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CM yml file

a guest
Apr 14th, 2016
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  1. ---
  2. server:
  3. maxThreads: 1024
  4. minThreads: 32
  5. applicationConnectors:
  6. - type: http
  7. port: 9000
  8. acceptorThreads: 3
  9. selectorThreads: 6
  10. adminConnectors:
  11. - type: http
  12. port: 9001
  13. requestLog:
  14. timeZone: IST
  15. appenders: []
  16. databaseConfig:
  17. driverClass: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  18. user: dsp_cm_rw
  19. password: crfrqx
  20. url: jdbc:mysql://
  21. properties:
  22. charSet: UTF-8
  23. hibernate.dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect
  24. maxWaitForConnection: 1s
  25. validationQuery: "/* MyApplication Health Check */ SELECT 1"
  26. minSize: 5
  27. maxSize: 25
  28. checkConnectionWhileIdle: true
  29. checkConnectionOnBorrow: true
  30. checkConnectionOnConnect: true
  31. databaseConfigForTainted:
  32. driverClass: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  33. user: dsp_cm_rw_td
  34. password: sifndb
  35. url: jdbc:mysql://
  36. properties:
  37. charSet: UTF-8
  38. hibernate.dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect
  39. maxWaitForConnection: 1s
  40. validationQuery: "/* MyApplication Health Check */ SELECT 1"
  41. minSize: 5
  42. maxSize: 25
  43. checkConnectionWhileIdle: true
  44. checkConnectionOnBorrow: true
  45. checkConnectionOnConnect: true
  46. campaignManagerUrl:
  47. casUrl:
  48. statsdConfig:
  49. namespace: campaign-manager
  50. statsdServerName:
  51. statsdServerPort: 8125
  52. publishMetrics: false
  53. channelConfig:
  54. validChannels: ["mapp","website"]
  55. subscriptionServiceConfig:
  56. url:
  57. clientId: console
  58. clientSecretId: 50342a63705a824b530f5eaac624d7a0
  59. promiseEngineConfig:
  60. url:
  61. clientId:
  62. zuluServiceConfiguration:
  63. url:
  64. clientId:
  65. bigfootConfiguration:
  66. url:
  67. schemaVersion:
  68. flashSaleCampaignEntity: 1.0
  69. registrationEntity: 1.0
  70. ceryxNotificationEntity: 1.0
  71. ceryxChannelEntity: 1.0
  72. listingEntity: 1.0
  73. channelEntity: 1.0
  74. stateChangeEvent: 2.0
  75. ceryxConfiguration:
  76. pushUrl:
  77. emailUrl:
  78. smsUrl:
  79. authKey: rnpd6n9ri63jzpognzigwmgk9joxthyxg4cfjukdlvgmn
  80. tgCreateCallbackUrl: /api/v1/tg/create
  81. tgType: SaleSubscriptionDset
  82. validChannels: ["EMAIL","MOBSMS","MOBAPP"]
  83. setupCampaign:
  84. callbackUrl: /api/v1/campaign/create
  85. contentType: CM_BASED
  87. description: FlashSale for
  88. emailContentId: CT-WZOI9FG41H
  89. pushContentId: CT-5E58HBZ940
  90. smsContentId: CT-QF2TYLW9TF
  91. emailCampaignParams:
  92. priority: HIGH
  93. messageType: SPECIAL
  94. campaignType: FLASH_SALE
  95. campaignTag: SV
  96. velocityOverride: true
  97. userPreferences:
  98. replyTo:
  99. senderId:
  100. CategoryTarget: LTA
  101. TGtype: Manual
  102. CatPromoted: LTA
  103. transactionalMode: true
  104. pushCampaignParams:
  105. priority: HIGH
  106. messageType: SPECIAL
  107. campaignType: FLASH_SALE
  108. campaignTag: SV
  109. transactionalMode: true
  110. velocityOverride: true
  111. smsCampaignParams:
  112. priority: HIGH
  113. messageType: SPECIAL
  114. campaignType: FLASH_SALE
  115. velocityOverride: true
  116. transactionalMode: true
  117. threadConfig:
  119. numberOfThreads: 16
  120. parallelism: 16
  121. timeWindowConfigurationInSecs:
  122. ceryxTestLaunchAndNotificationTimes: 60
  123. ceryxNotificationAndSaleStartTimes: 60
  124. regCloseAndSaleStartTimes: 60
