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a guest
Jan 21st, 2018
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  1. 1-45 Light Leather Kits (~49 Light Leather)
  2. 45-55 Handstitched Cloaks (~32 LL)
  3. 55-100 Embossed Leather Gloves (~141 LL)
  4. 100-123 Fine Leather Belts (~174 LL)
  5. 123-137 Dark Leather Boots (~64 Medium Leather)
  6. 138-155 Dark Leather Pants (~288 ML)
  7. 155-165 Hillsman Gloves (~140 ML)
  8. 165-180 Heavy Leather Kits (~95 Heavy Leather)
  9. 180-183 Hillsman Gloves (~98 ML)
  10. 183-191 Barbaric Shoulders (~64 HL 8 Cured Heavy Hides)
  11. 191-196 Barbaric Harness (~70 HL 5 Iron Buckles)
  12. 196-206 Dusky Bracers (~ 160 HL)
  13. 206-220 Thick Leather Kits (~70 Thick Leather (Save 6 of these for quest))
  14. 220-225 Night Scape Head Bands (~25 TL (Save 2 for quest))
  15. 225-227 Turtle Scale Breastplate (~12 TL 24 Turtle Scales) (Quest)
  16. 227-229 Turtle Scale Gloves (~12 TL 16 TS) (Quest)
  17. 229-230 Night Scape Tunic (~14 TL) (Quest)
  18. 230-232 Night Scape Head bands (~20 TL)
  19. 232-233 Turtle Scale Bracers (~16 TL 24 TS) (Quest)
  20. 233-235 Turtle Scale Helm (~28 TL 48 TS) (Quest)
  21. 235-237 Night Scape Pants (~ 28 TL) (Quest)
  22. 237-240 Night Scape Boots (~ 32 Tl) (Quest)
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