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Apr 25th, 2018
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  1. Pursuant of Pursuant
  3. An Operation of Suspicious Motives
  5. Operation Pursuant outlines a "Guide to the Establishment of Autonomous Online Entities", and what is termed a "pursuance" as what appears to be a definition for how Anonymous should conduct themselves. For the first few paragraphs of the "pamphlet" or what we call on the internet a text file, Operation Pursuant proposes some goals and reasons for Anonymous' activities.
  7. The text file states "Those inclined to take such odd a step as to establish some futuristic online syndicate of the sort laid out here are quite likely to be acquainted with the sort of people who might be inclined to join such a thing, which is to say that the instigator of a pursuance will usually have at least one or two people with whom to begin collaboration" which unless participants have some sort of anonymous way of finding each other, is a clear violation of anonymity. The text file continues "each new addition is likely to have associates of his own who may be willing to work with others", outlining a clear violation of anonymity. This could be a plot to encourage Anonymous into forming what corrupt governments will term "terrorist cells" and create a legal association for innocent Anons to be prosecuted.
  9. Operation Pursuant encourages Anonymous to keep records, for the supposed possible future need to "come out" and prove what you have done. This is not Anonymity. Once Anonymous, always Anonymous, to announce that one is Anonymous would be a contradiction, if so you never were anonymous, you were temporarily cloaked. This suggestion could be given in the name of future persecution of Anonymous, or in the name of enabling individuals in the future to account for their actions, and therefore use their accomplishments under the guise of Anonymous as a means to obtain political power. If one really intends to act as Anonymous, there is no need whatsoever to prove it to anyone after the fact. Anonymous by nature does not desire and can not attain political power individually outside of the collective, and ultimately acts as a check and balance of political power that can not be suppressed. The text file also encourages Anonymous to keep a roster of participants, which is laughable considering if participants knew each other's names, it would not be anonymous would it?
  11. Operation Pursuant encourages Anonymous to use specific avenues and methods to achieve their accomplishments. One suggested is the use of "Project PM" which supposedly a mechanism for participants to contact "experts" through a specific group organizing the project. So rather than anyone being able to contact any expert directly, now they can rely on the supposedly infallible judgment of these few individuals as gatekeepers to an international think tank. This think tank supposedly wants to "lead on potential instances of state and corporate wrongdoing to be investigated". So thankfully Anonymous can leave it to them, and look the other way? The notion is ridiculous, and Anonymous has never conducted themselves in such a fashion. This "wrongdoing" is for every individual to investigate for themselves, not a select few in any organization. The text file also contains a list of specific corporate services to be used for conducting business in the name of Anonymous, so rather than set up our own services in trusted hands, we are encouraged to use services hosted by those that are bought and sold. The use of these methods creates a potential mechanism for control and censorship. It is apparent that Anonymous has no defined methods, they do and use everything.
  13. The text file also contains an unjustified attack on nation-states, implying the need for an global government, which seems to define a certain agenda behind this text. An attack on nation-states in the name of global government, be it whatever model, could be viewed as an attack on freedom. Separate individual sovereign states with separate laws maintain the spirit and mechanism of freedom in the world. People may roam to where they are accepted by different cultures and therefore different governments with laws legislated by different people. This does not conflict with the rationale that the people of the world need to collaborate to flush out corrupt and malicious governments, merely replace them with governments that serves the people's best interest. The suggested establishment of a "worldwide virtual republic" could be a very dangerous idea. In a perfect world, where people are not in conflict and computers cannot be hacked, the idea of a "worldwide virtual republic" could work, but given that any piece of data can be hacked this gives powerful entities the opportunity to 'fix' any portion of the republic's development, an example being elections conducted online. With enough power and time, anything can be hacked and cracked. At the moment this gives Anonymous an advantage, it could just as easily become a threat to a true republic once the tables have turned.
  15. Something that has not been examined is the cause of much of this corruption, which is the powers that be above the control of nation states, while there are many, the main players are specifically the world's royal families and their blood-related international bankers. These families have been propping up dictators and corrupt governments in the name of profit, caused and continue to cause human suffering on a unimaginable scale, as well as coercing and funding both sides of many wars going back in history. Knowing this only a matter research. This backlash against corruption is expected as a matter of logic, but this is logic that has been used by these families since long before the masses woke up and were able to see the invisible prisons their governments had set up for them. The governments and dictators that are now under attack were in most cases doing what was made profitable for them in the name of generating conflict. In warfare, both opposing sides lose, become in debt to the elite that sponsored the conflict, and as a result the royals obtain even more power and influence over even the most "democratic" of nation-states. To merely attack and overthrow corrupt governments while ignoring the true powers that caused the corruption is not seeing 'the forest for the trees'. Assuming that these families maintain their power will simply coerce and corrupt any new government to fit their interests.
  17. The text file also asserts that the human race is imperfect and in need of perfecting, eugenics anyone? This could be stated as transhumanist propaganda.
  19. The danger presented by infiltration by covert entities into Anonymous should be something expected. This is the nature of Anonymous, a homeless person on the street with no specific motive can put on a mask just as much as a privileged individual with vested interests. It is important for all Anonymous to anticipate the results of our actions, and examine who benefits from them, will it be the people, or will it be an establishment? Anonymous can decide for themselves individually if a suggested operation will be negative, and if so, can also voice their opinion against it. A common theme of these attempts at infiltration are attempting to define Anonymous, such as with motive, methods and goals. It is apparent that each Anon has their own reasons, uses their own methods, and sets their own goals. The only fitting description of Anonymous is that of an idea. Anonymous is an idea. When enough people have the same idea, those people change the world.
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