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Oct 22nd, 2019
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  1. l_english:
  2. #RFK
  3. ##Focuses
  4. USA_rfk_64_kennedy_presidency:0 "The Kennedy Presidency"
  5. USA_rfk_64_kennedy_presidency_desc:0 ""
  6. USA_rfk_64_figure_it_out:0 "Figuring it All Out"
  7. USA_rfk_64_figure_it_out_desc:0 ""
  8. USA_rfk_64_one_foot_in_front:0 "One Foot in Front of Another"
  9. USA_rfk_64_one_foot_in_front_desc:0 "With Kennedy elected, we now need to undertake a task that will decide the direction the administration goes towards for the next four years. With Kennedy having to appease both the party and the voters, he walks a tightline of putting those he finds honorable and those he finds as just another career politican who jumped on the National Progressive Party bandwagon. With multiple candidates vying for the top spot and only a few spots to go around, Kennedy must choose carefully."
  10. USA_rfk_64_moral_shadow:0 "Our Moral Shadow"
  11. USA_rfk_64_moral_shadow_desc:0 "The United States of America is perhaps the greatest nation in modern history. Its footprint spans from the far shores of Australia to the icy mountains of Iceland. With the only challengers being the barbarous Japanese and the failing Germans, there is no doubt freedom will span the rest of the world in no time. Our fair nation faces a paradox, however. While we project Uncle Sam on every continent, Uncle Sam himself is sickly and weak. His fingers ache with arthritis and his stomach grumbles with the hunger of a nation subsiding on little but what he can beg for. As we throw our army and money and navy off to foreign lands to fight foreign foes, we let our own people starve and grovel for scraps. No matter how much it costs to the very bones and blood of our nation, we must close this great gaping fault in our great country, not just for America, but for the world."
  12. USA_rfk_64_across_the_aisle:0 "Across the Aisle"
  13. USA_rfk_64_across_the_aisle_desc:0 "The eternal chaos that is American politics has only been tempered by the fortunate election of the National-Progressive Party to power. It still stands built on a shaky foundation of corruption, partisanship, power-mongering and war-profiteering. While Kennedy has been working to finally put the chaos to rest, he has decided that to do this he must work with the enemy. Temporarily, of course. Not permanent. RFK announced his new policy of cooperating with the republican party, especially over their socially liberal policies as well as their progressive views on the welfare state. With the Republican party essentially being forced to take any oppurtunity they can, they've grabbed Kennedy's generous hand with eagerness. Now, with the NPP and the Republicans working hand-in-hand, we can finally put the death-throes of old American politics to rest."
  14. USA_rfk_64_go_it_alone:0 "The Party above All"
  15. USA_rfk_64_go_it_alone_desc:0 ""
  16. USA_rfk_64_rally_progressives:0 "Rally the Progressives"
  17. USA_rfk_64_rally_progressives_desc:0 ""
  18. USA_rfk_64_necessary_sacrifice:0 "A Necessary Sacrifice"
  19. USA_rfk_64_necessary_sacrifice_desc:0 ""
  20. USA_rfk_64_majority_by_any_means:0 "Keep a Majority by Any Means"
  21. USA_rfk_64_majority_by_any_means_desc:0 ""
  22. USA_rfk_64_in_memoriam:0 "In Memoriam"
  23. USA_rfk_64_in_memoriam_desc:0 "The assassination of John F. Kennedy was not just another shock to American politics, it was also a great personal tragedy to his brother Robert. The younger Kennedy has struggled with his grief for a long time and has often even blamed himself for his elder brother's demise. Now that he is in power, he has decided that the best thing he can do is to honor John's legacy by embodying everything that he stood for รขโ‚ฌ" dignity, equality, and emboldening the spirit of America."
  24. USA_rfk_64_malice_towards_none:0 "With Malice Towards None"
  25. USA_rfk_64_malice_towards_none_desc:0 "Our nation has always been a melting pot for a multitude of peoples of all colors and creeds, and yet the idea of America as a nation for whites alone persists. It was the peoples' desire to put an end to this tired old sentiment that swept Robert Kennfedy into power. If we are to move forward as one country, we must remove the legal obstacles to the full integration of all races and a guarantee that all might be afforded the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We are likely to face stiff opposition from southern conservatives and even from within the Far-Right ranks of our own party, but we must push on in the name of a fairer and more equal America."
  26. USA_rfk_64_foot_in_door:0 "Put the Foot in the Door"
  27. USA_rfk_64_foot_in_door_desc:0 ""
  28. USA_rfk_64_door_in_face:0 "Slam the Door in Their Faces"
  29. USA_rfk_64_door_in_face_desc:0 ""
  30. USA_rfk_64_most_pressing_issue:0 "Our Most Pressing Issue"
  31. USA_rfk_64_most_pressing_issue_desc:0 "Segregation in the United States has become by far the single most contentious issue of our times, dwarfing the impact of even our foreign affairs. Neighbor spits on neighbor for the color of his skin. Activists clash in the streets, fighting for the future or the past. The senate floor is dominated with endless debates and inter-party conflict and even intra-party conflict. While this goes on, America cannot call itself a united country, and the chaos will only continue to build if nothing is done. It falls to our administration to resolve this generational debate once and for all."
  32. USA_rfk_64_firmness_in_right:0 "Environmental Efforts"
  33. USA_rfk_64_firmness_in_right_desc:0 "There is growing evidence that human development and the effects of industrial emissions have a significant detrimental impact on our environment. The damage to nature done not only by years of lax pollution policy in America but also the untold ecological calamities taking place in Europe and elsewhere has serious implications for the future of the planet's climate. We must take decisive action on this matter by laying the groundwork for a government agency that will investigate the problems facing the environment and enforce regulations to reduce our impact. Future generations will thank us for ensuring that they may live in a pleasant world."
  34. USA_rfk_64_constituent_pressure:0 "Refining the Bill"
  35. USA_rfk_64_constituent_pressure_desc:0 "Americans are the greatest bunch of citizens in the world, but that's not saying much, when you put them up against Nazis. They are still often racist, prejudiced and selfish. This is, sadly, an obstacle to the social justice our nation needs. The Civil Rights Bill that would liberate the many oppressed has come up against stiff opposition from constituents and lawmakers alike. The south is plagued with symbols of a past conflict, and the north indifferent. The bill will not get passed in its current state, but compromise is unpalatable. What will be done?"
  36. USA_rfk_64_hand_in_hand:0 "Hand in Hand"
  37. USA_rfk_64_hand_in_hand_desc:0 ""
  38. USA_rfk_64_one_last_push:0 "One Last Push"
  39. USA_rfk_64_one_last_push_desc:0 ""
  40. USA_rfk_64_sideline_dixiecrats:0 "Sideline the Dixiecrats"
  41. USA_rfk_64_sideline_dixiecrats_desc:0 ""
  42. USA_rfk_64_work_with_cr_leaders:0 "Meet with Civil Rights Leaders"
  43. USA_rfk_64_work_with_cr_leaders_desc:0 ""
  44. USA_rfk_64_malcom_x:0 "Meet with Malcolm X"
  45. USA_rfk_64_malcom_x_desc:0 ""
  46. USA_rfk_64_consult_mlk:0 "Consult with King"
  47. USA_rfk_64_consult_mlk_desc:0 ""
  48. USA_rfk_64_who_knows_best:0 "Those who Know Best"
  49. USA_rfk_64_who_knows_best_desc:0 ""
  50. USA_rfk_64_civil_rights_act:0 "The Civil Rights Act"
  51. USA_rfk_64_civil_rights_act_desc:0 ""
  52. USA_rfk_64_charity_for_all:0 "With Charity for All"
  53. USA_rfk_64_charity_for_all_desc:0 "America is by far the wealthiest, most prosperous and free nation on the planet. While Germany continues to flounder desperately trying to preserve its empire of evil and Japan perpetually stamps the boot down upon its oppressed peoples, we continue to stand tall as a beacon of liberty and prosperity. And yet there are still pockets of people within our nation without the means to live. They struggle to put food on the table. They struggle to find legal counsel when they have been wronged. They live in the most squalid and dire conditions imaginable. In allowing this to happen to our own people, how can we call ourselves any better than the fascists? Robert Kennedy intends to rectify this situation with immediate effect, with a range of measures aimed at granting aid and welfare to our most vulnerable."
