Guest User


a guest
Feb 11th, 2019
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  1. <?php
  2. $lang['input_insert'] = 'Insert %';
  4. // navigation
  5. $lang['navigation_top_message'] = 'Messages';
  6. $lang['navigation_top_help'] = 'Instructions';
  7. $lang['navigation_top_check_in'] = 'Working hours';
  8. $lang['navigation_top_employees'] = 'Employee list';
  9. $lang['navigation_top_company'] = 'Company overview';
  10. $lang['navigation_top_company_settings'] = 'Company settings';
  11. $lang['navigation_top_schedule'] = 'Schedule';
  12. $lang['navigation_top_schedule_edit'] = 'Edit the schedule';
  13. $lang['navigation_top_my_profile'] = 'My profile';
  14. $lang['navigation_top_logout'] = 'Logout';
  15. $lang['navigation_top_welcome'] = 'Hello, ';
  17. // Login Controller
  18. $lang['login_input_username'] = 'Username';
  19. $lang['login_input_password'] = 'Password';
  20. $lang['login_input_remember_me_yes'] = 'Yes';
  21. $lang['login_input_remember_me_no'] = 'No';
  22. $lang['login_input_remember_me'] = 'Remember Me';
  23. $lang['login_input_submit'] = 'Login';
  24. $lang['login_message_error'] = 'Incorrect username or password.';
  26. // Company Controller
  27. $lang['company_text_companies'] = 'Companies overview';
  28. $lang['company_text_company_edit'] = 'Edit company';
  29. $lang['company_table_name'] = 'Company name';
  30. $lang['company_table_device_timestamplogged'] = 'Device status';
  31. $lang['company_table_subscription'] = 'Subscription';
  32. $lang['company_table_user'] = "<i><a href='%s' class='link'>%s</a></i> at <i>%s</i>";
  33. $lang['company_table_options'] = 'Additionally';
  34. $lang['company_table_count_employee'] = 'Num. of employees';
  35. $lang['company_table_no_data'] = 'No data';
  36. $lang['company_table_timestamplogged'] = 'Last logged';
  37. $lang['company_input_add_company'] = 'Add company';
  38. $lang['company_input_name'] = 'Company name';
  39. $lang['company_input_address'] = 'Company address';
  40. $lang['company_input_postage'] = 'Postage';
  41. $lang['company_input_city'] = 'City';
  42. $lang['company_input_email'] = 'E-mail address';
  43. $lang['company_input_phone'] = 'Phone';
  44. $lang['company_input_device'] = 'Devices';
  45. $lang['company_input_note'] = 'Company notes...';
  46. $lang['company_input_sum_hours'] = 'Total hours each day';
  47. $lang['company_input_sum_hours_info'] = 'For a single day, you can select the type of hours that can be summed up in the total number of hours. By default, the count (Hourly Log + Hours manually) is displayed;';
  48. $lang['company_input_workhour_limit'] = 'Presence time interval';
  49. $lang['company_input_round_hour'] = 'Rounding out ur <small> (min) </small>';
  50. $lang['company_input_round_hour_info'] = 'Rounding off the printout of the arrival / exit hours when the employee leaves the job';
  51. $lang['company_input_workhour_limit_type'] = 'Logging';
  52. $lang['company_input_workhour_limit_type_1'] = 'Does not record the time before the hour of the hour / hour after the output';
  53. $lang['company_input_workhour_limit_type_2'] = 'Record time before arrival time';
  54. $lang['company_input_workhour_limit_type_3'] = 'Record time after hour of exit';
  55. $lang['company_input_workhour_limit_type_4'] = 'Record the time before the hour of arrival / after the hour of exit';
  56. $lang['company_input_workhour_limit_day'] = 'Day';
  57. $lang['company_input_workhour_limit_start'] = 'Arrival';
  58. $lang['company_input_workhour_limit_end'] = 'Exit';
  59. $lang['company_input_workhour_limit_category'] = 'Category';
  60. $lang['company_input_workhour_lunch'] = 'Time interval for lunch';
  61. $lang['company_input_workhour_lunch_start'] = 'From';
  62. $lang['company_input_workhour_lunch_end'] = 'To';
  63. $lang['company_input_vacation_interval'] = 'Date for the use of old leave';
  64. $lang['company_input_vacation_interval_info'] = 'The setting allows you to define vacation by category, where you can determine when the use of old leave is required. By default, this date is set to 30.6.';
  65. $lang['company_input_vacation_interval_date'] = 'Date';
  66. $lang['company_input_vacation_interval_category'] = 'Category';
  67. $lang['company_input_schedule_hour'] = 'Preset scheduling hours';
  68. $lang['company_input_schedule_hour_info'] = 'Possibility of presetting the terms of the work. They are available to create a schedule of users work and do not need to enter hours. Only preset terms are selected. ';
  69. $lang['company_input_schedule_hour_name'] = 'Name';
  70. $lang['company_input_schedule_hour_start'] = 'From';
  71. $lang['company_input_schedule_hour_end'] = 'To';
  72. $lang['company_input_work_hour_separation'] = 'Separation of working hours';
  73. $lang['company_input_work_hour_separation_name'] = 'Name';
  74. $lang['company_input_work_hour_separation_day'] = 'Day';
  75. $lang['company_input_work_hour_separation_start'] = 'From';
  76. $lang['company_input_work_hour_separation_end'] = 'To';
  77. $lang['company_input_interval'] = 'Logging time <small> (min) </small>';
  78. $lang['company_input_interval_delay'] = 'Time scales <small> (min) </small>';
