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Feb 2nd, 2018
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  1. // Save as \Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\dota\cfg\autoexec.cfg to have it auto-executed each run (overriding settings)
  2. // but then you might as well use the full autoexec.cfg reference linked above and edit it to your likings
  3. //
  4. // To optimally read/edit this cfg, use a text editor/viewer featuring 132 chars per line and syntax highlighting set to C++
  5. // Disable options/binds/commands you do not want forced by this cfg by starting lines with // C++ style comment
  6. // Any hotkeys that you want set by cfg should not be already assigned in GUI, else will get overridden each new game
  7. //
  8. // Dota 2 cfg tweaking is very limited ever since Reborn, so also use tweaked launch options:
  9. // 1. Add Dota 2 launch options: -autoconfig_level 0 -benchframes 1 -bench +reset_gameconvars
  10. // Run the game once - it will close itself shortly
  11. // 2. Remove above options, and add:
  12. // for POTATO-GRADE/ONBOARD HW -dx9 -dxlevel 95 -nod3d9ex
  13. // for LOW-GRADE HW -dx11 -dxlevel 101
  14. // for MID-GRADE HW -dx11
  15. // for HIGH-GRADE HW -vulkan
  16. // for OTHER OS -gl
  17. // -nod3d9ex is incompatible with Fullscreen mode (alt-tab issues) so switch to Borderless Window if used (with -dx9 or -dx11)
  18. // 3. Enable "Use advanced settings" under Settings - Video and restart the game.
  19. // 4. To facilitate reporting issues, add launch options: -consolelog -conclearlog -con_timestamp +sys_info
  20. // and then share the file: Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\dota\console.log
  21. // 5. Optional performance launch options that you can try case by case if your hardware is stable:
  22. // -high -mainthreadpriority 1
  23. // 6. Optional troubleshooting launch options that you can try case by case:
  24. // -novr -nojoy -usetcp -uselocalweb -disablehangwatchdog
  25. // 7. Optional launch options for the Steam executable (adjust to your path) Right-click Desktop - New - Shortcut:
  26. // "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\Steam.exe" -silent -forceservice -nocrashmonitor -tcp -complete_install_via_http -single_core
  27. // -no-dwrite -disable-winh264 -vrdisable -console
  28. // Bonus, the definitive steamwebhelper_killer! Completely remove Steam browser with: -no-browser
  29. // Last edited: 2017-11-11
  30. //
  32. echoln
  33. log_color General 00FFFFFF | grep %; // set cyan color
  34. echoln " _______ ______ ______ ________ __ ___ ___ __ ________ _______ ______ "
  35. echoln " | __ \ / \ | _ \ | | | | | \/ | | | | / | ____| | _ \ "
  36. echoln " | | | | | ,~~, | | |_) | `~~| |~~` | | | \ / | | | `~~~/ / | |__ | |_) | "
  37. echoln " | | | | AVEYO`S | | | | | ___/ | | | | | |\/| | | | / / | __| | / "
  38. echoln " | `~~` | | `~~` | | | | | | | | | | | | | / /~~~, | |____ | |\ \ "
  39. echoln " |_______/ \______/ |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| |__| /_______| |_______| |__| \__\ "
  40. log_color General 00000000 | grep %; // set default color
  41. echoln; echoln " LOCAL SHORT COMMANDS: "
  42. echoln " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "
  43. echoln " | GG Start empty test game | FF Disconnect / restart menu | QQ Quit game fast | "
