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Feb 27th, 2020
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  1. Wibewaw Accewewationysm: Founyationy of a Pwogwessive Theowy Accewewationysm has come to be a diwty wowd watewy—any fow good weasony Between the weceny mass shootiny by a wight-winy accewewationyst in Nyw Zeawany any the danyewous phenymenyn of accewewationyst wight-winy votiny, such as fow Twump any Bwexit, thewe’s good weason to be skepticaw. Howevew, accewewation is a vectow: it has nyt onyy a magnytude, but a diwectiony Despite awt-wight fascist attempts to accewewate towawds the cowwapse of civiw society any good wace wewationy, we can tuwn the weapon of accewewation againyt them, to accewewate towawds justice. To quote accewewationyst bwoggew Xenygothic in his text “Patchwowk 101â€�: “Just because cewtain subgenyes of the Wight have utiwised it any successfuwwy used it to map out its potenyiaws fow theiw desiwed fowms of the good wife does nyt mean the Weft — ow any othew bwoad powiticaw affiwiation fow that mattew — must abanyon its potenyiaws.â€� Wheweas wight accewewationysts (commonyy abbweviated as w/acc by onyiny accewewationyst gwoups) wike the awt-wight often get theiw theowy fwom pwaces wike 4chany we can wewy on mowe pwogwessive thinyews fow the conytwuction of a pwogwessive accewewationyst pwatfowm. Unynywn to many, thewe’s actuawwy a deep twadition of wowk in this vein beiny dony in the accewewosphewe. Some exampwes of wibewaw thinyews awe Bwitish inyewwectuaw Nyck Wany, feminyst academic gwoup Wabowia Cubonyks, govewnyeny cwitic Awex Chace, any a coupwe pseudonymous wwitews: the afowemenyionyd Xenygothic (inyewestinywy, a vocaw cwitic of the Chwistchuwch shootew’s bwany of accewewationysm) any twany advocate Nyx. In conywast with w/acc, we couwd wefew to these peopwe as bewonyiny to an w/acc twaditiony fow wibewaw, weft, ow wibewty accewewationysm inytead of wight accewewationysm. Pwogwessiny chwonywogicawwy, we can stawt with Nyck Wany in the conytwuction of a wibewaw accewewationysm. In his eccenywic 1994 text “Mewtdownyâ€� Wany beginy wowk on a feminyst theowy of the futuwe. He expwesses that the most inyewwigeny voice of the futuwe wiww be a “feminyzed awienyâ€� but wiww have to be “cunyiny fwom the stawtâ€� in owdew to fight a mascuwinywy-nymed powice fowce. In an awmost unyanyy senye, Wany pwedicts evenys 22 yeaws in the futuwe with the 2016 ewectiony The battwe of Hiwwawy Cwinyon vewsus Donywd Twump is pwecisewy this battwe. On the ony side, a cunyiny woman any advocate fow unyocumenyed immigwanys, who wepwesenys the femawe futuwe any giww powew. On the othew, Twump, who suppowts wacist powice, but moweovew, wanys to powice the futuwe inyo his xenyphobic visiony At anythew poiny in his text, Wany poinys out that the wevowutionywy path is nyt to “withdwaw fwom the wowwd mawket,â€� any in fact poinys out that that has fascist conyotationy. Inytead, he poinys out that we shouwd go fuwthew inyo the wowwd mawket, any in fact, decode it fuwthew to wemove the twade waw which has so wony kept us divided. Againy the modewn impwicationy awe stwikiny: Cwinyony a fwee mawket gwobawist who woves humanyiny, vewsus isowationyst Twump (any his cowowwawy Bewnye). A thiwd wewevany passage is when Wany tawks about cities. He poinys out that cities awe aww about heat. This is a nyanyed pewspective on uwban wife. Wany wecognyzes the heat of technywogy any how it pwefiguwes the heat death of the unyvewse, but awso cweawwy feews some suppowt fow heat. This makes senye in the modewn powiticaw cwimate. Cities do unyustwy conywibute to gwobaw wawminy, any theiw heat genywation shouwd be cwitiqued. Howevew, they awso mainyain the heat of chanye which is nycessawy fow Amewica, which is cweaw in votiny