  1118. fat: "soft greasy substance",
  1119. fate: "destiny, fortune, luck, lot, circumstances",
  1120. father: "male parent",
  1121. fault: "defect, flaw",
  1122. favor: "kind act, gracious act",
  1123. favorable: "encouraging, approving",
  1124. favour: "act of gracious kindness",
  1125. favourite: "darling, favorite, pet",
  1126. fax: "facsimile",
  1127. fear: "dread, be afraid of",
  1128. feast: "banquet",
  1129. feather: "plume, plumage",
  1130. feature: "characteristic",
  1131. federation: "confederation, confederacy, political union",
  1132. fee: "fixed charge",
  1133. feed: "provide with food",
  1134. feedback: "response",
  1135. feel: "experience, undergo an emotional sensation",
  1136. feeling: "touch, touch sensation",
  1137. feign: "sham, pretend, dissemble, simulate",
  1138. feminine: "womanly",
  1139. feminist: "women's rightist",
  1140. fence: "barrier",
  1141. ferry: "ferryboat",
  1142. fever: "high body temperature",
  1143. few: "indefinite but relatively small number",
  1144. fibre: "fiber",
  1145. fiction: "literary work",
  1146. field: "playing field, athletic field",
  1147. fig: "fruit",
  1148. fight: "struggle",
  1149. figure: "amount of money expressed numerically",
  1150. file: "single file, Indian file",
  1151. fill: "fill up, make full",
  1152. film: "record on film",
  1153. filter: "device that removes something small",
  1154. "final": "final examination",
  1155. finance: "management of money",
  1156. financial: "fiscal",
  1157. find: "recover, retrieve, regain",
  1158. fine: "small-grained or smooth",
  1159. finger: "terminal members of the hand",
  1160. finish: "complete",
  1161. finished: "ruined",
  1162. fire: "discharge a weapon",
  1163. firefighter: "fireman",
  1164. fireplace: "fire",
  1165. firm: "house, business firm, company",
  1166. first: "initial",
  1167. "first-hand": "direct",
  1168. fish: "flesh of fish used as food",
  1169. fisherman: "fisher",
  1170. fist: "clenched fist",
  1171. fit: "conform to shape or size",
  1172. fitness: "physical fitness, good shape",
  1173. fix: "repair, mend",
  1174. fixture: "object firmly fixed in place",
  1175. flag: "emblem",
  1176. flash: "blink, wink, twinkle",
  1177. flat: "flat tire",
  1178. flatware: "silverware",
  1179. flavor: "savor, smack, tang, taste experience",
  1180. flawed: "imperfect, blemished, faulty",
  1181. fleet: "group of ships",
  1182. flesh: "pulp, part of a fruit",
  1183. flex: "bend",
  1184. flexible: "bendable",
  1185. flight: "flight of stairs",
  1186. fling: "throw with force or recklessness",
  1187. "float": "be afloat, fail to sink",
  1188. flock: "group of animals",
  1189. flood: "inundate, fill quickly beyond capacity",
  1190. floor: "flooring",
  1191. flour: "powdery foodstuff",
  1192. flourish: "thrive, prosper",
  1193. flow: "run",
  1194. flower: "plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms",
  1195. flu: "influenza, viral disease",
  1196. fluctuation: "wavering, instability",
  1197. flush: "cause to flow or flood",
  1198. fly: "travel through the air, be airborne",
  1199. fog: "water vapor",
  1200. fold: "fold up, bend or lay so that one part covers the other",
  1201. folk: "folks, common people",
  1202. "folk music": "ethnic music",
  1203. folklore: "unwritten literature or songs",
  1204. follow: "succeed, come after",
  1205. food: "nutrient",
  1206. fool: "clown, jester",
  1207. "fool around": "horse around, fool",
  1208. foot: "ft, linear unit of length equal to 12 inches",
  1209. football: "football game",
  1210. forbid: "prohibit, interdict",
  1211. force: "move something forcibly",
  1212. forecast: "prognosis",
  1213. foreigner: "alien, noncitizen",
  1214. forest: "woodland, timberland, timber",
  1215. forestry: "science of planting and caring for forests",
  1216. forge: "fake, counterfeit",
  1217. forget: "block, blank out, draw a blank, fail to remember",
  1218. fork: "cutlery",
  1219. form: "shape, give shape to",
  1220. formal: "adhering to traditional standards",
  1221. format: "formatting, data format, data formatting",
  1222. formation: "spatial arrangement",
  1223. formula: "statement of a fundamental principle",
  1224. formulate: "word, phrase, articulate",
  1225. fortune: "wealth, prosperity",
  1226. forum: "public meeting",
  1227. forward: "at, near or directed toward the front",
  1228. fossil: "plant or animal remains",
  1229. foster: "nurture",
  1230. foundation: "basis",
  1231. fountain: "water dispenser, font",
  1232. fox: "animal",
  1233. fraction: "quotient",
  1234. fragment: "broken-off piece",
  1235. fragrant: "pleasant-smelling",
  1236. frame: "enclose in a frame",
  1237. franchise: "dealership",
  1238. frank: "candid, blunt, forthright",
  1239. fraud: "fraudulence, dupery, hoax",
  1240. freckle: "skin pigment",
  1241. free: "not occupied",
  1242. freedom: "condition of being free",
  1243. freeze: "change to ice",
  1244. freight: "transportation",
  1245. freighter: "merchant ship",
  1246. frequency: "frequence, oftenness",
  1247. fresh: "insolent, impertinent, impudent, sassy",
  1248. freshman: "first year student",
  1249. friend: "acquaintance",
  1250. friendly: "befitting a friend",
  1251. frighten: "scare, cause fear in",
  1252. frog: "toad, toad frog",
  1253. front: "atmospheric phenomenon at the boundary between two air masses",
  1254. frown: "glower, look angry or sullen",
  1255. frozen: "unthawed",
  1256. fruit: "ripened reproductive body of a seed plant",
  1257. fuel: "energy",
  1258. full: "replete, filled to satisfaction with food",
  1259. fun: "merriment, playfulness",
  1260. "function": "mathematical function",
  1261. functional: "designed for or capable of a particular function",
  1262. fund: "finance, underwrite",
  1263. funeral: "ceremony",
  1264. funny: "amusing, laughable",
  1265. fur: "pelt, hairy coat of a mammal",
  1266. furniture: "piece of furniture",
  1267. fuss: "bustle, hustle, flurry, ado, stir",
  1268. future: "hereafter, futurity, time to come",
  1269. gaffe: "slip, faux pas",
  1270. gain: "profit, benefit",
  1271. galaxy: "extragalactic nebula",
  1272. gallery: "art gallery",
  1273. gallon: "gal, liquid unit",
  1274. game: "amusement or pastime",
  1275. gap: "crack, narrow opening",
  1276. garage: "car repair shop",
  1277. garbage: "refuse, waste",
  1278. garlic: "aromatic bulb used as seasoning",
  1279. gas: "gasoline, petrol",
  1280. "gas pedal": "accelerator",
  1281. gasp: "pant, puff, heave",
  1282. gate: "door",
  1283. gear: "gear mechanism",
  1284. gem: "gemstone, stone",
  1285. gene: "segment of DNA",
  1286. general: "full general, officer",
  1287. generate: "bring forth, produce",
  1288. generation: "coevals, contemporaries",
  1289. genetic: "genetical",
  1290. genuine: "not fake or counterfeit",
  1291. gesture: "motion of hands or body",
  1292. get: "acquire",
  1293. ghost: "visible disembodied soul",
  1294. ghostwriter: "ghost",
  1295. giant: "hulk, very large person",
  1296. gift: "present",
  1297. girl: "female child",
  1298. girlfriend: "lady friend",
  1299. give: "pass, hand, reach",
  1300. glacier: "mass of ice",
  1301. glance: "peek",
  1302. glare: "glower",
  1303. glass: "brittle transparent solid",
  1304. glasses: "eyeglasses, spectacles",
  1305. glide: "move smoothly and effortlessly",
  1306. glimpse: "brief view",
  1307. global: "universal, worldwide",
  1308. gloom: "gloominess, glumness, atmosphere of depression",
  1309. glory: "prestige",
  1310. glove: "handwear",
  1311. glow: "emit light",
  1312. glue: "adhesive",
  1313. go: "move",
  1314. goal: "finish, destination",
  1315. goalkeeper: "goalie, goaltender",
  1316. goat: "domestic animal",
  1317. god: "deity, divinity",
  1318. gold: "Au, atomic number 79",
  1319. golf: "golf game",
  1320. good: "goodness, moral excellence",
  1321. gossip: "scuttlebutt",
  1322. government: "authorities, regime",
  1323. governor: "head of a state",
  1324. gown: "robe for ceremonial occasions",
  1325. grace: "good will, kindness",
  1326. gradient: "grade of a slope",
  1327. gradual: "proceeding in small stages",
  1328. graduate: "receive an academic degree",
  1329. grain: "small hard particle",
  1330. grand: "luxurious, opulent, sumptuous",
  1331. grandfather: "gramps, grandad",
  1332. grandmother: "grandma",
  1333. grant: "monetary aid",
  1334. graphic: "pictorial, lifelike, vivid",
  1335. grass: "lawn",
  1336. grateful: "thankful",
  1337. grave: "tomb",
  1338. gravel: "crushed rock",
  1339. gravity: "gravitation, gravitational force",
  1340. graze: "pasture",
  1341. great: "large in size, number or extent",
  1342. green: "Green, environmentalist",
  1343. greet: "send greetings",
  1344. greeting: "salutation",
  1345. gregarious: "sociable",
  1346. grief: "heartache, heartbreak, brokenheartedness",
  1347. grimace: "face, contorted facial expression",
  1348. grind: "mash, crunch",
  1349. grip: "grasp, controlling influence",
  1350. groan: "moan",
  1351. ground: "land, dry land, earth, solid ground, terra firma",
  1352. grounds: "evidence, basis for belief or disbelief",
  1353. grow: "mature, maturate",
  1354. growth: "abnormal proliferation of tissue",
  1355. grudge: "grievance",
  1356. guarantee: "warrant, warrantee",
  1357. guard: "ward, watch over, shield from danger or harm",
  1358. guerrilla: "insurgent",
  1359. guess: "make a guess",
  1360. guest: "invitee",
  1361. guide: "someone who shows the way",
  1362. guideline: "guidepost, rule of thumb",
  1363. guilt: "guiltiness",
  1364. guitar: "stringed instrument",
  1365. gun: "weapon",
  1366. gutter: "trough, channel for collecting rainwater",
  1367. habit: "established custom",
  1368. habitat: "home ground",
  1369. hair: "natural body covering",
  1370. haircut: "hairstyle",
  1371. half: "one-half, one of two equal parts",
  1372. hall: "hallway",
  1373. hallway: "passage, corridor",
  1374. halt: "freeze, interruption, temporary suspension",
  1375. ham: "meat",
  1376. hammer: "hand tool",
  1377. hand: "hired hand, hired man",
  1378. handicap: "hinder, hamper",
  1379. handy: "easy to use",
  1380. hang: "hang up, suspend",
  1381. happen: "go on, occur",
  1382. harass: "hassle, plague, molest",
  1383. harbor: "seaport",
  1384. hard: "not yielding to pressure",
  1385. hardship: "adversity",
  1386. hardware: "computer hardware",
  1387. harm: "do harm to",
  1388. harmful: "noxious",
  1389. harmony: "musical harmony",
  1390. harsh: "coarse, large-grained or rough to the touch",
  1391. harvest: "harvest time",
  1392. hat: "headdress",
  1393. hate: "detest, loathe",
  1394. haul: "transport",
