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Nov 2nd, 2018
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  1. guessmyname.
  2. * rollulus: How many Go versions is it going to take for that slide viewer to work on mobile?
  3. ** pilif: Swipe left to advance a slide. Swipe right to go back.
  4. *** Sharlin: The problem, at least on Safari, is that about 75% of each slide is outside the viewport, no matter what orientation. And pinch zoom doesn’t work, neither does scrolling by swiping.
  5. *** freyir: That’s not the problem.<p>The problem is I can only see about 50% of the slide, and pinch-to-zoom doesn’t work.
  6. ** pjmlp: Until some manager on Go team decides to try to read them on his&#x2F;her mobile device.
  7. ** denormalfloat: Requesting the Desktop site actually works, surprisingly.
  8. *** haneefmubarak: Am on latest chrome on Android; half of the slide is obscured even in landscape with desktop mode on.<p>That&#x27;s just an awful viewer at the end of the day, no ifs and buts about it.
  9. * ainar-g: Direct link to the <i>draft</i> release notes: <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;doc&#x2F;go1.12" rel="nofollow">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;doc&#x2F;go1.12</a>.
  10. ** weberc2: Looks like a very minor release. No changes to the language spec and the changes to the standard library are all marked &quot;minor&quot;. The most significant thing is the deprecation of `godoc`&#x27;s command-line features in favor of `go doc` (maybe someone with more info could explain the difference between the tools or the rationale for having two similarly named tools and why the CLI features are moving from one and into the other?).
  11. *** ainar-g: The rationale is here: <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;golang&#x2F;go&#x2F;issues&#x2F;25443" rel="nofollow">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;golang&#x2F;go&#x2F;issues&#x2F;25443</a>.<p>&gt;<i>Now that we have the cmd&#x2F;go &quot;go doc&quot; CLI for getting documentation, does it make sense for x&#x2F;tools&#x2F;cmd&#x2F;godoc to also have CLI support?</i><p>&gt;<i>I propose we delete x&#x2F;tools&#x2F;cmd&#x2F;godoc&#x27;s CLI support and keep it being a web-only tool. Users who want CLI support can use &quot;go doc&quot;. Both are shipped with Go releases.</i><p>It&#x27;s a deduplication of code and effort.
  12. *** tptacek: Changes to the language spec? It&#x27;s 1.11-&gt;1.12, not 1.11-&gt;2.0.
  13. **** etaoins: Changes to the language spec do not have to be backward incompatible. 8 of the 11 Go 1.x releases have had changes to the language spec.
  14. **** weberc2: It looks like you&#x27;re trying to point out an inconsistency with my post, but I&#x27;m not seeing it. My observation, &quot;No changes to the language spec&quot; is entirely consistent with my claim, &quot;a very minor release&quot; and your observation, &quot;It&#x27;s 1.11-&gt;1.12, not 1.11-&gt;2.0&quot;.
  15. ***** tptacek: It&#x27;s <i>literally</i> a minor release. That&#x27;s what an increment in the numbers on the right of the decimal point means.
  16. ****** weberc2: Is this a bad attempt at pedantry? “Minor” WRT version numbers doesn’t mean “boring” or “insignificant”. Go introduced modules in a minor version, for example. Other minor versions cut GC pause times considerably. Others improved compile times a bunch. It’s pretty clear that the aforementioned changes are all more significant&#x2F;interesting than anything in 1.12.
  17. * mholt: TLS 1.3 support, strangely omitted from these slides: <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;golang&#x2F;go&#x2F;issues&#x2F;9671" rel="nofollow">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;golang&#x2F;go&#x2F;issues&#x2F;9671</a>
  18. * Thaxll: runtime: non-cooperative goroutine preemption
  19.;golang&#x2F;go&#x2F;issues&#x2F;24543<p>HUGE deal for large companies
  20. Possible for certain code patterns to bully the runtime
  21. Redesign the runtime to remove those edge cases<p>wow.
  22. ** nil.
  23. * mockindignant: This site is horrible on mobile. Probably the worst I have ever seen. Totally unusable.