  79. $lang['company_input_interval_lunch'] = 'Duration of the <small> (min) </small>';
  80. $lang['company_input_interval_info'] = 'Setting the time interval for logging the login time. Setting 1 (1 min) means that the user records the application for a minute accurately. Setting 10 (10 min) means that the user registers the login time within the 10 minute interval. ';
  81. $lang['company_input_workhour_info'] = 'The setting defines the time interval in which the time scales are taken into account to calculate the time of check-in and logout. In the event that a time scrim is defined, the time mark shall be taken into account within the time interval of presence at check-in or check-out. Outside the time interval, the base time recording is taken into account at the time of recording. At intervals, the settings are also available when the user records the time before the estimated time of arrival and exit and when not. ';
  82. $lang['company_input_workhour_lunch_info'] = 'The setting defines the time interval in which the user logs in and logout is logged as a lunch exit. In the event that the time spent on the snack is exceeded by the time indicated in the Time Lunch Interval setting, the time scales are counted for overrun. Also, the exit to the snack outside the lunch interval is charged as an ordinary exit. ';
  83. $lang['company_input_interval_delay_info'] = 'An additional time interval is defined in minutes for calculating the time when the exit is exceeded. Similarly, the time premium is taken into account when recording the time within the time intervals of the presence. ';
  84. $lang['company_input_interval_lunch_info'] = 'The time provided for the meal is defined in minutes. In combination with a time interval for a snack, the duration of the lightning is the period when the user charges the time of the snack when the user signs in and logs the exit. When leaving for a snack which is longer than the indicated duration of the snack, the user will be counted on the time score. In the case of an exit to the snack outside the intended term, the time interval for a snack is charged to the user as a normal exit. ';
  85. $lang['company_input_work_hour_separation_info'] = 'Setting allows you to define a separate billing of hours in the morning, afternoon, night, Saturday, Sunday, ... The setting defines the interval of arrival with which the clock type is detected. For example: to record the morning hours, the term from 6:00 to 10:00 is set. If the user logs in at that time, all hours will be misleading as the morning. For the afternoon, the term from 10:30 to 15:00 is set. If a user makes a login within this term, the hours are recorded as afternoon. ';
  86. $lang['company_input_max_date'] = 'Ability to correct past working hours';
  87. $lang['company_input_max_work_hour_per_day'] = 'Max work hour UP per day';
  88. $lang['company_input_schedule_hours_default'] = 'Use work hour from schedule';
  89. $lang['company_input_max_select_0'] = 'No restrictions';
  90. $lang['company_input_max_select_1'] = '1 day';
  91. $lang['company_input_max_select_2'] = '3 days';
  92. $lang['company_input_max_select_3'] = '1 week';
  93. $lang['company_input_max_select_4'] = 'Current month';
  94. $lang['company_input_max_date_info'] = 'Define settings for all employees, how long ago they have the ability to update working hours. The default system has no set limits. ';
  95. $lang['company_input_check'] = 'Recording';
  96. $lang['company_input_check_out_yesterday'] = 'Close check in for previous day';
  97. $lang['company_input_time_block_min_check'] = 'Min. time login - unsubscribe <small> (sec) </small> ';
  98. $lang['company_input_time_block_min_check_info'] = 'Setup that applies both to devices and to web or mobile sign-in - it is time-limited for how long the user can unsubscribe after login.';
  99. $lang['company_input_time_block_next_check'] = 'Min. time checkout - registration <small> (sec) </small> ';
  100. $lang['company_input_time_block_next_check_info'] = 'Setup that applies both to devices as well as to web or mobile sign-in - limits the length of time the user can re-sign in after the last check-out.';
  101. $lang['company_input_salary_price_software'] = 'Accounting program <small> (export for salaries) </small>';
  102. $lang['company_input_salary_price_lunch'] = 'Price of the small <small> (€) </small>';
  103. $lang['company_input_salary_price_distance'] = 'Price pre. per KM <small> (€) </small> ';
  104. $lang['company_input_salary_day'] = 'Payment day <small> (month) </small>';
  105. $lang['company_input_salary_hour_type_1'] = 'Regular work';
  106. $lang['company_input_salary_hour_type_3'] = 'Vacation';
  107. $lang['company_input_salary_hour_type_4'] = 'Hospitality';
  108. $lang['company_input_salary_hour_type_6'] = 'Holiday';
  109. $lang['company_input_salary_hour_type_20'] = 'Work drive';
  110. $lang['company_input_salary_hour_type_30'] = 'Food';
  111. $lang['company_input_subscription_date_test_start'] = 'The start date of the test period';
  112. $lang['company_input_subscription_date_test_end'] = 'Test dates expiration date';
