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Oct 18th, 2018
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  1. import psycopg2
  3. # --- SETUP ---
  4. # for printing some messages in the console
  5. DEBUG = True
  7. # The only things that need to be filled in to run the script (+ line 102: tables, will change that later):
  8. # dbname, user, password
  9. # and
  10. # year, old data filename, category, empty string for later
  11. input_for_script = (2016, 'ongeval.csv', 'ongevallen', '')
  13. # Connect to an existing database
  14. conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname=rws_2011_2017 user=postgres password=Prandall19s!")
  16. # --- EXECUTION ---
  17. # This code adds a new year of RWS data to the old dataset.
  18. # Requirements: 1. all tables are located in the same schema (old years, new year to add, reference tables)
  19. # 2. the table will only join the attributes from the old table
  20. # 3. the names of the reference tables end in '.txt.csv' */
  22. # Open a cursor to perform database operations
  23. cur = conn.cursor()
  25. # Creates settings table. input it takes:
  26. # the year (to add),
  27. # the name of the old table (containing the previous years)
  28. # and category (partij/ongeval/slachtoffer/voertuig/etcetera)
  29. cur.execute("""
  30. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS _rws_settings;
  31. CREATE TABLE _rws_settings (
  32. year_to_add INT,
  33. old_data text,
  34. category text,
  35. year_filename text);
  36. """)
  38. cur.execute("""
  39. INSERT INTO _rws_settings
  40. (year_to_add, old_data, category, year_filename)
  41. VALUES
  42. (%s, %s, %s, %s);
  43. """,
  44. input_for_script)
  46. cur.execute("""
  47. UPDATE _rws_settings
  48. SET year_filename = CONCAT(_rws_settings.category, '_', _rws_settings.year_to_add, '.csv');
  49. """)
  52. # Creates lookup table _rws_datatypes, which states the column names and datatypes of old_data from _rws_settings
  53. cur.execute("""
  54. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS _rws_datatypes;
  55. CREATE TABLE _rws_datatypes AS
  56. SELECT column_name, data_type FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns
  57. WHERE table_name = (SELECT old_data FROM _rws_settings);
  58. """)
  60. # Creates lookup table _rws_references: It takes the columns ending in '_ID' or '_CODE' and the name of the reference table.
  61. # With this, it'll be possible to look up whether columns in the new table (year to add) have to be transformed into '_OMS'.
  62. cur.execute("""
  63. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS _rws_references;
  64. CREATE TABLE _rws_references AS
  65. SELECT column_name, table_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns
  66. WHERE table_name LIKE '%.txt.csv'
  67. AND (column_name LIKE '%\_ID' OR column_name LIKE '%\_CODE');
  68. """)
  70. # Selects all columns from new table that end in '_ID' or '_CODE', and outputs it into a Python list
  71. cur.execute("""
  72. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS _rws_columns_to_convert;
  73. CREATE TABLE _rws_columns_to_convert AS
  74. SELECT column_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns
  75. WHERE table_name LIKE (SELECT _rws_settings.year_filename FROM _rws_settings)
  76. AND (column_name LIKE '%\_ID' OR column_name LIKE '%\_CODE' OR column_name LIKE '%_ID_%');
  77. """)
  79. # Makes a list on what columns need to be converted with a reference table
  80. cur.execute("""
  81. SELECT _rws_columns_to_convert."column_name" FROM _rws_columns_to_convert;
  82. """)
  83. list_to_convert = cur.fetchall()
  84. # removes '(' and '),'
  85. list_to_convert = [i[0] for i in list_to_convert]
  86. # List of column names that do end in _ID or _CODE, but should not be converted (checked manually)
  87. columns_not_to_convert = ['JTE_ID', 'WVK_ID', 'GME_ID', 'PVE_CODE', 'WSE_ID']
  89. # Loop to check if the name should not have a conversion to _OMS, and remove them from the conversion list that will be iterated through (not the table in pgAdmin)
  90. for name in columns_not_to_convert:
  91. if name in list_to_convert:
  92. list_to_convert.remove(name)
  93. print(list_to_convert)
  95. # Query for the loop, selects the correct reference table based on the iteration
  96. get_table_name_query = """
  97. SELECT table_name from _rws_references WHERE column_name = '{0}'
  98. """
  100. # List of tables that have ID/CODE to convert to OMS ["ongevallen_2016.csv", "ongevallen_2017.csv"]
  101. # create a temporary data table and fill it with the old data
  102. tables = ["ongevallen_2016.csv"]
  103. all_data = cur.execute("""
