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Feb 23rd, 2019
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  1. local LDRP = {}
  3. local function MC(num)
  4. return math.Clamp(num,1,255)
  5. end
  7. function CreateButton(x, y, w, h, txt, font, parent, func)
  8. local btn = vgui.Create("DButton", parent)
  9. btn:SetPos(x, y)
  10. btn:SetSize(w, h)
  11. btn:SetText(txt)
  12. btn:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255))
  13. DLabel.SetFont( btn, font )
  14. local btnCol = Color(25, 25, 25, 245)
  16. btn.Paint = function(s, w, h)
  17. draw.RoundedBox(4, 0, 0, w, h, btnCol)
  18. end
  20. btn.OnCursorEntered = function()
  21. btnCol = Color(55, 55, 55, 245)
  22. end
  24. btn.OnCursorExited = function()
  25. btn:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255))
  26. btnCol = Color(25, 25, 25, 245)
  27. end
  29. btn.OnMousePressed = function()
  30. btn:SetTextColor(Color(45, 150, 225))
  31. end
  33. btn.OnMouseReleased = function()
  34. btn:SetTextColor(Color(255, 255, 255))
  35. func()
  36. end
  38. function btn:PerformLayout()
  39. if ( IsValid( self.m_Image ) ) then
  40. self.m_Image:SetPos( 15, (self:GetTall() - self.m_Image:GetTall()) * 0.5 )
  41. end
  42. DLabel.PerformLayout( self )
  43. end
  45. return btn
  46. end
  48. function LDRP.ConfirmVender(Type,Item,Cost)
  49. local item = string.lower(Item)
  50. local ConfirmWindow = vgui.Create("DFrame")
  51. local w,h = ScrW(),ScrH()
  52. local ws,hs = 240,150
  53. ConfirmWindow:SetSize(ws,hs)
  54. ConfirmWindow:SetPos(-ws,h*.5-(hs*.5))
  55. ConfirmWindow:MoveTo(w*.5-(ws*.5),h*.5-(hs*.5),.2,.2)
  56. ConfirmWindow:MakePopup()
  57. ConfirmWindow:SetTitle("")
  58. ConfirmWindow:ShowCloseButton(false)
  60. local CantSell = (Type == "sell") and (!LocalPlayer().Inventory[item] or LocalPlayer().Inventory[item] < 1)
  61. local WindowSize = (CantSell and hs*.5) or hs
  62. ConfirmWindow.Paint = function()
  63. draw.RoundedBox(6,0,0,ws,WindowSize,Color(215,85,80,225))
  65. if Type == "buy" then
  66. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Are you sure you want to buy", "Trebuchet22", 4, hs*.2, Color(255,255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 2, Color(0,0,0,255) )
  67. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "a " .. Item .. " for $" .. Cost, "Trebuchet22", 4, hs*.35, Color(255,255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 2, Color(0,0,0,255) )
  68. elseif Type == "sell" then
  69. if CantSell then
  70. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "You don't have any to sell.", "Trebuchet22", ws*.5, WindowSize*.5, Color(255,255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 2, Color(0,0,0,255) )
  71. return
  72. end
  73. local am = LocalPlayer().Inventory[Item]
  74. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Are you sure you want to sell", "Trebuchet22", 4, hs*.2, Color(255,255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 2, Color(0,0,0,255) )
  75. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( am .. " " .. Item .. " for $" .. Cost*am, "Trebuchet22", 4, hs*.35, Color(255,255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 2, Color(0,0,0,255) )
