
Safe Area

Jun 17th, 2019
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  1. 2019-06 15 Safe Area
  2. Hoxton, Wolf, Jacket, Bodhi, Danny, King, Dallas, Sydney
  4. <Sydney> *It takes a lot more time than anticipated due to traffic, but you eventually reach Baltimore. A city always in Washington DC's shadow. Where DC is full of politicians, government workers, ambassadors, and all sorts of important movers and shakers, Baltimore is predominantly blue collar and working class. The people here are fiercely proud, and god help you if you're allergic to shellfish. It's got an incredibly high crime rate; a gang of criminals
  5. <Sydney> like you should fit right in.*
  6. <Sydney> *Where do you go first?*
  7. <CrewChief> *First stop for Dallas--the temporary safehouse. Crew's probably peckish and sore from the long ride over, but first things first, right? Let's check out the location, make sure it's ready for us.*
  8. <Hoxton> *Hox concurs, stretching himself after the long ride. It's worst when they are inching through traffic and Hox is glad they have arrived at last.*
  9. <Wolf2ElectricBoogaloo> *Wolf busied himself with checking the gear he brought along, as he had many times before. The difference between making sure there aren't any wires out of place or the detonator for the charges was tuned to the same frequency could mean the difference between life and death. Though, in truth, that added to the thrill of it for Wolf.*
  10. <Jacket__> *Jacket agreed, just wanting to get out of that cramped van more than anything else. He held his duffel bag close, mainly due to it being where all of his gear was. He just wanted to get out of the van so they could check out the safehouse. Worst roadtrip ever.*
  11. <Sydney> *Bain's directions lead you to a shady part of an even shadier town. Specifically, the neighborhood of Berea. If you've watched The Wire, you might recognize some parts of it. The neighborhood was clearly once nice, but has been largely been abandoned to less savory elements. The safehouse itself is a two-story row house at the end of a street; the only house next to it seems largely abandoned. Not the most pleasant place to stay, but one far from
  12. <Sydney> the eyes and ears of the police.*
  13. <Bodhster> *Bodhi agrees. He's not sore or anything, but maybe a little hungry, but nothing's worse than being cramped inside a vehicle for a long time. Ugh.*
  14. <Hoxton> *Hox looks at the place sceptically before reminding himself they can always book a nice hotel instead of staying here. Well it's out of the way of the cops that's for sure. So there is that. He looks around, checking for anyone loitering, checking them out. Hox knows how people with less than good motives look and wait. He's done and seen plenty o
  15. <Hoxton> f it.*
  16. <Hoxton> *To Dallas* We'll get a hotel huh? Unless this thing is secretly the bloody batcave.
  17. <CrewChief> *Dallas chuckles, hefting a bag.* Wouldn't count on it.
  18. <Sydney> *Indeed there is a few people loitering. Some young gang members, it looks like. They send a few glances in your direction, but then another car pulls up on the street next to them. Something is passed out the car window, and something in a brown bag is passed inside, then the car speeds off.*
  19. <CrewChief> *Dallas knows a drug deal when he sees one. Part of him recoils in contempt, but he doesn't let on, heading on into the safehouse to have a cursory look around.*
  20. <Jacket__> "You're making me want to start searching for secret rooms once we're inside.. like the laundromat.." Jacket's attention was turned to the bag before back over at the safehouse then back at the bag. Wait what the hell was in that? That piqued his curiosity.
  21. <Jacket__> He shrugged it off and just decided to follow, heading into the safehouse after Dallas.
  22. <Hoxton> *Hox nods into the directions of those gangsters.* We gotta be careful around here. They'll tell their bosses that new arrivals are here. *he follows them in, shooting wary glances down the road.*
  23. <Wolf2ElectricBoogaloo> *Wolf looked on at the young gangers and narrowed his eyes. Granted, they were a gang themselves, but they must've been amateurs. Everything about them suggested that they felt like they owned this neighborhood.*
  24. <Sydney> *The safehouse is, despite its shabby exterior, not too bad inside. Its plain grey walls are free of mold, and it doesn't seem like there's any bugs or vermin. There's a few amenities set up; a fridge, wifi, a couple cots, and some storage lockers.*
  25. <Bodhster> *Danny's nose wrinkles. He almost doesn't want to step inside, already it feels slightly out of his standards despite it not being... bad actually. Can't easily please someone who grew up with a silver spoon in their mouth.*
  26. <CrewChief> *Dallas sets the bag down, has a look inside the fridge, checks to see if the water's running in the building. Not that this pampered house cat's too keen on drinking from that tap. He glances back to the crew, says* Do we look like a bunch of gangsters?
