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Apr 2nd, 2020
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  1. 04-02 13:17:03.787 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Killing (adj 906): empty #5
  2. 04-02 13:17:03.805 D/ConnectivityService( 1866): ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=14, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ], android.os.BinderProxy@c0b1d2f)
  3. 04-02 13:17:03.805 D/ActivityManager( 1866): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 5960
  4. 04-02 13:17:03.805 D/ConnectivityService( 1866): releasing NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=14, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
  5. 04-02 13:17:03.806 E/ConnectivityService( 1866): RemoteException caught trying to send a callback msg for NetworkRequest [ TRACK_DEFAULT id=14, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VPN] ]
  6. 04-02 13:17:03.810 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  7. 04-02 13:17:03.814 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  8. 04-02 13:17:03.842 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  9. 04-02 13:17:03.848 D/NotificationService( 1866): notification record before applyZenModeLocked NotificationRecord(0x0c14c328: pkg=com.pluscubed.matlog user=UserHandle{0} id=2131820691 tag=null importance=2 key=0|com.pluscubed.matlog|2131820691|null|10060: Notification(pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null tick defaults=0x0 flags=0x62 color=0x00000000 vis=PRIVATE))
  10. 04-02 13:17:03.848 D/NotificationService( 1866): notification record after applyZenModeLocked: NotificationRecord(0x0c14c328: pkg=com.pluscubed.matlog user=UserHandle{0} id=2131820691 tag=null importance=2 key=0|com.pluscubed.matlog|2131820691|null|10060: Notification(pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=null tick defaults=0x0 flags=0x62 color=0x00000000 vis=PRIVATE))
  11. 04-02 13:17:03.849 D/NotificationService( 1866): In writeNotificationInfo: pkgName com.pluscubed.matlog
  12. 04-02 13:17:03.849 D/BstCommandProcessor-Service( 2100): startService called with arg: notification
  13. 04-02 13:17:03.849 D/BstCommandProcessor-Service( 2100): New Notification has been observed, informing frontend now
  14. 04-02 13:17:03.868 V/WindowManager( 1866): isVisibleLw false for win : Window{d6db109 u0 com.pluscubed.matlog/com.pluscubed.logcat.ui.RecordLogDialogActivity EXITING}
  15. 04-02 13:17:03.912 D/InputMethodManagerService( 1866): packageName=com.pluscubed.matlog, activityName=com.pluscubed.logcat.ui.RecordLogDialogActivity
  16. 04-02 13:17:03.912 D/InputMethodManagerService( 1866): ime_enabled = false is same as last value, no change
  17. 04-02 13:17:03.916 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.pluscubed.matlog activityName: com.pluscubed.matlog/com.pluscubed.logcat.ui.LogcatActivity callingPackage: bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  18. 04-02 13:17:03.917 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: MatLog pkgName: com.pluscubed.matlog
  19. 04-02 13:17:03.918 D/WindowManager( 1866): in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
  20. 04-02 13:17:03.920 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  21. 04-02 13:17:03.952 V/WindowManager( 1866): isVisibleLw false for win : Window{515a174 u0 com.pluscubed.matlog/com.pluscubed.logcat.ui.RecordLogDialogActivity}
  22. 04-02 13:17:03.952 V/WindowManager( 1866): isVisibleLw false for win : Window{d6db109 u0 com.pluscubed.matlog/com.pluscubed.logcat.ui.RecordLogDialogActivity EXITING}
  23. 04-02 13:17:03.997 D/InputMethodManagerService( 1866): packageName=com.pluscubed.matlog, activityName=com.pluscubed.logcat.ui.LogcatActivity
  24. 04-02 13:17:03.997 D/InputMethodManagerService( 1866): ime_enabled = false is same as last value, no change
  25. 04-02 13:17:04.002 V/WindowManager( 1866): isVisibleLw false for win : Window{515a174 u0 com.pluscubed.matlog/com.pluscubed.logcat.ui.RecordLogDialogActivity}
  26. 04-02 13:17:04.003 V/WindowManager( 1866): isVisibleLw false for win : Window{515a174 u0 com.pluscubed.matlog/com.pluscubed.logcat.ui.RecordLogDialogActivity}
  27. 04-02 13:17:04.099 E/NetworkScheduler.ATC( 2025): Called cancelTask for already completed task{u=0 tag="Measurement.PackageMeasurementTaskService.UPLOAD_TASK_TAG" trigger=window{start=0s,end=1s,earliest=-80s,latest=-79s} requirements=[NET_CONNECTED] attributes=[PERSISTED] scheduled=-80s last_run=-80s jid=N/A status=ACTIVE retries=0 client_lib=GMS_TASK_SCHEDULER-19629000} :1
  28. 04-02 13:17:04.129 E/NetworkScheduler.ATC( 2025): Called cancelTask for already completed task{u=0 tag="Measurement.PackageMeasurementTaskService.UPLOAD_TASK_TAG" trigger=window{start=0s,end=1s,earliest=-80s,latest=-79s} requirements=[NET_CONNECTED] attributes=[PERSISTED] scheduled=-80s last_run=-80s jid=N/A status=ACTIVE retries=0 client_lib=GMS_TASK_SCHEDULER-19629000} :1
  29. 04-02 13:17:06.072 W/WindowManager( 1866): Attempted to remove non-existing token: android.os.Binder@f038672
  30. 04-02 13:17:07.987 D/BstCommandProcessor-httpd( 2100): command: muteappplayer
  31. 04-02 13:17:07.992 D/BstCommandProcessor-Application( 2100): in isSystemReady, isBootCompleted true External storage status: mounted External storage dir :/storage/emulated/0 isExternalStorageRemovable:false
  32. 04-02 13:17:07.992 D/BstCommandProcessor-Application( 2100): returning from waitForSystemReady, isSystemReady = true
  33. 04-02 13:17:07.993 D/BstCommandProcessor-httpd( 2100): response: {"result":"ok"}
  34. 04-02 13:17:08.014 D/BstCommandProcessor-httpd( 2100): command: guestorientation 0
  35. 04-02 13:17:08.019 I/BstCommandProcessor-CommandHandler( 2100): Host orientation handler Angle0
  36. 04-02 13:17:08.020 I/BstOrientationService( 1866): setOrientation(0)
  37. 04-02 13:17:08.020 I/BstOrientationService( 1866): Raising orientation notification
  38. 04-02 13:17:08.021 D/BstCommandProcessor-httpd( 2100): response: {"result":"ok"}
  39. 04-02 13:17:09.776 D/BstCommandProcessor-httpd( 2100): command: runex com.rayark.sdorica/
  40. 04-02 13:17:09.783 D/BstCommandProcessor-Application( 2100): in isSystemReady, isBootCompleted true External storage status: mounted External storage dir :/storage/emulated/0 isExternalStorageRemovable:false
  41. 04-02 13:17:09.783 D/BstCommandProcessor-Application( 2100): returning from waitForSystemReady, isSystemReady = true
  42. 04-02 13:17:09.783 D/BstCommandProcessor-CommandHandler( 2100): gamemanager compatible mode
  43. 04-02 13:17:09.783 D/BstCommandProcessor-CommandHandler( 2100): recentTask.size(): 3
  44. 04-02 13:17:09.784 I/ActivityManager( 1866): START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10204000 cmp=com.rayark.sdorica/} from uid 1000 on display 0
  45. 04-02 13:17:09.784 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica activityName: callingPackage: com.bluestacks.BstCommandProcessor bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  46. 04-02 13:17:09.785 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: Sdorica pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica
  47. 04-02 13:17:09.788 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  48. 04-02 13:17:09.791 E/Sensor-AccelerometerUI( 2100): Connection refused