  44. echoln " | VT Toggle video tweaks | LL Toggle window lock | RR Reload cfg from disk | "
  45. echoln " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "
  46. echoln; echoln " HOTKEY TOGGLES IN-GAME: "
  47. echoln " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "
  48. echoln " | KEYPAD / Shadows Quality | KEYPAD * Additive Light | KEYPAD + Audio Volume | "
  49. echoln " | MWHEELUP or APP Follow Unit | MWHEELDOWN or RCTRL Stop Follow | SCROLLLOCK R-Click to Attack | "
  50. echoln " ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "
  51. // Behaviour score printing
  52. developer 1; dota_game_account_client_debug | alias; developer 0; echoln; alias | grep _score;
  54. log_flags General InputService Console +donotecho | grep %; // Stop console spam ( resumed at the end of the script )
  56. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  57. alias ' AVEYO`S D-OPTIMIZER (cc) DOTA 2 REFERENCE CFG OPTIONS recommended: //+ default: [] '
  58. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. dota_minimap_misclick_time 0; //+ Minimap Misclick Protection Time 0:every click counts [0.2]
  63. dota_ability_self_cast_timeout 0.5; //+ Double-Tap Self Cast Timeout [0.6]
  64. dota_minimap_hero_scalar 1; //+ Dynamically Scale Hero Icons in Minimap [0]
  65. dota_continue_click_movement_after_cast_cancel 0; //+ Move after Ability Target Cancelled Cvar longer than description [1]
  66. dota_camera_deatheffect 0; //+ Camera Color-shift when Dead (forced always on if shaders enables) [1]
  67. dota_hud_netgraph 1; //+ Display Network Information [0]
  68. dota_hide_tips_on_loading_screens 0; // Hide Tips on Loading Screens [0]
  69. dota_default_spoilers_blocked 0; // Default Tournament Spoiler Block to On [0]
  70. dota_armory_automatically_add_new_item_to_collection 0;// Automatically Add New Items to Collection Cvar longer than descr [0]
  71. dota_join_regional_chat_channel 0; //+ Join regional chat channel on startup PRIVACY ISSUE! [1]
  73. alias ' AUDIO - ADVANCED '
  74. //sound_device_override 0; // Sound Device Better set the default in OS settings [0]
  75. speaker_config -1; // Speakers config 7:7.1, 5:5.1, 4:4.0, 2:stereo, 1:hphones, -1:def [-1]
  76. snd_mute_losefocus 1; // !Play Sound in Desktop Really dislike these inversed gui-cvars [1]
  77. chat_sound 0; // Chat Message Sound [0]
  78. dota_mute_cobroadcasters 0; // Mute Co-Broadcasters [0]
  79. closecaption 0; // Use Captions [0]
  80. dota_force_default_respawn_stinger 0; // Always use default respawn music [0]
  81. dota_force_default_death_stinger 0; // Always play default death music [1]
  82. snd_autodetect_latency 0; //+ Autodetect Audio Latency [1]
  84. alias ' AUDIO - VOICE '
  85. voice_vox 0; // Enable Open Mic 0:None, 1:Party, 2:Team [0]
  86. voice_threshold 13000; //+ Open Mic Threshold 65535:100% i.e. disabled [4000]
  87. voice_always_sample_mic 1; //+ Streamlined Push To Talk Enable if voice hotkey gives fps loss [0]
  89. alias ' VIDEO - D-OPTIMIZER PRESETS: Potato Low OPTIMAL Med High Ultra '
  90. dota_portrait_animate 0; // Animate Portrait - - - - - -
  91. r_deferred_additive_pass 0; // Additive Light Pass 0 1 1 1 1 1
  92. r_deferred_simple_light 0; // World Lighting 0 0 1 1 1 1
  93. r_ssao 0; // Ambient Occlusion 0 0 0 0 0 1
  94. r_dota_normal_maps 0; // Normal Maps 0 0 1 1 1 1
