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May 2nd, 2017
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  1. -- This file is under copyright, and is bound to the agreement stated in the EULA.
  2. -- Any 3rd party content has been used as either public domain or with permission.
  3. -- © Copyright 2014-2017 Aritz Beobide-Cardinal All rights reserved.
  5. -- I actually got off my ass and started to make ARCBank compatable with MySQL.
  6. -- After started, I realized that this... WILL BE HARD!
  8. local MYSQL_TYPE = 0
  10. if system.IsLinux() then
  11. ARCBank.Msg(table.Random{"You know, I created a skin using LXDE that made ubuntu look like, sound like, and feel like windows 98.","GANOO/LOONIX","I <3 Linux","Linux is best","I don't like systemd."})
  12. if file.Exists( "lua/bin/gmsv_mysqloo_linux.dll", "MOD") then
  13. MYSQL_TYPE = 1
  14. require( "mysqloo" )
  15. elseif file.Exists( "lua/bin/gmsv_tmysql4_linux.dll", "MOD") then
  16. MYSQL_TYPE = 2
  17. require( "tmysql4" )
  18. end
  19. if file.Exists( "lua/bin/gmsv_mysqloo_win32.dll", "MOD") || file.Exists( "lua/bin/gmsv_tmysql4_win32.dll", "MOD") then
  20. ARCBank.Msg("...You do realize that you tried to install a windows .dll on a linux machine, right?")
  21. end
  22. elseif system.IsWindows() then
  23. ARCBank.Msg(table.Random{"Windows server... >_>","I hope you aren't using a windows server by choice.","Once you learn a little bit more about computers in general, you'll hate windows server. (Unless you're an idiot.)"})
  24. if file.Exists( "lua/bin/gmsv_mysqloo_win32.dll", "MOD") then
  25. MYSQL_TYPE = 1
  26. require( "mysqloo" )
  27. elseif file.Exists( "lua/bin/gmsv_tmysql4_win32.dll", "MOD") then
  28. MYSQL_TYPE = 2
  29. require( "tmysql4" )
  30. end
  31. if file.Exists( "lua/bin/gmsv_mysqloo_linux.dll", "MOD") || file.Exists( "lua/bin/gmsv_tmysql4_linux.dll", "MOD") then
  32. ARCBank.Msg("...You do realize that you tried to install a linux .dll on a windows machine, right?")
  33. end
  34. elseif system.IsOSX() then
  35. ARCBank.Msg("Is there even such a thing as an OSX server? Can it run mysqloo?")
  36. end
  37. --1.3: arcbank_account_members arcbank_personal_account arcbank_personal_account
  38. local arcbank_log = [[CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS arcbank_log
  39. (
  42. account1 varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  43. account2 varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT "",
  44. user1 varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  45. user2 varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT "",
  46. moneydiff BIGINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  47. money BIGINT,
  48. transaction_type SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
  49. comment varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT ""
  50. ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;]]
  52. local arcbank_accounts = [[CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS arcbank_accounts
  53. (
  54. account varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY,
  55. name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  56. owner varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  58. ) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;]]
  60. local arcbank_groups = [[CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS arcbank_groups
  61. (
  62. account varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  63. user varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  64. CONSTRAINT pk_PersonID UNIQUE (account,user)
  65. );]]
  67. local arcbank_lock = [[CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS arcbank_lock
  68. (
  69. account varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY
  70. );]]
  72. ARCBank = ARCBank or {}
  73. ARCBank.Loaded = false
  74. ARCBank.MySQL = {}
  75. ARCBank.MySQL.EnableMySQL = true
  76. ARCBank.MySQL.Host = ""
  77. ARCBank.MySQL.Username = "rp_darkrp"
  78. ARCBank.MySQL.Password = "redacted"
  79. ARCBank.MySQL.DatabaseName = "rp_darkrp"
  80. ARCBank.MySQL.DatabasePort = 3306
  82. function ARCBank.MySQL.Escape(str)
  83. if MYSQL_TYPE == 1 then
  84. return ARCBank.DataBase:escape(str)
  85. elseif MYSQL_TYPE == 2 then
  86. return ARCBank.DataBase:Escape(str)
  87. end
  88. end
  90. function ARCBank.MySQL.CreateQuery(str,succfunc,errfunc)
  91. if MYSQL_TYPE == 1 then
  92. local q = ARCBank.DataBase:query( str )
  93. function q:onSuccess( data )
  94. succfunc(data)
  95. end
  96. function q:onError( err, sqlq )
  97. errfunc(err,sqlq)
  98. end
  99. q:start()
  100. elseif MYSQL_TYPE == 2 then
  101. local function onCompleted( results )
  102. if #results == 1 then
  103. if results[1].status then
  104. succfunc(results[1].data)
  105. else
  106. errfunc(results[1].error,str)
  107. end
  108. --ARCBank.Msg("tmysql4 query took "..results[1].time.." seconds and affected "..results[1].affected.." rows with error "..tostring(results[1].error) )