  113. $lang['company_input_subscription_date_pro_start'] = 'Subscription start date';
  114. $lang['company_input_subscription_date_pro_end'] = 'Subscription expiration date';
  115. $lang['company_input_subscription_type'] = 'Subscription type';
  116. $lang['company_input_subscription_type_0'] = 'Test period';
  117. $lang['company_input_subscription_type_1'] = 'Monthly';
  118. $lang['company_input_subscription_type_2'] = 'Annually';
  119. $lang['company_input_subscription_type_3'] = 'Free';
  120. $lang['company_input_subscription_day_left'] = '(% d days left)';
  121. $lang['company_input_subscription_day_none_left'] = '<span class = "danger"> (expired) </span>';
  122. $lang['company_input_username'] = 'Username';
  123. $lang['company_input_password'] = 'Password';
  124. $lang['company_input_submit'] = 'Save';
  125. $lang['company_input_submit_close'] = 'Save and Close';
  126. $lang['company_input_day_1'] = 'Mon';
  127. $lang['company_input_day_2'] = 'Tues';
  128. $lang['company_input_day_3'] = 'Wed';
  129. $lang['company_input_day_4'] = 'Thu';
  130. $lang['company_input_day_5'] = 'Fri';
  131. $lang['company_input_day_6'] = 'Sat';
  132. $lang['company_input_day_7'] = 'Sun';
  133. $lang['company_input_hour_type_id'] = 'ID';
  134. $lang['company_input_hour_type_name'] = 'Name';
  135. $lang['company_input_hour_type_acronym'] = 'Acronym';
  136. $lang['company_input_hour_type_selector'] = 'Settings for the optional field';
  137. $lang['company_input_hour_type_selector_start'] = 'Preset arrival';
  138. $lang['company_input_hour_type_selector_end'] = 'Preset exit';
  139. $lang['company_input_hour_type_selector_time_add'] = 'Add time <small>(hours)</small>';
  140. $lang['company_input_hour_type_selector_readonly'] = 'Allow edit';
  141. $lang['company_input_hour_type_selector_repeat'] = 'Repeat';
  142. $lang['company_input_hour_type_selector_adding'] = 'Can be added';
  143. $lang['company_input_hour_type_selector_show'] = 'Show at output';
  144. $lang['company_input_hour_type_selector_start_at'] = 'Start with current hour';
  145. $lang['company_input_hour_type_count'] = 'Counting';
  146. $lang['company_input_hour_type_count_sum_netto'] = 'Calculate to total hours (netto)';
  147. $lang['company_input_hour_type_count_sum_brutto'] = 'Calculate to total hours (brutto)';
  148. $lang['company_input_hour_type_count_lunch'] = 'Count lunch';
  149. $lang['company_input_hour_type_count_drive'] = 'Count work transport';
  150. $lang['company_input_hour_type_count_day'] = 'Count as work day';
  151. $lang['company_btn_status'] = 'Company status';
  152. $lang['company_btn_card_add'] = 'Adding cards';
  153. $lang['company_btn_users'] = 'List of employees';
  154. $lang['company_btn_edit'] = 'Edit business';
  155. $lang['company_btn_delete'] = 'Delete business';
  156. $lang['company_btn_delete_check_in'] = 'Deleting all working hours';
  157. $lang['company_btn_password_generate'] = 'Generate a random password';
  158. $lang['company_btn_user_name_generate'] = 'Generate a random username';
  159. $lang['company_btn_command_reboot'] = 'Reboot';
  160. $lang['company_btn_command_update'] = 'SW update';
  161. $lang['company_legend_info'] = 'Basic data';
  162. $lang['company_legend_settings'] = 'Settings';
  163. $lang['company_legend_registrator'] = 'Registrator settings';
  164. $lang['company_legend_note'] = 'Note hours';
  165. $lang['company_legend_lunch'] = 'Lunch settings';
  166. $lang['company_legend_user'] = 'User data';
  167. $lang['company_legend_special_settings'] = 'Advanced settings';
  168. $lang['company_legend_hour_type'] = 'Hour types';
  169. $lang['company_legend_salary'] = 'Information for making wages';
  170. $lang['company_device_info_title'] = 'Data about the device';
  171. $lang['company_device_info_timestampregister'] = 'Registration';
  172. $lang['company_device_info_starttime'] = 'Start time';
  173. $lang['company_device_info_uptime'] = 'Run time';
  174. $lang['company_device_info_name'] = 'Device name';
  175. $lang['company_device_info_mac'] = 'MAC address';
  176. $lang['company_device_info_device_id'] = 'Device ID';
  177. $lang['company_device_info_interface'] = 'Connected via';
  178. $lang['company_device_info_local_ip'] = 'IP local';
  179. $lang['company_device_info_public_ip'] = 'IP external';
  180. $lang['company_device_info_gateway_ip'] = 'IP gateway';
  181. $lang['company_device_info_ip_type'] = 'IP type';
  182. $lang['company_device_info_port'] = 'Port';
  183. $lang['company_device_info_version'] = 'SW. version.';
  184. $lang['company_device_info_cpu_temp'] = 'CPU temp';
  185. $lang['company_alert_add_card_true'] = "Adding cards is activated";
  186. $lang['company_alert_add_card_false'] = "Adding cards is de-activated";
  187. $lang['company_alert_delete_confirm'] = "Do you want to remove the company% s?";
  188. $lang['company_alert_delete_check_in_confirm'] = "Warning! \ nDisabled will be all company logins% s!";
  189. $lang['company_alert_delete'] = "Company <strong>% s </strong> with users has been removed";
  190. $lang['company_alert_check_in_delete'] = "All registered work hours logged in <strong>% s </strong> have been removed.";
