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Nov 8th, 2018
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  1. # Add all certificates of the upstream server to the certificate chain
  2. # that will be served to the proxy client, as extras. Type bool.
  3. add_upstream_certs_to_client_chain: false
  5. # Strip out request headers that might cause the server to return
  6. # 304-not-modified. Type bool.
  7. anticache: false
  9. # Try to convince servers to send us un-compressed data. Type bool.
  10. anticomp: false
  12. # Block connections from globally reachable networks, as defined in the
  13. # IANA special purpose registries. Type bool.
  14. block_global: true
  16. # Block connections from private networks, as defined in the IANA
  17. # special purpose registries. This option does not affect loopback
  18. # addresses. Type bool.
  19. block_private: false
  21. # Byte size limit of HTTP request and response bodies. Understands k/m/g
  22. # suffixes, i.e. 3m for 3 megabytes. Type optional str.
  23. body_size_limit:
  24. # SSL certificates of the form "[domain=]path". The domain may include a
  25. # wildcard, and is equal to "*" if not specified. The file at path is a
  26. # certificate in PEM format. If a private key is included in the PEM, it
  27. # is used, else the default key in the conf dir is used. The PEM file
  28. # should contain the full certificate chain, with the leaf certificate
  29. # as the first entry. Type sequence of str.
  30. certs: []
  32. # Set supported ciphers for client connections using OpenSSL syntax.
  33. # Type optional str.
  34. ciphers_client:
  35. # Set supported ciphers for server connections using OpenSSL syntax.
  36. # Type optional str.
  37. ciphers_server:
  38. # Client certificate file or directory. Type optional str.
  39. client_certs:
  40. # Replay client requests from a saved file. Type sequence of str.
  41. client_replay: []
  43. # Location of the default mitmproxy configuration files. Type str.
  44. confdir: ~/.mitmproxy
  46. # The default content view mode. Valid values are 'auto', 'raw', 'hex',
  47. # 'json', 'xml/html', 'wbxml', 'javascript', 'css', 'url-encoded',
  48. # 'multipart form', 'image', 'query', 'protocol buffer'.
  49. console_default_contentview: auto
  51. # EventLog verbosity. Valid values are 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'alert',
  52. # 'debug'.
  53. console_eventlog_verbosity: info
  55. # Focus follows new flows. Type bool.
  56. console_focus_follow: false
  58. # Console layout. Valid values are 'horizontal', 'single', 'vertical'.
  59. console_layout: single
  61. # Show layout component headers Type bool.
  62. console_layout_headers: true
  64. # Console mouse interaction. Type bool.
  65. console_mouse: true
  67. # Color palette. Valid values are 'dark', 'light', 'lowdark',
  68. # 'lowlight', 'solarized_dark', 'solarized_light'.
  69. console_palette: solarized_dark
  71. # Set transparent background for palette. Type bool.
  72. console_palette_transparent: false
  74. # Enable/disable HTTP/2 support. HTTP/2 support is enabled by default.
  75. # Type bool.
  76. http2: true
  78. # PRIORITY forwarding for HTTP/2 connections. Disabled by default to
  79. # ensure compatibility with misbehaving servers. Type bool.
  80. http2_priority: false
  82. # Ignore host and forward all traffic without processing it. In
  83. # transparent mode, it is recommended to use an IP address (range), not
  84. # the hostname. In regular mode, only SSL traffic is ignored and the
  85. # hostname should be used. The supplied value is interpreted as a
  86. # regular expression and matched on the ip or the hostname. Type
  87. # sequence of str.
  88. ignore_hosts: []
  90. # Intercept filter expression. Type optional str.
  91. intercept:
  92. # Intercept toggle Type bool.
  93. intercept_active: false
  95. # Reverse Proxy: Keep the original host header instead of rewriting it
  96. # to the reverse proxy target. Type bool.
  97. keep_host_header: false
  99. # Address to bind proxy to. Type str.
  100. listen_host: ''
  102. # Proxy service port. Type int.
  103. listen_port: 8080
  105. # Mode can be "regular", "transparent", "socks5", "reverse:SPEC", or
  106. # "upstream:SPEC". For reverse and upstream proxy modes, SPEC is host
  107. # specification in the form of "http[s]://host[:port]". Type str.
  108. mode: regular
  110. # Toggle the mitmproxy onboarding app. Type bool.
  111. onboarding: true
  113. # Onboarding app domain. For transparent mode, use an IP when a DNS
  114. # entry for the app domain is not present. Type str.
  115. onboarding_host:
  117. # Port to serve the onboarding app from. Type int.
  118. onboarding_port: 80
  120. # Require proxy authentication. Format: "username:pass", "any" to accept
  121. # any user/pass combination, "@path" to use an Apache htpasswd file, or
  122. # "ldap[s]:url_server_ldap:dn_auth:password:dn_subtree" for LDAP
  123. # authentication. Type optional str.
  124. proxyauth:
  125. # Enable/disable experimental raw TCP support. TCP connections starting
  126. # with non-ascii bytes are treated as if they would match tcp_hosts. The
  127. # heuristic is very rough, use with caution. Disabled by default. Type
  128. # bool.