  109. else
  111. ARCBank.Msg("The result table was as follows:")
  112. PrintTable(results)
  113. ARCBank.Msg("Finished printing result to console.")
  114. errfunc("ARCBank tmysql4 support error!",str)
  115. end
  116. end
  117. ARCBank.DataBase:Query( str, onCompleted )
  118. end
  119. end
  121. local function InitOnError( err, sql )
  122. ARCBank.Loaded = false
  123. ARCBank.Busy = false
  124. ARCBank.Msg( "FAILED!! "..tostring(err) )
  125. end
  126. local function InitOnSuccess( data )
  127. ARCBank.Msg( "Everything appears to be A-OK!" )
  128. ARCBank.Loaded = true
  129. ARCBank.Busy = false
  130. ARCBank.Msg("ARCBank is ready!")
  131. ARCBank.ConvertOldAccounts()
  132. ARCBank.CapAccountRank()
  133. end
  135. local function InitGroupSuccess( data )
  136. ARCBank.Msg( "Checking if in-use accounts table exists..." )
  137. ARCBank.MySQL.CreateQuery(arcbank_lock,InitOnSuccess,InitOnError)
  138. end
  140. local function InitAccountSuccess( data )
  141. ARCBank.Msg( "Checking if group member table exists..." )
  142. ARCBank.MySQL.CreateQuery(arcbank_groups,InitGroupSuccess,InitOnError)
  143. end
  145. local function InitLogSuccess( data )
  146. ARCBank.Msg( "Checking if account properties table exists..." )
  147. ARCBank.MySQL.CreateQuery(arcbank_accounts,InitAccountSuccess,InitOnError)
  148. end
  150. function ARCBank.MySQL.Connect()
  152. if MYSQL_TYPE == 0 then
  153. ARCBank.Msg("No suitable MySQL module has been found. This addon supports MySQLOO or tmysql4.")
  154. ARCBank.Msg("You can download MySQLOO v9 here:")
  155. return
  156. end
  157. if MYSQL_TYPE == 2 then
  158. ARCBank.Msg("Still running tmysql4? Why not try MySQLOO v9? tmysql4 was abandoned by its creator and MySQLOO v9 fixed all the memory leaks and crash bugs that MySQLOO v8 had!")