  1395. haunt: "stalk",
  1396. have: "have got",
  1397. hay: "grass mowed and cured",
  1398. head: "chief, top dog, person who is in charge",
  1399. headline: "newspaper headline",
  1400. headquarters: "central office, main office",
  1401. heal: "cure",
  1402. health: "general condition of body and mind",
  1403. healthy: "fit",
  1404. hear: "perceive sound",
  1405. heart: "figure with rounded sides curving inward at the top",
  1406. heat: "passion",
  1407. heaven: "paradise, place of complete bliss",
  1408. heavy: "of great physical weight",
  1409. heel: "back of the foot",
  1410. height: "altitude",
  1411. heir: "inheritor, heritor",
  1412. helicopter: "chopper",
  1413. hell: "infernal region, netherworld",
  1414. helmet: "headgear",
  1415. help: "assist, aid",
  1416. helpless: "incapacitated",
  1417. hemisphere: "half of the terrestrial globe",
  1418. hen: "female chicken",
  1419. herb: "cooking herb",
  1420. herd: "group of cattle",
  1421. hero: "person with exceptional courage",
  1422. heroin: "drug",
  1423. hesitate: "pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness",
  1424. hiccup: "breathe spasmodically",
  1425. hide: "hide out, be or go into hiding",
  1426. hierarchy: "power structure, pecking order",
  1427. high: "greater than normal in degree or intensity or amount",
  1428. highlight: "high spot",
  1429. highway: "expressway, freeway, state highway",
  1430. hike: "walk for pleasure, take a hike",
  1431. hilarious: "uproarious",
  1432. hill: "elevation of the land",
  1433. hip: "either side of the body below the waist and above the thigh",
  1434. history: "the aggregate of past events",
  1435. hit: "strike, run into, collide with",
  1436. hobby: "pursuit, by-line, hobby, sideline, spare-time activity",
  1437. hold: "bear, carry, contain",
  1438. hole: "opening into or through something",
  1439. holiday: "day on which work is suspended",
  1440. home: "nursing home, rest home",
  1441. homosexual: "gay",
  1442. honest: "sincere",
  1443. honey: "sweet food",
  1444. honor: "laurels",
  1445. hook: "fasten with a hook",
  1446. hope: "wish, desire and expectancy",
  1447. horizon: "skyline",
  1448. horn: "car horn",
  1449. horoscope: "prediction of the future",
  1450. horror: "repugnance, repulsion, revulsion",
  1451. horse: "knight, chessman",
  1452. horseshoe: "shoe for horses",
  1453. hospital: "infirmary",
  1454. hospitality: "cordial reception, kindness in welcoming guests or strangers",
  1455. host: "be the host",
  1456. hostage: "prisoner held for ransom",
  1457. hostile: "characterized by enmity or ill will",
  1458. hostility: "enmity, antagonism",
  1459. hot: "marked by intensity, vehemence, passion",
  1460. hotdog: "frankfurter",
  1461. hour: "time of day, clock time",
  1462. house: "legislature",
  1463. houseplant: "plant for indoor use",
  1464. housewife: "homemaker",
  1465. housing: "lodging, living accommodations",
  1466. hover: "levitate",
  1467. huge: "immense, vast",
  1468. "human body": "physical body",
  1469. humanity: "humanness",
  1470. humor: "sense of humor",
  1471. hunter: "huntsman",
  1472. hunting: "hunt",
  1473. hurl: "cast, hurtle, throw forcefully",
  1474. hurt: "ache, be the source of pain",
  1475. husband: "hubby",
  1476. hut: "hovel, hutch, shack",
  1477. hypnothize: "mesmerize",
  1478. hypothesis: "guess, conjecture, surmise, speculation",
  1479. hypothesize: "speculate, theorize, conjecture",
  1480. ice: "frozen water",
  1481. "ice cream": "frozen dessert",
  1482. idea: "thought",
  1483. ideal: "paragon, model of excellence or perfection",
  1484. identification: "identity papers",
  1485. identify: "name",
  1486. identity: "identicalness, indistinguishability",
  1487. ideology: "political theory",
  1488. ignite: "light, light up",
  1489. ignorance: "lack of knowledge",
  1490. ignorant: "lacking basic knowledge, naive, unsophisticated",
  1491. ignore: "neglect, disregard",
  1492. illness: "unwellness, malady, sickness",
  1493. illusion: "false mental representation",
  1494. illustrate: "exemplify",
  1495. image: "double, look-alike",
  1496. imagine: "conceive of, ideate, envisage",
  1497. immune: "resistant",
  1498. impact: "forceful consequence, strong effect",
  1499. imperial: "relating to an empire",
  1500. implication: "logical implication",
  1501. implicit: "inexplicit",
  1502. "import": "bring in from abroad",
  1503. important: "significant",
  1504. imposter: "pretender, fake, faker, sham, fraud",
  1505. impound: "confiscate, seize",
  1506. impress: "make a good impression",
  1507. improve: "better, amend, ameliorate",
  1508. improvement: "condition superior to an earlier one",
  1509. impulse: "caprice, whim",
  1510. inappropriate: "not suitable",
  1511. incapable: "incompetent",
  1512. incentive: "inducement, motivator, carrot",
  1513. inch: "in, unit of length",
  1514. incident: "event",
  1515. include: "have as a part",
  1516. incongruous: "discrepant",
  1517. increase: "become bigger or greater",
  1518. incredible: "unbelievable",
  1519. index: "alphabetical listing",
  1520. "index finger": "forefinger",
  1521. indication: "suggestion",
  1522. indirect: "not direct in manner or language",
  1523. indoor: "inside",
  1524. indulge: "enjoy to excess",
  1525. industry: "diligence, industriousness",
  1526. infect: "communicate a disease",
  1527. infection: "contagion, transmission",
  1528. infinite: "having no limits or boundaries in time or space",
  1529. inflate: "blow up, fill with air",
  1530. inflation: "rising prices",
  1531. influence: "effect of one thing or person",
  1532. information: "info",
  1533. infrastructure: "basic features of a system",
  1534. inhabitant: "habitant, dweller, denizen",
  1535. inhibition: "suppression, conscious exclusion of unacceptable thoughts or desires",
  1536. initial: "first letter of a word",
  1537. initiative: "first step",
  1538. inject: "take by injection",
  1539. injection: "shot",
  1540. injure: "wound, hurt",
  1541. injury: "hurt, harm, trauma",
  1542. inn: "hostel, hostelry, lodge",
  1543. innocent: "guiltless, clean-handed",
  1544. innovation: "invention",
  1545. inquiry: "inquest",
  1546. insert: "place inside",
  1547. inside: "interior",
  1548. insight: "perceptiveness, understanding",
  1549. insist: "take a firm stand",
  1550. insistence: "insistency, act of insisting",
  1551. inspector: "examiner",
  1552. inspiration: "sudden intuition",
  1553. inspire: "supply the inspiration for",
  1554. instal: "put in, set up for use",
  1555. install: "put into an office or a position",
  1556. instinct: "inherent aptitude",
  1557. institution: "establishment",
  1558. instruction: "teaching, pedagogy",
  1559. instrument: "musical instrument",
  1560. insurance: "indemnity, protection",
  1561. insure: "take out insurance",
  1562. integrated: "not segregated",
  1563. integration: "desegregation",
  1564. integrity: "moral soundness",
  1565. intelligence: "intelligence service, intelligence agency",
  1566. intensify: "escalate, step up",
  1567. intention: "volition",
  1568. interactive: "synergistic",
  1569. interest: "fixed charge for borrowing money",
  1570. "interface": "user interface",
  1571. interference: "hindrance, hitch, preventive, encumbrance",
  1572. intermediate: "lying between two extremes",
  1573. interrupt: "disrupt",
  1574. intervention: "interference",
  1575. introduce: "bring in",
  1576. introduction: "basic instructional text",
  1577. invasion: "encroachment, intrusion",
  1578. investigation: "probe",
  1579. investment: "investment funds",
  1580. invisible: "unseeable",
  1581. invite: "ask over, invite to one's house",
  1582. iron: "ferrous metal",
  1583. irony: "sarcasm, satire",
  1584. island: "land mass surrounded by water",
  1585. isolation: "state of separation",
  1586. issue: "important question",
  1587. item: "token, individual instance",
  1588. ivory: "tusk",
  1589. jacket: "short coat",
  1590. jail: "imprison, incarcerate",
  1591. jam: "preserve",
  1592. jar: "vessel",
  1593. jaw: "part of the skull",
  1594. jealous: "covetous, envious",
  1595. jelly: "gelatinous substance",
  1596. jest: "act or speak playfully",
  1597. jet: "squirt, spurt, spirt",
  1598. jewel: "gem, precious stone",
  1599. job: "workplace",
  1600. jockey: "rider",
  1601. joint: "body part",
  1602. joke: "gag, laugh, jest",
  1603. journal: "diary",
  1604. joy: "joyousness, joyfulness",
  1605. joystick: "control stick",
  1606. judge: "justice, jurist, magistrate",
  1607. judgment: "cognitive process",
  1608. judicial: "juridical, juridic",
  1609. jump: "leap, bound",
  1610. jungle: "impenetrable forest",
  1611. junior: "younger or lower in rank",
  1612. jurisdiction: "legal power",
  1613. jury: "trial jury",
  1614. just: "equitable",
  1615. justice: "justness",
  1616. justify: "excuse, rationalize",
  1617. keep: "observe, celebrate holidays or rites",
  1618. kettle: "boiler, metal pot",
  1619. key: "legend, list of words that explain symbols",
  1620. kick: "strike with the foot",
  1621. kid: "young goat",
  1622. kidnap: "snatch, abduct",
  1623. kidney: "bean-shaped excretory organ",
  1624. kill: "cause to die, put to death",
  1625. killer: "slayer",
  1626. king: "male monarch",
  1627. kingdom: "monarchy",
  1628. kinship: "family relationship",
  1629. kit: "outfit, gear",
  1630. kitchen: "room equipped for preparing meals",
  1631. kite: "toy",
  1632. knee: "knee joint",
  1633. kneel: "rest one's weight on one's knees",
  1634. knife: "tool",
  1635. knit: "make textiles by knitting",
  1636. knock: "rap, strike with the knuckles",
  1637. knot: "fastening formed by looping and tying",
  1638. know: "know how to do or perform something",
  1639. knowledge: "cognition, result of perception, learning, or reasoning",
  1640. laboratory: "lab, research lab",
  1641. laborer: "manual laborer",
  1642. labour: "working class, proletariat",
  1643. lace: "delicate fabric",
  1644. lack: "be without",
  1645. ladder: "steps",
  1646. lake: "body of water",
  1647. lamb: "young sheep",
  1648. lamp: "furniture holding lightbulbs",
  1649. land: "come down on the ground",
  1650. landowner: "landholder, property owner",
  1651. landscape: "scenery",
  1652. lane: "narrow road",
  1653. language: "terminology, nomenclature",
  1654. lap: "body part",
  1655. large: "big",
  1656. laser: "coherent light",
  1657. last: "concluding, final, terminal",
  1658. late: "belated, tardy",
  1659. latest: "newest, up-to-date",
  1660. launch: "propel with force, set in motion",
  1661. laundry: "wash, washables",
  1662. law: "police, police force",
