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Nebula macrocosm

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May 2nd, 2017
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  1. a splitted understandment off man in difrent banches off levels off councessness 3 that is divided in 4. A pyramid game of understanding understand, understanding the third eye turns inward. Theories on the self According to Carl Gustav Jung's depth of psychology, the self is the central archetype of the order is humanity's entirety. It contains not only conscious but also the unconscious part of the psyche. The self is the goal of life because it is the most complete expression of the fate of the combination known as an individual. In order to achieve or achieve self-realization, the ideal goal of individualization is the usual center of consciousness and unconsciousness. Once this is found and integrated, we can talk about a rounded personality. Such recognition would mean a total change of the person's life attitude and life view. However, Jolande Jacobi writes: "It is an extremely difficult as well as intellectual task, if an ethical solution in the right way is only successful for those who are particularly suitable for this purpose and who also have the ability to endurance." Dreams from self May appear in the symbolic and (symmetrical) abstract shapes, such as circle, cross, square, mandala. Or unknown people with special religious aura. Even in other contexts Robert Assagioli's psychosynthesis even expanded the concept. He calls it Jung demands the self, "the conscious self", and thinks it is a superstructure for a higher self. Unlike Jung, Assagioli understands the higher self as an internal spiritual subject, there is no thought, emotion and body, but a "center of pure consciousness and will." According to the Vedas, self is not the soul, the mind, the memoirs, the ego or the senses, but is Altogether, enlightenment, Bliss. Dreaming is about dreaming, and is especially known through Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis and the deepest psychology of Carl Gustav Jung. Freud called dreams for the royal road to unconsciously. In short, we can say that Freud's dreams work concentrated on the understanding of dreaming backward over day care and adventures in childhood, while Jung's interpretation was about the meaning of dreams for the future. Horowitz (1998) claims that Self-esteem can be distinguished from three variables: dominant mood / affect, affect regulation and relationship patterns. In addition to these three key variables, Horowitz (1998) is concerned that the thinking varies as a function of state. Is it the case that the person currently operates with primitive all-or-ninth categories, or can they think flexible and hypothesis testing? Another important factor is the person's self-observing ability (see Horowitz, 2002). To what extent can the person reflect on their own and others' reactions, and over the relationships he or she forms part of? Horowitz (2002) manufactures psychotherapy as a process that will increase the patient's self-reflexive function. The ability to record and withstand own emotional responses is enhanced and the patient is able to observe his own transitions from well-modulated to over or undermodulated conditions. The goal in the long term is the development of a form of meta-awareness, that is, a form of reflective distance that can be seen as analogous to Adrian Wells? (2000) concept of metacognition. Sharing the common understanding divided the composite understanding of man. Are different branches in front of hiphop btw ... as with some understandings in general, it is good that you show the understanding you are and you are told, otherwise it is only fat rhyme multirim enderim and punshlines. But understanding spreads from person te person as neurotransmitters. But both must understand both sides as an understanding common when it comes to being understanding of "common" understanding which is deliberately not understanding tea the other part, therefore not consciously not understandable. It's yestery you're how sicker are you the mentality that makes people loco. But d is also used as "good as sick be yeast in front of music games etc like no negative like no good, how ferret you are, how sicker are you and for some it's about being sickest yeast like something posetive that's really just sick but one Understanding of those who do not have contact with non-contacting ones, even the conscience. The police are not understanding when they come to murder as they should have been to the law? Can not fully understand understanding do not share anything we all need to get us up to all that A whole of a system that had been different to be explained, you understand, but some are so far into it they do not see the change of mind as fecspsychosis for them has their own moral right to wrong to catch conscience. That they understand right Wrong does not understand psychiatry because it's the right way to wrong they think they do not have morality but are you understanding them so you understand they have a sense of understanding do things like being fyish me Violence .. so they think they are not right but are right for them I do not know if they understand since they think they do not understand correctly. But it's a bad way, but they're damn much they'd said. Who understand and do not understand is also deliberately not understandable to others because one defends something we do not need to do in a healthy world everyone had only understood understanding to see it the way the road take than being ferret you are sicker are you mentality beyond sight Music or games etc. but be sick in mind like no good to d is environment to d need to merge together tea a common understanding for not understanding get understanding then by understanding that is a little conscious not understanding and understanding ability tea to understand the right way for As a whole as human being our planet. Those who are not understanding will eventually understand understanding the right way for the wrong, obviously necessary as human beings are now. We must see the fellese altogether but one can teach others by just explaining words. But human being .. is so split .. two ways of understanding therefore, most people think they are right because they see just one page not two. Who did not understand had understood about it if did the understanding what you know and understand to become this but still then be consciously not understanding. They saw it in their place instead. So important to understand each other, therefore, we need to share more of the knowledge we will have from the crazy we can be explained by someone who has gone up to the stage of consciousness or is understanding that you will not get higher than seeing both of them. Therefore part ... their inner thoughts the understanding you have so we can communicate better to see it from all the fellese understand that understand if you bother take the time to read hear others all do not have conscience just be understanding good looking way is the one who The development of our fellese I am what is right. For the more understanding you will also be smarter as knowing more that it is well no we should really go to .. can come right way me wrong understand too that is about tea one higher i i the development seem more understandable than they are For a reason so that can stay there and up in the grades the stages of consciousness but then they did not understand a new pattern so we can come your would not tell too but the understanding of one first one other mad one way and another one The development that we are at one of those stages but first you have to understand everything to just be explaining words to be a third i, but the pattern you had tried explain then you would explain yourself to think so do you like it to think about That understanding becomes understandable. But are grace of understanding whether we should imagine the existence of human thoughts and words and to teach us as much of ourselves as possible. You're not just human being, you're also part of everything. Altogether, then, you are all of us but for you understanding that it is necessary change human tea it better teach us thought patterns changes of pattern that also the word understanding become comprehensible. Learn more through ourselves and therefore also see people in each other. And understand the split understanding of humanity you can become after the degrees a third i just explaining words to why make tea a second I. Another one I can do as a third at the same time. But a third i (the self of understanding) the word I did the ego that is a third I can make myself a second to explain with words that I have said before to go deeper into. Many who have the need to be heard to see that we should hear everyone knowing that it is a matter of fact that must see everything as an opportunity. Is not faith but know you are stuck by faith you do not have free will. Oh well, all of you have to start sharing our understanding of ours, I do not say words to me, we should not really own. But being a second i who use the word my own hate and consciously do not understand sometimes there are a lot of akk as a first one other wrong way and one other straight way is when you're a third i'm just explaining to make tea One other i straight way without the word hat to consciously not understanding is the tallest thing and now it's split human and some split and complex we all need it to conceal it that it comes but it came. It's a process but an opportunity for everyone is fine. Should have been a world order of word understanding, which is a pyramid of understanding as the highest of understanding becomes the self of understanding understand understand with much. To get it get infected tea person tea person money must away comprehensiveness is on top of the pyramid game of understanding understand understand. 3 dots 3 understandings are other pyramid understandings that hurt more than do good ... damn tension everyone should get help that day Today I think of starvation of people that everyone should have a place to live. And equality of humans as animals. Only the cows drive the worst greenhouse effect. Live short years of tea they become milky is the calf that would have had milk there to why take so many lives? So will it be milky ell eaten as beef make more take even more because you eat meat the calf have been me morr more than couple of days we would sprout all the food to let the trees stand. Everything is the environment to how attitude you have on the hills you see each other. The cows create more chaos than cars. To cars is and trouble .. well they have plans to make life on march may hope we are a bit more knowing by that time. One has to take care of the species to house them. The world is not understandable to knowingly not understandable so I understand by sharing everything on the blog, it will take a long time to get understanding, but then it will always be there to maybe someone understands what it says to become a third myself like myself. We must think of the generation march that all the lessons we will help them develop evade from children and youth tee grow and so much they should learn themselves but are important explain their mind how it works everyone should know the most about themselves psychic and everything Outer like the interior. I do not say I know everything but I'm all knowing and understanding everything is what it takes to explain the understanding. So we can develop together as alone it's important to me to understand everyone, everything. Like others, I correct your failure to change the understanding but understanding before you become aware that you understand it. That's why you do me the first one second mad one another straight one third that does not change the understanding more than make the tea another straight way just to explain an understanding that really just lies on words .. choose the right way to evolve and stay Even as the split understanding of human beings, the whole understanding continues from the bottom of the blog. Repeats sometimes. Because it was not an understanding before I figured out a first crazy road tea another wrong (wrong) way another straight way and third one must understand all too because there were no meanings or words before I was explaining. We must get away from the animal in us be friendly and listen understand each other and have understanding for both murder understandings damaging other teas understand that you should not hurt individual psychologically ell physically. Earth's rotation Earth's rotation prevents more disasters Nets lasting half a year, and people, houses, and trees being demolished into the atmosphere. If the Earth suddenly stopped rotating, it would cause a series of disasters. Earth rotates its own axis. In a day the globe has moved a round, which corresponds to a rotation speed at the equator at 1667 kilometers per hour. The atmosphere around the earth is also spinning, so if the Earth suddenly stopped rotating, the atmosphere would continue moving 1667 kilometers per hour. It's equivalent to driving in a car in 1667 kilometers an hour and then in a moment slow down to 0. Everything at the equator is being demolished. For comparison: When a large tornado passes, wind speeds can reach more than 500 kilometers per hour , Which leaves a trace of complete destruction. The wind speed, if the earth stopped, would thus be more than three times larger than the trees, cars, houses and people would be blown out into the atmosphere. A day stays for a year The farther away from the equator you were, the lower the wind speed would be, and at the poles it would almost be completely windy. A day stays for a year The farther away from the equator you were, the lower the wind speed would be, and at the poles it would almost be completely windy. All life would be wiped out near the equator, while some people and animals might have survived near the north and south poles. However, the survivors woke up to a completely different world than today. All the things that usually take a day to the earth would now take a whole year, so we would have to wait a long time for a sunrise. Earthquake: Earth's rotation makes the globe bend around the equator. Without rotation, the