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a guest
Jun 19th, 2019
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text 1.50 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Farm_Name Total Apples Good Apples
  2. EM 18,327 14,176
  3. EE 18,785 14,146
  4. IW 635 486
  5. L 33,929 24,586
  6. NE 12,497 9,609
  7. NW 30,756 23,765
  8. SC 8,515 6,438
  9. SE 22,896 17,914
  10. SW 11,972 9,114
  11. WM 27,251 20,931
  12. Y 21,495 16,662
  14. import pandas as pd
  15. import io
  17. temp=u"""Farm_Name;Total Apples;Good Apples
  18. EM;18,327;14,176
  19. EE;18,785;14,146
  20. IW;635;486
  21. L;33,929;24,586
  22. NE;12,497;9,609
  23. NW;30,756;23,765
  24. SC;8,515;6,438
  25. SE;22,896;17,914
  26. SW;11,972;9,114
  27. WM;27,251;20,931
  28. Y;21,495;16,662"""
  29. #after testing replace io.StringIO(temp) to filename
  30. df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(temp), sep=";",thousands=',')
  31. print df
  32. Farm_Name Total Apples Good Apples
  33. 0 EM 18327 14176
  34. 1 EE 18785 14146
  35. 2 IW 635 486
  36. 3 L 33929 24586
  37. 4 NE 12497 9609
  38. 5 NW 30756 23765
  39. 6 SC 8515 6438
  40. 7 SE 22896 17914
  41. 8 SW 11972 9114
  42. 9 WM 27251 20931
  43. 10 Y 21495 16662
  45. print
  46. <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
  47. RangeIndex: 11 entries, 0 to 10
  48. Data columns (total 3 columns):
  49. Farm_Name 11 non-null object
  50. Total Apples 11 non-null int64
  51. Good Apples 11 non-null int64
  52. dtypes: int64(2), object(1)
  53. memory usage: 336.0+ bytes
  54. None
  56. locale.setlocale(locale.LC_NUMERIC, '')
  57. df = df[['Farm Name']].join(df[['Total Apples', 'Good Apples']].applymap(locale.atof))
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