  27. <Sydney> *Yes, there's running water. Not the best hot water heater though.*
  28. <King1> *King is honestly just tired, she could really use a nap. Even so, seeing gangsters and a drug deal keeps her anxious and awake. She follows everyone inside, and doesn't have a single problem with the safehouse. It's a place to stay, what's so bad about it?*
  29. <Bodhster> *...It's not perfect, that's the problem! Rich kid rambling.*
  30. <Draganborn> *Dragan was expecting the safe house to be much, much worse on the inside. He's fine with this.*
  31. <Sydney> *As an aside - Sydney's stayed back in DC for the moment, reluctant to transfer all of her mask making supplies up to the temporary safehouse. She'll be coming up at some point though.*
  32. <Jacket__> "I could pass for one.. not that I want to be one though." Jacket set his bag down on the nearest table and leaned himself against the wall. "I used to live in a house like this as a kid.. we didn't have a lot of money so we just did with what we got."
  33. <Hoxton> Not like the likes runnin about here, that's for sure. I hope Bain's put some hidden safes in here. I dont wanna have some twats rootin through our shite.
  34. <Hoxton> *Hox is uneasy, walking about, checking the location for security and so on. Where they have to step up and where it's good.*
  35. <CrewChief> *Speaking of which--Dallas takes a moment to have a look at the storage lockers. Are they out of the way? Subtle enough to be missed should anyone break a window and winnow their way in?*
  36. <Wolf2ElectricBoogaloo> *Wolf looked around for even the smallest trace of crappy living conditions, but surprisingly couldn't find anything. He looked around for a room to set up shop, leaving the others to their business. As usual, he wasn't one for too much casual conversation.*
  37. <Sydney> *The storage lockers are pretty big, no hiding them. Have to have room for their equipment, after all. They have combination locks. There are secure, freshly installed locks on all the exterior doors, and bars and blackout curtains on all the windows.*
  38. <CrewChief> *Bars? Good enough for Dallas. Not like they've dragged all their most precious belongings here (... right?), and someone's likely to be on the premises even when part of the crew is off casing. Advantage of working in shifts. No doubt such a large number of new neighbors coming and going will raise those gangbangers' suspicions, but not knowing when or how many are around at a given time might prove an effective deterrent.*
  39. <Jacket__> Jacket quietly decided to set his equipment up in the nearest locker. He had to take some time in trying to figure out the lock but when he did, he just set his stuff up in there and locked it up, memorizing the code the best he could. He eventually just put the code into his phone, knowing he'd forget it at some point. He always did.
  40. <Hoxton> *Hox returns, having assessed the situation* It aint bad for the time bein. And not like we aint armed or summat. Still, we gotta be careful.
  41. <Hoxton> Wonderin how this city is gonna hold up against DC.
  42. <King1> *If King wasn't supposed to bring her most precious belonging, she made a mistake. Mr. Bulbasaur is being held in one hand, and had she technically had him through the entire car ride. King goes towards the closest cot and sits on it. Important stuff could happen, so she's not sleeping yet.*
  43. <Bodhster> *He didn't bring much. Just his favourite Platypus rifle and some medical supplies, whiiiich... will definitely come in handy. Cough cough, Jacket, cough cough.*
  44. <CrewChief> *I'm curious--are you guys all in suits right now?*
  45. <Wolf2ElectricBoogaloo> Your [Bulbasaur] evolved into a [Venusaur] !//
  46. <Bodhster> *Nada here, obviously!*
  47. <CrewChief> ((As the local gang watch a bunch of G-men looking motherfuckers calmly file into the supposedly abandoned building next door.))