  49. 04-02 13:17:09.796 D/GuidanceScreen.Utils( 2456): checkAdExists() called with: context = [], hostPackageName = [com.rayark.sdorica], ignoreOccurrence = [true], adScreenService = [null], forceLaunch = [false], doNotSendStats = [false]
  50. 04-02 13:17:09.799 D/BstCommandProcessor-CommandHandler( 2100): contains arm marker file , app com.rayark.sdorica
  51. 04-02 13:17:09.800 D/BstCommandProcessor-httpd( 2100): command: unmuteappplayer
  52. 04-02 13:17:09.801 D/BstCommandProcessor-CommandHandler( 2100): Sending startService intent with data: Intent { act=com.bluestacks.home.svc pkg=com.bluestacks.home }
  53. 04-02 13:17:09.802 D/BstCommandProcessor-CommandHandler( 2100): Broadcasting START_APP intent with data: {"package":"com.rayark.sdorica","isArmApp":true} isArmApp: true
  54. 04-02 13:17:09.802 D/BstCommandProcessor-httpd( 2100): response: {"result":"ok"}
  55. 04-02 13:17:09.808 D/BstCommandProcessor-Application( 2100): in isSystemReady, isBootCompleted true External storage status: mounted External storage dir :/storage/emulated/0 isExternalStorageRemovable:false
  56. 04-02 13:17:09.808 D/BstCommandProcessor-Application( 2100): returning from waitForSystemReady, isSystemReady = true
  57. 04-02 13:17:09.809 D/BstCommandProcessor-httpd( 2100): response: {"result":"ok"}
  58. 04-02 13:17:09.830 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica activityName: com.rayark.sdorica/ callingPackage: bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  59. 04-02 13:17:09.831 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: Sdorica pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica
  60. 04-02 13:17:09.831 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  61. 04-02 13:17:09.835 D/gralloc_goldfish( 1595): gralloc_alloc: Creating ashmem region of size 8294400
  62. 04-02 13:17:09.838 D/BstCommandProcessor-httpd( 2100): command: guestorientation 0
  63. 04-02 13:17:09.838 I/BstCommandProcessor-CommandHandler( 2100): Host orientation handler Angle0
  64. 04-02 13:17:09.838 I/BstOrientationService( 1866): setOrientation(0)
  65. 04-02 13:17:09.838 I/BstOrientationService( 1866): Raising orientation notification
  66. 04-02 13:17:09.839 D/BstCommandProcessor-httpd( 2100): response: {"result":"ok"}
  67. 04-02 13:17:09.842 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Start proc 6151:com.rayark.sdorica/u0a58 for activity com.rayark.sdorica/
  68. 04-02 13:17:09.850 D/houdini ( 6151): [6151] Initialize library(version: 7.1.1b_x.49852 RELEASE)... successfully.
  69. 04-02 13:17:09.852 W/art ( 6151): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
  70. 04-02 13:17:09.871 D/gralloc_goldfish( 1595): gralloc_alloc: Creating ashmem region of size 2887680
  71. 04-02 13:17:09.876 I/PGA ( 1866): PgaSocketInit: opened /dev/bstpgaipc: fd = 216
  72. 04-02 13:17:09.876 I/PGA ( 1866): Attempting to create new SOCKET connection pid = 1866, tid = 3416
  73. 04-02 13:17:09.878 I/PGA ( 1866): PgaSocketInitClientPgaIpc: data mapped to 0x88578000
  74. 04-02 13:17:09.878 I/PGA ( 1866): New SOCKET connection: system_server (pid 1866, tid 3416)
  75. 04-02 13:17:09.880 E/EGL_emulation( 1595): tid 1595: eglCreateSyncKHR(1972): error 0x3004 (EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE)
  76. 04-02 13:17:09.917 D/WindowManager( 1866): in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
  77. 04-02 13:17:09.920 V/WindowManager( 1866): isVisibleLw false for win : Window{f7af4dd u0 com.pluscubed.matlog/com.pluscubed.logcat.ui.LogcatActivity}
  78. 04-02 13:17:09.922 D/WindowManager( 1866): Sending appClickStats request with data: appVersionName=2.4.1 clickloc=system_server appname=Sdorica appver=58126 package=com.rayark.sdorica
  79. 04-02 13:17:09.960 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  80. 04-02 13:17:10.007 D/houdini ( 6151): [6151] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  81. 04-02 13:17:10.018 E/NetworkScheduler.ATC( 2025): Called cancelTask for already completed task{u=0 tag="Measurement.PackageMeasurementTaskService.UPLOAD_TASK_TAG" trigger=window{start=0s,end=1s,earliest=-86s,latest=-85s} requirements=[NET_CONNECTED] attributes=[PERSISTED] scheduled=-86s last_run=-86s jid=N/A status=ACTIVE retries=0 client_lib=GMS_TASK_SCHEDULER-19629000} :1
  82. 04-02 13:17:11.473 D/houdini ( 6151): [6151] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  83. 04-02 13:17:11.649 D/houdini ( 6151): [6151] Added shared library /data/user/0/com.rayark.sdorica/cache/.hZyd3L2RBi for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  84. 04-02 13:17:11.695 I/Zygote ( 1600): Process 6151 exited cleanly (1)
  85. 04-02 13:17:11.741 W/SocketClient( 1610): write error (Broken pipe)
  86. 04-02 13:17:11.741 W/DnsProxyListener( 1610): Error writing DNS result to client
  87. 04-02 13:17:12.297 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Process com.rayark.sdorica (pid 6151) has died
  88. 04-02 13:17:12.297 D/ActivityManager( 1866): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 6151
  89. 04-02 13:17:12.298 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica activityName: com.rayark.sdorica/ callingPackage: bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  90. 04-02 13:17:12.299 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: Sdorica pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica
  91. 04-02 13:17:12.300 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  92. 04-02 13:17:12.312 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Start proc 6184:com.rayark.sdorica/u0a58 for activity com.rayark.sdorica/
  93. 04-02 13:17:12.313 D/houdini ( 6184): [6184] Initialize library(version: 7.1.1b_x.49852 RELEASE)... successfully.
  94. 04-02 13:17:12.316 W/art ( 6184): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
  95. 04-02 13:17:12.321 D/WindowManager( 1866): in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
  96. 04-02 13:17:12.383 D/houdini ( 6184): [6184] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  97. 04-02 13:17:13.898 D/houdini ( 6184): [6184] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  98. 04-02 13:17:14.081 D/houdini ( 6184): [6184] Added shared library /data/user/0/com.rayark.sdorica/cache/.YGaoreXtFI for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  99. 04-02 13:17:14.229 I/Zygote ( 1600): Process 6184 exited cleanly (1)
  100. 04-02 13:17:14.569 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Process com.rayark.sdorica (pid 6184) has died
  101. 04-02 13:17:14.569 D/ActivityManager( 1866): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 6184
  102. 04-02 13:17:14.570 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica activityName: com.rayark.sdorica/ callingPackage: bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  103. 04-02 13:17:14.571 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: Sdorica pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica
  104. 04-02 13:17:14.571 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  105. 04-02 13:17:14.582 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Start proc 6215:com.rayark.sdorica/u0a58 for activity com.rayark.sdorica/
  106. 04-02 13:17:14.585 D/houdini ( 6215): [6215] Initialize library(version: 7.1.1b_x.49852 RELEASE)... successfully.
