
Cruel Thesis Remainder Removal

Jun 28th, 2017
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  1. [14:57:29] Ignoring the compliment of her rear, the spriggan ushered the boy into her grove, humming lightly in thought. She was not a surgeon in the slightest, though.. perhaps there was a spirit who was? It felt like a long shot, though it was certainly possible. "Remove your shirt and lay down," Batkem says while turning away, holding her hands up while shutting her eyes.
  3. Spectral energy seemed to coalesce within the air, slicing through reality and forming runes within space on merely the second dimension, right before Batkem. One might think it to be rift magic, but it was simply writing runes with mana. The same sort of mana which tethered her to her spirits, similar to pure mana, yet slightly different.
  5. The characters shaped themselves within a circular sigil. 'To the realm of the meek, a conjurerer makes their call. An essence skilled with the anatomy of man, proficient with scalpel and suture. I call upon the surgeon through a pact of mana, come forth and achieve catharsis.'
  7. Lush green eyes looked over the sigil. If she managed this, she would have two spirits summoned at once, both with different asks. Her Terraheim still stood within the cavern, shaping out mounds and the like to truly make it reminiscent of a garden or prairie. The glow upon the floating sigil began to shine brighter, limbs beginning to pass through from the spirit realm. Slowly, out came a an ethereal doctor, the runic sigil seeming to wrap about him as he traveled outward until he was completely free, translucent feet upon the ground.
  9. She looked to Raja. "This will certainly be painful. Are you ready?"
  10. (Batkem)
  11. [15:07:44] By this point, the drakanite should be walking around without a shirt with how much he has to take it off for people to examine or try to treat his condition. Without a moment of hesitation, he'd reach for the brim of the shirt and pull it over and off his body, tossing it to the ground.
  13. Finding a soft patch of grass and a flat piece of land, he'd use a little nature magic to grow a softer bed to lay on during this operation. While Batkem used her mana and runes to draw out a new kind of spirit, he'd start mentally preparing himself but recall he had something that would help a little in his bag.
  15. "Leila made some salves to use on my back to help numb it out and heal it afterwards. Almost forgot she had given them to me, so feel free to dig around in my bag and use it as needed." Rolling his shirt into a ball he'd rest the right side of his face against the ground so that he could see what was going on.
  17. Never having paid much mind to how Batkem summoned the spirits she uses, he'd be a little surprised how the process was done. First she used mana to form some runes in the air, and second she'd utter some form of chant as if she were selecting from a cataloge what type of spirit she needed.
  19. "Hmm, didn't know that was how you summoned them. Figured it involved a dead animal and some form of summoning circle made of blood." It might've sounded like he was joking to her, but that was how he viewed summoning magic.
  20. (Raja Nagano-Draconis)
  21. [15:17:58] "This is the first time I've done it this way," she admits aloud. "My two other spirits had their sigils written upon the earth." While she responded to Raja, her attention was fully upon the process at hand. The robed specter, carrying a bag of ethereal tools in its left hand, fell to its knees at Raja's side. Certainly a very strange sight for him. A cold, almost weightless finger pressed against his back, examining him.
  23. Batkem stepped towards a nearby bush, reaching in to withdraw the squirming thorned vine of blue, a cruel piece of Actaea. She approached her spirit, handing to him the vine. Dead eyes stared at it for a moment before handing it back to the woman, who casually tossed it into a nearby bush. Plethora of vines had everything handles on that end.
  25. The doctor reached into Raja's own bag, taking out the salve. It was a strange figure, holding clearly much more consciousness than Batkem's combat spirit, Lucian, did. He uncapped the salved and dipped a few fingers in before smearing it over Raja's back, recapping it and setting it at his side.
  27. The spriggan's insect, which had sat upon the Drakanite's back for years now, finally removed its slender, needle-like legs which bound the vines in place. It gave its wings a flutter before flying up the priestess's robe sleeve, rejoining the unseen hive. Her eyes kept locked upon Raja's back though, powerful nature magic keeping them tame and still.
