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6+ 9.3.3 tweaks

a guest
Sep 26th, 2016
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  1. 3G Unrestrictor 5 (iOS 9/8/7): 5.9.1-1
  2. Activator: 1.9.11~beta2
  3. adv-cmds: 119-6
  4. AKMessages: 0.1.6-1
  5. Always Forward WatchOS Notifications: 1.0.2-1
  6. Apex 2 (iOS 7,8,9): 1.6
  7. App Admin: 1.0r-61
  8. AppETA: 3.0
  9. Apple File Conduit "2": 1.2
  10. AppList: 1.5.13
  11. APT 0.6 Transitional: 1:0-23
  12. APT 0.7 (apt-key):
  13. APT 0.7 Strict (lib):
  14. APT 0.7 Strict:
  15. AskBeforeCalling Too: 1.0.0~beta16-1
  16. AudioRecorder 2 (iOS 8 & 9): 1.3-37
  17. AutoPaste: 0.1
  18. Bars: 0.7.0
  19. Base Structure: 1-4
  20. BeGreen: 1.0.7~beta4
  21. Berkeley DB: 4.6.21-5
  22. BetaVendor: 1.0-9
  23. BetterBreadcrumb10: 0.0.3
  24. betterFiveColumnHomescreen: 1.0.1
  25. betterFiveIconDock: 1.0.4
  26. BetterPasscodeKeypad: 0.2.1-1
  27. BetterShutdown: 0.9.2
  28. BetterTextSelection: 1.0
  29. BetterWiFi7 (iOS 7 & iOS 8):
  30. BigBoss Icon Set: 1.0
  31. BIM: 1.3.2
  32. Blur Remover: 0.0.3-18
  33. Bobby Movie Box: 2.3.0
  34. Bourne-Again SHell: 4.0.44-16
  35. bzip2: 1.0.5-8
  36. CacheClearer: 0.1
  37. CallBar (iOS 9/8/7): 1.3-52
  38. CallConnect: 1.3-1
  39. CandleLight: 0.1-1
  40. CarPlay iOS: 2.0.1
  41. Cartoon HD Pro: 2.1
  42. Celatus: 0.0.1-36
  43. Cephei: 1.9
  44. ChargePulse: 0.2r
  45. Check:
  46. CheeseCake: 1.3b
  47. Cinemabox: 1.2
  48. CocoaTop: 2.0.0-309
  49. Core Utilities (/bin): 8.12-9
  50. Cream: 1.2.5
  51. cURL: 7.43.0-1
  52. Cycript: 0.9.594
  53. Cydia Eraser: 0.9.32
  54. Cydia Installer: 1.1.27
  55. Cydia Substrate: 0.9.6301
  56. Cydia Translations: 1.1.12
  57. CydiaCounter: 1.0-6
  58. CyFasterRespring: 0.1
  59. Darwin CC Tools: 877.5
  60. Darwin Tools: 1-5
  61. Debian Packager: 1.14.25-10
  62. Debian Utilities: 3.3.3ubuntu1-1p
  63. DebKeeper: 1.0.3
  64. DeleteForever: 0.0.1-59
  65. DetailedBatteryUsage: 1.1.1
  66. Diff Utilities: 2.8.1-6
  67. Disk Pie: 1.2
  68. DismissProgress: 1.0-2
  69. Dissident: 1.5
  70. Eclipse 3 (iOS 9): 3.0.5-1
  71. Emojiant: 0.1
  72. Erica Utilities: 1:0.4.2
  73. f.lux Flipswitch: 0.5
  74. f.lux: 0.9986
  75. Filza File Manager: 3.2.0-1
  76. Find Utilities: 4.2.33-7
  77. First Aid Kit: 0.0.1
  78. Flame: 1.2.1
  79. Flex 3: 1:3~Beta14
  80. FlipControlCenter: 1.0.3
  81. Flipswitch: 1.0.14
  82. FSVideoOnlyMessages: 1.2
  83. FullSafari (Fix): 0.0.1-6
  84. FullyCharged: 0.2b
  85. Fuse: 1.0
  86. Gawk: 3.1.6-2p
  87. gettext: 0.17-7
  88. GNU Privacy Guard: 1.4.19-1
  89. grep: 2.5.4-3
  90. gzip: 1.6-7
  91. Heart Transplant: 2.2.1
  92. HideIgnoredUpgrades: 2.0.3
  93. HideMeX: 1.4.10
  94. House Arrest Fix: 1.0.0-6
  95. iCleaner Pro: 7.5.6
  96. IconSupport: 1.9.4-4
  97. iGotYa: 2.7
  98. IllLookLater: 2.0-2
  99. Incognito Messages: 0.1.4-1
  100. InfoStats 2: 1.0.1
  101. Instagram ++: 1.6r-106
  102. iOS 9 Reboot Fix: 1.1.0
  103. iOS Firmware: 9.3.3
  104. iPhone Firmware (/sbin): 0-1
  105. iPicMyContacts: 2.02
  106. Jetslammed: 1.2
  107. JODebox: 3.0.3
  108. Kairos: 1.0.3
  109. KarenLocalizer: 1.0
  110. KarenPrefs: 1.0.1