  191. $lang['company_alert_update_success'] = 'The company <strong>%s</strong> was successfully added';
  192. $lang['company_alert_update_success'] = 'Company <strong>%s</strong> was successfully updated';
  193. $lang['company_alert_status_on'] = 'The company <strong>%s</strong> has been activated.';
  194. $lang['company_alert_status_off'] = 'The company <strong>%s</strong> is de-activated. <br/> The user no longer has the permission to use his own profile, nor is it possible to log in via the registry anymore.' ;
  195. $lang['company_calendar_text_absence'] = 'Review of absences';
  196. $lang['company_calendar_legend_type_3'] = 'Vacation';
  197. $lang['company_calendar_legend_type_4'] = 'Hospital';
  198. $lang['company_calendar_legend_type_7'] = 'Fathers leave';
  199. $lang['company_calendar_legend_type_9'] = 'Hourly usage';
  200. $lang['company_calendar_table_first_last_name'] = 'Name and surname';;
  201. $lang['company_calendar_table_type'] = 'Type of absence';
  202. $lang['company_calendar_modal_input_close'] = 'Close';
  203. $lang['company_calendar_table_type_3'] = 'Leave';
  204. $lang['company_calendar_table_type_4'] = 'Hospital';
  205. $lang['company_calendar_table_type_7'] = 'Paternity leave';
  206. $lang['company_calendar_table_type_9'] = 'Use hours';
  208. // Employee controller
  209. $lang['employee_text_employees'] = 'Employees list';
  210. $lang['employee_text_employee_edit'] = 'Edit an employee';
  211. $lang['employee_input_add_employee'] = 'Add employee';
  212. $lang['employee_input_btn_sort'] = 'Reset Filter Sorting';
  213. $lang['employee_input_calculate_output_employee'] = 'Hour comulative';
  214. $lang['employee_input_schedule'] = 'Schedule';
  215. $lang['employee_input_edit_company'] = 'Company settings';
  216. $lang['employee_input_absence_company'] = 'Review of absences';
  217. $lang['employee_input_logs'] = 'Activities';
  218. $lang['employee_input_users'] = 'Employee listing';
  219. $lang['employee_input_category_add'] = 'Add Category';
  220. $lang['employee_btn_status_all'] = 'All employees';
  221. $lang['employee_btn_status_0'] = 'Inactive';
  222. $lang['employee_btn_status_1'] = 'Active';
  223. $lang['employee_table_first_last_name'] = 'Name and surname';
  224. $lang['employee_table_first_name'] = 'First name';
  225. $lang['employee_table_last_name'] = 'Last name';
  226. $lang['employee_table_job_type'] = 'Job type';
  227. $lang['employee_table_category'] = 'Category';
  228. $lang['employee_table_category_all'] = 'All categories';
  229. $lang['employee_table_timestamplogged'] = 'Last logged in';
  230. $lang['employee_table_status'] = 'Presence';
  231. $lang['employee_table_status_time'] = '<time><input value="%s" type="date" id="StatusDate"><span>%s</span></time>';
  232. $lang['employee_table_status_in'] = 'Present';
  233. $lang['employee_table_status_out'] = 'Unsubscribe';
  234. $lang['employee_table_status_work_hour'] = 'Hand watches';
  235. $lang['employee_table_options'] = 'Additionally';
  236. $lang['employee_table_user_name'] = 'Username';
  237. $lang['employee_table_password'] = 'Password';
  238. $lang['employee_table_card_code'] = 'Card code';
  239. $lang['employee_table_type'] = 'User type';
  240. $lang['employee_table_evidence'] = 'Records';
  241. $lang['employee_table_evidence_medical'] = 'Date of last medical examination';
  242. $lang['employee_table_evidence_safety'] = 'Date of occupational safety';
  243. $lang['employee_table_no_data_evidence'] = '<small> No data </​​small>';
  244. $lang['employee_table_type_1'] = 'super administrator';
  245. $lang['employee_table_type_2'] = 'administrator';
  246. $lang['employee_table_type_3'] = 'user';
  247. $lang['employee_table_total_day'] = 'Total days';
  248. $lang['employee_table_empty'] = 'No users found';
  249. $lang['employee_table_hour_total'] = 'Total hours';
  250. $lang['employee_badge_status_0'] = 'Inactive';
  251. $lang['employee_badge_moderator_work_hour'] = 'Moderator';
  252. $lang['employee_badge_moderator_schedule'] = 'Schedule';
  253. $lang['employee_modal_input_close'] = 'Close';
  254. $lang['employee_modal_input_print'] = 'Print';
  255. $lang['employee_modal_input_export_xls'] = 'Export XLS';
  256. $lang['employee_alert_card_remove'] = 'Card %s removed from user %s';
  257. $lang['employee_input_first_name'] = 'Name';
  258. $lang['employee_input_last_name'] = 'Surname';
  259. $lang['employee_input_job'] = 'Workplace';
  260. $lang['employee_input_job_type'] = 'Job type';
  261. $lang['employee_input_job_type_1'] = 'Unspecified time';
  262. $lang['employee_input_job_type_2'] = 'Contract work';
  263. $lang['employee_input_job_type_3'] = 'External cooperation';
  264. $lang['employee_input_job_type_4'] = 'Student work';
  265. $lang['employee_input_job_type_5'] = 'Fixed time';
  266. $lang['employee_input_job_type_6'] = 'Trainee';
  267. $lang['employee_input_address'] = 'Title';
  268. $lang['employee_input_postage'] = 'Postal code';
  269. $lang['employee_input_city'] = 'City';
  270. $lang['employee_input_email'] = 'E-mail address';
  271. $lang['employee_input_phone'] = 'Phone';
  272. $lang['employee_input_company'] = 'Company';