water would flow out towards the poles and create two major ocean areas. Then it would just land in a broad band around the equator. Life: Animals had to adapt to the new climate conditions, and many species would die out. That is, someone had survived they talk about creating life on March earlier. The magnetic field: The rotation helps to provide the Earth's magnetic field so that protection against cosmic radiation would disappear. Therefore it is important that we constantly interlect us. How did the water come to earth? It originates from the birth of the planet and has a lot to thank volcanoes, iceplanets and the Earth's location in the solar system too. The water of the earth originates from the birth of the planet. A part of the water originated when the soil was formed and has been transported out of cloak and crust through volcanoes. Another part of the water is added to the Earth's atmosphere through a bombardment of small iceplanets. Water from the childhood of childhood was transported to the surface of volcanoes. The soil is furthermore located at a distance from the sun, where a large amount of oxygen accumulates, which can bind into oxygen-containing molecules? Including water, which consists of the elements oxygen and hydrogen. While hydrogen is an extremely common element, oxygen is an extremely limited resource that is only formed in stars. Earth is not alone - Mars also has traces of water Earth is not the only planet that has water. Studies of Mars have shown that the planet carries the source of extremely self-contained salt water. The earth rotates around its axis as it rotates around the Sun. But why did Earth begin to rot around itself Earth has rotated around its own axis since it and the solar system were formed about 4.5 billion years ago? But it rotates slower and slower as the millennia go. The reason for the Earth's rotation is to find precisely in the formation of the solar system. Before that time there was a cloud of dust, gas and small dust clumps. The cloud was rotating around itself, as most of the structures in the universe do, first of all the sun and the planets originated. The rotation was retained in the heavy heaven bodies, which all revolve around themselves today. Ever since the formation, soil rotation has been slowing down a little century for centuries. That is, the soil rotation loses a few milliseconds every time it has been a hundred years. It does not seem that much, but in a very long time it becomes a part of it. For example, the day was only 16 to 18 hours long when the dinosaurs died 65 million years ago. Later, the steady slowdown of rotation has led to the 24-hour expansion of the 24 hours we live today. Earth rotation is slowly slower and far out in the future, the day will have many more hours than it has today. It is the Moon that causes the soil rotation to slow down. The moon's distance to Earth increases by three centimeters a year. The earth has rotated around its own axis since it and the solar system was formed about 4.5 billion years ago? But it rotates slower and slower as the millennia go. The reason for the Earth's rotation is to find precisely in the formation of the solar system. Before that time there was a cloud of dust, gas and small dust clumps. The cloud was rotating around itself, as most of the structures in the universe do, first of all the sun and the planets originated. The rotation was retained in the heavy heaven bodies, which all revolve around themselves today. Ever since the formation, soil rotation has been slowing down a little century for centuries. That is, the soil rotation loses a few milliseconds every time it has been a hundred years. It does not seem that much, but in a very long time it becomes a part of it. For example, the day was only 16 to 18 hours long when the dinosaurs died 65 million years ago. Later, the steady slowdown of rotation has led to the 24-hour expansion of the 24 hours we live today. Earth rotation is slowly slower and far out in the future, the day will have many more hours than it has today. It is the Moon that causes the soil rotation to slow down. The Moon's distance to Earth increases by three centimeters a year, which means that the Moon's attractiveness on the ocean is changing. When it is over a certain spot on the globe, it draws so heavily in the water levels that they rise above the normal level and launch two tidal waves: one on the side of the Earth facing the Moon and one on the opposite side. It is these tide waves that slow down the earth's rotation as the Moon moves farther away from Earth. However, the effect will be less over time, so perhaps the rotation will not stop completely. We must understand everything to get a common sense to stand together. Those not understanding will become more understandable to no longer need to do. The soil has come off together lumpy dust. Dimensions and thought hatches of bubbles of time. When we die, do we end up in a dimension? End up in a dimension to be born again so it will not say here? That we are born again because we are all or will we lie there for a moment of thought in a bubble of time! But you die to your body disappears here so you die here. Knowing we have dimensions in our mind dimensions, would you say we're getting lost in us? Inside? Or here? We disappear the tea a lot of space in thoughts and when we dream to see in the interior I. But it's the way you end up without getting out no because when we get to Inn it's because there's one out there and that we're the mirror but there's a multihologram infected in its own reflection as a universe. That is, this multihologram that just spirals out will be time and space. So the room and time are not just us but rather an understanding that means time in us is not on different sequences but the same. So how do you die here comes in to live there where you are dead, but could live on? It depends on whether the multihologram ends. Ie everything that is living disappears. But think if you disappear here to still work there? Like when I think of the parrallele. That time will exist forever, there is room and space. That's the room it's universe. But yes comes one but it can end what's about it. Find the anti matter to anti hydrogen particle to anti electron etc that there is little anti matter for the relationship of tea and common matter are also dark matter and mdaddy d been less matterie to more energy and dark energy would d calm down to stop expansion to had It was even more matter that would begin to coincide, but when the beginning of the universe began to be as much matter as anti matter, which began to cancel, but a small difference per billion of matter meant that there was more matter than antimatter. Anti matterie repels that gravity enters. Are we more places once in one picture I see. Do we always want to get lost when the body disappears? We will always be one me all that i am now but since we have that we are part of everything then everything is still as one with universe here? Everything will exist for all time as we are room as we are time. Oh that's the time that spirals in two opposite directions like a thornado shape like an hourglass. Just in and out .. time spirals. Parts of everything The eight rule, the octet rule is a simple rule of thumb within chemistry that states that atoms tend to attach to each other so that they each have eight electrons in their utmost electron shells. This gives them the same electron configuration as the noble gases. The rule works for main group elements, including carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and halogens, but also for metals such as sodium and magnesium. Molecules and ions often prove to be most stable when the outer shell of the respective atoms has eight electrons. An atom can achieve eight electrons in the outer shell by giving up, absorbing or sharing electrons with one or more atoms. Conventional Bonding To obtain eight electrons in the outermost electron shell, two atoms in a covalent bond can enter a compound and "parts" on electrons. Ion bonding An atom that has too many electrons in its outer shell can in an ionic compound "deliver" electrons to another atom that needs the corresponding number. Then a salt is formed. One example is that sodium emits an electron to chlorine and forms salted sodium chloride. An ion (Greek: ἰόν, "one that goes") is an electrically charged atom. A positively charged ion, cation, occurs when an atom has a deficiency on electrons, whereas a negative charge ion, anion, occurs when an atom has a surplus on electrons. Ions with opposite charges attract each other and can form iOnbindings. Metals form positively charged ions, ie cations. The ionization of ions is called ionization. A total ion that is not in solution, or a gas with a certain amount of charged particles, is called plasma. This is seen as the fourth aggregate condition because it behaves very differently from other gases, liquids or solids. The electron is an elemental subatomic particle with a negative electrical charge. In an atom, the nucleus of protons and neutrons is surrounded by electrons in an electron configuration. The word electron beam was first used in 1894 and originates in the Greek word ἤλεκτρον, which means amber. Electrostatic charge can be created by rub ravine with animal skin. -on-end, which is common to the names of most subatomic particles, was used in analogy to the word ion. Ejected electrons constitute electrical current that can be used to measure many physical properties. Electricity over time is a form of energy (electricity) and is utilized as a practical way of performing work. Electric field variations created by varying numbers of electrons and different configurations in atoms determine the chemical properties of the elements. These fields play a fundamental role in chemical bonds and chemistry. Whenever we have changed our perception of electron's being, the reason has been laid for new technology. The time electrons were perceived as small planets in a miniature solar system, invented the electric motor, light bulbs and the phone. When switching to electronically as a starting point for radiation, inventions with names for radiation were obtained, such as radar and radio. In the last final round, where you have discovered the electron's ability to teleport (disappear to reappear somewhere else), we got the computer Electrons in practice. Classification of electrons The electron belongs to a family of elementary particles called leptons. Like other small particles, the electron can also behave like waves; This is called wave-particle duality. It can be shown that electrons can interfere with each other, for example, in the double-slot test. The positron is the electron's antiparticle. It has the same mass but positive charge. The term negatron is sometimes used to refer to common electrons, so that the term electron can be used to describe both positrons and negatrons, as suggested by Carl D. Anderson. Under normal circumstances, electron only refers to the negatively charged particle. A lepton is also a unit for currency. Leon is in physics a particle if it has spin 1/2 and does not experience color. Leptones form a family of elementary particles that differ from gauge bosons and quarks. The name "lepton" comes from the Greek λεπτόν, which means small or thin. This name has its origin before the discovery of a particularly heavy lepton, the tau lepton. The tau lepton has almost twice as much mass as a proton. There are 12 known types of leptons, of which 3 are matter particles (electron, myon and tau lepton), 3 neutrinoids, and their 6 respective antiparticles. All known charged leptons have a single negative or positive electric charge (depending on whether they are particles or antiparticles), and all neutrinoes and antioxidants are electrically neutral. In general, the number of leptons of the same type (electrons and electron neutrinoes, myons and myon neutrinoes, tauons and rope neutrons) remains the same when particles interact. This is known as the preservation of leptontall. A myon (μ) is an elemental particle in the physics, with negative charge. The properties are similar to the electron, but the mass is much higher. The average life of the myons is 2.2 · 10-6 s. Myon, like the other leptons, spins ½. All elemental particles also have a corresponding antiparticle; Myonet's antiparticle is antimony. Myons and antimony are denoted with μ and μ + As other charged leptons, the myon has an associated neutrino. Myon neutrino is labeled with νμ . That you get an understanding can I understand. If we are to become a better society, we must share the understanding and understand human beings in each other. Everyone is an aent you. Not consciously do not understand. Understand everything and everything is conscious because we are part of everything and conscious. We are also altogether. The more humanity understands itself as too aent, we want to end many diagnoses and problems in the world must build a higher common understanding of the knowledge of the pattern that is understood so we come to ours, ours our common I as a whole that is split for Man needs understanding for not understanding and being fully understood, and not understanding must understand understanding. The two must come under you as an understanding. Do you understand the other I like you mirror in you and in others? Thoughtfully look see inside. A system is needed where everyone gets the same when it comes to a place and live and food to system of everything a pyramid game of understanding where it goes from one tea the other of the word understand not only understand you are human but all the word everything and everything . It's not understandable and understanding to go two ways, which is why it's important to explain, is it so badly difficult to understand both sides? You must over it! Is not understanding both of you since you do not see each other's and understand. Be it higher so you see everything on one aent person you want to see an aent yourself everyone could have had a split together understand understanding rather than a side that is not split then you only understand half the understanding of the head. One can understand what the other says but can not understand because it goes against one. Therefore, they will not understand stop going against. You do not