  95. r_dota_allow_parallax_mapping 0; // Ground Parallax 0 0 0 0 1 1
  96. dota_ambient_creatures 0; // Ambient Creatures 0 0 0 0 1 1
  97. dota_ambient_cloth 0; // Ambient Cloth Simulation 0 0 0 1 1 1
  98. r_grass_quality 0; // Grass 0 0 1 2 3 4
  100. r_dota_fxaa 0; // Anti-Aliasing 0 0 0 0 1 1
  101. r_deferred_specular 0; // Specular 0 0 0 1 1 1
  102. r_deferred_specular_bloom 0; // Specular and Light Blooms 0 0 0 0 1 1
  103. dota_cheap_water 1; // !High Quality Water 1 1 1 1 0 0
  104. r_deferred_height_fog 0; // Atmospheric Fog 0 0 0 1 1 1
  105. r_dashboard_render_quality 0; // High Quality Dashboard - - - - - -
  106. r_dota_allow_wind_on_trees 0; // Tree Wind 0 0 1 1 1 1
  108. r_texture_stream_mip_bias 1; // Texture Quality 2 1 1 1 0 0
  109. r_texturefilteringquality 0; // Texture Filtering (not in GUI) 0 1 1 2 3 4
  110. cl_particle_fallback_base 4; // Effects Quality 4 4 4 2 0 0
  111. cl_globallight_shadow_mode 0; // Shadow Quality 0 1 2 2 2 3
  112. mat_viewportscale 0.91; // Render Quality 0.71 0.81 0.91 1.0 1.0 1.0
  113. fps_max 60.0f; // Maximum frames per second 60 60 120 120 144 240
  114. //// Potato preset except Medium Texture Quality and Optimal Render Quality
  116. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  117. alias ' AVEYO`S D-OPTIMIZER (cc) DOTA 2 EXTRA OPTIONS (NOT IN GUI) recommeded: //+ default: [] '
  118. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  119. alias ' MISC '
  120. dota_hero_auto_graball 1; //+ 1:Automatically grab items from stash when hero return to fountain [0]
  121. dota_minimap_disable_rightclick 0; // 1:Disable right-click over minimap - can be annoying at first [0]
  122. dota_player_simplified_controls 0; // 1:R-click move, L-click attack, L-click drag to select, etc. [0]
  123. dota_player_smart_multiunit_cast 1; //+ 1:Trigger ability for the next same unit in selection without Tab [0]
  124. dota_swap_mouse_spellcast 0; // 1:Trigger ability on left click instead, breaks quickcast! [0]
  125. dota_minimap_creep_scale 1.5; //+ 1:Minimap creep scale [1]
  126. voice_chat_bubble_show_volume 1; // 1:Show voice volume on chat bubles, 0 breaks the bubles! [1]
  127. voice_local_icon 1; //+ 1:Show icon while you speak in local bot match [0]
  128. dota_speech_emotes 0; //+ 1:Enable speech emotes [1]
  129. hud_fastswitch 1; //+ 1:Nothing atm [0]
  130. r_dota_disable_portrait_world_renderer 1; //+ 1:Disable 3d models and particles in the main menu, helps potatoes [0]
  131. //-- Sadly, above does not work any more - for golem knows what reason - deja vu from Reborn when I used something similar
  132. engine_experimental_drop_frame_ticks 1; //+ 1:Skip ticks when the client is catching up in low fps - NEW! [0]
  134. alias ' MAIN NETWORK SETUP '
  135. cl_updaterate 30; // max=sv_maxupdaterate=60, min=sv_minupdaterate=10 [20]
  136. cl_cmdrate 30; // max=sv_maxcmdrate=40, min=30 [30]
  137. cl_spectator_cmdrate_factor 0.5; // Rate multiplier when connected via hltv reduced for high rates [0.5]
  138. cl_interp_ratio 2; // min=sv_client_min_interp_ratio=1, max=sv_client_max_interp_ratio=5 [2]
  139. cl_spectator_interp_ratio 2; // When connected to hltv or playing a demo, adjust interp time by [2]
  140. cl_interp 0.05; // cl_interp_ratio/cl_updaterate; for 60 updaterate is 0.016667 [0.05]
