Guest User


a guest
May 22nd, 2016
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  1. # Prefix that is displayed before all message
  2. Prefix: "&cDeitiesNetwork &8\xbb"
  4. # Notify admins if a banned player tries to join
  5. DenyNotify: false
  6. LoadingMessage: true
  8. # Disable UUID usage for cracked servers
  9. # Early versions of the webpanel will NOT work if this is disabled
  10. UseUUID: true
  12. # This will be the reason if no reason got entered
  13. DefaultReason: "Connection lost"
  15. # For Server-Networks [Security fix]
  16. # This IP will not be banable!
  17. BungeeCordIP: "342.123.213.423"
  19. # MySQL-Settings
  20. MySQL:
  21. enabled: false
  22. IP: localhost
  23. Port: '3306'
  24. DB-Name: bans
  25. Username: root
  26. Password: lol123
  28. # Commands that get executed when a player
  29. # get kicked or banned | Vars: %PLAYER%
  30. CommandsOn:
  31. Ban:
  32. - "report clear %PLAYER%"
  33. - ""
  34. Tempban:
  35. - "report clear %PLAYER%"
  36. Kick:
  37. - "Maby a broadcast?"
  39. # Message-Settings
  40. ChatMessages:
  41. Banned: "&e&o%PLAYER% &7was banned for &c%REASON%"
  42. Kicked: "&e&o%PLAYER% &7was kicked for &c%REASON%"
  43. AlreadyBanned: "&cERROR: &7%PLAYER% is already banned"
  44. Until: "&7Until &8\xbb &x"
  45. Reason: "&cReason &8\xbb &7"
  46. BannedBy: "&cBanned by &8\xbb &7"
  47. EndingIn: "&cUnban in &8\xbb &7"
  48. Unbanned: "&c&o%PLAYER% &7was unbanned!"
  49. NotOnline: "&7This Player is not online!"
  50. NotBanned: "&e&o%PLAYER% &7is not banned"
  51. IsBanned: "&e&o%PLAYER% &7is banned"
  52. NoPerms: "&7You don't have enough perms"
  53. KickExempt: "&cYou are not able to kick this Player"
  54. BanExempt: "&cYou are not able to ban this Player"
  55. PlayerHistory: "&cPlayerHistory &8\xbb"
  56. NoPlayerHistory: "&cThis Player has no Player-History"
  57. RemovedPlayerHistory: "&c%PLAYER%'s history got removed"
  58. UsagePlayerHistory: "&cUsage &o/history [get/clear] PLAYER"
  59. UsageCheck: "&cUsage: &o/check [IP/Player]"
  60. UsageKick: "&cUsage: &o/kick [Player] <Reason>"
  61. UsageUnban: "&cUsage: &o/unban [IP/Player]"
  62. UsageIpBan: "&cUsage: &o/ban-ip [IP/Player] <Reason>"
  63. UsageTempBan: "&cUsage: &o/tempban [Player] [Number] [S/M/H/D/W/Mo/Y] <Reason>"
  64. UsageBan: "&cUsage: &o/ban [IP/Player] <Reason>"
  65. Loading: "&cLoading ..."
  66. BanListLayout:
  67. Header:
  68. - "&7Banlist:"
  69. - "&9&lPlayer/IP &8| &c&lUntil &8| &7&lBanned by"
  70. - "&e&oReason"
  71. - "&7"
  72. Entry:
  73. - "&9%NAME% &8| &c%UNTIL% &8| &7%BY%"
  74. - "&7%REASON%"
  75. - "&7"
  76. Footer: "&7There are currently %NO% active bans"
  77. HistoryLayout:
  78. - '&c%DATE% &8- &6%NAME%'
  79. - "&cType &8\xbb %TYPE%"
  80. - "&cReason &8\xbb &7%REASON%"
  81. - "&cBanned by &8\xbb &7%BY%"
  82. KickLayout:
  83. - '%PREFIX% &7You have been &cKicked &7by &c%OPERATOR%'
  84. - '&7'
  85. - "&cReason &8\xbb &7%REASON%"
  86. - '&7'
  87. BanLayout:
  88. - '%PREFIX% &7You have been &cPermanently Banned &7by &c%OPERATOR%'
  89. - '&7'
  90. - "&cReason &8\xbb &7%REASON%"
  91. - '&7'
  92. - '&7If you feel you were wrongly banned please appeal on the forums @'
  93. - " &c&n& "
  94. TempbanLayout:
  95. - '%PREFIX% &7You have been &cRTemporarily Banned &7by &c%OPERATOR%'
  96. - '&7'
  97. - "&cReason &8\xbb &7%REASON%"
  98. - "&cTime Left &8\xbb &7%REMAINING%"
  99. - '&7'
  100. - '&7If you feel you were wrongly banned please appeal on the forums @'
  101. - " &c&n& "
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