
Bonsai Planet (F Galacta licks / takes planet)

Jul 21st, 2018
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  1. Bonsai Planet:
  2. (Cosmic scaled Galacta licks a planet, takes it for her collection)
  3. > In a far flung galaxy, in a far flung system, on a far flung, desolate, lifeless planet, there was someone.
  4. > A female space pilot, Alissa, clad in a full body suit, staggering away from her crashed ship. She was exploring the distant sectors when she crashed, and she was trudging along the lifeless sphere, looking for shelter.
  5. > The planet was desert like and flat. Her eyes never left the horizon.
  6. > Then ... she saw something rise over the horizon. Something big and ... purple.
  7. > "Strange..." she thought. "...I don't remember detecting any moons for this planet..."
  8. > She kept watching as the strange sphere rose. Rose ... and got bigger.
  9. > She stopped. The gear she was holding in her hands clattered to the ground.
  10. > "That's ... that's no moon..." she stammered.
  11. > It was a being. A giant. A colossus bigger than anything she could ever conceive.
  12. > Galacta. A female giant that towered through the stars, the planet the explorer stood on the size of a beachball to the colossal being.
  13. > In just a few minutes, the gigantic creature was fully in view, her entire body stretching out in front of the Alissa like the night sky.
  14. > But then, Galacta's lips moved silently, in speech.
  15. > A moment of silence, before the blast wave of her words slammed into her and knocked Alissa's ass to the ground.
  16. > It was deafening in its volume yet perfectly understandable.
  17. > "Well, aren't you a cute little one, heehee?"
  18. > Looking up, Alissa's heart stopped when she realised that the titan was looking at HER. Directly at her. The continent sized orbs of her eyes focusing solely on her being.
  19. > "I just want to keep you all for myself..."
  20. > Galacta reached out with her hands towards the planet. Alissa could see the red streaks of fire as they entered the atmosphere before they slammed into the planet with a gentle dab somewhere to the north-east and north-west.
  21. > Alissa heard the distant 'thud' and could see the massive plume of dust kicked into the sky. Given time, the dust plume would plunge the planet into an eternal Winter.
  22. > But she doubted it would last that long as Galacta brought her head in closer and closer, the beautiful visage hording more of the night sky.
  23. > Alissa screamed.
  24. > Galacta poked her tongue out, exposing the vast surface, before she pressed it against the planet to Alissa's south.
  25. > The entire planet rattled, the ground beneath Alissa's feet quaking from the force.
  26. > It continued to shake as Galacta dragged her tongue across the surface, ripping into the planet's surface with a giant wake. Magma bubbled and oozed up from the gashes she left behind, while her saliva poured in.
  27. > Alissa just screamed as the tongue dragged around her, shaking the very world she knew despite it being serveral hundred kilometres away. Galacta continued, drawing her demented art upon the battered planet.
  28. > Eventually ... the licking stopped.
  29. > Galacta pulled away, dragging an entire country's worth of crust into her mouth. She smacked her lips and savoured the flavour. Coppery, irony, a delightful tang and sourness, mixed with a hint of spice.
  30. > Leaving a dainty love heart behind, with Alissa at the very center of it.
  31. > "Heehee" she thundered in a giggle, shaking the very air in Alissa's lungs. "I 'love' this planet! I think I'll keep it."
  32. > "Wha..." Alissa moaned, before suddenly, everything ... changed. She felt nothing, yet everything she knew she changed.
  33. > It just ... changed. In the blink of an eye. No transistion. What was one thing was now another.
  34. > She blinked a few times, taking in the change, unable to believe it.
  35. > Alissa blinked, looking down. She was still on the planet. She looked up, seeing the enroaching dust cloud and the craters all around her. This was definitely the planet Galacta 'toyed' with.
  36. > But where there was once a night sky and a titan taking it up, there was now ... a house.
  37. > Dainty, wooden, rustic, with a hint of snow falling outside the windows.
  38. > The entire planet, her included, had was now suspended inside a snowglobe. Country sized chunks of white plastic sprinkled around Alissa, tearing part the sky faster than her mind could understand.
  39. > But the house ... that was even harder. Her mind couldn't comprehend the scale of it all. Ceilings, floors, tables, couches, televisions ... all stretching out further than any solar system she knew.
  40. > She fell back on her ass and took it all in, dumb founded.
  41. > She didn't even notice Galacta walk up until she tapped on the snow globe's glass, shaking the planet itself. Several minor earthquakes rippled around the unsteady sphere.
  42. > "You're so cute down there, little human! Don't worry, I'll take care of you..."
  43. > Pinching some powder in her fingers, Galacta dropped it through a hatch in the top of the globe. The gigantic dust fell towards the planet like meteorites, they would take a few hours to land.
  44. > "That should be everything you need. Plant matter, oxygen, it should terraform it into a place you can survive. My spit should give you some drinkable water."
  45. > "I've always wanted to start a Bonsai planet collection, and you'll make a brilliant first addition..."
  46. > As Galacta walked away, giggling to get a cup of coffee, Alissa sunk to her knees, defeated.
  47. > It wasn't the fact that she was this titaness's plaything that defeated her...
  48. > ...but the fact she was only the first of many.
  49. > The End.
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