  129. rawtcp: false
  131. # Read only matching flows. Type optional str.
  132. readfile_filter:
  133. # Replacement patterns of the form "/pattern/regex/replacement", where
  134. # the separator can be any character. Type sequence of str.
  135. replacements: []
  137. # Read flows from file. Type optional str.
  138. rfile:
  139. # Stream flows to file as they arrive. Prefix path with + to append.
  140. # Type optional str.
  141. save_stream_file:
  142. # Filter which flows are written to file. Type optional str.
  143. save_stream_filter:
  144. # Execute a script. Type sequence of str.
  145. scripts: []
  147. # Start a proxy server. Enabled by default. Type bool.
  148. server: true
  150. # Replay server responses from a saved file. Type sequence of str.
  151. server_replay: []
  153. # Ignore request's content while searching for a saved flow to replay.
  154. # Type bool.
  155. server_replay_ignore_content: false
  157. # Ignore request's destination host while searching for a saved flow to
  158. # replay. Type bool.
  159. server_replay_ignore_host: false
  161. # Request's parameters to be ignored while searching for a saved flow to
  162. # replay. Type sequence of str.
  163. server_replay_ignore_params: []
  165. # Request's payload parameters (application/x-www-form-urlencoded or
  166. # multipart/form-data) to be ignored while searching for a saved flow to
  167. # replay. Type sequence of str.
  168. server_replay_ignore_payload_params: []
  170. # Kill extra requests during replay. Type bool.
  171. server_replay_kill_extra: false
  173. # Don't remove flows from server replay state after use. This makes it
  174. # possible to replay same response multiple times. Type bool.
  175. server_replay_nopop: false
  177. # Refresh server replay responses by adjusting date, expires and last-
  178. # modified headers, as well as adjusting cookie expiration. Type bool.
  179. server_replay_refresh: true
  181. # Request headers to be considered during replay. Type sequence of str.
  182. server_replay_use_headers: []
  184. # Header set pattern of the form "/pattern/header/value", where the
  185. # separator can be any character. Type sequence of str.
  186. setheaders: []
  188. # Use the Host header to construct URLs for display. Type bool.
  189. showhost: false
  191. # Use the client's IP for server-side connections. Combine with
  192. # --upstream-bind-address to spoof a fixed source address. Type bool.
  193. spoof_source_address: false
  195. # Do not verify upstream server SSL/TLS certificates. Type bool.
  196. ssl_insecure: false
  198. # Path to a PEM formatted trusted CA certificate. Type optional str.
  199. ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_ca:
  200. # Path to a directory of trusted CA certificates for upstream server
  201. # verification prepared using the c_rehash tool. Type optional str.
  202. ssl_verify_upstream_trusted_confdir:
  203. # Set supported SSL/TLS versions for client connections. SSLv2, SSLv3
  204. # and 'all' are INSECURE. Defaults to secure, which is TLS1.0+. Valid
  205. # values are 'all', 'secure', 'SSLv2', 'SSLv3', 'TLSv1', 'TLSv1_1',
  206. # 'TLSv1_2'.
  207. ssl_version_client: secure
  209. # Set supported SSL/TLS versions for server connections. SSLv2, SSLv3
  210. # and 'all' are INSECURE. Defaults to secure, which is TLS1.0+. Valid
  211. # values are 'all', 'secure', 'SSLv2', 'SSLv3', 'TLSv1', 'TLSv1_1',
  212. # 'TLSv1_2'.
  213. ssl_version_server: secure
  215. # Set sticky auth filter. Matched against requests. Type optional str.
  216. stickyauth:
  217. # Set sticky cookie filter. Matched against requests. Type optional str.
  218. stickycookie:
  219. # Stream data to the client if response body exceeds the given
  220. # threshold. If streamed, the body will not be stored in any way.
  221. # Understands k/m/g suffixes, i.e. 3m for 3 megabytes. Type optional
  222. # str.
  223. stream_large_bodies:
  224. # Stream WebSocket messages between client and server. Messages are
  225. # captured and cannot be modified. Type bool.
  226. stream_websockets: false
  228. # Generic TCP SSL proxy mode for all hosts that match the pattern.
  229. # Similar to --ignore, but SSL connections are intercepted. The
  230. # communication contents are printed to the log in verbose mode. Type
  231. # sequence of str.
  232. tcp_hosts: []
  234. # Add HTTP Basic authentication to upstream proxy and reverse proxy
  235. # requests. Format: username:password. Type optional str.
  236. upstream_auth:
  237. # Address to bind upstream requests to. Type str.
  238. upstream_bind_address: ''
  240. # Connect to upstream server to look up certificate details. Type bool.
  241. upstream_cert: true
  243. # Limit the view to matching flows. Type optional str.
  244. view_filter:
  245. # Flow sort order. Valid values are 'time', 'method', 'url', 'size'.
  246. view_order: time
  248. # Reverse the sorting order. Type bool.
  249. view_order_reversed: false
  251. # Enable/disable WebSocket support. WebSocket support is enabled by
  252. # default. Type bool.
  253. websocket: true
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