
Capricorn Castle's Rules and Info!

Aug 24th, 2019
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  1. <b><size=30><align="center">Capricorn Castle</align></size=40></b>
  3. <size=20><b>Info:</b></size=20>
  4. <size=15>We are Capricorn Castle, a mostly English SCP Server run by capable staff and played by you! Our host, Detective Quackers, keeps things running, and the administrators enforce the rules, to allow for a smooth and enjoyable time.
  5. Our discord is where we post updates on the server and socialise when we aren't playing SCP.
  6. Our host also has a Patreon, so you can support Capricorn Castle's development. Based on how much you donate, you will recieve special gifts as a thank you from Detective Quackers. Dont feel like you have to donate. We understand many of you may not have the funds to donate, but here at CC, every little helps.
  7. SCP Secret Laboratory is a multiplayer game based on the fictional SCP Foundation, and SCP Containment Breach.
  9. <size=15>Discord: <link=""><u><b><i></i></b></u></link></size=15>
  10. <size=15>Patreon: <link=""><u><b><i></i></b></u></link> </size=15>
  12. <size=20><b>Rules:</b></size=20>
  13. 1. No advertising
  14. 2. No exploiting/cheating
  15. 3. No racism
  16. 4. Follow orders from your MTF Commanders
  17. 5. Please do not Intentionally stall the round
  18. 6. Don't suicide to bypass playing a class
  19. 7. No camping the nuke room - note that the nuke automatically goes off after 20 minutes
  20. 8. Respect Staff
  21. 9. Don't be an Arsehole
  22. 10. No excessive Mic spam - Music is okay only if it's not Ear rape
  23. 11. Staff members are permitted to kick/ban members for general harrasment/bullying
  25. If you find any issues or anyone breaking one of these rules, please report it to the Discord Group.
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