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a guest
Dec 10th, 2018
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  1. INFO[0000] Cobra initialized
  2. INFO[0000] Using configuration file configFile=snetd.config.json
  3. INFO[0000] PaymentChannelStorageServer="&{ID:storage-1 Scheme:http Host: ClientPort:2379 PeerPort:2380 Token:unique-token Cluster:storage-1= StartupTimeout:1m0s Enabled:true DataDir:storage-data-dir-1.etcd LogLevel:info}"
  4. INFO[0000] PaymentChannelStorageServer="&{ID:storage-1 Scheme:http Host: ClientPort:2379 PeerPort:2380 Token:unique-token Cluster:storage-1= StartupTimeout:1m0s Enabled:true DataDir:storage-data-dir-1.etcd LogLevel:info}"
  5. INFO[0000] ClientURL=""
  6. INFO[0000] PeerURL=""
  7. 2018-12-10 13:43:41.114466 I | embed: listening for peers on
  8. 2018-12-10 13:43:41.114562 I | embed: listening for client requests on
  9. 2018-12-10 13:43:41.115425 I | etcdserver: name = storage-1
  10. 2018-12-10 13:43:41.115444 I | etcdserver: data dir = storage-data-dir-1.etcd
  11. 2018-12-10 13:43:41.115463 I | etcdserver: member dir = storage-data-dir-1.etcd/member
  12. 2018-12-10 13:43:41.115476 I | etcdserver: heartbeat = 100ms
  13. 2018-12-10 13:43:41.115504 I | etcdserver: election = 1000ms
  14. 2018-12-10 13:43:41.115519 I | etcdserver: snapshot count = 100000
  15. 2018-12-10 13:43:41.115543 I | etcdserver: advertise client URLs =
  16. 2018-12-10 13:43:41.130949 I | etcdserver: restarting member 1c8a507c0cf9f246 in cluster c4a01860a4e6dcdb at commit index 31
  17. 2018-12-10 13:43:41.131010 I | raft: 1c8a507c0cf9f246 became follower at term 10
  18. 2018-12-10 13:43:41.131036 I | raft: newRaft 1c8a507c0cf9f246 [peers: [], term: 10, commit: 31, applied: 0, lastindex: 31, lastterm: 10]
  19. 2018-12-10 13:43:41.165989 W | auth: simple token is not cryptographically signed
  20. 2018-12-10 13:43:41.186746 I | etcdserver: starting server... [version: 3.3.10, cluster version: to_be_decided]
  21. 2018-12-10 13:43:41.188344 I | etcdserver/membership: added member 1c8a507c0cf9f246 [] to cluster c4a01860a4e6dcdb
  22. 2018-12-10 13:43:41.188852 N | etcdserver/membership: set the initial cluster version to 3.3
  23. 2018-12-10 13:43:41.189005 I | etcdserver/api: enabled capabilities for version 3.3
  24. 2018-12-10 13:43:42.431801 I | raft: 1c8a507c0cf9f246 is starting a new election at term 10
  25. 2018-12-10 13:43:42.431912 I | raft: 1c8a507c0cf9f246 became candidate at term 11
  26. 2018-12-10 13:43:42.432056 I | raft: 1c8a507c0cf9f246 received MsgVoteResp from 1c8a507c0cf9f246 at term 11
  27. 2018-12-10 13:43:42.432181 I | raft: 1c8a507c0cf9f246 became leader at term 11
  28. 2018-12-10 13:43:42.432271 I | raft: raft.node: 1c8a507c0cf9f246 elected leader 1c8a507c0cf9f246 at term 11
  29. 2018-12-10 13:43:42.433239 I | embed: ready to serve client requests
  30. 2018-12-10 13:43:42.433776 I | etcdserver: published {Name:storage-1 ClientURLs:[]} to cluster c4a01860a4e6dcdb
  31. 2018-12-10 13:43:42.435487 N | embed: serving insecure client requests on, this is strongly discouraged!
