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  427. <p class="www-mp-username" style="padding-bottom: 10px;"><span class="www-mp-rank"></span> Caigepayne </p>
  428. <b style="color: #42b9f4;">Level 15</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<progress max="100" value="15"></progress>
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  433. <h3 class="subHeading textWithCount" style="font-size: 24px; border-radius: 10px 10px 0 0;">General Statistics</h3>
  435. <p style="background-color: #e6e6e6; padding: 5px;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">EXP Earned</span><span style="float: right;">72,203</span></p>
  436. <p style="padding: 5px;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Games Played</span><span style="float: right;">328</span></p>
  437. <p style="background-color: #e6e6e6; padding: 5px; border-radius: 0 0 10px 10px;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Friends</span><span style="float: right;">1</span></p>
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  448. <br>
  449. <p>Wins<span style="float: right;">17</span></p>
  450. <p>Losses<span style="float: right;">89</span></p>
  451. <p>Gems Earned<span style="float: right;">3,488</span></p>
  452. <center><button class="playersShowMoreBtn bridgesButton" data-anijs="if: click, do: $addClass hideClass , to: .allGameStats;
  453. if: click, if: click, do: $addClass activeGame fadeIn animated, to: .gameBlockHunt">Show More</button></center>
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  467. <p>Losses<span style="float: right;">1</span></p>
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  485. <p>Gems Earned<span style="float: right;">0</span></p>
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  487. if: click, if: click, do: $addClass activeGame fadeIn animated, to: .gameCake">Show More</button></center>
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  499. <br>
  500. <p>Wins<span style="float: right;">0</span></p>
  501. <p>Losses<span style="float: right;">0</span></p>
  502. <p>Gems Earned<span style="float: right;">0</span></p>
  503. <center><button class="playersShowMoreBtn bridgesButton" data-anijs="if: click, do: $addClass hideClass , to: .allGameStats;
  504. if: click, if: click, do: $addClass activeGame fadeIn animated, to: .gameCTF">Show More</button></center>
  505. </div>
  506. </div>
  507. </div>
  508. <div class="www-mp-players-outer">
  509. <div class="www-mp-players-inner">
  510. <div class="card-header">
  511. <br>
  512. <img class="playersGamePicture" src="/assets/www-mp/img/games/ChampionsDOM.png">
  513. <br><br>
  514. </div>
  515. <div class="card-body">
  516. <br>
  517. <p>Wins<span style="float: right;">3</span></p>
  518. <p>Losses<span style="float: right;">2</span></p>
  519. <p>Gems Earned<span style="float: right;">181</span></p>
  520. <center><button class="playersShowMoreBtn bridgesButton" data-anijs="if: click, do: $addClass hideClass , to: .allGameStats;
  521. if: click, if: click, do: $addClass activeGame fadeIn animated, to: .gameDOM">Show More</button></center>
  522. </div>
  523. </div>
  524. </div>
  526. <div class="www-mp-players-outer">
  527. <div class="www-mp-players-inner">
  528. <div class="card-header">
  529. <br>
  530. <img class="playersGamePicture" src="/assets/www-mp/img/games/Clans.png">
  531. <br><br>
  532. </div>
  533. <div class="card-body">
  534. <br>
  535. <p>Deaths<span style="float: right;">0</span></p>
  536. <p>Gold Earned<span style="float: right;">0</span></p>
  537. <p>Time Played<span style="float: right;">0</span></p>
  538. <center><button class="playersShowMoreBtn bridgesButton">(All Shown)</button></center>
  539. </div>
  540. </div>
  541. </div>
  542. <div class="www-mp-players-outer">
  543. <div class="www-mp-players-inner">
  544. <div class="card-header">
  545. <br>
  546. <img class="playersGamePicture" src="/assets/www-mp/img/games/DrawMyThing.png">
  547. <br><br>
  548. </div>
  549. <div class="card-body">
  550. <br>
  551. <p>Wins<span style="float: right;">0</span></p>
  552. <p>Losses<span style="float: right;">0</span></p>
  553. <p>Gems Earned<span style="float: right;">12</span></p>
  554. <center><button class="playersShowMoreBtn bridgesButton" data-anijs="if: click, do: $addClass hideClass , to: .allGameStats;
  555. if: click, if: click, do: $addClass activeGame fadeIn animated, to: .gameDrawMyThing">Show More</button></center>
  556. </div>
  557. </div>
  558. </div>
  560. <div class="www-mp-players-outer">
  561. <div class="www-mp-players-inner">
  562. <div class="card-header">
  563. <br>
  564. <img class="playersGamePicture" src="/assets/www-mp/img/games/MasterBuilder.png">
  565. <br><br>
  566. </div>
  567. <div class="card-body">
  568. <br>
  569. <p>Wins<span style="float: right;">0</span></p>
  570. <p>Losses<span style="float: right;">17</span></p>
  571. <p>Gems Earned<span style="float: right;">676</span></p>
  572. <center><button class="playersShowMoreBtn bridgesButton" data-anijs="if: click, do: $addClass hideClass , to: .allGameStats;
  573. if: click, if: click, do: $addClass activeGame fadeIn animated, to: .gameMasterBuilder">Show More</button></center>
  574. </div>
  575. </div>
  576. </div>
  577. <div class="www-mp-players-outer">
  578. <div class="www-mp-players-inner">
  579. <div class="card-header">
  580. <br>
  581. <img class="playersGamePicture" src="/assets/www-mp/img/games/Minestrike.png">
  582. <br><br>
  583. </div>
  584. <div class="card-body">
  585. <br>
  586. <p>Wins<span style="float: right;">0</span></p>
  587. <p>Losses<span style="float: right;">0</span></p>
  588. <p>Gems Earned<span style="float: right;">24</span></p>
  589. <center><button class="playersShowMoreBtn bridgesButton" data-anijs="if: click, do: $addClass hideClass , to: .allGameStats;
  590. if: click, if: click, do: $addClass activeGame fadeIn animated, to: .gameMinestrike">Show More</button></center>
  591. </div>
  592. </div>
  593. </div>
  595. <div class="www-mp-players-outer">
  596. <div class="www-mp-players-inner">
  597. <div class="card-header">
  598. <br>
  599. <img class="playersGamePicture" src="/assets/www-mp/img/games/Skywars.png">
  600. <br><br>
  601. </div>
  602. <div class="card-body">
  603. <br>
  604. <p>Wins<span style="float: right;">1</span></p>
  605. <p>Losses<span style="float: right;">2</span></p>
  606. <p>Gems Earned<span style="float: right;">78</span></p>
  607. <center><button class="playersShowMoreBtn bridgesButton" data-anijs="if: click, do: $addClass hideClass , to: .allGameStats;
  608. if: click, if: click, do: $addClass activeGame fadeIn animated, to: .gameSkywars">Show More</button></center>
  609. </div>
  610. </div>
  611. </div>
  612. <div class="www-mp-players-outer">
  613. <div class="www-mp-players-inner">
  614. <div class="card-header">
  615. <br>
  616. <img class="playersGamePicture" src="/assets/www-mp/img/games/SpeedBuilders.png">
  617. <br><br>
  618. </div>
  619. <div class="card-body">
  620. <br>
  621. <p>Wins<span style="float: right;">0</span></p>
  622. <p>Losses<span style="float: right;">0</span></p>
  623. <p>Gems Earned<span style="float: right;">0</span></p>
  624. <center><button class="playersShowMoreBtn bridgesButton" data-anijs="if: click, do: $addClass hideClass , to: .allGameStats;
  625. if: click, if: click, do: $addClass activeGame fadeIn animated, to: .gameSpeedBuilders">Show More</button></center>
  626. </div>
  627. </div>
  628. </div>
  629. <div class="www-mp-players-outer">
  630. <div class="www-mp-players-inner">
  631. <div class="card-header">
  632. <br>
  633. <img class="playersGamePicture" src="/assets/www-mp/img/games/SSM.png">
  634. <br><br>
  635. </div>
  636. <div class="card-body">
  637. <br>
  638. <p>Wins<span style="float: right;">0</span></p>
  639. <p>Losses<span style="float: right;">3</span></p>
  640. <p>Gems Earned<span style="float: right;">8</span></p>
  641. <center><button class="playersShowMoreBtn bridgesButton" data-anijs="if: click, do: $addClass hideClass , to: .allGameStats;
  642. if: click, if: click, do: $addClass activeGame fadeIn animated, to: .gameSSM">Show More</button></center>
  643. </div>
  644. </div>
  645. </div>
  646. <div class="www-mp-players-outer">
  647. <div class="www-mp-players-inner">
  648. <div class="card-header">
  649. <br>
  650. <img class="playersGamePicture" src="/assets/www-mp/img/games/SurvivalGames.png">
  651. <br><br>
  652. </div>
  653. <div class="card-body">
  654. <br>
  655. <p>Wins<span style="float: right;">0</span></p>
  656. <p>Losses<span style="float: right;">5</span></p>
  657. <p>Gems Earned<span style="float: right;">18</span></p>
  658. <center><button class="playersShowMoreBtn bridgesButton" data-anijs="if: click, do: $addClass hideClass , to: .allGameStats;
  659. if: click, if: click, do: $addClass activeGame fadeIn animated, to: .gameSG">Show More</button></center>
  660. </div>
  661. </div>
  662. </div>
  664. </div>
  665. </div>
  667. <div class="playersFullGameStats gameBridges">
  668. <div class="playersGameName">
  669. Bridges
  670. </div>
  671. <div class="playersGameGeneralStats">
  672. <table>
  673. <tr>
  674. <td><i class="fas fa-chart-pie-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> Total games</td>
  675. <td><i class="fa fa-trophy" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0 Wins</td>
  676. <td><i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i> 1 Losses</td>
  677. <td><i class="fas fa-skull" aria-hidden="true"></i> KDR</td>
  678. </tr>
  679. </table>
  680. <button class="button primary" style="float:right;" data-anijs="if: click, do: $removeClass hideClass, to: .allGameStats;
  681. if: click, do: $addClass fadeIn animated, to: .allGameStats;
  682. if: click, if: click, do: $removeClass activeGame , to: .gameBridges">Back <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>
  683. </div>
  684. <div class="gameStatsSep"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Stats</div>
  685. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  686. <tr>
  687. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-users" aria-hidden="true"></i> PvP</td>
  688. </tr>
  689. <tr>
  690. <th>Kills</th>
  691. <td>0</td>
  692. </tr>
  693. <tr>
  694. <th>Assists</th>
  695. <td>0</td>
  696. </tr>
  697. <tr>
  698. <th>Deaths</th>
  699. <td>2</td>
  700. </tr>
  701. <tr>
  702. <th>Damage Dealt</th>
  703. <td>77</td>
  704. </tr>
  705. <tr>
  706. <th>Damage Taken</th>
  707. <td>151</td>
  708. </tr>
  709. <tr>
  710. <th>Damage Taken in PvP</th>
  711. <td>123</td>
  712. </tr>
  713. </table>
  714. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  715. <tr>
  716. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Related</td>
  717. </tr>
  718. <tr>
  719. <th><span style="color:green;">Green Kills</span></th>
  720. <td>0</td>
  721. </tr>
  722. <tr>
  723. <th><span style="color:blue;">Blue Kills</span></th>
  724. <td>0</td>
  725. </tr>
  726. <tr>
  727. <th><span style="color:red;">Red Kills</span></th>
  728. <td>0</td>
  729. </tr>
  730. <tr>
  731. <th><span style="color:#e6e600;">Yellow Kills</span></th>
  732. <td>0</td>
  733. </tr>
  734. </table>
  735. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  736. <tr>
  737. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gift" aria-hidden="true"></i> Earnings</td>
  738. </tr>
  739. <tr>
  740. <th>Gems Earned</th>
  741. <td>0</td>
  742. </tr>
  743. <tr>
  744. <th>EXP Earned</th>
  745. <td>0</td>
  746. </tr>
  747. </table>
  749. </div>
  752. <div class="playersFullGameStats gameSSM">