  54. USA_rfk_64_tour_the_nation:0 "Tour the Nation"
  55. USA_rfk_64_tour_the_nation_desc:0 "Robert Kennedy is not content to be seen as yet another career politician sitting in an ivory tower. He needs the people to know that he truly cares for them and wants to understand the issues that they really face. To this end, the president has planned to embark on a grand tour across the whole of the United States, where he will visit numerous communities and people from all walks of life. He will use this opportunity to speak directly to the American people and get a view from the ground of the problems affecting their everyday life. This should hopefully foster a better relationship between the office of president and the people that the office dedicates itself to serving."
  56. USA_rfk_64_war_on_poverty:0 "The War on Poverty"
  57. USA_rfk_64_war_on_poverty_desc:0 "The president has returned from his tour across our nation. While it made for a good PR opportunity, he is disquieted by the sheer level of poverty he encountered in some of the most destitute parts of America. That we can claim to be a superpower while our own citizens endure such grueling hardships is appalling. As long as there is plenty, poverty is evil, and the president will make absolutely sure that his office will dedicate itself to the eradication of poverty in our great country."
  58. USA_rfk_64_job_corps:0 "Form the Job Corps"
  59. USA_rfk_64_job_corps_desc:0 "An age-old paradox: one needs experience to find work, but one also needs work to get experience. Our youth know this struggle best of all, as they are forced into dead end jobs that provide no room for self-improvement. We shall establish an organization that will offer training and work experience for young adults across the country. Not only will this improve the career prospects of our young workforce, it will also fill the market with a wealth of newly skilled laborers, which will provide a much-needed boost to local economies."
  60. USA_rfk_64_food_banks:0 "Federal Food Banks"
  61. USA_rfk_64_food_banks_desc:0 "There is more than enough food in our country to feed the people, but there are many who simply cannot afford to feed themselves and their families. While these people struggle just to get enough to sustain them through the day, it is impossible for them to spend any time trying to improve themselves. We must establish food banks to provide for the most destitute amongst us so that they might have a chance at pulling themselves out of poverty. We can source donations of food from generous Americans, and grant federal funding to buy out excess stock from stores and supply centers. Ultimately, we must ensure that nobody goes to bed on an empty stomach."