  107. 04-02 13:17:14.589 W/art ( 6215): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
  108. 04-02 13:17:14.595 D/WindowManager( 1866): in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
  109. 04-02 13:17:14.661 D/houdini ( 6215): [6215] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  110. 04-02 13:17:14.838 D/NetworkSecurityConfig( 6018): No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
  111. 04-02 13:17:16.336 D/houdini ( 6215): [6215] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  112. 04-02 13:17:16.516 D/houdini ( 6215): [6215] Added shared library /data/user/0/com.rayark.sdorica/cache/.YGaoreXtFI for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  113. 04-02 13:17:16.685 I/Zygote ( 1600): Process 6215 exited cleanly (1)
  114. 04-02 13:17:16.819 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Process com.rayark.sdorica (pid 6215) has died
  115. 04-02 13:17:16.819 D/ActivityManager( 1866): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 6215
  116. 04-02 13:17:16.821 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica activityName: com.rayark.sdorica/ callingPackage: bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  117. 04-02 13:17:16.822 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: Sdorica pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica
  118. 04-02 13:17:16.824 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  119. 04-02 13:17:16.834 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Start proc 6248:com.rayark.sdorica/u0a58 for activity com.rayark.sdorica/
  120. 04-02 13:17:16.837 D/houdini ( 6248): [6248] Initialize library(version: 7.1.1b_x.49852 RELEASE)... successfully.
  121. 04-02 13:17:16.840 W/art ( 6248): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
  122. 04-02 13:17:16.851 D/WindowManager( 1866): in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
  123. 04-02 13:17:16.902 D/houdini ( 6248): [6248] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  124. 04-02 13:17:18.610 D/houdini ( 6248): [6248] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  125. 04-02 13:17:18.801 D/houdini ( 6248): [6248] Added shared library /data/user/0/com.rayark.sdorica/cache/.YGaoreXtFI for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  126. 04-02 13:17:18.976 I/Zygote ( 1600): Process 6248 exited cleanly (1)
  127. 04-02 13:17:19.078 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Process com.rayark.sdorica (pid 6248) has died
  128. 04-02 13:17:19.078 D/ActivityManager( 1866): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 6248
  129. 04-02 13:17:19.080 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica activityName: com.rayark.sdorica/ callingPackage: bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  130. 04-02 13:17:19.081 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: Sdorica pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica
  131. 04-02 13:17:19.081 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  132. 04-02 13:17:19.092 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Start proc 6279:com.rayark.sdorica/u0a58 for activity com.rayark.sdorica/
  133. 04-02 13:17:19.096 D/houdini ( 6279): [6279] Initialize library(version: 7.1.1b_x.49852 RELEASE)... successfully.
  134. 04-02 13:17:19.099 W/art ( 6279): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
  135. 04-02 13:17:19.105 D/WindowManager( 1866): in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
  136. 04-02 13:17:19.162 D/houdini ( 6279): [6279] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  137. 04-02 13:17:20.706 D/houdini ( 6279): [6279] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  138. 04-02 13:17:20.880 D/houdini ( 6279): [6279] Added shared library /data/user/0/com.rayark.sdorica/cache/.YGaoreXtFI for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  139. 04-02 13:17:21.045 I/Zygote ( 1600): Process 6279 exited cleanly (1)
  140. 04-02 13:17:21.317 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Process com.rayark.sdorica (pid 6279) has died
  141. 04-02 13:17:21.317 D/ActivityManager( 1866): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 6279
  142. 04-02 13:17:21.317 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica activityName: com.rayark.sdorica/ callingPackage: bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  143. 04-02 13:17:21.318 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: Sdorica pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica
  144. 04-02 13:17:21.319 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  145. 04-02 13:17:21.329 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Start proc 6310:com.rayark.sdorica/u0a58 for activity com.rayark.sdorica/
  146. 04-02 13:17:21.330 D/houdini ( 6310): [6310] Initialize library(version: 7.1.1b_x.49852 RELEASE)... successfully.
  147. 04-02 13:17:21.331 W/art ( 6310): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
  148. 04-02 13:17:21.339 D/WindowManager( 1866): in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
  149. 04-02 13:17:21.414 D/houdini ( 6310): [6310] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  150. 04-02 13:17:22.969 D/houdini ( 6310): [6310] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  151. 04-02 13:17:23.144 D/houdini ( 6310): [6310] Added shared library /data/user/0/com.rayark.sdorica/cache/.YGaoreXtFI for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  152. 04-02 13:17:23.296 I/Zygote ( 1600): Process 6310 exited cleanly (1)
  153. 04-02 13:17:23.618 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Process com.rayark.sdorica (pid 6310) has died
  154. 04-02 13:17:23.618 D/ActivityManager( 1866): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 6310
  155. 04-02 13:17:23.620 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica activityName: com.rayark.sdorica/ callingPackage: bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  156. 04-02 13:17:23.621 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: Sdorica pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica
  157. 04-02 13:17:23.621 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  158. 04-02 13:17:23.631 D/houdini ( 6342): [6342] Initialize library(version: 7.1.1b_x.49852 RELEASE)... successfully.
  159. 04-02 13:17:23.635 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Start proc 6342:com.rayark.sdorica/u0a58 for activity com.rayark.sdorica/
  160. 04-02 13:17:23.636 W/art ( 6342): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
  161. 04-02 13:17:23.652 D/WindowManager( 1866): in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
  162. 04-02 13:17:23.722 D/houdini ( 6342): [6342] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  163. 04-02 13:17:25.143 D/houdini ( 6342): [6342] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  164. 04-02 13:17:25.285 D/houdini ( 6342): [6342] Added shared library /data/user/0/com.rayark.sdorica/cache/.YGaoreXtFI for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  165. 04-02 13:17:25.441 I/Zygote ( 1600): Process 6342 exited cleanly (1)
  166. 04-02 13:17:25.918 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Process com.rayark.sdorica (pid 6342) has died
  167. 04-02 13:17:25.918 D/ActivityManager( 1866): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 6342
  168. 04-02 13:17:25.919 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica activityName: com.rayark.sdorica/ callingPackage: bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  169. 04-02 13:17:25.920 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: Sdorica pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica
  170. 04-02 13:17:25.920 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  171. 04-02 13:17:25.930 D/houdini ( 6373): [6373] Initialize library(version: 7.1.1b_x.49852 RELEASE)... successfully.
  172. 04-02 13:17:25.931 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Start proc 6373:com.rayark.sdorica/u0a58 for activity com.rayark.sdorica/
  173. 04-02 13:17:25.932 W/art ( 6373): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
  174. 04-02 13:17:25.937 D/WindowManager( 1866): in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
  175. 04-02 13:17:26.001 D/houdini ( 6373): [6373] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  176. 04-02 13:17:27.343 D/houdini ( 6373): [6373] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  177. 04-02 13:17:27.493 D/houdini ( 6373): [6373] Added shared library /data/user/0/com.rayark.sdorica/cache/.YGaoreXtFI for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  178. 04-02 13:17:27.657 I/Zygote ( 1600): Process 6373 exited cleanly (1)
  179. 04-02 13:17:28.140 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Process com.rayark.sdorica (pid 6373) has died
  180. 04-02 13:17:28.141 D/ActivityManager( 1866): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 6373
  181. 04-02 13:17:28.143 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica activityName: com.rayark.sdorica/ callingPackage: bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  182. 04-02 13:17:28.144 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: Sdorica pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica
  183. 04-02 13:17:28.145 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  184. 04-02 13:17:28.153 D/houdini ( 6404): [6404] Initialize library(version: 7.1.1b_x.49852 RELEASE)... successfully.