  753. <div class="playersGameName">
  754. Super Smash Mobs Solo
  755. </div>
  756. <div class="playersGameGeneralStats">
  757. <table>
  758. <tr>
  759. <td><i class="fas fa-chart-pie-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> Total games</td>
  760. <td><i class="fa fa-trophy" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0 Wins</td>
  761. <td><i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i> 3 Losses</td>
  762. <td><i class="fas fa-skull" aria-hidden="true"></i> KDR</td>
  763. </tr>
  764. </table>
  765. <button class="button primary" style="float:right;" data-anijs="if: click, do: $removeClass hideClass, to: .allGameStats;
  766. if: click, do: $addClass fadeIn animated, to: .allGameStats;
  767. if: click, if: click, do: $removeClass activeGame , to: .gameSSM">Back <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>
  768. </div>
  769. <div class="gameStatsSep"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Solo Game Stats</div>
  770. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  771. <tr>
  772. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-users" aria-hidden="true"></i> PvP</td>
  773. </tr>
  774. <tr>
  775. <th>Kills</th>
  776. <td>0</td>
  777. </tr>
  778. <tr>
  779. <th>Assists</th>
  780. <td>2</td>
  781. </tr>
  782. <tr>
  783. <th>Deaths</th>
  784. <td>8</td>
  785. </tr>
  786. <tr>
  787. <th>Damage Dealt</th>
  788. <td>44</td>
  789. </tr>
  790. <tr>
  791. <th>Damage Taken</th>
  792. <td>98,196</td>
  793. </tr>
  794. <tr>
  795. <th>Damage Taken in PvP</th>
  796. <td>189</td>
  797. </tr>
  798. </table>
  799. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  800. <tr>
  801. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gift" aria-hidden="true"></i> Earnings</td>
  802. </tr>
  803. <tr>
  804. <th>Gems Earned</th>
  805. <td>8</td>
  806. </tr>
  807. <tr>
  808. <th>EXP Earned</th>
  809. <td>50</td>
  810. </tr>
  811. </table>
  812. <br /><br />
  813. <div class="playersGameName">
  814. Super Smash Mobs Teams
  815. </div>
  816. <div class="playersGameGeneralStats">
  817. <table>
  818. <tr>
  819. <td><i class="fas fa-chart-pie-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> Total games</td>
  820. <td><i class="fa fa-trophy" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0 Wins</td>
  821. <td><i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0 Losses</td>
  822. <td><i class="fas fa-skull" aria-hidden="true"></i> KDR</td>
  823. </tr>
  824. </table>
  825. </div>
  826. <div class="gameStatsSep"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Stats</div>
  827. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  828. <tr>
  829. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-users" aria-hidden="true"></i> PvP</td>
  830. </tr>
  831. <tr>
  832. <th>Kills</th>
  833. <td>0</td>
  834. </tr>
  835. <tr>
  836. <th>Assists</th>
  837. <td>0</td>
  838. </tr>
  839. <tr>
  840. <th>Deaths</th>
  841. <td>0</td>
  842. </tr>
  843. <tr>
  844. <th>Damage Dealt</th>
  845. <td>0</td>
  846. </tr>
  847. <tr>
  848. <th>Damage Taken</th>
  849. <td>0</td>
  850. </tr>
  851. <tr>
  852. <th>Damage Taken in PvP</th>
  853. <td>0</td>
  854. </tr>
  855. </table>
  856. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  857. <tr>
  858. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gift" aria-hidden="true"></i> Earnings</td>
  859. </tr>
  860. <tr>
  861. <th>Gems Earned</th>
  862. <td>0</td>
  863. </tr>
  864. <tr>
  865. <th>EXP Earned</th>
  866. <td>0</td>
  867. </tr>
  868. </table>
  870. </div>
  873. <div class="playersFullGameStats gameBlockHunt">
  874. <div class="playersGameName">
  875. Block Hunt
  876. </div>
  877. <div class="playersGameGeneralStats">
  878. <table>
  879. <tr>
  880. <td><i class="fas fa-chart-pie-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> 67 Total games</td>
  881. <td><i class="fa fa-trophy" aria-hidden="true"></i> 17 Wins</td>
  882. <td><i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i> 50 Losses</td>
  883. </tr>
  884. </table>
  885. <button class="button primary" style="float:right;" data-anijs="if: click, do: $removeClass hideClass, to: .allGameStats;
  886. if: click, do: $addClass fadeIn animated, to: .allGameStats;
  887. if: click, if: click, do: $removeClass activeGame , to: .gameBlockHunt">Back <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>
  888. </div>
  889. <div class="gameStatsSep"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Stats</div>
  890. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  891. <tr>
  892. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-users" aria-hidden="true"></i> PvP</td>
  893. </tr>
  894. <tr>
  895. <th>Kills</th>
  896. <td>150</td>
  897. </tr>
  898. <tr>
  899. <th>Assists</th>
  900. <td>37</td>
  901. </tr>
  902. <tr>
  903. <th>Deaths</th>
  904. <td>89</td>
  905. </tr>
  906. <tr>
  907. <th>Damage Dealt</th>
  908. <td>5,016</td>
  909. </tr>
  910. <tr>
  911. <th>Damage Taken</th>
  912. <td>22,670</td>
  913. </tr>
  914. <tr>
  915. <th>Damage Taken in PvP</th>
  916. <td>3,813</td>
  917. </tr>
  918. </table>
  919. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  920. <tr>
  921. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Related</td>
  922. </tr>
  923. <tr>
  924. <th>Hunter Kills</th>
  925. <td>0</td>
  926. </tr>
  927. <tr>
  928. <th>Hiders Kills</th>
  929. <td>0</td>
  930. </tr>
  931. <tr>
  932. <th>Hunter Deaths</th>
  933. <td>0</td>
  934. </tr>
  935. <tr>
  936. <th>Hiders Deaths</th>
  937. <td>0</td>
  938. </tr>
  939. </table>
  940. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  941. <tr>
  942. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gift" aria-hidden="true"></i> Earnings</td>
  943. </tr>
  944. <tr>
  945. <th>Gems Earned</th>
  946. <td>3,488</td>
  947. </tr>
  948. <tr>
  949. <th>EXP Earned</th>
  950. <td>30,662</td>
  951. </tr>
  952. </table>
  954. </div>
  957. <div class="playersFullGameStats gameSpeedBuilders">
  958. <div class="playersGameName">
  959. Speed Builders
  960. </div>
  961. <div class="playersGameGeneralStats">
  962. <table>
  963. <tr>
  964. <td><i class="fas fa-chart-pie-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> Total games</td>
  965. <td><i class="fa fa-trophy" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0 Wins</td>
  966. <td><i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0 Losses</td>
  967. </tr>
  968. </table>
  969. <button class="button primary" style="float:right;" data-anijs="if: click, do: $removeClass hideClass, to: .allGameStats;
  970. if: click, do: $addClass fadeIn animated, to: .allGameStats;
  971. if: click, if: click, do: $removeClass activeGame , to: .gameSpeedBuilders">Back <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>
  972. </div>
  973. <div class="gameStatsSep"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Stats</div>
  974. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  975. <tr>
  976. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Related</td>
  977. </tr>
  978. <tr>
  979. <th>Blocks Placed</th>
  980. <td>422</td>
  981. </tr>
  982. <tr>
  983. <th>Perfect Build</th>
  984. <td>1</td>
  985. </tr>
  986. </table>
  987. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  988. <tr>
  989. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gift" aria-hidden="true"></i> Earnings</td>
  990. </tr>
  991. <tr>
  992. <th>Gems Earned</th>
  993. <td>0</td>
  994. </tr>
  995. <tr>
  996. <th>EXP Earned</th>
  997. <td>156</td>
  998. </tr>
  999. </table>
  1001. </div>
  1004. <div class="playersFullGameStats gameDrawMyThing">
  1005. <div class="playersGameName">
  1006. Draw My Thing
  1007. </div>
  1008. <div class="playersGameGeneralStats">
  1009. <table>
  1010. <tr>
  1011. <td><i class="fas fa-chart-pie-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> Total games</td>
  1012. <td><i class="fa fa-trophy" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0 Wins</td>
  1013. <td><i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0 Losses</td>
  1014. </tr>
  1015. </table>
  1016. <button class="button primary" style="float:right;" data-anijs="if: click, do: $removeClass hideClass, to: .allGameStats;
  1017. if: click, do: $addClass fadeIn animated, to: .allGameStats;
  1018. if: click, if: click, do: $removeClass activeGame , to: .gameDrawMyThing">Back <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>
  1019. </div>
  1020. <div class="gameStatsSep"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Stats</div>
  1021. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1022. <tr>
  1023. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gift" aria-hidden="true"></i> Earnings</td>
  1024. </tr>
  1025. <tr>
  1026. <th>Gems Earned</th>
  1027. <td>12</td>
  1028. </tr>
  1029. <tr>
  1030. <th>EXP Earned</th>
  1031. <td>475</td>
  1032. </tr>
  1033. </table>
  1035. </div>
  1038. <div class="playersFullGameStats gameMasterBuilder">
  1039. <div class="playersGameName">
  1040. Master Builders
  1041. </div>
  1042. <div class="playersGameGeneralStats">
  1043. <table>
  1044. <tr>
  1045. <td><i class="fas fa-chart-pie-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> Total games</td>
  1046. <td><i class="fa fa-trophy" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0 Wins</td>
  1047. <td><i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i> 17 Losses</td>
  1048. </tr>
  1049. </table>
  1050. <button class="button primary" style="float:right;" data-anijs="if: click, do: $removeClass hideClass, to: .allGameStats;
  1051. if: click, do: $addClass fadeIn animated, to: .allGameStats;
  1052. if: click, if: click, do: $removeClass activeGame , to: .gameMasterBuilder">Back <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>
  1053. </div>
  1054. <div class="gameStatsSep"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Stats</div>
  1055. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1056. <tr>
  1057. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Related</td>
  1058. </tr>
  1059. <tr>
  1060. <th>Blocks Placed</th>
  1061. <td>4,928</td>
  1062. </tr>
  1063. <tr>
  1064. <th>Blocks Broken</th>
  1065. <td>648</td>
  1066. </tr>
  1067. </table>
  1068. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1069. <tr>
  1070. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gift" aria-hidden="true"></i> Earnings</td>
  1071. </tr>
  1072. <tr>
  1073. <th>Gems Earned</th>
  1074. <td>676</td>
  1075. </tr>
  1076. <tr>
  1077. <th>EXP Earned</th>
  1078. <td>7,889</td>
  1079. </tr>
  1080. </table>
  1082. </div>
  1085. <div class="playersFullGameStats gameDOM">
  1086. <div class="playersGameName">
  1087. Champions Domination
  1088. </div>
  1089. <div class="playersGameGeneralStats">
  1090. <table>
  1091. <tr>
  1092. <td><i class="fas fa-chart-pie-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> 5 Total games</td>
  1093. <td><i class="fa fa-trophy" aria-hidden="true"></i> 3 Wins</td>
  1094. <td><i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i> 2 Losses</td>
  1095. <td><i class="fas fa-skull" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0.62 KDR</td>
  1096. </tr>
  1097. </table>
  1098. <button class="button primary" style="float:right;" data-anijs="if: click, do: $removeClass hideClass, to: .allGameStats;
  1099. if: click, do: $addClass fadeIn animated, to: .allGameStats;
  1100. if: click, if: click, do: $removeClass activeGame , to: .gameDOM">Back <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>