  24. ** ainar-g: Plain text version here: <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;mvdan&#x2F;talks&#x2F;master&#x2F;2018&#x2F;go1.12-pre.slide" rel="nofollow">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;mvdan&#x2F;talks&#x2F;master&#x2F;2018&#x2F;go...</a>.<p>Also, it is an issue: <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;golang&#x2F;go&#x2F;issues&#x2F;27026" rel="nofollow">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;golang&#x2F;go&#x2F;issues&#x2F;27026</a>. Marked as &quot;help wanted&quot;.
  25. *** tyingq: The issue isn&#x27;t describing what I see on Android. It&#x27;s chopped off on the left and I can&#x27;t zoom out. Not usable at all. As mentioned elsewhere, forcing the desktop view is better.
  26. **** mattnewton: Forcing the desktop view is still pretty unusable on iOS Safari for me.
  27. ***** tyingq: Forcing desktop &quot;works&quot; in portrait mode on my Android, but the text is pretty small. Landscape is cut off.<p>Interesting though, that iOS Safari is borked too. Did they just take wild guesses on the mobile css and hope for the best?
  28. *** mattnewton: The raw text version should just be the link.
  29. Who wanted the slide deck version?
  30. *** agumonkey: never heard of this plain text programming paradigm, very powerful
  31. ** Insanity: Yeah indeed, can&#x27;t even really read it like this.<p>I get that some websites might not scale well, but this just goes beyond that. :(
  32. ** mixedCase: They&#x27;re slides, not a website.
  33. *** zeroxfe: Not sure what the point of your comment is, but that&#x27;s a website presenting slides.
  34. **** 4ad: No, it&#x27;s presentation software that&#x27;s implemented via a website. The primary user of this software is the person giving the talk, not people on the internet. The fact that people on the internet can also see it is a bonus that comes with the choice of the implementation.<p>Complaining that this doesn&#x27;t work on mobile is like complaining Powerpoint doesn&#x27;t work on mobile.
  35. ***** zeroxfe: Powerpoint does work on mobile ;-)
  36. * alexandernst: Completely unreadable on a phone. And the entire thing is 3 slides, from which the first one is the title and the last one are the credits and links.
  37. * alexandernst: Is the GOPATH bullshit gone already?
  38. ** Skunkleton: <a href="https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;golang&#x2F;go&#x2F;wiki&#x2F;Modules" rel="nofollow">https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;golang&#x2F;go&#x2F;wiki&#x2F;Modules</a>
  39. * ilovecaching: I&#x27;m actually super excited about printing maps in sorted order. I have a CLI use case for this.<p>When I need a real language with a fleshed out type system I use Rust, but Go has been great for writing small CLIs and things where I&#x27;m the only developer. It&#x27;s also been great for small fan out tasks. I do wish flags had a way to do subcommands that didn&#x27;t involve a lot of boilerplate.
  40. ** sethammons: What is lacking to qualify Go as a &quot;real&quot; language?
  41. *** ilovecaching: - no generics. Without generics you can&#x27;t build reusable data structures or algorithms that are type safe. The only ones that are available are hard coded into the language.<p>- lacking sum types (enums), which is why you have to explicitly check every return value with if err != nil. Sum types enable useful patterns like Maybe, Either, etc.<p>- general wackiness, from a computer science perspective Golang bakes a lot of special cases into its semantics that could be handled by including fundamental types. If you want to do multi-value return, the sane thing is to use a tuple, which is a core data structure we all learn about in CS undergrad, and use that as a return type and have functions return a single value. This is how Python and Rust work. (Tuples are also useful in many other contexts). The Go way is to have a rule that a function can return multiple values from a function and receive them at a call site. It&#x27;s not pattern matching, and its not tuples, it&#x27;s just a special case that defies the mathematical model of a function (a mapping of a domain to a single codomain).
  42. **** papaf: As someone who enjoys programming in both Go and Rust I find this sort of fanatical comment distressing.<p>Go makes different tradeoffs. Get over it.<p>Nobody has written anything as important as Kubernetes in Rust yet. I hope that someday somebody does write something worthwhile but please less of the fundamentalist attitude that had poisoned religion and politics.
  43. ***** steveklabnik: Co-signed. (Though I’m not <i>totally</i> sure I agree re:kubes, but that’s not really the important part.)
  44. *** octonion: Operator overloading?
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