  76. end
  78. end
  80. if CantSell then
  81. ConfirmWindow:SetSize(ws,WindowSize)
  82. ConfirmWindow:ShowCloseButton(true)
  83. return
  84. end
  86. local YesButton = vgui.Create("DButton",ConfirmWindow)
  87. YesButton:SetPos(4,hs*.5)
  88. YesButton:SetSize(ws-8,hs*.22)
  89. YesButton:SetText("Yes")
  90. YesButton.DoClick = function()
  91. RunConsoleCommand("__shp",Type,item)
  92. ConfirmWindow:MoveTo(w,h*.5-(hs*.5),.2,.2)
  93. timer.Simple(.4,function()
  94. ConfirmWindow:Close()
  95. end)
  96. end
  98. local NoButton = vgui.Create("DButton",ConfirmWindow)
  99. NoButton:SetPos(4,hs*.74)
  100. NoButton:SetSize(ws-8,hs*.22)
  101. NoButton:SetText("No")
  102. NoButton.DoClick = function()
  103. ConfirmWindow:MoveTo(w,h*.5-(hs*.5),.2,.2)
  104. timer.Simple(.4,function()
  105. ConfirmWindow:Close()
  106. end)
  107. end
  108. end
  110. function LDRP_SH.OpenStoreMenu(name,model,saying,selltable,buytable)
  111. local Store = {}
  112. local w,h = 600,600
  114. Store.BG = vgui.Create("DFrame")
  115. Store.BG:SetSize(600,600)
  116. Store.BG:Center()
  117. Store.BG:MakePopup()
  118. Store.BG:SetTitle("")
  119. Store.BG.Paint = function()
  120. draw.RoundedBox(3,0,0,w,h,Color(36,36,36,255))
  121. --draw.RoundedBox(3,25,120,w-56,h-145,Color(42,42,42,255))
  122. draw.RoundedBox(3,0,0,w,h-500,Color(215,85,80,255))
  123. --surface.DrawLine(0,h,w,h) --top
  124. surface.DrawLine(0,599,599,599) --bottom
  125. surface.DrawLine(0,599,0,599) --left
  126. surface.DrawLine(599,599,599,599) --right
  128. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( name,"HUDNumber", w*.5, h*.03, Color(255,255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 2, Color(0,0,0,255) )
  129. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( saying,"Trebuchet24", w*.5+15, h-528, Color(255,255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 2, Color(0,0,0,255) )
  131. draw.RoundedBox(6,2,h*.184,w-4,h-114,Color(30,30,30,30))
  133. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Selling","HUDNumber", w*.07, h*.23, Color(255,255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 2, Color(0,0,0,255) )
  135. draw.SimpleTextOutlined( "Buying","HUDNumber", w*.07, h*.62, Color(255,255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 2, Color(0,0,0,255) )
  139. end
  141. Store.NPCPic = vgui.Create("SpawnIcon",Store.BG)
  142. Store.NPCPic:SetPos(6,20)
  143. Store.NPCPic:SetModel(model)
  145. Store.SellingList = vgui.Create("DPanelList",Store.BG)
  146. Store.SellingList:SetPos(37,h*.285)
  147. Store.SellingList:SetSize(w-12,h*.29)
  148. Store.SellingList:SetSpacing(4)
  149. Store.SellingList:SetPadding(4)
  150. Store.SellingList:EnableHorizontal(true)
  151. Store.SellingList:EnableVerticalScrollbar(true)
  154. Store.BuyingList = vgui.Create("DPanelList",Store.BG)
  155. Store.BuyingList:SetPos(37,h*.67)
  156. Store.BuyingList:SetSize(w-12,h*.31)
  157. Store.BuyingList:SetSpacing(4)
  158. Store.BuyingList:SetPadding(4)
  159. Store.BuyingList:EnableHorizontal(true)
  160. Store.BuyingList:EnableVerticalScrollbar(true)
  162. for k,v in pairs(selltable) do
  163. local Lower = string.lower(k)