  1101. </div>
  1102. <div class="gameStatsSep"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Stats</div>
  1103. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1104. <tr>
  1105. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-users" aria-hidden="true"></i> PvP</td>
  1106. </tr>
  1107. <tr>
  1108. <th>Kills</th>
  1109. <td>13</td>
  1110. </tr>
  1111. <tr>
  1112. <th>Assists</th>
  1113. <td>10</td>
  1114. </tr>
  1115. <tr>
  1116. <th>Deaths</th>
  1117. <td>21</td>
  1118. </tr>
  1119. <tr>
  1120. <th>Damage Dealt</th>
  1121. <td>759</td>
  1122. </tr>
  1123. <tr>
  1124. <th>Damage Taken</th>
  1125. <td>1,168</td>
  1126. </tr>
  1127. <tr>
  1128. <th>Damage Taken in PvP</th>
  1129. <td>1,110</td>
  1130. </tr>
  1131. </table>
  1132. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1133. <tr>
  1134. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Related</td>
  1135. </tr>
  1136. <tr>
  1137. <th><span style="color:blue;">Blue Kills</span></th>
  1138. <td>0</td>
  1139. </tr>
  1140. <tr>
  1141. <th><span style="color:red;">Red Kills</span></th>
  1142. <td>0</td>
  1143. </tr>
  1144. <tr>
  1145. <th><span style="color:blue;">Blue Deaths</span></th>
  1146. <td>0</td>
  1147. </tr>
  1148. <tr>
  1149. <th><span style="color:red;">Red Deaths</span></th>
  1150. <td>0</td>
  1151. </tr>
  1152. </table>
  1153. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1154. <tr>
  1155. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gift" aria-hidden="true"></i> Earnings</td>
  1156. </tr>
  1157. <tr>
  1158. <th>Gems Earned</th>
  1159. <td>181</td>
  1160. </tr>
  1161. <tr>
  1162. <th>EXP Earned</th>
  1163. <td>2,590</td>
  1164. </tr>
  1165. </table>
  1167. </div>
  1170. <div class="playersFullGameStats gameTDM">
  1171. <div class="playersGameName">
  1172. Champions TDM
  1173. </div>
  1174. <div class="playersGameGeneralStats">
  1175. <table>
  1176. <tr>
  1177. <td><i class="fas fa-chart-pie-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> 4 Total games</td>
  1178. <td><i class="fa fa-trophy" aria-hidden="true"></i> 2 Wins</td>
  1179. <td><i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i> 2 Losses</td>
  1180. </tr>
  1181. </table>
  1182. <button class="button primary" style="float:right;" data-anijs="if: click, do: $removeClass hideClass, to: .allGameStats;
  1183. if: click, do: $addClass fadeIn animated, to: .allGameStats;
  1184. if: click, if: click, do: $removeClass activeGame , to: .gameTDM">Back <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>
  1185. </div>
  1186. <div class="gameStatsSep"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Stats</div>
  1187. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1188. <tr>
  1189. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-users" aria-hidden="true"></i> PvP</td>
  1190. </tr>
  1191. <tr>
  1192. <th>Kills</th>
  1193. <td>0</td>
  1194. </tr>
  1195. <tr>
  1196. <th>Assists</th>
  1197. <td>1</td>
  1198. </tr>
  1199. <tr>
  1200. <th>Deaths</th>
  1201. <td>1</td>
  1202. </tr>
  1203. <tr>
  1204. <th>Damage Dealt</th>
  1205. <td>54</td>
  1206. </tr>
  1207. <tr>
  1208. <th>Damage Taken</th>
  1209. <td>234</td>
  1210. </tr>
  1211. <tr>
  1212. <th>Damage Taken in PvP</th>
  1213. <td>222</td>
  1214. </tr>
  1215. </table>
  1216. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1217. <tr>
  1218. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Related</td>
  1219. </tr>
  1220. <tr>
  1221. <th><span style="color:blue;">Blue Kills</span></th>
  1222. <td>0</td>
  1223. </tr>
  1224. <tr>
  1225. <th><span style="color:red;">Red Kills</span></th>
  1226. <td>0</td>
  1227. </tr>
  1228. <tr>
  1229. <th><span style="color:blue;">Blue Deaths</span></th>
  1230. <td>0</td>
  1231. </tr>
  1232. <tr>
  1233. <th><span style="color:red;">Red Deaths</span></th>
  1234. <td>1</td>
  1235. </tr>
  1236. </table>
  1237. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1238. <tr>
  1239. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gift" aria-hidden="true"></i> Earnings</td>
  1240. </tr>
  1241. <tr>
  1242. <th>Gems Earned</th>
  1243. <td>64</td>
  1244. </tr>
  1245. <tr>
  1246. <th>EXP Earned</th>
  1247. <td>0</td>
  1248. </tr>
  1249. </table>
  1251. </div>
  1254. <div class="playersFullGameStats gameCTF">
  1255. <div class="playersGameName">
  1256. Champions CTF
  1257. </div>
  1258. <div class="playersGameGeneralStats">
  1259. <table>
  1260. <tr>
  1261. <td><i class="fas fa-chart-pie-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> Total games</td>
  1262. <td><i class="fa fa-trophy" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0 Wins</td>
  1263. <td><i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0 Losses</td>
  1264. <td><i class="fas fa-skull" aria-hidden="true"></i> KDR</td>
  1265. </tr>
  1266. </table>
  1267. <button class="button primary" style="float:right;" data-anijs="if: click, do: $removeClass hideClass, to: .allGameStats;
  1268. if: click, do: $addClass fadeIn animated, to: .allGameStats;
  1269. if: click, if: click, do: $removeClass activeGame , to: .gameCTF">Back <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>
  1270. </div>
  1271. <div class="gameStatsSep"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Stats</div>
  1272. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1273. <tr>
  1274. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-users" aria-hidden="true"></i> PvP</td>
  1275. </tr>
  1276. <tr>
  1277. <th>Kills</th>
  1278. <td>0</td>
  1279. </tr>
  1280. <tr>
  1281. <th>Assists</th>
  1282. <td>0</td>
  1283. </tr>
  1284. <tr>
  1285. <th>Deaths</th>
  1286. <td>0</td>
  1287. </tr>
  1288. <tr>
  1289. <th>Damage Dealt</th>
  1290. <td>0</td>
  1291. </tr>
  1292. <tr>
  1293. <th>Damage Taken</th>
  1294. <td>0</td>
  1295. </tr>
  1296. <tr>
  1297. <th>Damage Taken in PvP</th>
  1298. <td>0</td>
  1299. </tr>
  1300. </table>
  1301. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1302. <tr>
  1303. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gift" aria-hidden="true"></i> Earnings</td>
  1304. </tr>
  1305. <tr>
  1306. <th>Gems Earned</th>
  1307. <td>0</td>
  1308. </tr>
  1309. <tr>
  1310. <th>EXP Earned</th>
  1311. <td>0</td>
  1312. </tr>
  1313. </table>
  1315. </div>
  1318. <div class="playersFullGameStats gameSG">
  1319. <div class="playersGameName">
  1320. Survival Games Solo
  1321. </div>
  1322. <div class="playersGameGeneralStats">
  1323. <table>
  1324. <tr>
  1325. <td><i class="fas fa-chart-pie-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> Total games</td>
  1326. <td><i class="fa fa-trophy" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0 Wins</td>
  1327. <td><i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i> 5 Losses</td>
  1328. <td><i class="fas fa-skull" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0.2 KDR</td>
  1329. </tr>
  1330. </table>
  1331. <button class="button primary" style="float:right;" data-anijs="if: click, do: $removeClass hideClass, to: .allGameStats;
  1332. if: click, do: $addClass fadeIn animated, to: .allGameStats;
  1333. if: click, if: click, do: $removeClass activeGame , to: .gameSG">Back <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>
  1334. </div>
  1335. <div class="gameStatsSep"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Stats</div>
  1336. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1337. <tr>
  1338. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-users" aria-hidden="true"></i> PvP</td>
  1339. </tr>
  1340. <tr>
  1341. <th>Kills</th>
  1342. <td>1</td>
  1343. </tr>
  1344. <tr>
  1345. <th>Assists</th>
  1346. <td>1</td>
  1347. </tr>
  1348. <tr>
  1349. <th>Deaths</th>
  1350. <td>5</td>
  1351. </tr>
  1352. <tr>
  1353. <th>Damage Dealt</th>
  1354. <td>194</td>
  1355. </tr>
  1356. <tr>
  1357. <th>Damage Taken</th>
  1358. <td>416</td>
  1359. </tr>
  1360. <tr>
  1361. <th>Damage Taken in PvP</th>
  1362. <td>316</td>
  1363. </tr>
  1364. </table>
  1365. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1366. <tr>
  1367. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Related</td>
  1368. </tr>
  1369. <tr>
  1370. <th>Supply Drops Opened</th>
  1371. <td>0</td>
  1372. </tr>
  1373. </table>
  1374. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1375. <tr>
  1376. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gift" aria-hidden="true"></i> Earnings</td>
  1377. </tr>
  1378. <tr>
  1379. <th>Gems Earned</th>
  1380. <td>18</td>
  1381. </tr>
  1382. <tr>
  1383. <th>EXP Earned</th>
  1384. <td>0</td>
  1385. </tr>
  1386. </table>
  1387. <br><br>
  1388. <div class="playersGameName">
  1389. Survival Games Teams
  1390. </div>
  1391. <div class="playersGameGeneralStats">
  1392. <table>
  1393. <tr>
  1394. <td><i class="fas fa-chart-pie-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> Total games</td>
  1395. <td><i class="fa fa-trophy" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0 Wins</td>
  1396. <td><i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i> 1 Losses</td>
  1397. <td><i class="fas fa-skull" aria-hidden="true"></i> KDR</td>
  1398. </tr>
  1399. </table>
  1400. </div>
  1401. <div class="gameStatsSep"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Stats</div>
  1402. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1403. <tr>
  1404. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-users" aria-hidden="true"></i> PvP</td>
  1405. </tr>
  1406. <tr>
  1407. <th>Kills</th>
  1408. <td>0</td>
  1409. </tr>
  1410. <tr>
  1411. <th>Assists</th>
  1412. <td>0</td>
  1413. </tr>
  1414. <tr>
  1415. <th>Deaths</th>
  1416. <td>1</td>
  1417. </tr>
  1418. <tr>
  1419. <th>Damage Dealt</th>
  1420. <td>0</td>
  1421. </tr>
  1422. <tr>
  1423. <th>Damage Taken</th>
  1424. <td>27</td>
  1425. </tr>
  1426. <tr>
  1427. <th>Damage Taken in PvP</th>
  1428. <td>27</td>
  1429. </tr>
  1430. </table>
  1431. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1432. <tr>
  1433. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Related</td>
  1434. </tr>
  1435. <tr>
  1436. <th>Supply Drops Opened</th>
  1437. <td>0</td>
  1438. </tr>
  1439. </table>
  1440. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1441. <tr>
  1442. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gift" aria-hidden="true"></i> Earnings</td>
  1443. </tr>
  1444. <tr>
  1445. <th>Gems Earned</th>
  1446. <td>0</td>
  1447. </tr>
  1448. <tr>
  1449. <th>EXP Earned</th>
  1450. <td>54</td>
  1451. </tr>
  1452. </table>
  1454. </div>
  1457. <div class="playersFullGameStats gameUHC">
  1458. <div class="playersGameName">
  1459. UHC
  1460. </div>
  1461. <div class="playersGameGeneralStats">
  1462. <table>
  1463. <tr>
  1464. <td><i class="fas fa-chart-pie-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> Total games</td>
  1465. <td><i class="fa fa-trophy" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0 Wins</td>
  1466. <td><i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0 Losses</td>
  1467. </tr>
  1468. </table>
  1469. <button class="button primary" style="float:right;" data-anijs="if: click, do: $removeClass hideClass, to: .allGameStats;
  1470. if: click, do: $addClass fadeIn animated, to: .allGameStats;
  1471. if: click, if: click, do: $removeClass activeGame , to: .gameUHC">Back <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>
  1472. </div>
  1473. <div class="gameStatsSep"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Stats</div>
  1474. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1475. <tr>