  1663. lawyer: "attorney",
  1664. lay: "put down, lay down",
  1665. layer: "thin sheet",
  1666. layout: "plan, design",
  1667. lazy: "indolent, otiose, slothful, work-shy",
  1668. lead: "be in charge",
  1669. leader: "commander, person who rules or guides or inspires others",
  1670. leadership: "leading",
  1671. leaf: "leafage, foliage",
  1672. leaflet: "brochure, folder, pamphlet",
  1673. leak: "escape through an opening",
  1674. lean: "tilt, tip, slant, angle, incline, bend",
  1675. learn: "memorize",
  1676. lease: "rent, let",
  1677. leash: "tether",
  1678. leave: "bequeath, will, pass on",
  1679. lecture: "instruction, teaching",
  1680. left: "left side, left hand side",
  1681. leftovers: "leftover food",
  1682. leg: "limb",
  1683. legend: "fable, story",
  1684. legislation: "legislating, lawmaking",
  1685. legislature: "legislative assembly",
  1686. lemon: "fruit",
  1687. lend: "loan",
  1688. length: "extent of something from beginning to end",
  1689. lesson: "unit of instruction",
  1690. letter: "letter of the alphabet",
  1691. level: "raze, rase, dismantle, tear down",
  1692. liability: "legal obligation and responsibility",
  1693. liberal: "tolerant of change",
  1694. liberty: "freedom",
  1695. licence: "license, permit",
  1696. license: "certify",
  1697. lick: "lap, pass the tongue over",
  1698. lid: "eyelid",
  1699. lie: "lie down",
  1700. lifestyle: "way of living",
  1701. lift: "raise, elevate, move up",
  1702. light: "light up, illuminate, make light",
  1703. lighter: "igniter, device for lighting or igniting",
  1704. like: "be fond of",
  1705. likely: "probable, plausible",
  1706. lily: "flower",
  1707. limb: "body part",
  1708. limit: "limitation",
  1709. limited: "small in range or scope",
  1710. line: "wrinkle, furrow, crease, crinkle, seam",
  1711. lineage: "descent",
  1712. linear: "one-dimensional",
  1713. linen: "white goods",
  1714. linger: "loiter",
  1715. link: "connect, tie, fasten together",
  1716. lion: "king of beasts",
  1717. lip: "fleshy folds of tissue surrounding the mouth",
  1718. list: "include in a list",
  1719. listen: "hear",
  1720. literacy: "ability to read and write",
  1721. literature: "creative writing",
  1722. litigation: "judicial proceeding",
  1723. live: "unrecorded",
  1724. liver: "organ",
  1725. load: "place on a surface or a conveyance",
  1726. loan: "temporary provision of money",
  1727. lobby: "pressure group",
  1728. locate: "situate, determine the location",
  1729. location: "point in space",
  1730. lock: "fasten with a lock",
  1731. lodge: "stay temporarily",
  1732. log: "tree trunk",
  1733. lonely: "alone, lone, solitary",
  1734. "long": "of relatively great duration",
  1735. look: "search",
  1736. loop: "round or oval shape",
  1737. loose: "not tight, constrained or constricted",
  1738. loot: "booty, pillage, plunder, dirty money, prize",
  1739. looting: "plundering",
  1740. lose: "fail to win",
  1741. loss: "something that is lost",
  1742. lost: "spiritually or physically doomed or destroyed",
  1743. lot: "deal, flock, good deal, great deal, heap",
  1744. loud: "characterized by sound of great volume",
  1745. lounge: "waiting room, waiting area",
  1746. love: "be in love with",
  1747. lover: "significant other",
  1748. low: "being at small elevation",
  1749. loyalty: "trueness",
  1750. lump: "chunk, gob, clod",
  1751. lunch: "luncheon, midday meal",
  1752. lung: "respiratory organ",
  1753. machinery: "machines",
  1754. magazine: "periodic publication",
  1755. magnetic: "relating to magnetism",
  1756. magnitude: "size, extent",
  1757. maid: "maidservant, housemaid",
  1758. mail: "send, post",
  1759. "mail carrier": "mailman, postman, letter carrier",
  1760. main: "chief, primary, principal",
  1761. mainstream: "prevailing thought",
  1762. major: "of full legal age",
  1763. majority: "legal age",
  1764. make: "gain, take in, clear, earn",
  1765. makeup: "cosmetics",
  1766. man: "adult male, male",
  1767. manage: "pull off, bring off, carry off",
  1768. management: "direction",
  1769. manager: "director",
  1770. manner: "personal manner, way of acting or behaving",
  1771. manual: "handbook",
  1772. manufacture: "fabrication",
  1773. manufacturer: "producer",
  1774. map: "representation of the earth's surface",
  1775. marathon: "footrace of 26 miles",
  1776. marble: "rock",
  1777. march: "walk",
  1778. margin: "edge, blank space on a page",
  1779. marine: "nautical, maritime, relating to the sea",
  1780. mark: "grade, score",
  1781. market: "commercialize",
  1782. marketing: "promoting and selling",
  1783. marriage: "union, matrimony, spousal relationship, wedlock",
  1784. marsh: "marshland, fen, fenland",
  1785. mask: "disguise",
  1786. mass: "body of matter",
  1787. master: "get the hang of",
  1788. mastermind: "engineer, direct, orchestrate, organize",
  1789. match: "be equal or harmonize",
  1790. material: "stuff",
  1791. mathematics: "math, maths",
  1792. matrix: "rectangular array",
  1793. matter: "count, weigh, carry weight",
  1794. mature: "ripe, fully developed and ready to be eaten",
  1795. maximum: "upper limit",
  1796. mayor: "city manager",
  1797. maze: "labyrinth",
  1798. meadow: "hayfield",
  1799. meal: "repast",
  1800. mean: "intend, signify, stand for",
  1801. meaning: "significance, signification",
  1802. means: "instrumentality for accomplishing some end",
  1803. measure: "quantify, express as a number or quantity",
  1804. meat: "flesh of animals",
  1805. mechanical: "using a mechanism",
  1806. mechanism: "piece of machinery",
  1807. medal: "decoration, laurel wreath, medallion, ribbon",
  1808. medicine: "medication, medicament, medicinal drug",
  1809. medieval: "from the Middle Ages",
  1810. medium: "intermediate state",
  1811. meet: "get to know",
  1812. meeting: "encounter, casual or unexpected convergence",
  1813. member: "part of a social group",
  1814. memorandum: "memo",
  1815. memorial: "commemoration, remembrance",
  1816. memory: "something that is remembered",
  1817. mention: "note, observe, remark",
  1818. menu: "dishes planned for a meal",
  1819. merchant: "merchandiser, businessperson",
  1820. mercy: "clemency, mercifulness, leniency",
  1821. merit: "deservingness, meritoriousness",
  1822. mess: "difficult situation, fix, jam, muddle, pickle",
  1823. message: "written, spoken, or signaled communication",
  1824. metal: "metallic element",
  1825. method: "way of doing something",
  1826. microphone: "mike",
  1827. middle: "intermediate part or section",
  1828. midnight: "12 o'clock",
  1829. migration: "movement from one country to another",
  1830. mild: "moderate",
  1831. mile: "distance",
  1832. mill: "grinder",
  1833. mind: "be offended or bothered by",
  1834. mine: "excavation of ores and minerals",
  1835. miner: "mineworker",
  1836. minimize: "understate, downplay",
  1837. minimum: "lower limit",
  1838. minister: "government minister",
  1839. ministry: "government department",
  1840. minor: "lesser in scope or effect",
  1841. minority: "smaller in number",
  1842. minute: "min, unit of time equal to 60 seconds",
  1843. miracle: "supernatural event",
  1844. mirror: "reflector",
  1845. miscarriage: "stillbirth",
  1846. miserable: "abject, scummy, contemptible",
  1847. misery: "wretchedness, miserableness",
  1848. mislead: "misinform, give false information",
  1849. misplace: "lose",
  1850. miss: "fail to attend an event or activity",
  1851. missile: "projectile, weapon",
  1852. mist: "thin fog",
  1853. mistreat: "maltreat, abuse",
  1854. mix: "shuffle, randomize",
  1855. mixture: "mix",
  1856. mobile: "moving or capable of moving readily",
  1857. model: "simulate",
  1858. modernize: "develop",
  1859. modest: "not offensive to sexual mores",
  1860. module: "component",
  1861. mold: "fungus, mould",
  1862. mole: "counterspy",
  1863. moment: "here and now, present moment",
  1864. momentum: "impulse, force",
  1865. monarch: "sovereign, crowned head",
  1866. money: "wealth",
  1867. monk: "inhabitant of a monastery",
  1868. monkey: "long-tailed primate",
  1869. monopoly: "exclusive control",
  1870. monster: "freak",
  1871. monstrous: "grotesque",
  1872. month: "calendar month",
  1873. mood: "temper, humor",
  1874. moon: "satellite of the Earth",
  1875. moral: "relating to principles of right and wrong",
  1876. morale: "individual psychological well-being",
  1877. morning: "morn, morning time, forenoon",
  1878. morsel: "bit, bit",
  1879. mosaic: "colored stone or glass art",
  1880. mosque: "place of worship",
  1881. mosquito: "blood-sucking insect",
  1882. mother: "female parent",
  1883. motif: "design",
  1884. motivation: "motive, need",
  1885. motorcycle: "motorbike, bike",
  1886. motorist: "automobilist",
  1887. mountain: "mount, land mass projecting above its surroundings",
  1888. mourning: "bereavement",
  1889. mouse: "computer mouse",
  1890. mouth: "oral cavity",
  1891. move: "change residence, affiliation, or employment",
  1892. movement: "social movement, front, people with a common ideology",
  1893. movie: "film",
  1894. moving: "arousing deep emotion",
  1895. mud: "clay, soft wet earth",
  1896. mug: "cup",
  1897. muggy: "sticky, steamy",
  1898. multimedia: "multimedia system",
  1899. multiply: "calculate",
  1900. murder: "slaying, execution",
  1901. muscle: "bodily tissue",
  1902. museum: "exhibition hall",
  1903. mushroom: "fungus",
  1904. musical: "talented in or devoted to music",
  1905. mutation: "genetic mutation",
  1906. mutter: "mumble, murmur",
  1907. mutual: "reciprocal",
  1908. mystery: "secret, enigma, closed book",
  1909. myth: "traditional story",
  1910. nail: "body part",
  1911. name: "person's reputation",
  1912. nap: "catnap, take a nap",
  1913. narrow: "narrow-minded",
  1914. national: "relating to a nation or country",
  1915. nationalism: "patriotism, love of country",
  1916. nationalist: "patriot",
  1917. "native": "belonging to one by birth",
  1918. nature: "causal agent creating and controlling the universe",
  1919. navy: "naval forces",
  1920. neck: "cervix, connection from head to the rest of the body",
  1921. necklace: "chain",
  1922. need: "require",
  1923. needle: "indicator for readings",
  1924. negative: "reckoned in a direction opposite to positive",
  1925. neglect: "disregard",
  1926. negligence: "neglect",
  1927. negotiation: "dialogue, talks",
  1928. neighborhood: "vicinity, neck of the woods",
  1929. neighbour: "neighbor, person living nearby",
  1930. nerve: "bundle of nerve fibers",
  1931. nervous: "skittish",
  1932. nest: "structure in which animals lay eggs",
