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Oct 18th, 2019
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  1. #Lavet af MarloDK og ItsSimonDK
  4. #Her kan du skifte hvilken server's navn skal stå i menuerne
  5. options:
  6. servernavn: &8[&aPay&bPvP&8]
  7. kanop: &4OBS: &cDette kit kan opgraderes i shoppen!
  8. klikfor: &aKlik her for at tage kit
  11. variables:
  12. {autokit.%player%.on} = false
  13. {autokit.%player%.pvp} = false
  14. {autokit.%player%.pyro} = false
  15. {autokit.%player%.tank} = false
  16. {} = false
  17. {} = false
  21. #Dette er hjælp til shoppen
  22. #Rediger teksten i mellem anførselstegnene ("") for at redigere hvad der står når du skriver kommandoen
  23. #
  24. command /kitshop [<text>]:
  25. trigger:
  26. if arg 1 is "help":
  27. send "&8&l----------+&c Kit Shop Hjælp &8&l+----------" to player
  28. send "&aHvordan køber jeg et kit?" to player
  29. send "&bKlik på det kit du gerne vil købe og så klarer serveren resten for dig!" to player
  30. send "" to player
  31. send "&aHvordan tjekker du hvor mange penge du har?" to player
  32. send "&bDu kan tjekke hvor mange penge du har ved at skrive /bal" to player
  33. send " " to player
  34. send "&aHvordan optjener jeg penge?" to player
  35. send "&bDu optjener penge ved at dræbe andre i arenaen!" to player
  36. send "&8&l&m----------+&c Kit Shop Hjælp &8&l&m+----------" to player
  39. #Indstillinger til spillere
  40. command /kitguiindstiller [<offlineplayer>]:
  41. trigger:
  42. wait 3 ticks
  43. open chest with 1 rows named "&7&lIndstillinger" to player
  44. format slot 4 of player with 166 named "&4Tilbage" to close then run [make player execute command "/kitguiindstiller %player%"]
  45. format slot 1 of player with Diamond Chestplate named "&bAuto-Kit" to close then run [make player execute command "/autokitmenu %player%"]
  50. on right click on a entity:
  51. if name of entity is "&4&lAUTO-KIT":
  52. wait 3 ticks
  53. open chest with 1 rows named "&b&lAuto-Kit" to player
  54. wait 3 ticks
  55. format slot 4 of player with 166 named "&4Tilbage" to close then run [make player execute command "/kitguiindstiller %player%"]
  56. if {autokit.%player%.on} is false:
  57. format slot 1 of player with Diamond chestplate named "&bAuto-Kit" with lore "&aKlik her for at slå Auto-Kit til!" to close then run [make player execute command "/autokitvalg %player%"]
  58. else:
  59. if {autokit.%player%.on} is true:
  60. format slot 1 of player with Diamond chestplate of protection 1 named "&bAuto-Kit" with lore "&4Klik her for at slå Auto-Kit fra!" to close then run [make player execute command "/autokitoff %player%"]
  65. command /autokitmenu [<offlineplayer>]:
  66. trigger:
  67. wait 3 ticks
  68. open chest with 1 rows named "&b&lAuto-Kit" to player
  69. wait 3 ticks
  70. format slot 4 of player with 166 named "&4Tilbage" to close then run [make player execute command "/kitguiindstiller %player%"]
  71. if {autokit.%player%.on} is true:
  72. format slot 1 of player with Diamond chestplate named "&bAuto-Kit" with lore "&aKlik her for at slå Auto-Kit til!" to close then run [make player execute command "/autokitvalg %player%"]
  73. else:
  74. if {autokit.%player%.on} is false:
  75. format slot 1 of player with Diamond chestplate of protection 1 named "&bAuto-Kit" with lore "&4Klik her for at slå Auto-Kit fra!" to close then run [make player execute command "/autokitoff %player%"]
  77. command /autokitvalg [<offlineplayer>]:
  78. trigger:
  79. wait 3 ticks
  80. open chest with 1 rows named "&aVælg dit auto-kit kit her!" to player
  81. wait 3 ticks
  82. format slot 0 of player with Diamond sword named "&bPvp" with lore "&aKlik her hvis du vil vælge kit &bPvp ||&asom det kit du vil auto-kittes med!" to close then run [make player execute command "/autokittogglepvp"]
  83. if player has permission "kits.pyro":
  84. format slot 1 of player with Iron Sword named "&9Pyro" with lore "&aKlik her hvis du vil vælge kit &9Pyro ||&asom det kit du vil auto-kittes med!" to close then run [make player execute command "/autokittogglepyro"]
  85. if player has permission "kits.tank":
  86. format slot 2 of player with Diamond chestplate named "&eTank" with lore "&aKlik her hvis du vil vælge kit &eTank ||&asom det kit du vil auto-kittes med!" to close then run [make player execute command "/autokittoggletank"]
  87. if player has permission "":
  88. format slot 3 of player with nether star named "&fNinja" with lore "&aKlik her hvis du vil vælge kit &fNinja ||&asom det kit du vil auto-kittes med!" to close then run [make player execute command "/autokittoggleninja"]
  90. command /autokitoff [<offlineplayer>]:
  91. trigger:
  92. if {autokit.%player%.on} is true:
  93. set {autokit.%player%.on} to false
  94. clear player's inventory
  95. set slot 0 of player's inventory to chest named "&a&lKITS"
  96. set slot 1 of player's inventory to anvil named "&6&lKIT SHOPPEN"
  97. set slot 2 of player's inventory to light green dye named "&c&lSTATS"
  98. make console execute command "/effect %player% clear"
  99. if {autokit.%player%.pvp} is true:
  100. set {autokit.%player%.pvp} to false
  101. send "&cAuto-kit slået fra!" to player
  102. clear player's inventory
  103. set slot 0 of player's inventory to chest named "&a&lKITS"
  104. set slot 1 of player's inventory to anvil named "&6&lKIT SHOPPEN"
  105. set slot 2 of player's inventory to light green dye named "&c&lSTATS"
  106. make console execute command "/effect %player% clear"
  107. stop
  108. else:
  109. if {autokit.%player%.pyro} is true:
  110. set {autokit.%player%.pyro} to false
  111. send "&cAuto-kit slået fra!" to player
  112. clear player's inventory
  113. set slot 0 of player's inventory to chest named "&a&lKITS"
  114. set slot 1 of player's inventory to anvil named "&6&lKIT SHOPPEN"
  115. set slot 2 of player's inventory to light green dye named "&c&lSTATS"
  116. make console execute command "/effect %player% clear"
  117. stop
  118. else:
  119. if {autokit.%player%.tank} is true:
  120. set {autokit.%player%.tank} to false
  121. send "&cAuto-kit slået fra!" to player
  122. clear player's inventory
  123. set slot 0 of player's inventory to chest named "&a&lKITS"
  124. set slot 1 of player's inventory to anvil named "&6&lKIT SHOPPEN"
  125. set slot 2 of player's inventory to light green dye named "&c&lSTATS"
  126. make console execute command "/effect %player% clear"
  127. stop
  128. else:
  129. if {} is true:
  130. set {} to false
  131. send "&cAuto-kit slået fra!" to player
  132. clear player's inventory
  133. set slot 0 of player's inventory to chest named "&a&lKITS"
  134. set slot 1 of player's inventory to anvil named "&6&lKIT SHOPPEN"
  135. set slot 2 of player's inventory to light green dye named "&c&lSTATS"
  136. make console execute command "/effect %player% clear"
  137. stop
  142. command /autokittogglepvp:
  143. trigger:
  144. set {autokit.%player%.on} to true
  145. set {autokit.%player%.pvp} to true
  146. send "&aAuto-kit slået til med kit &bPvp&a! &c(Slå auto-kit fra med &d/autokitoff&c)" to player
  147. if player has permission "kits.pvp.op3":
  148. wait 3 ticks
