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a guest
Oct 30th, 2017
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  1. /op /mode # +ooo $$1 $2 $3
  2. /dop /mode # -ooo $$1 $2 $3
  3. /j /join #$$1 $2-
  4. /p /part #
  5. /n /names #$$1
  6. /w /whois $$1
  7. /k /kick # $$1 $2-
  8. /q /query $$1
  9. /send /dcc send $1 $2
  10. /chat /dcc chat $1
  11. /ping /ctcp $$1 ping
  12. /s /server $$1-
  13. /q /mode # +q $me
  14. /o /mode # +o $me
  15. /dq /mode # -q $me
  16. /do /mode # -o $me
  17. /m /mode # +m
  18. /dm /mode # -m
  19. /operme /oper $me $?="Enter oper password"
  20. /sapunt /sapart $$1 # | /sajoin $$1 $$3
  21. /swearw /say $$1 - Please avoid using offensive language and/or swearing while on ScoutLink. See
  22. /sweark /kick # $$1 Offensive language and/or swearing. See
  23. /swearkk /kill $$1 Offensive language and/or swearing. See
  24. /floodw /say $$1 - Please avoid flooding/spamming the channel. See
  25. /floodk /kick # $$1 Flooding/Spamming. See
  26. /floodkk /kill $$1 Flooding/Spamming. See
  27. /infow /say $$1 - Please avoid sharing or asking for personal information (including email address, full name, Facebook, school). See
  28. /infok /kick # $$1 Please avoid sharing or asking for personal information (including email address, full name, Facebook, school). See
  29. /infokk /kill $$1 Please avoid sharing or asking for personal information (including email address, full name, Facebook, school). See
  30. /langw /say $$1 - This channel is only for speaking ENGLISH. Join the #international channel for other languages.
  31. /langk /kick # $$1 This channel is only for speaking ENGLISH. Join the #international channel for other languages
  32. /abtme /me is from 5North East England, UK.1I am a 4Group Scout Leader 1and helping with JOTI as an 3IRCOp.
  33. /ghost /ns ghost $$1 $$2
  34. /myloc /me is from the North East of England in the UK, situated at the very end of Hadrian's Wall.
  35. /cgnick /say $$1 did you know you can change your nickname using 12/nick NewNickname?
  36. /skype /say Hi, please don't give out personal details such as skype name. The best way to find skype contacts is
  37. /jidw /say Hi all, remember JOTI is not just about JIDs. Please engage in conversation too!
  38. /slap /me slaps $$1 around a bit with a soggy sandwich.
  39. /myjid /say My JID is 7GB42Y
  40. /nopm /say Please communicate in public chat where possible as this makes JOTI more fun and is safer for all. See
  41. /sing {
  42. var %notesa = ♪ ♫ ♪
  43. var %notesb = ♪ ♫ ♪
  44. var %lyric = $$?="what would you like to sing"
  45. echo -a %notesa $+ $chr(32) $+ %lyric $+ $chr(32) $+ %notesb
  46. }
  48. ; --- Aliases Tab ---
  49. ; /big <text> -- Big Text Font for mIRC. (Simple version)
  50. big {
  51. if (!$0) { echo -atic notice * Usage: /.big <text> (and without the dot) | return }
  52. var %big = $chr(32) $+ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`{|}~
  53. var %big1 = .. .xx. xx..xx .xx..xx. xxxxxxx. xx..xx .xxx.. .xx ...xx xx... ...xx... ...... ... ...... .. ....xx .xxxx. .xxxx xxxxx. xxxxx. xxxxx .xxxx. xxxxxx .xxxx. .xxxx. .. ... ....xx ...... xx.... xxxxx .xxxx. .xxxx. xxxxx. .xxxx. xxxx.. xxxxx xxxxx .xxxx. xx...xx xxxx ....xx xx..xx xx... xx....xx xx..xx .xxxx. xxxxx. .xxxx.. xxxxx. .xxxx. xxxxxx xx..xx xx....xx xx...xx xx...xx xx..xx xxxxxx xxxxx xx.... xxxxx ..xx.. ...... xxx. ...xx .xx. xx... .xxx.xx
  54. var %big2 = .. xxxx xx..xx xxxxxxxx xx.xx... ...xx. xx.xx. xx. .xx.. ..xx. xxxxxxxx ..xx.. ... ...... .. ...xx. xx..xx xx.xx ....xx ....xx .xx.xx. xx... xx.... ...xx. xx..xx xx..xx xx .xx ..xx.. xxxxxx ..xx.. ...xx xx..xx xx..xx xx..xx xx..xx xx.xx. xx... xx... xx.... xx...xx .xx. ....xx xx.xx. xx... xxx.xx xx..xx xx..xx xx..xx. xx..xx xx.... ..xx.. xx..xx xx....xx xx...xx .xx.xx. xx..xx ...xx. xx... .xx... ...xx xx..xx ...... ..xx ..xx. .xx. .xx..