  29. A piece of smoothed wood was brought to Raja's mouth by the ethereal doctor, placing it between his teeth so that he had something to bite down on. While he could not communicate, Batkem could sense what he was about to do next. "Brace yourself," she says as her spirit grabs hold of his translucent scalpel.
  30. (Batkem)
  31. [15:27:21] Biting down on the piece of wood presented to him, he knew exactly what this was for. The salves only numbed his flesh and his muscles to a lesser extent. Folding his arms, they'd cross under his shirt and lift his head slightly more and shifting his back around.
  33. "Hmm"
  35. Unable to speak with the piece of wood between his teeth, his eye would close and he'd try to rest. If he could somehow manage to sleep or pass out during this removal of vines, it'd most likely be for the best and cause him less pain that he'd be conscious through.
  37. "Ydier!"
  39. A cold hand would slather his back where the scars shown the entrance of the initial mass of vines. The larger ones had been removed, but there were still lingering small ones within his back Nashandra simply didn't get to because of time constraints. So today he was finally getting everything out to be able to enter a healing phase where he'd most likely have to get re in tune with how to draw out his half shifted state.
  40. (Raja Nagano-Draconis)
  41. [15:41:52] She didn't know what 'ydier' was an attempt at saying, but given that he hadn't started squirming or resisting, she assumed everything was fine. As for making him unconscious.. Batkem could probably grow a plant what made him unconscious, but she honestly wasn't much of an alchemist. Quazla himself had almost no knowledge of herblore, as ironic as that might have been.
  43. It seemed Raja would have to suffer. Vines shot out of the ground to wrap about the drakanite's body to keep him in place as Batkem stepped over to the spirit and pointed out several places where small vines still lie, able to sense them through the flesh. She moved away, allowing the conjured surgeon to take the lead. His scalpel set onto a piece of flesh beneath his shoulder and made a slender incision, opening the space beneath as blood began to flow out. The man reached into his bag, withdrawing from within a pair of metal forceps.
  45. They reached into the flesh, parting away skin to grab hold of the small, thorned vine. Slowly, it was pulled out, the thorns no doubt cutting at him as an unavoidable part of the process. With the piece removed, the tool was set upon a white rag placed at his side, now splotched red from the blood upon the scalpel and forceps. Batkem's own eyes were upon Raja with obvious concern, having faith in the work of the spirit. But standing by hurt; she neared and took hold of Raja's hand, allowing him to squeeze her own to brace through the pain.
  47. This spirit, though, did not seem to have the benefit of magic for healing the wounds. A curved needle with a trail of thread was produced from his bag, stabbing its point through the skin before delicately suturing the wound shut in a criss-cross fashion.
  49. Batkem squeezed his hand, offering a light smile despite the gory scene she was witnessing. "That's one down," she says with a light smile, trying to be reassuring.
  50. (Batkem)
  51. [15:58:04] A feeling of what felt like a finger being pushed against his skin would slide slowly and cut open his back where one of the few remaining thorned vines remained. It wasn't too bad at first, but after having the skin cleanly cut through, some of the pain would start to settle in.
  53. This amount was manageable, about as painful as a needle being stuck into his arm if it had to be compared. The numbing salve was doing its job, but it wasn't going to render him unable to feel pain completely. When the metal forceps reached into and spread open the incision to tug away at the intruding vine.
  55. Almost as if it were a self defence mechanism of the vine, it'd try to wiggle itself free from the metal tool that was pulling it out of its host. Being deeply embeded into his muscles by this point, the salve wouldn't really be much help to him and grunt of pain would eminate from his mouth. Jaw clenching tightly and an odd tingle travel down his spine from the feeling being tugged on, the drakanite wasn't exactly happy or pleased to experience this, yet it had to be done.
  57. Fighting with the small vine to pull it free, the spirit would eventually win its first battle from his back, but it felt like it was being torn apart all the while. The thorns of the vines were cutting and tugging on his back muscles as they'd be pulled free and there wasn't much to do outside of being careful and to bear with the pain.
