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Mar 15th, 2018
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  1. # All Settings will be autogenerated after the first usage of the according GUI / Item etc..
  2. Prefix: §9Ultra Permissions>
  3. Dialogs:
  4. Edit-Prefix:
  5. Upper-Title: §bEdit Prefix
  6. Lower-Title: §7Type in a new prefix
  7. Action-Bar: §7You are editing §a{Target}
  8. Create-Group:
  9. Upper-Title: §bCreate Group
  10. Lower-Title: §7Type in a group name
  11. Action-Bar: ''
  12. MySQL-Host:
  13. Upper-Title: §bMySQL
  14. Lower-Title: §7Type in the §ehost
  15. Action-Bar: '§7Example: §alocalhost'
  16. MySQL-Port:
  17. Upper-Title: §bMySQL
  18. Lower-Title: §7Type in the §eport
  19. Action-Bar: '§7Example: §a3306'
  20. MySQL-Database:
  21. Upper-Title: §bMySQL
  22. Lower-Title: §7Type in the §edatabase
  23. Action-Bar: '§7Example: §adata'
  24. MySQL-Username:
  25. Upper-Title: §bMySQL
  26. Lower-Title: §7Type in the §eusername
  27. Action-Bar: '§7Example: §aroot'
  28. MySQL-Password:
  29. Upper-Title: §bMySQL
  30. Lower-Title: §7Type in the §epassword
  31. Action-Bar: ''
  32. GUI-Settings:
  33. Overview:
  34. Title: Ultra Permissions {Version}
  35. GUI-Items:
  36. Users:
  37. Material: 397:3/{Player}
  38. Title: §6§l~§7§l~2~Users
  39. Amount: 1
  40. Lore:
  41. - §7Click to view all §eUsers
  42. Groups:
  43. Material: '47:0'
  44. Title: §6§l~§7§l~2~Groups
  45. Amount: 1
  46. Lore:
  47. - §7Click to view all §aGroups
  48. Permission-Debugger:
  49. Material: '133:0'
  50. Title: '{C}§l~§7§l~2~Permission Debugger'
  51. Amount: 1
  52. Slot: 29
  53. Lore:
  54. - §7Click to {Action} §7the Permission Debugger
  55. MySQL-Enabled:
  56. Material: '340:0'
  57. Title: §a§l~§7§l~2~MySQL
  58. Amount: 1
  59. Slot: 32
  60. Lore:
  61. - §7Click to disable MySQL
  62. - ''
  63. - '§7Host: §e{Host}:{Port}'
  64. - '§7Database: §e{Database}'
  65. - '§7Username: §e{Username}'
  66. - '§7Password: §e{Password}'
  67. MySQL-Disabled:
  68. Material: '386:0'
  69. Title: §c§l~§7§l~2~MySQL
  70. Amount: 1
  71. Slot: 32
  72. Lore:
  73. - §7Click to configure MySQL
  74. Reload-Stylefile:
  75. Material: '339:0'
  76. Title: §e§l~§7§l~2~Reload Stylefile
  77. Amount: 1
  78. Slot: 35
  79. Lore:
  80. - §7Click to reload the Stylefile
  81. - ''
  82. - §7This will apply all changes made to the Stylefile.
