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May 21st, 2018
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  2. IngošŸš‡ - Yesterday at 19:51
  3. [[was an image in the original message]]
  4. Yā€™all
  5. GOAT^3 - Yesterday at 19:53
  6. uh
  7. news flash
  8. GOAT^3 - Yesterday at 20:00
  9. caustation does not imply correlation
  10. if p imply q, then it is not always true the q implies p(edited)
  11. takumi - Yesterday at 21:54
  12. what
  13. i cant tell if youre defending the post or against it
  14. Mod Luna - Yesterday at 21:56
  15. ^
  16. IngošŸš‡ - Yesterday at 22:37
  17. I mean
  18. The only part I rlly agree w is that I mean... i dont know if bullying is always the issue
  19. But I just saw it on face book like ???
  20. I dont know how to feel so if youā€™re curious thereā€™s that
  21. Qro the Cursed - Yesterday at 22:38
  22. I personally feel that bullying can be a factor in some cases.
  23. IngošŸš‡ - Yesterday at 22:38
  24. Yea me too
  25. takumi - Yesterday at 22:39
  26. i was talking about what goat said
  27. i agree with the whole post
  28. straight white boys are basically the absolute worst
  29. IngošŸš‡ - Yesterday at 22:40
  30. Exactly
  31. Hey cna b rlly self entitled lol
  32. Like I know a lotttt
  33. Mod Mars - Yesterday at 22:41
  34. most of my expirences with Straight White Boys have been really negative
  35. takumi - Yesterday at 22:41
  36. ntm girls who bully are usually worse than boys, and their victims are usually other girls. and yet, you don't see girls doing this shit. mostly bc girls are taught to internalize their anger or pain and take it out on themselves
  37. IngošŸš‡ - Yesterday at 22:41
  38. I mean. I live w nothing but straight white men who r conservatives in my house so(edited)
  39. takumi - Yesterday at 22:42
  40. vs boys who are taught its justifiable to attack others to get what you want
  41. IngošŸš‡ - Yesterday at 22:43
  42. But yea people blame shootings on mentally illed and trans lgbt+ people like
  43. People in this other discord r like we need to control lgbt and mental ill
  44. Like what
  45. takumi - Yesterday at 22:45
  46. what type of server
  47. would say that
  48. IngošŸš‡ - Yesterday at 22:45
  49. a server abt a sonic game of course though bc those gross gamer kids
  50. takumi - Yesterday at 22:45
  51. whats their demographic
  52. IngošŸš‡ - Yesterday at 22:46
  53. No clue I donā€™t want to ask
  54. takumi - Yesterday at 22:47
  55. they dont have like intros i always find servers like that sketchy
  56. bc it usually means cishet white men
  57. i.e. evil
  58. IngošŸš‡ - Yesterday at 22:48
  59. No
  60. You just join and
  61. Talk abt sonic I guess
  62. I just like talking about chao but if u bring up political issues it gets so gross
  63. Itā€™s kinda toxic
  64. Everyone has the same opinion and imo it sucks
  65. takumi - Yesterday at 22:48
  66. who knew sonic was so nasty
  67. IngošŸš‡ - Yesterday at 22:49
  68. Ok but someoneā€™s nickname is literally black night and they have a anonymous mask pfp lol
  69. Itā€™s not sonic itā€™s the ppl who like sonic the whole ā€œgame communityā€ can suck
  70. takumi - Yesterday at 22:49
  71. sounds awful
  72. i dont really interact with anyone like that and im not afraid to throw down abt stuff like that so i would self destruct
  73. GOAT^3 - Yesterday at 23:38
  74. you know my stance(edited)
  75. i'm probably not going to support a position where i'm essentially shooting myself in the foot
  76. 22 May 2018
  77. takumi - Today at 00:15
  78. i dont know your stance actually
  79. Tater TatsBOT - Today at 00:15
  80. :up: | remi (sesshomarufucker69) leveled up!
  82. takumi - Today at 00:16
  83. if you could elaborate(edited)
  84. bc it sounds like youre saying the part about straight white boys is wrong
  85. so i'm asking for clarification
  86. GOAT^3 - Today at 00:22
  87. my stance is that these people are wrong in the head
  88. there's nothing to do with them being in a specific sect of society
  89. takumi - Today at 00:23
  90. ok that right there is ableist
  91. GOAT^3 - Today at 00:23
  92. hold up
  93. what i'm saying is not that they're mentally disabled
  94. but they're so extreme in their thinking that they would even begin to consider doing such a thing
  95. takumi - Today at 00:24
  96. yea because of: privilege
  97. social conditioning
  98. straight white boys are conditioned into feeling entitlement, self-glorifying and aggression
  99. GOAT^3 - Today at 00:25
  100. these are select individuals that reflect none of the group that they belong to
  101. takumi - Today at 00:25
  102. ok see this is that "not all men" mindset
  103. which is asinine
  104. GOAT^3 - Today at 00:26
  105. why do you insuate that all men are demons?