  273. $lang['employee_input_evidence_medical'] = 'Medical check <small> (date) </small>';
  274. $lang['employee_input_evidence_safety'] = 'Work safety <small> (date) </small>';
  275. $lang['employee_input_evidence_show'] = 'Display employee records';
  276. $lang['employee_input_card'] = 'Login Card';
  277. $lang['employee_input_card_type_1'] = 'Card (% s)';
  278. $lang['employee_input_card_type_2'] = 'Key (% s)';
  279. $lang['employee_input_card_multiple_device'] = 'Use cards on devices';
  280. $lang['employee_input_category'] = 'Categories';
  281. $lang['employee_input_view'] = 'Permission to view your own working hours';
  282. $lang['employee_input_salary_id'] = 'Id number <small> (from prog.) </small>';
  283. $lang['employee_input_salary_distance'] = 'Transportation to work <small> (KM) </small>';
  284. $lang['employee_input_edit_info'] = 'A setting that allows an employee to edit / add his / her working hours to a particular type.';
  285. $lang['employee_input_edit'] = 'Permission to edit your own working hours';
  286. $lang['employee_input_salary_distance_price'] = 'Transportation to work <small> (€) </small>';
  287. $lang['employee_input_edit_company_admin_info'] = 'You can allow an employee to access the entire company profile, which means that he / she can gain access to employee employee data hours. You can limit your employee to review working hours or to review and edit employee hours entered. It is also possible to access profiles of only selected categories of employees. The settings also allow granting access to the creation of schedules. ';
  288. $lang['employee_input_edit_company_admin'] = 'Employee rights and access';
  289. $lang['employee_input_edit_company_hour'] = 'Employee hours';
  290. $lang['employee_input_edit_company_hour_1'] = 'Review of working hours';
  291. $lang['employee_input_edit_company_hour_2'] = 'View and edit working hours';
  292. $lang['employee_input_edit_company_category'] = 'Allowed categories';
  293. $lang['employee_input_edit_company_category_all'] = 'All categories';
  294. $lang['employee_input_edit_company_schedule'] = 'Employee Scheduling';
  295. $lang['employee_input_view_check_in'] = 'Working hours';
  296. $lang['employee_input_view_schedule'] = 'Schedule';
  297. $lang['employee_input_work_hour'] = 'Number of working hours';
  298. $lang['employee_input_max_work_hour_per_day'] = 'Set as max work hour <small>(UP)</small>';
  299. $lang['employee_input_lunch_min_hour'] = 'Min. hours for lunch';
  300. $lang['employee_input_working_days'] = 'Working days';
  301. $lang['employee_input_multiple_lunch_check_out'] = 'allow spending time for lunch in multiple outputs';
  302. $lang['employee_input_lunch_calculate'] = 'Consider the lunch output in the total of hours';
  303. $lang['employee_input_working_day_1'] = 'Mon';
  304. $lang['employee_input_working_day_2'] = 'Tor';
  305. $lang['employee_input_working_day_3'] = 'Wed';
  306. $lang['employee_input_working_day_4'] = 'Thu';
  307. $lang['employee_input_working_day_5'] = 'Pet';
  308. $lang['employee_input_working_day_6'] = 'Sob';
  309. $lang['employee_input_working_day_7'] = 'Sun';
  310. $lang['employee_input_card_code'] = 'ID card';
  311. $lang['employee_input_vacation'] = 'Vacation';
  312. $lang['employee_input_vacation_year'] = 'Year';
  313. $lang['employee_input_vacation_days'] = 'Number of days';
  314. $lang['employee_input_username'] = 'Username';
  315. $lang['employee_input_password'] = 'Password';
  316. $lang['employee_input_submit'] = 'Save';
  317. $lang['employee_input_employee_list_add'] = 'Add employees from the list';
  318. $lang['employee_input_employee_list_save'] = 'Add employees';
  319. $lang['employee_input_employee_list'] = 'List of employees <small> (list by line) </small>';
  320. $lang['employee_input_submit_close'] = 'Save and Close';
  321. $lang['employee_btn_check_in'] = 'Working hours';
  322. $lang['employee_btn_edit'] = 'Edit an employee';
  323. $lang['employee_btn_delete'] = 'Delete an employee';
  324. $lang['employee_btn_status'] = 'Employee status';
  325. $lang['employee_legend_info'] = 'Basic employee data';
  326. $lang['employee_legend_note'] = 'Note';
  327. $lang['employee_legend_permits'] = 'Permits and rights';
  328. $lang['employee_legend_vacation'] = 'Vacation';
  329. $lang['employee_legend_evidence'] = 'Employee Records';
  330. $lang['employee_legend_settings'] = 'Settings';
  331. $lang['employee_legend_salary'] = 'Wage Data';
  332. $lang['employee_legend_user'] = 'User data';
  333. $lang['employee_status_no_data'] = 'No login';
  334. $lang['employee_status_no_card'] = 'No card';
  335. $lang['employee_status_no_data_info'] = 'No data';
  336. $lang['employee_status_popover_title'] = 'Arrival / Exit';
  337. $lang['employee_status_popover_check_in'] = 'Arrival';
  338. $lang['employee_status_popover_check_out'] = 'Exit';
  339. $lang['employee_status_popover_schedule'] = 'Schedule';
  340. $lang['employee_month_1'] = 'January';
  341. $lang['employee_month_2'] = 'February';
  342. $lang['employee_month_3'] = 'March';
  343. $lang['employee_month_4'] = 'April';
  344. $lang['employee_month_5'] = 'May';
