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Jul 29th, 2017
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  1. org-indent-refresh-view 7 7.461368 1.0659097142
  2. org-indent-add-properties 7 7.4374129999 1.0624875714
  3. org-at-item-p 23471 6.5036170000 0.0002770916
  4. org-list-context 23471 5.9755110000 0.0002545912
  5. org-in-regexps-block-p 46942 1.2614660000 2.687...e-05
  6. org-inlinetask-in-task-p 23478 1.1028940000 4.697...e-05
  7. org-at-regexp-p 46942 0.3742660000 7.972...e-06
  8. org-get-limited-outline-regexp 23478 0.3015390000 1.284...e-05
  9. org-at-heading-p 23471 0.2844520000 1.211...e-05
  10. org-item-re 23471 0.2696089999 1.148...e-05
  11. org-list-item-body-column 7157 0.2501569999 3.495...e-05
  12. org-get-indentation 14426 0.1848790000 1.281...e-05
  13. org-inlinetask-outline-regexp 23478 0.1687920000 7.189...e-06
  14. org-looking-at-p 46786 0.0535510000 1.144...e-06
  15. org-mode-p 23482 0.0135029999 5.750...e-07
  16. org-cycle 2 0.008973 0.0044865
  17. org-shifttab 1 0.008725 0.008725
  18. org-global-cycle 1 0.00869 0.00869
  19. org-cycle-internal-global 1 0.008403 0.008403
  20. org-overview 1 0.008245 0.008245
  21. org-outline-level 375 0.0009490000 2.530...e-06
  22. org-cycle-item-indentation 2 0.00026 0.00013
  23. org-hide-block-toggle-maybe 2 3.7e-05 1.85e-05
  24. org-cycle-show-empty-lines 1 3.2e-05 3.2e-05
  25. org-at-table-p 2 2.8e-05 1.4e-05
  26. org-babel-hide-result-toggle-maybe 2 2.3e-05 1.15e-05
  27. org-mode-flyspell-verify 7 1.799...e-05 2.571...e-06
  28. org-cycle-level 2 1.6e-05 8e-06
  29. org-point-at-end-of-empty-headline 2 7e-06 3.5e-06
  30. org-load-modules-maybe 2 4.999...e-06 2.499...e-06
  31. org-cycle-hide-drawers 1 4e-06 4e-06
  32. org-optimize-window-after-visibility-change 1 4e-06 4e-06
  33. org-cycle-hide-archived-subtrees 1 2e-06 2e-06
  34. org-src-native-tab-command-maybe 2 1e-06 5e-07
  35. org-back-to-heading 7 0 0.0
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