  159. ARCBank.Msg("You can download MySQLOO v9 here:")
  160. end
  162. ARCBank.Msg("Connecting to database. Hopefully nothing blows up....")
  163. if MYSQL_TYPE == 1 then
  164. ARCBank.DataBase = mysqloo.connect( ARCBank.MySQL.Host, ARCBank.MySQL.Username, ARCBank.MySQL.Password, ARCBank.MySQL.DatabaseName, ARCBank.MySQL.DatabasePort )
  165. function ARCBank.DataBase:onConnectionFailed( err )
  166. ARCBank.Msg( "...SOMETHING BROKE! "..tostring(err) )
  167. end
  168. function ARCBank.DataBase:onConnected()
  169. ARCBank.Msg( "Database connected. So far so good!" )
  170. ARCBank.MySQL.CreateQuery(arcbank_log,InitLogSuccess,InitOnError)
  171. end
  172. ARCBank.DataBase:connect()
  173. elseif MYSQL_TYPE == 2 then
  174. local Database, err = tmysql.Connect(ARCBank.MySQL.Host, ARCBank.MySQL.Username, ARCBank.MySQL.Password, ARCBank.MySQL.DatabaseName, ARCBank.MySQL.DatabasePort, nil, CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS)
  175. if err then
  176. ARCBank.Msg( "...SOMETHING BROKE! "..tostring(err) )
  177. ARCBank.Busy = false
  178. else
  179. ARCBank.DataBase = Database
  180. ARCBank.Msg( "Database connected. So far so good!" )
  181. ARCBank.Msg( "Checking if log table exists..." )
  182. ARCBank.MySQL.CreateQuery(arcbank_log,InitLogSuccess,InitOnError)
  183. end
  184. end
  187. end
  188. local ignorableErrors = {"Duplicate entry "}
  189. local resetErrors = {"Lost connection to MySQL server during query"}
  190. function ARCBank.MySQL.Query(str,callback)
  191. local function onSuccess( data )
  192. callback(nil,data)
  193. end
  194. local function onError( err, sqlq )
  195. local ignoreError = false
  196. for k,v in ipairs(ignorableErrors) do
  197. if string.Left( err, #v ) == v then
  198. ignoreError = true
  199. end
  200. end
  201. if ignoreError then
  202. ARCBank.Msg( "Ignoring MySQL Error: \""..tostring(err).."\" Query: \""..tostring(sqlq).."\"")
  203. else
  204. for _,plys in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  205. ARCBank.MsgCL(plys,ARCBank.Msgs.CommandOutput.MySQL1)
  206. ARCBank.MsgCL(plys,ARCBank.Msgs.CommandOutput.MySQL2)
  207. end
  209. ARCBank.Msg( "MySQL ERROR: "..tostring(err))
  210. ARCBank.Msg( "In Query \""..tostring(sqlq).."\"")
  211. ARCBank.Msg(tostring(#err).." - "..tostring(#sqlq))
  212. local resetError = false
  213. for k,v in ipairs(resetErrors) do
  214. if string.Left( err, #v ) == v then
  215. resetError = true
  216. end
  217. end
  218. if resetError then
  219. for _,plys in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  220. ARCBank.MsgCL(plys,ARCBank.Msgs.CommandOutput.MySQL3)
  221. end
  222. ARCBank.Msg( "This error can be corrected by re-connecting to the MySQL server (which I am about to do)" )
  223. ARCBank.Msg( "If you're getting errors like this very consistently (like every 5 or 10 minutes) try increasing the connection time limit on the MySQL server" )
  224. ARCBank.Busy = true
  225. timer.Simple(5,function()
  226. if ARCBank.Loaded then return end
  227. ARCBank.MySQL.Connect()
  228. timer.Simple(15,function()
  229. if !ARCBank.Loaded then
  230. for _,plys in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  231. ARCBank.MsgCL(plys,ARCBank.Msgs.CommandOutput.MySQL4)
  232. end
  233. end
  234. end)
  235. end)
  236. else
  237. ARCBank.Msg( "REPORT THIS TO ARITZ CRACKER ASAP!!! (Unless it's your fault)" )
  238. end
  239. ARCBank.Loaded = false
  240. end
  241. callback(err)
  242. end
  243. ARCBank.MySQL.CreateQuery(str,onSuccess,onError)
  244. end
  245. --
  246. function ARCBank.MySQL.RunCustomCommand(str)
  247. local function onSuccess( data )
  248. print( "Query successful!" )
  249. print(#data)
  250. PrintTable( data )
  251. if #data == 0 then
  252. print( "Blank table result" )
  253. end
  255. end
  257. local function onError( err, sql )
  259. print( "Query errored!" )
  260. print( "Query:", sql )
  261. print( "Error:", err )
  263. end
  265. ARCBank.MySQL.CreateQuery(str,onSuccess,onError)
  266. end
  268. ARCBank.Commands["mysql"] = { --TODO: FINISH
  269. command = function(ply,args)
  270. if !ARCBank.Loaded then ARCBank.MsgCL(ply,"System reset required!") return end -- This is just to check if the ARCBank system is working properly.