  149. make player execute command "/kpvpop3"
  150. stop
  151. else:
  152. if player has permission "kits.pvp.op2":
  153. wait 3 ticks
  154. make player execute command "/kpvpop2"
  155. stop
  156. else:
  157. if player has permission "kits.pvp.op1":
  158. wait 3 ticks
  159. make player execute command "/kpvpop1"
  160. stop
  161. else:
  162. if player has permission "kits.pvp":
  163. wait 3 ticks
  164. make player execute command "/kpvp"
  165. stop
  168. command /autokittogglepyro:
  169. trigger:
  170. set {autokit.%player%.on} to true
  171. set {autokit.%player%.pyro} to true
  172. send "&aAuto-kit slået til med kit &9Pyro&a! &c(Slå auto-kit fra med &d/autokitoff&c)" to player
  173. if player has permission "kits.pyro.op2":
  174. make player execute command "/kpyroop2"
  175. wait 3 ticks
  176. stop
  177. else:
  178. if player has permission "kits.pyro.op1":
  179. wait 3 ticks
  180. make player execute command "/kpyroop1"
  181. stop
  182. else:
  183. if player has permission "kits.pyro":
  184. wait 3 ticks
  185. make player execute command "/kpyro"
  186. stop
  190. command /autokittoggletank:
  191. trigger:
  192. set {autokit.%player%.on} to true
  193. set {autokit.%player%.tank} to true
  194. send "&aAuto-kit slået til med kit &eTank&a!" to player
  195. if player has permission "kits.tank.op2":
  196. make player execute command "/ktankop2"
  197. wait 3 ticks
  198. stop
  199. else:
  200. if player has permission "kits.tank.op1":
  201. make player execute command "/ktankop1"
  202. wait 3 ticks
  203. stop
  204. else:
  205. if player has permission "kits.tank":
  206. wait 3 ticks
  207. make player execute command "/ktank"
  208. stop
  211. command /autokittoggleninja:
  212. trigger:
  213. set {autokit.%player%.on} to true
  214. set {} to true
  215. send "&aAuto-kit slået til med kit &fNinja&a!" to player
  216. if player has permission "":
  217. wait 3 ticks
  218. make player execute command "/kninjaop2"
  219. stop
  220. else:
  221. if player has permission "kits.pyro.op1":
  222. wait 3 ticks
  223. make player execute command "/kninjaop1"
  224. stop
  225. else:
  226. if player has permission "":
  227. wait 3 ticks
  228. make player execute command "/kninja"
  229. stop
  234. #Giver spillere menuerne tilbage efter de er respawnet
  235. on respawn:
  236. wait 3 ticks
  237. set slot 0 of player's inventory to chest named "&a&lKITS"
  238. set slot 1 of player's inventory to anvil named "&6&lKIT SHOPPEN"
  240. if {autokit.%player%.pvp} is true:
  241. clear player's inventory
  242. if player has permission "kits.pvp.op3":
  243. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Diamond Sword of sharpness 2
  244. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1 and power 2
  245. set slot 9 of player's inventory to Arrow
  246. equip player with Iron Helmet
  247. equip player with Iron Chestplate
  248. equip player with Iron Leggings
  249. equip player with Diamond Boots
  250. stop
  251. else:
  252. if player has permission "kits.pvp.op2":
  253. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Diamond Sword of sharpness 1
  254. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1 and power 1
  255. set slot 9 of player's inventory to Arrow
  256. give player 8 golden apple
  257. equip player with Iron Helmet
  258. equip player with Iron Chestplate
  259. equip player with Iron Leggings
  260. equip player with Iron Boots
  261. stop
  262. else:
  263. if player has permission "kits.pvp.op1":
  264. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Diamond Sword of sharpness 1
  265. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1
  266. set slot 9 of player's inventory to Arrow
  267. equip player with Iron Helmet
  268. equip player with Iron Chestplate
  269. equip player with Iron Leggings
  270. equip player with Iron Boots
  271. stop
  272. else:
  273. if player has permission "kits.pvp":
  274. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Diamond Sword
  275. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1
  276. set slot 9 of player's inventory to Arrow
  277. equip player with Iron Helmet
  278. equip player with Iron Chestplate
  279. equip player with Iron Leggings
  280. equip player with Iron Boots
  281. stop
  282. wait 3 ticks
  283. if {autokit.%player%.pyro} is true:
  284. clear player's inventory
  285. if player has permission "kits.pyro.op2":
  286. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Iron Sword of Fire Aspect 2
  287. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1 and flame 1
  288. set slot 9 of player's inventory to Arrow
  289. equip player with Leather Helmet of Fire Protection 5
  290. equip player with Iron Chestplate of Fire Protection 5
  291. equip player with Iron Leggings of Fire Protection 5
  292. equip player with Leather Boots of Fire Protection 5
  293. stop
  294. else:
  295. if player has permission "kits.pyro.op1":
  296. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Iron Sword of Fire aspect 2
  297. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1 and flame 1
  298. set slot 9 of player's inventory to Arrow
  299. equip player with Iron Helmet of Fire Protection 5
  300. equip player with Iron Chestplate of Fire Protection 5
  301. equip player with Iron Leggings of Fire Protection 5
  302. equip player with Iron Boots of Fire Protection 5
  303. stop
  304. else:
  305. if player has permission "kits.pyro":
  306. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Iron Sword of Fire aspect 2 and Sharpness 1
  307. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1 and flame 1
  308. set slot 9 of player's inventory to Arrow
  309. equip player with Iron Helmet of Fire Protection 5
  310. equip player with Iron Chestplate of Fire Protection 5
  311. equip player with Iron Leggings of Fire Protection 5
  312. equip player with Iron Boots of Fire Protection 5
  313. stop
  314. wait 3 ticks
  315. if {autokit.%player%.tank} is true:
  316. clear player's inventory
  317. if player has permission "kits.tank.op2":
  318. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Diamond sword
  319. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1
  320. set slot 9 of player's inventory to arrow
  321. equip player with Diamond Helmet
  322. equip player with Diamond Chestplate
  323. equip player with Diamond Leggings
  324. equip player with Diamond Boots
  325. apply potion of slowness 1 to player for 999999 seconds
  326. stop
  327. else:
  328. if player has permission "kits.tank.op1":
  329. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Diamond sword
  330. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1
  331. set slot 9 of player's inventory to arrow
  332. equip player with Diamond Helmet
  333. equip player with Diamond Chestplate
  334. equip player with Diamond Leggings
  335. equip player with Diamond Boots
  336. apply potion of slowness 2 to player for 999999 seconds
  337. stop
  338. else:
  339. if player has permission "kits.tank":
  340. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Diamond sword
  341. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1
  342. set slot 9 of player's inventory to arrow