  164. local ItemIcon = CreateIcon(nil,LDRP_SH.AllItems[Lower].mdl,76,76,function() LDRP.ConfirmVender("buy",Lower,v) end)
  165. ItemIcon:SetToolTip(k .. "\nSell Price: $" .. v)
  166. Store.SellingList:AddItem(ItemIcon)
  167. end
  169. for k,v in pairs(buytable) do
  170. local Lower = string.lower(k)
  171. local ItemIcon = CreateIcon(nil,LDRP_SH.AllItems[Lower].mdl,76,76,function() LDRP.ConfirmVender("sell",string.lower(Lower),v) end)
  172. ItemIcon:SetToolTip(k .. "\nBuy Price: $" .. v)
  173. Store.BuyingList:AddItem(ItemIcon)
  174. end
  175. end
  177. function LDRP.RulesMenu()
  178. local Loading = true
  180. local Window = vgui.Create("DFrame")
  181. local w,h = ScrW()*.8,ScrH()*.8
  182. Window:SetSize(w,h)
  183. Window:SetPos(ScrW()*.1,ScrH()*.1)
  184. Window.Paint = function()
  185. draw.RoundedBox( 8, 0, 0, w, h, Color(-40,-40,-40,60) )
  186. if Loading then
  187. draw.SimpleTextOutlined("Loading Webpage", "HUDNumber", w*.5, h*.5, Color(255,255,255), TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 2, Color(0,0,0) )
  188. end
  189. end
  190. Window:SetTitle("Rules")
  191. Window:MakePopup()
  193. local HTML = vgui.Create("HTML",Window)
  194. HTML:SetPos(6,22)
  195. HTML:SetSize(w-8,h-30)
  196. HTML:OpenURL("")
  197. HTML.FinishedURL = function()
  198. Loading = false
  199. end
  200. HTML.OpeningURL = function()
  201. Loading = true
  202. end
  204. return ""
  205. end
  206. concommand.Add("rules",LDRP.RulesMenu)
  208. -- Bank bullshit
  209. function LDRP.SendItemInfo(um)
  210. LocalPlayer().Bank[tostring(um:ReadString())] = um:ReadFloat()
  211. end
  212. usermessage.Hook("SendBItem",LDRP.SendItemInfo)
  214. function LDRP.SendMaxWeight(um)
  215. LocalPlayer().MaxBWeight = um:ReadFloat()
  216. end
  217. usermessage.Hook("SendBWeight",LDRP.SendMaxWeight)
  219. function LDRP.ShopItemOptions(item, Type, nicename, items, shopent)
  220. local TypeTbl = (Type == "bank" and LocalPlayer().Inventory) or LocalPlayer().Bank
  221. if shopent and shopent:IsOpen() then chat.AddText(Color(15,75,255),"[SHOP] ",Color(255,255,255),"Shop must be closed to edit items!") return end
  222. if (Type == "shop") then TypeTbl = LocalPlayer().Inventory end
  223. if items then TypeTbl = items end
  224. if TypeTbl[item] then
  225. local OptionsMenu = vgui.Create("DFrame")
  226. OptionsMenu:SetSize(200, shopent and 160 or 140)
  227. OptionsMenu:Center()
  229. local Tbl = LDRP_SH.AllItems[item]
  231. OptionsMenu.Paint = function(s,w,h)
  232. draw.RoundedBox(6,0,0,w,h,Color(50,50,50,180))
  233. local name = LDRP_SH.NicerWepNames[Tbl.nicename] or Tbl.nicename
  234. draw.SimpleTextOutlined(name .. " - " .. (items and TypeTbl[item].amount or TypeTbl[item]) .. " left","Trebuchet20",100,14,Color(255,255,255,200),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 2, Color(0,0,0,200) )
  235. end
  236. OptionsMenu:SetTitle("")
  237. OptionsMenu.MakeClose = function()
  238. OptionsMenu:MoveTo(ScrW(),ScrH()*.5-80,.3)
  239. timer.Simple(.3,function()
  240. if OptionsMenu:IsValid() then OptionsMenu:Close() end
  241. end)
  242. end
  243. local SellAmount
  244. local Counter