see the fellese, not the understanding of human beings is divided into two of morals. The self of understanding and not contacting myself, the person is 3 who are divided into 4. If we can say what we do as non-comprehensible tea because it is not allowed to speak or share its insightful understanding, I do not understand anything. On understanding in all the sessions you can as you would have if everyone understood each other by learning the word understanding. On how they think so can not be understood, with all of it, only a part of there is a break of morality that lsm not understandable does not have. Is the morale of understanding understanding right to wrong. Good and bad as an inverted understanding that you should not hurt because there is the adultery of the wrong way. Number of d that are around. They share the meaning of the dems are against, show their morale it's wrong talk not share because you can not always get the attitude of the law or so try them to teach you right not understanding. Now I talk about hurting other people who do not understand. But the system makes mistakes leading tea do not talk less understandings punish people when learning in adulthood as a child, if you do not get there, you are not understandable, do not you think about consequences aent than the point they should have. Explanation of words to language thoughtful pattern to a common understanding of understanding that the knowledge is needed to be shared not least to understand everything if you are all aware then you do not know everything. Just knowing the parts of everything to understand since they are a part of being the same as everything. Understanding everything that is conscious, think a bit bigger on an already understanding that we are one the same. Which lies among the words and the grammar. Those who do not understand people in each other are not understandable, so when understanding the wrong way does not understand understand the right way they are not understandable when understanding crazy way not understanding the right way is not self-understanding but the right way. When understanding understand and not understanding is understood, this understanding is right than both of a common I of two different, one other I right way and one third I and one can only be a third I make one another I'm the right way they are Just together by explaining understand when one becomes a third. Can only be another one i straighten alone on my way up but together on my way down as a way upwards for those who have to be explained by words of another I who have no understanding for the understanding of a third our I, our fellese I understand all people's fellese understanding Development, human being in each other but not fellese me as you walk around like not you. But as a whole, we all our development of ours as one but more common understandings of right understand the word understanding that you will no longer tebake than down, another one I straighten no longer comes down a make of after a third you Get over the understanding with words like hatred, the word hat does not own a third i and neither as a second straightway but you are another right way before the third owner you hate who is also understood by another one i straightway, the property understand everyone else for One other i wrong way and one other i straight way means me and together over understanding is the higher the thing (above me) and the higher self of understanding a third i. A third me who is me and the self of understanding shares the understanding together we are one. The third of the self is 4 understand divided together. The self of not understand, deliberately not understanding. People must end this away in me, Antisocial personality disorder (the self of not understanding, deliberately not understanding) is defined by a pervasive and persistent lack of respect for morality, social norms, and the rights and feelings of others. "The more yeast you are, the more respect you get" they have no contact with the self of understanding. People with this personality disorder usually will not have any hesitation in exploiting others in harmful ways for their own gain or pleasure, and often manipulate to achieve this through a facade of superficial charm or way of making fun of antisocial humor, or through threats and violence. They can show arrogance and believe humbly and negatively by others as themselves, and do not regret their harmful actions because it is morally right for themselves to be wrong (wrong way). Irresponsibility is a core characteristic of this disorder but they can be responsible for things of wrong understanding as hurting some teas others whom they view as right in others and their antisocial eyes as long as they do not get conscience. They can have significant difficulties in maintaining stable employment, as well as fulfilling their social and financial obligations, and people with this disorder often lead exploitation, illegal, or parasitic lifestyle. Those with antisocial personality disorder are often impulsive failing to judge or ignore, and they choose this from the development in their own. So decided not to be understanding, so, rather, the self will not understand because it "pays" for own gain or where one's view of oneself and the world and self-esteem. .dem's morale of not understanding is not wrong for them to believe others are weak or deserve to be put in place me wounded actions or even lead to death .. understanding of nothing shall be ignored when it comes to themselves and at least not "craving To not respect them ". For anti social personality disorder, say foolish violence if they do not feel respected in a sitvation or be seen. In a certain view of others, others or people behave against those they consider not to be the right view of respect. They are often aggressive and hostile and display an error-regulated temperament and can whip out violently with provocation or frustration. Anti Social Personality Disorder is a mental disorder diagnosed in adulthood, it has its predisposition in childhood ASPD requires the individual to have behavioral disabilities, clearly at the age of 15. Persistent antisocial behavior, as well as a lack of respect for others in childhood. And adolescence is known as behavioral disorder and is the precursor of ASPD. Then you will of course also come to the tea environment and mirror. Not the least, how grumor you are, how sicker are you mentality like no posetively, but going two ways either you're just sick or you're sick but do not look sick like sickness but sick that it's good and moral right . 25-40% of adolescents with behavioral disorders will be diagnosed with ASPD in adulthood. There is a significant genetic component i the occurrence of antisocial personality disorder. This means that there is a particular set of genes that predispose disorder, but it occurs in a complex interaction between genes and social environment. Research has also investigated the neurobiological differences that can cause disturbances. Some general brain injury has not been found. Two more specific hypotheses have instead received some attention: the "underarousal" hypothesis, which believes that these patients are cortical under stress, and therefore need to behave in extreme ways, and unsettled property hypothesis, which says they have a higher threshold for To experience fear of their ill view of how sick / ferocious they are in the world without looking at themselves being sick or the yeast as bad but rather the status. Psychosocial causal factors such as upbringing are also relevant, a child who had been given the will to argue will develop disturbance or behavioral disturbances in adulthood can lead to antisocial personality disorder. They see no reason to change them too far in where they are, they will be like that. They can understand what you said, but they have an understanding of it, so, self-chosen not understanding instead of being the one who consciously understands the self of understanding but rather the other self, even by not understanding where they do not contact the conscience that is self of understanding And moral ect (as I've been to earlier) that I've also been in, everyone can change into the levels of consciousness to become a third i of understanding. That I say socially has moral and understanding right to wrong mean that psychiatry is wrong but it is not understood, there is some "morality" on what is tolerant when socially-social people say they have morality and own understanding of right to wrong The moral of non-understanding teachers defend themselves first or else they jump right into the world to the feet of them to become like they will be seen yesterday so you will only be the yeast after you have checked your mind so consciously into the understanding of the world me Fragile unstable people, or music messages. Will decide over themselves be free without being controlled as youth no one should decide on them they do what they want to are often problem children in youth time. Do not have compassion I understand social and I do not understand understand, to understand. It's just the understanding they've learned from what's around to their building block the perfection of the prowess they will be to have some examples that become those who are not "balleless" fighters or by good reason organized will have either for reputation or make money Or the few responsibilities they find easy meaning me life in how they live for something or a group of people. Mostly socially socially just have a different understanding they respond to their eyes of what they are doing wrong. An understanding they have made me conscious consciousness. So they have an understanding of what they are doing right .. like wrong things. Protect someone they are with but it's the flair mentality they think of others too but that's probably not compassion. They have the urge of tea understandings that put people in place teach take people they have little tolerance to help others me debt torpedo business would like to help friends who are close in the environment is not talking about authorities since authorities are not understand when it comes to teasocial Point of view as others. Because they receive punishment as they would be trained as kids. Does not help a shit punish socially because they are too far out of a thoughtful article of affairs has made themselves the perfectistic personality of socially "norms". Experience them as they do right so they have an understanding that mistakes are right because it is meninga to be so ill and the goat in the hat as possible as positively they help each other in the unity of the others who have equal understanding of violence as Teaching for no one to look at you wrong or disrespect you or you just crush you just pushed someone just to crush the teat tea someone. Would like to help them as they look up to ell look like equality they have different leadership skills in the right to wrong that yoke so strange it is different from normal right and wrong when it can begin in childhood with behavioral patterns of few will say to be emotionally sad Or expressive. Quantum mechanics Athens's theory of everything .. when we see and suggest how something looks. The nervous system enters and sends electrical signals to the brain. The nerve cells (naurons) connect to the central nervous system. Nervous cells (naurons) transport information and exchange fecsp a nerve pulse if it is something you feel. There are 100 trillion naurons In the brain's network different sitvations create different links with the nerve cell. This brings different feelings depending on which naurons are triggered, making some links stronger more effective and some weaker. This is called nauroplasty, ie if a musician exercises something, it will be better to do that because of the left and right sides of the brain. All talents or skills can be made of training. Some spooky naurons and naurotransmitters trigger self-defense so we feel we must be protected from others. If we then confront me with different opinions, the same chemicals that will be triggered in the brain will be the same as triggering the testimony of survival in this state. Rationality and emotional resistance work in the same way. No matter what you do tea a specific time, you modify the brain tea to get better on it. In the self-governing state, it's the primitive of us that goes between interfering with rational thinking. And can knock out most of our acting memory that creates mediocrity. As we see in the sights people are stuck no matter how valuable an idea, the brain will have a hard time trying it in such a state, in a nauronic way, respond to them as it is threatened . But when we express ourselves and our eyes are appreciated, these will sink into the brain that neurotransmitters dopamine will trigger reward naurons. Our faiths are thus definitely influenced by the chemical body. Self feeling and self belief is closely linked to the naurotramic sterotonin. Social validation triggers higher dopamine and sterotonin in the brain that allows us to let fiction be more self-consciously easier. Dopamine is also a naurotransmitter when we grow up is our moral and ethical. We are almost forced by what's around so our validation is often the result of what's around. There are empathic mirror naurons. When we do something or experiencing a feeling triggers some naurons and when we see someone doing it, they triggle again as we should do it ourselves these empathetic naurons connect us to other people to do as we feel what they feel like since them Responding to it, one can get information of what one would receive from someone else. These systems make us think of themselves. Mirror nauronet's sack difference to others because we are so dependent on social validation and fit in. We are in a constant duality between how we see others how we see us. This can lead to confusion in self-esteem and identity. Shows that we feel these feelings before we become aware of them. But when we are conscious we can place misplaced emotions because we are in control of what started them. Even observation greatly changes how the brain works. It activates neocortical regions that give us incredible control over our feelings. When we do this, the emotional resilience and reason are strengthened. When we fail to control