  1476. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-users" aria-hidden="true"></i> PvP</td>
  1477. </tr>
  1478. <tr>
  1479. <th>Kills</th>
  1480. <td>0</td>
  1481. </tr>
  1482. <tr>
  1483. <th>Assists</th>
  1484. <td>0</td>
  1485. </tr>
  1486. <tr>
  1487. <th>Deaths</th>
  1488. <td>0</td>
  1489. </tr>
  1490. </table>
  1491. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1492. <tr>
  1493. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gift" aria-hidden="true"></i> Earnings</td>
  1494. </tr>
  1495. <tr>
  1496. <th>Gems Earned</th>
  1497. <td>0</td>
  1498. </tr>
  1499. <tr>
  1500. <th>EXP Earned</th>
  1501. <td>0</td>
  1502. </tr>
  1503. </table>
  1505. </div>
  1508. <div class="playersFullGameStats gameSkywars">
  1509. <div class="playersGameName">
  1510. Skywars Solo
  1511. </div>
  1512. <div class="playersGameGeneralStats">
  1513. <table>
  1514. <tr>
  1515. <td><i class="fas fa-chart-pie-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> 3 Total games</td>
  1516. <td><i class="fa fa-trophy" aria-hidden="true"></i> 1 Wins</td>
  1517. <td><i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i> 2 Losses</td>
  1518. <td><i class="fas fa-skull" aria-hidden="true"></i> 3 KDR</td>
  1519. </tr>
  1520. </table>
  1521. <button class="button primary" style="float:right;" data-anijs="if: click, do: $removeClass hideClass, to: .allGameStats;
  1522. if: click, do: $addClass fadeIn animated, to: .allGameStats;
  1523. if: click, if: click, do: $removeClass activeGame , to: .gameSkywars">Back <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>
  1524. </div>
  1525. <div class="gameStatsSep"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Stats</div>
  1526. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1527. <tr>
  1528. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-users" aria-hidden="true"></i> PvP</td>
  1529. </tr>
  1530. <tr>
  1531. <th>Kills</th>
  1532. <td>3</td>
  1533. </tr>
  1534. <tr>
  1535. <th>Assists</th>
  1536. <td>0</td>
  1537. </tr>
  1538. <tr>
  1539. <th>Deaths</th>
  1540. <td>1</td>
  1541. </tr>
  1542. <tr>
  1543. <th>Damage Dealt</th>
  1544. <td>85</td>
  1545. </tr>
  1546. <tr>
  1547. <th>Damage Taken</th>
  1548. <td>49</td>
  1549. </tr>
  1550. <tr>
  1551. <th>Damage Taken in PvP</th>
  1552. <td>48</td>
  1553. </tr>
  1554. </table>
  1555. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1556. <tr>
  1557. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Related</td>
  1558. </tr>
  1559. <tr>
  1560. <th>TNT Pickups</th>
  1561. <td>2</td>
  1562. </tr>
  1563. </table>
  1564. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1565. <tr>
  1566. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gift" aria-hidden="true"></i> Earnings</td>
  1567. </tr>
  1568. <tr>
  1569. <th>Gems Earned</th>
  1570. <td>78</td>
  1571. </tr>
  1572. <tr>
  1573. <th>EXP Earned</th>
  1574. <td>1,067</td>
  1575. </tr>
  1576. </table>
  1577. <br><br>
  1578. <div class="playersGameName">
  1579. Skywars Teams
  1580. </div>
  1581. <div class="playersGameGeneralStats">
  1582. <table>
  1583. <tr>
  1584. <td><i class="fas fa-chart-pie-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> Total games</td>
  1585. <td><i class="fa fa-trophy" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0 Wins</td>
  1586. <td><i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0 Losses</td>
  1587. <td><i class="fas fa-skull" aria-hidden="true"></i> KDR</td>
  1588. </tr>
  1589. </table>
  1590. </div>
  1591. <div class="gameStatsSep"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Stats</div>
  1592. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1593. <tr>
  1594. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-users" aria-hidden="true"></i> PvP</td>
  1595. </tr>
  1596. <tr>
  1597. <th>Kills</th>
  1598. <td>0</td>
  1599. </tr>
  1600. <tr>
  1601. <th>Assists</th>
  1602. <td>0</td>
  1603. </tr>
  1604. <tr>
  1605. <th>Deaths</th>
  1606. <td>0</td>
  1607. </tr>
  1608. <tr>
  1609. <th>Damage Dealt</th>
  1610. <td>0</td>
  1611. </tr>
  1612. <tr>
  1613. <th>Damage Taken</th>
  1614. <td>0</td>
  1615. </tr>
  1616. <tr>
  1617. <th>Damage Taken in PvP</th>
  1618. <td>0</td>
  1619. </tr>
  1620. </table>
  1621. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1622. <tr>
  1623. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Related</td>
  1624. </tr>
  1625. <tr>
  1626. <th>TNT Pickups</th>
  1627. <td>0</td>
  1628. </tr>
  1629. </table>
  1630. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1631. <tr>
  1632. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gift" aria-hidden="true"></i> Earnings</td>
  1633. </tr>
  1634. <tr>
  1635. <th>Gems Earned</th>
  1636. <td>0</td>
  1637. </tr>
  1638. <tr>
  1639. <th>EXP Earned</th>
  1640. <td>0</td>
  1641. </tr>
  1642. </table>
  1644. </div>
  1647. <div class="playersFullGameStats gameGladiators">
  1648. <div class="playersGameName">
  1649. Gladiators Solo
  1650. </div>
  1651. <div class="playersGameGeneralStats">
  1652. <table>
  1653. <tr>
  1654. <td><i class="fas fa-chart-pie-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> Total games</td>
  1655. <td><i class="fa fa-trophy" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0 Wins</td>
  1656. <td><i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0 Losses</td>
  1657. </tr>
  1658. </table>
  1659. <button class="button primary" style="float:right;" data-anijs="if: click, do: $removeClass hideClass, to: .allGameStats;
  1660. if: click, do: $addClass fadeIn animated, to: .allGameStats;
  1661. if: click, if: click, do: $removeClass activeGame , to: .gameGladiators">Back <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>
  1662. </div>
  1663. <div class="gameStatsSep"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Stats</div>
  1664. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1665. <tr>
  1666. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-users" aria-hidden="true"></i> PvP</td>
  1667. </tr>
  1668. <tr>
  1669. <th>Kills</th>
  1670. <td>0</td>
  1671. </tr>
  1672. <tr>
  1673. <th>Assists</th>
  1674. <td>0</td>
  1675. </tr>
  1676. <tr>
  1677. <th>Deaths</th>
  1678. <td>0</td>
  1679. </tr>
  1680. <tr>
  1681. <th>Damage Dealt</th>
  1682. <td>0</td>
  1683. </tr>
  1684. <tr>
  1685. <th>Damage Taken</th>
  1686. <td>0</td>
  1687. </tr>
  1688. <tr>
  1689. <th>Damage Taken in PvP</th>
  1690. <td>0</td>
  1691. </tr>
  1692. </table>
  1693. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1694. <tr>
  1695. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Related</td>
  1696. </tr>
  1697. <tr>
  1698. <th>Swift Kills</th>
  1699. <td>0</td>
  1700. </tr>
  1701. </table>
  1702. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1703. <tr>
  1704. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gift" aria-hidden="true"></i> Earnings</td>
  1705. </tr>
  1706. <tr>
  1707. <th>Gems Earned</th>
  1708. <td>0</td>
  1709. </tr>
  1710. <tr>
  1711. <th>EXP Earned</th>
  1712. <td>0</td>
  1713. </tr>
  1714. </table>
  1716. </div>
  1719. <div class="playersFullGameStats gameMinestrike">
  1720. <div class="playersGameName">
  1721. MineStrike
  1722. </div>
  1723. <div class="playersGameGeneralStats">
  1724. <table>
  1725. <tr>
  1726. <td><i class="fas fa-chart-pie-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> Total games</td>
  1727. <td><i class="fa fa-trophy" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0 Wins</td>
  1728. <td><i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0 Losses</td>
  1729. <td><i class="fas fa-skull" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0.86 KDR</td>
  1730. </tr>
  1731. </table>
  1732. <button class="button primary" style="float:right;" data-anijs="if: click, do: $removeClass hideClass, to: .allGameStats;
  1733. if: click, do: $addClass fadeIn animated, to: .allGameStats;
  1734. if: click, if: click, do: $removeClass activeGame , to: .gameMinestrike">Back <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>
  1735. </div>
  1736. <div class="gameStatsSep"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Stats</div>
  1737. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1738. <tr>
  1739. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-users" aria-hidden="true"></i> PvP</td>
  1740. </tr>
  1741. <tr>
  1742. <th>Kills</th>
  1743. <td>6</td>
  1744. </tr>
  1745. <tr>
  1746. <th>Assists</th>
  1747. <td>0</td>
  1748. </tr>
  1749. <tr>
  1750. <th>Deaths</th>
  1751. <td>7</td>
  1752. </tr>
  1753. <tr>
  1754. <th>Damage Dealt</th>
  1755. <td>70</td>
  1756. </tr>
  1757. <tr>
  1758. <th>Damage Taken</th>
  1759. <td>9,169</td>
  1760. </tr>
  1761. <tr>
  1762. <th>Damage Taken in PvP</th>
  1763. <td>166</td>
  1764. </tr>
  1765. </table>
  1766. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1767. <tr>
  1768. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Related</td>
  1769. </tr>
  1770. <tr>
  1771. <th><span style="color:blue;">SWAT Kills</span></th>
  1772. <td>3</td>
  1773. </tr>
  1774. <tr>
  1775. <th><span style="color:red;">Bombers Kills</span></th>
  1776. <td>3</td>
  1777. </tr>
  1778. <tr>
  1779. <th><span style="color:blue;">SWAT Deaths</span></th>
  1780. <td>3</td>
  1781. </tr>
  1782. <tr>
  1783. <th><span style="color:red;">Bombers Deaths</span></th>
  1784. <td>4</td>
  1785. </tr>
  1786. </table>
  1787. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1788. <tr>
  1789. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gift" aria-hidden="true"></i> Earnings</td>
  1790. </tr>
  1791. <tr>
  1792. <th>Gems Earned</th>
  1793. <td>24</td>
  1794. </tr>
  1795. <tr>
  1796. <th>EXP Earned</th>
  1797. <td>0</td>
  1798. </tr>
  1799. </table>
  1801. </div>
  1804. <div class="playersFullGameStats gameCake">
  1805. <div class="playersGameName">
  1806. Cake Wars Standard
  1807. </div>
  1808. <div class="playersGameGeneralStats">
  1809. <table>
  1810. <tr>
  1811. <td><i class="fas fa-chart-pie-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> Total games</td>
  1812. <td><i class="fa fa-trophy" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0 Wins</td>
  1813. <td><i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0 Losses</td>
  1814. <td><i class="fas fa-skull" aria-hidden="true"></i> KDR</td>
  1815. </tr>
  1816. </table>
  1817. <button class="button primary" style="float:right;" data-anijs="if: click, do: $removeClass hideClass, to: .allGameStats;
  1818. if: click, do: $addClass fadeIn animated, to: .allGameStats;
  1819. if: click, if: click, do: $removeClass activeGame , to: .gameCake">Back <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></button>
  1820. </div>
  1821. <div class="gameStatsSep"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Stats</div>
  1822. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1823. <tr>
  1824. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-users" aria-hidden="true"></i> PvP</td>
  1825. </tr>
  1826. <tr>
  1827. <th>Kills</th>
  1828. <td>0</td>
  1829. </tr>
  1830. <tr>
  1831. <th>Assists</th>
  1832. <td>0</td>
  1833. </tr>
  1834. <tr>
  1835. <th>Deaths</th>
  1836. <td>0</td>
  1837. </tr>
  1838. <tr>
  1839. <th>Damage Dealt</th>
  1840. <td>0</td>
  1841. </tr>
  1842. <tr>
  1843. <th>Damage Taken</th>
  1844. <td>0</td>
  1845. </tr>
  1846. <tr>
  1847. <th>Damage Taken in PvP</th>
  1848. <td>0</td>
  1849. </tr>
  1850. <tr>
  1851. <th>Final Kills</th>
  1852. <td>0</td>
  1853. </tr>
  1854. </table>