  185. 04-02 13:17:28.154 W/art ( 6404): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
  186. 04-02 13:17:28.155 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Start proc 6404:com.rayark.sdorica/u0a58 for activity com.rayark.sdorica/
  187. 04-02 13:17:28.165 D/WindowManager( 1866): in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
  188. 04-02 13:17:28.221 D/houdini ( 6404): [6404] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  189. 04-02 13:17:29.549 D/houdini ( 6404): [6404] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  190. 04-02 13:17:29.700 D/houdini ( 6404): [6404] Added shared library /data/user/0/com.rayark.sdorica/cache/.YGaoreXtFI for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  191. 04-02 13:17:29.749 I/Zygote ( 1600): Process 6404 exited cleanly (1)
  192. 04-02 13:17:30.378 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Process com.rayark.sdorica (pid 6404) has died
  193. 04-02 13:17:30.378 D/ActivityManager( 1866): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 6404
  194. 04-02 13:17:30.380 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica activityName: com.rayark.sdorica/ callingPackage: bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  195. 04-02 13:17:30.381 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: Sdorica pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica
  196. 04-02 13:17:30.382 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  197. 04-02 13:17:30.392 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Start proc 6436:com.rayark.sdorica/u0a58 for activity com.rayark.sdorica/
  198. 04-02 13:17:30.399 D/houdini ( 6436): [6436] Initialize library(version: 7.1.1b_x.49852 RELEASE)... successfully.
  199. 04-02 13:17:30.400 W/art ( 6436): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
  200. 04-02 13:17:30.406 D/WindowManager( 1866): in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
  201. 04-02 13:17:30.496 D/houdini ( 6436): [6436] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  202. 04-02 13:17:30.803 I/Vision ( 2387): Requesting optional module download of ocr.
  203. 04-02 13:17:30.803 I/Vision ( 2387): Checking for download completion for 1223668 -- ocr
  204. 04-02 13:17:31.896 D/houdini ( 6436): [6436] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  205. 04-02 13:17:32.045 D/houdini ( 6436): [6436] Added shared library /data/user/0/com.rayark.sdorica/cache/.YGaoreXtFI for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  206. 04-02 13:17:32.191 I/Zygote ( 1600): Process 6436 exited cleanly (1)
  207. 04-02 13:17:32.698 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Process com.rayark.sdorica (pid 6436) has died
  208. 04-02 13:17:32.698 D/ActivityManager( 1866): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 6436
  209. 04-02 13:17:32.700 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica activityName: com.rayark.sdorica/ callingPackage: bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  210. 04-02 13:17:32.701 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: Sdorica pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica
  211. 04-02 13:17:32.701 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  212. 04-02 13:17:32.712 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Start proc 6471:com.rayark.sdorica/u0a58 for activity com.rayark.sdorica/
  213. 04-02 13:17:32.719 D/houdini ( 6471): [6471] Initialize library(version: 7.1.1b_x.49852 RELEASE)... successfully.
  214. 04-02 13:17:32.720 W/art ( 6471): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
  215. 04-02 13:17:32.725 D/WindowManager( 1866): in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
  216. 04-02 13:17:32.781 D/houdini ( 6471): [6471] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  217. 04-02 13:17:34.124 D/houdini ( 6471): [6471] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  218. 04-02 13:17:34.275 D/houdini ( 6471): [6471] Added shared library /data/user/0/com.rayark.sdorica/cache/.YGaoreXtFI for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  219. 04-02 13:17:34.364 I/Zygote ( 1600): Process 6471 exited cleanly (1)
  220. 04-02 13:17:34.929 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Process com.rayark.sdorica (pid 6471) has died
  221. 04-02 13:17:34.929 D/ActivityManager( 1866): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 6471
  222. 04-02 13:17:34.931 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica activityName: com.rayark.sdorica/ callingPackage: bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  223. 04-02 13:17:34.932 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: Sdorica pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica
  224. 04-02 13:17:34.933 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  225. 04-02 13:17:34.944 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Start proc 6502:com.rayark.sdorica/u0a58 for activity com.rayark.sdorica/
  226. 04-02 13:17:34.953 D/houdini ( 6502): [6502] Initialize library(version: 7.1.1b_x.49852 RELEASE)... successfully.
  227. 04-02 13:17:34.954 W/art ( 6502): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
  228. 04-02 13:17:34.957 D/WindowManager( 1866): in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
  229. 04-02 13:17:35.021 D/houdini ( 6502): [6502] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  230. 04-02 13:17:36.390 D/houdini ( 6502): [6502] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  231. 04-02 13:17:36.537 D/houdini ( 6502): [6502] Added shared library /data/user/0/com.rayark.sdorica/cache/.YGaoreXtFI for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  232. 04-02 13:17:36.601 I/Zygote ( 1600): Process 6502 exited cleanly (1)
  233. 04-02 13:17:37.228 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Process com.rayark.sdorica (pid 6502) has died
  234. 04-02 13:17:37.228 D/ActivityManager( 1866): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 6502
  235. 04-02 13:17:37.231 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica activityName: com.rayark.sdorica/ callingPackage: bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  236. 04-02 13:17:37.231 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: Sdorica pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica
  237. 04-02 13:17:37.232 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  238. 04-02 13:17:37.242 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Start proc 6533:com.rayark.sdorica/u0a58 for activity com.rayark.sdorica/
  239. 04-02 13:17:37.247 D/houdini ( 6533): [6533] Initialize library(version: 7.1.1b_x.49852 RELEASE)... successfully.
  240. 04-02 13:17:37.248 W/art ( 6533): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
  241. 04-02 13:17:37.254 D/WindowManager( 1866): in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
  242. 04-02 13:17:37.310 D/houdini ( 6533): [6533] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  243. 04-02 13:17:38.653 D/houdini ( 6533): [6533] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  244. 04-02 13:17:38.842 D/houdini ( 6533): [6533] Added shared library /data/user/0/com.rayark.sdorica/cache/.YGaoreXtFI for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  245. 04-02 13:17:38.896 I/Zygote ( 1600): Process 6533 exited cleanly (1)
  246. 04-02 13:17:39.480 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Process com.rayark.sdorica (pid 6533) has died
  247. 04-02 13:17:39.480 D/ActivityManager( 1866): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 6533
  248. 04-02 13:17:39.482 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica activityName: com.rayark.sdorica/ callingPackage: bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  249. 04-02 13:17:39.483 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: Sdorica pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica
  250. 04-02 13:17:39.484 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  251. 04-02 13:17:39.494 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Start proc 6564:com.rayark.sdorica/u0a58 for activity com.rayark.sdorica/
  252. 04-02 13:17:39.501 D/houdini ( 6564): [6564] Initialize library(version: 7.1.1b_x.49852 RELEASE)... successfully.