the impulses, the brain tries to make a rational explanation of our behavior to recalculate the memory reconciliation that makes us think we were in control, also cold backward rationallition. This may be left untouched to be ready for To be triggered tea any time. They are too confusion where our mind tries to justify. It is not a specific center of consciousness as the device looks like the parralal system. In fact, one of the spear fuses is becoming and constituted a special place. In the course of time our experiences constantly change naurons. Physically changes the system of our consciousness. If the brain of the upper height of the part had been removed, you still had to think and so on left. This was the second sight and you had not seen half of or describing some faces. Without notice the tea there. And since the recovery of reality perception is changed, it will say the inner images as well. God is in the Naurons. Each neuron has a volt that changes when ions are sent in and out of the system when stimulated, it will send out an electrical signal and repeat. When naurons fire off at the same time, we can measure this in waves. Brain waves underpin almost everything that happens in our minds, including memory concentration intelligence. As they associate from different frequencies alpha Theta and Gamma associated me different tasks, brain waves make as brain cells can tune in tea a specific task not to listen to what is irrelevant. Transmission information between naurons becomes up to date when the activity is synchronized. The left-hand hemisphere is about to create a belief system to keep contingentity on our lives. The left part of the test tries to keep the model doing the right opposite to trying to change what is "said." But our belief is too strong, it may not be the right brain Part is able to overwrite our self-confusion. Which causes tea a confusion when we mirror others. Every second we are a different picture different unit when we mirror. We become different people who go between the states. Our synergies that are produced by consciousness go far beyond our naurons. Which are the senses that connect us tea naurons tea other naurons in the system. Nothing is outside. This is a hypothetical philosophy. From our primitive years we have developed our tea the best for the group. The psychological consequences of an objective belief system allow self-awareness without being determined to be its imaginative self. That creates dramatic elevations in mental clarity. We are a global network of naurochemical reactions, the self-adherence of a circle of acceptance, the confirmation set by our daily choice of interactions is the chain reaction that will ultimately define our unifying property of imaginary differences to look at life in the big picture of Things.We have many different views and disagree with the practical saga.Growth and evolutionary side effects like happiness and integrity are stimulated when we are named in our interactions. But interactions like my other words accuse us of who we are without evaluation are neuropsychological catalytics that create belief systems without dissonance. Stimulation of this kind of neurotic activity removes the urge for distraction and creates cycles of constructive behavior In our environment, it has found that sometimes and Emotions In the community are spread in the same way as when the electrical signals tea naurons are synchronized. Einstein's theory of all was that time and space were the same manufactures. Quantum physics is the realm consisting of just abstract physical description. Sharing is best illustrated that the bells go more needed when they are in motion. Other implications of reality are length construction means that the object in motion decreases the length of reality simultaneously. It is impossible say in an absolute understanding that two things occur at the same time when they are separated in space. Nothing can come faster than light speed, that is, if some tiseconds far will pushe it will take ten seconds for the finishing touches on the other side. Without this time, it will not exist in its enterivity. This is due to the consequence of relativity that time and space are coherent to not exist without each other. Quantum physics is an explanation of a lot of wave / particle duality and energy and mass intrinsic. It goes from common physics such as atomic and subatomic scales. That we consist of subatomic particles have been many theories. The Broglie's calculus lets you look at all matter that c = hf where c is consciousness. H is constant off planck and f for frequency. C is responsible for what we perceive as now, quantified by an interaction sum of all moments c up to one's moment shapes our concepts of life, this is a consequence of all matter and energy being quantified. Shows that life and death are abstract constructions of C. Planck-Einstein relationship connecting the particle photon energy E with its associated wave frequency f. C = h f. This energy is very small compared to normal perceived everyday objects. Since the frequency f, wavelength λ and the speed of light c is related to f = c λ this leads to another relationship with Planck's constant. With p, the linear propulsion of a particle (not just a photon, but other fine particles as well) denotes the wavelength λ of the particle in the Broglie given by λ = hp In applications where it is natural to use the angular frequency (that is, where Frequency is expressed in terms of radians per second instead of oscillations per second or hertz), it is often useful to absorb a factor of 2π into Planck's constant. The resulting constant is called Planck's constant or Dirac constant. It is similar to Planck's constant divided by 2π, and is designated H (pronounced "h-bar"): ℏ = h 2 π The energy of a photon with the angular frequency ω, where ω = 2πf is given by E = ℏω while the Linear momentum applies p = ℏ k where k is a wave number. Synapse is a transition between two nerve cells containing voltage-regulated ion channels that are controlled by brain capacity). Transmitters that rapidly propagate naurotransmitters and bind to receptor-regulated ion channels and change brain potential. There are many chemical substances that act as transmitters in different types of transitions between cells. Serotonin belongs to the group of monoamines, together with dopamine, norepinephrine and adrenaline. Monoamines are a group of signal substances formed by similar synthesis reactions, dimethyltryptamine Endorphins Melatonin. Tryptamine a group of substances found in nature that mimics the chemical structure serotonin. Serotonin is neurotransmitter in the brain. Regulation of memory sleep and mood, other tryptamines are melatonin psilocybin bufotenin LSD, and DMT. Low amounts of serotonin may be the cause of, among others, suicide depression, bipolar disorder, compulsive disorders and anxiety disorders. Deviations in the serotonin system may also be associated with infant mortality. Serotonin is utilized in several different distinct systems in the human body, among other things, serotonin is both common and important to the brain, the intestinal tract and one here also in blood circulation, where it has the ability to start wound healing. Antiparticles are made anywhere In universe where there is a parcel collision. Matter (matter) is made, antimatters are made simultaneously, this has very consequences when we add it to C. From a quantum perspective, all the occasions of C are an anti C. This explains symmetry and anti matter in the universe. The unaffected time Ten ignorance principle Is the time quantum exists. The same as observed In humans our perception of time or interval of instant moments stretches its threshold when C canceles out of its anti C, C's interpretation of this single blur of torque that is hit within an abstract arrow Of the time.paradox of how reality can come from abstract breasts that destroy each other can be explained to me quantum as a reference frame. Simpler anology, we must see it in the islands of a photo. The reference frame is always a quantum and can explain how space is quantized. When it increases or does not increase, the same happens with room time and. This is reflected in quantum mechanics on a mathematical explanation of the sensibility aplitude of wavefung ell as the reality of einstein as time expansion (dilation) and length of construction. For quantitative reference frames, mass and energy can only be defined as abstract possibilities or as vectors that can exist only when we assume An arrow of time.can be derived as a ressonase or interfere with the reference frame that defines the minimum unit or space constant C. equivalent of constant off planck In quantum mechanics.expriments shows the conversion of matter (matter) tea energy through the antimatter brings gamma rays with distressed opposite momentum .this seems to be a conversion In the radius of opposite vectors acted as distance and time, matter and anti matter, mass and energy and interference and resonance within the abstract arrow of Cnow the sum of opposing vectors is always zero this is the reason for symmetry or conservation laws In physics and why, the speed of C, space and time Is zero. Base length constraction and time expansion. A consequence is hisenberg uncertainty principle are single pairs of physical properties such as a position and momentum can become known while teasing high precisions. One way a single particle is its own article. This does not explain the sense of continuity where C cancels itself within the required range. But when vectors are amplified or accelected relative to the tea and inside the abstract arrow of time. The underlying mathematical algorithm also describes fundamental forces can bring a consistent reality and have abstract building blocks. This is why motion equations are used in many greens of physics involving peraodic phenomena. Such as quantum mechanics and electrodynamics. There is no difference between gravity and accumulation due to gravity is only a force when interfering with the relatively oscillating frame of reference. The consistent account of reality does not require quantum of tea to have a specific sequence on time. Quantum superposition has been demonstrated in a double split experiment or quantum teleporting where all electrons in universe can be the same. The holographic principle of course belongs to the amount of gravity and string theories theorises how the universe can be as an information structure of just two dimensions .. we associate myself with an idea of ​​an era of time with the sequence of something that happens as we experience between the arrested period shortly and Lagtime humkomelse. Perception of time deviates from perception of distance. As it moves forward In distance it will go back in time. In quantum mechanics we learn to look at everything as opportunities and not something we are confident about. Mathematically, everything is possible. The less based we are, how smarter we can identify patterns and base our actions on sensible opportunities. The harder the belief system, the more difficult it makes a choice for ourselves. But by looking at this process, we will expand our consciousness and increase our free will. With openness and being skeptical, the key tea is a scientific method we do not need years hundred of error tea to sort which of our actions is unacceptable. The question is not whether our faith is right or wrong. But rather and not emotionally locked tea they are more or less less likely you come to our advantage. There is nothing like free choice if you are emotionally composed tea a belief system. And the moment we realize this we can really work together to figure out what the odds of what will be to our advantage. To find the beginning of everything we must look forward in time. Thought dimension. Altogether everything is conscious .. do you not believe God had found all that, so the self of understanding of understanding had as all-knowing though, they are not understanding he should have explained understanding, than those who understand understand. I'm all-knowing, because if you are much I can not. But god as the all-knowing creator of all things must have been before all but it had been a part of everything because there is nothing before everything. Because everything is all and time is time. The time before all we will always lie there in a bubble of time .... and the creator of all had to be all of it. And understanding where the self is of understanding .. meant understanding came before the self of all that came the same time. And the self is two places after understanding the grafting and of course something is a thing that is of course and of the things that are of. Off of understanding who came at the same time as self. There are two of them put together as one, so it will be one of all. The soul is realized by the self. Do we want to be like a bubble for all the time that I do not understand fast In time like those who are gone I, but as we are also the time, are you bubbling in ourselves a thought dimension? I function and self. I functions are really a psychodynamic theory mechanisms in the psyche (the mind) with wise experiences and experiences handled. I function partly inborn and partly adaptive in interaction with environment and life experiences. A person with inadequate functions is a weaker me. In my functions, different control functions (of the body, emotions, pulses), conscious functions, what is around, and emotional functions, as well as defense mechanisms are controlled, with the wicked person balancing it and overtaking itself and interacting with the environment (executive function). Such a function is the sense of perception, that is, separating the inner and outer stimuli (between imagination and reality, between turmoil and danger), understanding self-esteem creativity and other functions. Assuming that I'm inborn and developing features. Persistent prerequisites are the psychosocial conditions, the life story of the person, innate beliefs with personality genetics, and partly with certain instinctive drives. As the instinct to imitate; The child's imitation is cognitive and is social communicative and sets a difference between self and value, as well as reflects others in the outside while the child mirrors other people, and