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Jun 17th, 2019
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  1. Jaga twists from her pack and looses an entire container of wasabi salt through the air. Chugokan bred, the spiciest you can hope to endure. Refined, and without flavors to dull it. It made pepper spray look like water. And now the air was teeming with it.
  3. Then she was skewered. Multiple times. Her body, that was fine. The sword had taken care of her. Her soul? That was something steel couldn't save. Her memories came to her, twisted from the injuries, shuffled from the pain.
  5. She saw IA's head roll to the ground and laugh at her. "You thought you would change the world?"
  7. She saw a bloodied Goru, blood dripping from his mouth instead of coffee. "You thought you could help Sankarn?"
  9. She saw an eye twist from the puddle of Naraku, gore twitching, gurggling out to her. "You thought you could do -anything?-"
  11. She turned away and was faced with Cor'vas and Kei'Ran, sneering, their hands trying to rip at her. She screamed and they slid away laughing.
  13. Adamas sat at her table, standing, suddenly buildings tall. "You wanted a restaurant? You? What have you ever done? You were a waste."
  15. Yun is sitting on the floor across the table looking at her plans to found Kiern, the city to save the world. And she laughs. She rips them to pieces and throws them in Jaga's face. "A trade capital? What are you thinking? We don't want that, you traitor." Yun spits in Jaga's face before laughing into the aether.
  17. Mari walks up to Jaga and pulls on her coattail. "Hey, Ms. Jaga?" She turns to the small girl, and her face is a cruel grin. "Song did more for me with one sheet of paper than your entire efforts did. You failed."
  19. Tyrsienne strides up and pats Jaga on the back, a bloody handprint left there. "Well, you tried your best, but I guess I'm just that much better." Tsubaki takes her other side. "You should have just joined us, little cat."
  21. Song steps up from the other side of his desk. He looks at Jaga behind cool eyes. "Did you think I would forget Takaguchi? Did you think I would ever forgive you? You could have tried anything, you could have groveled, and I would still set fire to Sankarn. Pitiful."
  23. Heiki walks up and takes Jaga's face in her hands. Her touch is soft and she speaks warmly. "You never knew love, and you never would have. Your people hated you, and your life was nothing but hardwork and failure." Her hands squeezed at Jaga's head, feeling like it would shatter.
  27. Then Kiernan arrived. Donned in her armor, shining brightly, and looking confused. She scooped up the girl. "Ye' aight thar, Jaga?" Jaga shivered and clutched to the one person she cared for more than anything in the world. The one person she had tried so hard for. "No. No Kiernan, I failed."
  28. Kiernan gave her a none-too-gentle pat on the head and gave her a little squeeze. "Ah'm shur you did yur best. Ye' did good, Jaga." The shivering cat girl looked up to her face, now helmetless. "Did.. did I really..?"
  29. Kiernan gave her a warm, ugly smile. "'Course ye did. Now c'mon, less go home."
  31. Jaga couldn't stop crying in her last moments. Her psyche was spinning out of control, but she had Kiernan. Kiernan had come for her. That was all that mattered. She'd known six years of her life, and through all of them Kiernan had never let her be afraid.
  33. Until the job is done.
  35. With the last of her being, she pulls a beaded string on her sack and the entire things falls into shambles. A flurry of birds explode from it, flying about the spicy madness before darting for the cave entrance.
  37. She pulled her trapper keeper next to her, and took a long deserved rest.
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