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Feb 8th, 2016
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  1. [2/8/16, 2:02 PM] Mustafa “MuMu” Said: I tend not to deal with stuff like that
  2. [2/8/16, 2:06 PM] Mustafa “MuMu” Said: But back on topic, imagine someone like Hank. How did he train his sensitivity to XM?
  3. [2/8/16, 2:07 PM] Bacon Ator ( well, that's where I think it's one of the different triggers
  4. [2/8/16, 2:07 PM] Bacon Ator ( what ever his expertise is, like.. historical research, doing more of that.. OVER AND OVER again
  5. [2/8/16, 2:15 PM] Bacon Ator ( for the case of Hank, it's finding out what his trigger talent is.
  6. [2/8/16, 2:15 PM] Mustafa “MuMu” Said: Hmm. Interesting.
  7. [2/8/16, 2:55 PM] Bacon Ator ( take S1bbs for example, he's clearly an artistic sensitive, he needs to continue to art to grow his ability to use XM
  8. [2/8/16, 3:51 PM] Mustafa “MuMu” Said: XM exposure, from what I know of, tends to be channeled through creative outlets, literature, art and of course music all are means to channel and direct XM-fueled epiphanies.
  9. [2/8/16, 4:12 PM] Bacon Ator ( Well, again, you said creative outlets, would that include dance as well?
  10. [2/8/16, 4:12 PM] Bacon Ator ( if so, then dance is just another means of physical activity.
  11. [2/8/16, 4:12 PM] Bacon Ator ( which means athletes could do the same thing.
  12. [2/8/16, 4:13 PM] Mustafa “MuMu” Said: Yea I consider dance a creative outlet
  13. [2/8/16, 4:14 PM] Mustafa “MuMu” Said: I'm curious about it since you've mentioned it
  14. [2/8/16, 4:14 PM] Mustafa “MuMu” Said: What physical benefits does XM bring to a person?
  15. [2/8/16, 4:14 PM] Bacon Ator ( you have people who run marathons.
  16. [2/8/16, 4:15 PM] Bacon Ator ( Like how they say that they have a 'runners high', where their mind goes some place else
  17. [2/8/16, 4:15 PM] Bacon Ator ( I used to be able to do the same thing when I was younger.
  18. [2/8/16, 4:15 PM] Bacon Ator ( Don't get old Mumu, never get old.
  19. [2/8/16, 4:17 PM] Bacon Ator ( they'd be able to turn off their pain receptors.
  20. [2/8/16, 4:17 PM] Bacon Ator ( stuff like that...
  21. [2/8/16, 4:17 PM] Bacon Ator ( you have people like lance armstrong who was able to cycle around France
  22. [2/8/16, 4:18 PM] Bacon Ator ( Special Forces soldiers too, why do you think that they are so physically fit? You have to be able to be mentally capable to perform in combat.
  23. [2/8/16, 4:18 PM] Mustafa “MuMu” Said: lol never get old
  24. [2/8/16, 4:18 PM] Mustafa “MuMu” Said: i can't control that 😛
  26. [2/8/16, 4:19 PM] Bacon Ator ( which would explain people like Hank Johnson, PSYOPS soldier, at his physical peak AND a sensitive.
  27. [2/8/16, 4:19 PM] Bacon Ator ( if "the zone" is tantamount to being "The Ultimate"
  28. [2/8/16, 4:20 PM] Bacon Ator ( so you have the answer right there Mustafa, it's both a trait and something that can be trained.
  29. [2/8/16, 4:23 PM] Mustafa “MuMu” Said: Like I said before, how does one go about training sensitivity once they are aware of it? Are there some sort of exercises one must do repeatedly to control it? Is it something that can even be controlled in the first place? Hank's never really shown 'control' of his sensitivity- once his sensitivity is active, he just follows it until he finds something. Same with Farlowe, Devra(during her days at Visur), Misty....hell, have we ever really seen a sensitive that can somehow summon their sensitivity as well as manipulate it at will?
  30. [2/8/16, 4:24 PM] Bacon Ator ( that's why I said that there are different triggers for each person.
  31. [2/8/16, 4:24 PM] Mustafa “MuMu” Said: But once someone is aware of what triggers them, can they simply activate them at will without the need of the triggers?
  32. [2/8/16, 4:24 PM] Bacon Ator ( Devra would be when she would be balls deep in a lab doing work. Enoch dalby when he's behind the keyboard composing music
  33. [2/8/16, 4:25 PM] Bacon Ator ( they have to be actively engaged in the activity that would get them in "the zone"
  34. [2/8/16, 4:25 PM] Bacon Ator ( like for AI's like you, it would be doing complex mathematical calculations.
  35. [2/8/16, 4:26 PM] Mustafa “MuMu” Said: 😂
  36. [2/8/16, 4:26 PM] Bacon Ator ( For me, it's when I'm doing network jobs.
  37. [2/8/16, 4:26 PM] Bacon Ator ( I can think my way through the problems, I can see the wires, and the protocols and the connections.
  38. [2/8/16, 4:26 PM] Bacon Ator ( what I have to do to get it to do what I want.
  39. [2/8/16, 4:27 PM] Bacon Ator ( the more I immerse myself in that activity, the better I get at it.
  40. [2/8/16, 4:27 PM] Bacon Ator ( the longer I can stay in the zone
  41. [2/8/16, 4:29 PM] Bacon Ator ( make sense?
  42. [2/8/16, 4:33 PM] Mustafa “MuMu” Said: Hmm. Kind of.
  43. [2/8/16, 4:38 PM] Bacon Ator ( continued and prolonged repetition of their trigger activity that would get them into "the zone" (as I like to call it) that activates that mental state, and prolong their use of that mental state.
  44. [2/8/16, 4:38 PM] Bacon Ator ( the trigger activity is what makes them start using XM
  45. [2/8/16, 4:39 PM] Bacon Ator ( and the longer that they can keep that focus and remain in that mental state, the more easy it is to get back to it, and the more and more effortless it is to use XM
  46. [2/8/16, 4:39 PM] Bacon Ator ( but the key point being that trigger activity
  47. [2/8/16, 4:39 PM] Bacon Ator ( ow, my head hurts, where am I? XD
  49. lol
  50. [2/8/16, 4:42 PM] Bacon Ator ( It's the trigger activity that changes for the individual and is unique for each person.
  51. [2/8/16, 4:42 PM] Bacon Ator ( being aware of that is how you can use that to train XM talent
  52. [2/8/16, 4:43 PM] Bacon Ator ( anyone can get into "the zone".
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