  271. if !ARCBank.IsMySQLEnabled() then ARCBank.MsgCL(ply,"MySQL must be enabled.") return end
  272. if (IsValid(ply) && ply:IsPlayer() && !ply:IsListenServerHost()) then
  273. ARCBank.MsgCL(ply,"This command cannot be used by a player.")
  274. return
  275. end
  276. if args[1] == "copy_to_database" then
  277. ARCBank.Msg(ARCBank.Msgs.CommandOutput.MySQLCopy)
  278. for _,plys in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  279. ARCBank.MsgCL(plys,ARCBank.Msgs.CommandOutput.MySQLCopy)
  280. end
  281. ARCBank.Busy = true
  282. timer.Simple(1,function()
  283. local Queries = {}
  284. table.insert(Queries,"DELETE FROM arcbank_log;")
  285. table.insert(Queries,"DELETE FROM arcbank_accounts;")
  286. table.insert(Queries,"DELETE FROM arcbank_groups;")
  287. local logs = file.Find( ARCBank.Dir.."/logs_1.4/*", "DATA")
  288. local properties = file.Find( ARCBank.Dir.."/accounts_1.4/*", "DATA")
  289. local groups = file.Find( ARCBank.Dir.."/groups_1.4/*", "DATA")
  292. for k,v in ipairs(logs) do
  293. local line = string.Explode( "\r\n", file.Read(ARCBank.Dir.."/logs_1.4/"..v) or "")
  294. line[#line] = nil --Last line of a log is always blank
  295. for kk,vv in ipairs(line) do
  296. local stuffs = string.Explode("\t",vv)
  298. local transaction_id = tonumber(stuffs[1]) or 0
  299. local timestamp = tostring(tonumber(stuffs[2]) or 0)
  300. local account1 = "'"..ARCBank.MySQL.Escape(stuffs[3]).."'"
  301. local account2 = "'"..ARCBank.MySQL.Escape(stuffs[4]).."'"
  302. local user1 = "'"..ARCBank.MySQL.Escape(stuffs[5]).."'"
  303. local user2 = "'"..ARCBank.MySQL.Escape(stuffs[6]).."'"
  304. local moneydiff = tostring(tonumber(stuffs[7]) or 0)
  305. local money = tonumber(stuffs[8])
  306. if money == nil then
  307. money = "NULL"
  308. else
  309. money = tostring(money)
  310. end
  311. local transaction_type = tostring(tonumber(stuffs[9]) or 0)
  312. local comment = "'"..ARCBank.MySQL.Escape(stuffs[10]).."'"