  345. $lang['employee_month_6'] = 'June';
  346. $lang['employee_month_7'] = 'Julius';
  347. $lang['employee_month_8'] = 'August';
  348. $lang['employee_month_9'] = 'September';
  349. $lang['employee_month_10'] = 'October';
  350. $lang['employee_month_11'] = 'November';
  351. $lang['employee_month_12'] = 'December';
  352. $lang['employee_dropdown_first_last_name'] = 'Name and surname';
  353. $lang['employee_modal_calculate_title'] = 'Working hours for';
  354. $lang['employee_table_total_lunch'] = 'No. lunch';
  355. $lang['employee_table_total_drive'] = 'No. arrivals';
  356. $lang['employee_table_total_work_hour'] = 'Total working hours';
  357. $lang['employee_table_total_hour_transfer'] = 'Transferred hours';
  358. $lang['employee_table_total_work_hour_total'] = 'Total hours';
  359. $lang['employee_table_total_work_hour_brutto'] = 'Total hours (brutto)';
  360. $lang['employee_dropdown_btn'] = 'Print hours';
  361. $lang['employee_dropdown_btn_hours'] = 'Export hour types';
  362. $lang['employee_dropdown_btn_output'] = 'Export hours';
  363. $lang['employee_alert_delete_confirm'] = "Do you want to remove the user% s% s?";
  364. $lang['employee_alert_delete'] = "The user <strong>% s% s </strong> has been removed";
  365. $lang['employee_alert_add_success'] = 'The user <strong>% s% s </strong> was successfully added';
  366. $lang['employee_alert_update_success'] = 'The user <strong>% s% s </strong> was successfully updated';
  367. $lang['employee_alert_user'] = '<i class = "fa fa-exclamation-triangle" aria-hidden = "true"> </i> Complement your personal information on the <strong> <a href = "/ my_profile" > My Profile </a> </strong>! ';
  368. $lang['employee_alert_user_vacation'] = '<i class = "fa fa-exclamation-triangle" aria-hidden = "true"> </i> Tell the employer about the vacation entry for year <strong>% d </strong>! ';
  369. $lang['employee_alert_admin_vacation'] = '<i class = "fa fa-exclamation-triangle" aria-hidden = "true"> </i> Required vacation entry for the year <strong> <a href="%s"> % d </a> </strong>! ';
  370. $lang['employee_alert_admin_status'] = '<i class = "fa fa-exclamation-triangle" aria-hidden = "true"> </i> User is inactive!';
  371. $lang['employee_alert_status_on'] = 'The user <strong>% s% s </strong> has been activated.';
  372. $lang['employee_alert_status_off'] = 'The user of <strong>% s% s </strong> is de-activated. <br/> The user no longer has the permission to use his own profile, nor is it possible to log in via the registry anymore.' ;
  373. $lang['employee_dropdown_search_input'] = 'Finding an employee ...';
  374. $lang['employee_dropdown_search_btn'] = 'Search';
  375. $lang['employee_log_empty'] = 'There are currently no activity for selected users.';
  376. $lang['employee_log_table_check_in'] = 'working hours';
  377. $lang['employee_log_table_employee'] = 'user profile';
  378. $lang['employee_log_table_check_in_month_data'] = 'additional note for the month';
  379. $lang['employee_log_table_hour_transfer'] = 'transferring hours';
  380. $lang['employee_log_table_user'] = 'user data';
  381. $lang['employee_log_table_user_employee'] = 'user';
  382. $lang['employee_log_table_schedule'] = 'schedule';
  383. $lang['employee_log_type_insert'] = 'Adding';
  384. $lang['employee_log_type_delete'] = 'Delete';
  385. $lang['employee_log_type_update'] = 'Update';
  386. $lang['employee_log_type_login'] = 'Login to system';
  387. $lang['employee_log_type_status'] = 'Change status';
  388. $lang['employee_category_modal_title'] = 'Category Editor';
  389. $lang['employee_category_input_add'] = 'Add';
  390. $lang['employee_category_input_edit'] = 'Edit';
  391. $lang['employee_category_input_delete'] = 'Remove';
  392. $lang['employee_category_input_select'] = 'Choose category';
  393. $lang['employee_category_input_name'] = 'Category name';
  394. $lang['employee_category_input_btn_save'] = 'Save category';
  395. $lang['employee_category_empty'] = 'There are currently no categories added.';
  396. $lang['employee_category_alert_delete'] = 'Category was removed';
  397. $lang['employee_category_alert_add_success'] = 'The category was successfully added';
  398. $lang['employee_category_alert_update_success'] = 'Category was successfully updated';
  399. $lang['employee_alert_search_success'] = 'Found <strong>% s </strong> hits by word <strong>% s. </strong>';
  400. $lang['employee_alert_search_danger'] = 'No hits found for the word <strong>% s. </strong>';
  402. // Schedule Controller
  403. $lang['schedule_text_title'] = 'Staff Schedule';
  404. $lang['schedule_input_edit_setting'] = 'Schedule layout';
  405. $lang['schedule_input_category'] = 'Category';
  406. $lang['schedule_input_category_all'] = 'All categories';
  407. $lang['schedule_input_category_work'] = 'Groups';
  408. $lang['schedule_input_category_work_add'] = 'Add group';
  409. $lang['schedule_input_edit_company'] = 'Company settings';
  410. $lang['schedule_input_print'] = 'Schedule layout';
  411. $lang['schedule_modal_save'] = 'Save';
  412. $lang['schedule_category_modal_title'] = 'Group Editor';
  413. $lang['schedule_category_input_select'] = 'Select a group';