  143. //rate 80000; //+ min=sv_minrate=5000 won't actually consume that much [8000]
  144. //net_maxcleartime 4.0; // chocke fix: 0.01 [4.0]
  145. //net_splitrate 1; // chocke fix: 2 [1]
  146. //net_maxroutable 1200; // max=sv_maxroutable max packet size before splitting [1200]
  147. host_limitlocal 1; //+ Apply cl_cmdrate and cl_updaterate to loopback connection [0]
  148. cl_downloadfilter none; //+ does nothing? [all]
  149. //cl_predict 1; // The most important tweaking cvar has been disabled in matchmaking [0]
  150. //cl_pred_optimize 2; // if didn't receive a network update(1), also for not repredicting(2) [2]
  151. //cl_lagcompensation 1; // Perform server side lag compensation of weapon firing events. [1]
  152. //cl_lagcomp_errorcheck 1; //+ Player index of other player to check for position errors. [0]
  153. cl_smooth 1; //+ Smooth view/eye origin after prediction errors [0]
  154. cl_smoothtime 0.1; // Smooth client's view after prediction error over this many secs [0.1]
  155. //cl_interp_threadmodeticks 0; // Additional interpolation ticks to use with threaded engine mode set [0]
  156. //cl_interp_animationvars 1; // Interpolate LATCH_ANIMATION_BIT vars if interp interval is greater [1]
  157. //cl_interp_simulationvars 1; // Interpolate LATCH_SIMULATION_BIT vars if interp interval is greater [1]
  158. //cl_interp_all 0; // 1 will disable interpolation list optimizations (but why do that?) [0]
  159. //cl_interp_npcs 0; // >0 CRASH! Interpolate NPC positions starting this many sec in past [0]
  162. snd_mixahead 0.2; //+ Sound engine buffer - Fixes crackling, for a slight delay [0.05]
  163. m_rawinput 1; //+ Use Raw Input for mouse - better in high pooling rate (500Hz+) [0]
  164. engine_no_focus_sleep 50; //+ Power savings while alt-tab 50=more, 0=none (for streaming) [20]
  165. r_experimental_lag_limiter 0; // 1:VSync w less inputlag if can maintain fps (dev.dota2 t=184108) [0]
  166. r_frame_sync_enable 1; // 0:Disable frame sync for broken systems (dev.dota2 t=174732) [1]
  167. r_overlap_scaleform 0; // Workaround for render - mainly bugfix for vulkan [0]
  168. voice_chat_bubbles 1; // Show voice bubbles - Random polygon lines when voice (fixed in 7.0) [1]
  169. dota_show_itempickups 1; // Show Item pickups - If multiple instances lowers fps, set to 0 [1]
  170. @panorama_show_fps 0; // Show FPS in main menu, too - or use cl_showfps 4 instead [0]
  172. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  173. alias ' AVEYO`S D-OPTIMIZER (cc) DOTA 2 VIDEO TWEAKS Can be toggled with the short console command: VT '
  174. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  175. alias VT "VT2";alias is0 "log_flags InputService +DoNotEcho | grep %";alias is1 "log_flags InputService +DoNotEcho | grep %"; //spew
  176. alias v0a "allow_clientside_entities 1;dota_allow_clientside_entities 1;dota_allow_clientside_particles 1";
  177. alias v1a "allow_clientside_entities 0;dota_allow_clientside_entities 0;dota_allow_clientside_particles 0"; // world fires
  178. alias v0b "cl_particle_fallback_base 0;cl_particle_fallback_multiplier 0;cl_particle_sim_fallback_threshold_ms 6";
  179. alias v1b "cl_particle_fallback_base 4;cl_particle_fallback_multiplier 1;cl_particle_sim_fallback_threshold_ms 1"; // effects
  180. alias v0c "cl_particle_sim_fallback_base_multiplier 5;cl_retire_low_priority_lights 0;r_PhysPropStaticLighting 0;";