  343. equip player with Diamond Helmet
  344. equip player with Diamond Chestplate
  345. equip player with Diamond Leggings
  346. equip player with Diamond Boots
  347. apply potion of slowness 2 to player for 999999 seconds
  348. stop
  350. wait 3 ticks
  351. if {} is true:
  352. clear player's inventory
  353. if player has permission "":
  354. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Diamond sword of sharpness 1
  355. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1
  356. set slot 9 of player's inventory to arrow
  357. equip player with leather helmet
  358. equip player with chain chestplate
  359. equip player with Iron leggings
  360. equip player with leather boots
  361. apply potion of speed 2 to player for 999999 seconds
  362. stop
  363. else:
  364. if player has permission "":
  365. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Diamond sword
  366. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1
  367. set slot 9 of player's inventory to arrow
  368. equip player with leather helmet
  369. equip player with chain chestplate
  370. equip player with Iron leggings
  371. equip player with leather boots
  372. apply potion of speed 2 to player for 999999 seconds
  373. stop
  374. else:
  375. if player has permission "":
  376. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Diamond sword
  377. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1
  378. set slot 9 of player's inventory to arrow
  379. equip player with leather helmet
  380. equip player with chain chestplate
  381. equip player with leather leggings
  382. equip player with leather boots
  383. apply potion of speed 2 to player for 999999 seconds
  384. stop
  386. wait 3 ticks
  387. if {autokit.%player%.pvp} is false:
  388. if {autokit.%player%.pyro} is false:
  389. if {autokit.%player%.tank} is false:
  390. if {} is false:
  391. set slot 0 of player's inventory to chest named "&a&lKITS"
  392. set slot 1 of player's inventory to anvil named "&6&lKIT SHOPPEN"
  394. #Giver spillere menuerne tilbage efter de er joinet
  395. on join:
  396. wait 3 ticks
  397. clear player's inventory
  398. set slot 0 of player's inventory to chest named "&a&lKITS"
  399. set slot 1 of player's inventory to anvil named "&6&lKIT SHOPPEN"
  400. if {autokit.%player%.on} is not set:
  401. set {autokit.%player%.on} to false
  402. if {autokit.%player%.pvp} is not set:
  403. set {autokit.%player%.pvp} to false
  404. if {autokit.%player%.pyro} is not set:
  405. set {autokit.%player%.pyro} to false
  406. if {autokit.%player%.tank} is not set:
  407. set {autokit.%player%.tank} to false
  408. if {} is not set:
  409. set {} to false
  410. if {autokit.%player%.on} is true:
  411. set {autokit.%player%.on} to false
  412. if {autokit.%player%.pvp} is true:
  413. set {autokit.%player%.pvp} to false
  414. if {autokit.%player%.pyro} is true:
  415. set {autokit.%player%.pyro} to false
  416. if {autokit.%player%.tank} is true:
  417. set {autokit.%player%.tank} to false
  418. if {} is true:
  419. set {} to false
  421. #Giver spillere menuerne tilbage når de joiner for første gang
  422. on first join:
  423. wait 3 ticks
  424. clear player's inventory
  425. set slot 0 of player's inventory to chest named "&a&lKITS"
  426. set slot 1 of player's inventory to anvil named "&6&lKIT SHOPPEN"
  427. if {autokit.%player%.on} is not set:
  428. set {autokit.%player%.on} to false
  429. if {autokit.%player%.pvp} is not set:
  430. set {autokit.%player%.pvp} to false
  431. if {autokit.%player%.pyro} is not set:
  432. set {autokit.%player%.pyro} to false
  433. if {autokit.%player%.tank} is not set:
  434. set {autokit.%player%.tank} to false
  435. if {} is not set:
  436. set {} to false
  437. if {autokit.%player%.on} is true:
  438. set {autokit.%player%.on} to false
  439. if {autokit.%player%.pvp} is true:
  440. set {autokit.%player%.pvp} to false
  441. if {autokit.%player%.pyro} is true:
  442. set {autokit.%player%.pyro} to false
  443. if {autokit.%player%.tank} is true:
  444. set {autokit.%player%.tank} to false
  445. if {} is true:
  446. set {} to false
  449. #Fjerner alt i en spillers inventory og giver spilleren kit menuen og kit shoppen
  450. command /nsa [<offlineplayer>]:
  451. permission: skript.kitpvp.nsa
  452. trigger:
  453. wait 3 ticks
  454. clear player's inventory
  455. set slot 0 of player's inventory to chest named "&a&lKITS"
  456. set slot 1 of player's inventory to anvil named "&6&lKIT SHOPPEN"
  457. stop
  463. #Dette er main menuen - her kan du skifte hvad der er i shoppen hvis du ved hvad du laver
  464. #For at skifte navnet på et kit skal du bar redigere teksten efter "named" imellem anførselstegnene
  465. on rightclick:
  466. if player's tool is chest named "&a&lKITS":
  467. wait 3 ticks
  468. open chest with 5 rows named "&d{@servernavn}-&aKits" to player
  469. wait 3 ticks
  470. if player has permission "kits.pvp.op3":
  471. format slot 0 of player with Diamond Sword of sharpness 1 named "&bPvp (3/3)" with lore "{@klikfor} &bPvp&a!" to close then run [make player execute command "/kpvpop3 %player%"]
  472. else:
  473. if player has permission "kits.pvp.op2":
  474. format slot 0 of player with Diamond Sword named "&bPvp (2/3)" with lore "{@klikfor} &bPvp&a! || {@kanop}" to close then run [make player execute command "/kpvpop2 %player%"]
  475. else:
  476. if player has permission "kits.pvp.op1":
  477. format slot 0 of player with Diamond Sword named "&bPvp (1/3)" with lore "{@klikfor} &bPvp&a! ||{@kanop}" to close then run [make player execute command "/kpvpop1 %player%"]
  478. else:
  479. if player has permission "kits.pvp":
  480. format slot 0 of player with Diamond Sword named "&bPvp (0/3)" with lore "{@klikfor} &bPvp&a! ||{@kanop}" to close then run [make player execute command "/kpvp %player%"]
  482. if player has permission "kits.pyro.op2":
  483. format slot 1 of player with Iron Sword of Fire aspect 2 and Sharpness 1 named "&9Pyro (2/2)" with lore "{@klikfor} &9Pyro&a!" to close then run [make player execute command "/kpyroop2 %player%"]
  484. else:
  485. if player has permission "kits.pyro.op1":
  486. format slot 1 of player with Iron Sword of Fire aspect 2 named "&9Pyro (1/2)" with lore "{@klikfor} &9Pyro&a! ||{@kanop}" to close then run [make player execute command "/kpyroop1 %player%"]
  487. else:
  488. if player has permission "kits.pyro":
  489. format slot 1 of player with Iron Sword of fire aspect 2 named "&9Pyro" with lore "{@klikfor} &9Pyro&a! ||{@kanop}" to close then run [make player execute command "/kpyro %player%"]
  490. else:
  491. format slot 1 of player with red glass named "&4Kit &9Pyro &4kan købes i shoppen!" to be unstealable
  493. if player has permission "kits.tank.op2":
  494. format slot 2 of player with Diamond Chestplate named "&eTank (2/2)" with lore "{@klikfor} &eTank&a!" to close then run [make player execute command "/ktankop2 %player%"]
  495. else:
  496. if player has permission "kits.tank.op1":
  497. format slot 2 of player with Diamond Chestplate named "&eTank (1/2)" with lore "{@klikfor} &eTank&a! ||{@kanop}" to close then run [make player execute command "/ktankop1 %player%"]