  1855. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1856. <tr>
  1857. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Related</td>
  1858. </tr>
  1859. <tr>
  1860. <th>Cake Bites</th>
  1861. <td>0</td>
  1862. </tr>
  1863. <tr>
  1864. <th>Chests Opened</th>
  1865. <td>0</td>
  1866. </tr>
  1867. </table>
  1868. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1869. <tr>
  1870. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gift" aria-hidden="true"></i> Earnings</td>
  1871. </tr>
  1872. <tr>
  1873. <th>Gems Earned</th>
  1874. <td>0</td>
  1875. </tr>
  1876. <tr>
  1877. <th>EXP Earned</th>
  1878. <td>0</td>
  1879. </tr>
  1880. </table>
  1881. <br><br>
  1882. <div class="playersGameName">
  1883. Cake Wars Duos
  1884. </div>
  1885. <div class="playersGameGeneralStats">
  1886. <table>
  1887. <tr>
  1888. <td><i class="fas fa-chart-pie-alt" aria-hidden="true"></i> Total games</td>
  1889. <td><i class="fa fa-trophy" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0 Wins</td>
  1890. <td><i class="fa fa-times" aria-hidden="true"></i> 0 Losses</td>
  1891. <td><i class="fas fa-skull" aria-hidden="true"></i> KDR</td>
  1892. </tr>
  1893. </table>
  1894. </div>
  1895. <div class="gameStatsSep"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Stats</div>
  1896. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1897. <tr>
  1898. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-users" aria-hidden="true"></i> PvP</td>
  1899. </tr>
  1900. <tr>
  1901. <th>Kills</th>
  1902. <td>0</td>
  1903. </tr>
  1904. <tr>
  1905. <th>Assists</th>
  1906. <td>0</td>
  1907. </tr>
  1908. <tr>
  1909. <th>Deaths</th>
  1910. <td>0</td>
  1911. </tr>
  1912. <tr>
  1913. <th>Damage Dealt</th>
  1914. <td>0</td>
  1915. </tr>
  1916. <tr>
  1917. <th>Damage Taken</th>
  1918. <td>0</td>
  1919. </tr>
  1920. <tr>
  1921. <th>Damage Taken in PvP</th>
  1922. <td>0</td>
  1923. </tr>
  1924. <tr>
  1925. <th>Final Kills</th>
  1926. <td>0</td>
  1927. </tr>
  1928. </table>
  1929. <table class="playersStatsTable">
  1930. <tr>
  1931. <td class="tableHeaderPlayers" colspan="2"><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Game Related</td>
  1932. </tr>
  1933. <tr>
  1934. <th>Cake Bites</th>
  1935. <td>0</td>
  1936. </tr>
  1937. <tr>
  1938. <th>Chests Opened</th>
  1939. <td>0</td>
  1940. </tr>
  1941. </table>
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  1945. </tr>
  1946. <tr>
  1947. <th>Gems Earned</th>
  1948. <td>0</td>
  1949. </tr>
  1950. <tr>
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  1952. <td>0</td>
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  2141. var element_top_position = $element.offset().top;
  2142. var element_bottom_position = (element_top_position + element_height);
  2144. //check to see if this current container is within viewport
  2145. if ((element_bottom_position >= window_top_position) &&
  2146. (element_top_position <= window_bottom_position)) {
  2147. //Apply class that triggers CSS animation if within viewport
  2148. $element.addClass('news-viewed');
  2149. }
  2150. });
  2151. }
  2152. }, 1500);
  2154. }
  2156. function MP_ScrollBackToTop() {
  2157. $('button.footer_ClickScrollUp').click(function(){
  2158. $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 'slow');
  2159. });
  2160. }
  2162. function MP_ThreadActionTooltip() {
  2164. // Deals with showing description popups like/reply on hover
  2166. $( ".publicControls .LikeLink" ).hover(
  2167. // Custom Tooltips Reply and Linke
  2168. function() {
  2169. $( this ).siblings(".publicControls_Tooltip.publicControls_TooltipLike").css( "display", "block" );
  2170. }, function() {
  2171. $( this ).siblings(".publicControls_Tooltip.publicControls_TooltipLike").css( "display", "none" );
  2172. }
  2173. );
  2175. $( ".publicControls .ReplyQuote" ).hover(
  2176. // Custom Tooltips Reply and Linke
  2177. function() {
  2178. $( this ).siblings(".publicControls_Tooltip.publicControls_TooltipReply").css( "display", "block" );
  2179. }, function() {
  2180. $( this ).siblings(".publicControls_Tooltip.publicControls_TooltipReply").css( "display", "none" );
  2181. }
  2182. );
  2184. // like
  2185. $( ".publicControls .LikeLink" ).hover(
  2186. function() {
  2187. $( this ).siblings(".publicControls_Tooltip.publicControls_TooltipLike").css( "display", "block" );
  2188. }, function() {
  2189. $( this ).siblings(".publicControls_Tooltip.publicControls_TooltipLike").css( "display", "none" );
  2190. }
  2191. );
  2193. // reply
  2194. $( ".publicControls .ReplyQuote" ).hover(
  2195. function() {
  2196. $( this ).siblings(".publicControls_Tooltip.publicControls_TooltipReply").css( "display", "block" );
  2197. }, function() {
  2198. $( this ).siblings(".publicControls_Tooltip.publicControls_TooltipReply").css( "display", "none" );
  2199. }
  2200. );
  2203. $( "" ).click(function() {
  2204. //toggle like unlike tooltip on click
  2205. $( this ).siblings(".publicControls_Tooltip.publicControls_TooltipLike").children("span.publicControls_TooltipLike_state").replaceWith( '<span class="publicControls_TooltipLike_state">Unlike</span>' );
  2206. });
  2208. $( "a.LikeLink.item.control.unlike" ).click(function() {
  2209. //toggle like unlike tooltip on click
  2210. $( this ).siblings(".publicControls_Tooltip.publicControls_TooltipLike").children("span.publicControls_TooltipLike_state").replaceWith( '<span class="publicControls_TooltipLike_state">Like</span>' );
  2211. });
  2213. }
  2215. function MP_PostMessageDropdown() {
  2217. // Toggles Thread Post Message Dropdown Menu
  2218. var postOptOverlay = $(".message_MessageOptContainer div");
  2220. $(".messageList").on('click', ".publicControls .MoreOptions", function () {
  2221. //on click open the drop down by toggling class
  2223. var postOpt = $( this );
  2225. postOpt.toggleClass( "message_ShowOptions" );
  2226. postOpt.siblings(".message_MessageOptionsPopup").toggleClass( "message_ShowOptions" );
  2227. // also open an invisible background overlay to catch click off
  2228. postOptOverlay.toggleClass( "message_MessageOptToggle" );
  2231. $( postOptOverlay ).click(function() {
  2233. // on click of invisible bg overlay close dropdown menu and remove bg overlay
  2234. $( ".publicControls .MoreOptions" ).removeClass( "message_ShowOptions" );
  2235. $( ".message_MessageOptionsPopup" ).removeClass( "message_ShowOptions" );
  2236. postOptOverlay.removeClass( "message_MessageOptToggle" );
  2239. });
  2241. $(".messageList").on('click', ".message_MessageOptionsPopup.message_ShowOptions a", function () {
  2243. // on click menu option open menu option & close dropdown menu and bg overlay to reset code
  2244. $( ".publicControls .MoreOptions" ).removeClass( "message_ShowOptions" );
  2245. $( ".message_MessageOptionsPopup" ).removeClass( "message_ShowOptions" );
  2246. postOptOverlay.removeClass( "message_MessageOptToggle" );
  2249. });
  2252. });
  2254. }
  2256. function MP_UpdateNewForumReply() {
  2257. $("body").on('click', "form.section.InlineMessageEditor input.button.primary", function () {
  2258. // MP - Deals with duplicated forum post bug on post edit
  2259. if (navigator.onLine) {
  2260. // if the user is connected to the internet
  2261. // aka can send post data, do the following
  2262. // else, no point in running the following
  2264. var editPostID = (($(this).closest("form.section.InlineMessageEditor").attr( 'action' )).slice(6, 30)).slice(0, -12) ;
  2265. var editPostClass = ".post-"+editPostID;
  2266. var editPostClassID = "post-"+editPostID;
  2267. // get the ID of the post they're trying to edit
  2269. $( document ).ajaxComplete(function() {
  2270. // run this check each time ajax complete
  2271. // since we can't use mutation observer because of xen code
  2272. // but we can make out that each time an edit is attempting
  2273. // to be made a few ajaxomplete events take place to add in
  2274. // the data, and one of those events will add in the double
  2275. // post we want to remove
  2277. var allPostID = [];
  2279. $( ".messageList .message" ).each(function() {
  2280. // get all the post IDs of all the forum posts currently
  2281. // on the page and push them to an array
  2283. if($(this).is('[class*="post-"]')) {
  2284. var ClassList = $(this).attr('class');
  2285. var PostID = "post-"+(ClassList.split("post-").pop());
  2286. allPostID.push(PostID);
  2287. }
  2288. });
  2290. var allPostIDArray = allPostID.sort();
  2291. // then sort this array
  2292. var allPostIDDuplicate = [];
  2294. for (var i = 0; i < allPostIDArray.length - 1; i++) {
  2295. // then go through every item in the array and check for
  2296. // duplicate occurences
  2297. if (allPostIDArray[i + 1] == allPostIDArray[i]) {
  2298. allPostIDDuplicate.push(allPostIDArray[i]);
  2299. // if a duplicate is found, push it into the
  2300. // duplicate holder array
  2302. if (navigator.onLine) {
  2303. // now run another check to see if user is still online
  2304. // after all this if online, safely hide all duplicate
  2305. // posts regardless of amount of edits done
  2307. $(editPostClass).css( "display", "none" );
  2308. $(editPostClass).first().css( "display", "block" );
  2309. var postDuplicateClass = ("."+allPostIDDuplicate);
  2311. var count = 0;
  2312. var count = (count + 1) % allPostIDDuplicate.length;
  2314. // this deals with duplication glitch outside
  2315. // of user's last post. set up a variable to go
  2316. // through every duplicate found currently in out array
  2318. if (editPostClassID != (allPostIDDuplicate[count])) {
  2319. // if we find a duplicate that is not the one we just
  2320. // hid for our current user, hide this duplicate as well
  2321. // and leave the most recent version
  2323. $("."+(allPostIDDuplicate[count])).css( "display", "none" );
  2324. $("."+(allPostIDDuplicate[count])).last().css( "display", "block" );
  2325. } else {
  2326. }
  2328. }
  2329. }
  2330. }
  2332. });
  2334. }
  2336. });
  2337. }
  2339. function MP_UpdateThreadonThreadAction() {
  2341. function updateSidebar() {
  2342. $("body").on('click', ".quickReply.message input.button.primary", function () {
  2343. // MP - Updates sidebar with most recent post on thread after
  2344. // submitting post
  2346. $(document).ajaxSuccess(function( event, xhr, settings ) {
  2347. var ajaxRegex = /^\/threads\/.+\/add-reply$/g,
  2348. Cpath = settings.url.slice((settings.url.indexOf(document.domain) + document.domain.length), settings.url.length);
  2350. if (Cpath.match(ajaxRegex)) {
  2351. $('#widget-14 .WidgetFramework_WidgetRenderer_Threads_Sidebar.avatarList').load(document.URL +
  2352. ' #widget-14 .WidgetFramework_WidgetRenderer_Threads_Sidebar.avatarList ul');
  2353. }
  2355. });
  2357. });
  2359. }
  2361. function preventDup() {
  2362. $("body").on('click', ".quickReply.message input.button.primary", function () {
  2363. // MP - Deals with duplicated forum post bug on post reply
  2365. var currentUser = $('.quickReply.message .messageUserBlock div.avatarHolder .avatar img').attr("alt");
  2366. var lastpost = $('.messageList .message').last();
  2367. var lastpostUser = lastpost.find('div.avatarHolder .avatar img').attr("alt");
  2368. var lastpostClassList = lastpost.attr('class');
  2369. var lastpostIDClass = "post-"+(lastpostClassList.split("post-").pop());
  2370. // find the latest post on the thread and the current user
  2371. // and set as variables
  2373. if (currentUser == lastpostUser) {
  2374. // if the last post on the thread was made by
  2375. // the current user, then..
