Guest User


a guest
Jan 23rd, 2020
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  1. #The name that players use to start a conversation
  2. #Don"t use special characters here
  3. name: "MemeBot"
  4. #The prefix shown in chat when the bot responds
  5. #Supports color codes
  6. prefix: "&8[&c&lM&6&le&e&lm&a&le &9&lB&5&lo&d&lt&8] &a&l»"
  7. #The time (in ticks) before the bot responds
  8. #If the bot responds too fast, the message will appear before the users message
  9. response-speed: 3
  10. #Used when the user only put the bots name or the sentence isn't found
  11. #Used when the user adds a new misc message
  12. message-added: "Added the message"
  13. #Default bot if a specified bot isn't found, only one of the bots should be default
  14. default: true
  15. no-matches:
  16. bot-name-only:
  17. - Hi!
  18. - Hello there player!
  19. sentence-not-found:
  20. - What do you mean %player_name%?
  21. - Try to rephrase your question.
  22. - Try asking me the question again in simpler terms.
  24. #Valid sentences the bot will response to
  25. responses:
  26. ban:
  27. me:
  28. - "[cmd type=op]cmi tempban %player_name% 10seconds &cYou asked for it, right?[/cmd]"
  29. kick:
  30. me:
  31. - "[cmd type=op]kick %player_name% &cYou asked for it, right?[/cmd]"
  32. im:
  33. gonna:
  34. be:
  35. honest:
  36. - "Im kinda retarded"
  37. peepee:
  38. - "poopoo"
  39. hmm:
  40. yes:
  41. - "the floor"
  43. #This section is an alternative to the section above, or for repeats
  44. #When adding a message, always use lowercase and -s for spaces [for the response it doesn"t matter what you do (double "s don"t matter)]
  45. miscellaneous:
  46. hi-friend:
  47. - "Hello, how are you?"
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