  498. else:
  499. if player has permission "kits.tank":
  500. format slot 2 of player with Diamond Chestplate named "&eTank (0/2)" with lore "{@klikfor} &eTank&a! ||{@kanop}" to close then run [make player execute command "/ktank %player%"]
  501. else:
  502. if player doesn't have permission "kits.tank":
  503. format slot 2 of player with red glass named "&4Kit &eTank &4kan købes i shoppen!" to be unstealable
  505. if player has permission "":
  506. format slot 3 of player with nether star named "&fNinja (2/2)" with lore "{@klikfor} &fNinja&a!" to close then run [make player execute command "/kninjaop2 %player%"]
  507. else:
  508. if player has permission "":
  509. format slot 3 of player with nether star named "&fNinja (1/2)" with lore "{@klikfor} &fNinja&a! ||{@kanop}" to close then run [make player execute command "/kninjaop1 %player%"]
  510. else:
  511. if player has permission "":
  512. format slot 3 of player with nether star named "&fNinja (0/2)" with lore "{@klikfor} &fNinja&a! ||{@kanop}" to close then run [make player execute command "/kninja %player%"]
  513. else:
  514. if player doesn't have permission "":
  515. format slot 3 of player with red glass named "&4Kit &fNinja &4kan købes i shoppen!" to be unstealable
  517. if player has permission "kits.cactus":
  518. format slot 4 of player with Cactus named "&2Cactus" with lore "{@klikfor} &2Cactus&a!" to close then run [make player execute command "/kcactus %player%"]
  519. else:
  520. if player doesn't have permission "kits.cactus":
  521. format slot 4 of player with red glass named "&4Kit &2Cactus &4kan købes i shoppen!" to be unstealable
  523. if player has permission "kits.swapper":
  524. format slot 5 of player with Blaze rod named "&6Swapper" with lore "{@klikfor} &6Swapper&a!" to close then run [make player execute command "/kswapper %player%"]
  525. else:
  526. if player doesn't have permission "kits.swapper":
  527. format slot 5 of player with red glass named "&4Kit &6Swapper &4kan købes i shoppen!" to be unstealable
  529. if player has permission "kits.witch":
  530. format slot 6 of player with Water bottle named "{@klikfor} &5Witch&a!" to close then run [make player execute command "/kwitch %player%"]
  531. else:
  532. if player doesn't have permission "kits.witch":
  533. format slot 6 of player with red glass named "&4Kit &5Witch &4kan købes i shoppen!" to be unstealable
  535. format slot 26 of player with Emerald named "&aHjælp" with lore "&aKlik på mig hvis du ikke ||&aved hvordan det hele fungere!" to close then run [make player execute command "/kitshop help"]
  536. format slot 17 of player with red dye named "&7Indstillinger" with lore "&aSkift dine indstiller her!" to close then run [make player execute command "/kitguiindstiller %player%"]
  537. format slot 35 of player with Light green dye named "&4Stats" with lore "&cKill streak&f:&a %{kill counter.%player%.kill_streak}% ||&cI alt&f:&a %{kill counter.%player%.kills_total}% ||&cHøjeste killstreak&f:&a %{kill counter.%player%.kills_session_max}% ||&cDeaths&f:&4 %{death counter.%player%.deaths}%" to be unstealable
  540. #Her kan du redigere hvad spillerene får i kit Pvp
  541. command /kpvp [<offlineplayer>]:
  542. permission: kits.pvp
  543. trigger:
  544. if player's gamemode isn't creative:
  545. clear player's inventory
  546. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Diamond Sword
  547. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1
  548. set slot 9 of player's inventory to Arrow
  549. equip player with Iron Helmet
  550. equip player with Iron Chestplate
  551. equip player with Iron Leggings
  552. equip player with Iron Boots
  553. set {} to true
  554. stop
  555. else:
  556. send "&4Du er i Creative!" to player
  559. command /kpvpop1 [<offlineplayer>]:
  560. permission: kits.pvp.op1
  561. trigger:
  562. if player's gamemode isn't creative:
  563. clear player's inventory
  564. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Diamond Sword of sharpness 1
  565. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1
  566. set slot 9 of player's inventory to Arrow
  567. equip player with Iron Helmet
  568. equip player with Iron Chestplate
  569. equip player with Iron Leggings
  570. equip player with Iron Boots
  571. set {} to true
  572. stop
  573. else:
  574. send "&4Du er i Creative!" to player
  577. command /kpvpop2 [<offlineplayer>]:
  578. permission: kits.pvp.op2
  579. trigger:
  580. if player's gamemode isn't creative:
  581. clear player's inventory
  582. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Diamond Sword of sharpness 1
  583. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1 and power 1
  584. set slot 9 of player's inventory to Arrow
  585. equip player with Iron Helmet
  586. equip player with Iron Chestplate
  587. equip player with Iron Leggings
  588. equip player with Iron Boots
  589. set {} to true
  590. stop
  591. else:
  592. send "&4Du er i Creative!" to player
  595. command /kpvpop3 [<offlineplayer>]:
  596. permission: kits.pvp.op3
  597. trigger:
  598. if player's gamemode isn't creative:
  599. clear player's inventory
  600. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Diamond Sword of sharpness 2
  601. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1 and power 2
  602. set slot 9 of player's inventory to Arrow
  603. equip player with Iron Helmet
  604. equip player with Iron Chestplate
  605. equip player with Iron Leggings
  606. equip player with Iron Boots
  607. set {} to true
  608. stop
  609. else:
  610. send "&4Du er i Creative!" to player
  614. #Her kan du redigere hvad spillerene får i kit Pyro
  615. command /kpyro [<offlineplayer>]:
  616. permission: kits.pyro
  617. trigger:
  618. if player's gamemode isn't creative:
  619. clear player's inventory
  620. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Iron Sword of Fire Aspect 2
  621. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1 and flame 1
  622. set slot 9 of player's inventory to Arrow
  623. equip player with Leather Helmet of Fire Protection 5
  624. equip player with Iron Chestplate of Fire Protection 5
  625. equip player with Iron Leggings of Fire Protection 5
  626. equip player with Leather Boots of Fire Protection 5
  627. set {} to true
  628. stop
  629. else:
  630. send "&4Du er i Creative!" to player
  633. command /kpyroop1 [<offlineplayer>]:
  634. permission: kits.pyro.op1
  635. trigger:
  636. if player's gamemode isn't creative:
  637. clear player's inventory
  638. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Iron Sword of Fire aspect 2
  639. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1 and flame 1
  640. set slot 9 of player's inventory to Arrow
  641. equip player with Iron Helmet of Fire Protection 5
  642. equip player with Iron Chestplate of Fire Protection 5
  643. equip player with Iron Leggings of Fire Protection 5
  644. equip player with Iron Boots of Fire Protection 5
  645. set {} to true
  646. stop
  647. else:
  648. send "&4Du er i Creative!" to player
  650. command /kpyroop2 [<offlineplayer>]:
  651. permission: kits.pyro.op2
  652. trigger:
  653. if player's gamemode isn't creative:
