Guest User

My EnderSync Config

a guest
Jan 31st, 2019
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  1. #
  2. # The database configuration.
  3. database:
  4. host:
  5. port: 3306
  6. user: hello
  7. password: hellooo
  8. databaseName: hellooooo?useSSL=false
  9. plugin:
  10. version: 3.0.6
  11. debug: false
  12. autoUpdater:
  13. enabled: false
  14. autoInstallHotfixes: true
  15. autoInstallFeatures: false
  16. autoInstallReleases: false
  17. displayPlayerInfoMessages: true
  18. chatPrefix: §l§7» §l§3Ender§l§fSync {success}§l§7*
  19. features:
  20. syncInventory:
  21. enabled: true
  22. syncArmor:
  23. enabled: true
  24. syncGameMode:
  25. enabled: false
  26. syncEnderchest:
  27. enabled: true
  28. syncExperience:
  29. enabled: true
  30. syncPotionEffects:
  31. enabled: true
  32. syncHealth:
  33. enabled: true
  34. syncFood:
  35. enabled: true
  36. syncAir:
  37. enabled: true
  38. syncFlight:
  39. enabled: true
  40. syncVault:
  41. enabled: true
  42. syncLastSeen:
  43. enabled: true
  44. saveInventoryWhenInCreative:
  45. enabled: true
  46. kickOnFailedSync:
  47. enabled: true
  48. autoSaveData:
  49. enabled: true
  50. interval: 2
  51. sounds:
  52. enabled: true
  53. infoMessages:
  54. msgOnSync: true
  55. msgOnSave: true
  56. cleanupInactive:
  57. enabled: false
  58. deleteAccountAfterXDays: 60
  59. cleanupUnnecessaryFiles:
  60. enabled: false
  61. messages:
  62. infoText:
  63. - ''
  64. - §7§l-=-=-=-=-=-< §3§lEnder§l§fSync§7§l >-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  65. - ''
  66. - ' §7Version: §ev{version}'
  67. - ' §7Author: §eStackUnderflow(_)'
  68. - ' §7Support: §e'
  69. - ' §7Server: §'
  70. - ''
  71. - ' §7Use §b/es help §7for more info.'
  72. - ''
  73. - §7§l-=-=-=-=-=-< §7§l--------- >-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  74. - ''
  75. helpText:
  76. - ''
  77. - §7§l-=-=-=-=-=-< §3§lEnder§l§fSync§7§l >-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  78. - ''
  79. - ' §7You can use §b§l/es §7or §b§l/endersync'
  80. - ' §b/es §7 Display general information.'
  81. - ' §b/es help §7 Display this page.'
  82. - ' §b/es reload §7 Reloads the config.'
  83. - ' §b/es update §7 Updates the plugin.'
  84. - ' §b/es delete <name> §7 Deletes a players data from the database.'
  85. - ' §b/es saveAndKick §7 Saves all players and kicks them.'
  86. - ''
  87. - ' §b/es inv <name> §7 Manipulate a players inventory.'
  88. - ' §b/es end <name> §7 Manipulate a players enderchest.'
  89. - ' §b/es ecoBal <name> §7 Shows you the money a player has.'
  90. - ' §b/es ecoSet <name> <amount> §7 Sets a players money.'
  91. - ''
  92. - ' §b/sync [name] §7 Manually syncs you or another player.'
  93. - ' §b/save [name] §7 Manually saves you or another player.'
  94. - ''
  95. - §7§l-=-=-=-=-=-< §7§l--------- >-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  96. - ''
  97. syncStarted: '{prefix} §7Loading your data...'
  98. syncCompleted: '{prefix} §7Data sync completed!'
  99. syncFailed: '{prefix} §cFailed to load your data! Please seek support!'
  100. syncNoCommandsAllowed: '{prefix} §cYou can not execute command until your data is
  101. synced!'
  102. saveStarted: '{prefix} §7Saving your data...'
  103. saveCompleted: '{prefix} §7Data save completed!'
  104. saveFailed: '{prefix} §cFailed to save your data! Please seek support!'