  253. 04-02 13:17:39.502 W/art ( 6564): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
  254. 04-02 13:17:39.507 D/WindowManager( 1866): in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
  255. 04-02 13:17:39.560 D/houdini ( 6564): [6564] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  256. 04-02 13:17:40.898 D/houdini ( 6564): [6564] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  257. 04-02 13:17:41.050 D/houdini ( 6564): [6564] Added shared library /data/user/0/com.rayark.sdorica/cache/.YGaoreXtFI for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  258. 04-02 13:17:41.073 I/Zygote ( 1600): Process 6564 exited cleanly (1)
  259. 04-02 13:17:41.711 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Process com.rayark.sdorica (pid 6564) has died
  260. 04-02 13:17:41.711 D/ActivityManager( 1866): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 6564
  261. 04-02 13:17:41.712 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica activityName: com.rayark.sdorica/ callingPackage: bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  262. 04-02 13:17:41.713 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: Sdorica pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica
  263. 04-02 13:17:41.713 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  264. 04-02 13:17:41.720 D/houdini ( 6595): [6595] Initialize library(version: 7.1.1b_x.49852 RELEASE)... successfully.
  265. 04-02 13:17:41.723 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Start proc 6595:com.rayark.sdorica/u0a58 for activity com.rayark.sdorica/
  266. 04-02 13:17:41.725 W/art ( 6595): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
  267. 04-02 13:17:41.734 D/WindowManager( 1866): in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
  268. 04-02 13:17:41.792 D/houdini ( 6595): [6595] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  269. 04-02 13:17:43.133 D/houdini ( 6595): [6595] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  270. 04-02 13:17:43.283 D/houdini ( 6595): [6595] Added shared library /data/user/0/com.rayark.sdorica/cache/.YGaoreXtFI for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  271. 04-02 13:17:43.348 I/Zygote ( 1600): Process 6595 exited cleanly (1)
  272. 04-02 13:17:43.939 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Process com.rayark.sdorica (pid 6595) has died
  273. 04-02 13:17:43.940 D/ActivityManager( 1866): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 6595
  274. 04-02 13:17:43.941 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica activityName: com.rayark.sdorica/ callingPackage: bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  275. 04-02 13:17:43.942 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: Sdorica pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica
  276. 04-02 13:17:43.943 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  277. 04-02 13:17:43.951 D/houdini ( 6626): [6626] Initialize library(version: 7.1.1b_x.49852 RELEASE)... successfully.
  278. 04-02 13:17:43.951 W/art ( 6626): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
  279. 04-02 13:17:43.953 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Start proc 6626:com.rayark.sdorica/u0a58 for activity com.rayark.sdorica/
  280. 04-02 13:17:43.959 D/WindowManager( 1866): in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
  281. 04-02 13:17:44.022 D/houdini ( 6626): [6626] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  282. 04-02 13:17:45.382 D/houdini ( 6626): [6626] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  283. 04-02 13:17:45.541 D/houdini ( 6626): [6626] Added shared library /data/user/0/com.rayark.sdorica/cache/.YGaoreXtFI for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  284. 04-02 13:17:45.591 I/Zygote ( 1600): Process 6626 exited cleanly (1)
  285. 04-02 13:17:46.200 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Process com.rayark.sdorica (pid 6626) has died
  286. 04-02 13:17:46.200 D/ActivityManager( 1866): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 6626
  287. 04-02 13:17:46.202 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica activityName: com.rayark.sdorica/ callingPackage: bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  288. 04-02 13:17:46.203 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: Sdorica pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica
  289. 04-02 13:17:46.204 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  290. 04-02 13:17:46.212 D/houdini ( 6658): [6658] Initialize library(version: 7.1.1b_x.49852 RELEASE)... successfully.
  291. 04-02 13:17:46.214 W/art ( 6658): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
  292. 04-02 13:17:46.215 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Start proc 6658:com.rayark.sdorica/u0a58 for activity com.rayark.sdorica/
  293. 04-02 13:17:46.219 D/WindowManager( 1866): in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
  294. 04-02 13:17:46.281 D/houdini ( 6658): [6658] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  295. 04-02 13:17:47.737 D/houdini ( 6658): [6658] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  296. 04-02 13:17:47.881 D/houdini ( 6658): [6658] Added shared library /data/user/0/com.rayark.sdorica/cache/.YGaoreXtFI for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  297. 04-02 13:17:47.978 I/Zygote ( 1600): Process 6658 exited cleanly (1)
  298. 04-02 13:17:48.488 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Process com.rayark.sdorica (pid 6658) has died
  299. 04-02 13:17:48.488 D/ActivityManager( 1866): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 6658
  300. 04-02 13:17:48.489 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica activityName: com.rayark.sdorica/ callingPackage: bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  301. 04-02 13:17:48.489 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: Sdorica pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica
  302. 04-02 13:17:48.490 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  303. 04-02 13:17:48.499 D/houdini ( 6689): [6689] Initialize library(version: 7.1.1b_x.49852 RELEASE)... successfully.
  304. 04-02 13:17:48.500 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Start proc 6689:com.rayark.sdorica/u0a58 for activity com.rayark.sdorica/
  305. 04-02 13:17:48.501 W/art ( 6689): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
  306. 04-02 13:17:48.509 D/WindowManager( 1866): in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
  307. 04-02 13:17:48.581 D/houdini ( 6689): [6689] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  308. 04-02 13:17:49.912 D/houdini ( 6689): [6689] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  309. 04-02 13:17:50.065 D/houdini ( 6689): [6689] Added shared library /data/user/0/com.rayark.sdorica/cache/.YGaoreXtFI for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  310. 04-02 13:17:50.162 I/Zygote ( 1600): Process 6689 exited cleanly (1)
  311. 04-02 13:17:50.761 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Process com.rayark.sdorica (pid 6689) has died
  312. 04-02 13:17:50.761 D/ActivityManager( 1866): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 6689
  313. 04-02 13:17:50.762 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica activityName: com.rayark.sdorica/ callingPackage: bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  314. 04-02 13:17:50.763 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: Sdorica pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica
  315. 04-02 13:17:50.763 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  316. 04-02 13:17:50.774 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Start proc 6720:com.rayark.sdorica/u0a58 for activity com.rayark.sdorica/
  317. 04-02 13:17:50.781 D/houdini ( 6720): [6720] Initialize library(version: 7.1.1b_x.49852 RELEASE)... successfully.
  318. 04-02 13:17:50.782 W/art ( 6720): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
  319. 04-02 13:17:50.786 D/WindowManager( 1866): in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
  320. 04-02 13:17:50.851 D/houdini ( 6720): [6720] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  321. 04-02 13:17:52.168 D/houdini ( 6720): [6720] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  322. 04-02 13:17:52.325 D/houdini ( 6720): [6720] Added shared library /data/user/0/com.rayark.sdorica/cache/.hZyd3L2RBi for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  323. 04-02 13:17:52.419 I/Zygote ( 1600): Process 6720 exited cleanly (1)
  324. 04-02 13:17:52.996 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Process com.rayark.sdorica (pid 6720) has died
  325. 04-02 13:17:52.996 I/libprocessgroup( 1866): Killing pid 6737 in uid 10058 as part of process group 6720
  326. 04-02 13:17:52.996 D/ActivityManager( 1866): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 6720
  327. 04-02 13:17:52.999 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica activityName: com.rayark.sdorica/ callingPackage: bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  328. 04-02 13:17:53.001 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: Sdorica pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica
  329. 04-02 13:17:53.001 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  330. 04-02 13:17:53.012 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Start proc 6751:com.rayark.sdorica/u0a58 for activity com.rayark.sdorica/
  331. 04-02 13:17:53.016 D/houdini ( 6751): [6751] Initialize library(version: 7.1.1b_x.49852 RELEASE)... successfully.