  654. clear player's inventory
  655. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Iron Sword of Fire aspect 2 and Sharpness 1
  656. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1 and flame 1
  657. set slot 9 of player's inventory to Arrow
  658. equip player with Iron Helmet of Fire Protection 5
  659. equip player with Iron Chestplate of Fire Protection 5
  660. equip player with Iron Leggings of Fire Protection 5
  661. equip player with Iron Boots of Fire Protection 5
  662. set {} to true
  663. stop
  664. else:
  665. send "&4Du er i Creative!" to player
  667. command /ktank [<offlineplayer>]:
  668. permission: kits.tank
  669. trigger:
  670. if player's gamemode isn't creative:
  671. clear player's inventory
  672. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Iron Sword
  673. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1
  674. set slot 9 of player's inventory to Arrow
  675. equip player with Diamond Helmet
  676. equip player with Diamond Chestplate
  677. equip player with Diamond Leggings
  678. equip player with Diamond Boots
  679. apply potion of slowness 2 to player for 999999 seconds
  680. set {} to true
  681. stop
  682. else:
  683. send "&4Du er i Creative!" to player
  685. command /ktankop1 [<offlineplayer>]:
  686. permission: kits.tank.op1
  687. trigger:
  688. if player's gamemode isn't creative:
  689. clear player's inventory
  690. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Diamond Sword
  691. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1
  692. set slot 9 of player's inventory to Arrow
  693. equip player with Diamond Helmet
  694. equip player with Diamond Chestplate
  695. equip player with Diamond Leggings
  696. equip player with Diamond Boots
  697. apply potion of slowness 2 to player for 999999 seconds
  698. set {} to true
  699. stop
  700. else:
  701. send "&4Du er i Creative!" to player
  703. command /ktankop2 [<offlineplayer>]:
  704. permission: kits.tank.op2
  705. trigger:
  706. if player's gamemode isn't creative:
  707. clear player's inventory
  708. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Diamond Sword
  709. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1
  710. set slot 9 of player's inventory to Arrow
  711. equip player with Diamond Helmet
  712. equip player with Diamond Chestplate
  713. equip player with Diamond Leggings
  714. equip player with Diamond Boots
  715. apply potion of slowness 1 to player for 999999 seconds
  716. set {} to true
  717. stop
  718. else:
  719. send "&4Du er i Creative!" to player
  721. command /kninja [<offlineplayer>]:
  722. permission:
  723. trigger:
  724. if player's gamemode isn't creative:
  725. clear player's inventory
  726. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Diamond Sword
  727. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1
  728. set slot 9 of player's inventory to Arrow
  729. equip player with Leather Helmet
  730. equip player with Chain Chestplate
  731. equip player with Leather Leggings
  732. equip player with Leather Boots
  733. apply potion of speed 2 to player for 999999 seconds
  734. set {} to true
  735. stop
  736. else:
  737. send "&4Du er i Creative!" to player
  739. command /kninjaop1 [<offlineplayer>]:
  740. permission:
  741. trigger:
  742. if player's gamemode isn't creative:
  743. clear player's inventory
  744. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Diamond Sword
  745. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1
  746. set slot 9 of player's inventory to Arrow
  747. equip player with Leather Helmet
  748. equip player with Chain Chestplate
  749. equip player with Iron Leggings
  750. equip player with Leather Boots
  751. apply potion of speed 2 to player for 999999 seconds
  752. set {} to true
  753. stop
  754. else:
  755. send "&4Du er i Creative!" to player
  757. command /kninjaop2 [<offlineplayer>]:
  758. permission:
  759. trigger:
  760. if player's gamemode isn't creative:
  761. clear player's inventory
  762. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Diamond Sword of sharpness 1
  763. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1
  764. set slot 9 of player's inventory to Arrow
  765. equip player with Leather Helmet
  766. equip player with Chain Chestplate
  767. equip player with Iron Leggings
  768. equip player with Leather Boots
  769. apply potion of speed 2 to player for 999999 seconds
  770. set {} to true
  771. stop
  772. else:
  773. send "&4Du er i Creative!" to player
  775. command /kcactus [<offlineplayer>]:
  776. permission: kits.cactus
  777. trigger:
  778. if player's gamemode isn't creative:
  779. clear player's inventory
  780. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Diamond Sword
  781. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1
  782. set slot 9 of player's inventory to Arrow
  783. equip player with Leather Helmet of thorns 2 colored green
  784. equip player with Iron Chestplate of thorns 2
  785. equip player with Iron Leggings of thorns 2
  786. equip player with Iron Boots of thorns 2
  787. set {} to true
  788. stop
  789. else:
  790. send "&4Du er i Creative!" to player
  792. command /kswapper [<offlineplayer>]:
  793. permission: kits.swapper
  794. trigger:
  795. if player's gamemode isn't creative:
  796. clear player's inventory
  797. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Iron Sword
  798. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Blaze rod named "&6Klik for at swappe modstanders items!"
  799. set slot 2 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity 1
  800. set slot 9 of player's inventory to Arrow
  801. equip player with Leather Helmet colored yellow
  802. equip player with Iron Chestplate
  803. equip player with Iron Leggings
  804. equip player with Iron Boots
  805. set {} to true
  806. stop
  807. else:
  808. send "&4Du er i Creative!" to player
  810. command /kwitch [<offlineplayer>]:
  811. permission: kits.witch
  812. trigger:
  813. if player's gamemode isn't creative:
  814. clear player's inventory
  815. set slot 0 of player's inventory to Iron Sword
  816. set slot 1 of player's inventory to Stick named "&5Klik for at få regeneration 2 i 10 sekunder!"
  817. set slot 2 of player's inventory to Bow of infinity
  818. set slot 3 of player's inventory to 373:16388
  819. set slot 4 of player's inventory to 373:16388
  820. set slot 5 of player's inventory to 373:16424
  821. set slot 6 of player's inventory to 373:16424
  822. set slot 9 of player's inventory to Arrow
  823. equip player with Leather Helmet colored magenta
  824. equip player with Iron Chestplate
  825. equip player with Iron Leggings
  826. equip player with Leather Boots colored magenta
  827. set {} to true
  828. stop
  829. else:
  830. send "&4Du er i Creative!" to player
  832. on death:
  833. if {autokit.on} is false:
  834. set {} to false
  835. clear player's inventory
  836. stop
  839. Kitshoppen:
  866. options:
  867. kitpvpmenu: &8[&bPvp opgraderinger&8]
  868. kitpyromenu: &8[&9Pyro opgraderinger&8]
  869. kittankmenu: &8[&eTank opgraderinger&8]
  870. kitninjamenu: &8[&fNinja&8]
  871. fattig: &4Det har du ikke penge nok til at købe!