  62. USA_rfk_64_affordable_housing:0 "The Affordable Housing Act"
  63. USA_rfk_64_affordable_housing_desc:0 ""
  64. USA_rfk_64_test_the_waters:0 "Test the Waters"
  65. USA_rfk_64_test_the_waters_desc:0 ""
  66. USA_rfk_64_fight_for_the_future:0 "Fight for the Future"
  67. USA_rfk_64_fight_for_the_future_desc:0 ""
  68. USA_rfk_64_no_child_left_behind:0 "No Child Left Behind"
  69. USA_rfk_64_no_child_left_behind_desc:0 ""
  70. USA_rfk_64_community_action:0 "Community Action"
  71. USA_rfk_64_community_action_desc:0 ""
  72. USA_rfk_64_economic_opportunity_act:0 "The Economic Opportunity Act"
  73. USA_rfk_64_testimony_from_people:0 "Testimony From the People"
  74. USA_rfk_64_testimony_from_people_desc:0 ""
  75. USA_rfk_64_power_of_handshake:0 "The Power of a Handshake"
  76. USA_rfk_64_power_of_handshake_desc:0 ""
  77. USA_rfk_64_bitterest_of_bitter:0 "The Bitterest of the Bitter"
  78. USA_rfk_64_bitterest_of_bitter_desc:0 ""
  79. USA_rfk_64_poorest_of_poor:0 "The Poorest of the Poor"
  80. USA_rfk_64_poorest_of_poor_desc:0 ""
  81. USA_rfk_64_specter_of_hunger:0 "The Specter of Hunger"
  82. USA_rfk_64_specter_of_hunger_desc:0 ""
  83. USA_rfk_64_rose_by_any_name:0 "A Rose by Any Other Name"
  84. USA_rfk_64_rose_by_any_name_desc:0 ""
  86. USA_rfk_64_american_unculture:0 "An American Unculture"
  87. USA_rfk_64_american_unculture_desc:0 ""
  88. USA_rfk_64_redlining:0 "Stop the Redlining"
  89. USA_rfk_64_redlining_desc:0 ""
  90. USA_rfk_64_integration_good_life:0 "Integration and the Good Life"
  91. USA_rfk_64_integration_good_life_desc:0 ""
  92. USA_rfk_64_redraw_school_districts:0 "Redraw the School Districs"
  93. USA_rfk_64_redraw_school_districts_desc:0 ""
  94. USA_rfk_64_national_ethics_commision:0 "National Ethics Commission"
  95. USA_rfk_64_national_ethics_commision_desc:0 ""
  96. USA_rfk_64_planned_suburbs:0 "Planned Suburbs"
  97. USA_rfk_64_planned_suburbs_desc:0 ""
  98. USA_rfk_64_really_in_a_society:0 "We Really Live Do in a Society"
  99. USA_rfk_64_really_in_a_society_desc:0 ""
  100. USA_rfk_64_into_the_lights:0 "Into the Lights"
  101. USA_rfk_64_into_the_lights_desc:0 ""
  102. USA_rfk_64_unamerican_institutions:0 "Unamerican Institutions"
  103. USA_rfk_64_unamerican_institutions_desc:0 ""
  104. USA_rfk_64_reign_hoover_in:0 "Reign Hoover In"
  105. USA_rfk_64_reign_hoover_in_desc:0 ""
  106. USA_rfk_64_thorough_investigation:0 "Thorough Investigation"
  107. USA_rfk_64_thorough_investigation_desc:0 ""
  108. USA_rfk_64_look_into_police:0 "Examine the Police Force"
  109. USA_rfk_64_look_into_police_desc:0 ""
  110. USA_rfk_64_watching_watchmen:0 "Watching the watchmen"
  111. USA_rfk_64_watching_watchmen_desc:0 ""
  112. USA_rfk_64_southern_bullies:0 "Beating the Southern Bullies"
  113. USA_rfk_64_southern_bullies_desc:0 ""
  114. USA_rfk_64_saturday_night_massacre:0 "The Saturday Night Massacre"
  115. USA_rfk_64_saturday_night_massacre_desc:0 ""
  116. USA_rfk_64_unjust_justice:0 "Unjust Justice"
  117. USA_rfk_64_unjust_justice_desc:0 ""
  118. USA_rfk_64_halls_of_justice:0 "Observe Court Practices"
  119. USA_rfk_64_halls_of_justice_desc:0 ""
  120. USA_rfk_64_racist_prisons:0 "A Racist Prison System?"
  121. USA_rfk_64_racist_prisons_desc:0 ""
  122. USA_rfk_64_underlying_problem:0 "The Underlying Problem"
  123. USA_rfk_64_underlying_problem_desc:0 ""
  124. USA_rfk_64_brown_v_board:0 "As Many "Brown v. Board"s as It Takes"
  125. USA_rfk_64_brown_v_board_desc:0 ""
  126. USA_rfk_64_no_compromises:0 "There Will Be no Compromises"
  127. USA_rfk_64_no_compromises_desc:0 ""
  128. USA_rfk_64_tighter_control:0 "Tighter Control over Dangrous Organizations"
  129. USA_rfk_64_tighter_control_desc:0 ""
  130. USA_rfk_64_law_and_order:0 "Law and Order"
  131. USA_rfk_64_law_and_order_desc:0 ""
  132. USA_rfk_64_bind_up_wounds:0 "Bind up Our Wounds"
  133. USA_rfk_64_bind_up_wounds_desc:0 ""
  135. USA_rfK_64_federal_minimum_wage:0 "A Federal Minimum Wage"
  136. USA_rfK_64_federal_minimum_wage_desc:0 ""
  137. USA_rfK_64_public_pensions:0 "Implementing Public Pensions"
  138. USA_rfK_64_public_pensions_desc:0 ""
  139. USA_rfk_64_rights_of_worker:0 "The Rights of The Worker"
  140. USA_rfk_64_rights_of_worker_desc:0 ""
  141. USA_rfk_64_war_on_poverty:0 "The War on Poverty"
  142. USA_rfk_64_war_on_poverty_desc:0 ""
  143. USA_rfk_64_support_campaign:0 "Campaign for Support"
  144. USA_rfk_64_support_campaign_desc:0 ""
  145. USA_rfk_64_safety_net:0 "Build A Safety Net"
  146. USA_rfk_64_injustice_anywhere:0 "Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere"
  147. USA_rfk_64_injustice_anywhere_desc:0 ""
  148. USA_rfk_64_sit_with_chavez:0 "Sit with Chavez"
  149. USA_rfk_64_sit_with_chavez_desc:0 ""
  150. USA_rfk_64_reprimand_police:0 "Reprimand the Police"
  151. USA_rfk_64_reprimand_police_desc:0 ""
  152. USA_rfk_64_national_labor_relations:0 "The National Labor Relations Act"
  153. USA_rfk_64_national_labor_relations_desc:0 ""
  154. USA_rfk_64_preparing_security:0 "Preparing the Bill"
  155. USA_rfk_64_preparing_security_desc:0 ""
  156. USA_rfk_64_social_security_act:0 "The Social Security Act"
  157. USA_rfk_64_social_security_act_desc:0 ""
  158. USA_rfk_64_world_begins_with_you:0 "The World Begins with You"
  159. USA_rfk_64_world_begins_with_you_desc:0 ""
  160. USA_rfk_64_bridge_political_divide:0 "Bridge the Political Divide"
  161. USA_rfk_64_bridge_political_divide_desc:0 ""
  162. USA_rfk_64_against_fascism:0 "The Greatest Weapon Against Fascism"
  163. USA_rfk_64_against_fascism_desc:0 ""
  164. USA_rfk_64_a_fair_chance:0 "Everyone Deserves A Fair Chance"
  165. USA_rfk_64_a_fair_chance_desc:0 ""
  166. USA_rfk_64_gentle_hand:0 "A Gentle Hand, A Firm Statement"
  167. USA_rfk_64_gentle_hand_desc:0 ""
  168. USA_rfk_64_national_healthcare:0 "A National Healthcare System"
  169. USA_rfk_64_national_healthcare_desc:0 ""
  170. USA_rfk_64_greatest_generation:0 "The Greatest Generation"
  171. USA_rfk_64_greatest_generation_desc:0 ""
  172. USA_rfk_64_goodnight_sweet_prince:0 "Goodnight, Sweet Prince"
  173. USA_rfk_64_goodnight_sweet_prince_desc:0 ""
  174. USA_rfk_64_root_of_the_issue:0 "Root of the Issue"
  175. USA_rfk_64_root_of_the_issue_desc:0 " "
  176. USA_rfk_64_march_straight_forward:0 "March Straight Forward"
  177. USA_rfk_64_march_straight_forward_desc:0 ""
  178. USA_rfk_64_the_glorious_bill:0 "The Glorious Bill"
  179. USA_rfk_64_the_glorious_bill_desc:0 ""
  182. #Focus flags
  183. USA_RFK_finished_CRA:0 "The Civil Rights Act has been voted on"
  184. USA_rfk_saf_tooltip:0 "The South African War is raging on\n"
  186. #Focus tooltips
  187. USA_party_above_all_tt:0 "You can now use your party allies across the aisle for temporary votes\n\n"
  188. USA_rfk_civil_right_tooltip:0 "Vote over the Civil Rights Act\n\n"
  189. USA_RFK_fid_tooltip:0 "Build support slowly\n\n"
  190. USA_RFK_dif_tooltip:0 "They will have to think we are reasonable\n\n"
  191. USA_rfk_most_pressing_tooltip:0 "We must pass this bill!\n\n"
  192. USA_rfk_refining_tooltip:0 "Maybe this will be good enough?\n\n"
  193. USA_rfk_environment_tooltip:0 "Some Democrats care about nature, too!\n\n"
  194. USA_rfk_hand_in_tooltip:0 "Perhaps we could work with the Republicans later too?\n\n"
  195. USA_rfk_push_tooltip:0 "Hopefully, we will have majority soon\n\n"
  196. USA_rfK_sit_with_chaves_tt:0 "Talk to the hungry man\n\n"
  199. USA_injustice_tt:0 "The wickedness must be stamped out\n\n"
  200. USA_RFK_wawm_tt:0 "The Police are not exempt from the law\n\n"
  202. USA_rfk_immigration_out_tt:0 "The Republicans will not like this\n\n"
  203. USA_party_a_all_var_tt:0 "The Dixiecrats will trust us less if we go through with this\n\n"
  205. ##Events
  206. bobby.1.t:0 "Kennedy promises stuff"
  207. bobby.1.desc:0 "Bobby is back in NY to talk to his OG support crew gang and promise cool stuff"
  208. bobby.1.a:0 "Thanks fam"
  210. bobby.2.t:0 "Choosing a political advisor"
  211. bobby.2.desc:0 "Our cabinet needs ministers, and time has come for choosing the director of internal affairs. He will advise us on the main currents streaming underneath the surface, on what the populace wants and what it feels about our bill proposals.\n\nWilliam Winter, long time politician from Mississippi, has been suggested as a potential candidate. After getting a major education reform passed in Mississippi, he has marked himself as a major proponent for universal healthcare. Many consider this the safe choice, a candidate the Far Right could accept.\n\nOn the other side, Claude Pepper has been a remarkable opponent against the Brown v. Board ruling. Coming from Florida, he is a powerful symbol of the principled Deep South opposition to segregation. Party leaders warn us of choosing Pepper, predicting that it will startle the Far Right faction in the party.\n\nBoth have good arguments in favor of choosing them, but after all, we can only have one."
  212. bobby.2.a:0 "Health reform should be central"
  213. bobby.2.b:0 "Choose the anti-segregationist"
  214. crfk.winter:0 "William Winter"
  215. crfk.scoop:0 "Henry 'Scoop' Jackson"
  217. bobby.3.t:0 "Choosing a economics advisor"
  218. bobby.3.desc:0 "Although he is not Kennedy's first choice, union leader, Douglas Fraser has been mentioned as a strong potential nominee to become director of our economy. Union leader from Michigan, and has strong influence in the automobile industry, having negotiated with the largest companies in our Nation.\n\nThe other leading candidate is oil magnate James D. Martin. Coming from Alabama, and having no stated opinion on civil rights, he might be a good candidate to content the Far Right wing of our party."
  219. bobby.3.a:0 "Labour Unions is the core of our industry"
  220. bobby.3.b:0 "Having an insider in the Oil Industry\nis better"
  221. bobby.3.c:0 "Anti-segregation is economic politics too"
  222. crfk.fraser:0 "Douglas Fraser"
  223. crfk.martin:0 "James D. Martin"
  225. bobby.4.t:0 "Finalizing the cabinet"
  226. bobby.4.desc1:0 "Choosing director for security is no simple choice, many considerations must be taken in order to further American interests in the best possible way. Vice President Humphrey push Claude Pepper, an experienced politician with strong opinions on foreign policy and the future of OFN, wanting to use it more aggressively.\n\nColonel Henry Mucci served in Burma and lead the rescue mission that saved over 500 prisoners from almost certain doom. He is a known supporter of developing doctrines for our Marines to prepare for a more effective campaign in the pacific, if such an event would happen."
