Guest User


a guest
Sep 19th, 2018
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  1. DataSource:
  2. mySQLColumnName: username
  3. mySQLTablename: authme
  4. mySQLUsername: authme
  5. backend: file
  6. mySQLColumnLastLogin: lastlogin
  7. mySQLDatabase: authme
  8. mySQLPort: '3306'
  9. mySQLColumnIp: ip
  10. mySQLHost:
  11. mySQLColumnPassword: password
  12. mySQLPassword: '12345'
  13. caching: true
  14. GroupOptions:
  15. UnregisteredPlayerGroup: ''
  16. RegisteredPlayerGroup: ''
  17. Permissions:
  18. PermissionsOnJoin: []
  19. settings:
  20. sessions:
  21. enabled: false
  22. timeout: 10
  23. restrictions:
  24. allowChat: false
  25. maxRegPerIp: 1
  26. maxNicknameLength: 20
  27. ForceSingleSession: true
  28. ForceSpawnLocOnJoinEnabled: false
  29. SaveQuitLocation: false
  30. AllowRestrictedUser: false
  31. AllowedRestrictedUser: []
  32. kickNonRegistered: false
  33. kickOnWrongPassword: false
  34. teleportUnAuthedToSpawn: false
  35. minNicknameLength: 3
  36. allowMovement: false
  37. timeout: 30
  38. allowedNicknameCharacters: '[a-zA-Z0-9_?]*'
  39. allowedMovementRadius: 100
  40. enablePasswordVerifier: true
  41. ProtectInventoryBeforeLogIn: true
  42. GameMode:
  43. ForceSurvivalMode: false
  44. ResetInventotyIfCreative: false
  45. security:
  46. minPasswordLength: 4
  47. unLoggedinGroup: unLoggedinGroup
  48. passwordHash: SHA256
  49. passwordMaxLength: 20
  50. registration:
  51. enabled: true
  52. messageInterval: 5
  53. force: true
  54. unrestrictions:
  55. UnrestrictedName: []
  56. - '[BuildCraft]'
  57. - '[IndustrialCraft]'
  58. - '[RedPower]'
  59. messagesLanguage: en
  60. ExternalBoardOptions:
  61. mySQLColumnSalt: ''
  62. mySQLColumnGroup: ''
  63. nonActivedUserGroup: -1
  64. permission:
  65. EnablePermissionCheck: false
  66. BackupSystem:
  67. ActivateBackup: false
  68. OnServerStart: false
  69. OnServerStop: true
  70. MysqlWindowsPath: C:\\Program Files\\MySQL\\MySQL Server 5.1\\
  71. Passpartu:
  72. enablePasspartu: false
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