  106. takumi - Today at 00:26
  107. you're too focused on defending a group of oppressors
  108. hey dont insult demons like that
  109. GOAT^3 - Today at 00:27
  110. ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ
  111. then i guess we have no room for argument
  112. have a good day
  113. takumi - Today at 00:27
  114. are you that unwilling to acknowledge youre an active oppressor
  115. GOAT^3 - Today at 00:28
  116. please do not ask these loaded questions
  117. takumi - Today at 00:28
  118. bc you, the oppressor, are telling the people you actively oppress "hey im not like them!" while continuing tobe like that
  120. Tone policing
  121. Tone policing (also tone trolling, tone argument and tone fallacy) is an ad hominem and antidebate appeal based on genetic fallacy. It attempts to detract from the validity of a statement by attacking the tone in which it was presented rather tha...
  122. same as cis people telling trans people not to say "i hate cis people"
  123. same as white people saying to poc "dont say you hate ALL white people!"
  124. men are in the same group. men are active oppressors with privilege.
  125. you have privilege. your entire group is privileged.
  126. you were raised with privilege.
  127. sorry your fragile male ego cant handle it but its the truth.
  128. GOAT^3 - Today at 00:31
  129. yeah
  130. we have no room for any meaningful debate.
  131. i'm sorry you feel this way.
  132. takumi - Today at 00:32
  133. so you dont believe in privilege or what :thinking:
  134. thats a pretty bod stance to take considering you're the only person in here with certain privileges
  135. and this is otherwise a group of people you actively oppress.
  136. GOAT^3 - Today at 00:34
  137. I'm merely stating my own opinion on the matter.
  138. And I don't believe any of what I've done counts as oppression in any form.
  139. takumi - Today at 00:34
  140. well for one thing tone policing
  141. it doesnt matter if you mean to do it, youre STILL actively an oppressor
  142. white people are oppressive even if they arent members of the KKK
  143. GOAT^3 - Today at 00:35
  144. I don't see how I am still an oppressor by proxy.
  145. takumi - Today at 00:35
  146. because you participate in behaviors that are oppressive.
  147. dude... you have privilege
  148. GOAT^3 - Today at 00:36
  149. If the Americans elected Donald Trump, and you were an American, by your logic you voted for the baboon.
  150. Mod Luna - Today at 00:36
  151. Be careful of what you say goat, chances are you don't want your third strike
  152. GOAT^3 - Today at 00:36
  153. Oh whatever.
  154. takumi - Today at 00:36
  155. except thats not true, because i actively voted against him. you arent actively going against oppressive behaviors
  156. youre complicit in them
  157. Qro the Cursed - Today at 00:36
  158. Everyone please stop fighting
  159. takumi - Today at 00:37
  160. qro i appreciate that but letting people get away with problematic actions is complacency
  161. GOAT^3 - Today at 00:38
  162. So I adopt behavior like yours in an attempt to fight against the oppression?
  163. takumi - Today at 00:38
  164. ??? ideally?? you want ti fight oppression yes lmfao
  165. GOAT^3 - Today at 00:38
  166. your behavior is nothing short of extreme.
  167. let me get that out of the way.
  168. takumi - Today at 00:38
  169. see that, thats tone policing.
  170. tone policing is a means to deflect attention from injustice and relocate the problem in the style of the complaint, rather than address the complaint itself
  171. GOAT^3 - Today at 00:38
  172. everything is tone policing to you now.
  173. takumi - Today at 00:39
  174. no, youre more focused on my delivery, which is just not giving you gentle guidance
  175. GOAT^3 - Today at 00:39
  176. injustice exists, don't get me wrong.
  177. takumi - Today at 00:39
  178. not everyone is going to hold your hand.
  179. GOAT^3 - Today at 00:39
  180. and neither will you be as well.
  181. takumi - Today at 00:39
  182. see thats the thing about being a minority
  183. GOAT^3 - Today at 00:39
  184. brb let me calm down.
  185. takumi - Today at 00:39
  186. no one holds your hand in the first place
  187. something you cant really understand.
  188. Mod Mars - Today at 00:41
  189. @āˆž Gayest Mod Red
  190. Xerna - Today at 00:41
  191. Society influences people to have privilege, whether we recognize it or not. You don't have to actively be discriminatory in order to have privilege (ex. People with non-ethnic names with the same credentials as someone with an ethnic name usually receiving preference for a job). Recognizing privilege and knowing when you can be complacent in it is what I think Takumi means
  192. Society does have its preferences
  193. takumi - Today at 00:42
  194. thats the thing, society actively values certain people
  195. and if you have privilege in every area
  196. sorry, but you are given a lot more.
  197. GOAT^3 - Today at 00:42
  198. Here are my points.
  200. GOAT^3 - Today at 00:43
  201. I can recognize when certain minorities are being dealt a crappier hand than others.
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