  314. table.insert(Queries,"INSERT INTO arcbank_log(timestamp,account1,account2,user1,user2,moneydiff,money,transaction_type,comment) VALUES("..timestamp..","..account1..","..account2..","..user1..","..user2..","..moneydiff..","","..transaction_type..","..comment..");")
  315. end
  316. end
  318. for k,v in ipairs(properties) do
  319. --""
  320. data = file.Read( ARCBank.Dir.."/accounts_1.4/"..v, "DATA")
  321. if !data or data == "" then
  322. ARCBank.Msg("Corrupted account "..v)
  323. else
  324. local accountdata = util.JSONToTable(data)
  325. table.insert(Queries,"INSERT INTO arcbank_accounts(account,name,owner,rank) VALUES('"..ARCBank.MySQL.Escape(tostring(accountdata.account)).."','"..ARCBank.MySQL.Escape(tostring("','"..ARCBank.MySQL.Escape(tostring(accountdata.owner)).."',"..tonumber(accountdata.rank or 0)..");")
  326. end
  327. end
  328. for k,v in ipairs(groups) do
  329. tab = string.Explode( ",", file.Read( ARCBank.Dir.."/groups_1.4/"..v, "DATA"))
  330. if tab and tab[2] then
  331. local account = string.sub(v,1,#v-4)
  332. tab[#tab] = nil --Last person is blank because lazy
  333. for kk,vv in ipairs(tab) do
  334. table.insert(Queries,"INSERT INTO arcbank_groups(account,user) VALUES('"..ARCBank.MySQL.Escape(account).."','"..ARCBank.MySQL.Escape(vv).."');")
  335. end
  336. else
  337. ARCBank.Msg("Corrupted group list "..v)
  338. end
  339. end
  340. local recrusivecopy
  341. recrusivecopy = function(num)
  342. if num > #Queries then
  344. for _,plys in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  346. end
  347. ARCBank.Busy = false
  348. return
  349. end
  350. ARCBank.MySQL.Query(Queries[num],function(err,data)
  351. if !err then
  352. ARCBank.Msg(ARCBank.Msgs.ATMMsgs.LoadingMsg.." (%"..tostring(math.floor((num/#Queries)*100))..")")
  353. for _,plys in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  354. ARCBank.MsgCL(plys,ARCBank.Msgs.ATMMsgs.LoadingMsg.." (%"..tostring(math.floor((num/#Queries)*100))..")")
  355. end
  356. recrusivecopy(num+1)
  357. else
  358. ARCBank.Loaded = false
  359. ARCBank.Msg("[ERROR!] (%"..tostring(math.floor((num/#Queries)*100))..") Halting ARCBank. System reset required.")
  360. ARCBank.Msg(err)
  361. for _,plys in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  362. ARCBank.MsgCL(plys,"[ERROR!] (%"..tostring(math.floor((num/#Queries)*100))..") Halting ARCBank. System reset required.")
  363. end
  364. end
  365. end)
  366. end
  367. timer.Simple(1,function() recrusivecopy(1) end)
  368. end)
  370. ARCBank.Msg(ARCBank.Msgs.CommandOutput.MySQLCopy)
  371. for _,plys in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  372. ARCBank.MsgCL(plys,ARCBank.Msgs.CommandOutput.MySQLCopy)
  373. end
  374. elseif args[1] == "copy_from_database" then
  375. ARCBank.Msg(ARCBank.Msgs.CommandOutput.MySQLCopyFrom)
  376. for _,plys in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  377. ARCBank.MsgCL(plys,ARCBank.Msgs.CommandOutput.MySQLCopyFrom)
  378. end
  379. ARCBank.Busy = true
  380. ARCBank.ReadTransactions(nil,nil,nil,function(errcode,progress,data)
  381. if errcode == ARCBANK_ERROR_DOWNLOADING then return end
  382. if errcode == ARCBANK_ERROR_NONE then
  383. local datalen = #data
  384. local recrusivecopy
  385. recrusivecopy = function(num)
  386. if num > datalen then
  387. ARCBank.ReadAllAccountProperties(function(errcode,data)
  388. if errcode == ARCBANK_ERROR_NONE then
  389. local datalen = #data
  390. local recrusivecopyy
  391. recrusivecopyy = function(num)
  392. if num > datalen then
  394. for _,plys in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  396. end
  397. ARCBank.Busy = false
  398. return
  399. end
  400. if data[num].rank > ARCBANK_GROUPACCOUNTS_ then
  401. ARCBank.ReadGroupMembers(data[num].account,function(err,gdata)
  402. if err == ARCBANK_ERROR_NONE then
  403. local groupstr = ""
  404. for k,v in ipairs(gdata) do
  405. groupstr = groupstr .. v .. ","
  406. end
  407. file.Write(ARCBank.Dir.."/groups_1.4/"..tostring(data[num].account)..".txt",groupstr)
  408. file.Write(ARCBank.Dir.."/accounts_1.4/"..tostring(data[num].account)..".txt",util.TableToJSON(data[num]))
  410. ARCBank.Msg(ARCBank.Msgs.ATMMsgs.LoadingMsg.." (%"..tostring(math.floor((num/datalen)*50)+50)..")")
  411. for _,plys in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  412. ARCBank.MsgCL(plys,ARCBank.Msgs.ATMMsgs.LoadingMsg.." (%"..tostring(math.floor((num/datalen)*50)+50)..")")