  227. bobby.4.desc2:0 "Choosing director for security is no simple choice, many considerations must be taken in order to further American interests in the best possible way. Vice President Humphrey push Claude Pepper, an experienced politician with strong opinions on foreign policy and the future of OFN, wanting to use it more aggressively.\n\nColonel Henry Mucci served in Burma and lead the rescue mission that saved over 500 prisoners from almost certain doom. He is a known supporter of developing doctrines for our Marines to prepare for a more effective campaign in the pacific, if such an event would happen. Admiral Arleigh Burke recently retired as"
  228. bobby.4.a:0 "We need someone with political experience"
  229. bobby.4.b:0 "The Army is most important"
  230. bobby.4.c:0 "Choose the navy"
  231. crfk.pepper:0 "Claude Pepper"
  232. crfk.mucci:0 "Henry Mucci"
  233. crfk.burke:0 "Arleigh Burke"
  236. bobby.5.t:0 "The Party comes with a suggestion"
  237. bobby.5.desc:0 "Obviously not too happy with our recent choice to nominate Pepper as director of internal affairs, Dixiecrat leaders have suggested we nominate Admiral Arleigh Burke to be our advisor on military and security issues. We could follow their suggestion, and nominate him, or we could show the Dixies which branch is in charge here, and proceed with the ordinary process."
  238. bobby.5.a:0 "Burke is a loyal servant to our Nation"
  239. bobby.5.b:0 "I suggest they keep a more decent tone\nnext time they suggest anything."
  241. bobby.6.t:0 "Choosing a economics advisor"
  242. bobby.6.desc:0 "Although he is not Kennedy's first choice, union leader, Douglas Fraser has been mentioned as a strong potential nominee to become director of our economy. Union leader from Michigan, and has strong influence in the automobile industry, having negotiated with the largest companies in our Nation.\n\nThe other leading candidate is oil magnate James D. Martin. Coming from Alabama, and having no stated opinion on civil rights, he might be a good candidate to content the Far Right wing of our party."
  243. bobby.6.a:0 "Douglas Fraser it is, then"
  244. bobby.6.b:0 "Having an insider in the Oil Industry\nis better"
  246. bobby.7.t:0 "Choosing a economics advisor"
  247. bobby.7.desc:0 "Although he is not Kennedy's first choice, union leader, Douglas Fraser has been mentioned as a strong potential nominee to become director of our economy. Union leader from Michigan, and has strong influence in the automobile industry, having negotiated with the largest companies in our Nation.\n\nThe other leading candidate is oil magnate James D. Martin. Coming from Alabama, and having no stated opinion on civil rights, he might be a good candidate to content the Far Right wing of our party."
  248. bobby.7.a:0 "Douglas Fraser it is, then"
  249. bobby.7.b:0 "Having an insider in the Oil Industry\nis better"
  251. bobby.8.t:0 "Military advisor"
  252. bobby.8.desc:0 "Dissappointed with our selection of economy advisor and worried that cabinet lineup does not take security serious enough, the Far Right has once again proposed Admiral Arleigh Burke. Humphrey wants us to actually give in to it, Burke is a highly experienced man and has contacts in the navy, which we could use."
  253. bobby.8.a:0 "Welcome aboard"
  254. bobby.8.b:0 "We don't accept mutinies here"
  256. bobby.9.t:0 "In Memoriam"
  257. bobby.9.desc:0 "John F. Kennedy was a major politician and the leader of the Democratic Party's fledgling social progressive circles. Throughout his life and career, he earnestly advocated for these forward-looking ideas during his time in Congress. A champion of the growing civil rights movement in the United States, he rallied young voters to the cause of political equality as well as the need for a government that actively provides for the welfare of its citizens. Shortly after Nixon's resignation, he ascended to the presidency but was shot weeks later.\n\nHis brother, Robert F. Kennedy, has now ascended to the presidency and plans to continue his father's legacy where he left off. In his various appearances before the public, he has made it clear that he will govern with the same ideals and principles espoused by his brother. The struggle for civil rights and the fate of segregation, a topic about which John F. Kennedy was especially vocal, defines a large part of his campaign. Robert Kennedy has heralded the proposed Civil Rights Act as one of the cornerstones of his campaign, vowing to pass the bill during his term.\n\nAlso important is Kennedy's economic policy, also largely inspired by his father. Under his leadership, he claims, the federal government will actively work to combat poverty through welfare programs, state grants, and other initiatives. It seems his brother's socially progressive agenda will ring true in all of his actions as president."
  258. bobby.9.a:0 "Bless him"
  260. bobby.10.t:0 "Meeting with Lyndon B. Johnson"
  261. bobby.10.desc:0 "Two parties, with different histories but goals alike\nWe find them in Washinton DC, the capital of our fair Union.\nWhere civil agreement makes civil life nice\nAn old alliance finds itself in new trouble\nTwo rivals are brought together to fight injustice\n\nToday, 'Bobby' went to meet with Lyndon B. Johnson, the leader of the Republicans to discuss plans for the presidency and to work out a roadmap of bills and laws the Republican party could work together with the Presidency on. They quickly got confirmed what they long had believed, that the other person was of the worst character imaginable, rude, brash and too highly thinking about himself. The meeting was planned and arranged for by one of the Republican party leaders, and worst of all, there were going to be more of these meetings.\n\nWhen the President came back to the White House he said:\n"He has some, actually, only a few, good ideas, but what an awful man, the less I see him, the better."\nDespite the harsh comments, the meeting was actually somewhat constructive and they managed to work out some ideas, and a note about it was circulated in the party. "
  262. bobby.10.a:0 "I can't believe anyone actually likes the guy"
  264. bobby.11.t:0 "Party above All"
  265. bobby.11.desc:0 "President Robert Kennedy has been immensely successful in his campaign to rally the American people behind his message of reform and assistance for those who need it most. Through their combined support, he has organized the radical and splintered National Progressive Party into a political force rivalling the desperate Republican-Democratic coalition. However, there are factions within the party from its earliest days as the chaotic opposition to the R-D order that have threatened this newfound unity: the former Dixiecrats who initially joined the antiquated Patriot and States Rights' Parties.\n\nSo far, these conservatives have resisted our efforts the federal government's role in society. On issues like Civil Rights, their sluggish, old-fashioned ways continue to detract from our goal of moving American society toward progress rather than cowering from it. These divisions now threaten to reach a boiling point, prompting a response from the president.\n\nIn an impassioned address to the party leadership, Kennedy harshly denounced the dissention of these politicians, sending a message that they are no longer welcome in the NPP. While the move has angered scores of Southern NPP members, this act may provide the party with the consistency it will need going forward. With a consolidated base, the NPP will no longer carry the baggage of its fringe elements and can finally work as one. The party will finally be united, or so Kennedy claims."
  266. bobby.11.a:0 "Perhaps his most effective choice so far."
  268. bobby.12.t:0 "The Dixies Join the Democrats"
  269. bobby.12.desc:0 "When "
  270. bobby.12.a:0 "We never need them anyways"
  271. USA_RFK_dixie_ditch:0 "The Dixiecrats announce their intentions to leave NPP"
  273. bobby.13.t:0 "RFK stands for the party"
  274. bobby.13.desc:0 "Militart advisor"
  275. bobby.13.a:0 "Former pilot - "
  277. bobby.14.t:0 "Our Moral Shadow"
  278. bobby.14.desc:0 "If USA is so good, why then don't it take care of its citizen"
  279. bobby.14.a:0 "Free Welfare baby"
  281. bobby.15.t:0 "Support Strategy"
  282. bobby.15.desc:0 "We are probably going to need some support from the Republican Party in order to pass our bill. The Republicans seem, however, to be a bit wary of us, and do not trust our Party in making good choices for our Nation's future. There seems to be two ways to go about with this, the so called 'Foot in the door-technique' and the 'Door in the face-technique'\n\nThe 'Foot in the door-technique' involves going to the Republicans proposing a small favor, gaining their goodwill and slowly building up trust by passing small bills, leading up to them trusting us with the big bill, the Civil Rights act!\n\nThe other option, is slamming the 'Door in their face'; meaning we propose a bill so outlandish no one will support it, and by limiting the bill, we seem like good compromising people, willing to negotiate for the common good and being in accord with the will of the people.\n\nNow, what will it be?"