  48. <CrewChief> ((This is some men in black shit.))
  49. <Draganborn> ((and orange B|))
  50. <CrewChief> ((AND ORANGE.))
  51. <King1> *King doesn't really like wearing suits, but she has it with her for when it's needed.*
  52. <CrewChief> ((One big grumpy citrus.))
  53. <Hoxton> *Hox was tempted to go in suit but four hour car ride and well, not a fancy place made him wear a nice shirt and dark trousers. He's wearing black shades, hair tied up.*
  54. <Hoxton> *But he sure brought along a nice suit.*
  55. <Bodhster> *--And Danny did bring his along, but he's not currently wearing it. That nice hoodie he was wearing when they saw him in the bank.*
  56. <Draganborn> *Since Dragan is going with team sneaky, he hasn't brought much in terms of gear. Just his pistol. And Dragan is wearing casual clothes at the moment, but he has brought his suit with him. You know, just in case.*
  57. <Jacket__> Jacket was probably the only few NOT wearing a suit, given he absolutely hated those things. He stuck to his favorite attire, always wearing that same letterman jacket.
  58. <Sydney> *Dallas' phone begins to ring. Caller ID says Bain.*
  59. <CrewChief> *Dallas is rocking the classical dad look--jeans and a t-shirt. As far as gear, he's lugged along a single Beretta and two spare mags. Traveling light. Anything else he needs, he can buy on site. At the ring, he pulls his phone out, takes the call.* What's going on, buddy?
  60. <Wolf2ElectricBoogaloo> *Wolf had the usual two-piece set-up that was essentially a trademark of the original gang at this point, but didn't have the upper piece to it at the moment. The sleeves of his undershirt rolled up, Wolf goes back to what he was busy with before: equipment maintenance.*
  61. <Bodhster> *You better be, Jacket. No one dies on his team.*
  62. <Sydney> Bain: Just checking in. GPS says you made it there alright; traffic must've been hell. How's the safehouse? Need me to get anything else delivered?
  63. <CrewChief> *Dallas casts a look around the safehouse.* No, ah--just getting settled in right now. Nice place you got here. Listen--we're not gonna have any problems with the neighbors, right? On the way in, caught a drug deal going down. We gonna have to beef up security?
  64. <Sydney> *Keyboard clacking in the background.* I'll look into it. Worst comes to worst, we can buy them off with some extra loot from the job.
  65. <Hoxton> ((BAIN. Man he should have said "I saw you coming in." MAKE IT EVEN MORE OMINOUS.))
  66. <King1> ((our favorite stalker man))
  67. <CrewChief> Dallas: All right, that's perfect. I'm gonna put you on speaker, huh? *Press of a button, and he calls out to the crew* Hey, got Bain on the line, kids. Say hello!
  68. <King1> *King smiles, and says louder than what is necessary,* Hi, Bain!!
  69. <CrewChief> *Dallas holds the phone a bit farther away.* If you need anything, you let 'im know right now. He'll get it for you.
  70. <Sydney> Bain: Your wish is my command. Within reason.
  71. <Hoxton> Oi Bain! Can we get a cam for the door? As Dallas said, the neighbors are kinda sketchy. I wanna know if anyone is lurkin here.
  72. <Sydney> Yeah, I can get that delivered. Anything else?
  73. <King1> *King shrugs, she has nothing she can think of. She's got all she needs right now.*
  74. <Hoxton> *Hox thinks for a moment, half turns to the crew.* Also had an idea how to deal with the ship. Bain, had the idea we could pose as the customs people and have some of us pose as police officers. Thought we could fake the inspection ourselves, get the bomb parts out this way. The inspectors delcare summat wrong with the package, the cops get it out
  75. <Hoxton> without a fuss.
  76. <Hoxton> We'd need uniforms though. And maybe intel on who is doin the inspection. Get names and so on.
  77. <Sydney> *There's a pause.* Great idea. I'll start looking into that info.
