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Christmas Theme

a guest
Jun 26th, 2017
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  16. /***************************\
  17. * Blobs in a Jar Effect *
  18. * (c)2012 mf2fm web-design *
  19. * *
  21. \***************************/
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  192. <!---- this is theme 51
  193. by Hollywhood
  194. please don't remove the credit
  195. thank you
  196. --->
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  768. <p align="center"><big><big><big><big><strong>#mistlekou</strong></big></big></big></big><small><br />established july &lsquo;14<br />re-created 20 march</small></p>
  769. <p><strong><big>I.</big></strong>&nbsp;<small>this is an independent, private, and highly selective blog for </small><strong>matsuoka gō</strong><small> of kōji ōji’s </small><em>high☆speed!</em><small> and kyoani's&nbsp;</small><em>free!</em><small> my activity ranges all over the board, which is why i have increased selectivity as to foster more <em>meaningful</em> relationships with gō. if we are not in a mutual follow, please refrain from liking starter calls or asking to interact / sending ic!asks.</small></p>
  770. <p><strong><big>II.</big></strong> <small>my portrayal of gō is set primarily within the second season and post-events. an important fact to note is that, in order to add more </small><i>depth</i><small> to her character where the writers have failed to nuance, i derive upon </small><strong>personal headcanons</strong><small>, all of which are built from existing knowledge / inferences throughout the series, seeing as to how little we know about her </small><strong>( </strong><small>and how little she’s featured, despite her role in the series </small><strong>)</strong><small>. </small><strong>#justiceforgou2k16</strong></p>
  771. <p><strong><big>III.</big></strong> <small>i absolutely adore </small><strong>plotting</strong><small>. please don’t be afraid to ever approach me if you have an idea between our characters! because i can’t write as often as i would like to, i greatly enjoy </small><em>brainstorming</em><small> about various scenarios and headcanons in my spare time as well.</small></p>
  772. <p><strong><big>IV.</big></strong> <small>i adore exploring </small><strong>chemistry</strong><small> within a broad setting of relationships, whether they be familial, antagonistic, friendly, and / or romantic. similarly, although i don’t do exclusives, once i grow </small><em>attached</em><small> to a certain portrayal of a character, i’m less likely to follow duplicates unless i know the writer themself. lastly, although i am a <b>multiship</b> blog, i am not likely to ship with nor interact with duplicates of those whom i am already in a ship with.</small></p>
  773. <p><strong><big>V.</big></strong> <small>i tag all my triggers, if they appear at all. the most common one, in regards to gō's character, would have to be </small><strong>#death</strong><small>, particularly that of family. i make it a point to read everyone’s rules as to ascertain their individual triggers, but if there’s any that i’d missed and you’d like tagged, please let me know asap.</small></p>
  774. <p><strong><big>VII.</big></strong> <small>my name is </small><i>sachi</i><small>, eighteen years old and budding florist; it&rsquo;s nice to meet you!</small></p>
  775. <p align="center"><strong>THANK YOU FOR READING THIS</strong>,<br /><small>let&rsquo;s get along!&nbsp;(♡&acute;艸`)♡</small></p>
  776. <p align="center"><a href=""><b>© hollywhood</a></b></small></p>
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  780. <h1>海の少女。</h1>
  781. <p align="center"><small>the </small><em>sea</em><small> had always filled her with </small><em>longing,</em><small> although for </small><em>what</em><small> she was never quite sure.</small></p>
  782. <p align="center"><img src="" /> <img src="" /> <img src="" /></p>
  783. <h3>general.</h3>
  784. <p><strong>name.</strong> <small><em>matsuoka gō</em> (松岡 江)<br /></small><strong>nickname.</strong> <small><em>kō</em>, which is the traditional and more feminine reading of the kanji. <i>super manager</i>, as styled by nagisa.<br /></small><strong>species.</strong> <small>human.<br /></small><strong>gender.</strong> <small>cis-female, she/her.</small></p>
  785. <p><strong>birthdate.</strong> <small><a href="" target="_blank">21st of december</a>, 1999.</small><br /><strong>age.</strong> <small>sixteen - eighteen (main verse).</small><br /><strong>astrology.</strong> <small>sagittarius/capricorn cusp.</small><br /><strong>chinese zodiac.</strong> <small>year of the <a href="">rabbit</a>.</small><br /><strong>myers-briggs.</strong> <small><a href="">enfj</a>.</small></p>
  786. <p><strong>home.</strong> <small>iwatobi, tottori prefecture, japan.<br /></small><strong>family.</strong>&nbsp;<small>mother, brother, deceased father.<br /></small><strong>religion.</strong> <small><a href="">shinbutsu-shūgō</a>, translating to &ldquo;the syncretism of kami and buddhas.&rdquo;</small><br /><strong>occupation.</strong><small>&nbsp;student, swim manager.</small></p>
  787. <p align="center"><img src="" /> <img src="" /> <img src="" /></p>
  788. <h3>appearance.</h3>