  111. KuaiDial (iOS 7/8/9): 1.0.1a2-13
  112. Launchpad: 1.2-1
  113. LD64: 253.3
  114. libarrays: 1.0.3
  115. libcolorpicker: 1.6-1
  116. libev: 4.11
  117. libffi: 1:3.0.10-5
  118. libLocation: 1.16
  119. libmoorecon:
  120. libpackageinfo:
  121. libPassword: 2.2.0-2
  122. Link Identity Editor: 1:1.2.1
  123. locationd Killer: 1.1
  124. LocationFix:
  125. Login: 1.0.4
  126. Lylac: 1.0.10
  127. LZMA Utils: 4.32.7-5
  128. MessagePopper: 1.1-2
  129. Messages (iOS 8 & 9): 1.3.1~beta1
  130. mikoto: 3.0.8
  131. Minimal Hosts Blocker CB: 1.3
  132. Mobius: 1.2.4
  133. MTerminal: 1.4-5
  134. MultiIconMover+: 2.9.0
  135. NCPop: 0.0.1-18
  136. Network Commands: 307.0.1-7
  137. NetworkList: 0.4.1
  138. New Curses: 5.7-15
  139. No Automatic Reload for Safari: 1.0-2
  140. NO PLS RECOVERY: 2.1
  141. NoAlertLoop: 1.0.1-14
  142. NoAppStoreRedirect: 1.0-1
  143. NoGrayContrast: 1.1
  144. NoLiveClock: 0.0.2
  145. NoMotion: 1.2
  146. NoSlowAnimations: 5.2.1
  147. Nuntius: 1.1.1
  148. OpenSSH: 7.1p1-1
  149. OpenSSL: 0.9.8zg-13
  150. p7zip (posix 7-zip): 9.04-1
  151. PalBreak: 1.1
  152. Palert: 1.0.7
  153. PAM (Apple): 32.1-4
  154. PAM Modules: 36.1-5
  155. Password Events: 0.0.1-7
  156. Patcyh: 1.2.0
  157. Perl: 5.22.0
  158. pgcheck: 2.8-8
  159. PhotoData: 1.0.0~beta15
  160. PictureInPicture: 0.9
  161. Poke Go ++ for Pokemon Go!: 1.6r-15
  162. Poke Patch for Pokemon Go!: 1.0r-9
  163. PowerBanners: 0.0.1-51
  164. PowerBar: 1.2
  165. PreferenceLoader: 2.2.4~alpha1
  166. PreferenceOrganizer 2: 3.5.1
  167. Profile Directory: 0-2
  168. Protect My Privacy: 3.4.2
  169. PullToRespring: 1.1-1
  170. QRC: 1.1.5
  171. readline: 6.0-8
  172. Recents 2: 1.0.4
  173. RecordPause: 1.1-3
  174. Reflectrix (App only):
  175. repo support: 2.2
  176. Repoleak: 1.7.2
  177. Resero 9: 1.1-4
  178. RevealNC 9: 0.0.1
  179. RocketBootstrap: 1.0.4
  180. SafariTabCount: 2.1
  181. safestrat: 1.0.2-1
  182. ScramblePass: 0.0.2-1
  183. sed: 4.2.1-1
  184. SendDelay: 1.3-36
  185. SendPercentage: 1.0
  186. shell-cmds: 118-7
  187. ShowAllChanges: 2.1.2
  188. Snapper 2: 1.2.4
  189. SSH Connect: 1.3-3
  190. SSH Toggle (Flipswitch): 1.1-1
  191. SSHOverUSBOnly: 0.0.1
  192. Stashing for iOS 9.2 - 9.3.3: 1.4.3
  193. Substrate Safe Mode: 0.9.5000
  194. SwipeExpander: 1.0.11-1
  195. SwipeForMore: 1.1.4
  196. SwipeSelection Pro: 1.0.3-1
  197. syslogd to /var/log/syslog: 1.1.1
  198. system-cmds: 433.8-14
  199. Tape Archive: 1.19-9
  200. TapTapFlip: 1.3
  201. TechSupport Framework:
  202. TetherMe for iOS 9 & 8: 1.1.1-1
  203. TypeStatus 2 (iOS 7 – 9): 2.1.4
  204. uamediaexporthelper: 1.0r-15
  205. uasharedtools: 2.1r-29
  206. UIKit Tools: 1.1.12
  207. unrar: 3.6.8-2p
  208. unzip: 6.0-1
  209. Upscale: 0.3.0-3
  210. UUID Generator: 1.6.0-2p
  211. VideoLoop: 1.1
  212. VirtualHome 8 n 9: 2.0-1
  213. VolumeNotifier: 0.3-7
  214. VolumePanel: 1.0.4
  215. WebCycript: 0.9.5003
  216. WeeLoader: 1.4-4
  217. wget: 1.16.3-1
  218. WizLib: 1.6.2
  219. xCon: 42~beta2
  220. Xen: 0.3.4
  221. YouTube ++: 1.3r-51
  222. zip: 3.0-1
  223. zlib: 1.2.5-1
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