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Jan 16th, 2019
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  1. BuySell coin MN Guide
  3. Step 1:
  5. Remote Wallet - VPS Ubuntu 16 strongly recommended
  6. (execute in your terminal this commands one by one from your home directory, as usual this is /root)
  7. Note: This guide suppose you login as 'root' user and your home directory is /root, otherwise in below commands please replace 'root' with the full path to your home directory.
  9. sudo apt-get update -y
  10. sudo apt-get install libdb5.3++
  11. sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev -y
  12. sudo apt-get install dh-autoreconf build-essential libtool autotools-dev autoconf automake libssl-dev libboost-all-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils libminiupnpc-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libqrencode-dev software-properties-common libgmp3-dev git nano -y
  14. (Note: this is one command line, not few lines)
  16. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin -y
  17. sudo apt-get update
  18. sudo apt-get install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev -y
  20. Step 2:
  22. You have two options – either to compile daemon yourself or to download precompiled daemon. It’s up to your preference.
  24. 2.a To use precompiled daemon (recommended) do:
  26. wget
  27. chmod +x ./buysellcoind
  29. 2.b To compile daemon yourself (on some servers may pop up an error due to an inappropriate version of OpenSSL)
  31. git clone
  32. cd buysellcoin
  33. chmod +x ./
  34. ./
  35. cd ../
  36. mv buysellcoin/src/buysellcoind ./buysellcoind
  38. (your compiled daemon file buysellcoind moves from folder /root/buysellcoin/src to /root)
  40. Step 3:
  42. Local Wallet Side
  43. (If you already have BULL Masternodes on your local wallet do not forget to make this, otherwise your MN will probably stop working
  44. In your local wallet go to
  45. Settings->Options->Display
  46. Check up "Display coin control features", then Apply, then Ok
  47. Go to 'Send' Tab
  48. Click 'Inputs...' button
  49. Check 'List mode'
  50. Using Right Click lock your existing MN collateral coins that as they couldn't be spent for other tx.
  51. Now you can make any txs (send 1000 BULL for new MN or just spend your coins).
  53. Note: If you close the wallet the next time when you open it the coins will be unlocked, so if you are going to send coins somewhere you need to lock all your MN's coins again.
  55. If you hadn't done this and accidentally spent part of your MN collateral coins you would get error message when restarting your MN. In this case you can only reset it completely.)
  57. Most efficient method to do all neccesary operations is to run 4 commands in your wallet 'help->debug window' as follows:
  59. 1st command
  60. getnewaddress MN1
  61. --1st output: (example, you use that one from your debug window) Buw1XxX2HCs9Rd6KnE8Uxm3DhZxiAF4iYP
  63. 2nd command
  64. sendtoaddress Buw1XxX2HCs9Rd6KnE8Uxm3DhZxiAF4iYP 1000
  65. (here you use address from your 1st output)
  66. --2nd output: (example, you use later one taken from your debug window) 9bdcbdea03169a63853c622b7ad49b0aad5b073c85d3d566e4318d9da7d3864e
  68. --------------------------------------------------------------------
  69. Wait until at least 10 confirmations have passed!
  70. --------------------------------------------------------------------
  72. 3rd command (after 10 confirmations)
  73. masternode genkey
  74. --3rd output: (example, you take this from your debug window)
  75. 6WHxsdne7qr7eQr8Nrn6ReGnhXQwiGadpS8S2EVdaKvusMdLCFW
  77. 4th command
  78. masternode outputs
  79. --4th output: (example)
  80. {
  81. "9bdcbdea03169a63853c622b7ad49b0aad5b073c85d3d566e4318d9da7d3864e" : "0"
  82. }
  83. 1st value is TxHash, the same as 2nd output, so here important is single digit after : , called vout. It can be "0" or "1".
  85. Copy and save all outputs somewhere.
  87. Step 4:
  89. Get back on the VPS
  90. From your home directory (as usual /root) execute:
  92. ./buysellcoind -daemon
  94. (You can check if file buysellcoind is in current directory by typing 'ls -l' , it'll put out the list of files)
  95. This will start the service only for a second and create the initial data directory (~/.Buysellcoin/). It will request you to create a rpc user and password.
  96. (After this you can press enter, or type in 'Ctrl+C' or 'killall buysellcoind' if it seems that program is still running. If that doesn't help, enter 'reboot' and connect to vps again on your ssh). Then:
  97. nano /root/.Buysellcoin/Buysellcoin.conf
  98. Enter this wallet configuration data and insert following lines (you may change rpcpassword, but it must differ from rpcuser):
  100. rpcuser=Buysellcoinrpc
  101. rpcpassword=z9kYnWc5DSbTQcRwSLoWsMVX9CtKdbTngZ
  102. rpcallowip=
  103. listen=1
  104. server=1
  105. daemon=1
  106. #gen=1
  107. #port=42515
  108. rpcport=42516
  109. masternode=1
  110. externalip=[YOUR_VPS_IP_ADDRESS]:42515
  111. masternodeaddr=[YOUR_VPS_IP_ADDRESS]:42515
  112. masternodeprivkey=6WHxsdne7qr7eQr8Nrn6ReGnhXQwiGadpS8S2EVdaKvusMdLCFW
  114. Value of the masternodeprivkey is your 3rd debug window output (masternode genkey). Save Buysellcoin.conf file: Ctrl+o -> Enter -> Ctrl+x (OR: Ctrl+X and when asked whether you want to save the changes, confirm with Y)
  115. Now start daemon again, enter in your home directory (/root):
  117. ./buysellcoind -daemon
  119. It will stay running in the background. To make sure everything's right, type
  121. ./buysellcoind getinfo
  123. You are to see number of connections, blocks, vps IP and other info.
  124. To make your MN automatically start on reboot do next:
  126. crontab -e
  127. insert this line:
  128. @reboot sleep 10; /root/buysellcoind -daemon
  129. then press consequentially ^O -> Enter -> ^X
  131. (if you login with another user name, replace '/root' with full path to your home directory)
  133. Go back to the local wallet. Go to the Masternodes tab .
  134. Click Create button and fill the details:
  135. Alias: [Type here 'MN1' - the name of your masternode, that you entered on Step 3 in the 1st command (getnewaddress MN1 )]
  136. Address: [VPS_IP_ADDRESS:42515] PrivKey:[MASTERNODE_PRIVATE_KEY created in Step 3, 3rd debug window output] TxHash:[txid from Step 3, 2nd output]
  137. Output Index: [vout from Step 3, 4th output]
  138. Reward Address: [Leave empty]
  139. Rewards %: [Leave empty]
  140. Click OK to add the masternode.
  141. Click Update.
  142. Restart your wallet.
  143. Click Start All.
  144. Wait for the masternode to mature and you will get nice rewards soon!
  145. Done!
  146. (First masternode reward may take a while, up to 24 hours depending on overall network masternodes number and other features.)
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