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a guest
Jun 19th, 2019
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text 4.82 KB | None | 0 0
  1. .model tiny
  2. .code
  3. org 100h
  4. jmp start
  5. start_resident:
  6. new_int9 proc far ;must be far + iret
  7. pushf
  8. call cs:old_int9
  9. pusha
  10. push ds
  11. push es
  12. push cs
  13. pop ds
  14. mov ax, 0b800h
  15. mov es, ax
  16. cld
  17. mov bx, -2d
  18. mov si, [bx]
  19. lea di, parameters
  20. ;si is used for locating video buffer
  21. ;di is used for locating pattern
  22. page_iteration:
  23. add bx, 2d
  24. cmp bx, 16d ;16 = 2 * 8 is number of pages
  25. je findPattern_exit
  26. mov si, video_pages[bx]
  27. lea di, parameters
  28. cmp_str_iteration:
  29. mov ax, video_pages[bx + 2] ;check pages' intervals
  30. cmp si, ax
  31. je page_iteration
  32. mov ax, es:[si]
  33. mov ah, ds:[di]
  34. add si, 2
  35. inc di
  36. ;equ
  37. cmp ah, al
  38. je cmp_str_iteration
  39. ;nequ
  40. mov ax, di ;ax holds fst not equ char
  41. lea di, parameters
  42. sub ax, di
  43. cmp ax, n
  44. jnz cmp_str_iteration
  45. ;equ_words
  46. mov video_offset, si
  47. mov ax, bx
  48. cwd
  49. div two
  50. mov npage, ax
  51. add al, '0'
  52. mov file_name[1], al ;al - page number
  54. mov ah, 3dh ;open a file
  55. mov al, 1 ;write only
  56. lea dx, file_name
  57. int 21h
  58. jc create_and_open_file
  59. mov fd, ax
  61. mov ah, 42h
  62. mov al, 2
  63. mov bx, fd
  64. mov cx, 0 ;upper portion of offset
  65. mov dx, 0 ;lower portion of offset
  66. int 21h
  67. mov errno, 2
  68. jc findPattern_error
  69. mov errno, -1
  70. jmp write_file
  71. create_and_open_file:
  72. mov ah, 3ch
  73. mov cx, 0
  74. lea dx, file_name
  75. int 21h
  76. mov errno, 1
  77. jc findPattern_error ;pop from stack ret?
  78. mov errno, -1
  79. mov fd, ax
  80. write_file:
  81. mov bx, npage
  82. mov ax, video_pages[bx] ;ax holds current video page offset
  83. mov bx, video_offset
  84. sub bx, ax ;[0..24][0..80]
  85. mov ax, bx
  86. cwd
  87. div row_size ;ax holds column
  88. cwd
  89. mul row_size ;bottom round
  90. mov bx, npage
  91. add ax, video_pages[bx] ;ax holds address of current column
  93. mov dx, ax
  95. mov ah, 40h
  96. mov bx, fd
  97. mov cx, 160d
  98. push ds
  99. push es
  100. pop ds ;ds - b800h
  101. int 21h
  102. mov errno, 3
  103. jc findPattern_error ;write error
  104. mov errno, -1
  105. pop ds
  106. mov ah, 3eh
  107. mov bx, fd ;close file
  108. int 21h
  110. mov bx, npage
  111. jmp cmp_str_iteration
  112. findPattern_error:
  113. findPattern_exit:
  114. pop es
  115. pop ds
  116. popa
  117. iret
  118. new_int9 endp
  120. cmd_length db 0
  122. execErr db "Can't execute Can't specified program execute Can't execute Can't specified program execute", 10,13,'$'
  123. errno dw 0
  124. errLen db 27
  125. errorStr db "Invalid usage.",10,13,"$$$$$$$$$$$"
  126. db "Create file error.",10,13,"$$$$$$$"
  127. db "Move file pointer error.",10,13,'$'
  128. db "Write error.",10,13,"$$$$$$$$$$$$$"
  129. ;variables used to parse commandline
  130. ibord dw 0
  131. borders dw 3 dup(0)
  132. left equ 0
  133. right equ 2
  134. iparam dw -1
  135. parameters db 256 dup(0)
  136. pos dw 0
  137. n dw 0
  138. nstr equ 128
  139. fisrt equ 0
  140. second equ 128
  142. old_int9 dd 0
  144. file_name db "FX.TXT", 0
  145. fd dw 0
  147. video_pages dw 0h, 1000h, 2000h, 3000h, 4000h, 5000h, 6000h, 7000h, 8000h
  148. video_offset dw 0
  149. npage dw 0
  151. com_tail_size db 0
  152. com_tail db 127 dup(0Dh)
  154. two dw 2d
  155. row_size dw 160d
  156. start:
  157. ;code to parse command line
  158. jmp install_handler
  159. install_handler:
  160. mov ah, 35h
  161. mov al, 09h
  162. int 21h
  163. mov word ptr old_int9, bx
  164. mov word ptr old_int9 + 2, es
  166. mov ah, 25h
  167. mov al, 09h
  168. mov dx, offset new_int9
  169. int 21h
  171. mov ax, 3100h
  172. mov dx, (start - start_resident + 10Fh) / 16
  173. int 21h
  174. end start
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