  414. $lang['schedule_category_empty'] = 'No groups added';
  415. $lang['schedule_category_input_name'] = 'Group name';
  416. $lang['schedule_category_input_color'] = 'Preferred color on the calendar';
  417. $lang['schedule_category_input_btn_save'] = 'Save';
  418. $lang['schedule_category_input_add'] = 'Add';
  419. $lang['schedule_category_input_edit'] = 'Edit';
  420. $lang['schedule_category_input_delete'] = 'Remove';
  421. $lang['schedule_table_first_last_name'] = 'Name and surname';
  422. $lang['schedule_table_working_day_1'] = 'Monday';
  423. $lang['schedule_table_working_day_2'] = 'Tuesday';
  424. $lang['schedule_table_working_day_3'] = 'Wednesday';
  425. $lang['schedule_table_working_day_4'] = 'Thursday';
  426. $lang['schedule_table_working_day_5'] = 'Friday';
  427. $lang['schedule_table_working_day_6'] = 'Saturday';
  428. $lang['schedule_table_working_day_7'] = 'Sunday';
  429. $lang['schedule_table_legend_type_3'] = 'Vacation';
  430. $lang['schedule_table_legend_type_4'] = 'Hospital';
  431. $lang['schedule_table_legend_type_6'] = 'Holiday';
  432. $lang['schedule_table_legend_type_7'] = 'Paternity leave';
  433. $lang['schedule_table_legend_type_9'] = 'Hourly usage';
  434. $lang['schedule_category_alert_add'] = 'The group has been added';
  435. $lang['schedule_table_legend_workhour'] = 'No. ur: ';
  436. $lang['schedule_category_alert_update_success'] = 'The group was updated';
  437. $lang['schedule_category_alert_delete'] = 'The group has been removed';
  438. $lang['schedule_modal_text_edit_title'] = 'Schedule for the day';
  439. $lang['schedule_modal_table_type'] = 'Group';
  440. $lang['schedule_modal_table_start'] = 'Arrivals';
  441. $lang['schedule_modal_table_end'] = 'Exit';
  442. $lang['schedule_modal_table_note'] = 'Note';
  443. $lang['schedule_modal_repeat_days'] = 'Repeat';
  444. $lang['schedule_modal_repeat_day'] = 'Repeat days';
  445. $lang['schedule_modal_repeat_day_1'] = 'Mon';
  446. $lang['schedule_modal_repeat_day_2'] = 'Tues';
  447. $lang['schedule_modal_repeat_day_3'] = 'Wed';
  448. $lang['schedule_modal_repeat_day_4'] = 'Thu';
  449. $lang['schedule_modal_repeat_day_5'] = 'Fri';
  450. $lang['schedule_modal_repeat_day_6'] = 'Sat';
  451. $lang['schedule_modal_repeat_day_7'] = 'Sun';
  452. $lang['schedule_modal_repeat_frequency'] = 'Repeat Frequency';
  453. $lang['schedule_modal_repeat_frequency_w'] = 'Current week';
  454. $lang['schedule_modal_repeat_frequency_m'] = 'Current month';
  455. $lang['schedule_modal_repeat_frequency_7'] = '1 week';
  456. $lang['schedule_modal_repeat_frequency_14'] = '2 weeks';
  457. $lang['schedule_modal_repeat_frequency_21'] = '3 weeks';
  458. $lang['schedule_modal_repeat_frequency_28'] = '1 month';
  459. $lang['schedule_modal_repeat_day_employees'] = 'Consider for';
  460. $lang['schedule_modal_repeat_day_employee'] = 'Selected employee';
  461. $lang['schedule_modal_repeat_day_employees_all'] = 'All employees';
  462. $lang['schedule_modal_repeat_day_skip'] = 'Exclude holidays';
  463. $lang['schedule_input_schedule_category_all'] = 'All groups';
  465. // MyProfile Controller
  466. $lang['my_profile_text_user_edit'] = 'Edit user profile';
  467. $lang['my_profile_input_submit'] = 'Save data';
  468. $lang['my_profile_alert_update_success'] = 'The user was successfully updated';
  470. // CheckIn Controller
  471. $lang['checkin_text_checkin'] = 'Working hours overview';
  472. $lang['checkin_text_schedule'] = 'Schedule overview';
  473. $lang['checkin_input_edit_employee'] = 'Edit employee';
  474. $lang['checkin_input_hour_print'] = 'Hours display';
  475. $lang['checkin_input_schedule'] = 'Schedule';
  476. $lang['checkin_input_hour'] = 'Working hours overview';
  477. $lang['checkin_input_calculate_output_employee'] = 'Total hours';
  478. $lang['checkin_info_text'] = 'Information about hours';
  479. $lang['checkin_info_name_days'] = 'days';
  480. $lang['checkin_info_schedule_text'] = 'Schedule legend';
  481. $lang['checkin_info_vacation_text_info'] = 'No data about leave';
  482. $lang['checkin_info_vacation_text'] = 'Information about leave';
  483. $lang['checkin_info_vacation_text_old'] = 'Last year’s leave until %s';
  484. $lang['checkin_info_vacation_text_new'] = 'Current leave';
  485. $lang['checkin_info_vacation_text_hour'] = 'hours';
  486. $lang['checkin_info_total_work_hour'] = 'Total working hours';
  487. $lang['checkin_info_total_work_day'] = 'Total working days';
  488. $lang['checkin_info_total_work_hour_total'] = 'Total hours';
  489. $lang['checkin_info_total_work_hour_brutto_total'] = 'Total hours <small>(brutto)</small>';
  490. $lang['checkin_info_total_work_hour_month'] = 'Total working hours per month';
  491. $lang['checkin_info_total_check_in_count'] = 'Total number of arrivals';
  492. $lang['checkin_info_total_check_in_count_lunch'] = 'Total number of lunch breaks';
  493. $lang['checkin_info_total_check_in_count_lunch_info'] = 'Minimum %s hours of attendance to be entitled to a lunch break.';
  494. $lang['checkin_info_total_work_hour_overall'] = 'Difference in total hours';
  495. $lang['checkin_info_total_work_hour_overall_transfer'] = 'Transferring hours to the new month';
