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felix/dimitri c-a

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Jul 23rd, 2019
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  1. c convo
  3. Hello, Felix. I see you're here to train as well.
  4. Go away. Just looking at your face makes me\nwanna retch.
  5. Heh. With that mouth of yours, you grow more like\nyour brother every day.
  6. Shut up. And stop walking around on your hind legs.\nYou're not fooling me.
  7. I cannot fathom why you seem to hate me so.
  8. Because I know what you really are—a beast,\ncraving blood.
  9. A beast craving blood, am I?
  10. I assume you're speaking of the events two years ago.\nLast time we met outside the academy?
  11. I am.
  12. The way you suppressed that rebellion... It was\nruthless slaughter and you loved every second.
  13. I remember the way you killed your victims.\nHow you watched them suffer.
  14. And your face...that expression. All the world's evil\npacked into it.
  15. That was our first battle. I remember it vividly.
  16. ...
  17. Oh, something wrong? Go ahead and deny it,\nyou wild boar.
  18. I deny nothing, Felix.
  19. Well then.
  20. I suppose the Dimitri I once knew died during that\nslaughter in Duscur, along with my brother.
  21. Perhaps you're right.
  22. Hmph.
  23. Hurry up and get out of my sight. I don't make\na habit of talking to beasts.
  26. b convo
  28. You don't look busy. Join me for some training,\nboar prince.
  29. And here I thought you had no desire to speak\nwith me.
  30. We don't need to speak to clash swords, do we?
  31. I suppose not. Is that one new?
  32. Wait! Where did you get such a blade?
  33. Hmph! I suppose you would recognize its value.
  34. I came upon a merchant selling weapons and found\nthis among the rest of the steel.
  35. That pattern around the edge... There's no doubt.\nIt was forged by Zoltan, the master swordsmith!
  36. I'm not giving it to you.
  37. Huh? Oh, I'm just happy to have laid eyes on it.\nI don't suppose you'd allow me the chance to\nhold it?
  38. Do you take me for a fool? I'm not letting a brute\nlike you swing it around.
  39. As though I would be careless with something\nso valuable.
  40. I recall when you were nine years old, you swung a\nsword so hard you snapped it clean in two.
  41. Come now, that was so long ago! I'm hardly the fool\nI was then.
  42. Heh. So you say, yet House Fraldarius still told that\nstory for years.
  43. ...
  44. What's wrong, Felix?
  45. How pointless.
  46. No use talking about someone who's long dead.
  47. Looking at your face is making me angry. I'm going\nto find a different training partner.
  48. Farewell, Your Beastliness.
  49. What is going on with him...
  52. a convo
  54. I have a question for you. Answer quickly before my\nhand slips and I cut you in half.
  55. Always so ominous. Well? What is it, Felix?
  56. Sometimes you have an animal's face, contorted with\nanger and bloodlust. At other times, a man's, with a\nfriendly smile.
  57. Which is your true face?
  58. Do not waste your breath on questions with such\nobvious answers. They are both the real me.
  59. My father, my friends, Glenn... They all meant a\ngreat deal to me.
  60. And they were all brutally slaughtered.\nI alone survived.
  61. If I do not shoulder the anguish and regret they\nmust have felt, who will?
  62. Hah. So, that's how you justify your atrocities.
  63. What do you mean?
  64. "I will fulfill my duty to the late king." My old man\nused to say that over and over, like a mantra.
  65. How nauseating. No one seems to understand.
  66. The dead won't acknowledge your loyalty.\nThey don't care.
  67. What a load of bunk it is, pretending to serve\na corpse. You're serving your own ego.
  68. You are wrong.
  69. No, I'm not. The dead are dead, the living are living.
  70. You have to respect that boundary. If you keep\nstringing gravestones around your neck, you'll snap.
  71. Even still... I cannot forget them, nor can I let\nthem go.
  72. Then keep those thoughts to yourself.
  73. If you're too weak to do that, abandon your throne.\nBecome a grave keeper.
  74. Felix...
  75. I'm not immune to emotion, you know. Far from it.
  76. I haven't gone a day without questioning why my\nfather and brother had to die, while I survived.
  77. I'll bear this pain until the day I die, but I refuse to\nwallow in it.
  78. I have more important things to do than blubber for\nmy whole life.
  79. ...
  80. Heh. You know, Felix, you really are growing\nmore and more like your brother.
  81. Always so sarcastic, and constantly looking for\na fight. But deep inside, more than anyone, you—
  82. What are you getting at?
  83. Oh... It's nothing. But allow me to thank you.\nYour perspective has opened my eyes.
  84. Hmph. Not my intention.
  85. I couldn't stand the pathetic look on your face.\nThat's all.
  86. I see. If you say so, then we will leave it at that.
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