  59. A small amount of moisture would form in his left eye and he'd feel a soft hand grab at one of his own to hold it. Unabe to speak due to the piece of wood being bitten into, his eye would open with a pained grunt to see it was Batkem trying to calm his nerves and ease his pain. If it weren't for her vines, he'd probably have been jerking around the entire time the spirit pulled the vines from his back, making this whole ordeal all the more painful and challenging.
  61. Heated breathes escaped his nose now that he had a few moments rest as the first incision would be closed by a suture.
  62. (Raja Nagano-Draconis)
  63. [16:07:28] While she clutched Raja's hand, her other hand rose to tenderly stroke his head, offering a bit of comfort during this time. Batkem herself doubted she could ever endure this amount of pain, so she held quite a bit of respect for the boy, even if he had had his back numbed some. The spriggan flowed even more nature magic into his being, taking control of the vines that sat within his back and keeping them still. She was stronger than Anctaea, especially just small bits of him.
  65. With the first incision sutured, it was time for another, the doctor remembering the places his contractor had pointed out. The scalpel was drawn up once more, cleaning it by dragging it along the rag before raising it against the flesh. It sliced over the surface of the skin, parting away the covering above and the meat beneath to reveal the blue tendrils that sat under.
  67. The scalpel was set aside, exchanged for the forceps as before. The metal instrument parted the flesh before entering, grabbing a hold of a vine. It was limp now, no longer fighting against Batkem's spirit due to the spriggan's influence. As he rose it out, the blue plant life stained with red, the sight of another small vine was seen within. The vine was set on the rag aside the other one before the doctor reached in yet again, taking a hold of it.
  69. But it seemed this one was much more firmly rooted. Carefully, the tips of the forceps prodded at the flesh within, slowly kneading meat away to release the thorn. Very carefully, the vine was pulled up, thorn after thorn was pulled out until the entire blue vine was uprooted. The doctor removed it and set it aside, replacing his scalpels for a needle and thread and suturing the wound as before.
  71. Another hand squeeze. "Just one more, Raja."
  72. (Batkem)
  73. [16:21:58] Restraining himself from squeezing as hard as he could, his arm visibly tensed up after another incision was made on his back and the skin was spread apart. One would question leaving someone awake to do this kind of operation when there wasn't any danger around, but also how the drakanite was managing to keep himself together.
  75. Pain caused people to do a lot of stupid stuff against their will and made a persons body gain a will of its own. Thankfully the vines held strong and bound him to the ground, save for his arms. The squirming in his back would seemingly stop where the vines were as he felt Batkem use some mana to bind their will and restrict their movements to nothing.
  77. Wanting to smile and say his thanks, he'd huff a breath of air through his nose and squeeze the hand that held his own. This was all he could do without spiting the wood out that was there to take him mind off the pain.
  79. With the movement of the vines taken care of, a second would soon come out of his back and the third would stubbornly come after a small amount of struggling. It hurt more than he'd like, so his teeth were burrowing into the wood at an almost painful amount of pressure.
  81. Hearing that there was only one more, he'd smell the scent of blood and iron in the air as it was thick with his own. It was almost sickening to him as his senses were feeling heightened from the amount of pain being dealt to his back as he was restrained to the ground. A low growl like sound comes from his lungs as if he were saying to hurry up and get it done with already!
  82. (Raja Nagano-Draconis)
  83. [16:31:21] It would have been more smart for Raja to be unconscious, but Batkem simply didn't have the knowledge. The surgeon, on the other hand, only had so much he could take with him from the spirit realm. There was no way to keep him from the pain, aside from maybe knocking him out, something that the spriggan simply would not do.
  85. The bloody tools were wiped yet against the rag, preparing for another round of incision and removal. There was just one more place left, sitting below the last place that had been cut into. Batkem's spectral surgeon rose the scalpel to Raja's back and sliced yet again through skin and flesh, clean cuts that certainly hurt but were not as excruciating as one that tore much more messily. The incision reaching to the vine, revealing just a bit of blue.