  496. $lang['checkin_info_total_work_hour_overall_transfer_new'] = 'Transferred hours';
  497. $lang['checkin_info_total_work_hour_difference_total'] = 'Working hours difference';
  498. $lang['checkin_info_evidence_text'] = 'Employee record';
  499. $lang['checkin_info_evidence_text_medical'] = 'Date of the last medical examination';
  500. $lang['checkin_info_evidence_text_safety'] = 'Date of the workplace safety course';
  501. $lang['checkin_input_comment'] = 'Additional notes for the current month';
  502. $lang['checkin_input_notes'] = 'Notes by day for the current month';
  503. $lang['checkin_input_schedules'] = 'Schedules by day for the current month';
  504. $lang['checkin_input_comment_placeholder'] = 'Enter additional notes for the current month...';
  505. $lang['checkin_table_month_days'] = 'Number of working hours per month ';
  506. $lang['checkin_table_month_day'] = 'Day';
  507. $lang['checkin_table_month_date'] = 'Date';
  508. $lang['checkin_table_month_hour'] = 'Time';
  509. $lang['checkin_table_day_mon'] = 'Mon';
  510. $lang['checkin_table_day_tue'] = 'Tues';
  511. $lang['checkin_table_day_wed'] = 'Wed';
  512. $lang['checkin_table_day_thu'] = 'Thurs';
  513. $lang['checkin_table_day_fri'] = 'Fri';
  514. $lang['checkin_table_day_sat'] = 'Sat';
  515. $lang['checkin_table_day_sun'] = 'Sun';
  516. $lang['checkin_table_month_1'] = 'Januar';
  517. $lang['checkin_table_month_2'] = 'February';
  518. $lang['checkin_table_month_3'] = 'March';
  519. $lang['checkin_table_month_4'] = 'April';
  520. $lang['checkin_table_month_5'] = 'May';
  521. $lang['checkin_table_month_6'] = 'June';
  522. $lang['checkin_table_month_7'] = 'July';
  523. $lang['checkin_table_month_8'] = 'August';
  524. $lang['checkin_table_month_9'] = 'September';
  525. $lang['checkin_table_month_10'] = 'October';
  526. $lang['checkin_table_month_11'] = 'November';
  527. $lang['checkin_table_month_12'] = 'December';
  528. $lang['checkin_table_day_hours'] = 'Num. of hours';
  529. $lang['checkin_table_schedule_hours'] = 'Working day';
  530. $lang['checkin_table_day_checkout_missing'] = 'Missing clock out';
  531. $lang['checkin_modal_save'] = 'Save';
  532. $lang['checkin_modal_text_unavailable'] = 'Entering time for the selected day is disabled, please contact your supervisor.';
  533. $lang['checkin_modal_text_unavailable_edit'] = 'Entering working hours is not allowed.';
  534. $lang['checkin_modal_text_edit_title'] = 'Edit working hours for ';
  535. $lang['checkin_modal_text_schedule_title'] = 'Schedule for day ';
  536. $lang['checkin_modal_table_category'] = 'Group';
  537. $lang['checkin_modal_table_type'] = 'Type of hours';
  538. $lang['checkin_modal_table_start'] = 'Arrival';
  539. $lang['checkin_modal_table_end'] = 'Departure';
  540. $lang['checkin_modal_table_note'] = 'Note';
  541. $lang['checkin_modal_table_no_data'] = 'No work hours added for the selected day.';
  542. $lang['checkin_popover_hour_transfer_title'] = 'Transferring hours to the next month';
  543. $lang['checkin_popover_hour_transfer_input'] = 'Enter the number of hours to transfer';
  544. $lang['checkin_popover_hour_transfer_input_btn'] = 'Transfer';
  545. $lang['checkin_btn_in'] = 'Arrival';
  546. $lang['checkin_btn_out'] = 'Departure';
  547. $lang['checkin_btn_view_calendar'] = 'Display in the calendar form';
  548. $lang['checkin_btn_view_list'] = 'Display in the list form';
  549. $lang['checkin_employee_all'] = 'All employees';
  550. $lang['checkin_employee_job'] = 'Job position';
  551. $lang['checkin_employee_card_code_id'] = 'Card ID';
  552. $lang['checkin_checkout_type_1'] = 'Lunch break';
  553. $lang['checkin_checkout_type_2'] = 'Job';
  554. $lang['checkin_checkout_type_3'] = 'Personal';
  555. $lang['checkin_icon_checkin_1'] = 'Card check in';
  556. $lang['checkin_icon_checkin_2'] = 'Online clock in';
  557. $lang['checkin_icon_checkin_3'] = 'Mobile app clock in';
  558. $lang['checkin_icon_checkout_1'] = 'Card clock out';
  559. $lang['checkin_icon_checkout_2'] = 'Online clock out';
  560. $lang['checkin_icon_checkout_3'] = 'Mobile clock out';
  561. $lang['checkin_icon_subtype_1'] = 'Registrator: The exit of lunch';
  562. $lang['checkin_icon_subtype_2'] = 'Registrator: Exit service';
  563. $lang['checkin_icon_subtype_3'] = 'Registrator: Exit private';
  565. // Message Controller
  566. $lang['message_text_message_view'] = 'Messages';
  567. $lang['message_text_message_view_subtext'] = 'All messages';
  568. $lang['message_text_message_edit'] = 'Send message';
  569. $lang['message_text_message_edit_receive'] = 'Chat with ';
  570. $lang['message_text_message_edit_new_message'] = 'New message';
  571. $lang['message_btn_new_message'] = 'New message';
  572. $lang['message_btn_all_message'] = 'Back to messages';
  573. $lang['message_input_receive'] = 'Receiver';
  574. $lang['message_input_message'] = 'Message';
  575. $lang['message_input_message_placeholder'] = 'Type in your message...';
  576. $lang['message_input_submit'] = 'Send';
  577. $lang['message_alert_no_message'] = 'No messages';
  578. $lang['message_sender_you'] = 'You';
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