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Feb 28th, 2020
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  1. A: Hi, how u doin?
  2. B: Fine, you?
  3. A: Quite upset, ‘cause Jane didn't come to me yesterday.
  4. B: Oh, she said that she was having her nails painted.
  5. A: You know, we actually wanted to meet on the previous week. But whenever I called her, she always found excuses. I’ll try to meet with her tomorrow.
  6. B: I don't want to upset you, but she'll be having her hair dyed tomorrow.
  7. A: Ohh, she just drives me crazy. Hate it)
  8. B: I think, whatever you do, she will never change.
  9. A: She’ll go walking alone then. By the way, how’s your school project?
  10. B: Ohhh, however hard I tried, I couldn't pleased my teacher. Moreover, I have some problems with my eyesight now, because I spent too much time working on it at night.
  11. A: God, I think you should have your eyes tested.
  12. B: I know, but whenever I try to go to the hospital, it's closed.
  13. A: I’ve heard, that they're having their building renovated.
  14. B: Do you test your eyes, by the way?
  15. A: Yeah ofc, I have my eyes tested every year.
  16. B: How about going to the hospital together next Monday?
  17. A: Oh, I’m sorry but I can’t. I will have my computer delivered next Monday. We can go on Tuesday.
  18. B: Yeah, ok. I’ll call you. Bye then.
  19. A: See you
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