  181. alias v1c "cl_particle_sim_fallback_base_multiplier 50;cl_retire_low_priority_lights 1;r_PhysPropStaticLighting 1"; // lights
  182. alias v0d "r_dota_enabled_3d_skybox_postprocess 1;r_dota_render_2d_skybox 1;r_dota_render_3d_skybox 1;r_draw3dskybox 1";
  183. alias v1d "r_dota_enabled_3d_skybox_postprocess 0;r_dota_render_2d_skybox 0;r_dota_render_3d_skybox 0;r_draw3dskybox 0"; // 3d sky
  184. alias v0e "@panorama_experimental_fast_box_shadow 1;cl_show_splashes 1;dota_screen_shake 1;dota_hud_reduced_flash 0";
  185. alias v1e "@panorama_experimental_fast_box_shadow 0;cl_show_splashes 0;dota_screen_shake 0;dota_hud_reduced_flash 1"; // flash
  186. alias v0f "mat_colcorrection_disableentities 0;cl_ragdoll_limit 20;enable_boneflex 1;flex_smooth 1";
  187. alias v1f "mat_colcorrection_disableentities 0;cl_ragdoll_limit 10;enable_boneflex 0;flex_smooth 0"; // ragdoll
  188. alias v0g "rope_collide 1;rope_subdiv 2;rope_smooth 1;rope_averagelight 1;rope_rendersolid 1;r_ropetranslucent 1";
  189. alias v1g "rope_collide 0;rope_subdiv 1;rope_smooth 0;rope_averagelight 0;rope_rendersolid 0;r_ropetranslucent 0"; // ropes
  190. alias v0h "dota_use_animated_inventory_icons 1;dota_disable_unit_ring 0;dota_hud_disable_damage_numbers 0";
  191. alias v1h "dota_use_animated_inventory_icons 0;dota_disable_unit_ring 1;dota_hud_disable_damage_numbers 1"; // hud
  192. alias v0i "cloth_update 1;cloth_step 1;cloth_simulate 1;r_draw_selected_ring 1;dota_hud_healthbar_disable_status_display 0";
  193. alias v1i "cloth_update 0;cloth_step 0;cloth_simulate 0;r_draw_selected_ring 0;dota_hud_healthbar_disable_status_display 1"; // VT2
  194. //// [VT2]: cloth_ = physics+trail ex: Axe`s Blood Chaser, r_draw_selected_ = white selected circle, dota_hud_healthbar_ = stun bars
  195. alias VT0 "is0;v0a;v0b;v0c;v0d;v0e;v0f;v0g;v0h;v0i;r_textures_evict_all;is1;alias VT VT1;echoln [VTweaks] = 0 Enter VT to switch..";
  196. alias VT1 "is0;v1a;v1b;v1c;v1d;v1e;v1f;v1g;v1h;v0i;r_textures_evict_all;is1;alias VT VT2;echoln [VTweaks] = 1 Enter VT to switch..";
  197. alias VT2 "is0;v1a;v1b;v1c;v1d;v1e;v1f;v1g;v1h;v1i;r_textures_evict_all;is1;alias VT VT0;echoln [VTweaks] = 2 Enter VT to switch..";
  198. VT2; // remove or //comment to not apply on startup Replace with VT1; to keep stun bars, white selected circle and trails on
  200. // 7.07 status resistance messing with disable durations makes stun bars way too necessary, so re-enable it below:
  201. dota_hud_healthbar_disable_status_display 0; // 0 re-enables stun bars
  203. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  205. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  206. bind KP_DIVIDE "incrementvar cl_globallight_shadow_mode 0 2 1 | grep ."; // Shadows Quality: high - medium - off
  207. bind KP_MULTIPLY "incrementvar r_deferred_additive_pass 0 1 1 | grep ."; // Additive Light: on - off
  208. bind KP_MINUS "incrementvar r_deferred_simple_light 0 1 1 | grep ."; // World Lighting: on - off
  210. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  212. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  213. bind KP_PLUS "incrementvar volume 0 1 -0.25 | grep ."; // Audio Volume: 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