I will start the fungions to become aware of their actions. This only occurs if the child is self-reflection, and that the child is also reflecting, repeating so often that there is self-awareness. (From proprioception to other knowledge). Central to the development of my functions, is the development of impulse control, self-esteem and self-esteem; The development of my functions relies on self-evolving and self-reliance also depends on what self-esteem (aggression, ambivalence) and therefore important come further up to see both sides below yourself.the time we end mirrors others but rather in each other , It is supposed understanding to develop, the self is the psychological instance that allows man to experience himself as a whole or as one? Total person ?. Feeling of? Be yourself? Or feel a certain connection in ourselves and our relationship with existence (with past, present and future) is often taken for granted. In psychoanalytical theory, the human psyche (mind) is understood as an interaction between it (unconscious) ego And superego (surely) the tallest one. Some things that can happen to me is that there is a lot of work and I am not always going to go for everything or to get one who is in imbalance and do end up in different behaviors to make a direct acknowledgment with difficult feelings But the self takes everything in. Thoughts or events from a distance, which can prevent the problematic material from being adjusted. In this way, we risk that difficult emotions and impulses lie in the shadow of consciousness and beyond the coordinating activities of the self. Suddenly take away the sense of overview, control and coherence in the experience of ourselves and our emotional reactions. The self is included in several corrections in the field of psychology. It varies between the different corrections, but refers to the individual's reflective personality. Contains not only the conscious but also the unconscious of self is beyond the understanding of consciously not understanding and understanding and looks over from a third inner eye and wants to see it as much unconscious in us as that which is conscious. There is only one self of the self of understanding the word understanding, there are many self and it is an aent even me just understand without understanding for understanding for going two ways. An understanding of the self is that the self is consciousness and will. It becomes aware of you seeing the understanding of human being in each other. It becomes aware of you seeing the understanding of human being in each other. Look at signs that express the characteristic experiences and realities that belong to different self-esteems and the places the person you are talking to is. Such signs come not only through what they say. Certain states that we can represent the experiences of their association with we all move between different self-esteems, characterized by certain things and specific ways of thinking and interacting on different patterns. These states imply that we have a multitude of possible ways to be in the world and our way of life will vary over time and from who we interact with and where we are in the realm and unity of our own self image. The mind is not adapted from birth, but is a structure that came in and continues as a multitude of behavioral states. Alas the soul is realized by the self. But you choose where you are .. it is in the body that everything in your body is you. Self-esteem is often marked by changes in voice quality, posture, facial expressions, eye contact, verbal content and emotional involvement. Is about understanding the different separated meats and flowers. The person's attitudes towards integrity and harmony are the prerequisites of the self to function optimally. There are many drives in the i, the flower we float on as aggression, and there are different forms of aggression claiming someone like kohut, but there are only different branches in aggression wise springs. In the fashion of the concept of kohut, the glorified self manifests itself as rules that influence the expectations of social behavior, in consultation with current conventional norms within a society and morality of what is represented better than it is itself. Idealization is to imagine or present something more perfect than it actually is. The restitutive self and the idiotic self need mirroring and idiotic understanding. Twin seeking self searching for others like them .. those who have an alterego feeda on others so do not themselves tea times as others call twinning man observes and takes on patterns and being ways and understandings do not have to be twin transmission, twinning, or alter Ego transfer, was something that was seen as before as a special variant of mirroring transmission. As said, mirroring others is not good. Twinning reflects the need for a corresponding other that confirms one with its likeness .. is the understanding of those who are seeking twinning. We can share the basic fact that we belong to the human race and thus have something genuinely human in common. We can share common languages ​​and cultural heritage and think and feel similar about a variety of phenomena. Buddies, twin seeking The self-proclaimed kohut ment is therefore oriented towards like-minded and nurturing confirmation from best friends and good relations to significant other ways to act as a self-confessing agreement that is the form of a way. By mistaken understanding as a humorous alterego are not understanding friends generally who understand each other a point or consciousness. Girlfriends who as self-objectors and fantasy-savers common examples of alter ego other people. "Maintaining one's sense of being a coherent and meaningful self. We must be ourselves, because we are all one another. Also have friendship as you understand much of the same as learning together as individually controlled by the self-understanding, in which one mirrors one another than one another. Mirrors man others are not always in the right sense mirrors therefore mirrors others are not good..and we are splitting in for a reason it's to be ourselves. But it's the right and wrong way to understand yourself. Self-understanding understanding of the word understanding and understanding tea understanding is the right way. There are so many themselves but everyone is not self because they are splitting me and have no contact with that self of understanding the higher self. They are others themselves ... it's important to think your life belongs to you, because if it's ours in the third and not mine .. then the explanation lies in the middle of another straight way. The subconsciousness largely elicits emotions based on how it has been programmed through socialization with self-objects in the advent. There should always be a good balance between your self-esteem (selfishness) and the consideration of others (altruism) .We are where we learn, that we can fool ourselves .. or create images in the self that In looking for us memories begin to believe instead of the knowledge. One first one, one third one. The one first i, the one second i the wrong way, the one second in the right way, and the one third I. Everyone if you've killed someone can come to understand. Only one is either too late in what they do not see joke or are they not reflective about it at all, which shows less consciousness than those who know it's right to wrong but still makes the wrong way in the way it's a lot Unconsciously but you also have the awareness that you understand something. You can tilt between a first or another wrong road as a state that you can tilt between another wrong road. And you're just another one I'm on my way. And if you are a third you make tea another one I'm right, but still third. And as I have said when coming to the attainment of a higher consciousness, one never becomes the first one. To do it there perfection perfect for others I have a right way to have a flower because it's not fooling in the flow but just explaining words. In the end when everybody's day comes tea one point will not make tea another straight way anymore be necessary. Third, I understand all actions, looking both sides and not just one ... but have an understanding. Star collision will be visible in 5 years. A red nova becomes visible in the dark sky in 2022, for half a year. The collision has already taken place but it takes 5 years before it seems possible to reach this distance. Will see it in the sky without telescope bright red prg it's so cold. Stars are formed in nebulae, huge clouds of gas and dust. These clouds can spit out several stars per week. (Star manufactures we can also call them) our planetary system should have come from such a fog interstellar its room that is in between star tea star, most stars are broken in collision and some stars are put together tea one where i'm doing well it loses The big star that collides. A star's life begins with a gravitational collapse in a molecule of cloud consisting of hydrogen and helium and small amounts of heavier matter. The star increases in size and density by attracting masses from the surrounding cloud, until the core reaches a high enough density that the nuclear fusion of hydrogen to helium will start. A combination of radiation and convex processes in the remaining part of the star works against the gravity forces and eventually balances the contracting and expanding forces so that we get a stable star instead of full collapse. When the hydrogen fuel core is used up, those stars with at least 0.4 solar masses expand and become red combatants. One star shines because of fusion (hydrogen tea helium) At one point the star will run out of hydrogen, how long it takes to hit the star. They do not flash if it may seem like that and they consist of plasma. u know its a multihologram inpenetraded in its own reflection? univers in universe out, like a thornado formed as an hourglass in seperate ways? not back and forth or up and Down just simply in and out. and have u tried to Mirror a primordial With Mirrors, back Mirror to back Mirror. two difrent ways it goes. or mirroring the Mirror and u get Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror Mirror. the eternal now where i think past, the now and the future isnt seprate sequenses but rather a multihologram inpenetraded by it self. spiralising not left or right, back or forth just in and out and spiralising forever from an eksterned friksjon such as big bang. where the past the now and future coexist at the same time. two tornadoes formed like an hour glass spiralising in difrent directions inside and outside mirrored outside to inside. i belive we are difrent Places at the same time in a Picture in the i, in to Picture to Picture dream to dream. im thinking about thoughts beeing in a own bubble of time in difrent time epokes of it self. own thought Bubbles for them self that is in difrent nows of itself and in difrent thought dimentions that have there own reality. where traveling in time in only thought force,to be i difrent thoughts as we are in a thought in itself. can dejavu come from where been in difrent thoughts in its memrobilia of difrent nows? difrent lives? difrent lifes as we are splitted, or does recarnation exist? difrent lives in Our self? been thinking about that, when we die will we end up in a another dimention? or will we just simply be after Death as i know, we are are and be, and a beeing With are, when i loose are we simply be.i dont belive in god but the universe, multiverse maybe. multi it is in ous, where traveling in time and life, its what we do. dreams lays in seeing it in front off you in the inner self, where traveling, soul trips in the i and the self. the eternal now and colourfull dark combained as one. where all an i a you a me a them a they a all, we are one but we are splitted in the in the i my schitzofrenic mind get, i see you as an another me. but understand all the voices in my head is me.and if we watch the Words Your are another me the Word me, and think and think and think about the universe and understand to get to a higher knowledge off all i must understand more that isnt understood yet. i have come to a higher self a higher i, and see everything from above of a thought tree, With difrent brances off thoughts. and the leafs is the ideas but its allways fall so u get to the root off the thought tree and can blossom and grow again, People tend to think to long out on there branches, i se forth and back in thoughts and gone, and it isnt nessasarly to travel those destination if Your on top. everything is so splitted and combained. did I write a astrophysicist. The word is not understanding and understanding. What is so fascinating with our minds is that by looking ahead you can create new memories. Ell d seems like memories, but you're just remembering to look so good. So you can tell me what has happened and not. What is the spirit? It's so lsm being the intellectual in us but it's the soul that's consciousness and I'm looking at as awareness as intellectually. That you are aware of something that you understand something. To understand is intellect. I pull on evil. But I see a soul and I see the fool's understanding (not understanding) and does not see evil. And I explain to others' understanding of self and self, that the self is a third i. With me :) then the self does not become the first or other wrong way. They do not become self-they have added them and eat on others so they can be self-understanding. Divided humanity into several types of the self. Have a universal understanding, without God not as a definition with universal understanding that we are all in one head that the outer universe is there. We are inside the outer universe and have the inner universe in us. We are human we are part of of. Of all the word everything that will say a part of everything is conscious. The word everything is universe and us. And we have come from the universe to consist of atoms and lots of aent that is in the universe. We are divided into different I we humans. You are one I am one I them One is us I am one I you are one. To people who make crazy things is one I but they catch understanding for another one or a third. Since the word I'm all, I can say I'm all done if I'm not others. But other people the word others we are also "there were others who did it" then there are