  874. on right click:
  875. if player's tool is anvil named "&6&lKIT SHOPPEN":
  876. wait 3 ticks
  877. open chest with 5 rows named "&6&lKIT SHOPPEN" to player
  878. format slot 26 of player with Emerald named "Hjælp" with lore "Klik på mig hvis du ikke ||ved hvordan det hele fungere!" to close then run [make player execute command "/kitshop help"]
  879. if player has permission "kits.pvp.op3":
  880. format slot 0 of player with Green Glass named "&bPvp (3/3)" with lore "&4Alle opgraderinger købt! ||&cIndeholder: ||&a-> &bDiamond Helmet || &a-> &bDiamond Chestplate || &a-> &bDiamond Leggings || &a-> &bDiamond Boots || &a-> &bDiamond Sword (Sharpness 2)|| &a-> &bBow (Infinity + Power 1)" to close then run [make player execute command "/kpvpmenu %player%"]
  881. else:
  882. if player has permission "kits.pvp.op2":
  883. format slot 0 of player with Diamond Sword named "&bPvp (2/3)" with lore "&aOpgraderinger til kit &bPvp ||&cIndeholder: || &a-> &bDiamond Helmet || &a-> &bDiamond Chestplate || &a-> &bDiamond Leggings || &a-> &bDiamond Boots || &a-> &bDiamond Sword (Sharpness 1)|| &a-> &bBow (Infinity + Power 1)" to close then run [make player execute command "/kpvpmenu %player%"]
  884. else:
  885. if player has permission "kits.pvp.op1":
  886. format slot 0 of player with Diamond Sword named "&bPvp (1/3)" with lore "&aOpgraderinger til kit &bPvp ||&cIndeholder: || &a-> &bDiamond Helmet || &a-> &bDiamond Chestplate || &a-> &bDiamond Leggings || &a-> &bDiamond Boots || &a-> &bDiamond Sword (Sharpness 1)|| &a-> &bBow (Infinity)" to close then run [make player execute command "/kpvpmenu %player%"]
  887. else:
  888. if player has permission "kits.pvp":
  889. format slot 0 of player with Diamond Sword named "&bPvp (0/3)" with lore "&aOpgraderinger til kit &bPvp ||&cIndeholder: || &a-> &bIron Helmet || &a-> &bIron Chestplate || &a-> &bIron Leggings || &a-> &bIron Boots || &a-> &bDiamond Sword || &a-> &bBow (Infinity)" to close then run [make player execute command "/kpvpmenu %player%"]
  891. if player has permission "kits.pyro.op2":
  892. format slot 1 of player with Green Glass named "&9Pyro (2/2)" with lore "&4Alle opgradering købt! ||&cIndeholder: || &a-> &bIron Helmet (Fire Protection 5)|| &a-> &bIron Chestplate (Fire Protection 5)|| &a-> &bIron Leggings (Fire Protection 5)|| &a-> &bIron Boots (Fire Protection 5)|| &a-> &bIron Sword (Fire Aspect 2 + Sharpness 1) || &a-> &bBow" to close then run [make player execute command "/kpyromenu"]
  893. else:
  894. if player has permission "kits.pyro.op1":
  895. format slot 1 of player with Iron sword of Fire aspect 2 named "&9Pyro (1/2)" with lore "&aOpgraderinger til kit &9Pyro ||&cIndeholder: || &a-> &bIron Helmet (Fire Protection 5)|| &a-> &bIron Chestplate (Fire Protection 5)|| &a-> &bIron Leggings (Fire Protection 5)|| &a-> &Iron Boots (Fire Protection 5)|| &a-> &bIron Sword (Fire Aspect 2) || &a-> &bBow" to close then run [make player execute command "/kpyromenu"]
  896. else:
  897. if player has permission "kits.pyro":
  898. format slot 1 of player with Iron sword of Fire aspect 2 named "&9Pyro (0/2)" with lore "&aOpgraderinger til kit &9Pyro ||&cIndeholder: || &a-> &Leather Helmet (Fire Protection 5)|| &a-> &bIron Chestplate (Fire Protection 5)|| &a-> &bIron Leggings (Fire Protection 5)|| &a-> &bLeather Boots (Fire Protection 5)|| &a-> &bIron Sword (Fire Aspect 2) || &a-> &bBow" to close then run [make player execute command "/kpyromenu"]
  899. else:
  900. if player doesn't have permission "kits.pyro":
  901. format slot 1 of player with Iron sword of Fire aspect 2 named "&9Pyro" with lore "&7Koster &a750$ ||&cIndeholder: || &a-> &bLeather helmet (Fire Prot V)|| &a-> &bIron Chestplate (Fire Prot V)|| &a-> &bIron Leggings (Fire Prot V)|| &a-> &bLeather Boots (Fire Prot V)|| &a-> &bIron Sword (Fire Aspect 2)|| &a-> &bBow (Flame + Infinity)" to close then run [make player execute command "/pyroperm"]
  903. if player has permission "kits.tank.op2":
  904. format slot 2 of player with Green Glass named "&eTank (2/2)" with lore "&7Koster &a1250$ ||&cIndeholer: || &a-> &bDiamond Helmet || &a-> &bDiamond Chestplate || &a-> &bDiamond Leggings || &a-> &bDiamond Boots || &a-> &bIron Sword || &a-> &bBow (Infinity)" to close then run [make player execute command "/ktankmenu %player%"]
  905. else:
  906. if player has permission "kits.tank.op1":
  907. format slot 2 of player with Diamond Chestplate named "&e Tank (1/2)" with lore "&cIndeholer: || &a-> &bDiamond Helmet || &a-> &bDiamond Chestplate || &a-> &bDiamond Leggings || &a-> &bDiamond Boots &a-> &fIron Sword || &a-> &bBow (Infinity)" to close then run [make player execute command "/ktankmenu %player%"]
  908. else:
  909. if player has permission "kits.tank":
  910. format slot 2 of player with Diamond Chestplate named "&eTank (0/2)" with lore "&cIndeholer: || &a-> &bDiamond Helmet || &a-> &bDiamond Chestplate || &a-> &bDiamond Leggings || &a-> &bDiamond Boots &a-> &fIron Sword || &a-> &bBow (Infinity)" to close then run [make player execute command "/ktankmenu %player%"]
  911. else:
  912. if player doesn't have permission "kits.tank":
  913. format slot 2 of player with Diamond Chestplate named "&eTank" with lore "&7Koster &a1250$ ||&cIndeholer: || &a-> &bDiamond Helmet || &a-> &bDiamond Chestplate || &a-> &bDiamond Leggings || &a-> &bDiamond Boots &a-> &fIron Sword || &a-> &bBow (Infinity)" to close then run [make player execute command "/tankperm"]
  915. if player has permission "":
  916. format slot 3 of player with Green Glass named "&fNinja (2/2)" with lore "&cIndeholder: || &a-> &bLeather Helmet || &a-> &bChain Chestplate || &a-> &bIron Leggings || &a-> &bLeather Boots || &a-> &bDiamond Sword (Sharpness 1)|| &a-> &bBow (Infinity)" to close then run [make player execute command "/ninjamenu"]
  917. else:
  918. if player has permission "":
  919. format slot 3 of player with nether star named "&fNinja (1/2)" with lore "&cIndeholder: || &a-> &bLeather Helmet || &a-> &bChain Chestplate || &a-> &bIron Leggings Leggings || &a-> &bLeather Boots || &a-> &bDiamond Sword || &a-> &bBow (Infinity)" to close then run [make player execute command "/ninjamenu"]
  920. else:
  921. if player has permission "":
  922. format slot 3 of player with nether star named "&fNinja (0/2)" with lore "&cIndeholder: || &a-> &bLeather Helmet || &a-> &bChain Chestplate || &a-> &bLeather Leggings || &a-> &bLeather Boots || &a-> &bDiamond Sword || &a-> &bBow (Infinity)" to close then run [make player execute command "/ninjamenu"]
  923. else:
  924. if player doesn't have permission "":
  925. format slot 3 of player with nether star named "&fNinja" with lore "&7Koster &a500$ ||&cIndeholder: || &a-> &bLeather Helmet || &a-> &bChain Chestplate || &a-> &bLeather Leggings || &a-> &bLeather Boots || &a-> &bDiamond Sword || &a-> &bBow (Infinity)" to close then run [make player execute command "/ninjaperm"]
  927. if player has permission "kits.cactus":
  928. format slot 4 of player with Green Glass named "&2Cactus" with lore "&cIndeholder: || &a-> &bLeather Helmet (Grøn) || &a-> &bIron Chestplate || &a-> &bIron Leggings || &a-> &bIron Boots ||&a-> &bDiamond Sword || &a-> &bBow (Infinity)" to be unstealable
  929. else:
  930. if player doesn't have permission "kits.cactus":
  931. format slot 4 of player with Cactus named "&2Cactus" with lore "&7Koster &a750$ ||&cIndeholder: || &a-> &bLeather Helmet (Grøn) || &a-> &bIron Chestplate || &a-> &bIron Leggings || &a-> &bIron Boots ||&a-> &bDiamond Sword || &a-> &bBow (Infinity)" to close then run [make player execute command "/cactusperm"]
  933. if player has permission "kits.swapper":
  934. format slot 5 of player with Green Glass named "&6Swapper" with lore "&cIndeholder: || &a-> &bLeather Helmet (Gul) || &a-> &bIron Chestplate || &a-> &bIron Leggings || &a-> &bIron Boots || &a-> &bIron Sword || &a-> &bBlaze rod (Swapper) || &a-> &bBue (Infinity)" to be unstealable
  935. else:
  936. if player doesn't have permission "kits.swapper":
  937. format slot 5 of player with Blaze rod named "&6Swapper" with lore "&7Koster &a1000$ ||&cIndeholder: || &a-> &bLeather Helmet (Gul) || &a-> &bIron Chestplate || &a-> &bIron Leggings || &a-> &bIron Boots || &a-> &bIron Sword || &a-> &bBlaze rod (Swapper) || &a-> &bBue (Infinity)" to close then run [make player execute command "/swapperperm"]
  939. if player has permission "kits.witch":
  940. format slot 6 of player with Green Glass named "&5Witch" with lore "&cIndeholder: || &a-> &bLeather Helmet (Lilla) || &a-> &bLeather Chestplate || &a-> &bLeather Leggings || &a-> &bLeather Boots || &a-> &bIron Sword || &a-> &bStick (Tryllestav)" to be unstealable
  941. else:
  942. if player doesn't have permission "kits.witch":
  943. format slot 6 of player with Water bottle named "&5Witch" with lore "&7Koster &a1000 ||&cIndeholder: || &a-> &bLeather Helmet (Lilla) || &a-> &bLeather Chestplate || &a-> &bLeather Leggings || &a-> &bLeather Boots || &a-> &bIron Sword || &a-> &bStick (Tryllestav)" to close then run [make player execute command "/witchperm"]
  945. if player has permission "kits.donator":
  946. format slot 41 of player with Green Glass named "&aDonator" with lore "&4Allerede købt!" to be unstealable
  947. else:
  948. if player doesn't have permission "kits.donator":
  949. format slot 41 of player with ender chest named "&4Donator kit!" with lore "&4Dette kit kan købes igennem /shop (klik for at gå dertil)" to close then run [make player execute command "/BuyDonator"]
  953. command /kpvpmenu [<offlineplayer>]:
  954. trigger:
  955. wait 3 ticks
  956. open chest with 1 rows named "{@kitpvpmenu}" to player
  957. if player has permission "kits.pvp.op3":
  958. format slot 2 of player with Green Glass named "&aOplåst (3/3)" with lore "&a-> &bSword (Sharpness 2) ||&a-> &bBoots (Diamond)" to be unstealable
  959. format slot 1 of player with Green Glass named "&aOplåst (2/3)" with lore "&a-> &bBow (Power 1)" to be unstealable
  960. format slot 0 of player with Green Glass named "&aOplåst (1/3)" with lore "|&a -> &bSword (Sharpness 1)" to be unstealable
  961. else:
  962. if player has permission "kits.pvp.op2":
  963. wait 3 ticks
  964. format slot 2 of player with Diamond Sword of sharpness 2 named "&bPvp (3/3)" with lore "&7Koster &a1500$ ||&cIndeholder: || &a-> &bSword opgradering (Sharpness 2) || &a-> &bBoots (Diamond)" to run [make player execute command "/pvpop3perm %player%"]->[make player execute command "/kpvpmenu %player%"]
  965. format slot 1 of player with Green Glass named "&aOplåst (2/3)" with lore "&a-> &bBow (Power 1)" to be unstealable
  966. format slot 0 of player with Green Glass named "&aOplåst (1/3)" with lore "&a-> &bSword (Sharpness 1)" to be unstealable
  967. else:
  968. if player has permission "kits.pvp.op1":
  969. wait 3 ticks
  970. format slot 2 of player with 166 named "&4Låst" to be unstealable
  971. format slot 1 of player with Bow of power 1 named "&bPvp (2/3)" with lore "&7Koster &a1000$ ||&cIndeholder: || &a-> &bBow opgradering (Power 1)" to run [make player execute command "/pvpop2perm %player%"]->[make player execute command "/kpvpmenu %player%"]
  972. format slot 0 of player with Green Glass named "&aOplåst (1/3)" with lore "&a-> &bSword (Sharpness 1)" to be unstealable
  973. else:
  974. if player has permission "kits.pvp":
  975. wait 3 ticks
  976. format slot 2 of player with 166 named "&4Låst (3/3)" to be unstealable
  977. format slot 1 of player with 166 named "&4Låst (2/3)" to be unstealable
  978. format slot 0 of player with Diamond Chestplate named "&bPvp (0/3)" with lore "&7Koster &a500$ ||&cIndeholder: || &a-> &bSword opgradering (Sharpness 1)" to run [make player execute command "/pvpop1perm %player%"]->[make player execute command "/kpvpmenu %player%"]
  983. command /pvpop1perm [<offlineplayer>]:
  984. permission: kits.pvp
  985. trigger:
  986. if player's balance is between 500 and 9999999:
  987. subtract 500 from player's balance
  988. make console execute command "/manuaddp %player% kits.pvp.op1"
  989. send "&aDu købte kit &bPvp opgradering (1/3) &atil &c500$&a!" to player
  990. else:
  991. send "{@fattig}" to player
  994. command /pvpop2perm [<offlineplayer>]:
  995. permission: kits.pvp.op1
  996. trigger:
  997. if player's balance is between 1000 and 9999999:
  998. subtract 1000 from player's balance
  999. make console execute command "/manuaddp %player% kits.pvp.op2"
  1000. send "&aDu købte kit &bPvp opgradering (2/3) &atil &c1000$&a!" to player
  1001. else:
  1002. send "{@fattig}" to player
  1005. command /pvpop3perm [<offlineplayer>]:
  1006. permission: kits.pvp.op2
  1007. trigger:
  1008. if player's balance is between 1500 and 9999999:
  1009. subtract 1500 from player's balance
  1010. make console execute command "/manuaddp %player% kits.pvp.op3"
  1011. send "&aDu købte kit &bPvp opgradering (3/3) &atil &c1500$&a!" to player
  1012. send "&aDu har nu opgraderet kit &bPvp &amax!" to player
  1013. else:
  1014. send "{@fattig}" to player
  1020. command /pyroperm [<offlineplayer>]:
  1021. trigger:
  1022. if player's balance is between 750 and 9999999:
  1023. subtract 750 from player's balance
  1024. make console execute command "/manuaddp %player% kits.pyro"
  1025. send "&aDu købte kit &9Pyro&a til &c750$&a!" to player
  1026. else:
  1027. send "{@fattig}" to player
  1030. command /kpyromenu [<offlineplayer>]:
  1031. trigger:
  1032. wait 3 ticks
  1033. open chest with 1 rows named "{@kitpyromenu}" to player
  1034. if player has permission "kits.pyro.op2":
  1035. wait 3 ticks
  1036. format slot 1 of player with Green Glass named "&aOplåst (2/2)" with lore " &a-> Sword (Sharpness 1)" to be unstealable
  1037. format slot 0 of player with Green Glass named "&aOplåst (1/2)" with lore " &a-> Armor (Iron)" to be unstealable
  1038. else:
  1039. if player has permission "kits.pyro.op1":
  1040. wait 3 ticks
  1041. format slot 1 of player with Iron sword of Fire aspect 2 and Sharpness 1 named "&9Pyro (2/2)" with lore "&7Koster &a1250$ ||&cIndeholder: || &a-> &bSværd opgradering (Sharpness 1)" to run [make player execute command "/pyroop2perm %player%"]->[make player execute command "/kpyromenu %player%"]
  1042. format slot 0 of player with Green Glass named "&aOplåst (1/2)" with lore "&a-> &bArmor (Iron)" to be unstealable
  1043. else:
  1044. if player has permission "kits.pyro":
  1045. wait 3 ticks
