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a guest
Nov 6th, 2013
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  1. Number of games that uses the given macro at least once, out of a survey of 845.
  2. Macros with a usage of 1 are omitted.
  4. set: 360
  5. if: 348
  6. endif: 346
  7. else: 271
  8. display: 224
  9. silently: 214
  10. endsilently: 213
  11. print: 128
  12. replace: 50
  13. endreplace: 50
  14. cyclinglink: 34
  15. back: 32
  16. timedgoto: 30
  17. timedinsert: 30
  18. endtimedinsert: 29
  19. becomes: 27
  20. actions: 25
  21. choice: 24
  22. gains: 19
  23. endtimedreplace: 18
  24. timedreplace: 17
  25. insert: 15
  26. fadeoutsound: 15
  27. endinsert: 15
  28. endrevision: 14
  29. playsound: 13
  30. timedcontinue: 13
  31. pop: 12
  32. loopsound: 12
  33. revise: 12
  34. revision: 11
  35. endinsertion: 11
  36. endcycle: 11
  37. start_timer: 10
  38. endremoval: 10
  39. textinput: 10
  40. set_timer_mode: 10
  41. fadeinsound: 10
  42. set_timer_param: 10
  43. continue: 10
  44. endspan: 10
  45. randomp: 9
  46. screenShake: 9
  47. return: 9
  48. endonce: 8
  49. replacewith: 8
  50. timedremove: 8
  51. once: 8
  52. endtimedremove: 8
  53. stopsound: 8
  54. remember: 7
  55. goto: 6
  56. stopallsound: 4
  57. insertion: 4
  58. pausesound: 3
  59. mouseoverlink: 3
  60. stop_timer: 3
  61. map: 2
  62. piano: 2
  63. endlater: 2
  64. corpse: 2
  65. cycle: 2
  66. eatcorpse: 2
  67. trait: 2
  68. timedcycle: 2
  69. room: 2
  70. endtimedcycle: 2
  71. singlebgm: 2
  72. hope: 2
  73. later: 2
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