  245. local UseButton = vgui.Create("DButton",OptionsMenu)
  246. UseButton:SetPos(4,30)
  247. UseButton:SetSize(192,32)
  248. UseButton:SetText(nicename)
  249. UseButton.DoClick = function()
  250. if (Type == "shop") or items then
  251. if SellAmount then
  252. LastSalePriceValue = SellAmount:GetValue()
  253. end
  254. OptionsMenu.MakeClose()
  255. else
  256. RunConsoleCommand("_bnk",Type,item, Counter:GetValue())
  257. OptionsMenu.MakeClose()
  258. end
  259. end
  261. Counter = vgui.Create("DNumSlider",OptionsMenu)
  262. Counter:SetPos(4,shopent and 125 or 60)
  263. Counter:SetSize(200,32)
  264. Counter.TextArea:SetTextColor(Color(209,209,209))
  265. Counter:SizeToContents()
  266. Counter:SetText((Type == "bank" or Type == "shop") and "Put in" or "Takeout")
  267. Counter:SetMax(items and TypeTbl[item].amount or TypeTbl[item])
  268. Counter:SetMin(1)
  269. Counter:SetDecimals(0)
  270. Counter:SetValue(1)
  271. Counter.OnValueChanged = function (s,val)
  272. if not shopent then return end
  273. UseButton:SetText(string.format("%s %s of these",items and "Take out" or "Sell",val <= 1 and "one" or tostring(math.Round(val))))
  274. end
  276. if (Type == "shop") and not items then
  277. local SellAmountLbl = vgui.Create("DLabel",OptionsMenu)
  278. SellAmountLbl:SetPos(4,60)
  279. SellAmountLbl:SetSize(192,32)
  280. SellAmountLbl:SetText("Enter the sale price ($):")
  281. SellAmount = vgui.Create("DNumberWang",OptionsMenu)
  282. SellAmount:SetPos(4,85)
  283. SellAmount:SetSize(192,32)
  284. SellAmount:SetText(LastSalePriceValue)
  285. SellAmount:SetMin(2)
  286. SellAmount:SetMax(1000000000)
  287. end
  288. OptionsMenu.Think = function()
  289. OptionsMenu:MakePopup()
  290. end
  291. end
  292. end
  294. local WepNames = LDRP_SH.NicerWepNames
  295. function LDRP.BankMenu(ply,cmd,args)
  296. local MainBankBackground = vgui.Create("DFrame")
  297. local w,l = 800,630
  298. MainBankBackground:SetWidth(w)
  299. MainBankBackground:SetHeight(l)
  300. MainBankBackground:MakePopup()
  301. MainBankBackground:Center()
  302. MainBankBackground:SetTitle("")
  303. MainBankBackground:ShowCloseButton(true)
  304. function MainBankBackground:Paint()
  305. draw.RoundedBox(3,0,0,w,l,Color(36,36,36,255))
  307. local BankWeight = 0
  308. for k,v in pairs(LocalPlayer().Bank) do
  309. if k == "curcash" then continue end
  310. if v and v >= 1 then
  311. BankWeight = BankWeight+(LDRP_SH.AllItems[k].weight*v)
  312. end
  313. end
  314. surface.SetDrawColor(255,0,0)
  315. surface.DrawLine(w / 2,0,w / 2,630)
  316. draw.SimpleTextOutlined("Bank Weight: " .. BankWeight .. " out of " .. LocalPlayer().MaxBWeight,"Trebuchet22",w*.5,l*.97,Color(215, 85, 80,255),TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER,TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 2, Color(0,0,0,200) )
  317. end
  319. local btndeposit = vgui.Create("DButton",MainBankBackground)
  320. btndeposit:SetText("Deposit Money")
  321. btndeposit:SetPos(10, 700)
  322. btndeposit:SetSize(50, 30)
  323. btndeposit.DoClick = function()
  324. local am = tonumber(InputCash:GetValue())
  325. if am and am > 0 then RunConsoleCommand("_bnk","money",-am)
