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a guest
Oct 22nd, 2019
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  1. Crate:
  2. CrateType: CSGO
  3. CrateName: '&2&lBox Journal'
  4. Preview-Name: '&8Aperçu de la box Journal'
  5. StartingKeys: 0
  6. InGUI: true
  7. Slot: 21
  8. OpeningBroadCast: true
  9. BroadCast: '%Prefix%&6&l%Player% &7ouvre une &7Box Journal&7.'
  10. Item: CHEST
  11. Glowing: false
  12. Name: '&2&lBox Journal'
  13. Lore:
  14. - '&7Vous avez &6%Keys% clé &7pour ouvrir cette box .'
  15. - '&7Clique Gauche pour l ouvrir'
  16. - '&7&l(&e&l!&7&l)Clique droit pour voir les loots disp.'
  17. Preview:
  18. Toggle: true
  19. ChestLines: 6
  20. Glass:
  21. Toggle: true
  23. PhysicalKey:
  24. Name: '&2&lClé Journal'
  25. Lore:
  26. - '&7Clé pour ouvrir la box Journal.'
  27. - '&7Dispo au /kit Journal'
  29. Glowing: true
  30. Prizes:
  31. '1':
  32. DisplayName: '&e&l500$'
  33. DisplayItem: DOUBLE_PLANT:0
  34. DisplayAmount: 1
  35. Lore:
  36. - '&7Un mois d argent de poche.'
  37. - '&6&lChance: &c&l50%'
  38. MaxRange: 100
  39. Chance: 50
  40. Firework: true
  41. Commands:
  42. - eco give %Player% 500
  43. Messages:
  44. - '&7GG tu as gagné 500$.'
  45. '2':
  46. DisplayName: '&e&l1000$'
  47. DisplayItem: DOUBLE_PLANT:0
  48. DisplayAmount: 1
  49. Lore:
  50. - '&7Deux mois d argent de poche .'
  51. - '&6&lChance: &c&l35%'
  52. MaxRange: 100
  53. Chance: 35
  54. Firework: true
  55. Commands:
  56. - eco give %Player% 1000
  57. Messages:
  58. - '&7GG tu as gagné 1000$.'
  59. '3':
  60. DisplayName: '&e&l1500$'
  61. DisplayItem: DOUBLE_PLANT:0
  62. DisplayAmount: 1
  63. Lore:
  64. - '&7Trois mois d argent de poche .'
  65. - '&6&lChance: &c&l15%'
  66. MaxRange: 100
  67. Chance: 15
  68. Firework: true
  69. Commands:
  70. - eco give %Player% 1500
  71. Messages:
  72. - '&7GG tu as gagné 1500$.'
  73. '4':
  74. DisplayName: '&7Auto Generated Prize #&64'
  75. DisplayItem: STAINED_GLASS_PANE:14
  76. DisplayAmount: 1
  77. Lore: []
  78. MaxRange: 100
  79. Chance: 50
  80. Firework: false
  81. Glowing: false
  82. Player: ''
  83. Unbreakable: false
  84. Items: []
  85. Editor-Items:
  86. - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
  87. type: MONSTER_EGG
  88. meta:
  89. ==: ItemMeta
  90. meta-type: SPAWN_EGG
  91. display-name: §fSpawn §6§lVoleur
  92. lore:
  93. - §8§oA Mythical Egg that can
  94. - §8§obe used to resurrect a
  95. - §8§oVoleur
  96. enchants:
  97. DURABILITY: 10
  98. Commands: []
  99. Messages: []
  100. BlackListed-Permissions: []
  101. Alternative-Prize:
  102. Toggle: false
  103. Commands: []
  104. Items: []
  105. Messages: []
  106. '5':
  107. DisplayName: '&a&lLegendaire Pioche'
  108. DisplayItem: DIAMOND_PICKAXE
  109. DisplayAmount: 1
  110. Lore:
  111. - '&7Elle casse tout!'
  112. - '&6&lChance: &c&l40%'
  113. DisplayEnchantments:
  114. - 'Efficiency:15'
  115. MaxRange: 100
  116. Chance: 40
  117. Items:
  118. - 'Item:CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS, Amount:1, Name:&aFancy Pants, Efficiency:15, Unbreakable-Item:true'
  119. Messages:
  120. - '&7Tu as gagné la legendaire a &a&lPIOCHE&7.'
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