  283. bobby.15.a:0 "An important choice, for sure!"
  285. bobby.16.t:0 "A Ridiculous Proposal"
  286. bobby.16.desc:0 "Noone will support this, but thats good"
  287. bobby.16.a:0 "Stupid RDs "
  289. bobby.17.t:0 "Limiting the Civil Rights Act"
  290. bobby.17.desc:0 "Seeing the unceasing resistance to the proposed Civil Rights Act in both houses of Congress from both moderate and heavily conservative elements, President Kennedy faced two options: compromise or leave empty-handed. In a move that may please his enemies in Congress, he has chosen the former.\n\nThe struggle to propose a version of the act that will be appealing enough to pass has been challenging for the incumbent president. Despite support from some Republicans, defiance from the formidable Democratic and larger conservative sects of Congress has proven nearly insurmountable. In response, President Kennedy has proposed a revised bill lacking some of the more extreme provisions.\n\nThe response to this bill has been positive, possibly garnering much more support in Congress. Part of a larger 'door in the face' strategy, these revisions are a way for the president to introduce monumental reform gradually rather than swiftly. If the Civil Rights Act passes without losing the spirit of the law, this strategy will pay off."
  291. bobby.17.a:0 "We cannot bite off more than we can chew."
  292. bobby.17.b:0 "I believe we can proceed on the current bill."
  294. bobby.18.t:0 "Modifying our bill - 2"
  295. bobby.18.desc:0 "The last one was too aggressive"
  296. bobby.18.a:0 "All according to plan"
  298. bobby.19.t:0 "One Last Push"
  299. bobby.19.desc:0 "One last push"
  300. bobby.19.a:0 "Weaken it"
  302. bobby.20.t:0 "Hand in Hand"
  303. bobby.20.desc:0 "RFK and LBJ, are they gay or nay. They seem to be scarily much together, anyway"
  304. bobby.20.a:0 "hihi"
  306. bobby.21.t:0 "Environmental Act"
  307. bobby.21.desc:0 "Democrat Edmund Muskie has come with a suggestion. He suggests establishing an Environmental Protection Burea, which can oversee pollution and and other damaging activities to the nature. He says that he knows of at least 2 others that would be willing to vote for our Civil Rights Act as a compromise.\n\nOur minister of internal affairs has read their bill and says that it written well, and that it is basically ready for being accepted, Vice President Humphrey agrees and has already delivered it to Congress. The first thing"
  308. bobby.21.a:0 "A good plan, indeed"
  310. bobby.22.t:0 "Cigarette Labeling Act of 65"
  311. bobby.22.desc:0 "We have approached the Republicans, suggesting to mandate that cigarette packages print the text:\n\n CAUTION: CIGARETTE SMOKING MAY BE\n HAZARDOUS TO YOUR HEALTH\n\nThis will counter all previous advertisments that praise the fictitious health benefits that Tobacco companies have claimed cigarettes to have. The bill is an important measure to improve Americans' health. Hopefully, less people"
  312. bobby.22.a:0 "Trade union leader"
  314. bobby.23.t:0 "Major cooperation act thingy"
  315. bobby.23.desc:0 "Immigration or draft excempted"
  316. bobby.23.a:0 "Immigrations"
  317. bobby.23.b:0 "Draft exemptions"
  319. bobby.24.t:0 "Draft the Bill"
  320. bobby.24.desc1:0 "We have spent weeks, now, trying to get Republicans on our side, to vote with us, on this most important piece of legislation. Now time has come to finally draft the bill."
  321. bobby.24.desc2:0 "We have enough votes"
  322. bobby.24.a:0 "nice"
  324. bobby.25.t:0 "Voting for the Bill"
  325. bobby.25.desc:0 "They now go to voting"
  326. bobby.25.a:0 "Senate is hereby opened!"
  327. USA_cr_vote:0 "Voting has begun"
  329. bobby.26.t:0 "The Civil Rights Act of 1965"
  330. bobby.26.desc:0 "This morning, a sigh of relief escaped President Kennedy's lips as he received the wonderful news: the Civil Rights Act, a bill he had proposed and tirelessly advocated for in both houses of Congress, passed. Resistance to the act was unimaginably fierce, with the bill barely passing in the House and experiencing prolonged stagnation in the Senate. However, our hard work has paid off, and, despite efforts to undermine the act and brand it thinly veiled tyranny,we managed to secure the majority of Senators necessary.\n\nThe effects of the act will, of course, be felt immediately, signaling the establishment of true equality in all fifty states. The bill will not only outlaw discrimination within hotels, theaters, and other public institutions but also bar discrimination by any programs receiving federal funds. Voter equality was another focus of the act, barring state governments from denying voter applications based on race and setting the stage for the prohibition of other, more subtle forms of suppression. Now, African-Americans will finally enjoy the liberties denied to them for so long by their state lawmakers.\n\nDespite continued opposition from Southern states who vehemently wish to question the constitutionality of the act, public support has been widespread. President Kennedy, in an address to the nation, has shown immense satisfaction for the bill's passing, and his voter base is nothing short of ecstatic. He has also taken the opportunity to honor his brother, saying the efforts he took to lay the groundwork for this act cannot be understated. Many believe the success of the Civil Rights Act may signal a new era in American politics."
  331. bobby.26.a:0 "Now, the country is free for all of its citizens."
  332. USA_rfk_cr_4:0 "Total sucess"
  333. USA_rfk_cr_3:0 "Great"
  334. USA_rfk_cr_2:0 "Moderate sucess"
  335. USA_rfk_cr_1:0 "At least it worked.."
  337. bobby.27.t:0 "The Civil Rights Act of 1965 Fails"
  338. bobby.27.desc:0 "The Civil Rights Act was a critical aspect of President Kennedy's campaign for the presidency, largely considered one of his most crucial policy goals, if not the most crucial. However, despite his best efforts to pass the law, he received disheartening news about its fate: the act failed to pass Congress in any form.\n\nIn the months leading to the introduction of the act to Congress, Kennedy toiled endlessly to gain the bill enough support to somehow make it through both the House and the Senate. Meetings were held with majority and minority leaders in the upper and lower house, urging them to support the act's passage into law. Letters were sent, often to Republican and Democratic politicians who had originally opposed him, begging for their vote once the proposed bill reached the chamber. However, even after a slightly revised version was proposed to the nation's Senators, the bill died on the Senate floor like other examples of failed legislation before it. Having failed to fulfill one of his own promises, President Kennedy is hopelessly distressed about the news. He had promised to voters before his presidency that he would be the president to establish universal civil rights, not only out of his own ideals but those of his brother, the ones he had vowed to represent.\n\nThe effects on Kennedy's prestige and popularity could be devastating. Nonetheless, this is a dark day for the family dynasty and John F. Kennedy's legacy."
  339. bobby.27.a:0 " A dark day, indeed."
  341. bobby.28.t:0 "Meeting with the Republicans"
  342. bobby.28.desc:0 "Stuff stuff with Reps and kinky dems, they like us"
  343. bobby.28.a:0 "Friends"
  345. bobby.29.t:0 "Conscription Bill Proposal"
  346. bobby.29.desc:0 "Bobby wants disabled, st00pids and phds to get excempted from draft"
  347. bobby.29.a:0 "Damn!"
  349. bobby.30.t:0 "This is too much,"
  350. bobby.30.desc:0 "Why build down something we have lived with so long"
  351. bobby.30.a:0 "Damn!"