  83. Expand:
  84. Material: '131:0'
  85. Title: §b§lƒ30ƒ§f§lƒ5ƒExpand
  86. Amount: 1
  87. Slot: 41
  88. Lore:
  89. - §7Click to show more
  90. - ''
  91. - §7This will show you more advanced options
  92. Reduce:
  93. Material: '131:0'
  94. Title: §b§lƒ30ƒ§f§lƒ5ƒReduce
  95. Amount: 1
  96. Slot: 50
  97. Lore:
  98. - §7Click to hide advanced features
  99. - ''
  100. - §7This will hide the advanced options
  101. User-Browser:
  102. Title: Overview > Users
  103. Slots: 54
  104. GUI-Items:
  105. Entry:
  106. Material: 397:3/{Player}
  107. Title: §6§l~§f§l~2~{Player}
  108. Amount: 1
  109. Lore:
  110. - '&7Click to view'
  111. - '{SuperAdmin}'
  112. - ''
  113. - '&7Group: §e{Group}'
  114. - '§7Sub Groups: §e{SubGroups}'
  115. - '§7Custom Prefix: §e{Prefix}'
  116. ShowOfflineUsers:
  117. Material: '368:0'
  118. Title: §b§lƒ30ƒ§f§lƒ5ƒShow Offline Users
  119. Amount: 1
  120. Slot: 53
  121. Lore:
  122. - §7Click to show §eoffline users
  123. HideOfflineUsers:
  124. Material: '381:0'
  125. Title: §b§lƒ30ƒ§f§lƒ5ƒHide Offline Users
  126. Amount: 1
  127. Slot: 53
  128. Lore:
  129. - §7Click to hide §eoffline users
  130. User-Options-Menu:
  131. Title: Users > {Player}
  132. Slots: 54
  133. GUI-Items:
  134. Permissions:
  135. Material: '386:0'
  136. Title: §b§l~§f§l~1~Permissions
  137. Amount: 1
  138. Slot: 13
  139. Lore:
  140. - §7Click to view permissions
  141. - ''
  142. - '§7Permissions: §e{Amount}'
  143. Group:
  144. Material: '340:0'
  145. Title: §b§l~§f§l~1~Group
  146. Amount: 1
  147. Slot: 29
  148. Lore:
  149. - §7Click to change Group
  150. - ''
  151. - '§7Current Group: §e{Group}'
  152. SubGroups:
  153. Material: '47:0'
  154. Title: §b§l~§f§l~1~Subgroups
  155. Amount: 1
  156. Slot: 15
  157. Lore:
  158. - §7Click to edit Sub Groups
  159. - ''
  160. - '§7Sub Groups:'
  161. Prefix:
  162. Material: '421:0'
  163. Title: §b§l~§f§l~1~Prefix
  164. Amount: 1
  165. Slot: 35
  166. Lore:
  167. - §7Click to edit prefix
  168. - ''
  169. - '§7Custom Prefix: §e{Prefix}'
  170. Back:
  171. Material: '323:0'
  172. Title: §b§lƒ30ƒ§f§lƒ5ƒBack
  173. Amount: 1
  174. Slot: 50
  175. Lore:
  176. - §7Click to go back
  177. Permission-Editor:
  178. Title: ''
  179. Slots: 54
  180. GUI-Items:
  181. Entry:
  182. Material: '160:0'
  183. Title: '{C}§l~§7§l~1~{Permission}'
  184. Amount: 1
  185. Lore:
  186. - §7Click to §cdelete §7this Permission
  187. - ''
  188. - '§7Type: {C}{SaveType}'
  189. - '§7Plugin: {C}{Plugin}'
  190. - '§7World: {C}{World}'
  191. - ''
  192. Inherited:
  193. Material: '160:4'
  194. Title: §e§l~§7§l~1~{Permission}
  195. Amount: 1
  196. Lore:
  197. - §7Permission inherited from §e{Group}
  198. - ''
  199. - '§7Type: {C}{SaveType}'
  200. - '§7Plugin: {C}{Plugin}'
  201. - '§7World: {C}{World}'
  202. - ''
  203. Add:
  204. Material: '145:0'
  205. Title: §b§lƒ30ƒ§f§lƒ5ƒAdd
  206. Amount: 1
  207. Slot: 53
  208. Lore:
  209. - §7Click to add permission
  210. Group-Chooser:
  211. Title: Groups
  212. Slots: 54
  213. GUI-Items:
  214. Entry:
  215. Material: '340:0'
  216. Title: §6§l~§f§l~2~{Group}
  217. Amount: 1
  218. Lore:
  219. - '&7{Action}'