  55. var %big3 = .. .xx. ...... .xx..xx. xxxxxxxx ..xx.. .xxx.x ... xx... ...xx .xx..xx. xxxxxx xxx xxxxxx .. ..xx.. ...xx ..xx.. .xxxx. xx..xx. xxxx. xxxxx. ..xx.. .xxxx. .xxxxx .. ... xx.... ...... ....xx ..xx. xxxxxx xxxxx. xx.... xx..xx xxxx. xxxx. xxxxxxx .xx. ....xx xxxx.. xx... xxxxxxxx xxxxxx xx..xx xxxxx. xx..xx. xxxxx. .xxxx. ..xx.. xx..xx .xx..xx. xx.x.xx .xxxx. ..xx.. xx... ..xx.. ...xx ...... ...... .... xx... .xx. ...xx .......
  56. var %big4 = .. .... ...... xxxxxxxx ...xx.xx .xx... xx..x. ... .xx.. ..xx. xxxxxxxx ..xx.. .xx ...... .. .xx... xxx.xx ...xx xx.... ....xx xxxxxxx ...xx xx..xx .xx... xx..xx ....xx xx .xx ..xx.. xxxxxx ..xx.. ..... xx.... xx..xx xx..xx xx..xx xx..xx xx... xx... xx..xx xx...xx .xx. xx..xx xx.xx. xx... xx.xx.xx xx..xx xx.... xx..xx. xx..xx ....xx ..xx.. xx..xx ..xxxx.. xxxxxxx .xx.xx. ..xx.. .xx... xx... ...xx. ...xx ...... ...... .... ..xx. .xx. .xx.. .......
  57. var %big5 = .. .xx. ...... .xx..xx. .xxxxxxx xx..xx .xxx.x ... ...xx xx... ...xx... ...... xx. ...... xx xx.... .xxxx. ...xx xxxxxx xxxxx. ....xx. xxxx. .xxxx. xx.... .xxxx. .xxxx. .. xx. ....xx ...... xx.... ..xx. .xxxxx xx..xx xxxxx. .xxxx. xxxxx. xxxxx xx... .xxxxx xx...xx xxxx .xxxx. xx..xx xxxxx xx....xx xx..xx .xxxx. xx.... .xxxxxx xx..xx xxxxx. ..xx.. .xxxx. ...xx... .xx.xx. xx...xx ..xx.. xxxxxx xxxxx ....xx xxxxx ...... xxxxxx .... ...xx .xx. xx... .......
  58. set -eu300 %_bigrb $iif(%_bigrb,$gettok($v1,2-,32) $gettok($v1,1,32),$regsubex(4 7 8 9 11 12 2 6 13,/(\d+)/g,0 $+ $chr(44) $+ \1))
  59. var %string = $regsubex($replace($upper($1-),$chr(160),$chr(32)),/[^\Q $+ %big $+ \E]/g,)
  60. var %i = 1
  61. while (%big [ $+ [ %i ] ]) {
  62. var %bigi = $v1
  63. var %bigi = $regsubex(racc,%string,/(*UTF8)(.)/g,$regsubex(coon,$gettok(%bigi,$poscs(%big,\t),32) $+ $chr(32),/(x+)/g $&
  64. ,$chr(3) $+ $gettok(%_bigrb,$calc(( [[ \n ]] -1) % 9 +1),32) $+ [[ \ $+ t ]] $+ $chr(3)))
  65. $iif($show,say,echo -a) $$replace(%bigi,x,.,.,$chr(160))
  66. inc %i
  67. }
  68. if (!$event) && (!$editbox($active)) editbox -ap /big
  69. } ; by Raccoon 2016 2017
  70. ; Based on (Author Unknown, 2007)
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