  353. bobby.31.t:0 "FR dont like this"
  354. bobby.31.desc:0 "Students are the fittest soldiers"
  355. bobby.31.a:0 "Damn!"
  356. USA_rfk_immigration_rep_tool:0 "At least the Right supports this bill"
  358. bobby.32.t:0 "REpublicans agree to ammendment"
  359. bobby.32.desc:0 "What?!"
  360. bobby.32.a:0 "Damn!"
  362. bobby.33.t:0 "REpublicans defend the current proposal"
  363. bobby.33.desc:0 "What?!"
  364. bobby.33.a:0 "Damn!"
  366. bobby.34.t:0 "Far Right's arguments are stupid"
  367. bobby.34.desc:0 "What?!"
  368. bobby.34.a:0 "Damn!"
  370. bobby.35.t:0 "We lost the argument"
  371. bobby.35.desc:0 "They are too smart for us"
  372. bobby.35.a:0 "Damn!"
  374. bobby.36.t:0 "We won the argument"
  375. bobby.36.desc:0 "What?!"
  376. bobby.36.a:0 "Damn!"
  378. bobby.37.t:0 "The bill is sucessful"
  379. bobby.37.desc:0 "What?!"
  380. bobby.37.a:0 "Damn!"
  382. bobby.38.t:0 "Bill is turned down"
  383. bobby.38.desc:0 "What?! We had worked so hard, and then we fail?! FUCK!"
  384. bobby.38.a:0 "Damn! it 38"
  386. bobby.39.t:0 "Immigration chain computer"
  387. bobby.39.desc:0 "Unless you are testing, please contact Lazergaz about vetting event bobby.39"
  388. bobby.39.a:0 "Pls pls pls"
  390. bobby.40.t:0 "The Republicans"
  391. bobby.40.desc:0 "Oops we forgot that the whole point of the bill was to get support from the reps, but we forgot them lul"
  392. bobby.40.a:0 "Damn!"
  394. bobby.41.t:0 "Change of Plans"
  395. bobby.41.desc:0 "Party veteran Glen H. Taylor approached the vice president this morning, suggesting that Admiral, and minister of defense, Arleigh Burke is a hinderance to the cabinet, because Burke has such strong ties to the Southern Dixiecrat faction, the President cannot properly discuss his strategy to pass the Civil Rights Act. Which has priority above all. Burke has time and again emphasized how he is in the cabinet only to maintain security interests and make sure that government policy will comprimise more important strategical goals, and during the war in South Africa he was in charge of the Congo landings that effectively broke the stalemate and guaranteed OFN victory. Minister of interior 'Scoop' Jackson overheard the conversation and intervened to object any replacement of Burke, Burke would not have been able to convince the other top officers to go through with the Congo plan unless he knew he had the President's support, having such a qualified military man on top of our government is a benefit, argued Scoop.\n\nClaude Pepper, former nominee for vice president has been suggested as a possible name, he has long been a member of the Party and knows his ins and outs of the Dixiecrats, having stood on the ballot with now, Speaker of the House, Strom Thurmond in 1960. While Pepper has no former experience from security politics, Humprey hopes he will do for now, as things in Africa has calmed and priorities has been shifted towards domestic issues."
  396. bobby.41.a:0 "Burke is a good member of our cabinet, he will do!"
  397. bobby.41.b:0 "This bill is more important, Pepper is the proper choice!"
  399. bobby.42.t:0 "Johnson is sad"
  400. bobby.42.desc:0 "boo hoo how could you do this to me, you said you were gonna collaborate, but instead you betray me"
  401. bobby.42.a:0 "fuck you"
  403. bobby.43.t:0 "Nebraska FR-Leader objects to Malcolmlmmlm X"
  404. bobby.43.desc:0 "dont be nice to him"
  405. bobby.43.a:0 "fuck you too"
  407. bobby.44.t:0 "Toward the Root of the Issue"
  408. bobby.44.desc:0 "Today, President Robert F. Kennedy spoke to the nation about the Civil Rights Act he had been instrumental in passing. Upon walking to the podium on the stage of the Capitol building, he was applauded by his supporters in the audience and, once the applause had stopped, he began his speech:\n\n"My fellow Americans, we have all unified around the concept of freedom in a way I could never have thought possible. The passage of the Civil Rights Act is an extraordinary step forward for all of us but, today, our struggles are not over. While the equality we strive for has now been codified, we must maintain our commitment to the downtrodden across America and refuse to withdraw into complacency. Unfortunately, we must still come to terms with the root of the issue.\n\nAcross the country, the remnants of prejudice continue to fester, many unabated by the legislation we have passed. While the blatant and ugly efforts of states to segregate the races of America have been dashed, the echoes from earlier times have nonetheless persisted. To many, these institutions are a fact of life, for good or ill, but our nation was not founded on the principles espoused by America's founders. I call on all citizens of the United States to look at ourselves and our society critically, and question some of the things we take for granted. The un-American attitudes of racist groups have lost their stranglehold on politics, but that does not mean they have been vanquished for good.\n\nConfronting these uncomfortable aspects will not be comfortable or enjoyable, but it is something we must do as a nation if we ever plan to move forward. Only through examination can we make our country a safe and inviting place for all Americans. Thank you all."
  409. bobby.44.a:0 "We will persevere."
  411. bobby.45.t:0 "Bitterest of the Bitter"
  412. bobby.45.desc:0 "someone are really bitter"
  413. bobby.45.a:0 "aaaaaa"
  415. bobby.46.t:0 "Nebraska FR-Leader objects to Malcolmlmmlm X"
  416. bobby.46.desc:0 "dont be nice to him"
  417. bobby.46.a:0 "fuck you too"
  419. bobby.47.t:0 "Non existent"
  420. bobby.47.desc:0 "Non existent"
  421. bobby.47.a:0 "Non existent"
  423. bobby.48.t:0 "Non existent"
  424. bobby.48.desc:0 "Non existent"
  425. bobby.48.a:0 "Non existent"
  427. bobby.49.t:0 "Non existent"
  428. bobby.49.desc:0 "Non existent"
  429. bobby.49.a:0 "Non existent"
  431. bobby.50.t:0 "Meeting with MLK"
  432. bobby.50.desc:0 "Dreams are nice, read Proust loser. Life is a dream tbh"
  433. bobby.50.a:0 "Damn thats deep Lazer!"
  435. bobby.51.t:0 "Malcom X"
  436. bobby.51.desc:0 "Dont be so violent! Violence is bad, if someone sees this, ping Chai-chan#8152 and tell her I said her anarchism sucks"
  437. bobby.51.a:0 "Damn!"