  220. - '&a{Default}'
  221. - ''
  222. - '&7Prefix: {Prefix}'
  223. - ''
  224. - §e{Permission} §7Permission Nodes
  225. - ''
  226. - '&7Inherited Groups:'
  227. Add:
  228. Material: '145:0'
  229. Title: §b§lƒ30ƒ§f§lƒ5ƒAdd
  230. Amount: 1
  231. Slot: 53
  232. Lore:
  233. - '&7Click to create group'
  234. SubGroup-Browser:
  235. Title: '{Player} > Sub Groups'
  236. Slots: 54
  237. GUI-Items:
  238. Entry:
  239. Material: '160:4'
  240. Title: §e§l~§f§l~3~{SubGroup}
  241. Amount: 1
  242. Lore:
  243. - §7Click to §cremove §7subgroup
  244. Add:
  245. Material: '386:0'
  246. Title: §b§lƒ30ƒ§f§lƒ5ƒAdd Sub Group
  247. Amount: 1
  248. Slot: 53
  249. Lore:
  250. - §7Click to add a sub group
  251. Group-Options-Menu:
  252. Title: Groups > {Group}
  253. Slots: 54
  254. GUI-Items:
  255. Set-Default:
  256. Material: '160:14'
  257. Title: §b§l~§f§l~1~Default
  258. Amount: 1
  259. Slot: 12
  260. Lore:
  261. - §7Click to set this group as default
  262. - ''
  263. - '§7Current Default Group:'
  264. - §e{Default}
  265. Is-Default:
  266. Material: '160:5'
  267. Title: §b§l~§f§l~1~Default
  268. Amount: 1
  269. Slot: 12
  270. Lore:
  271. - §7This is the default group
  272. - ''
  273. - §7Every new player will receive
  274. - §7this group on the first join
  275. View-Permissions:
  276. Material: '386:0'
  277. Title: §b§l~§f§l~1~View Permissions
  278. Amount: 1
  279. Slot: 16
  280. Lore:
  281. - §7Click to open the &ePermission Editor
  282. - ''
  283. - '&e{Amount} §7Permission Nodes:'
  284. View-Permissions-Global:
  285. Material: '386:0'
  286. Title: §b§l~§f§l~1~View Permissions
  287. Amount: 1
  288. Slot: 16
  289. Lore:
  290. - §7Left Click to open the &ePermission Editor
  291. - §7Right Click to open the &eBungee Permission Editor
  292. - ''
  293. - '&e{Amount} §7Permission Nodes:'
  294. View-Inheritance:
  295. Material: '339:0'
  296. Title: §b§l~§f§l~1~Inheritances
  297. Amount: 1
  298. Slot: 29
  299. Lore:
  300. - §7Click to edit inheritances
  301. - ''
  302. - '&e{Amount} §7Inherited Groups:'
  303. Edit-Prefix:
  304. Material: '421:0'
  305. Title: §b§l~§f§l~1~Edit Prefix
  306. Amount: 1
  307. Slot: 35
  308. Lore:
  309. - §7Click to edit the prefix
  310. - ''
  311. - '&7Prefix: §e{Prefix}'
  312. Delete:
  313. Material: '152:0'
  314. Title: §c§l~§f§l~1~Delete Group
  315. Amount: 1
  316. Slot: 32
  317. Lore:
  318. - §7Click to delete this Group
  319. - ''
  320. - '&7This action is &cpermanent'
  321. Delete-Blocked:
  322. Material: '73:0'
  323. Title: §c§l~§f§l~1~Delete Group
  324. Amount: 1
  325. Slot: 32
  326. Lore:
  327. - §7This group cannot be deleted.
  328. - '&7Set another default group first'
  329. Common:
  330. GUI-Items:
  331. Next:
  332. Material: '262:0'
  333. Title: §b§lƒ30ƒ§f§lƒ5ƒNext
  334. Amount: 1
  335. Lore:
  336. - §7Click to go to the next page
  337. Back:
  338. Material: '323:0'
  339. Title: §b§lƒ30ƒ§f§lƒ5ƒBack
  340. Amount: 1
  341. Lore:
  342. - §7Click to go back
  343. Search:
  344. Material: '345:0'
  345. Title: §b§lƒ30ƒ§f§lƒ5ƒSearch
  346. Amount: 1
  347. Lore:
  348. - §7Click to search
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