  32. INFO[0001] Logger initialized
  33. INFO[0001] Final configuration:
  34. INFO[0001] auto_ssl_cache_dir: .certs
  35. INFO[0001] auto_ssl_domain:
  36. INFO[0001] blockchain_enabled: true
  37. INFO[0001] daemon_end_point: http://localhost:7000
  38. INFO[0001] daemon_listening_port: 7000
  39. INFO[0001] daemon_type: grpc
  40. INFO[0001] db_path: snetd.db
  41. INFO[0001] ethereum_json_rpc_endpoint:
  42. INFO[0001] hdwallet_index: 0
  43. INFO[0001] hdwallet_mnemonic: ***
  44. INFO[0001] ipfs_end_point:
  45. INFO[0001] log.formatter.type: text
  46. INFO[0001] log.hooks: []
  47. INFO[0001] log.level: debug
  48. INFO[0001] log.output.current_link: ./snet-daemon.log
  49. INFO[0001] log.output.file_pattern: ./snet-daemon.%Y%m%d.log
  50. INFO[0001] log.output.max_age_in_sec: 604800
  51. INFO[0001] log.output.rotation_count: 0
  52. INFO[0001] log.output.rotation_time_in_sec: 86400
  53. INFO[0001] log.output.type: stdout
  54. INFO[0001] log.timezone: UTC
  55. INFO[0001] organization_name: crick
  56. INFO[0001] passthrough_enabled: true
  57. INFO[0001] passthrough_endpoint: http://localhost:7003
  58. INFO[0001] payment_channel_storage_client.connection_timeout: 5s
  59. INFO[0001] payment_channel_storage_client.endpoints: []
  60. INFO[0001] payment_channel_storage_client.request_timeout: 3s
  61. INFO[0001] payment_channel_storage_server.client_port: 2379
  62. INFO[0001] payment_channel_storage_server.cluster: storage-1=
  63. INFO[0001] payment_channel_storage_server.data_dir: storage-data-dir-1.etcd
  64. INFO[0001] payment_channel_storage_server.enabled: true
  65. INFO[0001]
  66. INFO[0001] storage-1
  67. INFO[0001] payment_channel_storage_server.log_level: info
  68. INFO[0001] payment_channel_storage_server.peer_port: 2380
  69. INFO[0001] payment_channel_storage_server.scheme: http
  70. INFO[0001] payment_channel_storage_server.startup_timeout: 1m
  71. INFO[0001] payment_channel_storage_server.token: unique-token
  72. INFO[0001] payment_channel_storage_type: etcd
  73. INFO[0001] payment_expiration_threshold_blocks: 5760
  74. INFO[0001] poll_sleep: 5s
  75. INFO[0001] price_per_call: 10
  76. INFO[0001] private_key: ***
  77. INFO[0001] registry_address_key: 0x2e4b2f2b72402b9b2d6a7851e37c856c329afe38
  78. INFO[0001] replica_group_id: 0
  79. INFO[0001] service_name: basic-service
  80. INFO[0001] service_type: grpc
  81. INFO[0001] ssl_cert:
  82. INFO[0001] ssl_key:
  83. INFO[0001] wire_encoding: proto
  84. DEBU[0002] Hash Retrieved from Contract hash="ipfs://QmQt6pjykSBNpWd2dMTKY4xGXvc6NbypgoLnWhg8ZkXAkV\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
  85. DEBU[0002] Hash Used to retrieve from IPFS hash=QmQt6pjykSBNpWd2dMTKY4xGXvc6NbypgoLnWhg8ZkXAkV
  86. DEBU[0002] Blob of IPFS file with hash blob="{\"version\": 1, \"display_name\": \"basic-service\", \"encoding\": \"proto\", \"service_type\": \"grpc\", \"payment_expiration_threshold\": 40320, \"model_ipfs_hash\": \"QmNrA57ATSqLoxBq2d7gBRBaT9UjWoh3D6gkfPYyDkSkHy\", \"mpe_address\": \"0xdd4292864063d0DA1F294AC65D74d55a44F4766C\", \"pricing\": {\"price_model\": \"fixed_price\", \"price_in_cogs\": 1}, \"groups\": [{\"group_name\": \"default_group\", \"group_id\": \"BuKJ5wWTrFp2h8LJms15UXNXR9E6xtytie5uShcrZPM=\", \"payment_address\": \"0xcE35E8E5E640462EdfF5e277E2e1c01493c2B189\"}], \"endpoints\": [{\"group_name\": \"default_group\", \"endpoint\": \"https://localhost:7000\"}]}" hash=QmQt6pjykSBNpWd2dMTKY4xGXvc6NbypgoLnWhg8ZkXAkV
  87. INFO[0002] Blockchain is enabled: instantiate payment validation interceptor
  88. INFO[0002] PaymentChannelStorageClient="&{ConnectionTimeout:5s RequestTimeout:3s Endpoints:[]}"
  89. INFO[0002] Default payment handler registered defaultPaymentType=escrow