  439. bobby.52.t:0 "TOUR THE NATION CHAIN"
  440. bobby.52.desc:0 "STUFF ABOUT THE SITUATION IN THE CITY"
  441. bobby.52.a:0 "REACTION"
  443. bobby.53.t:0 "BOSTON"
  444. bobby.53.desc:0 "STUFF ABOUT THE SITUATION IN THE CITY"
  445. bobby.53.a:0 "REACTION"
  447. bobby.54.t:0 "MAINE"
  448. bobby.54.desc:0 "STUFF ABOUT THE SITUATION IN THE CITY"
  449. bobby.54.a:0 "REACTION"
  451. bobby.55.t:0 "CHICAGO"
  452. bobby.55.desc:0 "STUFF ABOUT THE SITUATION IN THE CITY"
  453. bobby.55.a:0 "REACTION"
  455. bobby.56.t:0 "DETROIT"
  456. bobby.56.desc:0 "STUFF ABOUT THE SITUATION IN THE CITY"
  457. bobby.56.a:0 "REACTION"
  459. bobby.57.t:0 "DENVER"
  460. bobby.57.desc:0 "STUFF ABOUT THE SITUATION IN THE CITY"
  461. bobby.57.a:0 "REACTION"
  463. bobby.58.t:0 "YELLOWSTONE"
  464. bobby.58.desc:0 "STUFF ABOUT THE SITUATION IN THE CITY"
  465. bobby.58.a:0 "REACTION"
  467. bobby.59.t:0 "WASHINGTON"
  468. bobby.59.desc:0 "STUFF ABOUT THE SITUATION IN THE CITY"
  469. bobby.59.a:0 "REACTION"
  471. bobby.60.t:0 "OREGON"
  472. bobby.60.desc:0 "STUFF ABOUT THE SITUATION IN THE CITY"
  473. bobby.60.a:0 "REACTION"
  475. bobby.61.t:0 "CALIFORNIA PORTS"
  476. bobby.61.desc:0 "STUFF ABOUT THE SITUATION IN THE CITY"
  477. bobby.61.a:0 "REACTION"
  479. bobby.62.t:0 "CALI 2"
  480. bobby.62.desc:0 "STUFF ABOUT THE SITUATION IN THE CITY"
  481. bobby.62.a:0 "REACTION"
  483. bobby.63.t:0 "HOT LBJ GAY LUV"
  484. bobby.63.desc:0 "STUFF ABOUT THE SITUATION IN THE CITY"
  485. bobby.63.a:0 "REACTION"
  487. bobby.64.t:0 "TEXAS OIL"
  488. bobby.64.desc:0 "STUFF ABOUT THE SITUATION IN THE CITY"
  489. bobby.64.a:0 "REACTION"
  490. #RFK tries to yeet Wallace
  491. bobby.65.t:0 "ALABAMA"
  492. bobby.65.desc:0 "STUFF ABOUT THE SITUATION IN THE CITY"
  493. bobby.65.a:0 "REACTION"
  495. bobby.66.t:0 "RFK FUCKING DID IT"
  496. bobby.66.desc:0 "STUFF ABOUT THE SITUATION IN THE CITY"
  497. bobby.66.a:0 "REACTION"
  499. bobby.67.t:0 "WALLACE WON"
  500. bobby.67.desc:0 "STUFF ABOUT THE SITUATION IN THE CITY"
  501. bobby.67.a:0 "REACTION"
  503. bobby.68.t:0 "RFK LOSES AGAIN"
  504. bobby.68.desc:0 "STUFF ABOUT THE SITUATION IN THE CITY"
  505. bobby.68.a:0 "REACTION"
  506. #RFK returns from Alabama but got fucken beyoten
  508. bobby.69.desc:0 "STUFF ABOUT THE SITUATION IN THE CITY"
  509. bobby.69.a:0 "REACTION"
  511. bobby.70.t:0 "FLORIDA"
  512. bobby.70.desc:0 "STUFF ABOUT THE SITUATION IN THE CITY"
  513. bobby.70.a:0 "REACTION"
  515. bobby.71.t:0 "CIA IS MAD"
  516. bobby.71.desc:0 "STUFF ABOUT THE SITUATION IN THE CITY"
  517. bobby.71.a:0 "REACTION"
  519. bobby.72.t:0 "HOME IN WASHINGTON"
  520. bobby.72.desc:0 "STUFF ABOUT THE SITUATION IN THE CITY"
  521. bobby.72.a:0 "REACTION"
  523. bobby.73.t:0 "Social Security Passes!"
  524. bobby.73.desc:0 "After multiple paralyzing hours of debate in the Senate between both members of the R-D coalition and various NPP members, the Social Security Act passed with a relatively slim majority. Despite attempts to pass the bill as quickly as possible, resistance in both houses was strong and excessively prolonged, with senator Barry Goldwater filibustering the act for nearly ten hours before conceding defeat and allowing its passage.\n\nThe Social Security Act is the next addition to a laundry list of recently passed welfare programs, part of a greater initiative by President Robert Kennedy to expand the government's role in financial aid. By creating a system by which the government can dole out financial benefits to retired or disabled citizens, Kennedy has promised to create a safety net that any American can fall back on once they can no longer take care of themselves. To prevent widespread abuse of these benefits, the age at which citizens are eligible to start collecting money has been set to 65.\n\nAlready, critics of Social Security have spoken out in protest of the bill, accusing the act of being heavily flawed. Chief among their complaints is the mandatory contribution by Americans to maintain the system, which they say creates another unneeded burden on the working class. Still others have called it an example of excessive government overreach, something many Americans see as dangerous. Nonetheless, popular support for the act has been widespread, and many lawmakers consider Social Security a victory. Last night, President Kennedy held festivities with his cabinet in celebration."
  525. bobby.73.a:0 "Fantastic!"
  527. bobby.74.t:0 "Food Banks"
  528. bobby.74.desc:0 "Increasing the government's role in helping the needy has been an important goal of not only Robert F. Kennedy but also his father. Through welfare programs, outreach programs, or other means, both have shown a commitment to using federal money to give aid to those who need it most.\n\nOne way President Kennedy has now actively pursued these goals is through the funding of food banks. Through earmarks, categorical grants, and other means, he has recently cooperated with Congress to send million of dollars to food banks and shelters in all parts of the United States. Millions of dollars from the federal government will now be used to provide meals to America's poor so no American goes hungry.\n\nThis act has garnered widespread support from both sides of the political aisle, with many praising his initiative. Democratic lawmakers, have been especially supportive, with many voting for and often supporting President Kennedy's food bank programs. Senator Lyndon B. Johnson specifically rallied many of these politicians to support the funding initiative, which he has said aligns closely with his own goals."
  529. bobby.74.a:0 "We're all better off when we work together."
  531. bobby.75.t:0 "The Day has come"
  532. bobby.75.desc:0 "RFK must choose between different strenghts of Civil Rights, because he just marched on while having majority"
  533. bobby.75.a:0 "GO GO GO"
  534. bobby.75.b:0 "go go"
  535. bobby.75.c:0 "go??"
  537. bobby.84.t:0 "A National Tragedy"
  538. bobby.84.desc:0 "Despair falls across the nation today, as President Robert Francis Kennedy and Vice President Hubert Horatio Humphrey were shot and killed while driving in an open top car. As President Kennedy waved to the people from his car, a now captured and identified radical NPP voter took the initiative to shoot both the President and Vice President in one fell swoop. Unfortunately, the radical was deathly accurate, not allowing time for either to be given any effective treatment at the closest hospital. The event has jarred the nation, with even those protesting against President Kennedy's actions utterly indecisive on what to do now.\n\nA few fringe speakers have claimed the NPP voter's shooting to be in response to Kennedy's weakness, a sentiment that has unfortunately reached its peak. As the next in line, Speaker Strom Thurmond is en route to return to D.C. Ted Kennedy, in Thurmond's absence, is already acting to keep the waters calm in the capital."
  539. bobby.84.a:0 "A period of mourning shall be in effect.""
  541. bobby.86.t:0 "Ted is dead"
  542. bobby.86.desc:0 " "
  543. bobby.86.a:0 " "
  545. bobby.87.t:0 "Thurmonds inauguration"
  546. bobby.87.desc:0 " "
  547. bobby.87.a:0 "All hail the chief"
  549. bobby.110.t:0 "The Will to Fight"
  550. bobby.110.desc:0 "President Kennedy's recent decision to begin the withdrawal of South African troops has been praised by many, but also has been met with some severe criticism by major figures in the NPP. Leading figures in the center and right of the NPP have been forthcoming in declaring that President Kennedy's position has not only weakened American influence in global affairs, but has inversely strengthened the interests of the Germans and even the Japanese.\n\nPresident Kennedy still stands by his position, but the voice of right leaning NPP members has made itself heard through Strom Thurmond, and those who favor a stronger foreign policy like 'Scoop' Jackson will not let this controversial decision go through without at least expressing their severe disappointment in Kennedy's decision."
  551. bobby.110.a:0 "Our boys will not be fed to that hell."