  1933. net: "game equipment",
  1934. network: "web, interconnected system",
  1935. neutral: "of no distinctive quality",
  1936. "new": "unfamiliar",
  1937. news: "new information",
  1938. night: "nighttime, dark",
  1939. nightmare: "upsetting dream",
  1940. noble: "belonging to hereditary aristocracy",
  1941. node: "connecting point",
  1942. noise: "sound",
  1943. nominate: "put up, put forward, propose",
  1944. nomination: "naming a candidate",
  1945. nonremittal: "default, nonpayment",
  1946. nonsense: "bunk, hokum",
  1947. norm: "standard",
  1948. normal: "conforming with a norm or standard",
  1949. north: "due north, N, direction",
  1950. nose: "olfactory organ",
  1951. note: "bill, banknote",
  1952. notebook: "book with blank pages",
  1953. notice: "note, perceive",
  1954. notion: "concept",
  1955. notorious: "ill-famed, infamous",
  1956. novel: "fictional work",
  1957. nuance: "shade, nicety, subtlety, refinement",
  1958. nuclear: "atomic",
  1959. number: "phone number, telephone number",
  1960. nun: "sister, religious woman",
  1961. nursery: "baby's room",
  1962. nut: "hard-shelled seed",
  1963. oak: "oak tree",
  1964. obese: "overweight",
  1965. object: "raise an objection",
  1966. objective: "nonsubjective",
  1967. obligation: "duty, responsibility",
  1968. obscure: "make less visible",
  1969. observation: "facts learned by observing",
  1970. observer: "perceiver, beholder",
  1971. obstacle: "block",
  1972. occasion: "time of a particular event",
  1973. occupation: "military control",
  1974. occupy: "fill, occupy the whole space of",
  1975. offend: "cause to feel resentment",
  1976. offender: "wrongdoer",
  1977. offense: "discourtesy, offence",
  1978. offensive: "for the purpose of attack",
  1979. offer: "volunteer to do",
  1980. office: "business office, workplace",
  1981. officer: "policeman, police officer",
  1982. official: "functionary",
  1983. offset: "countervail, compensate, counterbalance, make up for",
  1984. offspring: "young",
  1985. oil: "viscous liquid",
  1986. old: "elderly, having lived for a relatively long time",
  1987. "old age": "years",
  1988. omission: "skip, mistake resulting from neglect",
  1989. onion: "edible bulb",
  1990. open: "open up",
  1991. opera: "drama set to music",
  1992. operation: "functioning, performance",
  1993. operational: "pertaining to a process",
  1994. opinion: "legal opinion, judgment, judgement",
  1995. opponent: "adversary, antagonist",
  1996. oppose: "be against",
  1997. opposed: "being in opposition",
  1998. opposite: "reverse, contrary",
  1999. opposition: "enemy, foe",
  2000. option: "right to buy or sell property",
  2001. oral: "of or involving the mouth",
  2002. orange: "citrus fruit",
  2003. orbit: "celestial orbit",
  2004. orchestra: "musical group",
  2005. order: "orderliness",
  2006. ordinary: "not exceptional",
  2007. organ: "body part",
  2008. organisation: "group of people who work together",
  2009. organize: "bring order and organization to",
  2010. orgy: "orgy, debauchery, saturnalia, bacchanal, riot",
  2011. orientation: "position, alignment",
  2012. origin: "descent, extraction, background, provenance",
  2013. original: "fresh, unusual, first",
  2014. orthodox: "adhering to what is commonly accepted",
  2015. ostracize: "shun, blackball, expel from a community",
  2016. other: "not the same",
  2017. outer: "being on the outside",
  2018. outfit: "getup, clothing",
  2019. outlet: "wall socket, wall plug, electric outlet",
  2020. outline: "lineation, linear boundary",
  2021. outlook: "mentality, mindset",
  2022. output: "end product",
  2023. outside: "exterior, outer side or surface",
  2024. oven: "kitchen appliance",
  2025. overall: "clothing",
  2026. overcharge: "surcharge, fleece, rip off",
  2027. overeat: "gorge",
  2028. overlook: "fail to notice",
  2029. overview: "summary",
  2030. overwhelm: "overpower",
  2031. owe: "be obliged to pay",
  2032. owl: "nocturnal bird",
  2033. owner: "proprietor someone who owns a business",
  2034. pace: "tempo, rate",
  2035. pack: "arrange in a container",
  2036. "package": "bundle, packet, parcel",
  2037. packet: "small package, bundle",
  2038. page: "one side of one leaf",
  2039. pain: "pain in the neck, nuisance",
  2040. paint: "make a painting",
  2041. painter: "artist",
  2042. pair: "two people considered as a unit",
  2043. palace: "residence of a sovereign",
  2044. palm: "palm tree",
  2045. pan: "cooking pan",
  2046. panel: "team of experts",
  2047. panic: "terror, overwhelming fear",
  2048. paper: "material made of cellulose pulp",
  2049. parachute: "jump from an airplane",
  2050. parade: "ceremonial procession",
  2051. paradox: "self-contradiction",
  2052. paragraph: "subdivisions of a text",
  2053. parallel: "analogue, analog",
  2054. paralyzed: "paralytic, unable to move",
  2055. parameter: "factor",
  2056. pardon: "amnesty",
  2057. park: "maneuver a vehicle into a parking space",
  2058. parking: "parking space",
  2059. part: "portion, component part, component",
  2060. participate: "take part",
  2061. particle: "small body of mass",
  2062. particular: "peculiar, special",
  2063. partner: "member of a partnership",
  2064. partnership: "cooperation among people",
  2065. party: "political party",
  2066. pass: "make it, be successful",
  2067. passage: "section of text",
  2068. passenger: "rider",
  2069. passion: "passionateness, strong emotion",
  2070. passive: "inactive",
  2071. password: "watchword, word",
  2072. past: "past times, yesteryear",
  2073. pastel: "light pale color",
  2074. pasture: "pastureland, grazing land",
  2075. pat: "dab, hit lightly",
  2076. patch: "plot, small area",
  2077. patent: "patent of invention",
  2078. path: "route, itinerary",
  2079. patience: "forbearance",
  2080. patient: "person who requires medical care",
  2081. patrol: "security detachment",
  2082. pattern: "model, design",
  2083. pause: "pause, take a break",
  2084. pavement: "sidewalk",
  2085. pawn: "hock",
  2086. pay: "give money in exchange for goods or services",
  2087. payment: "defrayal",
  2088. peace: "state prevailing during the absence of war",
  2089. peak: "vertex, apex, acme, highest point",
  2090. peanut: "goober",
  2091. peasant: "agricultural laborer",
  2092. pedestrian: "walker",
  2093. peel: "skin, rind of a fruit or vegetable",
  2094. pen: "playpen",
  2095. penalty: "punishment",
  2096. pencil: "writing implement",
  2097. penetrate: "enter into",
  2098. penny: "cent",
  2099. pension: "payment during retirement",
  2100. pepper: "spice",
  2101. perceive: "sense",
  2102. percent: "percentage",
  2103. perception: "process of perceiving",
  2104. perfect: "complete, without defect",
  2105. perforate: "pass in or through",
  2106. perform: "give a performance",
  2107. performance: "act of presenting a play or a piece",
  2108. performer: "performing artist",
  2109. perfume: "essence",
  2110. period: "historic period",
  2111. permanent: "lasting",
  2112. permission: "approval to do something",
  2113. persist: "persevere",
  2114. persistent: "lasting",
  2115. person: "individual",
  2116. personal: "concerning a particular person",
  2117. personality: "personal attributes",
  2118. pest: "blighter, cuss, pesterer, gadfly, persistently annoying person",
  2119. pet: "animal",
  2120. petty: "small-minded",
  2121. philosophy: "doctrine, school of thought, set of beliefs",
  2122. photocopy: "xerox, run off",
  2123. photograph: "photo",
  2124. photography: "picture taking",
  2125. physical: "involving the body",
  2126. physics: "physical science",
  2127. piano: "keyboard instrument",
  2128. pick: "select carefully",
  2129. picture: "painting, graphic art",
  2130. pie: "dish",
  2131. piece: "musical composition, opus, composition, piece of music",
  2132. pier: "support for two adjacent bridge spans",
  2133. pierce: "stick, puncture",
  2134. pig: "slob, sloven, slovenly person",
  2135. pigeon: "wild and domesticated bird",
  2136. pile: "stack, heap",
  2137. pill: "birth control pill",
  2138. pillow: "cushion",
  2139. pilot: "airplane pilot",
  2140. pin: "personal identification number, PIN, PIN number",
  2141. pioneer: "innovator, trailblazer, groundbreaker",
  2142. pipe: "tube",
  2143. pit: "stone, hard inner core of some fruits",
  2144. pitch: "sales pitch",
  2145. pity: "compassion",
  2146. place: "seat",
  2147. plagiarize: "steal intellectual property",
  2148. plain: "simple",
  2149. plaintiff: "complainant",
  2150. plan: "make plans",
  2151. plane: "airplane, aeroplane",
  2152. planet: "celestial body",
  2153. plant: "put or set into the ground",
  2154. plaster: "adhesive plaster",
  2155. plastic: "materials",
  2156. plate: "dish",
  2157. platform: "horizontal surface",
  2158. play: "engage in playful activity",
  2159. player: "participant",
  2160. plead: "enter a plea in courts of law",
  2161. pleasant: "delightful",
  2162. please: "delight, give pleasure",
  2163. pleasure: "delight",
  2164. pledge: "promise solemnly",
  2165. plot: "diagram",
  2166. pluck: "pick, cull",
  2167. plug: "stop up",
  2168. pneumonia: "respiratory disease",
  2169. pocket: "pouch inside a garment",
  2170. poem: "verse form",
  2171. poetry: "poesy, verse",
  2172. point: "dot",
  2173. poison: "administer poison to",
  2174. pole: "Earth's antipodal point",
  2175. policeman: "cop",
  2176. policy: "insurance policy",
  2177. polish: "shine",
  2178. polite: "courteous",
  2179. poll: "opinion poll",
  2180. pollution: "contamination",
  2181. pony: "small horse",
  2182. pool: "puddle",
  2183. poor: "characterized by poverty",
  2184. pop: "burst open with a sharp, explosive sound",
  2185. popular: "regarded with great favor, approval, or affection",
  2186. population: "people who inhabit a territory",
  2187. porter: "person employed to carry luggage and supplies",
  2188. portion: "helping, serving",
  2189. portrait: "portrayal, likeness",
  2190. position: "status",
  2191. positive: "accepting, confirming",
  2192. possession: "ownership",
  2193. possibility: "possible action",
  2194. possible: "potential",
  2195. post: "publicize with, or as if with, a poster",
  2196. posture: "bearing, carriage",
  2197. pot: "flowerpot",
  2198. potential: "potentiality",
  2199. pottery: "clayware",
  2200. pound: "lb, 16 ounces",
  2201. pour: "cause to flow",
  2202. powder: "fine-grained substance",
  2203. power: "force, might",
  2204. practical: "efficient",
  2205. practice: "exercise, drill, practice session, recitation",
  2206. praise: "congratulations, kudos",
  2207. pray: "say a prayer",
  2208. prayer: "supplication",