  326. else
  327. LocalPlayer():ChatPrint("Please enter a valid number.")
  328. end
  329. end
  331. local btnwithdraw = vgui.Create("DButton",MainBankBackground)
  332. btnwithdraw:SetText("Withdraw Money")
  333. btnwithdraw:SetPos(10, 735)
  334. btnwithdraw:SetSize(50, 30)
  335. btnwithdraw.DoClick = function()
  336. local am = tonumber(InputCash:GetValue())
  337. if am and am > 0 then RunConsoleCommand("_bnk","money",am)
  338. else
  339. LocalPlayer():ChatPrint("Please enter a valid number.")
  340. end
  341. end
  343. local btnclose = vgui.Create("DButton",MainBankBackground)
  344. btnclose:SetText("Close Bank")
  345. btnclose:SetPos(10, 770)
  346. btnclose:SetSize(50, 30)
  347. btnclose.DoClick = function()
  348. MainBankBackground:Close()
  349. end
  353. local BankLabel = vgui.Create("DLabel",MainBankBackground)
  354. BankLabel:SetText("Bank")
  355. BankLabel:SetFont("HUDNumber")
  356. BankLabel:SetColor(Color(215, 85, 80,255))
  357. BankLabel:SetPos(w / 4 * 0.5 + 40,10)
  358. BankLabel:SizeToContents()
  360. local BankItemsList = vgui.Create("DPanelList",MainBankBackground)
  361. BankItemsList:SetPos(6,50)
  362. BankItemsList:SetWidth(400)
  363. BankItemsList:SetHeight(400)
  364. BankItemsList:SetPadding(4)
  365. BankItemsList:SetSpacing(4)
  367. BankItemsList:EnableVerticalScrollbar(true)
  368. BankItemsList:EnableHorizontal(true)
  370. BankItemsList.Paint = function()
  371. draw.RoundedBox(3,0,0,390,400,Color(42,42,42,255))
  372. end
  374. local CurIcons = {}
  376. function BankItemsList:Think()
  377. for k,v in pairs(LocalPlayer().Bank) do
  378. if k == "curcash" then continue end
  380. local Check = CurIcons[k]
  381. if Check then
  382. if != v or v <= 0 then
  383. local ItemTbl = LDRP_SH.AllItems[k]
  384. if !ItemTbl then continue end
  385. if v <= 0 then
  386. BankItemsList:RemoveItem(Check.vgui)
  387. CurIcons[k] = nil
  388. else
  389. local Namez = WepNames[ItemTbl.nicename] or ItemTbl.nicename
  390. Check.vgui:SetToolTip(Namez .. "\n" .. ItemTbl.descr .. "\nAmount: " .. v .. "\nWeight: " .. ItemTbl.weight)
  391. CurIcons[k].am = v
  392. end
  393. end
  394. elseif v > 0 then
  395. local ItemTbl = LDRP_SH.AllItems[k]
  396. if !ItemTbl then continue end
  397. local ItemIcon = CreateIcon(BankItemsList,ItemTbl.mdl,79,79,function() LDRP.ShopItemOptions(k,"takeout","Take Out") end)
  398. CurIcons[k] = {["vgui"] = ItemIcon,["am"] = v}
  399. local Namez = WepNames[ItemTbl.nicename] or ItemTbl.nicename
  400. ItemIcon:SetToolTip(Namez .. "\n" .. ItemTbl.descr .. "\nAmount: " .. v .. "\nWeight: " .. ItemTbl.weight)
  402. BankItemsList:AddItem(ItemIcon)
  403. end
  404. timer.Simple(.001,function()
  405. if !BankItemsList:IsValid() then return end
  406. BankItemsList:Rebuild()
  407. BankItemsList:PerformLayout()
  408. end)
  409. end
  410. end
  413. local InvLabel = vgui.Create("DLabel",MainBankBackground)
  414. InvLabel:SetText("Inventory")
  415. InvLabel:SetFont("HUDNumber")
  416. InvLabel:SetColor(Color(215, 85, 80,255))
  417. InvLabel:SetPos(w / 6 * 4,10)
  418. InvLabel:SizeToContents()
