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Nov 24th, 2017
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  1. local Settings = { --These are the settings, change them however you like
  3. GunName = "MLG"; --This is the name that will be displayed on the Tool
  4. Description = "GET NOSCOPED!"; --This will be the text that is displayed above the tool when the mouse is hovering over it
  6. GunType = { --[[These are the 4 gun types you can have. Set whichever ones you want to true. (NOTE: Semi and Auto can't both be
  7. true, and Burst and Auto can't both be true)]]
  8. Semi = Auto; --Set this true if you want the gun to be semi-automatic. (Pistols, Snipers, etc)
  9. Auto = false; --Set this true if you want the gun to be fully automatic. (Assault Rifles, Submachine guns, machine guns, etc)
  10. Burst = false; --Set this true if you want the gun to be burst fire. (Battle rifles, assault rifles, etc)
  11. Shot = false; --Set this true if you want the gun to be a shotgun. (NOTE: Shot and auto can both be true)
  12. };
  14. BurstAmount = 3; --This is how many bullets will be fired in one burst (if Burst is true)
  15. BurstTime = 0.2; --This is how long it takes for a burst to complete
  16. BurstWait = 0.1; --This is how much time you have to wait before you can fire another burst
  18. ShotAmount = 5; --This is how many bullets will be fired in one shot (if Shot is true)
  20. FakeArmTransparency = 0.4; --This is the transparency of the fake arms
  21. FakeArmThickness = 0.7; --This is the thickness of the fake arms in studs
  23. PlayerAnimations = true; --This is whether or not the player will have custom animations
  24. AimAnimation = true; --This is whether or not there is an animation for aiming down the sights
  25. ReloadAnimation = true; --This is whether or not there is an animation for reloading
  26. StanceAnimation = true; --This is whether or not there is an animation for changing stance
  28. AimSpeed = 0.01; --This is how long the gun will take to fully aim down the sights
  29. MaxZoom = 40; --This is the FOV that the Camera will have when the gun is fully aimed down
  30. HoldMouseOrKeyToADS = true; --This is whether or not you have to hold the right mouse or the ADS key to ADS
  32. FireRate = 99999; --This is how many bullets per minute the gun will fire
  33. BulletRange = 999999; --This is how far the bullet will travel before it is no longer effective
  35. InstantHit = false; --[[This is whether or not the bullet will hit a target instantly. If it is false, the bullet will travel at a
  36. specific speed till it hits a target]]
  37. BulletVelocity = 2400; --This is how fast the bullet will travel in studs per second
  39. Damage = 1000; --This is the base damage. That means that this is the least amount of damage that will be inflicted
  40. Multipliers = { --[[These are the damage multipliers. There's a spread of +0.1. That means that if the multiplier is 1, the actual
  41. multiplier will range from 1 - 1.1]]
  42. Chest = 1; --This is what the damage will be multiplied by if the bullet hits the chest
  43. Head = 1.5; --This is what the damage will be multiplied by if the bullet hits the head or a hat
  44. Limbs = 1; --This is what the damage will be multiplied by if the bullet hits a limb (Arms or legs)
  45. };
  47. AllowFriendlyFire = true; --This is whether or not you can damage teammates
  48. CanDamageNPCs = true; --This is whether or not you can damage NPC's (Zombies, fake players, anything with a humanoid)
  50. CanKnife = true; --This is whether or not you can knife
  51. KnifeMeshId = ""; --This is the Mesh of the knife
  52. KnifeTextureId = ""; --This is the Texture of the knife
  53. KnifeCooldown = 0.01; --This is how long you have to wait before you can knife again
  55. BulletTrail = true; --This is whether or not there will be a trail behind the bullet
  56. TrailColor ="Black"); --This is the color of the bullet trail
  57. TrailTransparency = 0.6; --This is the transparency of the trail
  58. TrailVisibleTime = 0.5; --This is how long the trail will be visible for
  59. TrailDisappearTime = 0.5; --This is how long it will take for the trail to disappear
  61. BulletHoles = true; --This is whether or not bullet holes will appear where you shot
  62. BulletHoleTexture = ""; --This is the texture of the bullet hole
  63. BulletHoleSize = 0.5; --This is how big the bullet hole will be in studs
  64. BulletHoleVisibleTime = 3; --This is how long the bullet hole will be visible for
  65. BulletHoleDisappearTime = 1; --This is how long it will take for the bullet hole to disappear
  67. Penetration =33;--[[This is how many studs a bullet can penetrate into a wall. So if penetration is 2 and the wall is 3 studs
  68. thick, the bullet won't come out the other side]]
  70. Recoil = {
  71. Aimed = 0; --This is the recoil the gun will have when the gun is aimed down
  72. Hipfire = 0; --This is the recoil the gun will have when the gun is fired from the hip
  73. };
  74. Spread = { --[[This spread values are how many degrees offset / 20 the bullets from the center the bullets will travel. So a spread
  75. of 20 would mean that the bullet's max spread in any direction is 1 degree from the center]]
  76. Aimed = 0; --This is the spread when the gun is aimed down. it isn't affected by the multiplier.
  77. Hipfire = 0; --This is the base spread when the gun is fired from the hip
  78. Max = 0; --This is the highest the spread can be when fired
  79. Multiplier = 0; --This is how much the spread will be multiplied by when fired. It only affects the Hipfire spread
  80. Walking = 0; --This is the spread while walking. It isn't affected by the multiplier
  81. };
  83. ReloadTime = 0; --This is how long it takes to reload the gun
  84. AutoReload = true; --This is whether or not the gun will reload automatically when the ammo reaches 0
  86. SprintTime = 7; --This is the maximum time you can sprint
  87. StaminaCoolTime = 4; --This is how long it takes for your stamina to fully recharge
  89. DolphinDive = true; --This is whether or not you can dolphin dive (Run and crouch at the same time to dive)
  90. DiveRechargeTime = 1; --This is how long you have to wait till you can dive or run again after you've dived
  92. CanChangeStance = true; --This is whether or not you can change stance. That means whether or not you can crouch or go prone
  93. StanceChangeSpeed = 0.25; --This is how quickly you change stance
  94. StandOnDeselect = true; --This is whether or not you stand up when you deselect the tool
  96. BaseWalkSpeed = 50; --This is the base walkspeed
  97. SprintSpeed = 100; --This is the walkspeed when you're sprinting
  98. AimedWalkSpeed = 50; --[[This is the base walkspeed when the gun is aimed down. If you crouch or go prone, the speed will change
  99. based on the AimedWalkSpeed to BaseWalkSpeed ratio]]
  100. CrouchWalkSpeed = 25; --This is the walkspeed when you're crouched
  101. ProneWalkSpeed = 25; --This is the walkspeed when you're prone
  103. --NOTE: For extra keys, go here:
  104. LowerStanceKey = "c"; --This is the key you press to lower your stance (Stand > Crouch > Prone)
  105. RaiseStanceKey = "x"; --This is the key you press to raise your stance (Prone > Crouch > Stand)
  106. ReloadKey = "r"; --This is the key you press to reload
  107. SprintKey = string.char(48); --This is the key you press to sprint
  108. KnifeKey = "f"; --This is the key you press to knife
  109. ADSKey = "q"; --This is the key you press to ADS. If you want ADS to just be right mouse, then make this key ""
  111. }
  113. return Settings
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