other people. Everyone is one to me one you one us one we all Therefore, I say that we are split in the same way in different I. To also make a split understanding of the word I. And I'm only one third, but when I explain myself, I explain like others I'm right. There are two different types of another I that I have made as an understanding. You are either either or. Goose be both. But first I'm wrong understand. (Not understanding) is a self-employed person who injures other people. Another I, in the wrong understanding, do wrong things with the first I or others I understand by mistake. And another one of the word understanding that is not another I'm wrong or one of the first I can not understand can become a third i who does not own the word hat. The third i explain explains to others i straighten or explain first or second i wrong way so they will understand because nobody understands a third i. Therefore, third is the one who is making another correct way to try to explain through a lower understanding. Because the third person is one higher I am a higher I of consciousness. Do you get it? There are different understandings in an understanding of the self. To different degrees of consciousness on one each. Unconsciously, unconsciously consciously, consciously, to a higher consciousness, and one may be conscious of what the senses will pick up. To get up in the degrees to develop. But divided humanity into several types of the self. Have a universal understanding, without god. Tries to explain the states of consciousness. Fraud shared d up unconsciously consciously and consciously. I've divided D into one first I, one other I'm wrong, one I'm right and one third. Which are several states of consciousness. That is, knoll and tott who are idiots have lower consciousness than others I'm heading for. At third I have a higher understanding than it left because it's just on explanation of words. That is, it is a higher consciousness that is the self itself. Others I am the word much and the word together as there are two different ways with the word me and two different ways weigh together consciousness. And the self of understanding is a third. Myself (myself) not self-employed. Drive a second I (right way) something the self makes tea to explain. Oh, the other way (right way) can be third if it's third I see for others I understand others. But it's talk of consciousness ell is just one other I'm just right another one. And is not in the third. Third I, as I am seeing a split understanding, a third I (understanding of understanding) (the self of understanding) who have a split understanding to explain their mind so others can understand more of themselves. Obviously, we also have the subconsciousness. Incorrect understanding (wrong way) (wrong way) is what I mean by the opposite of the word understanding. Understanding and not understanding. As you understand you should not understand. That will make mistakes in this composition. Which also can be mirrored which means it is not wrong understanding for others. We can understand everything only we find the way. It's not wrong to understand that it's wrong understanding with deliberately not understanding. Which again can for others be mirrored as it is not wrong understand with deliberately not understanding. But I see that as a not understanding of the understanding. Again, it can be mirrored the way for others. So that's why I split. Oh, I have a split understanding of humanity. And therefore, a third I will be making tea one another I'm the right way to explain words One third I'm only one third I make tea another I correct I explain. Third, I do not make a first or another wrong way because it understands the word understand and understanding it mirrors it again, one gets a third person who does not understand understanding or word understanding. That makes tea a first or another "correct" way to not explain. Or another correct way of not explaining. Again, wrong understanding (wrong way), but the right way to become, therefore, others, I am right to explain. Then they suddenly are the one who owns the word hat but never does it wrong. To get beyond the third choice a split understand, never use the word hat anymore. One other straight way I do not need to be a first one or another I'm wrong. Another one I'm right does not have an understanding that is divided into different things on the planet. Aent than they may know about the man and the man. However, finding the path of thought does not make it the way of not understanding. The other way of thinking with understanding that you should not be the one who deliberately does not understand is not wrong. There are 10 trillion planets. There are 10 trillion planets in universe it is on proven water on the moon, that there are more months than one if you are not aware of it. Around the earth there is a moon but Mars has two moons, Jupiter 63, Uranus 28, Jupiter 63 on Jupiter's one moon called Europe is covered in a thick layer of ice underneath there is sea so there is water. They have also found new evidence on Pluto, where it is also against Pluto having an underground sea. Saturn has 62, Neptune 13 that is just the small solar system. Must remember the moon circulates around us and we around the sun and the solar system around the milking road. Venus may have been habitable just like March, there has been sea on March. They have found a planet they have cold proximal b closest to our closest star, they have come to the conclusion that there is a big ocean that the planet resembles the earth so it should be a good genius for life there. And if you did not show it, the sun is a star. When you think we are so damn small in relation to tea all about what's up, there's a cool life out there. Further into the outer we will find ourselves but you do not know what is the understanding ... so much of humanity does not understand understanding that anyone had shown us so they would not have bothered to go here .. even worse come from it Due to the fact that a large part of us are not understanding, I would not have been able to visit us or them. They are being spoken to us as animals become "no it's just me and bitching no it's just us and looking at the word everybody gets it on the word all of them and then they also get us out if they are them. Is one us them they we you .. go tea other planets to explore is just good how more do we realize the existence that more we are part of as aent life and potentially moving humanity is not only what we had got a greater understanding of Find one place for life but first we have to find ourselves. Maybe move humanity out of universe for everything will be called Had there been anyone out there far away they would have looked at us like dinosaur time so it will make you feel good Think of Saturn's moon Enceladus resembles Jupiter Europe because it also has a floating sea under a thick ice cap. Everything is thought patterns. Everything is thought patterns, you decide where you are. Imagine tea one higher now one higher i one with universe. It's gone, here, forward, tebake, up or down in ours, I did not go down there. Away go well there you will not be, then you are not here and now. Being in bedtime in the head or in the future (fear) do not be on the flow there in the patterns that are. Either one should think about a mindset on one tanker if the head was a tree. The leaves are the ideas that you will always be autumn ... to fall on the ground. So if you think too far out on an article, you will end up at the root of wood to be able to sprout again. But d is understanding and not understanding the one who consciously understands the one who deliberately does not. Conscious not understanding is not understand understand is not the right way. But everything goes two ways to consciously not understandable can get further up in the realm to become consciously understanding. If you struggle with depression then decide to tilt patterns from lying in the back of your head. To engage you crap stop your head drive to stop lying in the future. We are here right now. vi må tenke opp hverandre up og generasjonenes mars. We are as many stars as words see and hear. Inner universe outer universe put together as one. To one right now! A higher I! Above I am where the conscience lies. Is not only I you you are one I we are one I all of them us and there are more I in us we have to think about the generation march, we are future baking time and now. We are one to become one yourself and universe model Learn yourself. To the highest! Ego the I the me and the self. One first one second one third I The Ego,
  2. The i the me and the self but the word i am in 3 and shared in 4 as i understand the first second and third i. Right and wrong way. Third I do not own the word hat to have the understanding of all the understandings to speak down to explain to others. Other I'm heading for third. But others I have a right way have words that hate but never do anything wrong. Which third I'm doing to others I'm heading, without the word hate because it's the third. Third i'm not first i anyway. Could have been before it became someone else my wrong way before it came to others I was right. Others I paved the way before it reached third. First I'm mad way it's those who go away in self-employed Other I'm wrong way is first to do crazy things with others. But may have the mind that they do d for the first time, I share their part for others, I mean together to make mistakes. The self lasting experiences of own identity, the self-tests come in accordance with my own self-image. Also drives the power of tea human. If you have problems with the self the word myself can be due to an unrealistic self-image either for optimistic or pessimistic view of your own value and possibilities. Ego works according to the reality principle, that is, trying to please the realistic ways that will be useful in the long run instead of causing pain. Includes defensive, perceptual, interlectual cookie and executive fungions. Conscious conditions are in ego, because if not all the operations the streams of the ego are conscious, the ego separates what really is. Helps us organize thoughts to our view of the world around us. Super ego's goal is perfection. Consists of the organized part of the personality structure basically but not completely unconscious. That includes each individual's ego ideals. The super ego strives to act in a socially sound manner. While the identity of it just wants self-satisfaction once. Super ego controls our feelings of right and wrong and guilt. Help me to fit into society by acting in a socially acceptable manner. Above me (higher I) is the moral side that tells you whether you have done good things or fail. Who sees everything from above to down to look forward to thinking of thinking things that are not necessary, because you see both sides below you third. Our view of the world is asking questions about impulse actions. The higher the ego / super ego is our view of the world. Where the norms and conscience is to adapt throughout the time. Memory is also important it tells us if we have done no good or bad. I guard the governing and regulatory functions. I'm covering the logic and reason. Every single development is indispensable. . One can have one underneath I develop. Then you're hard to keep up when it comes to your wishes and needs. Having difficulty setting limits on oneself and actions and choking the same sense of reality as many other people. Instead of explaining a problem, become angry or aggressive. The urinary instinct, which is governed by the light principle, lays the need for aggression. This is unquestionable, can lie in the past and can expel in not so good things. The name refers to the place of consciousness. Sound is vibration atoms weber to and the membrane, As I see it is the parallel universe together set as one me us we are in several places once in one picture. We travel in time in the interior and move from the photo teapot. Those who come forward and bake or go away have to raise themselves a higher I of consciousness. Very much and myself. We are time and space The eternal reach and colorful blacks are put together as one. Have you ever tried mirroring the world on a parallel line Dreams and reality is a multihologram inspired by its own reflection. Everything is so split and put together, you showed that electrons are waves, but when you look at they are the particles are as they know you see. Are they no wonder they behave like that? Interference They go in and out of existence as molecules also do. Photons also go in and out of existence. We will always be to and after we are dead, we are staying the whole time to be a room with you. We are part of the universe, part of everything and everything we are all we are, we are all we and one. I we all are all together. We need to expand the understanding of understanding and the world needs to be one with itself. The world is so sick so a movie about isis is so sad they kill themselves. It expanded on matter and had it been more had it calm down stop which you do not do about dark energy We walk in between pictures Picture tea picture Place to place Those who walk around in the yard are stuck in time.Then reach time in baking time. So you will always be in now. Do you think you'll always be there like a bubble on time? Underlying by of? Or do you think it just disappears as is? Traveling in images in mirrors Photos are quantum mechanics a quantum (lowest part of the energy) of electromagnetic radiation. It is thus a particle with several properties. The photo is written with the letter y. Photons are one of the first quantum particles that have both wave and particle properties. Quantum is the smallest unit of energy present. The energy of electromagnetic radiation (waves) can also be described on discrete quantity and energy. Does the radiation have the frequency v, such a light source will have the energy e = hv. The photo is e = pc. Spin s = 1. Impulse is written with the letter p. Lys has properties as they were particles with specific energy and impulse. Electromagnetic radiation is very high energy. (Waves) particles are waves atoms are waves. Atoms are chemical substances and can not be divided into smaller elements via chemical properties. Molecules are built up of atoms. Molecules are the