  2209. preach: "deliver a sermon",
  2210. precede: "predate, antecede, antedate",
  2211. precedent: "case in point",
  2212. precision: "preciseness",
  2213. predator: "predatory animal",
  2214. predict: "call, foretell, prognosticate, forebode",
  2215. prediction: "projection",
  2216. prefer: "favor",
  2217. preference: "predilection, predisposition",
  2218. prejudice: "bias, preconception",
  2219. premature: "untimely",
  2220. premium: "insurance premium",
  2221. preoccupation: "idea that preoccupies the mind",
  2222. preparation: "readiness, preparedness",
  2223. prescription: "physician's instructions",
  2224. presence: "state of being present",
  2225. present: "submit, hand over formally",
  2226. presentation: "making publicly available or known",
  2227. presidency: "presidentship",
  2228. president: "chairman, chairwoman, chair",
  2229. presidential: "relating to a president or presidency",
  2230. press: "exert pressure or force on",
  2231. pressure: "imperativeness, insistence, insistency",
  2232. prestige: "prestigiousness",
  2233. prevalence: "preponderance, superiority in number",
  2234. prevent: "forestall, keep from happening",
  2235. prey: "quarry hunted animal",
  2236. price: "cost, toll",
  2237. pride: "proud feeling",
  2238. primary: "primary election",
  2239. prince: "son of a sovereign",
  2240. principle: "basic truth or law or assumption",
  2241. print: "reproduce by printing",
  2242. printer: "output device that prints data",
  2243. priority: "precedence",
  2244. prison: "prison house, correctional institution",
  2245. prisoner: "captive",
  2246. privacy: "privateness, seclusion",
  2247. "private": "concerning things personal",
  2248. privilege: "special advantage",
  2249. prize: "trophy",
  2250. problem: "question",
  2251. process: "procedure",
  2252. proclaim: "exclaim, promulgate, state, announce",
  2253. produce: "grow, raise, farm, cultivate",
  2254. producer: "film or play producer",
  2255. product: "consequence of someone's efforts",
  2256. production: "output, yield",
  2257. productive: "generative",
  2258. profession: "occupation",
  2259. professional: "professional person",
  2260. professor: "prof",
  2261. profile: "side view",
  2262. profit: "turn a profit",
  2263. profound: "deep",
  2264. program: "computer program",
  2265. progress: "advancement, gain",
  2266. progressive: "favoring or promoting progress",
  2267. project: "undertaking, task, enterprise",
  2268. projection: "image projection",
  2269. promise: "verbal commitment",
  2270. promote: "upgrade, advance, kick upstairs",
  2271. promotion: "publicity",
  2272. proof: "mathematical proofs",
  2273. proper: "suitable",
  2274. property: "belongings, holding, material possession",
  2275. proportion: "quotient of magnitude of a part and magnitude of the whole",
  2276. proposal: "marriage proposal",
  2277. proposition: "statement",
  2278. prosecute: "bring a criminal action against",
  2279. prosecution: "criminal prosecution",
  2280. prospect: "expectation, outlook",
  2281. prosper: "boom, thrive, flourish",
  2282. prosperity: "economic prosperity",
  2283. protect: "shield from danger",
  2284. protection: "protecting someone or something",
  2285. protest: "objection, dissent",
  2286. proud: "feeling self-respect",
  2287. prove: "show, demonstrate, establish",
  2288. provide: "supply, render, furnish",
  2289. provincial: "characteristic of the provinces",
  2290. provision: "supply, supplying",
  2291. provoke: "arouse, evoke an emotion or response",
  2292. psychology: "psychological science",
  2293. "public": "not private",
  2294. publication: "printed work",
  2295. publicity: "public scrutiny",
  2296. publish: "bring out, put out, issue, release",
  2297. publisher: "publishing house, publishing firm",
  2298. pudding: "soft sweet dessert",
  2299. pull: "draw",
  2300. pump: "raise fluid with a pump",
  2301. pumpkin: "large yellow fruit",
  2302. punch: "make a hole in",
  2303. punish: "penalize",
  2304. pupil: "schoolchild, school-age child",
  2305. pure: "free of extraneous elements of any kind",
  2306. purpose: "intent, intention, aim, design",
  2307. pursuit: "quest, search",
  2308. push: "press",
  2309. put: "place, set, pose, lay, position",
  2310. puzzle: "toy",
  2311. pyramid: "polyhedron",
  2312. qualification: "reservation, limitation",
  2313. qualified: "meeting the standards and requirements",
  2314. qualify: "measure up, prove capable, meet requirements",
  2315. quality: "degree or grade of excellence",
  2316. quantity: "amount",
  2317. quarrel: "dispute, argue",
  2318. quarter: "fourth part of a year, three months",
  2319. queen: "female monarch",
  2320. quest: "seeking",
  2321. question: "interrogate",
  2322. queue: "waiting line",
  2323. quiet: "quiescent",
  2324. quit: "drop out, give up, throw in the towel",
  2325. quota: "proportional share",
  2326. quotation: "price quotation",
  2327. quote: "cite",
  2328. rabbit: "burrowing animal",
  2329. race: "rush, hasten, speed, hurry",
  2330. racism: "prejudice",
  2331. rack: "framework for holding objects",
  2332. radiation: "radioactivity",
  2333. "radiation sickness": "radiation syndrome",
  2334. radical: "person with radical ideas",
  2335. radio: "radio receiver, receiving set, radio set",
  2336. rage: "fury, madness, intense anger",
  2337. raid: "foray, sudden attack",
  2338. railcar: "railroad car, wagon",
  2339. railroad: "railroad line, railway system",
  2340. rain: "rainfall",
  2341. rainbow: "colored light in the sky",
  2342. raise: "rear, bring up, nurture, parent",
  2343. rally: "mass meeting",
  2344. ranch: "cattle ranch, cattle farm",
  2345. random: "arbitrary",
  2346. range: "mountain range, range of mountains",
  2347. rank: "rate, place, range, order, grade",
  2348. rape: "ravish, violate, assault",
  2349. rare: "infrequent, uncommon",
  2350. rat: "rodent",
  2351. rate: "pace",
  2352. ratio: "relative magnitude",
  2353. rational: "based on reasoning",
  2354. raw: "not treated with heat",
  2355. reach: "extend to, touch",
  2356. reaction: "chemical reaction",
  2357. reactor: "nuclear reactor",
  2358. read: "interpret something that is written or printed",
  2359. reader: "reviewer, referee",
  2360. ready: "prepared",
  2361. real: "actual, genuine",
  2362. realism: "pragmatism",
  2363. reality: "realness",
  2364. realize: "recognize, be fully aware of",
  2365. rear: "rise up",
  2366. reason: "rationality",
  2367. reasonable: "sensible",
  2368. rebel: "insurgent, insurrectionist, freedom fighter",
  2369. rebellion: "insurrection, revolt, rising, uprising",
  2370. receipt: "acknowledgment of payment",
  2371. reception: "formal party",
  2372. recession: "declining economy",
  2373. reckless: "foolhardy",
  2374. recognition: "acknowledgment",
  2375. recognize: "accredit, grant credentials",
  2376. recommend: "commend",
  2377. recommendation: "testimonial, good word",
  2378. reconcile: "make up",
  2379. record: "tape, register electronically",
  2380. recording: "information storage device",
  2381. recover: "recuperate, convalesce",
  2382. recovery: "convalescence, recuperation",
  2383. recruit: "seek to employ",
  2384. recycle: "reprocess, reuse",
  2385. red: "redness",
  2386. redeem: "exchange for ransom under threat",
  2387. reduce: "cut down, cut back, trim",
  2388. reduction: "decrease, diminution",
  2389. redundancy: "redundance, superfluousness",
  2390. refer: "mention, advert, bring up, cite, name",
  2391. referee: "sports referee",
  2392. reference: "reference point, point of reference",
  2393. referral: "recommendation to consult someone",
  2394. reflect: "shine",
  2395. reflection: "reflexion, mirror image",
  2396. reform: "improve by alteration or correction",
  2397. refrigerator: "fridge",
  2398. refund: "repay, pay back",
  2399. refuse: "decline to do",
  2400. regard: "gaze, long fixed look",
  2401. register: "enroll to vote",
  2402. registration: "enrollment, enrolment",
  2403. regret: "repent, rue, feel remorse",
  2404. regular: "in accordance with fixed order or procedure",
  2405. regulation: "authoritative rule",
  2406. rehabilitation: "vindication of character, exoneration",
  2407. rehearsal: "dry run",
  2408. reign: "time of rule",
  2409. reinforce: "reward, support with rewards",
  2410. reject: "rule out, eliminate",
  2411. relate: "tie in, link, connect logically or causally",
  2412. related: "connected logically or causally",
  2413. relation: "relative, person related by blood or marriage",
  2414. relationship: "state of connectedness between people",
  2415. relative: "not absolute",
  2416. relax: "loosen up, unwind",
  2417. relaxation: "easiness, absence of tension",
  2418. release: "free, liberate",
  2419. relevance: "relevancy",
  2420. reliable: "dependable",
  2421. reliance: "state of relying on something",
  2422. relief: "ease, alleviation",
  2423. relieve: "free from a burden or distress",
  2424. relinquish: "renounce, give up, foreswear",
  2425. reluctance: "hesitancy, hesitation, disinclination",
  2426. remain: "persist, stay behind",
  2427. remark: "explicit notice",
  2428. remedy: "curative, cure, medicine",
  2429. remember: "retrieve, recall",
  2430. remind: "prompt, cue",
  2431. remunerate: "compensate",
  2432. rent: "payment to a landlord",
  2433. repeat: "duplicate, reduplicate, double, replicate",
  2434. repetition: "repeat",
  2435. replace: "substitute for a defective or inadequate one",
  2436. replacement: "surrogate, alternate, substitute",
  2437. report: "study, written report, evaluation",
  2438. reporter: "journalist, newsperson",
  2439. represent: "stand for, correspond to",
  2440. representative: "congressman",
  2441. reproduce: "make a copy",
  2442. reproduction: "replica, replication, copy",
  2443. reptile: "reptilian",
  2444. reputation: "notoriety for some characteristic",
  2445. request: "call for",
  2446. requirement: "necessity, essential, requisite",
  2447. rescue: "free from harm or evil",
  2448. research: "systematic investigation to establish facts",
  2449. researcher: "research worker, investigator",
  2450. reserve: "obtain or arrange in advance",
  2451. reservoir: "artificial lake",
  2452. residence: "abode",
  2453. resident: "occupant",
  2454. resign: "reconcile oneself, accept as inevitable",
  2455. resignation: "surrender",
  2456. resist: "baulk, refuse to comply",
  2457. resolution: "decision to do something",
  2458. resort: "holiday resort",
  2459. resource: "source of aid or support",
  2460. respect: "esteem, value",
  2461. respectable: "worthy of respect",
  2462. response: "reaction",
