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Nov 14th, 2015
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  1. 03:57 <kaito> well, i am doing venom's work now. he should talk to you and give you example file
  2. 03:58 <ideasman42> just try comment the line that does CM
  3. 03:58 <kaito> i just communicate
  4. 03:58 <kaito> and share that sybren found a difference in CM for both options
  5. 03:59 <ideasman42> ok, change here is really 10min work once we know whats the problem exactly
  6. 03:59 <ideasman42> or less... simple stuff, just agree on proper behavior and implement
  7. 03:59 <kaito> yeah :) will ask venom to contact sergey monday
  8. 04:00 <ideasman42> making it same as viewport is reasonable
  9. 04:01 <ideasman42> was going to make viewport dof possible from sequencer too
  10. 04:02 <ideasman42> but would like if artists communicate a bit about whats needed/useful/notworking
  11. 04:03 <ideasman42> they can report bugs on this stuff too
  12. 04:04 → matthe, Donnerland, meta-androcto, DarkDefender, vekoon, Slasher006pi and howlymowly joined ⇐ light_, mib2berlin_ghost, abergmeier and lukas_t quit
  13. 04:24 <hackerman-> ideasman42: sequencer works in the display space
  14. 04:25 <hackerman-> ideasman42: which makes it quite simple to visualize buffers from the sequener in the preview
  15. 04:25 <hackerman-> ideasman42: however, if you're saving, ay, exr files, you needto perform lineratization
  16. 04:25 <ideasman42> yep, probably for PNG we can have a fastpath though
  17. 04:25 ⇐ DingTo quit ( Read error: Connection reset by peer
  18. 04:25 <hackerman-> yes, for png it should all be fast
  19. 04:25 <ideasman42> currently it gets float buffer from imbuf, when it doesnt need to
  20. 04:26 <ideasman42> (not necessarily anyway)
  21. 04:26 <hackerman-> float buffer in sequencer is also non-linear
  22. 04:26 → abergmeier joined (
  23. 04:26 <hackerman-> so coversion for save should be fast
  24. 04:27 <hackerman-> ideasman42: or kinda depends on definition of "gets float buffer"
  25. 04:27 <hackerman-> OCIO API only operates with float buffers. so _if_ one need to perform conversion, float buffer is to be created
  26. 04:28 <hackerman-> it's not full buffer for the conversion tho, it's like 64 scanlines per thread
  27. 04:28 <hackerman-> there are also shortcuts to avoid any computation whrn converting color space to the same one
  28. 04:28 <hackerman-> so sRGB->sRGB converison will do nothing
  29. 04:29 <hackerman-> anyway, didn't read full conversation. but feel free to report a bug ans assign to me ;)
  30. 04:29 <ideasman42> yep, this should really be bug report
  31. 04:29 <ideasman42> not hearsay second hand info
  32. 04:29 → KAHR-Alpha joined (
  33. 04:30 <ideasman42> kaito, kick artists to report issues more
  34. 04:30 <ideasman42> hackerman-, checking further... if we really wanted we could make it faster, and bypass the RenderResult
  35. 04:31 <psy-fi> I might play the devil's advocate here and say that for correct blending sequencer probably needs to have a linear working space
  36. 04:31 <ideasman42> avoid float conversion entirely
  37. 04:31 <psy-fi> CM should probably only be applied at the end
  38. 04:31 <psy-fi> not during storage of caches
  39. 04:32 <hackerman-> that's not really true
  40. 04:33 ⇐ howlymowly quit ( Ping timeout: 250 seconds
  41. 04:33 <psy-fi> meh, if it wasn't for storage and precision issues I would be all for it
  42. 04:34 <ideasman42> kaito,
  43. 04:34 — psy-fi is curious how fast 16bit EXR operations might be, in fact
  44. 04:34 <hackerman-> eh, donelist..
  45. 04:34 → jpbouza joined (~jpbouza@
  46. 04:34 <hackerman-> psy-fi: nice SIMDed half-float is fast
  47. 04:35 <psy-fi> hackerman-, might be worth considering then?
  48. 04:35 <hackerman-> totally
  49. 04:35 <hackerman-> in compo and sequencer
  50. 04:37 → panzergame and lukasstockner97 joined ⇐ abergmeier quit
  51. 04:42 <hackerman-> kaito:
  52. 04:43 → trigrou joined ⇐ Aidy_Burrows, meta-androcto and boud quit
  53. 04:48 <kaito> psy-fi: people who edit videos expect the edits and operations to work in display space
  54. 04:48 <kaito> grading, same
  55. 04:48 <psy-fi> kaito, what operations are those?
