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Jul 27th, 2017
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  1. documentclass[compsoc, conference, letterpaper, 10pt, times]{IEEEtran}
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  4. % requires cite.sty v4.0 or later (November 2003)
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  7. % normal IEEE
  9. usepackage{cite}
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  29. title{Test}
  30. lipsum
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  37. begin{tabular}{ cccc}
  38. toprule
  39. & multicolumn{3}{c}{B} \
  40. cmidrule(lr){2-4}
  41. multicolumn{1}{c}{multirow{-2}{*}[0.5ex]{A}}
  42. & AAA & BBB & CCC \
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  66. hline\
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  68. 4&5tnote{b}&6\
  69. 7&8&9\
  70. hline\
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  73. raggedright
  74. item[a] A table note.
  75. item[b] A rather longer table note referred to in multiple places.
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  87. DeclareRobustCommand{Wmk}{si{wattpermetreperkelvin}}
  88. newcommand*rfrac[2]{{}^{#1}!/_{#2}}%running fraction with slash - requires math mode.
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  95. caption[Highhyp{}frequencyhyp{}related material parameters.]{label{tab_Theory_Materials}Highhyp{}frequencyhyp{}related material parameters. Based on a table in reference emph{dummy}, some data from reference emph{dummy}.}
  96. small{
  97. begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}S@{}S@{}S@{}S@{}S@{}S@{}S@{}S@{}}
  98. toprule
  99. &multicolumn{1}{c}{$E_g$tnote{a}}&multicolumn{1}{c}{$n_i$tnote{b}}&multicolumn{1}{c}{$epsilon_r$tnote{c}}&multicolumn{1}{c}{$mu_n$tnote{d}}& multicolumn{1}{c}{$v_mathrm{sat}$tnote{e}}&multicolumn{1}{c}{$E_mathrm{br}$tnote{f}}&multicolumn{1}{c}{$mathit{TC}$tnote{g}}& multicolumn{1}{c}{$mathit{JM}$tnote{h}}\
  100. &multicolumn{1}{c}{small{si{eV}}}&multicolumn{1}{c}{small{si{cm^{-3}}}}&multicolumn{1}{c}{}&multicolumn{1}{c}{small{si{cmpervoltpers}}}& multicolumn{1}{c}{small{$times 10^7$si{cmpers}}}&multicolumn{1}{c}{small{si{megavoltpercm}}}&multicolumn{1}{c}{small{Wmk}}&multicolumn{1}{c}{}\
  101. midrule\
  102. Si&1.1&1.5e10&11.8&1350&1.0&0.3&150&1\
  103. GaAs&1.42&1.5e5&13.1&8500&1.0&0.6&43&2.7\
  104. SiC (4H)&3.26&8.2e-9&10&700&2.0&3.0&450tnote{~i}&20\
  105. GaN&3.4&1.9e-10&9.0&2000tnote{~j}&2.5&3.3&130&27.5\
  106. Diamond&5.4&1.6e-27&5.5&1900&2.7&5.6&2000&50\
  107. bottomrule
  108. end{tabular}}
  109. begin{tablenotes}
  110. setlength{columnsep}{0.8cm}
  111. setlength{multicolsep}{0cm}
  112. begin{multicols}{2}raggedright
  113. item[a] Bandgap.
  114. item[b] Intrinsic carrier density at room temperature.
  115. item[c] Relative permittivity.
  116. item[d] Electron mobility.
  117. item[e] Saturation velocity.
  118. item[f] Breakdown field.
  119. item[g] Thermal conductivity at room temperature. The thermal conductivity reduces with temperature at typical operating temperatures. For GaN $mathit{TC}propto T^{-1.4}$ is often used, though values vary.
  120. item[h] Johnson figure of merit, which compares the powerhyp{}frequency performance of materials, normalised to the value for Si. $JM=rfrac{E_mathrm{br}v_mathrm{sat}}{2pi}$.
  121. item[i] In-plane; parallel to the $c$-axis the thermal conductivity is 330~Wmk.
  122. item[j] Within the 2DEG; the bulk value is SI[scientific-notation=false]{1200}{cmpervoltpers}.
  123. end{multicols}
  124. end{tablenotes}
  125. end{threeparttable}
  126. end{document}
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