  2463. responsibility: "duty, obligation",
  2464. responsible: "held accountable, worthy of trust",
  2465. rest: "breathe, catch one's breath, take a breather",
  2466. restaurant: "eating place",
  2467. restless: "antsy, itchy, fidgety",
  2468. restoration: "renovation, refurbishment",
  2469. restrain: "encumber, constrain, hold back",
  2470. restraint: "limitation",
  2471. restrict: "limit, restrain",
  2472. restriction: "limitation",
  2473. result: "resultant, final result, outcome, consequence",
  2474. retailer: "retail merchant",
  2475. retain: "remember, keep in one's mind",
  2476. retire: "go into retirement",
  2477. retired: "no longer active in your work",
  2478. retiree: "pensioner",
  2479. retirement: "withdrawal from a position",
  2480. retreat: "move away",
  2481. "return": "bring back, take back",
  2482. reveal: "uncover, bring out, make visible",
  2483. revenge: "retaliation",
  2484. reverse: "invert, turn inside out or upside down",
  2485. review: "look back, retrospect",
  2486. revise: "make revisions to",
  2487. revival: "resurgence, revitalization",
  2488. revive: "resuscitate",
  2489. revoke: "lift, annul, reverse, repeal, overturn, rescind",
  2490. revolution: "rotation, gyration",
  2491. revolutionary: "advocating or engaged in revolution",
  2492. reward: "repay, pay back",
  2493. rhetoric: "technique for speaking",
  2494. rhythm: "beat, musical rhythm",
  2495. rib: "bone",
  2496. ribbon: "strip of material",
  2497. rice: "grains used as food",
  2498. rich: "possessing material wealth",
  2499. ride: "be carried or travel in or on a vehicle",
  2500. rider: "person riding an animal",
  2501. ridge: "long narrow range of hills",
  2502. rifle: "firearm",
  2503. right: "right hand side",
  2504. "right wing": "right",
  2505. ring: "peal",
  2506. riot: "public violence",
  2507. rise: "come up, ascend in the sky",
  2508. risk: "gamble, chance, hazard, take chances",
  2509. ritual: "rite",
  2510. river: "large natural stream of water",
  2511. road: "route, open way for travel or transportation",
  2512. roar: "bellow, make a loud noise",
  2513. rob: "deprive somebody of something",
  2514. robot: "automaton",
  2515. rock: "sway",
  2516. rocket: "vehicle propelled by a rocket engine",
  2517. role: "character, theatrical role, part",
  2518. roll: "turn over, turn over or rotate",
  2519. romantic: "amatory, amorous",
  2520. roof: "top of a building",
  2521. room: "area within a building",
  2522. root: "part of plant",
  2523. rose: "flower",
  2524. rotate: "turn",
  2525. rotation: "rotary motion",
  2526. rotten: "crappy, lousy, shitty, stinking, stinky",
  2527. rough: "unsmooth",
  2528. round: "circular",
  2529. route: "path, itinerary",
  2530. routine: "modus operandi",
  2531. row: "propel with oars",
  2532. royalty: "payment for a patent or copyright",
  2533. rub: "apply friction",
  2534. rubbish: "trash, scrap, worthless material",
  2535. rugby: "rugby football",
  2536. ruin: "downfall, ruination",
  2537. rule: "govern",
  2538. rumor: "hearsay",
  2539. run: "move fast on one's feet",
  2540. rung: "stave, round, crosspiece between chair legs",
  2541. runner: "athlete",
  2542. rush: "haste, hurry, rushing",
  2543. sacred: "concerned with religion or religious purposes",
  2544. sacrifice: "loss",
  2545. safari: "hunting expedition",
  2546. safe: "free from danger",
  2547. safety: "state of being certain that adverse effects will not be caused",
  2548. sail: "canvas",
  2549. sailor: "crewman",
  2550. salad: "food mixture",
  2551. sale: "general activity of selling",
  2552. salesperson: "salesclerk, shop clerk",
  2553. salmon: "fish",
  2554. salon: "beauty salon, beauty parlor",
  2555. salt: "table salt, common salt",
  2556. salvation: "being saved from harm",
  2557. sample: "small part representative of the whole",
  2558. sanctuary: "consecrated place",
  2559. sand: "finely ground particles",
  2560. sandal: "footwear",
  2561. sandwich: "bomber, grinder, hero, hoagie, sub",
  2562. satellite: "orbiter",
  2563. satisfaction: "contentment",
  2564. satisfied: "quenched, slaked",
  2565. sausage: "wurst, meat",
  2566. save: "spare",
  2567. say: "state, tell",
  2568. scale: "scale of measurement, graduated table",
  2569. scan: "skim, examine hastily",
  2570. scandal: "outrage",
  2571. scatter: "sprinkle, dot, dust, disperse",
  2572. scenario: "sequence of possible events",
  2573. scene: "fit, tantrum, conniption",
  2574. scheme: "schema organization of concepts",
  2575. scholar: "scholarly person, student, learned person",
  2576. school: "educational institution",
  2577. science: "scientific discipline",
  2578. score: "game score",
  2579. scramble: "jumble",
  2580. scrap: "small piece",
  2581. scrape: "grate, scratch",
  2582. scratch: "scrape",
  2583. scream: "yell, shriek",
  2584. screen: "screen out, sieve out",
  2585. screw: "tighten, fasten",
  2586. script: "writing system",
  2587. sculpture: "plastic art",
  2588. sea: "ocean",
  2589. seal: "seal off, make tight, secure against leakage",
  2590. season: "time of year",
  2591. seasonal: "occurring at or dependent on a particular season",
  2592. seat: "furniture designed for sitting on",
  2593. second: "sec, 1/60 of a minute",
  2594. secretary: "secretarial assistant",
  2595. secretion: "glandular substance",
  2596. section: "segment, one of several parts",
  2597. sector: "sphere, particular aspect of life or activity",
  2598. secular: "laic, lay",
  2599. secure: "fasten, fix, cause to be firmly attached",
  2600. security: "security system, security measure",
  2601. see: "perceive by sight",
  2602. seed: "small hard fruit",
  2603. seek: "search, look for",
  2604. seem: "appear",
  2605. seize: "clutch, take hold of, grab, grasp",
  2606. selection: "survival, survival of the fittest, natural selection",
  2607. self: "ego",
  2608. sell: "exchange for money",
  2609. seller: "marketer, vender, vendor",
  2610. seminar: "course",
  2611. senior: "student",
  2612. sensation: "public excitement",
  2613. sense: "signified, the meaning of a word or expression",
  2614. sensitive: "having acute mental or emotional sensibility",
  2615. sensitivity: "sensitiveness",
  2616. sentence: "string of words",
  2617. sentiment: "emotion",
  2618. separate: "split up, split, part company",
  2619. separation: "disassociation, division",
  2620. sequence: "serial arrangement",
  2621. series: "serial, serialized set of programs",
  2622. serious: "sober",
  2623. sermon: "preaching, discourse",
  2624. serve: "attend to, wait on, attend, assist",
  2625. service: "military service, armed service",
  2626. session: "school term, academic term",
  2627. set: "go down, go below the horizon",
  2628. settle: "end a legal dispute",
  2629. settlement: "colony",
  2630. sex: "gender, sexuality",
  2631. shadow: "shade",
  2632. shaft: "vertical passage into a mine",
  2633. shake: "agitate, move back and forth",
  2634. shallow: "lacking depth of intellect or knowledge or feeling",
  2635. shame: "painful emotion",
  2636. shape: "form, work, mold, forge",
  2637. share: "use jointly or in common",
  2638. shareholder: "stockholder",
  2639. shark: "carnivorous fish",
  2640. sharp: "having a thin edge or sharp point",
  2641. shatter: "break",
  2642. shave: "remove body hair",
  2643. shed: "spill, disgorge",
  2644. sheep: "woolly mammal",
  2645. sheet: "piece of paper",
  2646. shelf: "support for holding objects",
  2647. shell: "outer layer of nuts or fruits",
  2648. shelter: "temporary housing for homeless",
  2649. shield: "protective covering",
  2650. shift: "work shift",
  2651. shine: "glitter, glisten, glint, gleam",
  2652. shirt: "garment",
  2653. shiver: "shudder",
  2654. shock: "offend, scandalize, outrage",
  2655. shoe: "footwear",
  2656. shoot: "fire a shot",
  2657. shop: "workshop",
  2658. "short": "of limited duration",
  2659. "short circuit": "short",
  2660. shortage: "dearth, famine",
  2661. shorts: "short pants",
  2662. shot: "injection",
  2663. shoulder: "part of the body",
  2664. shout: "speak loudly",
  2665. show: "reveal, display",
  2666. shower: "rain shower",
  2667. shrink: "shrivel",
  2668. shy: "timid, diffident",
  2669. sick: "ill",
  2670. sickness: "nausea",
  2671. side: "slope, incline",
  2672. siege: "besieging, beleaguering, military blockade",
  2673. sigh: "utter a sigh",
  2674. sight: "vision, visual sense",
  2675. sign: "mark with one's signature",
  2676. silence: "secrecy, secretiveness",
  2677. silk: "fabric",
  2678. silver: "metal",
  2679. similar: "alike, like",
  2680. simplicity: "simpleness, uncomplicatedness",
  2681. sin: "sinning, transgression",
  2682. singer: "vocalist",
  2683. single: "individual, separate",
  2684. sink: "go down, go under",
  2685. sip: "drink",
  2686. sister: "sis, female sibling",
  2687. sit: "sit down, be seated",
  2688. site: "land site",
  2689. situation: "state of affairs",
  2690. size: "physical magnitude",
  2691. skate: "move on skates",
  2692. skeleton: "frame, bones and cartilages",
  2693. sketch: "cartoon, humorous drawing",
  2694. skilled: "skillful",
  2695. skin: "cutis, person's body covering",
  2696. skip: "pass over, skip over",
  2697. skirt: "garment",
  2698. slab: "block, thick piece",
  2699. slam: "bang, close violently",
  2700. slant: "pitch, deviation from the horizontal",
  2701. slap: "hit with a flat surface",
  2702. slave: "person who is owned",
  2703. sleep: "slumber",
  2704. sleeve: "arm, part of a garment that is attached at armhole",
  2705. slice: "thin flat piece",
  2706. slide: "slither, pass or move unobtrusively or smoothly",
  2707. slime: "sludge, goo, gunk, muck",
  2708. slip: "skid, slide",
  2709. slippery: "slippy",
  2710. slogan: "motto, catchword",
  2711. slot: "time slot",
  2712. slow: "not moving quickly",
  2713. slump: "slouch",
  2714. small: "little",
  2715. smart: "clever, bright",
  2716. smash: "break into pieces",
  2717. smell: "perceive by the olfactory sense",
  2718. smile: "smiling, grin, grinning, facial expression",
  2719. smoke: "inhale a plant derivative",
  2720. smooth: "having a surface free from roughness",
  2721. snack: "bite, collation, light meal",
  2722. snail: "slug",
  2723. snake: "serpent",
  2724. snap: "click, flick, make a snapping sound",
  2725. snarl: "speak sharply, snap",
  2726. snatch: "snatch up, snap up",
  2727. sniff: "whiff, inhale",
  2728. snow: "snowfall",
  2729. snub: "cold shoulder",
  2730. snuggle: "cuddle, nestle, draw close",
  2731. soak: "submerge in liquid",
  2732. soap: "cleansing agent",
  2733. soar: "fly upwards",