  125. publishCampaignToCeryxAndTestLaunchTimes: 60
  126. redisSentinelConfiguration:
  127. masterName: cm
  128. sentinelSet: ["","",""]
  129. authPassword: cm
  130. quartzConfiguration:
  131. instanceName: CMScheduler
  132. instanceId: AUTO
  133. threadPoolClass: org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool
  134. threadCount: 1
  135. threadPriority: 5
  136. jobStoreClass: org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.JobStoreTX
  137. misfireThreshold: 60000
  138. jobStoreDriverDelegateClass: org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.StdJDBCDelegate
  139. jobStoreUseProperties: false
  140. jobStoreDataSource: myDS
  141. jobStoreTablePrefix: QRTZ_
  142. jobStoreIsClustered: true
  143. jobStoreClusterCheckinInterval: 20000
  144. dataSourceDriver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  145. dataSourceURL: jdbc:mysql://
  146. dataSourceUser: dsp_cm_rw
  147. dataSourcePassword: crfrqx
  148. dataSourceMaxConnections: 5
  149. dataSourceValidationQuery: "select 0 from dual"
  150. clients: ["cm-console","w3-lego","mapi","w3.ceryx","sub_service"]
  151. cmConsoleClientId: cm-console
  152. restbusConfiguration:
  153. campaignCreatedEventConfig:
  154. topicName: production.dsp.campaignmanager.campaign.created.event
  155. campaignUpdatedEventConfig:
  156. topicName: production.dsp.campaignmanager.campaign.updated.event
  157. campaignStateChangedEventConfig:
  158. topicName: production.dsp.campaignmanager.campaign.statechange.event
  159. authNConfiguration:
  160. casEnabled: false
  161. authnEnabled: true
  162. username:
  163. password:
  164. authnUrl:
  165. privateKeyPath:
  166. clientId: campaign-manager
  167. logging:
  168. level: INFO
  169. loggers:
  170. INFO
  171. appenders:
  172. - type: file
  173. threshold: DEBUG
  174. timeZone: IST
  175. logFormat: "%highlight(%-5level) [%d{ISO8601}] [%mdc{X-Flipkart-Client}] [%mdc{X-Request-ID}] [%thread] [%cyan(%logger{0})]: %m%n%rEx"
  176. currentLogFilename: /var/log/flipkart/fk-campaign-manager/debug.log
  177. archivedLogFilenamePattern: /var/log/flipkart/fk-campaign-manager/debug-%d{yyyy-MM-dd-hh}.log
  178. archivedFileCount: 3
  179. - type: file
  180. threshold: ERROR
  181. timeZone: IST
  182. logFormat: "%highlight(%-5level) [%d{ISO8601}] [%mdc{X-Flipkart-Client}] [%mdc{X-Request-ID}] [%thread] [%cyan(%logger{0})]: %m%n%rEx"
  183. currentLogFilename: /var/log/flipkart/fk-campaign-manager/error.log
  184. archivedLogFilenamePattern: /var/log/flipkart/fk-campaign-manager/error-%d{yyyy-MM-dd-hh}.log
  185. archivedFileCount: 3
  186. - type: file
  187. threshold: INFO
  188. timeZone: IST
  189. logFormat: "%highlight(%-5level) [%d{ISO8601}] [%mdc{X-Flipkart-Client}] [%mdc{X-Request-ID}] [%thread] [%cyan(%logger{0})]: %m%n%rEx"
  190. currentLogFilename: /var/log/flipkart/fk-campaign-manager/info.log
  191. archivedLogFilenamePattern: /var/log/flipkart/fk-campaign-manager/info-%d{yyyy-MM-dd-hh}.log
  192. archivedFileCount: 3
  193. - type: file
  194. threshold: TRACE
  195. timeZone: IST
  196. logFormat: "%highlight(%-5level) [%d{ISO8601}] [%mdc{X-Flipkart-Client}] [%mdc{X-Request-ID}] [%thread] [%cyan(%logger{0})]: %m%n%rEx"
  197. currentLogFilename: /var/log/flipkart/fk-campaign-manager/trace.log
  198. archivedLogFilenamePattern: /var/log/flipkart/fk-campaign-manager/trace-%d{yyyy-MM-dd-hh}.log
  199. archivedFileCount: 3
  200. - type: console
  201. timeZone: IST
  202. logFormat: "%highlight(%-5level) [%d{ISO8601}] [%mdc{X-Flipkart-Client}] [%mdc{X-Request-ID}] [%thread] [%cyan(%logger{0})]: %m%n%rEx"
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