  78. <CrewChief> *Dallas, still holding the phone, gives Hox a pleasantly surprised look, and a small smile. It's followed by a thumbs up. Huh, good thinking, kiddo!*
  79. <Wolf2ElectricBoogaloo> Forged identities might help... *Wolf said somewhat loudly, obviously preoccupied with tweaking a charge, but being able to listen in enough. He knew the people at the shipyard would want to see some ID before they let them go wandering around for "inspection".*
  80. <Sydney> Mmhmm. Fake IDs I can get no problem, but my guy'd need to get ahold of some of the real credentials for the customs-specific access cards.
  81. <Hoxton> *Hox looks pleasantly surprised by the positive feedback, grinning widely. Hell yeah! Also seeing part of the crew as cops? YES. He grins.*
  82. <Hoxton> If we know who's scheduled to check in, that could make our job easier. We could pose as em. Doubt their faces are that known!
  83. <Draganborn> *Dragan stays quiet, listening in. Considering his background, Dragan is probably going to be dressing up as a cop. He thinks it's a good plan, but oh man, that's gonna be weird*
  84. <Sydney> Alright, I'll get that process started. Who's gonna be the cops?
  85. <CrewChief> *Dallas says to Bain* If we can figure out where those guys are, we can get those IDs to you, no problem. Cops won't be a problem either. You got any idea who's gonna be doing the customs inspection?
  86. <CrewChief> *Just figure out where they're staying, pay them a little visit. Easy peasy, right?*
  87. <Jacket__> He was actually a little amused at the thought of others dressing up as cops. Funny. Who would have thought that the others would turn from the best bank robbers in the U.S to do-gooder cops. Jacket smirked at the thought as he just looked over and listened.
  88. <Bodhster> *Piping in.* Hey man, I don't need anything I want brought over... but can you tell the surfboard I said hi?
  89. <Sydney> Yeah, pulling up that info now. I'll text their names and addresses to you. *After Bodhi speaks, Bain chuckles once.* I'm not gonna be in the real safehouse, but I can ask Sydney to say hi for you.
  90. <Bodhster> *He has other things he can get up to while he can't bring the baby girl over.*
  91. <Hoxton> *Hox is listening in attentively. It's surprisingly interesting to see his plan bloom like this!* I'd love to play a cop but....well I suppose Dragan and Dallas? *with a grin* Grizzled cop duo?
  92. <Bodhster> Actually, my request is that you get that baby brought over. Just don't damage the paint, I spent hours on it.
  93. <Jacket__> "Oh, tell Sydney I said "hi", Bain! Going to be awhile before that one shows up.." Jacket walked off to go grab his bag from the locker as he picked it up and began going through everything. He HAD to make sure it was the right tape recorder he brought and NOT THE TAMPERED ONE!
  94. <CrewChief> *Dallas cracks a grin, exchanging a look with Dragan.* Justice never looked so good, huh? *to Hox* Hey, it's your plan, Mr. Mastermind. You tell me where my mark is, and you can bet your ass I'll be on it.
  95. <Jacket__> (The tampered tape recorder has haunted Jacket's mind, look at what you have done XD)
  96. <Sydney> ...I'll figure something out, Bodhi. And I'll work on getting some uniforms over in your sizes.
  98. <Sydney> ((Alright, question - who's going to be staying in the temp safehouse, and who's going to stay in hotels?))
  99. <CrewChief> *Dallas will gladly pay out of pocket to stay at a hotel.*
  100. <Draganborn> *First he's apprehending robbers, now this. Dragan nods to Dallas, still staying quiet for the time being*
  101. <Bodhster> *Danny is 100% taking the hotel, no questions asked.*
  102. <Draganborn> *Dragan is fine just staying in the temporary safe house*
  103. <Hoxton> *Hox grins.* Well maybe playin cop once game me a taste huh? But yeah I think posin as three cops is gonna be too much. *He looks a little sad about it but cheers up. He gets to inspect the ship to his hearts content.*
  104. <Bodhster> *Bodhi will stick at the safehouse, it looks fine! He really doesn't see a problem with it.*
  105. <Hoxton> *Hox is also gonna opt for a hotel.*
  106. <Jacket__> *Jacket will stay in the safehouse!*
  107. <CrewChief> *Wolf in sheep's clothes, huh? Dallas says affably* I don't mind either way. Can't say I know the lingo, but I can learn. If you wanna take the badge, I'll take the clipboard--no problem.