  789. <p><strong>ethnicity, nationality.</strong> <small>japanese.</small><br /><strong>height, weight.</strong> <small>158 cm, 5&prime;2&Prime; in. / 50 kg, 110 lbs. perpetually ectomorphic in nature.<br /></small><strong>hair.</strong> <small>burgundy. silk-spun strands, coarse of strength yet soft in texture. a valentine face framed by a soft fringe, and a tumbling mane tied neatly in high gloriole.<br /></small><strong>eyes.</strong> <small>ruby. the sun inherited <b>(</b> almond-eyed / bright eyes <b>),</b> endlessly lit by an inner flame's tenacity, framed by a sweeping lattice of lashes. a soft crescent moon's resemblance upon hana-emi —— or, a smile as beautiful as when flowers bloom.</small><br /><strong>face claim.</strong> <small>komatsu nana. <a href=""><b>♡</b></a></small></p>
  790. <h3>psyche.</h3>
  791. <p><strong>persona.</strong> <small>the youngest daughter / the <i>tragic</i> daughter / a moonflower triumphed amongst the weed-folk / lily innocence / sunlit meadow / cherry popsicles / a painted girl of clumsy strokes, earnest hues</small><small> / a story of <i>love</i> and <i>survival</i> / dainty hands and tender adoration / open-hearth heart / a thousand watt smile / nectar lips, persephone untouched / girl on the shore: <i>waiting</i>, always waiting.</small></p>
  792. <p><strong>anima.</strong> <small>a collection of summer sorrows / cheeks flushed / unsent letters / mother’s lips, whispering <i>endure</i> / here are the whims you thought you’d buried / but the sun stirs in your eyes / the ocean surges in your veins / so here is the lonely / here, you smothered all your <i>aches</i> / brimming heart, saltwater lungs / nostalgia's swell / across the sea are your <i>yearns</i>: something that lasts, someone who stays.</small><strong><br /></strong></p>
  793. <p><b>adj.</b> <small>refreshing, selfless, affectionate, diligent, astute, encouraging, intuitive, conscientious, impassioned, resourceful, tenacious, trusting. “<i>super manager</i>.”</small></p>
  794. <p align="center"><strong><big><a href="" title="details">❀</a> <a href="" title="introspect">✿</a> <a href="" title="gou.txt">❀</a></big></strong></p>
  795. </div></div></div>
  797. <div id="box4" class="popup_block">
  798. <h3>details.</h3>
  799. <ul><li><small>greatly enjoys <i><a href="">calligraphy</a></i>, being a practitioner of the art since junior high. before the swim club’s formation, she had planned to join the calligraphy club instead. takes advanced classes on the weekends, whenever she has time.<br></small></li><li><small>possesses an extensive <a href="">knowledge</a> of human biology and kinesiology due to her zeal for the <i>muscular</i> anatomy. it was when she became manager did she further her studies in these subjects in order to optimize the swim club's physiological strength and capacity.</small></li><li><small>endures great lengths in order to ensure that every swimmer is in <i>peak condition</i>, sacrificing most of her spare time in the process.</small></li><li><small>this demands customizing individual training regimes for each swimmer, meticulously recording their progress throughout, charting their growth and strengths, assessing their personal diets, cooking as a supplement for the poorer aspects of said diets, and taking care of the equipment after practice so that they may rest after.</small></li><li><small>miscellaneous tasks include promoting the swim club, filling out paperwork, planning joint practice sessions with other schools, gathering information upon opposing swim teams, managing the funds for the club, and constantly <i>worrying</i> after her elder brother.</small></li><li><small>her favorite classes are japanese and biology, whereas her least favorite is physical education. she’d much rather <i>spectate</i> than participate.</small></li><li><small>cherries are her favorite fruit, with tulips, peonies, and hydrangeas being her favorite flowers. she has her own windowsill garden box full of vivid blooms, and a small patch for her vegetable garden in the backyard.</small></li><li><small>is afflicted with mild to moderate <i>astraphobia</i>, or the abnormal fear of thunderstorms and / or lightning, stemming from her childhood. typical symptoms include full-body trembles, prickling anxiety, tachycardia, and crying at times. → to be expanded.</small></li><li><small>highly <i>self-sufficient</i>, due to her oft-solitary circumstances at home. as a result, she has a thorough knowledge of practical home skills e.g. fixing the air conditioner, assembling furniture, unclogging toilets, and picking locks. also possesses first aid training.</small></li><li><small>bakes very well, <i>cooks</i> even better, specializing mainly in japanese cuisine although she likes to experiment with other cultures whenever she can. she’s also very keen on the presentation / aesthetics of her meals.</small></li><li><small>proficient in <i>english</i> as a second language, near the point of advanced. <a href="">writes</a> almost as well. in the years that rin was in australia, she decided to dedicate herself to her english studies as a means of becoming closer to him, intending to surprise and impress her brother whenever he came home.</small></li><li><small>does not know how to swim at all. please don't ask her why either.</small></li></ul>
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