  2377. $( document ).ajaxComplete(function() {
  2378. // run this check each time ajax complete
  2379. // since we can't use mutation observer because of xen code
  2380. // but we can make out that each time an edit is attempting
  2381. // to be made a few ajaxomplete events take place to add in
  2382. // the data, and one of those events will add in the double
  2383. // post we want to remove
  2385. var allPostID = [];
  2387. $( ".messageList .message" ).each(function() {
  2388. // get all the post IDs of all the forum posts currently
  2389. // on the page and push them to an array
  2390. if($(this).is('[class*="post-"]')) {
  2391. var ClassList = $(this).attr('class');
  2392. var PostID = "post-"+(ClassList.split("post-").pop());
  2393. allPostID.push(PostID);
  2394. }
  2396. });
  2397. var allPostIDArray = allPostID.sort();
  2398. // then sort this array
  2399. var allPostIDDuplicate = [];
  2401. for (var i = 0; i < allPostIDArray.length - 1; i++) {
  2402. if (allPostIDArray[i + 1] == allPostIDArray[i]) {
  2403. // if we find a duplicate add it to the
  2404. // duplicate array
  2405. allPostIDDuplicate.push(allPostIDArray[i]);
  2406. if (navigator.onLine) {
  2407. // another check to make sure we're still online
  2408. // if we are, safely hide the user's duplicated
  2409. // last post and keep the updated post
  2411. lastpost.css( "display", "none" );
  2413. var count = 0;
  2414. var count = (count + 1) % allPostIDDuplicate.length;
  2416. // this deals with duplication glitch outside
  2417. // of user's last post. set up a variable to go
  2418. // through every duplicate found currently in out array
  2421. if (lastpostIDClass != (allPostIDDuplicate[count])) {
  2422. // if we find a duplicate that is not the one we just
  2423. // hid for our current user, hide this duplicate as well
  2424. // and leave the most recent version
  2426. $("."+(allPostIDDuplicate[count])).css( "display", "none" );
  2427. $("."+(allPostIDDuplicate[count])).last().css( "display", "block" );
  2428. } else {
  2430. }
  2431. }
  2432. }
  2433. }
  2435. });
  2437. }
  2439. });
  2441. }
  2443. function preventDupEdit() {
  2444. $("body").on('click', "form.section.InlineMessageEditor input.button.primary", function () {
  2445. // MP - Deals with duplicated forum post bug on post edit
  2446. if (navigator.onLine) {
  2447. // if the user is connected to the internet
  2448. // aka can send post data, do the following
  2449. // else, no point in running the following
  2451. var editPostID = (($(this).closest("form.section.InlineMessageEditor").attr( 'action' )).slice(6, 30)).slice(0, -12) ;
  2452. var editPostClass = ".post-"+editPostID;
  2453. var editPostClassID = "post-"+editPostID;
  2454. // get the ID of the post they're trying to edit
  2456. $( document ).ajaxComplete(function() {
  2457. // run this check each time ajax complete
  2458. // since we can't use mutation observer because of xen code
  2459. // but we can make out that each time an edit is attempting
  2460. // to be made a few ajaxomplete events take place to add in
  2461. // the data, and one of those events will add in the double
  2462. // post we want to remove
  2464. var allPostID = [];
  2466. $( ".messageList .message" ).each(function() {
  2467. // get all the post IDs of all the forum posts currently
  2468. // on the page and push them to an array
  2470. if($(this).is('[class*="post-"]')) {
  2471. var ClassList = $(this).attr('class');
  2472. var PostID = "post-"+(ClassList.split("post-").pop());
  2473. allPostID.push(PostID);
  2474. }
  2475. });
  2477. var allPostIDArray = allPostID.sort();
  2478. // then sort this array
  2479. var allPostIDDuplicate = [];
  2481. for (var i = 0; i < allPostIDArray.length - 1; i++) {
  2482. // then go through every item in the array and check for
  2483. // duplicate occurences
  2484. if (allPostIDArray[i + 1] == allPostIDArray[i]) {
  2485. allPostIDDuplicate.push(allPostIDArray[i]);
  2486. // if a duplicate is found, push it into the
  2487. // duplicate holder array
  2489. if (navigator.onLine) {
  2490. // now run another check to see if user is still online
  2491. // after all this if online, safely hide all duplicate
  2492. // posts regardless of amount of edits done
  2494. $(editPostClass).css( "display", "none" );
  2495. $(editPostClass).first().css( "display", "block" );
  2496. var postDuplicateClass = ("."+allPostIDDuplicate);
  2499. var count = 0;
  2500. var count = (count + 1) % allPostIDDuplicate.length;
  2502. // this deals with duplication glitch outside
  2503. // of user's last post. set up a variable to go
  2504. // through every duplicate found currently in out array
  2507. if (editPostClassID != (allPostIDDuplicate[count])) {
  2508. // if we find a duplicate that is not the one we just
  2509. // hid for our current user, hide this duplicate as well
  2510. // and leave the most recent version
  2512. $("."+(allPostIDDuplicate[count])).css( "display", "none" );
  2513. $("."+(allPostIDDuplicate[count])).last().css( "display", "block" );
  2514. } else {
  2515. }
  2517. }
  2518. }
  2519. }
  2521. });
  2523. }
  2525. });
  2527. }
  2529. preventDup();
  2530. updateSidebar();
  2531. preventDupEdit();
  2532. }
  2534. function MP_postinfoNewPostsHover() {
  2535. if( $(window).width() <= 840) return; // don't run for mobile.