  105. noPermission: '{prefix} §cYou do not have the necessary permission!'
  106. invalidCommand: '{prefix} §cUsage: §b{cmdString}'
  107. generalError: '{prefix} §cUps! An error occurred! Please look into the console.'
  108. consoleCannotExecute: '{prefix} §cOnly a player can execute this command with the
  109. specified args!'
  110. configReloadCompleted: '{prefix} §aConfig reloaded!'
  111. playerNotFound: '{prefix} §cCould not find player!'
  112. cmdInvNoPlayerDataFound: '{prefix} §cInv data of player §e{player} §ccould not be
  113. found!'
  114. cmdEndNoPlayerDataFound: '{prefix} §cEnderchest data of player §e{player} §ccould
  115. not be found!'
  116. cmdUpdateNoneAvailable: '{prefix} §7There is no update available!'
  117. cmdInfoSyncStarted: '{prefix} §7Started sync for player §e{player}'
  118. cmdInfoSaveStarted: '{prefix} §7Started save for player §e{player}'
  119. cmdDeleteStarted: '{prefix} §7Deleting the data! This could take a while...'
  120. cmdDeleteSuccess: '{prefix} §aDeleted player §e{player} §adata!'
  121. cmdEcoBalSuccess: '{prefix} §7The player §e{player} §7has §e{balance}§7$'
  122. cmdEcoSetSuccess: '{prefix} §7The player §e{player} §7now has §e{balance}§7$'
  123. cmdEcoSetFailed: '{prefix} §cCould not set player balance! Please make sure to use
  124. a . and no ,'
  125. cmdGetXpSuccess: '{prefix} §7The player §e{player} §7has §e{xp} §7XP.'
  126. cmdSetXpSuccess: '{prefix} §7The player §e{player} §7now has §e{xp} §7XP.'
  127. cmdSetXpFailed: '{prefix} §cCould not set the players xp! Please make sure you enter
  128. a valid number!'
  129. kickReasonCmdSaveAndKick: '{prefix} §cKicked because of maintenance!'
  130. kickReasonUpdate: '{prefix} §cWe are performing updates! Please reconnect in a minute!'
  131. infoUpdateStarted: '{prefix} §7[§bUPDATER§7] §7Started updating... §7(§e§lv{oldVersion}
  132. §7-> §e§lv{newVersion}§7)'
  133. infoUpdateCompleted: '{prefix} §7[§bUPDATER§7] §aFinished updating! §7(§e§lv{oldVersion}
  134. §7-> §e§lv{newVersion}§7)'
  135. infoUpdateFailed: '{prefix} §cUpdate failed! See console for errors.'
  136. infoUpdaterFileNotFound: '{prefix} §cCould not update because plugin file could
  137. not be found! Please make sure that it has this name: endersync-{version}.jar'
  138. playerInfoUpdateStarted: '{prefix} §cIMPORTANT: There is an update happening! Please
  139. do not move items around!'
  140. playerInfoUpdateFinished: '{prefix} §cIMPORTANT: The update has been finished! You
  141. can now continue :)'
  142. updateStartedPlayerInfoText:
  143. - ''
  144. - §7§l-=-=-=-=-=-< §3§lEnder§l§fSync§7§l >-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  145. - ''
  146. - ' §c§lIMPORTANT'
  147. - ' §6The plugin is being updated!'
  148. - ' §6Please do not move items around nor drop them or pick them up!'
  149. - ' §6Ignoring this warning might make your items disappear!'
  150. - ''
  151. - §7§l-=-=-=-=-=-< §7§l--------- >-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  152. - ''
  153. updateFinishedPlayerInfoText:
  154. - ''
  155. - §7§l-=-=-=-=-=-< §3§lEnder§l§fSync§7§l >-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  156. - ''
  157. - ' §c§lIMPORTANT'
  158. - ' §6The update has been finished!'
  159. - ' §6You can now continue as normal.'
  160. - ''
  161. - §7§l-=-=-=-=-=-< §7§l--------- >-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  162. - ''
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