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Nov 19th, 2017
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  1. Which neurons in V1 correspond to which visual quadrant?
  2. Motion after-effect
  3. Visual Neglect and Balint's syndrome
  4. Are parvo vs magnocellular neurons more common in the fovea or the periphery?
  5. induced motion
  6. Prosopaganosia and Capgras syndrome
  7. fusiform face area
  8. Gestalt grouping 'laws'
  9. top-down processing
  10. how apparent motion maps one object to another
  11. Marr's three stages of visual processing
  12. Recogniton-by-components theory of object recognition
  13. corollary discharge theory
  14. Feature Integration Theory
  15. overt vs covert attention
  16. endogenous vs exogenous attention
  17. change blindness--- what does it teach us?
  18. The attentional blink
  19. Simple or feature search vs. conjunction search
  20. Stroop effect
  21. Early vs. late selection theories of attention
  22. priming
  23. Posner's cuing task
  24. Associative agnosia
  25. Apperceptive agnosia
  26. Afterimages
  27. Tilt after-effect and Spatial frequency after effect experienced in class
  28. perspective projection
  29. Various constancy operations
  30. Single versus double opponent color receptive fields
  31. What vs Where pathways and the experiments that showed these to exist
  32. Fourier decomposition
  33. Illusory conjunctions
  34. Cortical magnification in V1
  35. The size of receptive fields in V1 foveal vs peripheral regions
  36. Accidental or non-generic view and non-accidental or generic view.
  37. Aperture problem and complex cell responses
  38. What color is opponent with what according to Hering's theory?
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