  90. DEBU[0002] starting daemon
  91. DEBU[0335] GetChannelState called context="context.Background.WithCancel.WithCancel.WithValue(peer.peerKey{}, &peer.Peer{Addr:(*net.TCPAddr)(0xc420bb2270), AuthInfo:credentials.AuthInfo(nil)}).WithValue(metadata.mdIncomingKey{}, metadata.MD{\"grpc-accept-encoding\":[]string{\"identity,deflate,gzip\"}, \"accept-encoding\":[]string{\"identity,gzip\"}, \":authority\":[]string{\"localhost:7000\"}, \"content-type\":[]string{\"application/grpc\"}, \"user-agent\":[]string{\"grpc-python/1.17.0 grpc-c/7.0.0 (manylinux; chttp2; gizmo)\"}}).WithValue(grpc.streamKey{}, <stream: 0xc42047a200, /escrow.PaymentChannelStateService/GetChannelState>)" request="channel_id:\"u\" signature:\"\\3163U\\365m\\365a\\275\\014p\\352\\037\\004=!y\\303\\273\\034\\327\\031n\\354\\276\\265a4\\210\\377\\256\\267\\004FY\\223-t\\205@\\242\\315kY\\315\\273\\236~\\271^\\2736\\203\\331\\200\\226\\337a\\237\\3061L\\367\\375\\\"\\034\" "
  92. DEBU[0335] Message signature parsed keyOwnerAddress="[206 53 232 229 230 64 70 46 223 245 226 119 226 225 192 20 147 194 177 137]" message="AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHU=" messageHash=957055c12f6d4544bb3108120ae3bf01011cf5fdab8fa6fdf3cfaf1c3ffb12aa publicKey="&{0xc4200ba750 109474407193344080122002149430083545830858665848251655880203035698533787743175 38901542510788989968368284473304585020444400753866599922266247124794501267598}" signature="zjNV9W31Yb0McOofBD0hecO7HNcZbuy+tWE0iP+utwRGWZMtdIVAos1rWc27nn65Xrs2g9mAlt9hn8YxTPf9Ihw="
  93. DEBU[0335] Channel found in blockchain channel="&{[206 53 232 229 230 64 70 46 223 245 226 119 226 225 192 20 147 194 177 137] [206 53 232 229 230 64 70 46 223 245 226 119 226 225 192 20 147 194 177 137] [6 226 137 231 5 147 172 90 118 135 194 201 154 205 121 81 115 87 71 209 58 198 220 173 137 238 110 74 23 43 100 243] 1 0 11000000}" channelID=117
  94. PANI[0335] Error trying to base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString error="illegal base64 data at input byte 0"
  95. panic: (*logrus.Entry) (0x131e500,0xc420d2c000)
  97. goroutine 236 [running]:
  98., 0xc4209f5b60, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, ...)
  99. /home/anand/singnet/src/ +0x2d2
  100.*Entry).Panic(0xc420d11f90, 0xc420019598, 0x1, 0x1)
  101. /home/anand/singnet/src/ +0xaa
  102., 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
  103. /home/anand/singnet/src/ +0x2c2
  104., 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
  105. /home/anand/singnet/src/ +0x2f
  106.*BlockchainChannelReader).GetChannelStateFromBlockchain(0xc4205f1d30, 0xc420444120, 0x0, 0x413500, 0x0, 0x0)
  107. /home/anand/singnet/src/ +0xba
  108.*lockingPaymentChannelService).PaymentChannel(0xc4208e0270, 0xc420444120, 0x20, 0xc4209f20f0, 0x41, 0x50)
  109. /home/anand/singnet/src/ +0x7e
  110.*PaymentChannelStateService).GetChannelState(0xc4205f1e80, 0x15d1b40, 0xc420a05500, 0xc420a05530, 0xc4205f1e80, 0xc420bb2690, 0x1173380)
  111. /home/anand/singnet/src/ +0x350
  112., 0xc4205f1e80, 0x15d1b40, 0xc420a05500, 0xc42019aee0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
  113. /home/anand/singnet/src/ +0x241
  114.*Server).processUnaryRPC(0xc42011d180, 0x15dbf40, 0xc4202d2200, 0xc42047a200, 0xc4208e04b0, 0x1f312f0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
  115. /home/anand/singnet/src/ +0x4fc
  116.*Server).handleStream(0xc42011d180, 0x15dbf40, 0xc4202d2200, 0xc42047a200, 0x0)
  117. /home/anand/singnet/src/ +0x1318
  118.*Server).serveStreams.func1.1(0xc4202cbb30, 0xc42011d180, 0x15dbf40, 0xc4202d2200, 0xc42047a200)
  119. /home/anand/singnet/src/ +0x9f
  120. created by*Server).serveStreams.func1
  121. /home/anand/singnet/src/ +0xa1
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