  1046. format slot 1 of player with 166 named "&4Låst" to be unstealable
  1047. format slot 0 of player with Iron chestplate named "&9Pyro (1/2)" with lore "&7Koster &a750$ ||&cIndeholder: || &a-> &bArmor opgradering (Iron)" to run [make player execute command "/pyroop1perm %player%"]->[make player execute command "/kpyromenu %player%"]
  1049. command /pyroop1perm [<offlineplayer>]:
  1050. permission: kits.pyro
  1051. trigger:
  1052. if player's balance is between 750 and 9999999:
  1053. subtract 750 from player's balance
  1054. make console execute command "/manuaddp %player% kits.pyro.op1"
  1055. send "&aDu købte &9Pyro opgradering (1/2) &atil &c750$&a!" to player
  1056. else:
  1057. send "{@fattig}" to player
  1060. command /pyroop2perm [<offlineplayer>]:
  1061. permission: kits.pyro.op1
  1062. trigger:
  1063. if player's balance is between 1250 and 9999999:
  1064. subtract 1250 from player's balance
  1065. make console execute command "/manuaddp %player% kits.pyro.op2"
  1066. send "&aDu købte &9Pyro opgradering (2/2) &atil &c1250$&a!" to player
  1067. send "&aDu har nu opgraderet kit &9Pyro &atil max level!" to player
  1068. else:
  1069. send "{@fattig}" to player
  1071. command /ktankmenu [<offlineplayer>]:
  1072. permission: kits.tank
  1073. trigger:
  1074. wait 3 ticks
  1075. open chest with 1 rows named "{@kittankmenu}" to player
  1076. if player has permission "kits.tank.op2":
  1077. wait 3 ticks
  1078. format slot 1 of player with Green Glass named "&aOplåst (2/2)" with lore " &a-> &bSlowness opgradering (2 -> 1)" to be unstealable
  1079. format slot 0 of player with Green Glass named "&aOplåst (1/2)" with lore " &a-> &bSword opgradering (Iron -> Diamond)" to be unstealable
  1080. else:
  1081. if player has permission "kits.tank.op1":
  1082. wait 3 ticks
  1083. format slot 1 of player with 373:8234 named "&eTank (2/2)" with lore "&7Koster &a2500$ ||&cIndeholder: || &a-> &bSlowness opgradering (2 -> 1)" to run [make player execute command "/tankop2perm %player%"]->[make player execute command "/ktankmenu %player%"]
  1084. format slot 0 of player with Green Glass named "&aOplåst (1/2)" with lore " &a-> &bSword opgradering (Diamond)" to be unstealable
  1085. else:
  1086. if player has permission "kits.tank":
  1087. wait 3 ticks
  1088. format slot 1 of player with 166 named "&4Låst" to be unstealable
  1089. format slot 0 of player with Diamond sword named "&eTank (1/2)" with lore "&7Koster &a1750$ ||&cIndeholder: || &a-> &bSword opgradering (Diamond)" to close then run [make player execute command "/tankop1perm %player%"]->[make player execute command "/ktankmenu %player%"]
  1093. command /tankperm [<offlineplayer>]:
  1094. permission: kits.pvp
  1095. trigger:
  1096. if player's balance is between 1250 and 9999999:
  1097. subtract 1250 from player's balance
  1098. make console execute command "/manuaddp %player% kits.tank"
  1099. send "&aDu købte kit &eTank &atil &c1250$&a!" to player
  1100. else:
  1101. send "{@fattig}" to player
  1104. command /tankop1perm [<offlineplayer>]:
  1105. permission: kits.tank
  1106. trigger:
  1107. if player's balance is between 1750 and 9999999:
  1108. subtract 1750 from player's balance
  1109. make console execute command "/manuaddp %player% kits.tank.op1"
  1110. send "&aDu købte &eTank opgradering (1/2) &atil &c1750$&a!" to player
  1111. else:
  1112. send "{@fattig}" to player
  1114. command /tankop2perm [<offlineplayer>]:
  1115. permission: kits.tank.op1
  1116. trigger:
  1117. if player's balance is between 2500 and 9999999:
  1118. subtract 2500 from player's balance
  1119. make console execute command "/manuaddp %player% kits.tank.op2"
  1120. send "&aDu købte &eTank Opgradering (2/2) &atil &c2500&$a!" to player
  1121. send "&aDu har nu opgraderet kit &eTank &atil max level!" to player
  1122. else:
  1123. send "{@fattig}" to player
  1127. command /ninjamenu [<offlineplayer>]:
  1128. permission:
  1129. trigger:
  1130. wait 3 ticks
  1131. open chest with 1 rows named "{@kitninjamenu}" to player
  1132. if player has permission "":
  1133. wait 3 ticks
  1134. format slot 1 of player with Green Glass named "&aOplåst (2/2)" with lore " &a-> &bSword (Sharpness 1)" to be unstealable
  1135. format slot 0 of player with Green Glass named "&aOplåst (1/2)" with lore " &a-> &bLeggings (Iron)" to be unstealable
  1136. else:
  1137. if player has permission "":
  1138. wait 3 ticks
  1139. format slot 1 of player with Diamond Sword of sharpness 1 named "" with lore "" to run [make player execute command "/ninjaop2perm %player%"]->[make player execute command "/ninjamenu %player%"]
  1140. format slot 0 of player with Green Glass named "" with lore "" to be unstealable
  1141. else:
  1142. if player has permission "":
  1143. wait 3 ticks
  1144. format slot 1 of player with 166 named "&4Låst" to be unstealable
  1145. format slot 0 of player with Iron Leggings named "" with lore "" to run [make player execute command "/ninjaop1perm %player%"]->[make player execute command "/ninjamenu %player%"]
  1149. command /ninjaperm [<offlineplayer>]:
  1150. permission: kits.pvp
  1151. trigger:
  1152. if player's balance is between 500 and 9999999:
  1153. subtract 500 from player's balance
  1154. make console execute command "/manuaddp %player%"
  1155. send "&aDu købte kit &fNinja &atil &c500$&a!"
  1156. else:
  1157. send "{@fattig}" to player
  1159. command /ninjaop1perm [<offlineplayer>]:
  1160. permission:
  1161. trigger:
  1162. if player's balance is between 750 and 9999999:
  1163. subtract 750 from player's balance
  1164. make console execute command "/manuaddp %player%"
  1165. send "&aDu købte &fNinja opgradering (1/2) &atil &c750$&a!" to player
  1166. else:
  1167. send "{@fattig}" to player
  1169. command /ninjaop2perm [<offlineplayer>]:
  1170. permission:
  1171. trigger:
  1172. if player's balance is between 1250 and 9999999:
  1173. subtract 1250 from player's balance
  1174. make console execute command "/manuaddp %player%"
  1175. send "&aDu købte &fNinja opgradering (2/2) &atil &c1250$&a!" to player
  1176. send "&aDu har nu opgraderet kit &fNinja &atil max level!" to player
  1177. else:
  1178. send "{@fattig}" to player
  1182. command /cactusperm:
  1183. trigger:
  1184. if player's balance is between 750 and 9999999:
  1185. subtract 750 from player's balance
  1186. make console execute command "/manuaddp %player% kits.cactus"
  1187. send "&aDu købte kit &2Cactus &atil &c750$&a!"
  1188. else:
  1189. send "{@fattig}" to player
  1193. command /swapperperm:
  1194. trigger:
  1195. if player's balance is between 1000 and 9999999:
  1196. subtract 1000 from player's balance
  1197. make console execute command "/manuaddp %player% kits.swapper"
  1198. send "&aDu købte kit &6Swapper &atil &c1000$&a!"
  1199. else:
  1200. send "{@fattig}" to player
  1204. command /witchperm:
  1205. trigger:
  1206. if player's balance is between 1000 and 9999999:
  1207. subtract 1000 from player's balance
  1208. make console execute command "/manuaddp %player% kits.witch"
  1209. send "&aDu købte kit &5Witch &atil &c1000$&a!"
  1210. else:
  1211. send "{@fattig}" to player
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