  553. bobby.111.t:0 "A Concerned Citizen"
  554. bobby.111.desc:0 "A few days ago a citizen troubled by President Kennedy's actions regarding a seemingly weak wristed position towards the Japanese made his thoughts clear in a letter personally penned and mailed to his local newspaper. His letter, simply titled, 'Is this what we voted for?' has received a fair bit of attention from the media, coinciding with President Kennedy's recent decisions in respect to Japan.\n\nThe letter addresses fellow right leaning NPP members, urging them to reconsider reelecting President Kennedy. Citing that Kennedy is not taking a strong enough position against the Japanese, the letter called for NPP voters to put into power a President that is willing to bolster the American position against foul foreign influence and power growth."
  555. bobby.111.a:0 "Our concern is not aggression."
  557. bobby.112.t:0 "A Protest Against Weakness"
  558. bobby.112.desc:0 "President Kennedy's actions on foreign policy once again have him in hot water as a protest in Columbia, South Carolina has begun in as a response to his apparent weakness. The protestors declare a political opposition to President Kennedy's continued flimsy responses to Japan, marching and demanding for President Kennedy to get his act together and affirm American global interests worldwide. Certain figures in the NPP have expressed support for the protest, agreeing that President Kennedy's actions have made him and the nation look ineffectual at ensuring American strength. President Kennedy has not, as of now, commented on the protest."
  559. bobby.112.a:0 "American interests are at home!"
  561. bobby.113.t:0 "Within Party Lines"
  562. bobby.113.desc:0 "President Kennedy's continued failure to respect the wishes of NPP figures seeking a dominant position against Japan has reached a bit of a boiling point as Strom Thurmond and 'Scoop' Jackson have jointly admonished Kennedy's policy. They believe that President Kennedy is not acting for the common interest of the NPP, and is instead acting on his own, outside agenda. Their joint call pleads for President Kennedy to take into consideration the wishes of his fellow party members, and to heed their advice and inclinations. As Thurmond and Jackson's announcements were aimed directly at President Kennedy, they have hope that he will finally take their ideas into account when regarding the actions of the Japanese."
  563. bobby.113.a:0 "Kennedy was elected on his own ideals."
  565. bobby.130.t:0 "The Dixiecrats Break the Agreement"
  566. bobby.130.desc:0 " "
  567. bobby.130.a:0 " "
  569. bobby.131.t:0 "Thurmond Give Praise"
  570. bobby.131.desc:0 "Thurmond says 'gz' to RFK because RFK has played nice"
  571. bobby.131.a:0 "I didnt think you'd last this long"
  573. bobby.132.t:0 "Norris Cotton congratulates you on the victory"
  574. bobby.132.desc:0 "You won the 1968 election, good on you"
  575. bobby.132.a:0 "For the next four years"
  577. bobby.133.t:0 "Spiro Agnew says that something about the Oil Crisis"
  578. bobby.133.desc:0 " "
  579. bobby.133.a:0 " "
  581. bobby.134.t:0 "New Routines for Police Duty Offenses"
  582. bobby.134.desc:0 "The President sent out a long note this afternoon to all the state police directors, regarding procedures and routines for handling cases where police officers get reported for inappropriate conduct, both illegal actions and behavior contrary to police code. For too many years have police officers been allowed to take a -break- for 6 months while recovering, and then come back to the force as if nothing ever happend. For even more serious cases, early retirements have been the norm.\n\nThis is not and never was okay, it is a custom that systematically gives police officers the freedom to exercise their power beyond their mandate. It pardons police officers who accidentaly shoot innocent people, and even worse crimes. Kennedy's sent a clear message to the police in our nation that such action will no longer be tolerated.\n\nThe note was leaked to the press and progressives across the country celebrate the President's clear voice in such matters. Republican-Democratic voters are more sceptical, conservatives in the Democrats argue that the President should not interfere in the judicial branch, that the president should keep his powers limited to the executive domain. Republicans on the other hand are more concerned with how this might limit police efficiency. The results of Kenney's routines are of course yet to be seen, may they be good despite any criticism!"
  583. bobby.134.a:0 "This should get them in shape"
  585. bobby.135.t:0 "Resignation of RFK"
  586. bobby.135.desc:0 "he gone"
  587. bobby.135.a:0 "poof poof"
  589. bobby.136.t:0 "Hubert Humphrey's inauguration"
  590. bobby.136.desc:0 "Come on old chum"
  591. bobby.136.a:0 "All hail the chief"
  593. bobby.153.t:0 "Poorest of the ppor"
  594. bobby.153.desc:0 "Damn, they are so poor"
  595. bobby.153.a:0 "loads of cash in it"
  596. bobby.153.b:0 "what is needs"
  598. bobby.154.t:0 "Sit down with Chavez"
  599. bobby.154.desc:0 "Start eating god damn it"
  600. bobby.154.a:0 "pls"
  602. #bobby.155.t:0 "Community action for poor"
  603. #bobby.155.desc:0 "Work together"
  604. #bobby.155.a:0 "Good boys"
  606. bobby.155.t:0 "Roses International"
  607. bobby.155.desc:0 "USA"
  608. bobby.155.a:0 "pls"
  610. bobby.156.t:0 "Roses International"
  611. bobby.156.desc:0 "CANADA"
  612. bobby.156.a:0 "pls"
  613. bobby.156.b:0 "naaah"
  615. bobby.157.t:0 "Roses International"
  616. bobby.157.desc:0 "MEXICO"
  617. bobby.157.a:0 "pls"
  618. bobby.157.b:0 "naaah"
  620. bobby.158.t:0 "Roses International"
  621. bobby.158.desc:0 "NZ"
  622. bobby.158.a:0 "pls"
  623. bobby.158.b:0 "naaah"
  625. bobby.159.t:0 "Roses International"
  626. bobby.159.desc:0 "AUSTRALIA"
  627. bobby.159.a:0 "pls"
  628. bobby.159.b:0 "naaah"
  630. bobby.160.t:0 "Roses International"
  631. bobby.160.desc:0 "SOUTH AFRICA"
  632. bobby.160.a:0 "pls"
  633. bobby.160.b:0 "naaah"
  636. bobby.f.1.t:0 "Henry Wallace's Funeral"
  638. ##Ideas
  639. USA_Hubert_Humphrey_dep:0 "Hubert Humphrey"
  640. USA_Scoop_Jackson_pol:0 "Henry M. 'Scoop' Jackon"
  641. USA_Scoop_Jackson_eco:0 "Henry M. 'Scoop' Jackon"
  642. USA_William_Winter_pol:0 "William F. Winter"
  643. USA_Douglas_Fraser_eco:0 "Douglas Martin"
  644. USA_James_Martin_eco:0 "James D. Martin"
  645. USA_Arleigh_Burke_mil:0 "Arleigh Burke"
  646. USA_Claude_Pepper_mil:0 "Claude Pepper"
  647. USA_Henry_Mucci_mil:0 "Henry Mucci"
  648. USA_Curtis_LeMay_mil:0 "Curtis LeMay"
  650. ##Flags
  651. USA_RFK_temp_5:0 "Gain support from five more senators"
  652. USA_RFK_temp_4:0 "Gain support from four more senators"
  653. USA_RFK_temp_3:0 "Gain support from three more senators"
  654. USA_RFK_temp_2:0 "Gain support from two more senators"
  655. USA_RFK_temp_1:0 "Gain support from one more senator"
  657. USA_rfk_safety_tooltip:0 "Begin work on a new bill"
  658. USA_RFK_working_on_CRA:0 "Planning the Civil Rights bill"
  659. USA_RFK_finished_CRA:0 "Finished with the Civil Rights Act"
  660. USA_RFK_FR_temp_vote:0 "Already used your connections for support"
  663. ##Decisions
  664. USA_RFK_party_above_all_d:0 "Gather Support From Political Allies"
  665. USA_RFK_party_above_all_d_tt:0 "Your political connections manage to strike deals with 5 NPP-FR senators"
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