smallest units of a substance can be divided into. Molecules consist of at least two atoms. Molecules are also found in the form of macromolecules like feskp DNA. Atoms divide one or more pairs of electrons into convoluted bonds. (Electron bonds) are bonds between atoms built on the octet rule. Where all atoms want 8 electrons in the outer shell. In one atom, the core protons and neutrons are surrounded by electrons in an electrical configuration. The electron is a particle and can be waves. Moving electrons emit electrical current which is a type of energy. One proton is a particle in an atomic nucleus and is posetively charged. The number of protons in the nucleus determines the atomic number, therefore, through which element (molecules) are concerned. A neutron is a subatomic hadron particle me the symbol n. Without electric charge and with a mass greater than the proton. The electron is a matter wave. With matter waves, one now understands a wave that meets the Schrødinger equation and describes how quantum mechanical particle moves and interacts with the environment. The matter we usually observe consists of atoms. As perturbed in chemical compounds. The material's atoms consist of smaller particles (elementary particles) matter has a lot. Mass and energy are equivalent through formula e = mc in ae e is energy m is mass c in the ae of light velocity in square. Mass means matter Univers into univers out thought much at the beginning of everything if d is a primordial with universe that a parrallel universe put together and split in mirrors. Primordial. The eternal reached as is time where thoughts of past present do not function as separated sequences but rather a multihologram instigated by their own reflection. Do not spiral up or down right or left or forward or back just in and out if d always spirals from extraneous friction as an explosion from the peimodial. The time exists while two tornadoes shape like an hourglass that spirals from opposite directions. But one must be at the moment I have understood the time for in due time there are devaluations to the future, fear is that now it is peace with itself itself. So think about it with the ego and the self to understand we are all split in I (I differ) to someone who is gone in the realm that is the wrong way to find themselves, themselves. Sound is vibration that atoms vibrate To black hole collects information everything comes by itself. Say to yourself, are you self who have created everything? We are all a part of everything. Since we are part of everything, you will say that part of everything is proven. Would you say since I see we are split into humans too expensive to everyone is split into the realm (in me) different people each of us in between because since we are part of us, we are part of the universe, it will say a Part of universe is conscious of itself? Imagine if we are split in the I. That is the self. Think about the primodial being brought into itself with interference. That the friction like big bang was created Think about everything to reach a higher I all of us who are the self to stop walking around the self in the bubbles that are Imagine if we all share to learn understand the understanding of everything to have to share All of us so we can find ourselves But if you are a higher I have you find yourself to understand others are one aent you and me me and we. But the thing is to split in the right and wrong way to self deceive the path because it is that you go away in the realm so you have the ego to the self that is split but complex. Thinking about feeling an aunt place that makes me think of the outcrop experiences to the dream i had where i traveled in pictures from place tea place to get the choice pull out of the body but did not d for could not pull from the nikki to d Sure I came back. I begin to wonder if anyone who believes in God is really misrepresented. D comes by itself self I think strange? We are just a part of everything. Part of of The time will always exist forever Will self be god then? I do not think so i'm pulling on evil i'm thinking it's wrong understand .. just rushing on the self is self i d is what i'm crazy about. I think we are all together. Do you think there's a hell? I'm pulling it Might be people are in hell because people can not figure out that others are one of them. After death, we're just staying in one Now we are not you telling When I was sick I had a pyramid game of understanding understanding and understanding The understanding of the head But we humans are weeping and we are a creature .. Soo self Is a thing together with me the ego (usa) who is us very much and self composed .. When you come to everything we are part of mirror d we are all really The self must be further up and into ourselves as a universe There are many themselves, but the self with the understanding of understanding is a third I. Third I'm not the first I or others I'm wrong. But is another and third correct way. Others I am very, and one third I am the self of understanding, a higher I. A higher awareness Atomer tea molecules tea cells that make tissues we are off of. In and out of the universe unconsciously was at the beginning when first introduced into a communication a phenomenon, it explains what happens to me that gets displaced. The subconscious was based on the theory of subversion. It was made a mystery to me that was necessary for the fraud thought was right, but remained in the psyche removed from consciousness but still lying off of. Then emerged in consciousness during some sitvations. Displacement was based on research of traumatic hysteria that showed cases where behavior of patients could not be explained without references to thoughts that are conscious facts combined with observation that behavior could be coastal, patients could not explain without references the evidence of the introduction of Hypnosis, in which ideas are inserted into the person's head. Suggested that the ideas were operative in the original file, yet the patients did not show any psychological mechatism of defense. In looking ahead, you also see, inner and outer. Looking ahead is also see, inner and outer. We see the thoughts in ours, where we also travel in time to destinations in Pictures in the world. Inward of the picture where you travel time and place .. do you have anything more than a trip? In the picture and tebake into the picture tebake tea mirror the purpose will be With One higher now and one higher i and everything is one together, dreams and reality also split but put together as one. Looking ahead, you see yourself. To look after it has many paths but follow it where you look. Several places in one go. Further place in the multihologram that is. To have thought much about the beginning of everything if d is a primordial with universe that a parrallel universe put together and split into mirrors .. The eternal reached is the time where thoughts of past present times do not function as separated sequences but rather a multihologram instigated by their own Reflection. Do not spiral up or down right or left or forward or back just in and out if d always spirals from extraneous friction as an explosion from the primodial. Where time exists, two tornadoes shape like an hourglass that spirals from opposite directions. But one must be in now I have understood the time for the wake of the devaluation of the future, fear is that now it is peace with itself itself. So think about it with the ego and the self to understand we are all split into someone to go away in the realm that is the wrong way to find themselves, themselves but you also have rooms that's what I'm talking about It's parrallelous because we are in several places once in a picture to travel from the picture tea wild from space to space in the interior. I think of dreams and reality as one as it is before. Imagine if you behave like electrons that d is waves when we do not see particles when we see is as they know you want to show something aent That d is interference But not necessarily waves but could be. To find out that sound is vibration that atoms vibrating to black holes collect information everything comes by itself itself, then is the self that has created everything? We are all a part of everything. Since we are part of everything, you will say that part of everything is proven. Would you say since I see we are split into humans too expensive that everyone is split into the tea different people each of us in between because since we are part of us to us is part of the universe it will say a part of the universe is Conscious of oneself as is self. Think about the primitive being brought into itself with interference. That the friction like big bang was created Think about everything to reach a higher I all of us who are the self to stop walking around the self in the bubbles that are. Imagine if we all share to learn to understand the understanding of everything to share everything so we can find ourselves But if you are a higher I have you find yourself to understand others are one aent you and me me and we. But the thing is to split in the right and wrong way to self deceive the path because it is that you go away in the realm so you have the ego to the self that is split but complex. We are a mirror reflection in Mirrors mirror reflection in Mirror on both sides we are mirrored reflection out goes reflection in But is it reflection out or just universe mirrors me a start primordial. ... Universe and Universe Universe We are mirrored universe out We are one Reflections must be for Pictures in our I but the direction inward shows you the way the eye goes in. It turns out. Is and simply be A first one second and a third I. One first i, when one is one i do not understand others alone, i'm when two are one i together. Third I am the everlasting colorful black one is all with an eternal now. We are the eternal colorful black and the other I am colorful do not write, First I am when I am one to understand myself Other I am when two are one I together. Third, I am the eternally colorful black then you are all with it Eternal reaches, those who do not understand originate in the first of the third And therefore, third is, I am much and myself. That does not understand the first of the third. For one must be a third i to understand that the eternal black that is colorful should be explained must be explained in a message for itself. Clover and Marijuana We are the eternally colorful blacks. You are living and living and is a room with you. Time and space together as one, you will always be. And in the world that has been, you will always be honest. But it's time it was but it's in now. Time and space are you. Now there is as long as time exists. Multiunivers ... electrons are waves but when you look at they are the particles are like the ones you see looks strange. Interferance read this about. Electrons go in and out of existence. Sound is vibration atoms viberer I got confirmation of and the membrane, As I see it is the parrallel universe together, one of us puts us in several places once in one picture. We travel in time in the interior and move from the photo teapot. Those who come forward and bake or go away have to raise themselves a higher I of consciousness. Very much and myself. We are time and space. The eternal and colorful blacks are put together as one .. Dreams and reality is a multihologram inspired by its own reflection. Everything is so split and put together, you showed that electrons are waves, but when you look at they are the particles are like they Know you look. Are they no wonder they behave like that? Interference They go in and out of existence as molecules also do. Photoner also goes in and out of existence. We will always be to and after we are dead, we are staying the whole time to be a room with you. We are part of the universe, part of everything and everything we are all we are, we are all we and one. I we all are all together. We need to expand the understanding of understanding and the world needs to be one with itself. The world is so sick, so a movie about isis is so sad they kill themselves. We have to expand, I thought, but I do not understand why I thought it's no good idea to conclude. It expanded on matter and had it been more had it calm down, which does not make dark energy. We walk in between pictures. Picture tee Place to place those who walk away in the yard stuck in time. Do you think man lives in the future of fear? Past due deprising? To reach when u is one with yourself. But now is time in baking time and. So you will always be in now. Do you think you'll always be there like a bubble on time? Underlying by of? Or do you think it just disappears as is? Traveling in pictures in mirrors The psychologist felt voices in the hood can not get out of vibration so scratched that there he is built up of atoms. Sound is vibration! The future is also in the future, but disappearing as we will still be a place if we only stay here. Looking at it as a parallel line with two different sides in mirrors, you can live elsewhere to still exist here. Or vice versa. D is important be in now but make mistakes conclude what i already see. I see it's complex and split in everything. The parrallel line says it's a pair of universes like one but they do not touch the line go together because it's parrallell? Touches when we do not see? Me interference. But why do you believe electrons behave like they do? They had made an experiment where the skinned electrons found electrons behave like waves but once they set up no to look back from the two, they skid in between so blurred particles of view. Is as they know it observes to behave differently. When you do not see the waves they have not shown before they died, I know. But you do not know if there's ever been interference. When there's tea there, it's interference when you get tea electrons you have to get in The goodhead says, but not always you will listen to everything that is said to be heard. Forgiven if you should hear, tell and understand, I know who is schizophrenic to conscious of all the voices in the body is just a mindset. Find yourself! Have not been in the back of the head, there are depressions and lie in the future there is fear, be there now there is peace. But I believe in a aent place. I think we are more places once in a picture and