  56. 04:48 <kaito> linear space has been invented for working with additive and subtractive things (combining layers of renders)
  57. 04:49 <kaito> it's like paint programs
  58. 04:49 <psy-fi> Also footage and masks>
  59. 04:49 <kaito> you work on display color there, not linear
  60. 04:50 <kaito> compositing in linear space is already confusing enough, and the biggest mistake is color correcting in linear
  61. 04:50 <kaito> color correcting and grading is for display spaces
  62. 04:50 — hackerman- rememebrs the bug hapened in the VSE for couple of hours, making Ian to grade in linear...
  63. 04:51 <psy-fi> Depends on what you want to do with sequencer of course
  64. 04:51 <kaito> edit rendered shots into films
  65. 04:51 <kaito> that
  66. 04:51 <psy-fi> kaito, sure, you pick colors in display space, but operations happen in linear
  67. 04:51 <kaito> or storyboards
  68. 04:51 <kaito> or get your wedding vid and make a quick edit :)
  69. 04:52 <kaito> psy-fi: not really
  70. 04:52 <psy-fi> OK, I see your point, some operations are done on final color
  71. 04:52 <hackerman-> well, majority of them, actually
  72. 04:53 <hackerman-> blending is defined in both linear and final spaces
  73. 04:53 <kaito> color theory is huge headache stuff
  74. 04:53 <psy-fi> it is
  75. 04:53 <kaito> unfortunately render code is also affected now ;)
  76. 04:54 <kaito> i bet vulkan has CM
  77. 04:54 <hackerman-> kaito: ??
  78. 04:54 <psy-fi> well, shaders is just numbers
  79. 04:54 <psy-fi> GL has some sRGB texture formats though
  80. 04:54 <psy-fi> that supposedly take care of correct conversion
  81. 04:54 <hackerman-> kaito: even GLSL "has" CM, it's just a LUT lookup function, few lines of code ;)
  82. 04:55 <psy-fi> but even then there's some freedom on whether texture filtering happens before or after CM
  83. 04:56 → smellslikedonkey and mib2berlin joined
  84. 04:56 <kaito> hackerman-: our code has, but the rgb definition of opengl is undefined?
  85. 04:56 <kaito> i dont think they did anything keeping display display and render space sparated
  86. 04:57 <hackerman-> just numbers
  87. 04:57 <kaito> yep
  88. 04:57 <psy-fi> it's the operations you do that assume certain spaces
  89. 04:57 <psy-fi> so if you'redoing blending or shading, you'd better assume you're in linear space
  90. 04:57 <psy-fi> all this did not matter so much in past btw
  91. 04:57 <hackerman-> not sure why you expect any semantic from vulkan actually
  92. 04:57 <psy-fi> but now with PBR it becomes more relevant
  93. 04:57 <hackerman-> they were getting rid of this instead to avoid overhead
  94. 04:58 → abergmeier joined ⇐ marcclintdion quit
  95. 04:58 <psy-fi> easily. It's like nodes, throw responsibility to user/shader writer ;)
  96. 04:59 <psy-fi> "OpenGL has no CM!" "I don't know man, it's your shader, add it in if you want it"
  97. 05:00 ⇐ t-ask quit (~t-ask@ Ping timeout: 240 seconds
  98. 05:00 <kaito> yep if you want PBR in viewports, color (at least linear color) becomes relevant
  99. 05:00 <kaito> but then things get very muddy
  100. 05:01 <kaito> i would have thought the vulkan designers would facilitate it in a way you dont have to worry much
  101. 05:01 → meta-androcto joined (~chatzilla@
  102. 05:01 <kaito> and in a way you can kick out ocio :)
  103. 05:03 <psy-fi> From what I hear they would force graphics programmers to write in assembly if they could :p
  104. 05:03 <psy-fi> kidding, it's not that bad
  105. 05:06 <hackerman-> kaito: not really
  106. 05:07 ⇐ max12345 quit ( Quit: Leaving for now...
  107. 05:07 <kaito> well, i agree, vulkan is too low level
  108. 05:07 <hackerman-> kaito: one of major goals about vulkan -- performance gain by avoid driver-side state machine and "context" checks
  109. 05:08 <kaito> i bet you can make a sane and fast color pipeline then
  110. 05:08 <hackerman-> yes, like in rendering
  111. 05:09 <hackerman-> pre-process textures when needed, do shaders in whatever-working-space you consider for self, apply CM on the result if needed
  112. 05:10 <hackerman-> how more sane and fast it can be? :)
  113. 05:10 ⇐ meta-androcto quit (~chatzilla@ Read error: Connection reset by peer
  114. 05:10 <psy-fi> ha!
  115. 05:11 → meta-androcto and Guest49883 (was max12345) joined ⇐ danni, Bollebib and SaphireS quit
  116. 05:15 <psy-fi> so I guess it makes sense to keep sequencer in display space for now
  117. 05:15 ⇐ Idur2 quit ( Ping timeout: 240 seconds
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