  2536. // Deals with New posts tooltips on hover
  2538. // Only display post info tooltip after user
  2539. // hovered for over specified time
  2540. var delay = 700, setTimeoutConst;
  2543. $( ".WidgetFramework_WidgetRenderer_Threads_Sidebar" ).on({
  2544. mouseenter: function () {
  2546. var postBlock = $( this ).children( ".NewPostsUserMessageSnippet" );
  2547. //Follow on mouse move within every separate list element
  2548. $( this ).on( "mousemove", function( event ) {
  2549. // Account for page width, if not wide enough
  2550. // display to right side of mouse
  2551. if( (($(window).width()) - event.pageX ) >= 340) {
  2553. $( postBlock ).css({
  2554. "left" : ( event.pageX + 30),
  2555. "top" : event.pageY
  2556. });
  2558. } else {
  2560. $( postBlock ).css({
  2561. "left" : ( event.pageX - 320),
  2562. "top" : event.pageY
  2563. });
  2565. }
  2566. });
  2568. // Make the block show up after specified time
  2569. setTimeoutConst = setTimeout(function(){
  2570. $( postBlock ).css("display", "block");
  2572. }, delay);
  2574. },
  2575. mouseleave: function () {
  2577. var postBlock = $( this ).children( ".NewPostsUserMessageSnippet" );
  2579. // Stop timer countdown
  2580. clearTimeout(setTimeoutConst );
  2582. // Hide block
  2583. $( postBlock ).css("display", "none");
  2585. }
  2586. }, ".WidgetSidebarNewPosts");
  2589. }
  2591. function MP_StyleOversizedSignatures() {
  2592. $( ".baseHtml.signature.messageText.ugc img" ).each(function() {
  2593. // Style oversized banner images in signature
  2595. var sigImage = $(this);
  2596. var containerWidth = sigImage.closest(".baseHtml.signature.messageText.ugc").width();
  2597. var imgWidth = sigImage.width();
  2599. if (imgWidth >= (325)) {
  2601. $(sigImage).css( "opacity", "0.6" );
  2603. }
  2605. });
  2606. }
  2608. function MP_FixCalendarAddonPositioning() {
  2609. //fix event calendar addon forum thread text positioning
  2610. $( ".message_MessageOptContainer" ).next("div").css( "margin-left", "20px" );
  2611. $( ".message_MessageOptContainer" ).next("div").css( "margin-right", "20px" );
  2612. }
  2614. function MP_BulkModHandler() {
  2615. //fix event calendar addon forum thread text positioning
  2616. $( ".message_MessageOptContainer" ).next("div").css( "margin-left", "20px" );
  2617. $( ".message_MessageOptContainer" ).next("div").css( "margin-right", "20px" );
  2619. if ($("#content").hasClass("forum_view")) {
  2620. // button to toggle bulk moderation check boxes on thread list
  2621. if ( $(".MP_UserCanInlineMod ").first().hasClass("MP_UserHasPermission")) {
  2622. $(".MP_WatchForum").after("<a class='www-mp_togglebulkMod'>Bulk Moderation</a>");
  2623. }
  2625. $('.pageNavLinkGroup .linkGroup .www-mp_togglebulkMod').click(function() {
  2626. $(".forum_view ol.discussionListItems h3.title input").toggleClass('showModerationCheckbox');
  2627. });
  2628. }
  2630. if ($("#content").hasClass("thread_view")) {
  2631. // button to toggle bulk moderation check boxes on threads
  2632. if ( $(".MP_UserCanInlineMod ").first().hasClass("MP_UserHasPermission")) {
  2633. $(".MP_ThreadTools").parent(".Popup").after(" <a class='www-mp_togglebulkMod'>Bulk Moderation</a>");
  2634. }
  2636. $('.linkGroup.SelectionCountContainer .www-mp_togglebulkMod').click(function() {
  2637. $(".message .privateControls input").toggleClass('showModerationCheckbox');
  2638. });
  2639. }
  2640. }
  2642. function MP_LoadGoogleDocResponsive() {
  2643. // Responsive Google Doc Mineplex
  2644. if( $(window).width() < 660) {
  2646. var mpDoc = $("#wwwMpTabs-3 div iframe");
  2647. $(mpDoc).removeAttr("style");
  2648. $(mpDoc).css({"width": "160vw", "transform": "scale(0.6)", "transform-origin": "0 0", "height": "14500px", "position": "relative"});
  2649. $(mpDoc).parent("div").css({"-webkit-overflow-scrolling": "touch", "overflow-y": "scroll", "height": "500px", "position": "relative", "position": "relative", "overflow-x": "hidden" });
  2650. $("#wwwMpTabs-3").css( "height", "650px");
  2651. }
  2652. }
  2654. function MP_ProfileCommentsShowMoreImages() {
  2655. // Deals with profile comments being too long
  2656. // adding toggle show more
  2657. // Pt 1: Deals with images
  2659. var comment = $("#ProfilePostList li .messageInfo .comment"),
  2660. maxheight = 150; // limit at which to crop comments
  2662. $(comment).each(function() {
  2664. if ($(this).find(".commentContent").length > 0){
  2666. var commentH = 0,
  2667. thisComment = $(this),
  2668. commentText = thisComment.find("blockquote"),
  2669. hasimage = false,
  2670. content = $(thisComment).find(".commentContent");
  2672. if (($(commentText).find('img').length) > 0) {
  2673. // get height of comment
  2674. // if the comment contains an image
  2675. hasimage = true;
  2676. commentH = $(commentText).height();
  2678. } else {
  2679. // This is handled below
  2680. }
  2682. if (commentH > maxheight) {
  2683. // if the comment is too large
  2685. if (hasimage) {
  2686. // if comment has image make the height
  2687. // of the cropped comment 300px
  2688. $(content).css({"overflow": "hidden", "max-height": "300px"});
  2689. $(content).after('<div class="mp-commentshowmore">Show More</div>');
  2690. // adds toggler
  2691. } else {
  2692. // This is handled below
  2693. }
  2695. }
  2698. }
  2700. });
  2701. }
  2703. function MP_ProfilePostCommentsShowMoretext() {
  2704. // Deals with profile comments being too long
  2705. // adding toggle show more
  2706. // Pt 2: non-images
  2707. // This is separate to deal with text-only comments
  2708. // faster than just when all the images are done loading
  2710. var comment = $("#ProfilePostList li .messageInfo .comment"),
  2711. maxheight = 150; // limit at which to crop comments
  2713. $(comment).each(function() {
  2715. if ($(this).find(".commentContent").length > 0){
  2718. var commentH = 0,
  2719. thisComment = $(this),
  2720. commentText = thisComment.find("blockquote"),
  2721. hasimage = false,
  2722. content = $(thisComment).find(".commentContent");
  2724. if (($(commentText).find('img').length) > 0) {
  2725. // This is handled above
  2727. } else {
  2728. // if the document doesn't contain image
  2729. // get height of comment
  2730. commentH = $(thisComment).height();
  2731. hasimage = false;
  2732. }
  2734. if (commentH > maxheight) {
  2735. // if the comment is too large
  2737. if (hasimage) {
  2738. // This is handled above
  2739. } else {
  2740. // if comment doesn't have image make
  2741. // height of cropped comment 150px
  2742. $(content).css({"overflow": "hidden", "max-height": "150px"});
  2743. $(content).after('<div class="mp-commentshowmore">Show More</div>');
  2744. // adds toggler
  2745. }
  2747. }
  2749. }
  2751. });
  2754. $(comment).on('click', ".mp-commentshowmore", function () {
  2755. // handles toggling the full comments
  2757. var toggler = $(this),
  2758. commentContent = toggler.siblings(".commentContent");
  2760. if ($(toggler).html() == "Show More") {
  2761. // toggle text on click
  2762. $(toggler).html('Show Less');
  2763. } else {
  2764. $(toggler).html('Show More');
  2765. }
  2767. if (($(commentContent).find('img').length) > 0) {
  2768. // toggle heights for comments containing images
  2769. if ((commentContent.css("max-height")) == "300px") {
  2770. commentContent.css({"overflow": "", "max-height": ""});
  2771. } else {
  2772. commentContent.css({"overflow": "hidden", "max-height": "300px"});
  2773. }
  2775. } else {
  2776. // toggle heights for comments containing just text
  2777. if ((commentContent.css("max-height")) == "150px") {
  2778. commentContent.css({"overflow": "", "max-height": ""});
  2779. } else {
  2780. commentContent.css({"overflow": "hidden", "max-height": "150px"});
  2781. }
  2783. }
  2786. });
  2787. }
  2789. function MP_ToggleLoginPopup() {
  2790. $("#UserInformationHeader").on('click', "#loginBarHandle", function () {
  2791. // Deals with login popup
  2792. $(".pageWidth.loginPopupContainerMP").toggleClass("MPLogin_toggled");
  2793. $("._swOuter").css("height", "");
  2796. $("body").on('click', "#exposeMask", function () {
  2797. $(".pageWidth.loginPopupContainerMP").removeClass("MPLogin_toggled");
  2798. $("._swOuter").css("height", "0px");
  2799. });
  2801. $("body").on('click', ".MPLogin_ClosePopup", function () {
  2802. $(".pageWidth.loginPopupContainerMP").removeClass("MPLogin_toggled");
  2803. $("._swOuter").css("height", "0px");
  2804. });
  2807. });
  2811. $("body").on('click', "#loginBarHandle_thread", function () {
  2812. // Deals with login popup
  2813. $(".pageWidth.loginPopupContainerMP").toggleClass("MPLogin_toggled");
  2814. $("._swOuter").css("height", "");
  2817. $("body").on('click', "#exposeMask", function () {
  2818. $(".pageWidth.loginPopupContainerMP").removeClass("MPLogin_toggled");
  2819. $("._swOuter").css("height", "0px");
  2820. });
  2822. $("body").on('click', ".MPLogin_ClosePopup", function () {
  2823. $(".pageWidth.loginPopupContainerMP").removeClass("MPLogin_toggled");
  2824. $("._swOuter").css("height", "0px");
  2825. });
  2828. });
  2829. }
  2831. function MP_ShowPlayerCountOnHover() {
  2832. $( "" ).hover(
  2833. function() {
  2834. // On mouse over Player count
  2835. $("").css({"transition": "0.2s ease", "opacity": "0", "top": "30px"});
  2836. $(".www-mp-server-tray").css({"transition": "0.2s ease", "opacity": "1", "top": "0"});
  2838. }, function() {
  2839. // On Mouse leave Player count
  2840. $("").css({"opacity": "1", "top": "0"});
  2841. $(".www-mp-server-tray").css({"opacity": "0", "top": "-30px"});
  2843. }
  2844. );
  2845. }
  2847. function MP_ToggleHidenForumSection() {
  2848. // Show and hide Forum Section
  2849. $('.showForumSS').click(function() {
  2850. $(this).closest('.node.category').find('.nodeList').toggleClass('hideThisList');
  2851. $(this).children('i.far').toggleClass('hideEyeToggle');
  2852. });
  2853. }
  2855. function MP_ParallaxHeader() {
  2856. if( $(window).width() <= 840) return; // don't do this for mobile.
  2858. // Animate Header Parallax
  2859. var lFollowX = 0,
  2860. lFollowY = 0,
  2861. x = 0,
  2862. y = 0,
  2863. friction = 1 / 3,
  2864. l1Speed = 0.05,
  2865. l2Speed = 0.25,
  2866. l3Speed = 1,
  2867. l4Speed = 2,
  2868. l5Speed = 0,
  2869. parallaxBox = $(window),
  2870. animationID,
  2871. active = false;
  2873. function moveBackground() {
  2874. x += (lFollowX - x) * friction;
  2875. y += (lFollowY - y) * friction;
  2877. // Transform Layers using specified speed
  2878. transformIt( '#l1', l1Speed, x, y );
  2879. transformIt( '#l2', l2Speed, x, y );
  2880. transformIt( '#l3', l3Speed, x, y );
  2881. transformIt( '#l4', l4Speed, x, y );
  2882. transformIt( '#l5', l5Speed, x, y );
  2884. // Animate it
  2885. animationID = requestAnimationFrame(moveBackground);
  2886. }
  2888. function transformIt ( id, tSpeed , xVal, yVal ) {
  2889. // Apply transform translate 3d for all the custom layers using their custom values
  2891. $( id ).css({
  2892. '-webit-transform': 'translate(' + (( xVal * tSpeed ).toFixed(3)) + 'px, ' + (( yVal * tSpeed).toFixed(3)) + 'px) scale(1)',
  2893. '-moz-transform': 'translate(' + (( xVal * tSpeed ).toFixed(3)) + 'px, ' + (( yVal * tSpeed).toFixed(3)) + 'px) scale(1)',
  2894. 'transform': 'translate(' + (( xVal * tSpeed ).toFixed(3)) + 'px, ' + (( yVal * tSpeed).toFixed(3)) + 'px) scale(1)'
  2895. });
  2896. }
  2898. function bindMouseMove() {
  2899. $(parallaxBox).on('mousemove click', function(e) {
  2901. var lMouseX = Math.max(-1000, Math.min(1000, $(parallaxBox).width() / 2 - e.clientX));
  2902. var lMouseY = Math.max(-1000, Math.min(1000, $(parallaxBox).height() / 2 - e.clientY));
  2903. var MouseOffsetY = Math.max( (0 - $(window).height() ), Math.min( $(window).height() , $(parallaxBox).height() - e.clientY));
  2905. // Only if mouse is positioned within the header
  2906. if ( (MouseOffsetY - scrollOffsetTop) >= ($(window).height() - headerHeight) ) {
  2907. if (scrollOffsetTop < headerHeight) {
  2908. lFollowX = (20 * lMouseX) / 400;
  2909. lFollowY = (2 * lMouseY) / 100;
  2910. }
  2911. }
  2913. });
  2914. }
  2916. function unbindMouseMove() {
  2917. $(parallaxBox).unbind("click");
  2918. $(parallaxBox).unbind("mousemove");
  2919. }
  2922. if (scrollOffsetTop < headerHeight) {
  2923. // initial function call, if the header is in view we will call the animation function
  2924. bindMouseMove();
  2925. animationID = requestAnimationFrame(moveBackground);
  2926. active = true;
  2927. }
  2929. $(window).scroll(function() {
  2930. // each time we scroll, we will re-evaluate the window position relative to the header position.
  2931. // if it's in view after not being active, we will activate the animation.