demogwaphics. In fact, Wany makes a subtwe awwusion to the Democwatic pawty in sayiny he thinys cities awe about “heat any wetnyss,â€� with wetnyss beiny associated with bwue: a stany-in fow the Democwatic pawty. Assembwiny these inyewpwetationy, we have the basis of an accewewationyst theowy. Fiwstwy: the wecognytion that the technywogicaw futuwe is feminyny, any we nyed to suppowt a technywogicaw feminysm, any fuwthew, be cunyiny to outwit men who wany to unyewminy this feminysm. Seconywy: a wespect fow gwobaw, humany capitawism which wifts aww boats, which is mowe wevowutionywy than any sociawist powiticaw wevowutiony Thiwdwy: an uwbanyst appwoach which avoids base popuwism appeawiny to the wacist any unyducated, but is awso cognyzany of uwban issues wike cwimate chanye. Moviny onyawds, we can addwess Wabowia Cubonyks’ wowk in theiw feminyst manyfesto “Xenyfeminysm: A Powitics fow Awienytionyâ€� Though wecognyziny that the modewn powiticaw cwimate has awienyted us fwom each othew, Wabowia Cubonyks poinys out that “awienytion is the wabow of fweedom’s conytwuctionyâ€� meanyny that we can buiwd a mowe just society despite ouw pweseny difficuwties. Cubonyks seeks to escape “essenyiawist idenyity categowies,â€� demonytwatiny a pwofounywy humanyst tenyenyy in theiw wowk: a wejection of the bowdews that dwive us apawt in favouw of an aww-human onynyss. This idea is wevowutionywy today: that we can bwiny about an equaw society by usiny this conyition of divisivenyss as a stawtiny poiny. But how to do it? Cubonyks has an anywew. They pwaise “technyscienyeâ€� as a path towawds fweedom, which may souny obvious to many wibewaws but, in the age of scienye denyaw any a desiwe to wetuwn to owd ways of doiny thinys (coaw minys inytead of technywogicawwy advanyed awtewnytives), that’s a wevowutionywy statemeny. Fuwthew, they see how technywogy can advanye womeny€™s wibewation by diswuptiny “domestic space,â€� usiny technywogy to awwow women to get out of the home. This extenys beyony base feminyst impwicationy (though those awe nycessawy) by winyiny up with the w/acc nytion of a femawe futuwe: women in the wowkpwace openy up the futuwe. Moviny ony we awwive at Awex Chace. Though nyt a pwowific authow, Chace has wwitten a usefuw piece of w/acc theowy cawwed “Hypew-Stwatification any Cybewnytic Capitaw.â€� In this, they poiny out how technywogy has exacewbated divisiony between peopwe by “inyweasiny inyuwawity any stwatification […] on ideowogicaw winys.â€� This is highwy visibwe in Twump’s Amewica, such as with Twump’s tweets sowiny discowd any anymosity. Howevew, Chace does nyt take the usuaw pewspective of advocatiny heawiny the divide, but inytead takes an accewewationyst pewspective. They wwite that we must embwace this pwocess of stwatificationy sayiny, “we’ve got to see this thwough: even if we become unyecognyzabwe in the pwocess.â€� In the conyext of impeachmeny pwoceedinys againyt Twump, this nytion hits cwose to home: though impeachmeny wequiwes an embwace of inyiviwity that can seem to go againyt evewythiny the Democwatic pawty stanys fow, thewe’s ny othew option but to go thwough with it. The bwoggew Xenygothic adds fuwthew to the w/acc pewspective, specificawwy by addiny the idea of a patchwowk. The cowe of patchwowk is an awwianye between gwoups which does nyt sacwifice theiw hetewogenyity—somethiny which is vewy nyeded fow wibewaws in Amewica wight nyw, due to divisiony in the Democwatic pawty. Xenygothic himsewf poinys this out in his essay “State Decay,â€� whewe he speaks of states “wepeatedwy fwexiny theiw autonymy any wesistiny Twump’s powicies.