  332. 04-02 13:17:53.018 W/art ( 6751): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
  333. 04-02 13:17:53.022 D/WindowManager( 1866): in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
  334. 04-02 13:17:53.059 D/houdini ( 6751): [6751] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  335. 04-02 13:17:54.438 D/houdini ( 6751): [6751] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  336. 04-02 13:17:54.589 D/houdini ( 6751): [6751] Added shared library /data/user/0/com.rayark.sdorica/cache/.YGaoreXtFI for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  337. 04-02 13:17:54.654 I/Zygote ( 1600): Process 6751 exited cleanly (1)
  338. 04-02 13:17:55.247 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Process com.rayark.sdorica (pid 6751) has died
  339. 04-02 13:17:55.247 D/ActivityManager( 1866): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 6751
  340. 04-02 13:17:55.248 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica activityName: com.rayark.sdorica/ callingPackage: bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  341. 04-02 13:17:55.249 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: Sdorica pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica
  342. 04-02 13:17:55.249 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  343. 04-02 13:17:55.259 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Start proc 6782:com.rayark.sdorica/u0a58 for activity com.rayark.sdorica/
  344. 04-02 13:17:55.264 D/houdini ( 6782): [6782] Initialize library(version: 7.1.1b_x.49852 RELEASE)... successfully.
  345. 04-02 13:17:55.266 W/art ( 6782): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
  346. 04-02 13:17:55.270 D/WindowManager( 1866): in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
  347. 04-02 13:17:55.312 D/houdini ( 6782): [6782] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  348. 04-02 13:17:56.780 D/houdini ( 6782): [6782] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  349. 04-02 13:17:56.934 D/houdini ( 6782): [6782] Added shared library /data/user/0/com.rayark.sdorica/cache/.YGaoreXtFI for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  350. 04-02 13:17:56.957 I/Zygote ( 1600): Process 6782 exited cleanly (1)
  351. 04-02 13:17:57.547 D/BstCommandProcessor-httpd( 2100): command: muteappplayer
  352. 04-02 13:17:57.553 D/BstCommandProcessor-Application( 2100): in isSystemReady, isBootCompleted true External storage status: mounted External storage dir :/storage/emulated/0 isExternalStorageRemovable:false
  353. 04-02 13:17:57.553 D/BstCommandProcessor-Application( 2100): returning from waitForSystemReady, isSystemReady = true
  354. 04-02 13:17:57.553 D/BstCommandProcessor-httpd( 2100): response: {"result":"ok"}
  355. 04-02 13:17:57.559 D/BstCommandProcessor-httpd( 2100): command: stopapp com.rayark.sdorica
  356. 04-02 13:17:57.572 D/BstCommandProcessor-Application( 2100): in isSystemReady, isBootCompleted true External storage status: mounted External storage dir :/storage/emulated/0 isExternalStorageRemovable:false
  357. 04-02 13:17:57.572 D/BstCommandProcessor-Application( 2100): returning from waitForSystemReady, isSystemReady = true
  358. 04-02 13:17:57.576 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Process com.rayark.sdorica (pid 6782) has died
  359. 04-02 13:17:57.576 D/ActivityManager( 1866): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 6782
  360. 04-02 13:17:57.577 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica activityName: com.rayark.sdorica/ callingPackage: bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  361. 04-02 13:17:57.577 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: Sdorica pkgName: com.rayark.sdorica
  362. 04-02 13:17:57.579 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  363. 04-02 13:17:57.583 D/BstCommandProcessor-Application( 2100): in isSystemReady, isBootCompleted true External storage status: mounted External storage dir :/storage/emulated/0 isExternalStorageRemovable:false
  364. 04-02 13:17:57.583 D/BstCommandProcessor-Application( 2100): returning from waitForSystemReady, isSystemReady = true
  365. 04-02 13:17:57.583 D/VoldConnector( 1866): SND -> {11 asec list}
  366. 04-02 13:17:57.584 D/VoldConnector( 1866): RCV <- {200 11 asec operation succeeded}
  367. 04-02 13:17:57.585 D/BstCommandProcessor-CommandHandler( 2100): Package : com.rayark.sdorica doesn't exist in secure applist, so setting isSecureAppsReady flag
  368. 04-02 13:17:57.589 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Start proc 6816:com.rayark.sdorica/u0a58 for activity com.rayark.sdorica/
  369. 04-02 13:17:57.591 D/houdini ( 6816): [6816] Initialize library(version: 7.1.1b_x.49852 RELEASE)... successfully.
  370. 04-02 13:17:57.592 W/art ( 6816): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
  371. 04-02 13:17:57.593 D/BstCommandProcessor-CommandHandler( 2100): contains arm marker file , app com.rayark.sdorica
  372. 04-02 13:17:57.593 D/BstCommandProcessor-CommandHandler( 2100): Broadcasting STOP_APP intent with data: {"package":"com.rayark.sdorica","isArmApp":true} isArmApp: true
  373. 04-02 13:17:57.597 D/BstCommandProcessor-httpd( 2100): command: guestorientation 0
  374. 04-02 13:17:57.597 I/BstCommandProcessor-CommandHandler( 2100): Host orientation handler Angle0
  375. 04-02 13:17:57.598 I/BstOrientationService( 1866): setOrientation(0)
  376. 04-02 13:17:57.598 I/BstOrientationService( 1866): Raising orientation notification
  377. 04-02 13:17:57.598 D/BstCommandProcessor-httpd( 2100): response: {"result":"ok"}
  378. 04-02 13:17:57.601 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Killing 6816:com.rayark.sdorica/u0a58 (adj -10000): remove task
  379. 04-02 13:17:57.604 E/JavaBinder( 1866): !!! FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION !!! (parcel size = 7828)
  380. 04-02 13:17:57.605 D/BstCommandProcessor-httpd( 2100): response: {"result":"ok"}
  381. 04-02 13:17:57.605 E/ActivityManager( 1866): Exception thrown during bind of ProcessRecord{583e234 6816:com.rayark.sdorica/u0a58}
  382. 04-02 13:17:57.605 E/ActivityManager( 1866): android.os.DeadObjectException: Transaction failed on small parcel; remote process probably died
  383. 04-02 13:17:57.605 E/ActivityManager( 1866): at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
  384. 04-02 13:17:57.605 E/ActivityManager( 1866): at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(
  385. 04-02 13:17:57.605 E/ActivityManager( 1866): at
  386. 04-02 13:17:57.605 E/ActivityManager( 1866): at
  387. 04-02 13:17:57.605 E/ActivityManager( 1866): at
  388. 04-02 13:17:57.605 E/ActivityManager( 1866): at
  389. 04-02 13:17:57.605 E/ActivityManager( 1866): at
  390. 04-02 13:17:57.605 E/ActivityManager( 1866): at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
  391. 04-02 13:17:57.635 D/houdini ( 6829): [6829] Initialize library(version: 7.1.1b_x.49852 RELEASE)... successfully.