  87. Back to the bloodied rag the scalpel went, removing the forceps. The spirit, perhaps through some habit instinctively remembered, clicked the metal tips together with a 'ting-ting' before sliding them into where the flesh was parted. It reached about the tendril and clamped on, this one much more loose than the previous vine. Up it went, dripping with blood and set onto the pile of other bloodied blue vegetation.
  89. Replaced for the needle and thread, the final incision was swiftly, yet equally carefully sutured shut, leaving every wound tended to. The spirit reached to the tools, wrapped them in the rag, and stuck them in his bag. He rose to a stand and offered a bow to Batkem before simply disappearing.
  91. The spriggan let go of Raja and produced a rag of her own, conjuring forth water from the moistness of the air to wet it a bit before setting it upon his back, careful to avoid the stitches as she cleaned off blood and even grime. "Just a moment more," she whispers to the boy as she cleans it off.
  93. The rag, also now bloodied, was set aside to allow the woman's hands to set atop his bare back. Batkem sent healing energies into his being, a combination of glowing holy magic which infused her hands, cosmic energy which numbed the pain and removed fatigue, and even further healing through magical nutrients ebbing forth from the vines that wrapped about him.
  95. Finally, it was done. The spriggan took a step back and fell to her rear as the vines recede back into the grounds, a sigh escaping. "It's over," she exclaims tiredly.
  96. (Batkem)
  97. [16:48:25] Much quicker than the other barbed vines that were burrowed into his back, the final foreign object was removed from his person. All that was remaining from their presence was the lingering pain and the incisions that were made to remove all of them.
  99. Feeling the wound close and be sewn shut, his body started to relax despite the pain. When the spirits job was done, it quickly cleaned its tools and would bow out as it'd disappear. Sweat had formed all over his body from the pain and Batkem attempted to clean up the blood and grime from the spirits completed work.
  101. Spitting out the wooden rod, he could clearly see where his teeth had sunken in. Slowly, he'd breathe through his mouth in pained breaths till everything felt as it should. Inhaling through his nose, he'd feel Batkems healing magics all start to work on his wounds, removing the blood, and numbing the pain. When she was finished, the woman fell to her behind in front of him and he'd turn to face her whilst on his stomach.
  103. In a tired voice, he'd speak to her through his shirt. "Remind me to never lose a fight again because that SUUUUCCKED!" The tone was light hearted and joking, but it was clear he was serious about not wanting to go through this again.
  105. Adjusting his arms, the young man would lift himself and sit up before Batkem. "Thanks for helping me with this Batkem, yer' really a good friend, but ah think you should remain a priestess.~"
  107. Smiling, he'd start to laugh but quickly be interrupted by his stomach growling.
  109. "..."
  111. "Wouldn't by chance be willing to make that meal sometime soon, would you?"
  112. (Raja Nagano-Draconis)
  113. [16:53:32] She was tuckered out, maybe more so than Raja. At least, she felt like it. There was no real reaction towards the jokes that Raja threw at her, save for a light tug at her cheek that hinted at a smile. Aside from that, Batkem looked exhausted.
  115. The spriggan scooted herself back with a sigh until she sat against the trunk of a tree. Holding her hand up, an apple fell into it on cue, ripe and red. "Here," she says curtly before tossing the fruit at him.
  117. Batkem tilted her head to the side. "I'm not meant for these sorts of things," she says with defeat in her voice.
  118. (Batkem)
  119. [17:00:22] Batkem had treated his wounds to the best of her abilities even though she wasn't exactly a doctor or a surgeon. It was probably draining for her to have to watch him be cut like he was by a spirit she summoned, but it was over. The fact she even used a combination of water, nature, and even holy magic all at the same time to heal the damage done to a manageable level was a feat onto itself.
  121. Now she simply sat exhausted against a tree with a hand raised and an apple promptly falling into her grasp. "It'll have to do, already said it, but thanks for doing this even though this isn't what you are trained to do."
  123. Slowly standing up, he'd wobble on over to her and fall to his knees before taking the apple and biting into it.
  124. (Raja Nagano-Draconis)
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