  2932. // if it is out of view after being activated, we will end the animation as well as unbind mouse tracking
  2933. if (scrollOffsetTop < headerHeight) {
  2934. // in view
  2935. if (!active) {
  2936. animationID = requestAnimationFrame(moveBackground);
  2937. bindMouseMove();
  2938. active = true;
  2939. }
  2940. } else {
  2941. // not in view
  2942. if (active) {
  2943. // cancel animation
  2944. cancelAnimationFrame(animationID);
  2945. unbindMouseMove();
  2946. active = false;
  2947. }
  2948. }
  2949. });
  2950. }
  2952. function MP_StickyNav() {
  2953. $(document).scroll(function () {
  2954. //Sticky Header Animate in
  2956. //Stick nav to top of page
  2957. var y = $(this).scrollTop();
  2959. //Set pixel value at which to display sticky nav
  2960. var noDispHeight = $('body').offset().top + 300,
  2961. noDispHeight2 = $('body').offset().top + 260;
  2963. //But not for devices with a screen width smaller than 840 px
  2964. if( $(window).width() > 840) {
  2965. if (y > noDispHeight) {
  2967. // Animate in sticky header CSS3
  2968. $('').addClass('navScrolled');
  2969. } else {
  2970. $('').removeClass('navScrolled');
  2971. }
  2972. }
  2974. if( $(window).width() > 840) {
  2975. if (y > noDispHeight2) {
  2977. // Fallback for fast scroll, display none after specified point
  2978. $('').removeClass('navNoDisplay');
  2979. } else {
  2980. $('').addClass('navNoDisplay');
  2981. }
  2982. }
  2984. });
  2985. }
  2987. // Mobile
  2990. function MP_MobileMenuHandler() {
  2991. var opened = false;
  2993. function MP_MobileMenuHandler_ScrollOpener() {
  2994. $( "li.navTab.ResponsiveMenu-mobile" ).click(function() {
  2995. //responsive scroll to nav and open nav if clicked on nav icon
  2997. //on click of responsive nav toggle button fixed sticky nav
  2999. if ($(".www-mp-nav-item.responsive-menu").siblings(".www-mp-nav-item").css('display') == 'list-item') {
  3000. // if the responsive nav is open..
  3002. var scrolllimit = 100;
  3005. if ($(window).scrollTop() > scrolllimit) {
  3006. // if the user has scrolled away more than specified number
  3007. // pixels from the top of the window
  3008. // and clicks the responsive toggle button again
  3009. // simply scroll back up to the menu without toggling it
  3011. $([document.documentElement, document.body]).animate({
  3012. scrollTop: $("ul.www-mp-nav").offset().top
  3013. }, 1000);
  3015. } else {
  3016. // else the user most likely intends to close the
  3017. // responsive menu, so close the responsive menu
  3018. // by changing its css styles
  3020. MP_MobileMenu_close();
  3021. }
  3023. } else {
  3024. // else if the responsive nav isn't open
  3025. // then the user intends to open it
  3026. // so we toggle the css classes to show it
  3028. MP_MobileMenu_open();
  3030. setTimeout( function() {
  3031. // and also scroll the user to the nav on click
  3032. $([document.documentElement, document.body]).animate({
  3033. scrollTop: $("ul.www-mp-nav").offset().top
  3034. }, 1000);
  3036. }, 100);
  3037. }
  3039. });
  3040. }
  3042. function MP_MobileMenu_open() {
  3043. if (!opened) {
  3044. $(".www-mp-nav-item.responsive-menu").siblings(".www-mp-nav-item").css( "display", "list-item" );
  3045. opened = true;
  3046. }
  3047. }
  3049. function MP_MobileMenu_close() {
  3050. if (opened) {
  3051. $(".www-mp-nav-item.responsive-menu").siblings(".www-mp-nav-item").css( "display", "none" );
  3052. opened = false;
  3053. }
  3054. }
  3056. MP_MobileMenuHandler_ScrollOpener();
  3058. $(".responsive-menu .www-mp-nav-button").click(function() {
  3059. if (!opened) {
  3060. MP_MobileMenu_open();
  3061. } else {
  3062. MP_MobileMenu_close();
  3063. }
  3064. });
  3066. $("div#content").click(function() {
  3067. MP_MobileMenu_close();
  3068. });
  3070. }
  3074. function MP_OpenVisitorOwnStatsOnClick() {
  3075. $("div#VisitorJavaChar").on("click", function() {
  3076. var regexURL = /^(https:\/\/(?:www|xen)\.mineplex\.com\/)(?:.+)$/g;
  3077. var currentURL = window.location.href;
  3078. var domainString = currentURL.replace(regexURL, '$1');
  3079. var finalUrl = domainString + "players/" + $(this).find("span#VisitorJavaCharacterName a").text();
  3080. window.location.href = finalUrl;
  3082. });
  3083. }
  3086. function MP_UpdateEditPrivateMessage() {
  3087. // Duplicate message prevention for private messages on edit
  3088. // Simplar to preventDupEdit in MP_UpdateThreadonThreadAction
  3090. $(document).ajaxSuccess(function( event, xhr, settings ) {
  3091. var ajaxRegex = /^\/conversations\/\w+\.\d+\/save-message\?m=(\d+)$/,
  3092. Cpath = settings.url.slice((settings.url.indexOf(document.domain) + document.domain.length), settings.url.length);
  3094. if (Cpath.match(ajaxRegex)) {
  3096. var allPostID = [];
  3098. $( ".messageList .message" ).each(function() {
  3099. // get all the post IDs of all the forum posts currently
  3100. // on the page and push them to an array
  3101. if($(this).is('[class*="message-"]')) {
  3102. var ClassList = $(this).attr('class');
  3103. var PostID = "message-"+(ClassList.split("message-").pop());
  3104. allPostID.push(PostID);
  3105. }
  3106. });
  3108. var allPostIDArray = allPostID.sort();
  3109. var allPostIDDuplicate = [];
  3111. for (var i = 0; i < allPostIDArray.length - 1; i++) {
  3112. // then go through every item in the array and check for
  3113. // duplicate occurences
  3114. if (allPostIDArray[i + 1] == allPostIDArray[i]) {
  3115. allPostIDDuplicate.push(allPostIDArray[i]);
  3116. // if a duplicate is found, push it into the
  3117. // duplicate holder array
  3119. if (navigator.onLine) {
  3120. // now run another check to see if user is still online
  3121. // after all this if online, safely hide all duplicate
  3122. // posts regardless of amount of edits done
  3123. var editPostClass = Cpath.replace(ajaxRegex, '$1');
  3124. editPostClass = "message-" + editPostClass;
  3126. $("." + editPostClass).css( "display", "none" );
  3127. $("." + editPostClass).first().css( "display", "block" );
  3129. var count = 0;
  3130. var count = (count + 1) % allPostIDDuplicate.length;
  3132. // this deals with duplication glitch outside
  3133. // of user's last post. set up a variable to go
  3134. // through every duplicate found currently in our array
  3137. if (editPostClass != (allPostIDDuplicate[count])) {
  3138. // if we find a duplicate that is not the one we just
  3139. // hid for our current user, hide this duplicate as well
  3140. // and leave the most recent version
  3142. $("."+(allPostIDDuplicate[count])).css( "display", "none" );
  3143. $("."+(allPostIDDuplicate[count])).last().css( "display", "block" );
  3144. } else {
  3145. }
  3147. }
  3148. }
  3149. }
  3151. }
  3153. });
  3154. }
  3157. // Now load in functions:
  3159. MP_ThreadActionTooltip();
  3160. MP_ShowPlayerCountOnHover();
  3161. MP_StickyNav();
  3162. MP_OpenVisitorOwnStatsOnClick();
  3165. $(window).on('load', function() {
  3166. if ($(".www-mp-titletray").css("display") != "none") {
  3167. // Only bother with the Header animation if the header is visible
  3168. // Aka not intentionally "disabled" for some specific pages
  3169. MP_ParallaxHeader();
  3170. }
  3171. MP_AnimateHomePosts();
  3172. MP_ScrollBackToTop();
  3173. MP_postinfoNewPostsHover();
  3174. MP_StyleOversizedSignatures();
  3175. MP_LoadGoogleDocResponsive();
  3176. MP_ProfileCommentsShowMoreImages();
  3177. });
  3180. $(document).ready( function(){
  3181. MP_BulkModHandler();
  3182. MP_PostMessageDropdown();
  3183. MP_MobileMenuHandler();
  3184. MP_UpdateThreadonThreadAction();
  3185. MP_FixCalendarAddonPositioning();
  3186. MP_ProfilePostCommentsShowMoretext();
  3187. MP_ToggleLoginPopup();
  3188. MP_ToggleHidenForumSection();
  3189. MP_UpdateEditPrivateMessage();
  3190. });
  3193. </script>
  3195. <form action="login/login" method="post" class="xenForm " id="login" style="display:none">
  3196. <div class="ctrlWrapper">
  3197. <div class="MineplexLoginPopup_logo"><img style="height: 80px;" src="">
  3198. <div class="MPLogin_TextTitle">Log in to your Mineplex Account</div>
  3199. </div>
  3200. <dl class="ctrlUnit">
  3201. <dt><label for="LoginControl">Your public username or email address:</label></dt>
  3202. <dd><input type="text" name="login" id="LoginControl" class="textCtrl MPLoginUsername" tabindex="101" placeholder="&#xf007; Username or Email" style="font-family:'Open Sans', FontAwesome" /></dd>
  3203. </dl>
  3204. <dl class="ctrlUnit">
  3205. <dt>
  3206. <label for="ctrl_password">Do you already have an account?</label>
  3207. </dt>
  3208. <dd>
  3209. <ul>
  3210. <li class="MPlogin_textlistitem"><label for="ctrl_not_registered"><input type="radio" name="register" value="1" id="ctrl_not_registered" tabindex="105" />
  3211. No, create an account now.</label></li>
  3212. <li class="MPlogin_textlistitem"><label for="ctrl_registered"><input type="radio" name="register" value="0" id="ctrl_registered" tabindex="105" checked="checked" class="Disabler" />
  3213. Yes, my password is:</label></li>
  3214. <li id="ctrl_registered_Disabler">
  3215. <input type="password" name="password" class="textCtrl MPLoginPassword" id="ctrl_password" tabindex="102" placeholder="&#xf023; ********" style="font-family:'Open Sans', FontAwesome" />
  3216. </li>
  3217. </ul>
  3218. </dd>
  3219. </dl>
  3220. <dl class="ctrlUnit submitUnit">
  3221. <dt></dt>
  3222. <dd>
  3223. <input type="submit" class="button primary" value="Log in" tabindex="104" data-loginPhrase="Log in" data-signupPhrase="Sign up" />
  3224. <div class="MPLogin_UserOptionsContainer">
  3225. <label for="ctrl_remember" class="rememberPassword"><input type="checkbox" name="remember" value="1" id="ctrl_remember" tabindex="103" /> Stay logged in</label>
  3226. <div class="lostPasswordLogin"><a href="lost-password/" class="OverlayTrigger OverlayCloser" tabindex="106">Forgot your password?</a></div>
  3227. </div>
  3228. </dd>
  3229. </dl>
  3230. </div>
  3231. <input type="hidden" name="cookie_check" value="1" />
  3232. <input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="/players/CaigePayne" />
  3233. <input type="hidden" name="_xfToken" value="" />
  3234. </form>
  3235. <div style="display: none;" id="myUserId">0</div>
  3236. <script src="" data-cf-settings="e2ddec30637e2218a304a763-|49" defer=""></script></body>
  3237. </html>
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