  104. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS _rws_all_temp;
  105. CREATE TABLE _rws_all_temp AS SELECT * FROM (SELECT _rws_settings.old_data FROM _rws_settings) AS derived_temp
  106. """)
  108. # VKL_NUMMER <--- ID for rows
  109. # Function to print some messages for easy debug
  110. def run_query(query):
  111. if(DEBUG):
  112. print(query)
  113. cur.execute(query)
  115. # Function to make a copy of the table to edit in
  116. def copy_table(table_name):
  117. copy_table_query = """
  118. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "{0}_copy";
  119. CREATE TABLE "{0}_copy" AS
  120. SELECT * FROM "{0}"
  121. """.format(table_name)
  123. run_query(copy_table_query)
  125. # Function to add a column to a table
  126. def add_column(table_name, column_name, datatype):
  127. add_column_query = """
  128. ALTER TABLE "{0}"
  129. ADD COLUMN "{1}" {2};
  130. """.format(table_name, column_name, datatype)
  132. run_query(add_column_query)
  134. # Runs the function to copy the table mentioned in the variable tables (list)
  135. for table in tables:
  136. copy_table(table)
  139. # Function that converts _ID or _CODE into _OMS
  140. # 0= data table (2016 for example) - table_to_convert
  141. # 1= the reference table
  142. # 2=item name, iterable (_ID or _CODE)
  143. # 3=item name (but the _OMS version, needs function turn_id_or_code_into_oms)
  144. def run_queries(table_to_convert, from_table, item_name, item_oms):
  146. add_column(table_to_convert, item_oms, "VARCHAR")
  148. if item_name == 'BZD_%':
  149. newname = item_name.replace("_ID", "")
  150. newname = newname + str("_OMS")
  151. bzd_id = "BZD_ID"
  152. grab_oms_query = """
  153. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "{4}_temp";
  154. CREATE TABLE "{4}_temp" AS
  155. SELECT "{0}"."VKL_NUMMER", "{0}"."{2}", (oms_table."{3}" AS "{4}")
  156. FROM "{0}"
  157. LEFT JOIN "{1}" as oms_table
  158. ON CAST("{0}"."{2}" AS VARCHAR) = CAST(oms_table."{5}" AS VARCHAR);
  159. """.format(table_to_convert, from_table, item_name, item_oms, newname, bzd_id)
  160. else:
  161. grab_oms_query = """
  162. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "{3}_temp";
  163. CREATE TABLE "{3}_temp" AS
  164. SELECT "{0}"."VKL_NUMMER", "{0}"."{2}", oms_table."{3}"
  165. FROM "{0}"
  166. LEFT JOIN "{1}" as oms_table
  167. ON CAST("{0}"."{2}" AS VARCHAR) = CAST(oms_table."{2}" AS VARCHAR);
  168. """.format(table_to_convert, from_table, item_name, item_oms)
  170. fill_oms_column_query = """
  171. UPDATE "{0}"
  172. SET "{1}" = "{1}_temp"."{1}"
  173. FROM "{1}_temp"
  174. WHERE "{0}"."VKL_NUMMER" = "{1}_temp"."VKL_NUMMER"
  175. """.format(table_to_convert, item_oms)
  177. drop_temp_table_query = """
  178. DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "{0}";
  179. """.format(item_oms + "_temp")
  181. run_query(grab_oms_query)
  182. run_query(fill_oms_column_query)
  183. run_query(drop_temp_table_query)
  186. # changes extension _ID and _CODE into _OMS (for easy lookup in reference table)
  187. def turn_id_or_code_into_oms(name):
  188. if "_CODE" in name:
  189. if name == "DAG_CODE" or name == "PVE_CODE":
  190. return name.replace("_CODE", "_NAAM")
  191. else:
  192. return name.replace("_CODE", "_OMS")
  193. #writing for BZD_ID_IF1 -> BZD_IF1_OMS
  194. elif name =="BZD_ID_%":
  195. #newname = name.replace("_ID", "")
  196. #newname = newname + str("_OMS")
  197. newname = "BZD_OMS"
  198. return newname
  199. else:
  200. return name.replace("_ID", "_OMS")
  202. # Get list with column names from original datafile
  203. cur.execute("""
  204. SELECT _rws_datatypes."column_name" FROM _rws_datatypes;
  205. """)
  206. columns_for_union = cur.fetchall()
  207. # Removes '(' and '),'
  208. columns_for_union = [i[0] for i in columns_for_union]
  210. # Loop through all the tables and convertable items, find all reference tables and start function run_queries
  211. for table in tables:
  212. table_copy = table + "_copy"
  213. for item in list_to_convert:
  214. print("PROCESSING: " + table + " - item: " + item)
  215. if item == 'BZD_%':
  216. item_id = 'BZD_ID'
  217. from_table = cur.execute(get_table_name_query.format(item_id))
  218. from_table = cur.fetchone()[0] #ERROR: Nonetype object is not subscriptable
  219. else:
  220. cur.execute(get_table_name_query.format(item))
  221. from_table = cur.fetchone()[0]
  223. run_queries(table_copy, from_table, item, turn_id_or_code_into_oms(item))
  225. # Get list with column names from new year datafile
  226. columns_in_new_data = cur.execute("""
  227. SELECT column_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns
