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Nov 10th, 2016
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  1. UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities: (
  2. arm64
  3. )
  4. DTCompiler:
  5. *CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion: 6.0
  6. DTPlatformVersion: 10.1
  7. *DTSDKName: iphoneos10.1
  8. *CFBundleName: AuthDev
  9. NSRemindersUsageDescription: We study how you use your reminders to make sure you are the authorized user of the application. This data is anonamized for addition privacy.
  10. NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription: We study how you use your photos to make sure you are the authorized user of the application. This data is anonamized for addition privacy and at no times are photo access on the device.
  11. CFBundleIcons: {
  12. CFBundlePrimaryIcon = {
  13. CFBundleIconFiles = (
  14. AppIcon29x29,
  15. AppIcon40x40,
  16. AppIcon60x60
  17. );
  18. };
  19. }
  20. *LSRequiresIPhoneOS: 1
  21. *CFBundleDisplayName: AuthDev
  22. NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription: Access to your location is required for use in determining where you use your phone. This data is anonamized for additional privacy.
  23. DTSDKBuild: 14B72
  24. *CFBundleShortVersionString: 5.2.1
  25. *CFBundleSupportedPlatforms: (
  26. iPhoneOS
  27. )
  28. *UISupportedInterfaceOrientations: (
  29. UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait
  30. )
  31. BuildMachineOSBuild: 16B2555
  32. DTPlatformBuild: 14B72
  33. *CFBundlePackageType: APPL
  34. NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription: We study characteristics about your bluetooth network to make sure you are the authorized user of the application. This data is anonamized for addition privacy.
  35. *CFBundleDevelopmentRegion: en
  36. MinimumOSVersion: 8.0
  37. *CFBundleVersion: 5.2.1
  38. DTXcodeBuild: 8B62
  39. CFBundleNumericVersion: 86081536
  40. UILaunchStoryboardName: Launch Screen
  41. *UIDeviceFamily: (
  42. 1
  43. )
  44. *NSMotionUsageDescription: Motion Data is required to make sure you are the user of the phone.
  45. *CFBundleIdentifier: com.msignia.auth.demo.full
  46. NSAppleMusicUsageDescription: We study how you use you media to help us to make sure you are the authorized user of the application. This data is anonamized and personal information is never gathered for additional privacy.
  47. DTXcode: 0810
  48. NSLocationUsageDescription: GPS Data is used to ensure you are at on of your know locations. We DO NOT track actual location, we anonamize the data to compare to other anonamized locations for frequent.
  49. NSCalendarsUsageDescription: We study how you use your calendar to make sure you are the authorized user of the application. This data is anonamized for addition privacy.
  50. NSAppTransportSecurity: {
  51. NSAllowsArbitraryLoads = 1;
  52. }
  53. NSHealthUpdateUsageDescription: We study how you use your health kit sensor to make sure you are the authorized user of the application. This data is anonamized for addition privacy.
  54. *CFBundleExecutable: AuthDev
  55. UIMainStoryboardFile: Main
  56. *CFBundleSignature: ????
  57. *DTPlatformName: iphoneos
  58. NSContactsUsageDescription: We study how you use your contacts to make sure you are the authorized user of the application. This data is anonamized for addition privacy.
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