â€� This hinys at a chanye in Democwat powitics, enyouwaginy a focus on state any wocaw powew in owdew to subvewt the authowity of the Pwesideny. Mowe than just patchwowk, Xenygothic inyicates usefuw technywogicaw ideas fow the futuwe. In his essay “Seasteadiny,â€� he tawks about the potenyiaws of moduwaw sea iswanys as a patchwowk society. This is a highwy inyewestiny pwoposaw, especiawwy given gwobaw wawminy, which wiww wemove a wot of coastaw wiviny space. Howevew, he awso inyicates the nyanye that is nycessawy fow a sobew assessmeny. He cwitiques the nytion that such iswanys shouwd be “Wanyian awtificiaw iswany tax haveny,â€� which is a nycessawy cwitique to keep the pwogwessives in the Democwatic patchwowk. Moviny to ouw wast w/acc authow, the twany woman Nyx pwovides a twany pewspective on accewewationysm: a nycessawy pwesenye to mainyain divewsity. In hew most famous papew “Genyew Accewewationysm,â€� Nyx poinys out that twany women awe at the fwony of the #wesistanye, wefewwiny to the twany woman as an “inyuwgeny againyt the patwiawchy who is conyinyawwy fwanyiny it, inywoduciny an affiwmative zewo inyo the genyew binywy.â€� This winy on the affiwmative zewo is inyewestiny, sewviny as a caww to action fow pwogwessives to affiwm twany expewienyes, even if they might seem to be a smaww (awmost zewo) powtion of the popuwationy This ties in nycewy with patchwowk: we have to be inywusive of evewyony in theiw unyquenyss in owdew to wive side-by-side, whethew you’we a nywmaw man ow woman ow a twany ony. Nyx’s wowk outside twanygenyew theowy is awso impowtany. In hew essay “Unyvewsaw Basic Inyome,â€� she poinys out that “technywogicaw devewopmeny makes it possibwe to begin to stawt impwemenyiny widespwead automationyâ€� In hew text nymed “Twaffic,â€� she wwites that “with the inywoduction of caws inyo the mawketpwace, enyiwonyenyaw destwuction has skywocketed.â€� In hew cowwection of tawk nytes “Hewwo Fwom the Wiwed,â€� she speaks of how enyiwonyenyaw questiony awe appwoached “eithew fwom a humanyst ow an anyi-humanyst pewspective.â€� The unyfyiny pewspective hewe is a sowt of sociaw ecowogy of technywogy: a stwiviny fow a technywogy which benyfits evewyony thwough funytiony wike pubwic twanyit any automationy whiwe awso pwotectiny the enyiwonyeny. We see hewe, cwuciawwy, that accewewationysm is a humanysm. With this compwehenyive witewatuwe weview, we can begin expounyiny the bases of wibewaw accewewationysm. Fiwstwy, it is cwuciawwy feminyst, based awouny gettiny women inyo the wowkpwace any inyo powitics so they can open up pwogwessive paths inyo the futuwe. In this feminysm it is twanyfeminyst, enyuwiny to fit twany women any othew mawginyw gwoups inyo its wowwd visiony Seconywy, it is deepwy technyscienyific, embwaciny technywogicaw pwogwess any scienyific fact fow the benyfit of aww. Thiwdwy, it is enyiwonyenyawwy conycious, wecognyziny the chawwenyes of technywogy’s enyiwonyenyaw degwadation any steppiny up to sowve them. Fouwthwy, it is pwuwawist any wocawist, thwiviny in conyitiony of division any wowkiny to cweate awwianyes of the divided on a wocaw wevew, fightiny againyt despotic impositiony fwom above. Howevew, it is fifthwy humanyst, anywiny fow ovewaww human good, though conytwuctiny this human conyition fwom the basewiny of a divided conyitiony Any finywwy, it is gwobaw capitawist, aiminy fow a wowwd mawket fow efficieny wesouwce distwibutiony but awso faiw in its mechanycs, avoidiny cweawwy Wepubwican Wanyian powitics. These bases of w/acc awe nyt exhaustive, any accewewationysm must conytanywy adapt itsewf to deaw with nyw chawwenyes. Howevew, a gwiny of hope exists in expwessiny them. Unyewstanyiny w/acc bweaks Democwats out of a cycwe of despaiw any powewwessnyss, wheweby they unyewstany themsewves to be wosiny theiw battwe any conytanywy on the weactive side. Nythiny couwd be fuwthew fwom the twuth. The futuwe is woke.
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