  228. WHERE table_name = '{0}';
  229. """.format(table_copy))
  230. # Removes '(' and '),'
  231. columns_in_new_data = cur.fetchall()
  232. columns_in_new_data = [i[0] for i in columns_in_new_data]
  233. print('2016:', columns_in_new_data)
  235. for column_name in columns_for_union:
  236. # If column exists in original datafile, but not in new datafile: add column with correct datatype
  237. if column_name not in columns_in_new_data:
  238. datatype_column = cur.execute("""SELECT data_type FROM _rws_datatypes WHERE column_name = '{0}'""".format(column_name))
  239. datatype_column = cur.fetchone()
  240. datatype_column = datatype_column[0]
  241. print(datatype_column)
  242. cur.execute("""
  243. ALTER TABLE "{0}"
  244. ADD COLUMN "{1}" {2};
  245. """.format(table_copy, column_name, datatype_column))
  246. # If column name exists in new datafile, but not in original datafile: drop column
  247. for column_name in columns_in_new_data:
  248. if column_name not in columns_for_union:
  249. cur.execute("""
  250. ALTER TABLE "{0}"
  251. DROP COLUMN "{1}";
  252. """.format(table_copy, column_name))
  254. # get all column names
  255. cur.execute("""SELECT column_name FROM _rws_datatypes""")
  256. all_columns = cur.fetchall()
  257. all_columns = [i[0] for i in all_columns]
  259. # Check if column names are same datatype (old and new dataset)
  260. for column_name in all_columns:
  261. wanted_datatype = cur.execute("""SELECT data_type FROM _rws_datatypes WHERE column_name = '{0}'""".format(column_name))
  262. wanted_datatype = cur.fetchone()
  263. wanted_datatype = wanted_datatype[0]
  264. print("column name: ", column_name, "datatype: ", wanted_datatype)
  265. current_datatype = cur.execute("""SELECT data_type FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns WHERE table_name = '{0}' AND column_name = '{1}';""".format(table_copy, column_name))
  266. current_datatype = cur.fetchone()
  267. current_datatype = current_datatype[0]
  268. print('current: ', current_datatype, 'wanted: ', wanted_datatype)
  270. # Changes a varchar column to the correct datatype and adds NULLS to empty values
  271. if current_datatype != wanted_datatype and current_datatype == 'character varying':
  272. cur.execute("""UPDATE "{0}" SET "{1}" = NULL WHERE "{1}" = '';""".format(table_copy, column_name))
  273. cur.execute("""
  274. ALTER TABLE "{0}"
  275. ALTER COLUMN "{1}" TYPE {2} USING "{1}"::{2};
  276. """.format(table_copy, column_name, wanted_datatype))
  277. # changes a non varchar column to the correct datatype - no NULLS changed
  278. elif current_datatype != wanted_datatype and current_datatype != 'character varying':
  279. cur.execute("""
  280. ALTER TABLE "{0}"
  281. ALTER COLUMN "{1}" TYPE {2} USING "{1}"::{2};
  282. """.format(table_copy, column_name, wanted_datatype))
  284. #Union goes wrong because it sees a column with Null timestamps as varchar (even though it doesn't show..)
  285. #If you add all column names manually instead of putting a star (*), it's all good
  286. # Union old and new table, still need it to work with multiple years
  287. def concat_column_names(column_names):
  288. all_column_names = ""
  289. for i in range(len(column_names) - 1):
  290. all_column_names += ("\"" + column_names[i] + "\"" + ", ")
  292. all_column_names += ("\"" + column_names[len(column_names) - 1] + "\"")
  293. return all_column_names
  295. union_query = ("""DROP TABLE IF EXISTS _all_data; CREATE TABLE _all_data AS SELECT {0} FROM "{1}" UNION SELECT {0} FROM "{2}";""".format(concat_column_names(all_columns), input_for_script[1], table_copy))
  296. cur.execute(union_query)
  299. # --- TO DO
  300. # BZD_ID_IF1 -> BZD_IF1_OMS inbouwen
  301. # union old and new data: make sure that it can add multiple years
  302. # create linking tables
  303. # make it work with partij
  304. # make it work with voertuig
  305. # make it work with slachtoffer
  306. # create index? aliases?
  308. # new scripts - restructure for better readability
  309. # 1. functions and queries
  310. # 2. find and convert all txt to csv (reference tables) (input: main folder and year(s))
  311. # 3. prepare datasets rws specific (coordinate system mainly) (input: main folder and year(s))
  312. # 4. import all data found in the folders to pgadmin (input: main folder, old data table(s) and year(s))
  313. # 5. add new year's data ongeval/partij/voertuig/slachtoffer
  314. # 6. make linking tables
  318. # Make the changes to the database persistent
  319. conn.commit()
  321. # Close communication with the database
  322. cur.close()
  323. conn.close()
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