  2734. social: "living together or enjoying life in communities",
  2735. socialist: "socialistic",
  2736. society: "extended social group",
  2737. sock: "stocking, hosiery",
  2738. sodium: "Na",
  2739. sofa: "couch",
  2740. soft: "nonalcoholic",
  2741. software: "computer software",
  2742. soil: "dirt, earth's surface",
  2743. soldier: "enlisted man or woman",
  2744. solid: "entirely of one substance with no holes inside",
  2745. solo: "activity performed alone",
  2746. solution: "mixture of two or more substances",
  2747. solve: "work out, figure out, puzzle out",
  2748. soprano: "voice range",
  2749. soul: "psyche",
  2750. sound: "auditory event",
  2751. soup: "liquid food",
  2752. sour: "having a sharp biting taste",
  2753. source: "informant, person who supplies information",
  2754. south: "due south, S",
  2755. sow: "place seeds into the ground",
  2756. space: "empty area",
  2757. spare: "save from an unpleasant experience",
  2758. speaker: "talker, utterer",
  2759. species: "taxonomic group",
  2760. specimen: "medical specimen",
  2761. spectrum: "broad range of related values",
  2762. speculate: "invest at a risk",
  2763. speech: "manner of speaking",
  2764. speed: "travel at an excessive or illegal velocity",
  2765. spell: "write",
  2766. spend: "expend",
  2767. sphere: "ball",
  2768. spider: "arachnid",
  2769. spill: "flow out",
  2770. spin: "spin around, whirl, reel, gyrate, revolve",
  2771. spinach: "vegetable",
  2772. spine: "thorn, prickle",
  2773. spirit: "emotional state",
  2774. spit: "spew",
  2775. spite: "malice, maliciousness, spitefulness, venom",
  2776. split: "burst, break open",
  2777. splurge: "indulge oneself",
  2778. spoil: "pamper, coddle, mollycoddle, indulge",
  2779. spokesperson: "interpreter, representative",
  2780. spontaneous: "self-generated",
  2781. spoon: "cutlery",
  2782. sport: "athletics",
  2783. spot: "smudge, blot, daub, smear",
  2784. spray: "scatter",
  2785. spread: "distribute over a surface",
  2786. spring: "springtime",
  2787. spy: "undercover agent",
  2788. squad: "army unit",
  2789. square: "raise to the second power",
  2790. squash: "crush, mash",
  2791. squeeze: "pinch",
  2792. stab: "knife",
  2793. stable: "stalls, horse barn",
  2794. stadium: "bowl, arena, sports stadium",
  2795. staff: "personnel",
  2796. stage: "phase, distinct time period in a sequence of events",
  2797. stain: "spot, produce stains",
  2798. staircase: "stairway",
  2799. stake: "stakes, bet, wager",
  2800. stall: "booth, cubicle",
  2801. stamp: "stomp, walk heavily",
  2802. stand: "stand up",
  2803. standard: "criterion, measure, touchstone",
  2804. star: "plane figure with 5 or more points",
  2805. start: "beginning, commencement, first, outset, get-go",
  2806. state: "state of matter",
  2807. statement: "affirmation, assertion",
  2808. station: "post",
  2809. stay: "stick around, stay put",
  2810. steak: "slice of meat",
  2811. steam: "boiling water",
  2812. steel: "metal alloy",
  2813. steep: "having a sharp inclination",
  2814. stem: "stalk, part of a plant",
  2815. step: "tread",
  2816. stereotype: "pigeonhole",
  2817. steward: "flight attendant",
  2818. stick: "adhere, hold fast, bond, bind, stick to",
  2819. sticky: "gluey, glutinous, gummy",
  2820. still: "inactive, motionless, static",
  2821. stimulation: "act of arousing an organism to action",
  2822. sting: "bite, deliver an animal sting",
  2823. stir: "move an implement with a circular motion",
  2824. stitch: "sewing",
  2825. stock: "shares",
  2826. stomach: "tummy, tum",
  2827. stone: "rock",
  2828. stool: "simple seat",
  2829. stop: "discontinue, cease doing",
  2830. storage: "repositing, warehousing",
  2831. store: "lay in, put in, salt away, stack away, stash away",
  2832. storm: "rain, hail, or snow hard",
  2833. story: "narrative, narration",
  2834. straight: "free from curves or angles",
  2835. straighten: "straighten out, make straight",
  2836. strain: "tense, tense up",
  2837. strange: "unusual",
  2838. strap: "shoulder strap",
  2839. strategic: "strategical",
  2840. straw: "chaff, husk, shuck, stalk",
  2841. strawberry: "fruit",
  2842. stream: "watercourse",
  2843. strength: "forte, strong suit, specialty, strong point",
  2844. stress: "emphasize, underline",
  2845. stretch: "stretch out, extend one's limbs",
  2846. strict: "severe, nonindulgent",
  2847. stride: "walk with long steps",
  2848. strike: "walk out, walk off a job",
  2849. strikebreaker: "scab",
  2850. string: "twine, lightweight cord",
  2851. strip: "long narrow piece",
  2852. stroke: "fondle, caress",
  2853. stroll: "saunter",
  2854. strong: "secure, unattackable",
  2855. structure: "construction",
  2856. struggle: "strenuous effort",
  2857. stubborn: "obstinate",
  2858. student: "pupil, learner",
  2859. studio: "workplace for teaching or practice of an art",
  2860. study: "hit the books",
  2861. stuff: "fill tightly",
  2862. stumble: "slip up, trip up, make an error",
  2863. stun: "floor, surprise greatly",
  2864. stunning: "strikingly beautiful or attractive",
  2865. style: "editorial directions",
  2866. subject: "guinea pig",
  2867. substance: "stuff",
  2868. substitute: "replace, put in the place of another",
  2869. suburb: "suburbia, suburban area",
  2870. subway: "metro, underground, tube",
  2871. suffer: "hurt, ache",
  2872. suffering: "hurt, mental or physical pain",
  2873. sugar: "refined sugar",
  2874. suggest: "propose, advise",
  2875. suggestion: "proposition",
  2876. suit: "be agreeable or acceptable",
  2877. suitcase: "bag, luggage",
  2878. suite: "rooms",
  2879. sulphur: "sulfur, S",
  2880. sum: "sum total",
  2881. summary: "brief statement",
  2882. summer: "summertime",
  2883. summit: "summit meeting",
  2884. sun: "sunlight, sunshine",
  2885. sunrise: "daily morning event",
  2886. sunshine: "fair weather",
  2887. suntan: "tan, sunburn",
  2888. superintendent: "super",
  2889. superior: "of high or superior quality",
  2890. supplementary: "auxiliary, subsidiary",
  2891. supply: "amount of something available for use",
  2892. support: "confirm, corroborate, substantiate",
  2893. suppress: "curb, inhibit",
  2894. surface: "extended two-dimensional outer boundary",
  2895. surgeon: "operating surgeon",
  2896. surprise: "unexpected event",
  2897. surround: "encircle, circle, round",
  2898. survey: "sketch, resume",
  2899. survival: "endurance",
  2900. survivor: "survivor of a disaster",
  2901. suspect: "someone under suspicion",
  2902. suspicion: "intuition, hunch",
  2903. sustain: "prolong, keep up",
  2904. swallow: "pass through the esophagus",
  2905. swarm: "pour, teem, move in large numbers",
  2906. swear: "curse, cuss, blaspheme",
  2907. sweat: "perspiration",
  2908. sweater: "knitted garment",
  2909. sweep: "use a broom",
  2910. sweet: "dessert",
  2911. swell: "swell up",
  2912. swim: "travel through water",
  2913. swing: "move with a swaying motion",
  2914. swipe: "move something with a swiping motion",
  2915. "switch": "change, shift, change one thing for another",
  2916. swop: "switch, trade, swap, exchange",
  2917. sword: "blade, weapon",
  2918. symbol: "sign",
  2919. sympathetic: "appealing, likeable",
  2920. symptom: "medical symptom",
  2921. syndrome: "pattern of symptoms",
  2922. system: "scheme",
  2923. systematic: "characterized by order and planning",
  2924. table: "tabular array, data arranged in rows and columns",
  2925. tablet: "pill, lozenge, medicine",
  2926. tactic: "tactics, maneuver",
  2927. tail: "side of a coin",
  2928. take: "bring, convey",
  2929. talented: "gifted",
  2930. talk: "speak, use language",
  2931. talkative: "chatty, gabby, garrulous",
  2932. tank: "army tank, armored combat vehicle",
  2933. tap: "strike lightly",
  2934. tape: "tape measure",
  2935. target: "mark",
  2936. taste: "perceive by the sense of taste",
  2937. tasty: "delicious",
  2938. tax: "taxation, revenue enhancement",
  2939. taxi: "cab, hack, taxicab",
  2940. tea: "beverage",
  2941. teach: "instruct",
  2942. teacher: "instructor",
  2943. team: "squad, cooperative unit",
  2944. tear: "teardrop",
  2945. tease: "arouse hope or desire without satisfying them",
  2946. technique: "proficiency",
  2947. technology: "engineering",
  2948. teenager: "adolescent",
  2949. telephone: "phone, telephone set",
  2950. television: "television receiver, T.V. set",
  2951. tell: "narrate, recount, recite",
  2952. temperature: "degree of hotness or coldness",
  2953. temple: "side of the forehead",
  2954. temporary: "impermanent",
  2955. tempt: "entice, lure",
  2956. temptation: "enticement",
  2957. tenant: "renter",
  2958. tendency: "inclination, disposition",
  2959. tender: "gentle, sympathetic, feeling",
  2960. tense: "in a state of physical or nervous tension",
  2961. tension: "tautness",
  2962. tent: "collapsible shelter",
  2963. term: "word or expression",
  2964. terminal: "keyboard and monitor",
  2965. terms: "condition",
  2966. terrace: "patio",
  2967. terrify: "frighten greatly",
  2968. test: "examination, exam",
  2969. testify: "bear witness",
  2970. text: "textbook, text edition, schoolbook",
  2971. texture: "appearance of a surface or fabric",
  2972. thank: "give thanks",
  2973. thanks: "acknowledgment of appreciation",
  2974. thaw: "unfreeze, unthaw, dethaw, melt",
  2975. theater: "dramaturgy, dramatic art, dramatics, theatre",
  2976. theft: "larceny, thievery, stealing",
  2977. theme: "melodic theme, musical theme",
  2978. theorist: "theoretician, theorizer",
  2979. theory: "hypothesis",
  2980. therapist: "healer",
  2981. thesis: "dissertation",
  2982. thick: "dense in consistency",
  2983. thigh: "part of the leg",
  2984. thin: "lean",
  2985. think: "believe, accept as true",
  2986. thinker: "creative thinker, mind, important intellectual",
  2987. thirsty: "needing or desiring to drink",
  2988. thought: "thinking, cerebration",
  2989. thoughtful: "considerate, showing concern",
  2990. thread: "thin yarn, fine cord of twisted fibers",
  2991. threat: "menace, source of danger",
  2992. threaten: "utter intentions of injury or punishment",
  2993. threshold: "doorsill, doorstep",
  2994. throat: "pharynx, passage to the stomach and lungs",
  2995. throne: "chair of a monarch",
  2996. "throw": "project through the air",
  2997. thrust: "lunge, hurl, hurtle",
  2998. thumb: "finger",
  2999. tick: "click",
  3000. ticket: "entry or access ticket",
  3001. tidy: "neat, orderly, clean",
  3002. tie: "form a knot or bow in",
  3003. tiger: "large feline",
  3004. tight: "constrained, constricted, constricting",
  3005. tile: "flat thin slab",
  3006. timber: "lumber",