  392. 04-02 13:17:57.636 W/art ( 6829): Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
  393. 04-02 13:17:57.640 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Start proc 6829:com.rayark.sdorica/u0a58 for bind fail com.rayark.sdorica
  394. 04-02 13:17:57.640 D/ActivityManager( 1866): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 6829
  395. 04-02 13:17:57.644 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Killing (adj 906): empty #5
  396. 04-02 13:17:57.684 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.bluestacks.appmart activityName: com.bluestacks.appmart/.MarketPageGrid callingPackage: bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  397. 04-02 13:17:57.685 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: 앱 pkgName: com.bluestacks.appmart
  398. 04-02 13:17:57.685 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  399. 04-02 13:17:57.688 D/WindowManager( 1866): in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
  400. 04-02 13:17:57.696 D/ActivityManager( 1866): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 5691
  401. 04-02 13:17:57.704 D/GuidanceScreen.Utils( 2456): checkAdExists() called with: context = [], hostPackageName = [com.bluestacks.appmart], ignoreOccurrence = [true], adScreenService = [null], forceLaunch = [false], doNotSendStats = [false]
  402. 04-02 13:17:57.707 D/houdini ( 6829): [6829] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  403. 04-02 13:17:57.717 D/com.bluestacks.appmartMainActivity( 2126): Onresume called
  404. 04-02 13:17:57.717 D/com.bluestacks.appmartMainActivity( 2126): InitViews called
  405. 04-02 13:17:57.721 D/WindowManager( 1866): topDisplayedActivityInfo, appToken: AppWindowToken{5c69af2 token=Token{fd1ca54 ActivityRecord{dab95a7 u0 com.bluestacks.appmart/.MarketPageGrid t1}}}
  406. 04-02 13:17:57.762 D/InputMethodManagerService( 1866): packageName=com.bluestacks.appmart, activityName=.MarketPageGrid
  407. 04-02 13:17:57.763 D/InputMethodManagerService( 1866): ime_enabled = false is same as last value, no change
  408. 04-02 13:17:57.770 D/EGL_emulation( 2126): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80ce9990: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80c95ec0)
  409. 04-02 13:17:57.779 V/WindowManager( 1866): isVisibleLw false for win : Window{f7af4dd u0 com.pluscubed.matlog/com.pluscubed.logcat.ui.LogcatActivity}
  410. 04-02 13:17:57.782 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  411. 04-02 13:17:57.797 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  412. 04-02 13:17:58.811 D/BstCommandProcessor-httpd( 2100): command: unmuteappplayer
  413. 04-02 13:17:58.816 D/BstCommandProcessor-httpd( 2100): command: runex com.pluscubed.matlog/com.pluscubed.logcat.ui.LogcatActivity
  414. 04-02 13:17:58.816 D/BstCommandProcessor-httpd( 2100): command: guestorientation 0
  415. 04-02 13:17:58.818 I/BstCommandProcessor-CommandHandler( 2100): Host orientation handler Angle0
  416. 04-02 13:17:58.818 I/BstOrientationService( 1866): setOrientation(0)
  417. 04-02 13:17:58.819 I/BstOrientationService( 1866): Raising orientation notification
  418. 04-02 13:17:58.819 D/BstCommandProcessor-httpd( 2100): response: {"result":"ok"}
  419. 04-02 13:17:58.821 D/BstCommandProcessor-Application( 2100): in isSystemReady, isBootCompleted true External storage status: mounted External storage dir :/storage/emulated/0 isExternalStorageRemovable:false
  420. 04-02 13:17:58.821 D/BstCommandProcessor-Application( 2100): returning from waitForSystemReady, isSystemReady = true
  421. 04-02 13:17:58.822 D/BstCommandProcessor-httpd( 2100): response: {"result":"ok"}
  422. 04-02 13:17:58.823 D/BstCommandProcessor-Application( 2100): in isSystemReady, isBootCompleted true External storage status: mounted External storage dir :/storage/emulated/0 isExternalStorageRemovable:false
  423. 04-02 13:17:58.823 D/BstCommandProcessor-Application( 2100): returning from waitForSystemReady, isSystemReady = true
  424. 04-02 13:17:58.823 D/BstCommandProcessor-CommandHandler( 2100): gamemanager compatible mode
  425. 04-02 13:17:58.824 D/BstCommandProcessor-CommandHandler( 2100): recentTask.size(): 3
  426. 04-02 13:17:58.824 D/BstCommandProcessor-CommandHandler( 2100): pkg found in recent tasks
  427. 04-02 13:17:58.824 D/BstCommandProcessor-CommandHandler( 2100): moving 5 to front
  428. 04-02 13:17:58.826 D/com.bluestacks.appmartMainActivity( 2126): onPause() called
  429. 04-02 13:17:58.827 D/ActivityManager( 1866): TopActivityInfo, pkgName: com.pluscubed.matlog activityName: com.pluscubed.matlog/com.pluscubed.logcat.ui.LogcatActivity callingPackage: bstSpecialAppKeyboardHandlingEnabled = false
  430. 04-02 13:17:58.828 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending app launch intent for appName: MatLog pkgName: com.pluscubed.matlog
  431. 04-02 13:17:58.828 E/Sensor-AccelerometerUI( 2100): Connection refused
  432. 04-02 13:17:58.829 D/ActivityManager( 1866): Sending TopActivity Info
  433. 04-02 13:17:58.835 D/WindowManager( 1866): in computeScreenConfigurationLocked() -- hardKeyboardAvailable :true mHardKeyboardAvailable :true
  434. 04-02 13:17:58.838 V/WindowManager( 1866): isVisibleLw false for win : Window{cac87f1 u0 com.bluestacks.appmart/com.bluestacks.appmart.MarketPageGrid}
  435. 04-02 13:17:58.844 D/WindowManager( 1866): Sending appClickStats request with data: appVersionName=1.2.3 clickloc=system_server appname=MatLog appver=11 package=com.pluscubed.matlog
  436. 04-02 13:17:58.848 D/BstCommandProcessor-CommandHandler( 2100): Sending startService intent with data: Intent { act=com.bluestacks.home.svc pkg=com.bluestacks.home }
  437. 04-02 13:17:58.849 D/BstCommandProcessor-CommandHandler( 2100): Broadcasting START_APP intent with data: {"package":"com.pluscubed.matlog","isArmApp":false} isArmApp: false
  438. 04-02 13:17:58.849 D/BstCommandProcessor-httpd( 2100): response: {"result":"ok"}
  439. 04-02 13:17:58.851 D/GuidanceScreen.Utils( 2456): checkAdExists() called with: context = [], hostPackageName = [com.pluscubed.matlog], ignoreOccurrence = [true], adScreenService = [null], forceLaunch = [false], doNotSendStats = [false]
  440. 04-02 13:17:58.855 D/WindowManager( 1866): topDisplayedActivityInfo, appToken: AppWindowToken{717e854 token=Token{d1e6c66 ActivityRecord{b00cc1 u0 com.pluscubed.matlog/com.pluscubed.logcat.ui.LogcatActivity t5}}}
  441. 04-02 13:17:58.856 D/EGL_emulation( 2126): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80ce9990: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80c95ec0)
  442. 04-02 13:17:58.947 D/InputMethodManagerService( 1866): packageName=com.pluscubed.matlog, activityName=com.pluscubed.logcat.ui.LogcatActivity
  443. 04-02 13:17:58.947 D/InputMethodManagerService( 1866): ime_enabled = false is same as last value, no change
  444. 04-02 13:17:58.969 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  445. 04-02 13:17:59.321 D/houdini ( 6829): [6829] Added shared library /data/app/com.rayark.sdorica-1/lib/arm/ for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  446. 04-02 13:17:59.498 D/houdini ( 6829): [6829] Added shared library /data/user/0/com.rayark.sdorica/cache/.YGaoreXtFI for ClassLoader by Native Bridge.