  420. local InvItemsList = vgui.Create("DPanelList",MainBankBackground)
  421. InvItemsList:SetPos(w / 2 + 5, 50)
  422. InvItemsList:SetWidth(400)
  423. InvItemsList:SetHeight(400)
  424. InvItemsList:SetPadding(4)
  425. InvItemsList:SetSpacing(4)
  426. InvItemsList:EnableVerticalScrollbar(true)
  427. InvItemsList:EnableHorizontal(true)
  428. InvItemsList.Paint = function()
  429. draw.RoundedBox(3,0,0,390,400,Color(42,42,42))
  430. end
  431. local CurIcons2 = {}
  433. function InvItemsList:Think()
  434. for k,v in pairs(LocalPlayer().Inventory) do
  435. local Check = CurIcons2[k]
  436. if Check then
  437. if != v or v <= 0 then
  438. local ItemTbl = LDRP_SH.AllItems[k]
  439. if !ItemTbl then continue end
  440. if v <= 0 then
  441. InvItemsList:RemoveItem(Check.vgui)
  442. CurIcons2[k] = nil
  443. else
  444. local Namez = WepNames[ItemTbl.nicename] or ItemTbl.nicename
  445. Check.vgui:SetToolTip(Namez .. "\n" .. ItemTbl.descr .. "\nAmount: " .. v .. "\nWeight: " .. ItemTbl.weight)
  446. CurIcons2[k].am = v
  447. end
  448. end
  449. elseif v > 0 then
  450. local ItemTbl = LDRP_SH.AllItems[k]
  451. if !ItemTbl then continue end
  452. local ItemIcon = CreateIcon(InvItemsList,ItemTbl.mdl,79,79,function() LDRP.ShopItemOptions(k,"bank","Put in bank") end)
  453. CurIcons2[k] = {["vgui"] = ItemIcon,["am"] = v}
  454. local Namez = WepNames[ItemTbl.nicename] or ItemTbl.nicename
  455. ItemIcon:SetToolTip(Namez .. "\n" .. ItemTbl.descr .. "\nAmount: " .. v .. "\nWeight: " .. ItemTbl.weight)
  457. InvItemsList:AddItem(ItemIcon)
  458. end
  459. timer.Simple(.001,function()
  460. if !InvItemsList:IsValid() then return end
  461. InvItemsList:Rebuild()
  462. InvItemsList:PerformLayout()
  463. end)
  464. end
  465. end
  467. local MoneyLabel = vgui.Create("DLabel",MainBankBackground)
  468. MoneyLabel:SetPos(8,470)
  469. MoneyLabel:SetText(" ")
  470. MoneyLabel:SetFont("HUDNumber")
  471. function MoneyLabel:Paint()
  472. draw.SimpleTextOutlined("Balance: $" .. LocalPlayer().Bank["curcash"], "HUDNumber", 0, ScrH()*.02, Color(215, 85, 80), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, 1, Color(0,0,0) )
  473. end
  474. MoneyLabel:SizeToContents()
  476. local InputCash = vgui.Create("DTextEntry",MainBankBackground)
  477. InputCash:SetPos(280,470)
  478. InputCash:SetWidth(314)
  479. InputCash:SetHeight(35)
  480. InputCash:SetEnterAllowed(false)
  481. InputCash:SetText("Input money amount here")
  482. local HasClicked
  483. InputCash.OnMousePressed = function()
  484. if !HasClicked then InputCash:SetText("") HasClicked = true end
  485. end
  487. function InputCash:Paint()
  488. draw.RoundedBox(6,0,0,self:GetWide(),self:GetTall(),Color(70,70,70,20))
  489. self:DrawTextEntryText(Color(255, 255, 255), Color(0, 255, 0), Color(255, 255, 255))
  490. end
  492. local CloseButton = CreateButton(10, 770,50, 30,"Deposit Money","HUDNumber", MainBankBackground,function()
  493. MainBankBackground:Close()
  494. end)
  496. end
  497. usermessage.Hook("SendBankMenu",LDRP.BankMenu)
  499. concommand.Add("_banker", LDRP.BankMenu)
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