  3007. time: "clock, measure the time or duration of an event",
  3008. timetable: "arrival and departure schedule",
  3009. tin: "atomic number 50, silvery metal",
  3010. tip: "gratuity",
  3011. tiptoe: "tippytoe",
  3012. tire: "hoop covering a wheel",
  3013. tired: "fatigued",
  3014. tissue: "tissue paper",
  3015. title: "championship",
  3016. toast: "bread",
  3017. tolerant: "respecting others",
  3018. tolerate: "recognize, respect others' rights",
  3019. toll: "fee for the use of roads or bridges",
  3020. ton: "unit of weight",
  3021. tone: "tone of voice",
  3022. tongue: "natural language",
  3023. tool: "implement",
  3024. tooth: "bonelike structure in the jaws",
  3025. top: "peak, crown, crest, tip, summit",
  3026. topple: "tip, cause to fall over",
  3027. torch: "lit stick carried in one's hand",
  3028. torture: "torturing",
  3029. toss: "flip, pitch, throw",
  3030. total: "damage beyond the point of repair",
  3031. touch: "make physical contact with",
  3032. tough: "not given to gentleness or sentimentality",
  3033. tourist: "visitor on holiday",
  3034. tournament: "tourney, sporting competition",
  3035. tower: "structure",
  3036. toy: "plaything",
  3037. trace: "footprint",
  3038. track: "lead, trail, evidence",
  3039. tract: "pamphlet",
  3040. traction: "grip, adhesive friction",
  3041. trade: "barter, swap, swop",
  3042. tradition: "custom, practice of long standing",
  3043. traffic: "pedestrians or vehicles",
  3044. tragedy: "theatrical drama",
  3045. trail: "be behind, hang back, drop behind",
  3046. train: "coach",
  3047. trainer: "one who trains persons or animals",
  3048. training: "preparation, grooming",
  3049. trait: "distinguishing feature of your personal nature",
  3050. trance: "spell",
  3051. transaction: "commercial dealing",
  3052. transfer: "transmit, transport, channel",
  3053. transform: "transmute, metamorphose",
  3054. transition: "conversion, changeover",
  3055. translate: "interpret in another language",
  3056. transmission: "automobile transmission",
  3057. transparent: "see-through, sheer",
  3058. transport: "transportation, shipping",
  3059. trap: "snare, device for catching",
  3060. tray: "open receptacle",
  3061. tread: "trample",
  3062. treasurer: "financial officer",
  3063. treat: "handle",
  3064. treatment: "discussion, discourse",
  3065. treaty: "pact, accord",
  3066. tree: "tall perennial woody plant",
  3067. trench: "ditch",
  3068. trend: "tendency",
  3069. trial: "tribulation",
  3070. triangle: "trilateral",
  3071. tribe: "clan",
  3072. tribute: "testimonial, expression of esteem",
  3073. trick: "fast one",
  3074. trip: "stumble",
  3075. trivial: "banal, commonplace",
  3076. trolley: "streetcar, tram",
  3077. troop: "group of soldiers",
  3078. tropical: "typical of the tropics",
  3079. trouble: "perturb, distract, make uneasy",
  3080. trouser: "pants",
  3081. truck: "motortruck, lorry",
  3082. "true": "consistent with fact or reality",
  3083. trunk: "luggage compartment, automobile trunk",
  3084. trust: "rely on, have confidence in",
  3085. trustee: "legal guardian",
  3086. truth: "verity, trueness, conformity to reality",
  3087. "try": "judge, adjudicate",
  3088. tube: "hollow cylinder",
  3089. tumble: "topple, fall down",
  3090. tumour: "tumor, neoplasm",
  3091. tune: "tune up, adjust for (better) functioning",
  3092. tunnel: "passageway",
  3093. turkey: "bird domesticated for food",
  3094. turn: "turn around, change orientation",
  3095. twilight: "dusk, nightfall",
  3096. twin: "offspring born at the same time",
  3097. twist: "entwine, form into a spiral",
  3098. twitch: "jerk",
  3099. tycoon: "baron, big businessman, business leader, king, magnate, mogul",
  3100. umbrella: "handheld collapsible canopy",
  3101. unanimous: "in complete agreement",
  3102. unaware: "unwitting",
  3103. uncertainty: "uncertainness, precariousness",
  3104. uncle: "parent's brother",
  3105. underline: "underscore, draw a line",
  3106. undermine: "sabotage, countermine, counteract",
  3107. understand: "sympathize, empathize",
  3108. understanding: "sympathy, compassion",
  3109. undertake: "tackle, take on",
  3110. undress: "disrobe",
  3111. unfair: "partial, biased",
  3112. unfortunate: "not favored by fortune",
  3113. uniform: "professional clothing",
  3114. union: "labor union, trade union",
  3115. unique: "unequaled, unparalleled",
  3116. unit: "single undivided whole",
  3117. unity: "integrity, wholeness",
  3118. unlawful: "illegitimate, illicit",
  3119. unlike: "unequal",
  3120. unlikely: "improbable",
  3121. unpleasant: "disagreeable",
  3122. unrest: "feeling of agitation",
  3123. update: "bring up to date",
  3124. upset: "overturn, tip over, turn over, knock over",
  3125. urge: "cheer, inspire, urge on",
  3126. urgency: "urgent situation calling for prompt action",
  3127. urine: "piss, pee, piddle, weewee, water",
  3128. use: "practice, apply",
  3129. useful: "utile",
  3130. user: "drug user, substance abuser",
  3131. utter: "emit",
  3132. vacuum: "void, vacancy, emptiness",
  3133. vague: "undefined",
  3134. vain: "self-conceited, swollen-headed",
  3135. valid: "well grounded in logic or truth",
  3136. valley: "vale",
  3137. value: "economic value, amount of money or goods or services",
  3138. van: "vehicle",
  3139. variable: "variable quantity",
  3140. variant: "variation, something a little different",
  3141. variation: "fluctuation",
  3142. variety: "diverseness, diversity",
  3143. vat: "tub",
  3144. vegetable: "veggie, greens",
  3145. vegetarian: "person who eats no meat",
  3146. vegetation: "flora, botany",
  3147. vehicle: "conveyance",
  3148. veil: "head covering",
  3149. vein: "blood vessel",
  3150. velvet: "silky densely piled fabric",
  3151. venture: "risky commercial undertaking",
  3152. verdict: "legal verdict",
  3153. version: "adaptation",
  3154. vertical: "perpendicular",
  3155. vessel: "container",
  3156. veteran: "veteran soldier",
  3157. viable: "feasible, practicable, workable",
  3158. victory: "triumph",
  3159. video: "video recording",
  3160. view: "opinion",
  3161. vigorous: "strong physically or mentally",
  3162. village: "small town, settlement",
  3163. violation: "infringement",
  3164. virgin: "person who has never had sex",
  3165. virtue: "moral excellence",
  3166. virus: "infectious agent",
  3167. visible: "seeable",
  3168. vision: "vivid mental image",
  3169. visit: "travel to",
  3170. visual: "ocular, optic, optical",
  3171. voice: "ability to speak",
  3172. volcano: "mountain",
  3173. volume: "3-dimensional space",
  3174. volunteer: "unpaid worker",
  3175. vote: "cast a vote in an election",
  3176. voter: "elector",
  3177. voucher: "coupon",
  3178. voyage: "journey to some distant place",
  3179. wage: "pay, earnings, remuneration, salary",
  3180. wagon: "wheeled vehicle",
  3181. waist: "waistline",
  3182. wait: "stay in one place and anticipate something",
  3183. waiter: "server",
  3184. wake: "wake up, stop sleeping",
  3185. walk: "use one's feet to advance",
  3186. wall: "architectural partition",
  3187. wander: "stray, tramp, roam, ramble, rove, range, drift",
  3188. want: "desire",
  3189. war: "warfare, armed conflict",
  3190. ward: "person under protection or custody",
  3191. wardrobe: "collection of clothing",
  3192. warm: "friendly and responsive",
  3193. warn: "notify of danger, potential harm, or risk",
  3194. warning: "admonition, cautionary advice",
  3195. warrant: "court warrant",
  3196. wash: "launder",
  3197. waste: "squander, spend extravagantly",
  3198. watch: "look on, observe",
  3199. water: "H2O",
  3200. waterfall: "cascade",
  3201. wave: "beckon, signal with the hands",
  3202. way: "means, agency",
  3203. weak: "having little physical or spiritual strength",
  3204. weakness: "failing, flaw, weak point",
  3205. wealth: "riches",
  3206. weapon: "arm",
  3207. wear: "have on clothes",
  3208. "wear out": "bust, fall apart, break",
  3209. weather: "weather condition",
  3210. weave: "make cloth",
  3211. wedding: "wedding ceremony, nuptials",
  3212. weed: "plant that crowds out cultivated plants",
  3213. week: "calendar week",
  3214. weigh: "have a certain weight",
  3215. weight: "weight unit, unit used to measure weight",
  3216. welcome: "greeting, reception",
  3217. welfare: "wellbeing",
  3218. well: "deep hole with water, oil, or gas",
  3219. west: "due west, W",
  3220. whale: "marine mammal",
  3221. wheat: "cereal",
  3222. wheel: "frame with spokes",
  3223. whip: "lash",
  3224. whisper: "speak softly",
  3225. white: "caucasian",
  3226. whole: "including all components",
  3227. widen: "make wider",
  3228. width: "breadth",
  3229. wife: "married woman, spouse",
  3230. wild: "marked by lack of restraint or control",
  3231. wilderness: "wild, uninhabited area",
  3232. will: "testament",
  3233. willpower: "self-control",
  3234. win: "be victorious",
  3235. wind: "wind up, coil the spring of a mechanism",
  3236. window: "opening in the wall of a building",
  3237. wine: "beverage made from fermented grapes",
  3238. wing: "airplane wing",
  3239. winner: "victor",
  3240. winter: "wintertime",
  3241. wire: "metal ligament",
  3242. wisecrack: "crack, quip, witty remark",
  3243. witch: "enchantress, sorceress",
  3244. withdraw: "retreat, pull out",
  3245. withdrawal: "detachment, avoidance of emotional involvement",
  3246. witness: "person who testifies in court",
  3247. wolf: "canine mammal",
  3248. woman: "adult female",
  3249. wonder: "question, want to know",
  3250. wood: "hard substance under the bark of trees",
  3251. wool: "fabric",
  3252. word: "parole, word of honor",
  3253. wording: "phrasing, choice of words",
  3254. work: "do work",
  3255. "work out": "exercise",
  3256. worker: "person who works at a specific occupation",
  3257. workshop: "brief intensive course",
  3258. world: "universe, existence, cosmos, macrocosm",
  3259. worm: "software program",
  3260. worry: "be worried",
  3261. worth: "value",
  3262. wound: "lesion",
  3263. wrap: "enfold in a tissue",
  3264. wreck: "something dilapidated",
  3265. wrestle: "engage in a wrestling match",
  3266. wriggle: "writhe, worm, squirm",
  3267. wrist: "carpus, wrist joint",
  3268. write: "publish",
  3269. writer: "author",
  3270. wrong: "based on error",
  3271. yard: "3 feet",
  3272. year: "twelvemonth, yr",
  3273. yearn: "hanker, long",
  3274. young: "youthful",
  3275. youth: "time of life between childhood and maturity",
  3276. zero: "0, naught",
  3277. zone: "geographical region"
  3278. };
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