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a guest
Apr 26th, 2019
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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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  11. <AnchorPane prefHeight="540.0" prefWidth="900.0" style="-fx-background-color: black;" xmlns="" xmlns:fx="" fx:controller="ee.taltech.iti0202.gui.InstructionWindow">
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  15. <Image url="@Images/backstone.png" />
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  18. <ImageView fitHeight="542.0" fitWidth="608.0" layoutX="482.0" pickOnBounds="true">
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  26. <Font name="Harrington" size="28.0" />
  27. </font>
  28. </Label>
  29. <Label layoutX="250.0" layoutY="151.0" text="Your task is to protect the tower." textFill="WHITE">
  30. <font>
  31. <Font name="Harrington" size="20.0" />
  32. </font>
  33. </Label>
  34. <Label layoutX="542.0" layoutY="151.0" text="There are 10" textFill="#fffefe">
  35. <font>
  36. <Font name="Harrington" size="20.0" />
  37. </font>
  38. </Label>
  39. <Label layoutX="237.0" layoutY="197.0" text="waves of monsters. Waves include 3 types of" textFill="#fffefe">
  40. <font>
  41. <Font name="Harrington" size="20.0" />
  42. </font>
  43. </Label>
  44. <Label layoutX="240.0" layoutY="245.0" text="monsters. They are orc, skeleton and gold man." textFill="#fffefe">
  45. <font>
  46. <Font name="Harrington" size="20.0" />
  47. </font>
  48. </Label>
  49. <Label layoutX="237.0" layoutY="286.0" text="Each of them has different amounf of HP." textFill="#fffefe">
  50. <font>
  51. <Font name="Harrington" size="20.0" />
  52. </font>
  53. </Label>
  54. <Label layoutX="605.0" layoutY="285.0" text="To" textFill="#fffefe">
  55. <font>
  56. <Font name="Harrington" size="20.0" />
  57. </font>
  58. </Label>
  59. <Label layoutX="240.0" layoutY="330.0" text="kill orc will be enough 2 cliks, for skeleton 3 and" textFill="#fffefe">
  60. <font>
  61. <Font name="Harrington" size="20.0" />
  62. </font>
  63. </Label>
  64. <Label layoutX="237.0" layoutY="372.0" text="for gold man only 1 click. After all waves game " textFill="#fffefe">
  65. <font>
  66. <Font name="Harrington" size="20.0" />
  67. </font>
  68. </Label>
  69. <Label layoutX="237.0" layoutY="423.0" text="is over. Good luck!" textFill="#fffefe">
  70. <font>
  71. <Font name="Harrington" size="20.0" />
  72. </font>
  73. </Label>
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  86. </AnchorPane>
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