  447. 04-02 13:17:59.550 I/Zygote ( 1600): Process 6829 exited cleanly (1)
  448. 04-02 13:17:59.888 I/ActivityManager( 1866): Process com.rayark.sdorica (pid 6829) has died
  449. 04-02 13:17:59.888 D/ActivityManager( 1866): cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 6829
  450. 04-02 13:18:00.676 I/audio_hw_primary( 1601): choose pcmC0D0p for 0
  451. 04-02 13:18:00.725 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  452. 04-02 13:18:00.743 D/AudioFlinger( 1601): mixer(0xb16f2010) throttle end: throttle time(30)
  453. 04-02 13:18:00.745 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  454. 04-02 13:18:00.751 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  455. 04-02 13:18:00.775 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  456. 04-02 13:18:00.781 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  457. 04-02 13:18:00.790 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  458. 04-02 13:18:00.802 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  459. 04-02 13:18:00.808 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  460. 04-02 13:18:00.830 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  461. 04-02 13:18:00.839 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  462. 04-02 13:18:00.856 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  463. 04-02 13:18:00.858 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  464. 04-02 13:18:00.878 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  465. 04-02 13:18:00.889 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  466. 04-02 13:18:01.403 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  467. 04-02 13:18:01.436 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  468. 04-02 13:18:01.442 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  469. 04-02 13:18:01.453 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  470. 04-02 13:18:01.476 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  471. 04-02 13:18:01.500 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  472. 04-02 13:18:01.505 V/WindowManager( 1866): isVisibleLw false for win : Window{78c2ee7 u0 PopupWindow:ee70cfe}
  473. 04-02 13:18:01.506 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  474. 04-02 13:18:01.542 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  475. 04-02 13:18:01.556 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  476. 04-02 13:18:01.565 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  477. 04-02 13:18:01.569 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  478. 04-02 13:18:01.577 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  479. 04-02 13:18:01.589 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  480. 04-02 13:18:01.597 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  481. 04-02 13:18:01.602 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  482. 04-02 13:18:01.607 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  483. 04-02 13:18:01.623 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  484. 04-02 13:18:01.628 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  485. 04-02 13:18:01.649 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  486. 04-02 13:18:01.657 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  487. 04-02 13:18:01.674 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  488. 04-02 13:18:01.680 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  489. 04-02 13:18:01.699 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  490. 04-02 13:18:01.707 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  491. 04-02 13:18:01.726 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  492. 04-02 13:18:01.731 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  493. 04-02 13:18:01.750 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  494. 04-02 13:18:01.759 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  495. 04-02 13:18:01.778 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  496. 04-02 13:18:01.784 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  497. 04-02 13:18:01.800 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  498. 04-02 13:18:01.809 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  499. 04-02 13:18:01.830 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  500. 04-02 13:18:01.835 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  501. 04-02 13:18:01.854 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  502. 04-02 13:18:01.860 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  503. 04-02 13:18:01.880 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  504. 04-02 13:18:02.705 D/BstCommandProcessor-Application( 2100): parseDatabase: cursor is null or the database is empty so returning...
  505. 04-02 13:18:02.705 W/BstCommandProcessor-Application( 2100): jsonArray is null so returning...
  506. 04-02 13:18:03.003 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  507. 04-02 13:18:03.052 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  508. 04-02 13:18:03.059 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  509. 04-02 13:18:03.064 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  510. 04-02 13:18:03.071 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  511. 04-02 13:18:03.089 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  512. 04-02 13:18:03.096 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  513. 04-02 13:18:03.115 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  514. 04-02 13:18:03.121 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  515. 04-02 13:18:03.140 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  516. 04-02 13:18:03.145 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  517. 04-02 13:18:03.165 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  518. 04-02 13:18:03.174 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  519. 04-02 13:18:03.192 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  520. 04-02 13:18:03.199 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  521. 04-02 13:18:03.202 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  522. 04-02 13:18:03.219 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  523. 04-02 13:18:03.226 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  524. 04-02 13:18:03.231 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  525. 04-02 13:18:03.247 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  526. 04-02 13:18:03.252 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  527. 04-02 13:18:03.259 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  528. 04-02 13:18:03.275 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  529. 04-02 13:18:03.280 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  530. 04-02 13:18:03.284 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  531. 04-02 13:18:03.300 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  532. 04-02 13:18:03.310 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  533. 04-02 13:18:03.329 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  534. 04-02 13:18:03.334 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  535. 04-02 13:18:03.357 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  536. 04-02 13:18:03.363 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  537. 04-02 13:18:03.383 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  538. 04-02 13:18:03.388 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  539. 04-02 13:18:03.409 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  540. 04-02 13:18:03.414 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  541. 04-02 13:18:03.431 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  542. 04-02 13:18:03.436 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  543. 04-02 13:18:03.456 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  544. 04-02 13:18:03.462 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  545. 04-02 13:18:03.480 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  546. 04-02 13:18:03.485 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  547. 04-02 13:18:03.508 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  548. 04-02 13:18:05.193 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  549. 04-02 13:18:05.198 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  550. 04-02 13:18:05.203 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  551. 04-02 13:18:05.205 W/InputMethodManagerService( 1866): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of:$Stub$Proxy@aa48a94 attribute=null, token = android.os.BinderProxy@7620b4
  552. 04-02 13:18:05.234 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  553. 04-02 13:18:05.241 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  554. 04-02 13:18:05.256 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  555. 04-02 13:18:05.259 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  556. 04-02 13:18:05.261 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  557. 04-02 13:18:05.277 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  558. 04-02 13:18:05.280 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  559. 04-02 13:18:05.283 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  560. 04-02 13:18:05.298 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  561. 04-02 13:18:05.300 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  562. 04-02 13:18:05.301 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  563. 04-02 13:18:05.316 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  564. 04-02 13:18:05.319 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  565. 04-02 13:18:05.324 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  566. 04-02 13:18:05.341 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  567. 04-02 13:18:05.343 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  568. 04-02 13:18:05.345 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  569. 04-02 13:18:05.362 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  570. 04-02 13:18:05.365 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  571. 04-02 13:18:05.366 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  572. 04-02 13:18:05.377 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  573. 04-02 13:18:05.395 D/EGL_emulation( 6018): eglMakeCurrent: 0x80da49a0: ver 3 1 (tinfo 0x80d74830)
  574. 04-02 13:18:05.958 I/audio_hw_primary( 1601): choose pcmC0D0p for 0
  575. 04-02 13:18:06.024 D/AudioFlinger( 1601): mixer(0xb16f2010) throttle end: throttle time(30)
  576. 04-02 13:18:09.774 I/audio_hw_primary( 1601): choose pcmC0D0p for 0
  577. 04-02 13:18:09.837 D/AudioFlinger( 1601): mixer(0xb16f2010) throttle end: throttle time(30)
  578. 04-02 13:18:12.814 I/audio_hw_primary( 1601): choose pcmC0D0p for 0
  579. 04-02 13:18:12.815 W/TelecomManager( 1866): Telecom Service not found.
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