
toggle staff skript DB

Jul 10th, 2019
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  1. on load:
  2. set {{_p}%} to true
  3. set {} to true
  5. command /receivereportsyes:
  6. aliases: /rryes
  7. permission: Rank.Helper
  8. permission message: &aDaybloom: &eYou do not have the correct rank to use this command.
  9. trigger:
  10. set {{_p}%} to true
  11. send "&2Report: &7Report Notifications &aEnabled"
  13. command /receivereportsno:
  14. aliases: /rrno
  15. permission: Rank.Helper
  16. permission message: &aDaybloom: &eYou do not have the correct rank to use this command.
  17. trigger:
  18. set {{_p}%} to false
  19. send "&2Report: &7Report Notifications &cDisabled"
  21. command /reveivereports:
  22. aliases: /rr
  23. permission: Rank.Helper
  24. permission message: &aDaybloom: &eYou do not have the correct rank to use this command.
  25. trigger:
  26. open chest with 4 rows named "Report Settings" to player
  27. wait 1 tick
  28. format slot 4 of player with empty map named "&2&lReport Settings" to be unstealable
  29. format slot 21 of player with green dye named "&7Receive Reports: &a&lYes" to close then run [make player execute command "/rryes"]
  30. format slot 23 of player with red dye named "&7Receive Reports: &c&lNo" to close then run [make player execute command "/rrno"]
  32. command /reportreload:
  33. permission: Rank.Admin
  34. permission message: &aDaybloom: &eYou do not have the correct rank to use this command.
  35. trigger:
  36. make player execute command "/sk reload ToggleStaff"
  37. make player execute command "/sk reload report"
  38. send "&2Reloaded report system"
  40. command /completereload:
  41. permission: Rank.Admin
  42. permission message: &aDaybloom: &eYou do not have the correct rank to use this command.
  43. trigger:
  44. make player execute command "/sk reload all"
  45. send "&4&lExecuted complete reload"
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