travel tea picture tea picture. And again. In ours I will always be forgiven if you are over here.We all need peace, not loking away in me. Forward and tebake yoke necessary if we are correcting. We must come to an end. A higher I. We have to expand, I thought, but I do not understand why I thought it's no good idea to conclude. It expanded on matter and had it been more had it calm down, which does not make dark energy. We walk in between pictures. Picture tee Place to place those who walk away in the yard stuck in time. Do you think man lives in the future of fear? Past due deprising? To reach when u is one with yourself. But now is time in baking time and. So you will always be in now. Do you think you'll always be there like a bubble on time? Underlying by of? Or do you think it just disappears as is? Traveling in pictures in mirrors The psychologist felt voices in the hood can not get out of vibration so scratched that there he is built up of atoms. Sound is vibration! The future is also in the future, but disappearing as we will still be a place if we only stay here. Looking at it as a parallel line with two different sides in mirrors, you can live elsewhere to still exist here. Or vice versa. D is important be in now but make mistakes conclude what i already see. I see it's complex and split in everything. The parrallel line says it's a pair of universes like one but they do not touch the line go together because it's parrallell? Touches when we do not see? Me interference. But why do you believe electrons behave like they do? They had made an experiment where the skinned electrons found electrons behave like waves but once they set up no to look back from the two, they skid in between so blurred particles of view. Is as they know it observes to behave differently. When you do not see the waves they have not shown before they died, I know. But you do not know if there's ever been interference. When there's tea there, it's interference when you get tea electrons you have to get in The goodhead says, but not always you will listen to everything that is said to be heard. Forgiven if you should hear, tell and understand, I know who is schizophrenic to conscious of all the voices in the body is just a mindset. Find the self! Have not been in the back of the head, there are depressions and lie in the future there is fear, be there now there is peace. But I believe in a aent place. I think we are more places once in a picture and travel tea picture tea picture. And again. In ours I will always be forgiven if you are over here.We all need peace, not loking away in me. Back and forth is not necessary if we are correcting. We must come to an end. A higher I. shall god exist I think it is damn strange, all-knowing God created the universe created helium hydrogen-generated atoms, protons, etc .. and nebulae that are star developments like galaxies that are a collection of stars and star explosions to create us so we should be today's hitler. There is a lot of slaughter .. we have the option to choose when it comes to food, it does not have expensive access to .. so you come to other places of the globe they do not have access to tea food. May well we must bring us together by understanding not by not understanding. Provided we are human and we are also part of the universe. And what I mean with the universe is conscious in one ... overall of all is because we are conscious. Part of the universe has become conscious of understanding .. and everything happens for a reason that as part of the universe we will get a higher now and that's why Einstein realized that there is a reason underlying reason for substance and relativity to the universe. Relationship to something is why we all have to learn to be one, Hitler once had more than enough. We are all the brain that everything has created and so I think we must learn ourselves. And we are above all even where we can not see that's why we must develop together and since we are conscious in the universe, the universe has not been created by God but by itself. We come from ourselves and we. And there is the theory of multi universe. We are a lot of butchers they are souls to them and they feel just like us. In China, the bitches grill live to eat them, they should not eat the bodies of tea, other souls, people should not eat each other. In India, cows are holy and look at Norway as a lot of butcher cows. We know better than it wakes up, they eat dogs in Vietnam and. Here are links of how much the world needs to develop into understanding. People go around not understanding .. take your tea time to read the whole blog there is an understanding split into branches of two different understandings that are three that are divided into four. We must go up in consciousness .. we must not only understand other people and animals are an aent you but understand. Take your tea time to sign pertitision during !!!!
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  7. Cruel video mad/wrong way of understanding:
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  22. Through others you also know yourself, to a higher now. Our development as aces, thoughts, thoughts patterns.
  23. Its the vison see, see in your self. The eyes are reversed and the jaw is also I'm going to murder in the throat and double for the opposite and without the understanding wake up 3 dots 3 understandings the third dot is understand we're all in all end and kill yourself and your other i kill Himself in his own and killed in the outside
  24. Be strong start see i am you as in the realm you are us and we are all under the definition of all hail we are hitler we are gandhi we are socrates we are Einstein We are putin we ware hitler chose try take over and delete race we are cold gandhi chose starve for the people we are hot socrates selected philosopher and die we are understanding einstein chose universe it is us and putin bombs ourselves we are believers in You and me somebody chooses death for a god you live for a reason .. that's the third dot I've got in trouble and the number three is six first i second i and understanding develops to the number six multiplication of us and not murder Love, feelings, third understanding in the middle. Up and down, the word and, in and out. Thoughts, back and forth, back and forth we have to go up and we have to put up the tea universe easy direction and into the outside like ourselves, we rotate in ourselves. The faculty is in the mathematics the product of a number of the positive integers from 1 through the number itself. Wiki tallet 3! Is 6 A perfect number, the sum of the numbers going up to 6 (1, 2 and 3) gives The third triangle number (1 + 2 + 3 = 6) wiki Consciousness We are thoughts / beliefs, see and words in themselves, also words in themselves. And we all learn the understanding. Knowing if not everything thinks, thinks everything in itself. Everything is Us, It's Part of the Definition If you see everything like one seeing others like yours other i will try to make a change. Our I as a whole that you see everything is you, the word everything in itself, therefore, try to explain to us in between the understanding of everything ... so we can build ourselves up to a higher now share knowledge, knowledge, love and all of us Teacher understands the word understanding and understanding. As a greater knowledge, we will now develop our development of what must be learned from our higher I as a whole we must understand our own me and the word others in themselves and understand that if you are you, you are still me and you I'm as much my dog ​​as the tree that's over there's all of us, we're the problem we are solution we need to get on to learn from the generation's march, ourselves and yours I'm developing to the higher end to kill yourself, And end and kill me. It is very much and the self that dies. Everything is me alright as it's you and it's part of definition and I'm dying constantly to just come to a certain point. Now let's have tea ready to finish. We who are to be so interpersonal, I have to ask myself what the hell is what the other person is doing .. we are at war with ourselves! How many times should we learn each one of us, we must not only learn alone but together. Thus, learning from each other all humans as animals, the more we understand, learn how more we understand. Everyone is a part of everything, the word all in itself. Facebook became and developed for a reason communication. Everythingness is all right everything is everything right, so if you have the existence and as long as the word everything exists is the meaning of everything and everything is in your own mind, you are the eternal black one, like energies, anti matter and matter yourself . Like atoms and all that drit there. Since everything is us, we are all, we will always exist as long as everything is. We are and stay all the time and are the time in ourselves and beyond. We are all the time, as we are all the time in ourselves. The time we have in ours, like everything else we see in our hearts, we can see the inner eye of ourselves. We have everything in ourselves, as everything is ourselves, from within and outside. . And because if we lose our body, we will always be and be all in all. As long as everything is, we will always exist because everything is simple just that. We have to take care of me, ours, in our entirety, our everlasting colorful blacks. Important be in the present and not this away in all the flows and operations that are but everything is going on for a higher consciousness. The word all in itself feelings, thoughts, time, everything we are quite so special, we are the time in ourselves, like everything else thoughts and words in itself, we have the property think all creatures and we have learned to communicate with body And words. For a greater understanding of ours. Greater understanding of the word all in itself to a higher us a higher now to a higher i time all one and to be past present future in ourselves we travel in time in our mind we are one as at the beginning of all we all Must learn to be one with ourselves and others and all the hell aent that's around. When we all become peace. Not understanding had understood comprehensively after they were not understood because they are consciously not understanding. But had only learned more understanding they had clearly explained each side and understood each other to the understanding who did not understand for consciously not understanding had become fully understood, did not understand that then did not understand though understand and for both do not understand if one understands More when it comes to being understanding. They had come across the demons to see both sides as unnecessary. I as also you can say we are all because we are just all about looking at words .. are just the ones that divide us. So if I'm just a person, I can also say other people are one so other people are me but I who are all and only one person are also more people. In the meaning of words that are our understanding .. I have been as in the yen have been can say we have been people who have lived before. Who did it really matter? Then you have to understand before and at the same time.We travel in time. We can travel in the future of baking time in our memrobilia of our self, we can already travel on time in our inner self. We are that we must be in our own minds not this in the minds that lead us on our ways that are colorful and black. At times it happens that it is because we will reach a higher I in our consciousness of the very understanding of everything in you and me. So many different paths we lead us brings it back to our lesson to the knowledge of our all in our self. ... an everlasting big dark as we all flow in the universe in its shine to our beautiful day. We all have been our path together to learn from each other to understand see to understand each other from different point of view and reason as such. We are one that we are here to get a better understanding of everything in our different stages to different degrees. To a higher I to a higher now. So that beautiful in all of us must realize we grow to germinate for a reason. Therefore, the 3 eye that we must all learn to feel to see will bring so many understandings to the point of view not just that. We are the universe all souls of energies flowing around and as I said everything happens for a reason. We are the universe in its entirety. Multiuniverses everything to where we have got the property tea tanks to from all the animals to the sensitive trees. Expansion contractions spiral to such a nature that we will understand our time. Time in time is also there to get an understanding of you that I and our everybody coincide in our everybody's. We believe to believe in itself that it brings us tea different flower in Be our time Be our place. Time goes slowly, time goes fast, the time in yourself to how time for you is done. Then you get to dreams and dejavu that seem like a parraal dimension. Beautiful nebulae to start everything. Everything from thought seems to bubble theories in its power of tea all the universe itself has made. We are in the peas and beasts, we are in our everybody's beautiful. We are. We are the universe, we are the eternally colorful blacks, we are beautiful and you are beautiful. Nebula Macrocosm Universal understanding of everything is possible but based on the knowledge and the words of universalism where in the language only divided into different branches of an article. We must understand we are human beings we are all we are part of and also everything. Without god but must see it as a possibility that we must with all. I believe in faith in self, in self in our everybody. We are mind and we are all some pale beautiful flowers we are the universe in its entirety we are all together but it is true and it is true understanding interlectuality to be the most understanding possible for the more you understand how smarter you will be . You must be able to see everything that I will explain step by step in a thoughtful process with questions both I ask for you to share their understanding and should we come to a common understanding of understanding of both sides, then understand, you understand and are one higher I. Marlene johansen/nebula macrocosm
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