  108. <CrewChief> *Say, Dragan--is it common knowledge in the crew that he used to be a cop back in Croatia? Or is this something he and the Butcher and Bain are keeping to themselves?*
  109. <Sydney> *The Butcher would have told Bain, but she wouldn't have discussed it with the gang.*
  110. <Wolf2ElectricBoogaloo> Wolf: *reveals pajamas made of wool.*//
  111. <Sydney> ((Woolf! :D))
  112. <Draganborn> *I figured Bain would let the crew know, just so there are no misunderstandings*
  113. <Hoxton> Ah, it's fine, fella! Closest I'll get to a legit job! I'll get that boat up to speed in no time.
  114. <King1> *King's already half asleep on a cot, she's staying at the safehouse.*
  115. <Hoxton> Ah. *A little awkwardly to Bain.* I could need the make up artist for that.
  116. <Sydney> Bain: Alright guys, I'll get to work on this stuff. I'll let you know when things are ready, and that camera should arrive tomorrow. And yes, I've already got one in mind. Just give me some warning before you need it.
  117. <Hoxton> Cheers, mate!
  118. <Wolf2ElectricBoogaloo> *Wolf didn't actually know where he wanted to be. He had no problem with the safehouse, but the hotel was probably better for the job. But... What if he would be the only one at the hotel? Probably not a good idea. If there's anything Wolf didn't like, it was knowing he was alone and surrounded by people he didn't know.*
  119. <Sydney> No problem. *Bain hangs up.*
  120. <CrewChief> *Not like anyone's had reason to grill each other on background. Every once in a while, Dallas suddenly remembers Dragan used to be an ex-cop, and there's a weird little lull, 'cause it's never felt that way. You know, but you don't feel it. In the field, the guy's just as rough around the edges as anyone, not a whiff of pig on him. No qualms about getting dirty, either. Does the hard work and never complains, just keeps his head down and his
  121. <CrewChief> hands busy. Helluva guy. He's always known you can take the pig out of the precinct, but looks like you can take the precinct out of the pig, too.*
  122. <CrewChief> *used to be a cop.
  123. <CrewChief> *In short--he respects the guy.*
  124. <Sydney> ((Alright, if there's anything else you guys would like to do to settle in at the safehouse or to find a hotel, feel free!))
  125. <Hoxton> *FIND A HOTEL. DEFINITELY. A nice one.*
  126. <Sydney> *There's plenty in Baltimore, of all price ranges and qualities. Feel free to pick one and set the scene.*
  127. <Hoxton> *Hox does some googling for hotels and finally finds one looking rather promising. Located in the inner harbor, the place looks hilariously pompous but equipped with actually diverse rooms and lounges. Sagamore Pendry, it says. And since they got more than enough to cough up for it, Hox goes to suggest it to Dallas as wel, as his designated driver.
  128. <Hoxton> *
  129. <CrewChief> *Dallas looks up hotels in Baltimore and picks out a 4.5 stars Marriott. Nearly half a grand for a night, but he scrolls down a few of the reviews and books a room for two--wait, one. Damn, old habits die hard.*
  131. <Hoxton> *HAHAHAHAH IT'S OK. THAT PLACE LOOKS GOOD AS WELL. Though if Dallas wants to switch Hotels, that's fine! Otherwise, Marriotts it will be!*
  132. <CrewChief> *Dallas shows his phone to Hox.* You know it's gonna be good when the reviews say it's in, quote, "a safe area".
  133. <Hoxton> *Hox takes the phone, critically scrolling through the reviews. But under the bristly, slightly amused shell, there is a guy honestly looking forward to fucking excess luxury.* Safe area huh? Hah hah! *he chuckles, looking utterly mischievous.* Little do they know.