  215. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  217. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  218. bind SCROLLLOCK "incrementvar dota_force_right_click_attack 0 1 1 | grep ."; // Right-Click Attack or Follow
  220. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  221. alias ' AVEYO`S D-OPTIMIZER (cc) SPECIAL CAMERA CONTROL variant B: for beginer, A: for advanced '
  222. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  223. // Remember to remove default GUI assignments to keys in question (MWHEELUP, MWHEELDOWN default to camera zoom - could set to ALT+ )
  225. bind MWHEELUP "dota_camera_center"; // enter follow mode, can camera grip to offset camera (same as double-click portrait)
  226. bind APP "dota_camera_center"; // APP is the menu key next to right side control key
  227. dota_camera_smooth_enable 0; // disable camera smooth
  229. bind MWHEELDOWN "+dota_control_group 11"; // B: exit follow mode, without re-center or resetting camera offset
  230. bind RCTRL "+cameragrip"; // RCTRL is the right side control key
  231. dota_camera_hold_select_to_follow 0; // B: camera grip will exit follow mode instantly
  232. dota_camera_lock_view_helper 0; // B: disable camera grip while following (a.k.a. offset camera)
  234. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  235. alias ' AVEYO`S D-OPTIMIZER (cc) LOCAL SHORT COMMANDS These do not work during a matchmaking game '
  236. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  237. alias RR "echoln [RR: RELOAD CFG FROM DISK] ;exec autoexec";
  238. alias QQ "echoln [QQ: QUIT] ;quit"; // Whoever thaught that q-Tab = +query is a good idea...
  239. alias VT "VT2"; // initiate VIDEO TWEAKS toggle alias
  240. alias LL "grep . [LL: WINDOW LOCK] ; incrementvar dota_mouse_window_lock 0 1 1;incrementvar dota_camera_edgemove 0 1 1 | grep %;";
  242. alias gg1 "echoln [GG: STARTING EMPTY TEST GAME];sv_cheats 1;sv_lan 0;sv_alternateticks 1;sv_stats 0;tv_enable 0;host_limitlocal 1";
  243. alias GG "gg1; dota_creeps_no_spawning 1;dota_bot_practice_start 0;dota_easybuy 1;hideconsole;map dota;sv_cheats 1";
  244. alias ff1 "echoln [FF: DISCONNECT/STOP] ;#stop;stopdemos;dota_bot_practice_start 0;dota_easybuy 0;sv_alternateticks 0;sv_cheats 1";
  245. alias FF "ff1; sv_cheats 0;cl_showfps 0;hideconsole;disconnect";
  246. alias HH "echoln [HH: HERO AND SPAWNS REFRESH] ;dota_dev hero_refresh;dota_spawn_neutrals;hideconsole";
  247. alias UU "echoln [UU: LEVELUP X5] ;dota_dev hero_level 5;dota_bot_give_level 5;hideconsole";
  248. alias ZZ "echoln [ZZ: ADD FRIENDLY AXE];dota_create_unit npc_dota_hero_axe;hideconsole";
  249. alias XX "echoln [XX: ADD ENEMY AXE];dota_create_unit npc_dota_hero_axe enemy;hideconsole";
  251. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  252. // Stop annoying console spew - optional
  253. log_verbosity RenderSystem MaterialSystem WorldRenderer SpawnGroup SteamNetSockets ResourceSystem AnimResource Vfx off | grep %;
  254. log_verbosity SchemaSystemUtils SndOperators SignonState stringtables EngineServiceManager Panorama off | grep %;
  255. convars_echo_toggle_changes 0;
  257. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  258. con_enable 1; log_flags General InputService Console -donotecho | grep %; alias ';alias '; // Resume console spam
  259. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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