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Sep 19th, 2019
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  24. {
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  37. },
  38. {
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  41. },
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  46. "maxHeight": Infinity
  47. },
  48. {
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  52. },
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  54. },
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  60. },
  61. {
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  73. },
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  78. },
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  80. },
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  85. "maxHeight": 0.25
  86. },
  87. {
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  90. },
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  96. },
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  100. },
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  106. },
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  110. },
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  130. },
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  140. },
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  144. "minecraft:extreme_hills_with_trees",
  145. "minecraft:extreme_hills",
  146. "minecraft:mutated_extreme_hills"
  147. ],
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  153. },
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  158. },
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  160. },
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  164. "minecraft:extreme_hills_with_trees",
  165. "minecraft:extreme_hills",
  166. "minecraft:mutated_extreme_hills"
  167. ],
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  172. "maxHeight": -0.5
  173. },
  174. {
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  177. },
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  180. "minecraft:mesa_clear_rock",
  181. "minecraft:mutated_mesa",
  182. "minecraft:mutated_mesa_rock",
  183. "minecraft:mesa",
  184. "minecraft:mesa_rock"
  185. ],
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  187. "spawnTries": 2,
  188. "spawnProbability": 0.5,
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  190. "maxHeight": 0.25
  191. }
  192. ],
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  194. {
  195. "blockstate": {
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  197. },
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  206. }
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  240. "replacerConfig": {
  241. "defaults": {
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  245. "level": "0"
  246. },
  247. "Name": "minecraft:water"
  248. },
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  251. "cubicgen:water_level": 63.0,
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  255. "variant": "stone"
  256. },
  257. "Name": "minecraft:stone"
  258. },
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  261. "cubicgen:horizontal_gradient_depth_decrease_weight": 1.0,
  262. "cubicgen:height_offset": 64.0
  263. },
  264. "overrides": {}
  265. },
  266. "version": 3
  267. }
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