  413. end
  414. timer.Simple(0.0001,function() recrusivecopyy(num+1) end)
  415. else
  416. ARCBank.Msg("[ERROR!] ARCBank.ReadGroupMembers: "..ARCBANK_ERRORSTRINGS[errcode])
  417. for _,plys in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  418. ARCBank.MsgCL(plys,"[ERROR!] ARCBank.ReadGroupMembers: "..ARCBANK_ERRORSTRINGS[errcode])
  419. end
  420. end
  421. end)
  422. else
  423. file.Write(ARCBank.Dir.."/accounts_1.4/"..tostring(data[num].account)..".txt",util.TableToJSON(data[num]))
  424. ARCBank.Msg(ARCBank.Msgs.ATMMsgs.LoadingMsg.." (%"..tostring(math.floor((num/datalen)*50)+50)..")")
  425. for _,plys in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  426. ARCBank.MsgCL(plys,ARCBank.Msgs.ATMMsgs.LoadingMsg.." (%"..tostring(math.floor((num/datalen)*50)+50)..")")
  427. end
  428. timer.Simple(0.0001,function() recrusivecopyy(num+1) end)
  429. end
  430. end
  431. recrusivecopyy(1)
  432. else
  433. ARCBank.Msg("[ERROR!] ARCBank.ReadAllAccountProperties: "..ARCBANK_ERRORSTRINGS[errcode])
  434. for _,plys in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  435. ARCBank.MsgCL(plys,"[ERROR!] ARCBank.ReadAllAccountProperties: "..ARCBANK_ERRORSTRINGS[errcode])
  436. end
  437. end
  438. end)
  439. else
  440. ARCBank.WriteTransaction(data[num].account1,data[num].account2,data[num].user1,data[num].user2,data[num].moneydiff,data[num].money,data[num].transaction_type,data[num].comment,function(errcode)
  441. if errcode == ARCBANK_ERROR_NONE then
  442. ARCBank.Msg(ARCBank.Msgs.ATMMsgs.LoadingMsg.." (%"..tostring(math.floor((num/datalen)*50))..")")
  443. for _,plys in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  444. ARCBank.MsgCL(plys,ARCBank.Msgs.ATMMsgs.LoadingMsg.." (%"..tostring(math.floor((num/datalen)*50))..")")
  445. end
  446. recrusivecopy(num+1)
  447. else
  448. ARCBank.Msg("[ERROR!] (%"..tostring(math.floor((num/datalen)*50))..") "..ARCBANK_ERRORSTRINGS[errcode])
  449. for _,plys in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  450. ARCBank.MsgCL(plys,"[ERROR!] (%"..tostring(math.floor((num/datalen)*50))..") "..ARCBANK_ERRORSTRINGS[errcode])
  451. end
  452. end
  453. end,data[num].timestamp,true)
  454. end
  455. end
  456. recrusivecopy(1)
  457. else
  458. ARCBank.Msg("[ERROR!] ARCBank.ReadTransactions: "..ARCBANK_ERRORSTRINGS[errcode])
  459. for _,plys in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  460. ARCBank.MsgCL(plys,"[ERROR!] ARCBank.ReadTransactions: "..ARCBANK_ERRORSTRINGS[errcode])
  461. end
  462. end
  463. end)
  464. else
  465. MsgN("ARCBank: Invalid Command.")
  466. end
  467. end,
  468. usage = " [command(string)]",
  469. description = "Copies local database to remote SQL and back.",
  470. adminonly = false,
  471. hidden = false}
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