  134. <Wolf2ElectricBoogaloo> *Wolf hung around as he finished his equipment check before he made up his mind on what he wanted to do. After some thinking (and looking outside) he figured he'd be better off at the safehouse. He'd be damned if some gangbangers broke in and stole their stuff while he was gone.*
  135. <Bodhster> *Danny figures the hotel is the best way to go and just sticks close to Dallas and Hoxton for the time being. Still very wary about the area.*
  136. <Jacket__> Jacket literally had nothing to for the time being, sitting down on one of the cots as he took out an old Gameboy from his jacket and just began playing what was on it. He probably stole it from someone or had it the entire time, who knows? Most likely stole it.
  137. <CrewChief> *Dallas flips flops a little between the Sagamore Pendry and the Marriott. Hmm. Both solid prospects. Waterfront property either way, nice view. Restaurant. Proper room service. Pool. Pleasant environment--more importantly, safe environment. Steep nightly cost, but you can't put a price on a good night's sleep, right? He turns to Hox, says* You go ahead and pick one out. But I'm not driving you across town if we split up.
  138. <CrewChief> *to the others* Couple decent hotels in town. You guys sure you wanna stay here?
  139. <Jacket__> Jacket shrugged and crossed his arms. "I'm fine where I am.. you guys go on ahead. No issue with me here."
  140. <Bodhster> I don't think you can pay me enough to stay here-- *Danny pipes in. He feels uncomfortably cramped in here already.*
  141. <CrewChief> *Dallas nods.* All right, suit yourself, buddy.
  142. <King1> *I just want to note King is asleep now, but I'm gonna lurk. If anything cool happens she'll probably wake up.*
  143. <Hoxton> I'll stay were ya will. Not gonna split up. Just saw that place, thought it looked hilarious. Fuckin pompous front.
  144. <Draganborn> *Dragan looks around the temporary safe house again. He shrugs.* This place isn't that bad. I'm fine here. *He's lived in much shabbier places before, anyway*
  145. <Wolf2ElectricBoogaloo> I'm not letting them take our stuff. *Wolf said, essentially letting Dallas know that he was fine at the safehouse. That said, he rolled down his sleeves and looked for a spot to occupy his time before the job.*
  146. <CrewChief> *That's good enough for Dallas. He won't push the subject. He scrolls around a bit, says* Pompous, huh? I think it looks all right. And get a loada that view. *He shows him. Straight shot from the pool out back to the open water of the Patapasco River beyond. Undeniably beautiful in the glamor shots. Though the forecast calls for a week straight of rain, so yeah, curb your expectations, buddies.*
  147. <CrewChief> *shows Hox.
  148. <Hoxton> *Hox looks pretty happy at the prospect of a luxurious hotel to stay. Not like he is living bad at the moment. Nowhere near bad. But it's been ages since he just could take off and spend some time at a hotel. It may sound odd but it's weirdly freeing.* Nice. Blimey, they are really up on the river! *Hox looks happy enough.* Lookin good to me!
  149. <CrewChief> *Dallas nods, says to Danny* We'll be staying at the Sagamore Pendry, down by the waterfront. *He passes him his phone.* Here, have a look.
  150. <Bodhster> *Now that's what he likes. Cue the fake dry heaving sounds from just BEING in the temporary safehouse.* Good God, don't know why nobody else wanted to come along! How is this any better??
  151. <CrewChief> All right, let's check the place out, buddies. C'mon. *As Dallas heads out, he gives a quick heads up to the others, saying* We're gonna go check in at the hotel, then circle back around. You guys need anything, don't hesitate. And if you change your mind, it's the Sagamore Pendry. See you in a couple hours.
  152. <Jacket__> Jacket gave a small nod, giving them a two fingered salute in goodbye as he watched them go. He'd think about it.. if he went, he went. But for now he was going to stay.
  153. <Draganborn> *Once They've gone, Dragan gives a small nod to the rest of the people still at the safehouse, and heads outside to have a smoke*
  154. <CrewChief> *On the way out, Dallas can't help cracking wise in a low voice.* The way the place looks, a red carpet's gonna roll out the front entrance any second now. And me and my getup over here-- At least you two won't look outta place.
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